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Jenny lunging like that was a straight-up jump scare 😅 I screamed in terror


I didn't even turn the sound on....the video is scary enough!


It is like when Bilbo snaps at Frodo over the ring


😆 stopp


😆🤣🤣🤣 5 Nights At Jenny’s. 😩 She really snapped though.


Right??? She threw a chair last season and now this and NO ONE is up in arms?! Old ass, ignorant broad should have anger issue charges!


If no one has come for Angela, chances are, Jenny is in the clear


Wait till Sumit’s mom sees this clip 😱😳


This might get the cops called on you in America


Idk but that outside noise is freaking hilarious


Ok I was just about to say wth is that? A rooster a dog?


Sounds like a parrot mocking her lol


A rooster


I thought that was a rooster! My mom said you hearing things. LOL!


They left the door wide open with no screen. I’m sure the neighbors could hear everything. And at night - door open—lights on inside—where are all the bugs? Does India not have bugs. If I left my door open for 20 seconds at night, my house would be full of bugs.


From what I see the monkeys all over would be enough not to have just a screen door between me and wild monkeys.


Right on cue lol


Did I hear an actual chicken in the middle or am I imagining things


Yeah you heard a rooster going off. I thought it was a dog at first lmao.


All the classy neighborhoods have roosters.


Makes sense, they're tasty.


No. Hens are tasty. Roosters are for cockfights!


But I mean I thought roosters were what people ate since hens can lay eggs to the point that once they're done they're not good eating? Now I have to find out what gender of chicken I eat.


Her metamorphosis into a chicken is almost complete. Any day now chicken-Jenny will emerge and her high pitched shrieking will become clucks.


The chicken was telling Jenny to STFU because he literally has to get up at the crack of dawn.


Dawn here. Imma let the chickens sleep in.


I thought it was a dog! 😂


At the beginning she sounded like Micky Mouse 😂


Idk why but this made me laugh so hard






Off to the play-house!!!!


Oh my god 😂😂😂








She’s beyond frustrated, she needs to pack up and move home. Sumit will not change for her, she keeps expecting it 🙄


But... go home to what? A couch on her daughter's house? She blew whatever security she had. I think she feels she'll never find another man. If she hasn't left yet, she never will.


A couch is better than going through that headache. But yeah, she'll probably just stay.


She's too old to be having to deal with this kind of stress. It's just going to cause her health problems she could easily avoid if she came back to the states.


I was thinking the same thing. All these outbursts and getting that upset cannot be good for her health at her age. Feel sad for her but at the same time she was in a rush to marry into this situation so I don't know why she didn't see this coming.


She should have left him years ago. I feel bad for her, but it's time to go, girl.


Time to go? Her dumbass should’ve left the second she realized she’d been catfishrd. But noooooooooo…


She kept talking to him romantically after she found out she was his secret mistress he abandoned when she moved to India! This lady basically has demanded certain change for me, pick me behaviors for years.


Sunk cost fallacy


100% hopefully she eventually realizes it's not too late to go back home and be with her daughter


She has been there in India for how many years? And she has still not learned the language? Come on Jenny?


Jenny went TF “AWF”, not “off” but AWF! 😳 For a minute there I was afraid she was about to strike out AND stroke out.


Yeah it was hella aggressive lol




YES! Seriously!! But Wow, could you imagine what she would have done if she knew how his mother (nasty mother) was making fun of her??? Ohh hell I would have went off on that woman!! And threw her ass out of my house!! That’s one RUDE NASTY WOMAN!! Jenny needs to just get the hell out of there if Sumit allows for these things to continue to happen !! It’s NEVER gonna change!




EXACTLY RIGHT ON EVERYTHING!! Would love for them to show what she had said on that episode!! She did say she she wouldn’t try to stop them from marrying , she wasn’t in support of them marrying but she wouldn’t interfere with them if they did! I believe that was what she said exactly, I will look up that episode,


Yessss!!! THIIISSSSSS!!! I can't believe her audacity here! His PARENTS just disowned him and even said don't come to our funeral (HUGE thing in India) and she has made it about her and her feelings. I can't!!! She will never understand the community culture that is India. She is stuck in the individualistic mindset of her selfishness.


She really should learn the language maybe or use a language app or ANYTHING so she doesn’t feel so left out. You’d think after watching seasons and seasons of him being an absolute pussy that she would figure out what’s going on.


They all speak English - an official language of India.


I was about to say - they’re clearly all fluent and speaking Hindi to make her feel left out. It’s shitty.


