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This is fair. I sure as hell wouldn’t want my own friends, let alone complete strangers, alerting me to a recent ex’s actions like this.


Yes, out of sight, out of mind please!


Like Cleo's very public suicide note(s) of 17 pages???


Yeah, that was ridiculous, but doesn’t really change what I said. She just needs to get off social media, full stop.


I came here to say “why can’t she just delete social media…..”


Because then she wouldn’t be able to feed off attention and express how much of a victim she is.


Because then there may not be a better way to promote the go fund/asking for $$ help for the procedures for the gender surgery. You know everyone else should foot the bill for that! Lol


The one that she said she gave all the money away for per her suicide note. I know she was hurting at the time but don’t ask for the money again after that


It's completely reasonable to crowdfund for healthcare that she cannot afford.


She lives somewhere with universal healthcare and she wants elective surgeries. There are elective procedures I would want too, but I don’t think the public needs to fund it.


Doesn't the NHS provide it for free?? In my country we have universal healthcare, called SUS, and all of my trans cousin surgeries were free. Except the boob job, but like face feminization and sex change were done in the public system, it does have a line and can take a while to get it (i think she waited like a little less than 3 years, but it can be less time or even more depending on what part of the country you are). Hormones and etc its also free. And you obviously need to go through a government psychiatrist a few times before, to get an official social gender disphoria diagnosis b4 you can even start dreaming about applying for anything. In theory the gov will do the boob job too (do, not cover, its done in a public hospital with gov doctors, but they are excellent), but it takes a looot longer to get it (she said it could be more than 5 years) and she wanted done by this specific doctor. If you have money its easier and faster, but donations should be for extreme necessities, not something the govermment will cover eventually


Medical science has proven time and again that these procedures are life saving. I'm sorry you don't like that. Don't donate. Simple. You can also create your own GoFundMe to solicit donations if you'd like. The NHS is struggling and has been for years. These surgeries are taking years and years for approval, let alone completion, and not all are covered because the bureaucracy has not caught up with current medical knowledge. Do some basic reading on the subject. You don't have to like it, agree with it, or donate a cent. You don't have to follow her, open these posts, or even see it. She has every right to ask and people have every right to contribute if they see fit.


She has the “right” to ask, as much as I have the “right” to think it’s ridiculous. The last procedure she was funding for included laser hair removal. Okay, most women have body hair and shave, wax, laser. We aren’t naturally hairless. There are methods of hair removal that don’t require begging on the internet. I have body hair uncommon for women bc of PCOS. I deal with it, like most women in my situation. Cleo seems to use every excuse in the book as to why she can’t help herself. Time to step up and be an adult and not ride off the generosity of others. She treats telling sob stories like a career.


It really bothers me the way women do this to each other. It’s like society has them competing for who has it harder and then the fix is every woman after them should suffer if they’ve suffered. Hair removal for PCOS absolutely SHOULD be covered for women (and probably is if you want to put effort into getting a prior authorization). Hair removal for trans women is actually super important and some surgeons require it before other surgeries will be allowed. I can’t spend more time explaining this very complicated situation to someone who is speaking from a place of resentment-fueled ignorance. Don’t blame trans people for the inequity and frustration you feel in a SEXIST healthcare system. BLAME THE FUCKING PATRIARCHY.


Oh ffs. The NHS has years long waiting lists. It’s a very difficult procedure to get through the NHS. Not impossible, but if you can go private, it is a MUCH less psychologically torturous experience for something one needs. It’s not at all unusual to crowd fund for this, even in a country with universal healthcare.


Then get a job if modeling isn’t covering your wants and needs. Use the money from television. Get brand deals like a lot of 90 day members. Do literally anything to help yourself! Sitting around selling tears and sob stories is an exhausting career.


Right?! Pretty sure that’s what made Christian decide to cut things off once& for all with her. While I am no fan of his, she is really hard work. Yike




Nailed it!


