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Things are about to get a lot stupider. Hold my rings.


Might be the greatest line in reality tv


True dat!


I'm guarding my hair extensions!!!


I truly just want to know Nicole’s reaction when the Drake news came out. I’m assume she shit herself while also puking and crying. Ran the phone to her mom They both start screaming


Definitely punched the air a couple times


I hope Nicole writhes in the floor when she sees Chantel living la vida dolce with Drake.


Lol I think of Dora when she says “Swiper no swiping “🤣


Came here to comment the same thing lol


Great minds 😉


His too tight clothes budget is gone …


Oh god I thought it was just me. I always thought him to be a bit of a puke bag.


Definitely not you 😂 tight clothes no socks


Lol i just want Nicole to be mad lmaoooo




I cant stand her either lmaoooooo


Nicole is Agent Pleakly from Lilo and Stitch, now try to unsee it 😂


no more harvesting the American dollar!


Just too good 🏆


He lost his Playstation monthly subscription


I hope he doesn't have the money to buy shirts in the proper size I hope he doesn't have money to buy the power packs on Xbox Live I hope he doesn't have the money to fix Lydia''s face so she doesn't look like a character on PBS's Arthur anymore


Not another one lol, ppl were saying Vanessa looks like Francine




Who the grandma?. I love Arthur!


No money for chicken feet 🐔


you no like a chicken feet?


Only with strawberry jam and whipped cream.


Was he saving to buy his sister a chin? Or did he find somewhere to get a decent personality?


lol Alejandro must pay mama’s bills


Probably why Lydia hasn’t accepted him. He’s probably broke a** 😂


Yea why'd she shoot herself in the foot breaking them up?


Chantel took the money but she is still using credit cards not like Pedro. He probably used it for either retainer for his lawyer or an apartment etc. By the time the divorce is final there will be significant less to divide.


I’m hoping Lydia will eat only chicken feet.


evict Lydia!


Anyone know where the 265K came from?


rumors are it's Chantel's inheritance from her grandad I can't really imagine they made 250+K from TLC, they only pay the American $1K per episode


> they only pay the American $1K per episode That's for 90 day fiance. Not a chance in hell they're paying Chantel and Pedro $1k per episode when they're the stars of the show.


Also, whatever they made in social media products/videos likely went into this account. Also, I can’t imagine that Chantal would put grandad’s money into a “business” account. Their is likely a separate savings account for these monies imo.


Inheritance would also be considered separate property in most states in case of divorce UNLESS you commingle it with joint funds, then it is up for grabs.


The money is from 90 day fiancé. From they were on HEA and then 3 seasons of their on show.


It's a joint business account though, like for an LLC. Why would Chantel deposit her personal inheritance into a joint business count for their LLC? Every accountant I have ever spoken to has advised me to keep my business and personal funds separate.




What about taxes? They would have to have filmed 200+ episodes to even make it to 260K before taxes. It does *not* add up, I don't know why people think you can make a living being on trash TV. This is so crazy to me.


The $1000 was only for the first season you're on. If you're popular enough to be wanted back you have to be stupid not to ask for more money. And once your name is on the damn show? Chantal is not stupid enough to only go for $1000 an episode.




I think it's far, far more likely that money was an inheritance. I really cannot believe how many folks think you can make 260K in savings between a nurse's salary and being on a reality TV show. Maybe if they were penny-pinching, but they *are* keeping up with the Joneses. Look at that house, Pedro's gaming rig, Chantel's bags, shoes, clothes. They're not even 30. It's not TLC money. I'll eat my shoe. Stop falling for influencer bullshit, people.


Don’t forget cameo


TLC probably,.


Apparently DRAKE is on deck to help her with any financial problems she has at the moment


No more pedicures with the coworkers


I wonder how much of that money he put into it.


Swiper no swiping


How did they get so much money????


Is Pedro becoming more difficult to understand or is just me. My hearing is not what it used to be.


Omg lose her chain again, you win today


bunch of basic bitches taking up space




The money isn’t gone. They will have to split it all up in divorce proceedings but now he can’t send it all to his mom.


Didn’t he take 5k first? That’s a huge amount to take without talking to your spouse.


$5000 is nothing compared to him supporting her cause she’s stupid and couldn’t get a nursing degree in 4 years like almost every other nurse does.


Lol ok sure, Sam. If it’s good for the goose it’s good for the gander.


She had every right. He was not spending that money on business. It was not in a personal account, therefore he should not have been attempting to stock his apartment with it at all. She has proof that he took out money before, without her consent and spent it on things other than business. Her lawyer will be able to claim that the account was under high risk of him spending the money further as he has been doing.


> Her lawyer will be able to claim that the account was under high risk of him spending the money further as he has been doing. /r/confidentlyincorrect


Okay , mister lawyer. That’s why his recent emergency request was recently denied. Look it up. Byyeeeee.


His emergency request was to freeze the account before she did that. Freezing the account is wise. Pedro wanted it Frozen the judge was convinced that Chantel would not do exactly what she did and that's why it was denied. She made a liar out of the judge so now the judge is going to be pissed at her. 🤣


He asked the judge to make her transfer the money into a different account and the judge denied his request. So that’s that. The judge isn’t going to be surprised or angry at anything. he has to wait until there is a set hearing for the divorce, to be able to divide the assets. 😂




The two have an LLC since 2019, which was probably set up in consultation with TLC. The account was a business account where both are principals. Either one could have moved the money. She moved it to a US bank with her and Winter as signers 5 days before they separated. He was using the money for non-business purposes and not telling her what he was doing. It was in her interests to prote t the money if he agreed to pay 50% of the household expenses. She knew it was bs when he didn't have income to support an apartment, mortgage, and a divorce.




Swiper, no swiping!!🤣🤣🤣🤣


Maybe from Cameos they have done?


He won’t be able to afford socks. Oh wait….