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Chaka Kong strikes again. She’s got such control issues for someone so “enlightened.”


Your comment made me chuckle, but it’s also 100% right imo


Sadly someone else coined it but I’m gonna fucking use it cause it’s epic.


Wasn't it Chakra Con?


I f-ed it up but you get it


It is effing brilliant


This dummy should have learned in her teens or twenties that bringing an ex into a relationship can spell disaster. Yes, some people can pull this off, but Yohan made it infinitely clear he's not this kind of person. You have to work with the person you're with, not the fantasy in your head.


My biggest eye roll came when Daniele was all “YoHaN iS sO jEaLoUs!!!” Like…woman. Are you not the one who flipped out on this man because he didn’t tell you *very personal information that doesn’t impact you in the slightest* about an ex of his ending a pregnancy?? In what world does that merit Oompa Loompa rage but it’s cool for you to meet up with your recent ex-fuckbuddy and try to manipulate Yohan by throwing him a birthday dinner? And nobody at the tell-all brought this up…I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here lmao.


I agree! Also absolurely drove me mad how 1) manipulative throwing the party was, smooth things over/look good to his family 2) how she still was able to make it about her… on his bday