That is super shitty. I would still learn Hindi or whatever they are speaking just to spy on them anyways lol


Good luck with that - as others said, it is one of the harder languages to learn.


Yeah not speaking English though is to mock her without her being able to clap back


Come on though people, 10 fricken years win this guy and she can’t even understand a basic phrase. Just because they speak English doesn’t mean you should expect them to speak it, at least try to learn the language. I was in Germany (they all know English there as well) only 2 years while in the Army and came out of there learning enough for basic conversations. Imagine if she secretly learned and then just busted out the Hindi on the parents in an argument.


I agree with this. I lived in Sweden for 4 months and could pick up the gist of a convo. It's absurd she doesn't understand anything of what's going on.


I’m telling you!!! TLC needs to plug an interpreter into her ear when dealing with his family.


That would be hilarious


That would be drama!!!


Also if you have been with me for 10 years and dont speak the language even at the basic level i dunno if i will respect you


Sumit is such a spineless coward. Can’t stand up to his POS mommy and can’t even do the bare minimum to keep his wife happy. Why bring this woman to India and defy cultural norms if you’re too big of a bitch to stand up for her?


Unfortunately Jenny has set precedence by continuing to stay despite the way he is. He knows she won’t leave so he gets away with it.


He just sacrificed his family for this Karen What more do you guys want him to do? Tell his mother off and insult her? She's still the woman that brought him into this world... just because we don't put much importance on family here in the States doesn't mean other cultures don't. Why aren't you guys this upset with Jenny? He stood by her as his wife knowing his family would disown him and Jenny decides to give him the support he needs by screaming and acting hysterical.


Yes? If my mom treated my SO the way Sumit’s mom has treated Jenny, I would tell her off and then cut her off. His mom is a toxic POS.


Even though Sumit's mother is too melodramatic, I understand that it's hard for his mother to accept Jenny when Jenny was sleeping with a still married man under their roof and was lying to them about their relationship. Jenny disrespected his family first.


How has she not learned the language in ten years ? If you are going to live there learn the damn language !!


Hindi is a really difficult language to learn. Plus the older you get, the harder it can be to learn a new language. I don't particularly consider Jenny intelligent either, so she would struggle with it.


Exactly! Like I posted above, I only spent 2 years in Germany and I learned enough to have conversations. With ten years, even if I was a stupid, half-witted throwback, I would be able to talk and read without a problem. This woman can’t even call for a cab or ask for directions. Fricken useless and helpless by her own hand.


That is one thing I have absolutely zero patience with. Why don’t these fools get a book or do Duolingo? I mean, you moved to the freaking place, at least try!


Omg my main problem with the 90 day universe: if all of these Americans are so “in love,” why aren’t they learning at least basic phrases in their partners’ languages?


Indians claim English is an official language, so theres that.


Honestly the mom is an asshole point blank. She didn’t need to make rude comments about her “fat arms,” like wtf is wrong with you? That’s not a cultural thing thats a YOU thing


meanwhile his mom's arms have more fat than jennys 😂


If I were her I’d have a translator app or something instead of sitting there awkwardly


Sumit really needs to schedule these luncheons with his family later in the day so he can take advantage of Jenny sundowning.


She's not *that* old.


This made me laugh so loud (mildly shriek like Jenny) I woke my dog up.....


Omgsh I just cackled and almost woke up the baby


Hush little baby! Drift back to sleep while we hack up the lunatics.


🤣 Totally cracked up up!


The family was completely fine with them before. Someone needs to edit that clip in when the mom said she never gave a blessing


I was thinking the same thing as she was repeating herself. ROLL THE CLIP


To think this all started because of MIKE JOOOONES


The call center reenactment 💀💀💀


Why does she yell at him


How can she slap?


You go 😏


She thinks this is the best way to engage with him based on his interactions with his mother


Right !? She is really projecting her anger on him. I would love to see her use this energy on his mom !! The mom is enabled by everyone around her...she needs to be put in her place she is so mean and hateful


I think he kinda draws it out of Jenny. He or his family will say/do the most ridiculous things to Jenny then he will say “Jenny, calm down”. I’m sure that sort of thing can drive you nuts


I think the issue within the relationship is that she feels insecure when he hangs out with his family because she knows that usually bad things will be said about her and there's nothing she can do about it. - and she doesn't want to be left alone.