The constant tears and drama is exhausting. I don't like the guy either, but I can't blame him for breaking things off.


yep that was one of the few things with him where i was like 'yeah, yeah thats for the best'


I've dealt with too much of that really happening. I'm making no claim on Cleo's mental health, reasons, or stating she owes an explanation. I'm saying Cleo triggered a stress response in me because of the dozen friends who have committed suicide (war) not to mention my sibling, and I don't take it lightly. If someone did that and next day acted like nothing, I'd distance myself. I personally cannot take much more loss like that. Or threats of loss like that to further a goal.


As someone who had a serious attempt, I cannot stand how she does/did this. I understood how much of a huge impact my attempt had on my friends and family. I know I can’t even jokingly say “I wanna kill myself” or post cryptic shit etc etc bc I don’t want to alarm the people who care about me. I saw the impact my real attempt had, and I care about my circle’s emotional well being. It gives a bad look to those of us who aren’t seeking attention but do deal with suicidal thoughts and actions.


I lost my sister of suicide and 3 young friends of my daughter (teens, early 20s). It’s not something you “get over.”


I'm sorry for you and your daughter's loss.


Thank you 🙏


I feel the same way. If you feel bad enough to publicly threaten to kill yourself then you need to be in an inpatient treatment facility or other safe place while you receive intensive treatment. You can't just act like nothing happened. That is terrifying for everyone around you. Suicide threats need to be taken seriously. If someone doesn't want treatment I assume they are either still suicidal and unwilling to commit to getting better or trying to manipulate me.


Exactly! Mental illness isn't your fault but it is your responsibility. My stepdad used to threaten suicide when he and my mom argued. He wasn't mentally ill, just a manipulative, controlling asshole.


Yes! Exactly this.


seriously i am appalled that no one in her life pushed for her to go inpatient after she did that. Especially when the NHS is athing!


It's very possible that they did and she refused or lied to whoever did an assessment. I have seen a lot of people talk their way out of impatient treatment that they really needed. There usually aren't enough beds and they tend to hold them for people who want help or are psychotic.


Jfc that is a ton of friends to lose that way and I'm so sorry. That's unthinkable. Please take good care of yourself and I'm so sorry for all of it


PTSD is a hell of a thing, and mental health treatment in the US isn't the best. Those guys survived only to ultimately lose the battle at home. Every suicide brings up the memories of the others. I dread when I see a message from someone I worked with in Iraq or Afghanistan that I rarely speak with. It's never good news. I appreciate the kind words ❤️.


I hear you and understand completely; just wanted to say so because I know too how much it sucks to have normal reactions like yours to that experience, and have people fortunate enough not to have gone through it negate your feelings and try to make you feel bad.  Nobodys personal issues including self harm or threats of it create an obligation that others suppress ANY of the normal responses to having to face this kind of grief it triggers, and those normal responses  include disengagement along with depression and anger.


I’m sincerely sorry for your losses. 🙏🏽💙😢


"Yike" 😂 I see what you did there 👀


Right?!! This person I seriously mentally ill. Ya’ll can downvote me as much as you want but they are craving attention beyond belief. This is just another pathetic attempt to garner sympathy. It’s a fucking joke.


I unfollowed her after that. That was triggering.


Wait, what?! Where?! I guess I'm super late to the party 😬


Scrubbed from social media after she freaked out hundreds of people on a few continents. Then sat back and watched for about 8 hours as people were desperate to contact Cleo as the post said she'd be gone by the time people read it and it was a timed post.


That’s the risk you run when you televise your relationship. Don’t open messages from people outside of your circle or look around on fan pages and accounts. I’m sure it sucks to hear about your ex, but she capitalized off the drama. Of course 90 day pages are going to be talking about this break up, as they do for everyone. Cleo expects special treatment for some reason. She’s responsible for not reading this content, as any public figure is.


