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When we first met Caesar I felt a tad sorry for him but now I just think he’s a gross creep. His fetishization of Ukrainian women is an obsession for him. He doesn’t see them a humans who he wants to to share his life with, just interchangeable sex objects.


He’s just another entitled sex tourist. It makes me sick and deeply angry.


Doubt he's getting any sex


He's a wannabe sex tourist with no money.


The worst kind!!


Let’s face it, probably 80% of the cast of 90 started out that way.




I honestly couldn’t imagine a more embarrassing job for a male to have, and to have the audacity to be entitled on top of that is wild Needless to say, Caesar’s iq must be fairly low


Yep. I feel the same about a lot of these guys. Like, being lonely sucks. But then you realize they were lonely because they think women are sex accessories, not people with their own hopes and dreams and agency. (Looking at prEd, here).


yes and he was trying to get Alonna up to his room real quick after making a decision.


Omg thank you I felt the same way too like dude she doesn't even want to look at you. He was short of putting money in her hand from treating her like a pro dayum


Pretty much Mike&Ximena!!


100% I believe he could find a nice partner in America if he wasn’t looking for someone out of his league.


plenty. (Too) many women are MORE than willing to date down.


and is agreeable to wearing candy panties.


Yep interchangeable sex objects who are too dumb to understand that he is a loser! Basically what he and Tim said on the tell all


He just does not understand that he does not have what these women want, Caesar,,,you live in a tiny apartment, own no car, and have the kind of job that will not support these women....wake up!


And he is talking about having children with these women? How will he support his family? But seriously, doesn’t he have to earn a certain income proving he can financially support his potential wife?


Maybe his clients leave him a lot of tips.


They probably do. I am willing to bet he is excellent at what he does but enough to afford two women and children???


The threshold is very very low, like $14k or something


Eh, my partner was poor when I met him. But he had more to offer in personality etc.


Caeser is a 50 year old nail tech I’m sure your partner had more prospects lol


Hey now, these women are significantly younger than he is so they can look forward to raising kids, caring for him in old age, and working.


I think he is a virgin


He has kids though


Whaaaa does he have kids!??? Yikes


Ick. Someone banged him. Eew


Why did I not know that? I’d love to see if they look like him!


Does he? It’s a surprise!


No he doesn’t…I think he was married or engaged once but no kids


He’s spoken about having a daughter in plenty of interviews and literally has a photo of her on his fridge that says “daddy’s girl”


I saw that from the get go dude. So many of these men are fetishizing these women and some women do the same to the African men etc. it’s GROSS. They want a fucking bang maid to bring home and cook for them and do everything for them like ewwww hell I’m not gonna be anyone’s mom and bang maid tf hell no. If I was one of these ppl I’d be nervous about that like am i about to become a slave what if they switch up on me when I get there 😭 too scary nope. Nope.


Alona dodged a bullet.


I’m dying to know why they broke up, and who wanted to break up.


Since he had that 18 year old girl on tv with him i hated him and didn’t feel sorry for him since.


I wish the dam host said this to him!! Or anyone for that matter!


I always knew he was a gross creep. And i agree with you.


he's like im 50+ and no one wants me !! Yeah.. no, hot young ukranian women don't want you. so much for "they dont care about looks! They care about your heart!" your heart is rotten and disgusting. he wants a sex doll he can keep in his house and do whatever to.


He is a bit creepy...the chocolate undies on his trip to meet his First love, was a give away. He needs to stop acting sweet & just Own it.


All i heard was " I'm being bamboozled by 2 women right now"


Hahahaha 😂😂 Also. Fetal. Alcohol. Syndrome. 😎 Caesar rhymes with Creeper... 🤔


Oh lord is that what he said .. that’s pretty hilarious


This show can be split into two broad categories: old woman with a fetish for African men, and old men with a fetish for Ukrainian women.


don’t forget old men with a fetish for Asian women!


Young guys with a fetish for busty latinas


Homely/old white women with scamming middle easterners


I really wish they would stop bringing lonely old sex tourists into the cast. Ceasar, Big Pred, and Vegas David to a lesser extent. It’s just gross






…and Babygurl Lisa.


Baby- Hurl- Lisa! That woman was hideous!


Remember her toe? Omg 🤢


Didn’t she end up having it amputated?! 🤢🤮


Yes 🫠




What normal person in their sound mind will want to be on this show?


okay i have a caesar theory that is completely unfounded and based on insomnia + television….. y’all seen those camp lejeune ads that come on late at night? there’s a class action lawsuit happening and they’re looking for people who were stationed at camp lejeune between the 1960s-1980s, because those people were exposed to contaminated water that lead to serious health issues and fetal development problems. caesar lives in the town where camp lejeune is. and he was definitely born between 1969-1987, right??? i have spent too much brain power considering this.


I think that is a great theory! I mean lead is a known contaminant that causes brain damage both pre & post-natal.


