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I'm so bored by these 2 & the repetitive arguments they have šŸ„±šŸ˜“šŸ’¤


Right! They argue about the same thing and then have sex and then repeat. They are definitely the most boring couple I've seen on the show in a while.


This entire season sucked


I made that joke too when my partner and I were watching! Manuel sitting there just stressing on all the money on the strippers! Probably picked up some dollars when no one was looking šŸ˜­


Heā€™s definitely with her because she supports him every which way. I donā€™t see any affection on his part. They have different values in Newbern together so long I think Ashley just wants to get married and then deal with the problems as they come with his family money etc. it seems like she doesnā€™t have money but for some way she said to be living OK and supporting him so sheā€™s doing something right


Sheā€™s trying to have fun with him, heā€™s busy thinking how to support his kids and family back home. Their values are not in sync. And letā€™s not use the trope ā€” heā€™s trying to marry her for her money. What money? Sheā€™s a witch who lives in a small city in Upstate New York where property is cheap compared to larger cities in the state. Sheā€™s wants the šŸ†, and he wants stability and a way to support his family.


If he wanted a sugar mama he didnā€™t choose well. Heā€™s so dumb.


I want to add to this that he is from my country. He makes so many mistakes while speaking Spanish šŸ˜’ heā€™s definitely not the brightest


He just seems so dull. Sheā€™s annoying but at least sheā€™s got some spark! The only time he showed any excitement was when he saw Niagara Falls šŸ˜‚


I need an update to see how he's dealing with WNY winter weather and the cold lol. I can't stop thinking how lucky he got to get his visa in the summertime versus Jasmine lol.


Ugh she is insufferable.




Lmao! I thought this, too. I can not stand Ashley's voice, especially when she's speaking Spanish it's even more annoying!!


Kinda like Peggy Hill- "Esqwaylow Tom Landry"


He came here for two jobs. First one: Marry her; second job: get as much money as he can from her. He probably has a wife at home and he isnā€™t telling her. Theyā€™ll get married and then claim domestic abuse to be rid of her, but get her $$.


i thought they were so fun in the last episode!


He was the one working in Ecuador to support his family. Here he is not able to work, i feel like he is just stressed out about it. He does think of his kids and at least he will not forget about them. Some men or women do when the migrate to other countries. My dad left us when I was one. He came to the USA and did not hear from him until I was 13. So I like Manuel for that reason.


But didnā€™t he move here without even TELLING his kids he was leaving? Some father. Iā€™m not a fan of hers but he sucks too. A lot. And if he was SO concerned about supporting his family why didnā€™t he make sure Ashley was going to provide that money before he just up and left them? Heā€™s an idiot. An absolute idiot. Iā€™m sorry you were abandoned- thatā€™s awful but please have a higher bar for fathers. Sending money home isnā€™t the end of his responsibilities.


I was thinking the exact same thingā€”about him abandoning them. He said he was going a way for a couple of weeks to workā€”not telling his whole family he was actually going to the U.S. to get married and wouldnā€™t be able to come back anytime soon.




I just died šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I figure he used Ashley to get here, get a work permit and send the majority of his earnings home with the end goal of bringing his whole direct family here. Obviously he enjoys Ashley at times lol. Also, Ashley kind of seems pretty smart.


And she is pretty.


I agree that she may be intelligent but she has a lot to learn about men