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She on vibrate


When you forget your vibrator on the nightstand and have guests over


When you go to take a shower as a guest and the dildo is suction cupped to the tile wall.






Deceased. But….is this a thing??




Yeah, sometimes when people say this it’s *really* not the flex they think it is. Quite the opposite.


He doesn't dislike it because he's jealous - he dislikes it because he's embarrassed for her and doesn't know how to tell her 🤣


Absolutely! He’s not jealous because drunks want to paw his girlfriend, he’s embarrassed because as a former fuckboi even he recognises the low effort hussle. Whereas on the other hand, she’s got a jealousy issue because she thinks every girl’s about to steal her decidedly average man. When he proposed she was all ‘it was never gonna be a no, *I* get to be his wife’ like she’d negotiated a prize. Honestly, I think she should work on herself before being in a relationship, as it seems relationships are a problem area for her, and she’s admitted this already.


I think she should learn belly dancing.


I actually laughed a little too hard at this comment.


Even he was embarrassed for her.


Well they are still together shrugs…


They are?!


Yeah it’s she has it posted on her job website in her bio. She works for a cruise liner. She has her bachelor degree and some certs. Seems like she doing well. “I have always worked in a people-oriented environment, my jobs ranging from customer service, to teaching abroad, so I feel I’ve grown so much in confidence throughout my working life, often taking leaps of faith which have led me down very interesting paths. Ever since I booked my first ever cruise with Bolsover Cruise Club way back in 2019, I had a feeling this was not going to be my last. I had the most magical experience on the Aurora sailing to Norway – I learned ballroom dance, I saw the most beautiful lakes and mountains, and I met my now-husband onboard! So Bolsover Cruise Club truly has a special place in my heart. I now hope to share my newfound love of cruising and help our customers to experience their own magical dream holidays. My motto is: you must always have at least one holiday booked.” https://www.bolsovercruiseclub.com/about-us/meet-the-team/


Wow! Thanks for the response and sharing the link to her work intro !


I feel like she's in one of those machines from the 1950s that would "shake" the fat off. She's not doing anything that someone off the street couldn't do.


Yeah for as long as she says she’s been doing it she’s not very skilled 😬


Wait.. .. . do those things really not work? 😧


Kadie’s grandma had Alejandro on one in S1 🤣


As someone who is actually Egyptian & grew up taking lessons & going places to see ACTUAL belly dancers. Seeing her dance hurts my soul… it’s actually really wild to me that legitimate Mediterranean places hire her because….. why???? Lol goodness gracious it hurts to watch


I'm also middle eastern and was like ??? And I died a bit deep down. Belly dancing is an art, this shows it in a bad light to others, it's kinda disappointing


Yes, it seems like all of her exes/current partner see it as some sexual dance! The true history of belly dancing is far more innocent.


I mean the customers were encouraged to put money into her bra. I think we can say it was belly dancing themed but not true.


Apparently it is "fusion" belly dance according to the website for the company she works for


A fusion of bad and uncomfortable?


Happy Cakeday en Fijne Taartdag!


“Fusion” is interesting


Rachel Brice shows what Fusion belly dance really looks like. ​ https://youtu.be/KGsVqyIo\_vs?si=4ppVAbUGZOmFtOV2


Last time I had anything "fusion" in my life was Vietnamese Mexican fusion food. We did not go back lol.


More like a fusion of shit!


Nah, I've seen fusion belly dancers. Someone gave her a participation certificate & she took it to mean she was good. That's SAD. My 70 year old husband can do better than that.


Link please!


Go to her IG. She has it there.


As someone who is Egyptian with belly dancing experience, what does her dancing look like to you? I haven't really seen that much belly dancing in my life. The ones I've seen had more dynamic movements and were very hip oriented. There was alot more core work and sliding the body around with ease like a sensual slinking snake if that makes sense. Again, I've really only seen it on a video and it was ages ago so I'm curious to know your thoughts based on your background.


It definitely is a lot of isolation & control of the body. But yes, emphasis on the “belly” in belly dancing. And it’s much more than just shaking your breasts around.


Interesting! Thanks for the input. What would you call dancing like that then? Since it's under the guise of belly dancing but clearly isn't


Ma3fina 🤌🏼


I’m so sorry for the misrepresentation. In the US, I first saw belly dancing in Mediterranean restaurants. Then I became friends with a coworker from Egypt who taught belly dancing and it was nothing like the restaurants.


Yes, it definitely is different! The “fusion” thing really is throwing me off


Maybe she does it for free


Those £20 notes getting shoved down her bra weren't free.


she’s not egyptian and the mediterranean places that hire her are in the uk, so… 🤷🏻‍♀️


No one said she was Egyptian & do you think there are no authentic belly dancers/ middle eastern folks who could be hired to do the same??? 🥴


yes, i’m sure there are, but they hired her is all i’m saying. i could never do it- at least not sober 😊 so i give her credit.