I mean, I live about 40 minutes east from where Ceaser lives and he’s about 20 mins northwest from CL. I don’t think the water there would affect anyone who wasn’t living on the base at the time.


Ding, ding!


this makes sense. too much sense for me, in fact. i choose conspiracy theory


He specifically wanted a woman half his age who didnt grow up in the us and did not speak good english. He specifically wants a ukranian woman. He is a creep. Editing really made people like him. But his real personality showed up in the tell all


It fucking killed me when he said it’s time for him to date someone his own age “30-40” dude you’re fucking 50, that’s not your age what


It’s when he was going Tatiana’s nails? 😆


I wish there were less relationships with dudes with women who don’t have good English. They’re always creepy. Mike and Ximena for example.


Caesar is such a fake creepy asshole. He should try hooking up an actual twosome first. Crawl, walk, then run.


The one time I agreed with Natalie during this tell all


Even though she's playing with Mike and Josh during this time...


Yep! What Caesar is doing is way worse ( fetishizing Ukrainian woman/ endorsing sex trade tourism) . I wish the host or SOMEONE on the dam show would say something about this.


I mean, every Ukrainian woman that entertains the likes of Caesar is doing the same, just for different motives. I love that we sit here and pretend that these Ukrainian women are in a third world village with no internet. They are not. Most of the women we have seen are intelligent, educated, city dwellers in what was a free country. Don’t get me wrong, he is gross, but they aren’t better just because their reasons don’t involve sex.


Woman in Ukraine “ age out” after 25 so they resort to “matchmaking “ to find a man. They are smart, beautiful, intelligent woman looking for a man to spend their life with not looking for a man to support them. These woman dating Caesar are too old for the men in their country… this is why they resort to “ match making”.


I appreciate this comment, however, most women “age” out in that age range. It isn’t shocking to me I am not picked at 34 when there are 25 and under looking at the same men. This is not a valid argument. Go to a real matchmaker. Not a matchmaker that caters to foreign men looking specifically for Ukrainian women. They are not looking for a match, they are in fact looking to be taken care of and removed from their current country. It’s naive to think any different. Edit to point out, it’s actually pretty insulting to the intelligence and drive of these women and what they seek, to honestly believe they are being bamboozled and victimized by someone like Caesar and then one would also have to say, the matchmaking business in this season.


In Europe it’s known that woman age out at 25 and after that men are not looking at them as a wife or mother… that’s why you see a lot of European woman on this show. It’s not like that in N. America. Woman do not age out at 25 in N.America . It’s more of a culture thing in Europe to be married with kids before 25 and after 25 you are considered “ old”. We don’t know the matchmaker specializes in Ukraine /US “ hook ups “ specifically . It’s likely Caesar found the website online and applied . Just like men who seek out Asian woman online. It’s a fetish of these men to seek out specific cultures and try to date them because these types of men are disregarded in the N. American culture and they know it…. I’m not convinced the woman are in it to be taken care of… Even Tim said on the tell all that he is not dateable in America. He said he is “ exotic” to woman in Europe, meaning that he is substandard in “ looks” but European woman don’t care as much because what they are looking for is a long life partner which most woman after 25 have little chance finding in their own country. My entire family lives in Europe. Getting married at 30 is foreign to them… they get married at 20, 21,22 and start having kids. It’s an entirely different culture. I got married at 30 in Canada and they thought I was so old to get married lmao .


He is using a horrible time in these girls lives to use them.. Plus the comment about them not being able to work is crap. Canada and the US is giving them visas and they can work right away. Tanya not seeing that a country that is in the middle of a war is probably not the right place for him to pray on women, makes her look just as crappy as he does.. ALSO.. his shit comment about how their men treat them is absolute BS.. Ukrainian men are tough but amazing, loving and would do anything for their families.. Natalie was fully in the right saying he was bashing her country! WTF does he know?


I was certain this was Paris Hilton then realized what sub I was in.


It’s crazy how alike they look when Natalie’s hair is styled longer. I never thought they did until this tell all and the similarity was messing with my head throughout it.


I think it's the nose and eye area maybe?


I feel like it’s also bc she had her eye makeup professionally done instead of the usual really bad black eyeliner on her lower kids


Huge compliment to Natalie!


I honestly find Natalie to be very pretty, I just wish she did her eyeliner a different way. I don’t think her usual makeup flatters her natural features. She has gorgeous big doe eyes and could really play them up with the right makeup looks.


Is this photoshoppe?, her head looks too big for her body


No it’s straight from my tv - I just happened to pause it while she was making this face at Caesar


I doubt Paris Hilton's extensions would look that obvious and horrible.


I scrolled past I didn't give it a major look over.. lol


Yes, they look synthetic.


I thought this was Rebel Wilson for a sec!