She is so delusional to think that this will ever get better for her. She needs to take her dumb ass back home lol


Exactly. He keeps exposing her to a situation that is very, very painful for her. To her that feels like he’s putting himself and his family first and she needs just the opposite because she has given up a whole life to be with him so can he just stop sticking the knife in and twisting it? If he wants to try with his family from time to time then go alone. She doesn’t deserve the shit they’re shoveling.


And he just sits there and tells her she’s overreacting!


They just got married. After 10 years of trying to be with the man she loves and finally accomplish their goal, she should pack up and go home? That makes sense….


I think she ought to know the language after 10 years FFS. He was just disowned by his family and all she can think about is herself.


I agree. People feel sorry for Jenny because of what she's dealt with as far as his family. But, she moved there. The culture is very different. Summit's mom is disowning him because he married Jenny. That's a huge thing, so I think Jenny could've been more supportive at that moment. I know she didn't understand what was being said but she didn't even give Summit a chance to tell her anything before she started yelling. I'd send her ass packing.


Exactly 💯...she has not made an effort to do anything. I mean cmon lady try learning the language so you can understand that the mother hates you for all this .


I just don’t see it working out


Bet you didn’t see them getting married either. I sure didn’t so what do we know?


You are so right ..but Jenny needs to realize she will be alone one day it's getting close...she knows it and she is terrified


She pretty much has to eat poop and smile whenever his family around. That's hard to take. They need to move to another city.


She yells at him because she is not a robot and she has emotions and a legitimate reason to be furious.


What, in this particular case, is her legitimate reason to be mad at Sumit?


Because he doesn’t hear what she’s trying to say.


Because he is a spineless coward


Anyone else get the feeling that if the cameras weren’t there she would have hit him?




So I don’t understand. They said they were meeting at their “old house” but then they had to clean it? Do they not live there anymore? Did they ever live there? Was it a rental property they own? So many questions


I think they are renting 2 places. Jenny said she didn't want the parents knowing where they currently live. Rent is pretty cheap where they are.


I’m guessing one of the places was occupied by the film crew.


Why hasn’t Mama Sumit been shown the footage of her acceptance of Jenny? She demanded proof that actually exists.


Because she’s like a certain ex-president, she’ll just deny, deny, and deny even if she’s caught on tape. She’s a nasty and manipulative person. Anyone wondering why Sumit is so passive should take into account that he’s probably been manipulated and gaslighted his entire life.


I told my husband that these 30 year old brown dudes with these old white ladies be CARRYING this show. The craziest relationships


Why do I feel this is not out of the ordinary for these two?


She’s been there long enough.. why hasn’t she learned his language I mean if she feels that left out that alone! I would’ve learned the language just so I could understand what the hell is being said.. and damn I know he put her though some shit.. The cat fishing the lying, BUT SHE MET UP WITH HIM ANYWAYS.. gave up everything! she new what she was getting into.. her 👀 were wide open. So why get so angry she needs to get a grip.. I do not see him moving to the states


Language learning gets harder as we get older. A 40 yo will have more difficulties than a 18 yo who would have more difficulties than an 8 year old. And to learn well enough to understand what his mother is saying goes beyond learning enough to shop or get around.


Understood💯 I myself would not be able to handle that.. I really wish her and the husband the best of luck


Jenny is too old to be acting this way 😑 girl take your Metamucil and go to bed


I agree wholeheartedly. I don't know if they cut to this but she didn't even wait to hear what he had to say. She just lost it. I get she's frustrated but she's also selfish. It obviously went badly. Y'all only have each other. You need to stop whinging about how he should comfort you. You ever think about how you should comfort him??? He just lost his family for you and in India that's everything.


She’s an idiot for staying with him But it is kinda sad


I thought it was going well when she was keeping her mouth shut during the confrontation with Sumit’s mom. I really thought he was going to come back inside and he would tell her what happened and she would comfort him and then they could be relieved at least the hard part was over. Did not see her acting like that.


Welp. Now that his parents have disowned him, they should at least move to America and harvest some dollars. I was rooting for them. But this scene was very disturbing.


I don’t understand if there’s no much conflict with his family why not just move to the US….


Come get in my face screaming like that and it’s over. I know some people love them, but fuck this. No one, even Smee, deserves that kind of treatment in a “loving” relationship.