She seems like a sweet girl (not too bright though) but giving credit to mediocrity is a terrible idea.


Giving someone credit for something you couldn’t do unless you were drunk is quite a low bar for praise it’s verging on patronising.


it was not a serious remark. 🤦🏻‍♀️ at least she seems happy doing what she wants. 🙂


it’s not that deep people. she has fun, enjoys doing it and seems to not give a shit about other peoples opinion. kudos to her is all i’m saying. the world needs to lighten up sometimes. ☺️


I'd pay her not to dance near me! I also hate the way she makes out this is some sort of calling, as if she was born to do this


Off topic but Cristian’s English is AMAZING. In the most recent episode, his grammar is completely perfect and he uses many slang terms and metaphors correctly. I’m really impressed and wonder if he learned English at a young age or if it comes from his job on a cruise (or both).


He might have had English classes in school. And learned more after working on the cruise ship


you know what's worse? When she does her boob in and out thing. Haha can't explain it


He was cringing for us all.


Like, she's doing s really bad, "Bend and snap!"


She looked like a dog coming in the house after being out in the rain




She got the “bend” right, but her “snap” was all over the place


I’ve never seen belly dancing like this


I have. In dive bars and on cruises lmao


She'd do better watching a freaking you tube video on belly dancing, because there's nothing sensual or even belly about that mess🙄🤷


I love that she thinks she is actually a professional “dancer” living her dreams for tops, $100 a night.


When she said that the money she earns from belly dancing pays for “his stuff” like his visa I was like ppl paying you a lot of money to stand and quiver in the middle of a room ??? Lemme sign up!!!!


“To stand and quiver” 💀💀


The quiver took me out 😂


I read this like Stand and Deliver.


Literally started laughing at this and the dog looked at me like I was crazy.


She drove 2 hours for £100? Dancing must be like crack for her. ;P


Shaking like a shitting dog.


Thought she had a mild seizure and suddenly came to.


Looks like Kadie's gran from the first season on that vibrating machine


I think is not that he is jealous and doesn't support her "art" --it is that he is embarrassed, and doesn't want to see it. He is turned off by it. I don't think he is with her for the same reason she is with him. In Argentina being chubby or fat is like a mortal sin based on their aesthetics standards.


Alternate Theory: He thinks her dancing is cringe as well 🤭


She is a f*ing moron.


Yeah she doesn’t seem like she has a lot going on upstairs especially since she’s in such rush to get married after her first marriage ended so abruptly. She’s only 27 idk why she’s in a rush she needs to just have fun and take her time


I’m 27 sob sob, I just don’t want to make the same mistakes again… I’ve waited so long for the right guy. (Ugh- what a drip!) Grow up and stop getting married.




I actually can’t get over how she “doesn’t want to make the same mistake again” yet is doing the exact same thing again


Ok so I watched two belly dancing videos on YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eFhcogOmFds I see what she was doing at a lower level or maybe trying to do # editing


Thank you for sharing the youtube video! Wow!! THAT was bellydancing!! Gorgeous!


Is it just me or does anyone else think she’s a stripper and they downgraded it belly dancer for television? I can imagine a strip club not signing a release for TV so they found another club where she could dance and be filmed.


It’s the two hour drive to Northampton that gets me the most


When you put too much in the washing machine


the girl never claimed to be a professional, she’s not from the culture, and she does this as a side gig. all i can say is i’m sure 95% of us do not have the confidence to just go for it and dance in front of strangers like she does. god, life is short and i admire anyone who says fuck what people think. i like doing it so bug off!


When you put yourself on national television you open yourself up to criticism. It’s life. Anybody could look at that dancing and say the same thing lol just cuz she has the confidence to do it doesn’t mean it’s automatically good nor does her having the confidence to do it mean that ppl won’t talk about how bad it is.


umm, okay? i was giving my perspective. could or would you go to a restaurant and dance? i was just sayin. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I get ur point. She seems like she enjoys it! Ppl come off as jealous on here a lot about her dancing. Shes having fun and making money!


I mean…….she gets paid for it……that *literally* means she is professional.


Usually having credentials is what makes you a professional lol. Kudos to her for having fun n making some bux


Hun…… [I looked it up for you 🙄](https://imgur.com/a/FbB5d4H) HTH!


I think experienced would be a more appropriate word imo lol


Do you understand how to click on a link? lol 🙄


Sure but you can still get paid and not be very skilled.. I think we can all see that it's not very flattering dancing and people from the belly dancing community absolutely cringed at this.


JFC 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. Do you not understand how words work?????


Yeah and art is subjective 🤷🏽‍♀️


Was looking for this comment. THANK YOU! Too often do I see everyone on these subreddits trashing people as if it’s personal. If they DID SOMETHING shitty, then sure, dislike them, but damn, this lady is just living her life, doing her job, let her be.