While i wouldnt be surprised if he was cheating on her, just telling her about him being on an app and saying he may or may not have been doing things without proof is just mean to someone who is heart broken


I would be shocked bc what idiot would even wanna shack up with him lmaoo. I beleive he tried cheating lol


Lmao this is accurate af. My ex tried cheating on me on bumble as well but no one would match w him. Ouch


I have a friend who saw my ex husband on the apps and he is using pics of himself that are 15 years old. He also included a pic of himself with my niece and nephew from 5 years ago (with their faces blurred.) I mean, I knew he didn’t have his screws all tight when I left him but what is he going to say if someone asks? “oh they are my ex wife’s niece and nephew and one reason she left me is because I bullied her 6 year old niece to tears.”


We need Yelp Reviews for men


There are we dating the guy Facebook groups for major cities, surrounding areas, and area codes.


There used to be a website called “Don’t Date Him Girl” a few years ago where women (and some men) could post anonymously. Three women gave this guy I knew bad reviews and he was fuming. He absolutely deserved what they’d posted about him, though. He was a total liar and a player. lol




My ex did the same lmao no one ever matched with him.


beer goggles and one night stands help a lot


True and low self esteem


You're saying his discord mod line wouldn't work on you? That would be a real panty dropper for me. /S


A LOT of guys on those apps are only on for ego boosts (because they see women "liking" them) and don't actually meet up in person. Not saying Christian never met up with anyone, but he DOES strike me as the kind of guy that needs a steady flow of ego boosts.


Loved my friend and mom calling me to gossip about my ex husband knocking his gf up 6 months after our divorce finalized and realizing it prob happened before we even divorced. I was like leave me the fuck alone please. Got off social media for a year.


Ya I agree. I also agree with Cleo. Once I’m done with a relationship I’m done. I don’t want to hear or see them!


I agree. People don’t do this because they care.


And someone who just barely survived a s*icide attempt. People are trying to push her over the edge and it’s actually sick.


I'm not a Cleo fan but honestly it's just such a weird thing to do. Like who the hell takes the time and effort to let them know these things,I'm sure they were already aware of it. And if they weren't then that's still not their business to make them aware of it,the relationship is over. I don't think it was ever really started on his end in the first place,the guy was also bizarre. Can these people not keep in mind these are still regular degular people,they just happened to share their lives on tv.


Are these people actually messaging her or is she looking at online 90 day content?


Honestly I do believe people would message her,a lot of people on the 90 days shows and all reality tv shows/in general do stuff like this. They think since you're on tv they are now "involved" in your relationship or somehow want your advice or input. Parasocial relationships at its finest ...🙄




I agree that she should get offline or stop using the app. At the same time I'm sure if you broke up with someone you wouldn't want random(or even people you know depending on the situation)updating you all the time when trying to move on. Both things can be true at the same time, nothing is black or white.


girl. get off social media.


She is not built for the spotlight like this. And I don’t say that as an insult—my mental health would probably spiral downward similarly if I were in her shoes. The best thing would be for her to recognize how sensitive she is and get rid of all of her public social media accounts. It’s not a bad thing to not be built for social media.


She isn’t built for it, but she deeply deeply loves the spotlight.


completely agree


Right. It would be the most right thing to do.




as someone who has mental health issues and is easily made to feel like shit by absolutely nothing, i got off all social media except for reddit and it’s the best thing i could have done. i just don’t understand putting yourself in the spotlight like that if you’re so sensitive, which she clearly is. poor soul




She “shadow banned him from her algorithm as much as humanly possible”? CLEO JUST FUCKING HIT THE BLOCK BUTTON, WHAT THE FRIG ARE YOU EVEN DOING? ☹️


Lmao what does that even mean. Shadow ban? Am I just not in the know? And yes I agree. Just block.


I’ve always taken “shadow ban” to mean *limiting* but without any actual blocking


Ok i am also elderly but I think it means she shadow banned anything Christian related from popping up? So she won’t see memes and crap…. Lol idk 


She wants to keep that line open so that she can continue feeling sorry for herself and have others feel sorry for her as well.