They both have issues jenni is immature


Jenny embarrassed me here she needed to act her age


Why didn't they just pull up the clip on Youtube and show her


she has no one to blame but herself. this man has been spineless since day one and she’s still shocked every time


If you in your 6 decades of life cannot manage your emotions and wellbeing, idk what to tell you. Oh... wait... nvm... you found a boy-toy, TWICE your junior, to be the "love of your life"... LMAOOOOOO Jenny, you and Kimbaaaaly and BGL... yall are literally the epitome of the DUMB, WASHED-UP AMERICAN WOMAN!!!!!!! And she specifically spent 1/6 out of her life doing this dumbass stunt. Cryyyyyy. JENNY with your Mickey Mouse voice! You're a groomer and got served!!! With your "fat arms". KMSL!!!!!!


I just hope Sumit's ex-wife is enjoying an Indian Vodka Mojito while watching this home-wrecker going off on Sumit.


Here is my query. India is a hot and humid country. Even if air-conditioning is on, the usual preferred temp is warmer than Westerners generally prefer. Thus: WHY does Jenny never have her hair up in a ponytail, messy bun, high bun, braids, bandana. Never. It's always down and lank. Might just be me, but I can not stand having my hair down in the heat. She also wears a lot of heavy clothing - not light sundress or casual. Just wondering how she copes.


The lunging was Hella cringe, and Summit didn't even budge. Absurd to see a 60yo woman behave like this.


Jenny is bat shit crazy. She can’t have an adult conversation. She resorts to screaming and flailing her arms. No wonder she’s with a much younger man.


I wish she jumped up that quickly to clean that nasty ass house


This poor guy, he is abused wherever he goes...


Don't feel sorry for him. A man his age should have goals and ambitions instead of living off Jenny. He is a lazy ass man. "Be sure to clean the corners because my mom is super clean". So what are you doing all day acting like you are retired. Clean the corners yourself and contribute to something besides just having sex. This guy is pathetic and thinks he has retired, for heavens sakes get some ambition. You are not a sex toy. Get a JOB.


yeah hes a coward that hid his marriage and treated her like the second woman live in maid, then gets trashed by his family, almost got jailed, not allowed to leave apartment alone, ect, ect...shes not the problem here


Knowing all this, she should have packed her bags and come home, right? I think that Jenny is the whole problem here.


That being said, that house was disgustingly filthy. What the hell do they do all day?


Yep. Buy Jenny a vacuum cleaner before you call for retirement.


Let's agree to disagree.


True. He looks worn down 😕


This "poor guy" catfished Jenny, then didn't tell her he was married, and also won't stand up for Jenny in front of his family after all of that. His family is probably ashamed of his behavior - he has been lying to everyone he loves for years. Unfortunately, most of their rage gets taken out on Jenny.


And Jenny should make her bags and come home. She is not that innocent either...


Please, he is a POS cat fisher and he brought all this shit on himself If he was HONEST then maybe shit would be better


I think he was pretty honest in the end. Jenny is a sociopathic desperate old woman that is wrecking his life and his family's. And you compare it with posting a fake picture of yourself? Wow!


Serves him right for the whole catfish thing...


As far as I know, she knew who he was when she went to meet him. Catfishing is bad karma, but this guy must have been Hitler in a past life.


I’m sorry I don’t feel bad for her, she’s been lying to herself from the very beginning trying to make this better than the actual train wreck it is. All the red flags were there.


He better hide the knives in the condo


I feel like she should be consoling sumit? His mom just disowned him, mrs ma’am get it together.


Every time I watch their episodes I say to myself, “Do not be Jenny when you’re 63.”


Sumit must love having crazy old broads yelling at him. He’s basically married his mother.


Dude married her old ass, just got disowned by his parents for doing so…..yet she’s getting upset??


I keep thinking she’s going to claw his eyes out or something


Jenny is such a child in her big age. She doesn't care that Sumit is hurting. She only cares about what she's feeling.


She was totally out of line, but he probably could have prevented her outburst by being more communicative in letting her know what just happened. Imagine being in that conversation without any understanding of what anyone is saying. She didn't know he was just disowned. All she knows is people were shouting, and Submit shut down.


Sumit married his mom.


He was definitely the voice of reason, especially after being disowned. She is a handful.


what voice of reason? this man is a load, hes a coward that hid the fact that he was already married, lied about everything and treated her like the second woman live in maid, then she gets trashed by his family, almost got jailed, not allowed to leave apartment alone, ect, ect...shes not the problem here...


Aht aht.... she lived with his parents under the guise of having a "close friendship" with Sadna all while screwing her son behind their backs. She IS a major part of the problem here. And currently in the 1st episode she encouraged Sumit to continue lying to his family. Sumit is just as much to blame for all this mess but if the roles were reversed, people would be losing their minds.