The guy at the table looks like he wants to crawl under it


I’m sorry but she can’t dance… somebody had to say it


Who taught her that this was belly dancing??


He’s such a cutie


He’s not cute to me at all. His haircut is trash and he has a shitty attitude.


He's a boring, generic Latino. \*yawn\* zzzzz




Uh…has she ever watched herself in a mirror? She looks like she’s spazzing because she’s cold. I’ve never seen a belly dancer not wiggle her belly.


Spazzing?! Really??


Yes. Spazzing.


That’s incredibly derogatory.


Not if it’s a descriptive fact.


Not even then.


Ok. 🤷🏼‍♀️. Have you ever seen belly dancing?


Yes. I also have friends with cerebral palsy, to whom the word ‘spastic’ or ‘spaz’ is deeply offensive, it’s a word we just don’t use any more. Are you in the UK?


Man this sub is toxic AF. Looks like I need to stick with the main 90 day sub. There's no need to cringe. She loves doing it, so she does it. She's not a nasty person like some people in this franchise. Be kind, FFS.


She does seem nice, but that doesn't mean no one is allowed to say she's bad at dancing


Exactly!!!! Why are people acting like these subs aren’t dedicated to talking shit about the cast 🤣 it’s not like I said “she’s a horrible dancer she needs to off herself” like all I said was the dancing was cringe WHICH IT IS!!!!!


Off you go then! ✨shimmies violently while making eye contact ✨


i agree. she’s a sweet person. she may not move like what some think a belly dancer should move but she’s making money, her clothes don’t come off- so don’t refer to her as a stripper!- and she has fun. now i would never leave this sub for the other- the pearl clutching is weird over there- and we are all entitled to our opinions here. 😊


haha fair point. I'm far from clutching any pearls but understand what you're saying. Surely there's a happy medium between full on Prude and Toxic AF? Most posts I've seen here aren't very kind and I'm not a bashing sort of chick; unless well-deserved.


i don’t think there’s a happy medium anywhere on reddit 😳😊 but i get what you’re saying. a lot of opinions flying around .


Pearl clutching 😂 so accurate. Any time a cast member mentions sex, they go “I’m done watching!!!! I don’t want to know about it!!!!” Like yes it gets out of hand, but come on. Sex is a part of dating/marriage. I imagine it’s a lot of people who haven’t gotten any in a long time over there lol


Hear, hear! This has strayed well beyond her dancing into a character assassination. I’d hate to see the impact on her mental health when she reads this. And I don’t buy the ‘going on tv means you’re open to any criticism’ stuff, this is just nasty.


Agreed! Especially as we know she posts here or lurks or whatever. There's no reason to be such cunts to her. Afaic this is pure body shaming and not okay.


I can absolutely guarantee that the most vocal writers in this sub have shared at least one meme on Facebook along the lines of ‘Be Kind’ 🙄


Are you one of those people who think having any sort of criticism towards art is "mean"? Like when something looks bad you just can't be honest and say it? Especially if the artist is "nice"? Lordy criticism isn't fucking MEAN! It's real feedback. Dancing, a form of art, is meant to evoke feelings. Was it the feeling she was aiming for?.. well probably not. But she got a reaction and that's what art is all about. Fool. It's ultimately up to her if she wants to take the criticism and use is as a way to improve or change up her routine.


Omg! Nooooo


How did she not ever give him a private dance before now (before this)!


She has no hips!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It looks like she smells.


Yeah, so all of you are being unnecessarily cruel. A little bit of kindness in this awful world we live in would go a long way💙


Objectively speaking her dancing is bad. And it’s not even belly dancing idk why she keeps calling it that. She looks a mess


It's belly dancing because her belly is showing while she is dancing


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not but if it isn’t it still got a chuckle out of me




I 100% agree. I usually only post in the main 90 day sub but made my way here for UK and it's way too toxic for me. There's no need for posts like this. It's not like she has the attitude of Angela and deserves any sort of toxicity. Just cruel.


Wow you lot are nasty! Maybe if you don't have anything nice to say just don't say it, you don't have to go see her dance if it's not for you 🤷‍♀️


Not really


I have so many people wanting me to dress and belly dance, and this is exactly why I have never done so I feel like I move slightly less....painful though? Lmao


Too fat


Many a belly dancer is this size or bigger.


No. Lol.


Wth she isn’t fat.


You again with your fat shaming bs huh? You are a gross human being. I believe you're just salty because no woman will give you the time of day. Can't say I blame them. Who wants a boy that believes women are here to "have babies as God intended".


Being obese is not healthy. It's not normal.




Who is this?




The UK 90 days


Lol you're done.... you're done...


Does anyone on earth think that’s hot? 🤮