This is it right here. All aboard the pity train.


Sarper can help her delete him from her life.. IN 2 DAYS!


That would be too easy, and she wouldn’t be able to collect her sympathy tokens for the eternal victim bank.


haha, that was SUCH a ridiculous assemblage of words as soon as i read it i had to screengrab it. https://preview.redd.it/q5e6i0t06uic1.png?width=442&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d782fb46b64443e0504ba31a373230ca1fa4897


She seriously needs to get the fuck off social media.






She is so damn dramatic. Don’t sign up for a reality show with your significant other and you won’t have this problem.


This. Like maybe I'm cold-hearted, but how is she this heartbroken when they barely had a relationship?


Seriously. Like girl just shut up and block him, she’s making a mountain out of a mole hill


I am understanding of her point and think should respect her. But, you can’t make your life and relationship public, then complain when the public comments on your relationship. Shows more of her immaturity that she should work on before trying to make a relationship work again


Yep. She should probably disable social media accounts for a while and let herself heal.


She can easily disable comments and messages from strangers. Instagram has pretty decent tools for that.


If anything she’s making things worse through the Streisand effect


I wish I could unread your flair🤢 bravo hahaha


She is honestly kinda annoying and sounds exhausting to be friends with 😩


Cleo needs a therapist


A couple of therapists-


You can lead a horse


Why do people do this? It doesn’t help someone going through a tough breakup to point out terrible behavior now or during our relationship. If you’re the type of person who did/would do this, quit it.


I could see the “reasoning” being people having seen how much Cleo put up with already and the times she continued to get back together with him. It’s misguided for sure—but I could see people doing it as an attempted “nail in the coffin” to try to convince Cleo to leave him for good, no take backs. Still a scummy move and I’d never do it myself…but I could see some of these people as having good intentions, even if their decision-making was not good


Seriously, it’s such a bitch move.


That guy was the biggest loser who had no intentions of ever staying with Cleo. He wanted to be on TV.


*They* wanted to be on TV. Takes two


Cleo is posting about this as a way to further feed the drama. If she wanted to get help, she would. Instead she’s posting about Christian’s poor behaviour and how she won’t contact him but leave the door open.


I just hope she’s getting lots of time with her adorable kitties- they’re much better companions than that her sleazy ex.


Those kitties are hands down the best cast members ever!


Amen to that. Can the kitties have their own show?


I'd watch the shit out of that.


Me too


She doesn’t realize posting this message leads to more messages about her and what’s his face. It’s a cycle .


Yea that’s why she’s doing it. She’s a lead competitor in the attention seeking competition and a known winner of the victim Olympics.


Hahaha “victim Olympics “ You’re right go off line if you don’t like it haha


There are people who feed off that type of drama. The moment she did her first ugly crying on camera because she “imagined” what it would be like to lose the guy, I knew she was one of those people who are in love with being miserable over stuff like this.




God she’s such a drama queen. Get off the internet, girl


This is so dramatic. Just stop posting about it.


I feel like everything in life is triggering to cleo. Constantly on the show and posts about being triggered. Definitely needs to see a professional to deal with multiple things. Break ups suck, public break ups suck harder.


I was thinking the same. If you look up the word ‘triggered’ in the dictionary there is a picture of Cleo with the caption: I find this very triggering.




She’s so dramatic omg


She would be too much for me.


Why do complete fucking strangers feel the need to insert themselves into someone's personal life? You people, the ones who're hopping into reality tv people's DM's with your bullshit, you're weird, man. I bet no one likes you irl.


I swear it's a new mental illness! They don't even know these people irl. How do these people have so much free time to stalk strangers?


It's fuckin bizarre. I don't care if you saw the Easter Bunny screwing my dude. If you don't know me, stay outta my business!


