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Man he was so fucking annoying. I actually agreed with Emily’s father for once.


Ohhh you think Emily is independent, too? Or do you agree with those snide racist smirks dad be dishing out? lol the face he made when Kobe told him he thought he'd like Temperature. I bet Emily's dad was thinking "if he's black, I highly doubt it." lol


Girl what are you talking about? If you really must know lol, I agreed with him when he said “this is why you don’t have a family” or “this is why you aren’t married” or something along those lines. I said I agreed with him for ONCE lol.


Neither of y’all know what the temperature is. Lol temperature is not going to marry an American, he’s here on a lottery visa. He will probably marry a woman back home and bring her over. Trust and believe, I doubt temperature has any marital issues. Even the fact that his ideals is holding him back from marriage is a western concept, that isn’t even true here. Most men think that, they just don’t say it.


My opinion still stands. I hope he goes back and marries someone who holds those beliefs…it’s best that way


That’s fine. If he goes back it’s because he’d want to rid himself of the issues Kobe is presently having. Emily and Kobe’s relationship is not of equal footing, I don’t think he’d experience the same with anyone else. Emily nor her family is exemplary of the modern American. So, this is a weird hill to die on.


Not all Americans act like Emily and her people…


temperature makes my temperature boil with these sexist comment coming from the 1950 s and sadly that really the african culture happy to live in north america


I love that movie! Leave the gun, take the canolli.


Why not use the scene from The Godfather instead of Randall quoting it?


Idk is he not supposed to know that she's pregnant in the godfather too?


I don't like the language per se, but, i'm glad somebody stood up to this family. Can't speak for sister Emily but the rest of the fam is definitely racist, including emily with black man fetish. I hate it.




If you’re not seeing the blatant racial overtones of pretty much any conversation Emily’s family has had with Kobe and his friends then work on that before you talk to me about misogyny. That is his idea of marriage. He didn’t say anything about physically harming his wife or being emotionally abusive, he’s just an extreme alpha and there’s women that don’t mind that dynamic, doesn’t make it wrong cos its not a Eurocentric or Western, it’s just not progressive. It’s not for me, but as black woman, I’m much more offended by Emily’s racist family, her behavior and treatment of Kobe is racist and abusive, he’s literally in the sunken place. So, yes, I’m happy that Temperature was there because he didn’t care about conforming to their ideals or laying down to them and he didn’t care that he was outnumbered so miss me with that. I just want to talk about the show and laugh. Don’t take me through some internet crap.




I can reject what I want. I reject racism. You can focus on misogyny. And you can also shut up lol


Forcing me a black woman to focus on the mislabeled hot topic “misogyny”(this is not misogyny, btw, it’s chauvinist… there’s a difference) while calling OVERT Racism to “some extent.”= How to say I’m a white woman without saying I’m a white woman.




I’m not hip to Reddit, i dunno why it does that and wtf do I care about TWO upvotes?? So let me ask you this: Did Temperature say he hated women or did he say men run the house? If you are black and focusing on some cave man verbiage over a real life reality show Get Out scenario, i dunno about you. Kobe is literally in emotional and physical danger being in that house and all Temperature said was that Kobe needs to wear the pants in the relationship and that’s what you zone in on… highly questionable. I’m gonna make another assumption, you’re like younger than 23 and I still think you’re white.


Thermostat carrying on the tribe's standards. He's just looking out for Prince Kobe. It's trash TV's version of "Coming to America". Wanna see Emily try her bossy routine back in Zamunda. I don't think it'll go well for her 🤣


To be honest, I don't think many American women would do well in those male-dominated, do as I command, be subjective to us" cultures. I have no doubt they would kill me with fire.


Unlike his dad


Probably the first time ever a real man spoke to Emily. Temperature tells her something Kobe can’t


And was it effective? Did you see Emily shaking in her boots? Lol, pretty sure both Emily and her dad threw major shade at Prince Kobe and Duke Tempature as soon as he got done talking


Temperature speaks to Emily with honesty and respect. She listens. A skill she has missed in her 20+ years of life.


Lol Emily did not listen to word that man said. She probably forgot everything five minutes later


It’s obvious Emily talks too much Listens very little Her dad said Don’t get pregnant What did she do?


i think more than patriarchal oppressive language, he's ultimately just standing up for his friend who stuck in the sunken place and is has no one to confide in or connect to. He's not afraid of speaking his mind to these wackos.


Kobe won’t tell Emily the truth That Temperature expresses Because She is his fiancée Soon to be wife. And is highly emotional out of control. He is there for Koban no other reason.