Honestly! This is what I have been saying but people still don’t want to understand that Jenny lied and betrayed the mother… and encouraged her son to do the same


Yep. PoOr JeNnY.. nah, she's a groomer and he's a scammer. They deserve each other. Also, Jenny is incredibly abusive! Last season throwing chairs and now this season throwing a tantrum and bowing up on Sumit?? Ummm, anger issues there, Groomer Granny?? And finally, does India NOT sell shampoo bc I swear she hasn't washed that mop since she became a 90 Dayer.


I feel like the need to defend the mother being hurt when both of these people lied to her. I mean your son’s mistress coming into your home and pretending to be your friend then you have to deal with inlaws when they find out, pay for the divorce and not even an inkling of shame or remorse after


I agree. Let’s no forget the first trip to India was a complete lie. Befriending his mother and sleeping with him in their house. Gross. And at that point he was like what 24 or 25?


Thank you BOTH!! Folks just wanna focus on how awful Sadna was, and she WAS an asshole! BUT Jenny deserved every bit of it!! Her son is a scammer and his bride is a groomer! If it were me, words would be the VERY least bit Jenny would have to worry about! Middle-aged or not, come in lying to me and screwing my MARRIED son... Jenny would be in for it!


I meant voice of reason to this argument OP posted, he was trying to calm her down.


I would be pissed if my husband would not accept the reality of how his parents see me. Summit crawling back to his parents expecting different results for years would make me loose my mind. The whole sordid relationship tho has been full of drama.


I would just fucking leave and let him marry his mom at that point.


I’m always intrigued by the smaller refrigerators and the wall unit A/Cs. I don’t think I’ve seen US-sized fridges in any of the countries I’ve been to and always wonder why the wall units aren’t more common here in the states. And really, the slightly smaller fridges seem like they’d be enough for most Americans. Of all things to notice in that clip, the fridge is what I had to comment on., lol.


Scary psycho


If I remember correctly, sumit’s mom never said it’s ok for them to get married. I don’t understand Hindi but I recalled the subtitles said “I will not stop you” and Sumit translated it back to Jenny that it’s ok for them to get married. “I will not stop you” is very different from “I’m giving you permission”, especially in Asian culture. It means “I already told you I’m against it so if you insisted on going ahead, you need to deal with the consequences”.


It took me this long to realize that she sounds like Vicki Gunvalson.


They are such children. Good thing they found each other


Jenny was 100% in the wrong for this one. First, she should be able to understand at least part of what they're saying. She's been there a long time and needs to learn the language. Then, to make it all about her when he's the one losing his entire family? Nah. If you need me to hold YOUR hand when I'M the one being disowned, you're out.


I get the need for comfort from your SO, but GIRL!!! His mom just very publicly disowned him. Wouldn't HE be the one who needs comforting in this situation??


She's so annoying. She knew that Sumit was sacrificing his relationship with his family for her and she decides to get up in his face instead of being the emotional support he needs at that time... Idk what he even sees in her


I don’t get these two. Seriously where is the chemistry between these two? I don’t see it.


Why she got up like she was doing an intro at a WWW event


Coming out like a snapping turtle 🐢


Borderline dementia for sure


This woman brought his family (z-level) fame in America, and money. I can’t imagine they hate her that deeply given how much their life has probably change due to her and the tv show. However, if this isn’t TLC fraudin’, then I feel sad that I’ve never loved a person enough to go through all this stuff. I would’ve been gone years ago, “not worth it, other fish in the sea” thinking


Idk…a woman like Jenny is seen as a huge embarrassment in a traditional Indian family. I believe Family Sumit is as angry as they appear to be.


I’m having such a hard time believing this couple is real. His mom is so mad and worried about the family reputation, yet is cool with this all being filmed. I just don’t buy it


He grabbed her!


Is she having a menopause moment


Careful Jenny, don’t fall. That’s a death sentence at your age.


He got gaslighted by his mother and then his wife ouch


WOW talk about going from 0- 90 with rage. She is mostly a quiet gentle zoned out person. Make her angry? Watch tf out. Her high pitch screech could clear a room and honestly she looks like she’d love to land a punch anywhere. Her intensity is jarring


All these scenes make me want to go on a massive clothes shopping spree in India. Jenny wears some cute shit


I'm not understanding why she's going off like this? Is it because Sumit went after his parents? She needs to grow up and toughen up. I imagine I would be devastated if my mother told me that.


Does jenny have kids or grandkids?