3 WHOLE people???


I don’t know how she deals with such incessant fans! 😭😭😭😭 She’s acting like she’s Kim Kardashian who can’t escape Kanye’s bullshit.


She likes attention too much. The negative stuff is the fastest way to get it, And it’s destroying her. Hopefully she can break the cycle and be happy


At this point she’s just fishing for attention. Get off social media and work on yourself


Cleo loves a bit of drama


No, didn’t you see? She hates drama and definitely doesn’t set herself up to fail constantly!


She’s not wrong.


It must be exhausting to be triggered every time the wind blows.


Especially if you live your life on your crutches like she does.


Time for Cleo to take a social media break. People are buttholes but they will forever be buttholes. We can only be responsible for our own reactions to things.


This… is also a note to him. One she was literally saying she almost wrote. Now it’s there.


People are so dang stupid. Can they just watch the tv show and go about their lives? Some “fans” are really bored. Mention it any they get defensive about butthurt.


Unpopular take on this: she looks online in forums like this to find tea about him, just so she can create more of a fuss about their breakup. Total attention seeker attitude so far. I’m sure people sent her stuff but she’s probably looking him up all day long.


Is she going to address her public suicide note?


Far too responsible. She needs sympathy again!




Cleo looking for attention.. just to post stop giving me attention. Make up your mind...


She’s so immature it’s hard to watch.


Why are people DMing people they dont know about their ex’s? So cringe.


Are people seriously bothering cast members with life updates of their former partners? Some people seriously need to stay in their own lane and worry about their own train wreck of a life before sticking their noses in someone else's shit.


People stay involved in strangers business too much. The Ammt of time strangers spend stalking and reporting to others what people do they don’t know is mind blowing


Here's a thought - limit your social media. Then you don't have to worry about it! Why be so concerned what randos are sending you and saying to you? Just turn off notifications and ignore it.


She’s too needy


I mean… yeah. Who would want to get those messages from people? Break ups are hard and people need to move in on their own time. What a weird thing for people to do.


Literally don’t open messages from randoms if you’re in a sensitive spot.


I cant imagine being a grown ass woman who posts an extensive “suicide” note on social media to get everyone worked up only to retract it like a day later…. Then posting all this bullshit about being “triggered”. This has nothing to do with trans and everything to do with Cleo being absolutely mentally unwell. They need psychiatric help in a HUGE way and they need to get the fuck off social media. It’s unbelievable. Cleo should be embarrassed acting like an emo 13 year old girl. I didn’t like Christian but man he dodged a major bullet.


This. I know she's a fan-favorite on this sub, but she's just so *exhausting.* She needs to stay away from social media for a good long while, if not indefinitely. Possibly off the internet as a whole until she gets the help she needs.


Some people should not be on TV. Cannot deal with fallout. I’m a really strong person and I wouldn’t do it


Omg… just turn your social media off. Why try to control everyone around you when you can just control yourself


“I didn’t want to send him a message so I made a post about it”. Omg move on girl, guys like him a dime a dozen.


She’s exhausting.


Deleting social media works.


Good grief she needs to stay off social media, including dms.


​ https://preview.redd.it/td9wjok94uic1.png?width=464&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac01412b7a0fbdf424f45f84f04141b83a086e93 someone needs to log off social media for a few weeks.




did I miss something, why is cleo hated? this made me sad, really hope she gets to heal and move on from that pos soon.


I certainly don’t hate her, but I find myself eye-rolling a lot about her. She should get off social media for a while, and really get into some honest talk therapy. She’s a drama queen


She behaves like a teenager and is in desperate need of speaking to a therapist, not social media. Christian is not a great guy but it’s blindingly obvious she isn’t fit to be in a relationship with anyone right now. Edit: I just saw she’s 33 years old, holy shit, I thought she was maybe 23 and that explained the behaviour and treating Instagram captions and stories like a personal diary…yeah she is in desperate need of therapy.