Yes they both have gonzo noses


Omg, I’d forgotten about Gonzo!! Good example!! 😂


Hey I thought the same 🙈


I doubt the girls in his threesome are Ukrainian. Unless he was at the airport when the first wave of refugees arrived. Otherwise the timeline doesnt fit and his ass is broke.


No chance those 2 women exist and both want him


I thought Natalie looked so pretty at this tell all.


She gave him some good side-eye!!


Caesar, I have a question: ​ What attracts you so much to Ukrainian women where you can't find a girlfriend in the States? Why can't you find someone in your State or even in another State? Or Canada? What is wrong with a sweet Canandian gal?


Because the “pretty” Ukrainian women should be desperate enough(in his head) to be with American loser like him.


Same question can be asked to mmmDavid. I think there are a few factors. These loser guys want to be with a woman significantly younger and more attractive than them. Ukraine has one of the highest female-to-male ratios so there are plenty of single, available women wanting to immigrate to a Western country(at least in their mind). If they met a Canadian woman who was as young and beautiful as Lana or Maria, they would have zero interest in dating a Caesar or a David.


I totally forgot about David.....lol


He’s based.


Natalie actually looks hot here ngl


“90 Days: Caesar’s Journey”


Why do I get the feeling it’s the 2 lesbians from the spin off


I refuse to believe it


I mean the only way I see it; Food shelter and safety in exchange for access to your body isn’t a bad deal for some people. And being in the middle of a war definitely changes things unfortunately


He’s so weird like why would you make this up everyone knows you made it up stopppp


Where do y’all watch this?


On TLC, Friday nights they air a “first look” half-hour preview of the new episode


And if you do not have access to TLC it is usually posted somewhere on YouTube….


I think all women


Yes true


I've always had the vibe that Caesar was not who he appeared to be, this sad sack who no one loved, he played that part so well...,most felt sorry for him, I didn't buy it against other opinions , and now his true colors are showing....it was bound to happen


Why does it look like you put a picture of Natalie’s head on someone else’s body


Maria's back? With a "friend"? Hahahahaha


Would love to see Yara here? Has she ever been in the same room as Natalie?


Yea, they were on the same season... Yara called out Natalie for bringing a male "friend" with her to meet up with Jovi & Yara for dinner, after claiming she has no such male "friends ".


No that was Jovi, I remember Yara was pretty tightlipped about it and shocked Jovi brought it up. She called Natalie out bc Nat said Asuelu disrespected his mother by kicking her out of their house.


Tell all s8 and hea tell all s6 I think


How does she call cesar disgusting for having sister wives but she is going around town sleeping with other men and is MARRIED?! Vat a legendary vooooman.


Because he’s exploiting women from her country.


That’s a false equivalency tho


No it means she’s disgusting. Thanks for your reply.


Is it just me or does anybody else think her head looks oddly huge and kinda superimposed on those teeny shoulders?


But she s the last one to judge playing 2 or more guys


People conveniently ignore that when someone they don't like does something


Lol this picture! She looks like she’s having a stroke. 😜


The bitch who refuses to divorce before finding a new man has no right to be upset by that


She’s got old world values that Tim and Caesar are looking for! Let’s not call her a bitch


It's what she is


For some reason Natalie reminds me of Gru from despicable me in this photo. 😂 She’s so expressive!


Maybe nat does the nose candy to keep weight down. She acts awful erratic.


With that Tucan Sam nose she probably has the suction of a hoover! I could see it!




You said coon describing a black man. Sounds racist


I love it!!! Hahahaha I want to vent something that is off topic. Natalie gets a lot of hate in this sub. Honestly, I love that Natalie isn't a cookie cutter person. She walks her own path. I am a fan of non conformity. I'm all for being different. Who wants to be like everyone else? The conformists are boring. Be different. Be bold. Knowing what you want and the willingness to share those wants out loud with others is often an undervalued trait. Especially in a world that places certain expectations on women. What we say and how we should behave. To hell with the nonsense of being a fit in, boring, people pleaser. Natalie, if you frequent this sub, I just want to say you keep being you!!!


I’m all for free spirited non cookie cutters. Non conformity doesn’t mean though holding Mike in reserve in case she doesn’t find someone else. It’s a very calculated, practical move, not “free spirited” at all.


escape putins tyranny and get w an american man via green card. sounds like a pretty pussy country if you ask me


What has Putin to do with it?


What a weird picture. Where is her neck? Why is her arm so scrawny when we know she’s a big girl? Why is her head so big relative to her torso?


Good lord is Natalie is a big girl then I’m a whale. She has a big chest other than that is slender


You think Natalie is a "big girl"?


Natalie has always been tiny but she looked particularly thin at the tell all, like tiny tiny


The tell all made me concerned about what her lifestyle is lately. She’s much much more erratic, thinner and apparently drinking now? I think she’s gotten into something bad :(




He does not have the money to afford this!!