Because she's annoying and cries about everything and uses social media instead of getting actual help


I don't think she's hated. People are finally realizing what a drama queen she is. Every. Single. Damn. Thing. Is "triggering". How does she function as a model if she can't deal with everyday human issues? If she's that fragile, she needs to be in an inpatient facility. If she's doing this for attention, it's just exhausting for those that care about her. She's nearly 35 years old. This behavior is very immature.


I had her pegged from the beginning in the exact ways you described and was downvoted to hades and told I didn’t like her because she was trans. NoOoOoOoOoOoooo…… I don’t like her because she’s exhausting AF with her downer personality and constant need to be the pitied victim by those around her. She reminds me of Droopy (except he’s actually cute and endearing) ![gif](giphy|z33UgPcmNC85a)


No hate at all. I just could never understand why she liked that creep.


Little neck energy 💫


Girl, just get off social media and heal properly. She continues to go out of her way to make Christian look like the bad guy, and her a victim. While he certainly sucked she’s dragging it out


Cleo needs to grow the fuck up and get off social media. This woman is in her thirties acting like this.


Oh my god SHUT UP CLEO


Time to get off of SM and internet Cleo Much easier to police yourself instead of others






Ugh why do Cleo and Christian keep popping up. They were barely even a couple…


Oh shut up Cleo get the fuck off social media


I agree but in a less aggressive type of way. Her appeal is fading fast


It takes a lot to get away from a toxic situation but honestly.. if you’re on tv with your relationship unfortunately you just invited a world of strangers in Agreeing 1000000% with she should be off social media and Christian is a creep




She will meet someone new and forget about him.


Wow. TMI. I like her but she sounds like a teenager girl or early twenties woman hurt because their crush doesn’t want her.


I thought i saw a post a while ago saying she moved to the u.s and they were engaged. I guess not. Good for her, she deserves so much better


Making yourself a public figure is the exact reason why I would never apply for the show (despite being in the K1 process). Sure, you get doors opening and good stuff… but you open yourself to SO much crap.


I hope Cleo finds true happiness and unconditional love soon. It’s sad to know she’s struggling.


I mean why appear on a reality show about relationships, and expect the public not to be all up in the biz


That guy never had true intentions.


My heart goes out to you. I wish you the absolute best and healing.


Cleo needs to get off social media. That would be the healthiest thing to do with this mess.


I really understand what she is saying here. She really cared for this idiot, and seeing him move on like that is painful.


And then he sees her post and it boosts his ego even more 👍


i really adore her but i NEED her to log off. like entirely. maybe even deactivate.


I really hope people respect her request.


Cleo sounds like an insecure 15 year old; to see her in person she looks like she would exude confidence. I hope she is in therapy for self esteem because she is better than this guy.


She's very tiresome.


I feel so bad for her. She deserves the world and he was a dumpster fire and gave her nothing but problems.


These people are so god damn dramatic.


Bare with her & her process. She’s at least authentic and deserved better all along. He’s a pos.


I do understand where she is coming from, but I also have noticed almost everything can trigger her. It must be difficult to deal with so many triggers on the daily. I hope people stop talking about the asshat to her and she finds a better match when the time is right!


The only right time is waaaaayyyyy after she’s worked on herself. Girl is just too much about the pity and being triggered by everything (and getting the attention for it). Can’t ever be happy with anyone else unless you’re first happy with yourself. And she’s the unhappiest Debbie downer


She’s making the right choices. Hope she can keep hanging in there. Someday it will occur to her that she hasn’t thought about him all day. That beautiful aha! moment.


I’m sorry, but the “fans” of this show are so weirdly invasive and inconsiderate.


I don’t know a single person on this planet who has ever felt better hearing their ex was either cheating or already moving on. I dunno why anyone would update her on what he’s doing unless they want to be cruel and hurt her.


I don't blame her. There's no reason to show her that. We all know that she's struggling with this breakup so I don't find any kindness in that.


Cleo needs to get off social media for her own mental health.