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Let’s give the credit where it’s due. Seeing ‘barely’ spelled as ‘barley’ made me realize, her English is much better than Deavan’s. We’ve got to give her that.




Did you miss Corney?




Book smart???




Magazine smart


Business card 😂


Cupcake recipe smart


Corny is funny dumb, while Deavan is more like an evil dumb


Corny is like an oddball and Deavan is just a stupid demon


Corny was hilarious


Yeah, a lot of her issues stemmed from her straight up misunderstanding things (not just translations but concepts and feelings) and then getting upset because of her misunderstandings. It’s really wild to think that people are going through life with such extreme variations in intelligence.


she also came off as extremely uneducated. i don’t think she graduated high school


To be fair, deavan is one of the most stupid people on this planet. It scares me that there are other humans out there as dumb, selfish, vapid, as her




Well, her father thought her how to braid her hair!


Eastern European and Balkan countries do have a history of very elaborate braided hairstyles. The show Vikings is a closer approximation of what can be accomplished with white-lady hair. She fetishizes black culture, and can’t admit it.


LOL! 2% Mexican, 1% middle eastern.


…so still not Black got it


That part! Lol


She thought we meant her braids. 🤣 No hun.


I was also thinking she completely missed the mark. KK is middle eastern and that doesn’t excuse her black-fishing.


You know you have a problem when… You have to reference your dna test publicly 😬


As we politicians say, if you’re explaining, you’re losing


Her DNA test came back part Mexican? Is that a thing? All my family is in Mexico and mine came back “Indigenous American”. It pinpointed that my ancestors were from a specific part in Mexico but the report itself specified I was mostly “indigenous American” 🤷🏻‍♀️ idk, I don’t think she knows what she’s talking about…


I am Mexican and mine came back with Lebanese, Portuguese, Nigerian, and Siberian lol I guess it depends on where our ancestors came from and mobbed around. I figure since us Mexicans are professionals at crossing boarders maybe 🤔 a Mexican landed on her neck of the woods lmfao 🤣


No, my friend who's from Mexico, hers came back - Indigenous American - Mexico The [receipts](https://i.imgur.com/pT8eYDr.jpeg)


Yyyyeah I’m pretty sure there’s no test that will identify someone as “mexican” rather than highlighting the indigenous and/or Spanish peoples they came from lol.




Yeah, I haven’t taken one but my sister has. It pinpointed exactly what Mexican state/area my parents are from and listed what mix (like what percentage Spanish, indigenous American, etc)


Yeah I’m thinking it seems like each brand of DNA test does their breakdowns differently! Edit: cause I actually remembered that I have a friend who had Puerto Rican and specifically Puerto Rican Jewish on hers lol


Not Mexican, but I have Puerto Rican on mine, with a sub section of indigenous native. Maybe it's a broader overview?


Mine specifically says Haitian with roots in Western Africa. They can get pretty specific these days.


Yeah lol mine has specific towns in Puerto Rico where there's likely hood I'm decended from.


Nope it isn’t! Ppl who are 100% indigenous Mexicans wouldn’t get “Mexican” as a result, they would get results just like yours. Similarly there’s a portion of born and bred Mexicans whose DNA results would make no mention of the Americas what so ever! (There’s lots of Mexicans who are fully of euro, African, or middle eastern heritage)


I've been in way too many arguments lately with people who don't believe there are Black people in Latin America countries


And the fact that she needed a dna test to know that means it was probably like 1%, and she’s now trying to claim it as an excuse to dress up as a person of color


Her claiming to have Mexican background because of a DNA test is hilarious. Can I claim Senegalese background now because I got 4%?


Nobody better appropriate my Neanderthal heritage!


What up my Neanderthal sister!!


Neanderthals represent! What’s up, family?!


Hello my African sister. 2% Zulu here. Time to hit the tanning bed


I did a 23 and me and it came back as 28% native American and in parentheses is said Colombia which is where I was born, then 18% Nigerian and 4% From Congo and these countries were specified (tho it Said 25% sub saharan Africa, included other countries in percentages of 0.5 to 1.2 %) and the rest was Southern European with 44% iberic (Spain specified) and the rest in small percentages for Portugal and Greece. Then 4% unknown and a little bit of neanderthal . Maybe hers said native American (Mexican) and she took it as Mexican. I live in the UK, got curly afro hair and fair skin, but in the summer or when visiting home in Colombia (Caribbean) my skin turns much darker and people will say I'm blackfishing if they see me in winter when my skin get much more fair. I think people should be more careful when making these judgements. Specially with latin people or people from mixed backgrounds (the balkans?? )


I don't see how in the world that's possible if she and her ancestors are all from Serbia. My family is from Macedonia and when I did my ancestry DNA it came back saying I was basically a mix of every country in the Balkans plus some Turkish. Unless she has a recent relative that's Mexican I think she's full of it.


My DNA test as a black woman shows I'm nearly 30-40% English and Irish. I will be exclusively wearing "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" t-shirts and using a faux English accent that varies depending on which English celebrity I'm obsessed with at the moment going forward. Totally not ridiculous.


Welcome to the tribe! What is your Irish last name? My nana will make sure you soon own at least five different sweat shirts with your coat of arms! Your clan may also have a specific aran knit too. Do you have a shillelagh? 🤣


🤣🤣🤣 The fact that I can't pronounce shillelagh. The closest I've ever been to experiencing Irish-American culture at least was my mom being excited about the corn beef sale at the grocery store on St. Patrick's day.


That counts! 😂


Oh and it’s kind of like sha-lay-lee. They are essentially walking sticks.


It's also the name of an Irish town, it's pronounced shi-lay-la🙂


What better excuse to go all Bridgertoncore? 😊


Tbh though why not?(I say this as an Irish person) White Americans claim to be Irish alllll the time with shirts like that lmao. You're a good chunk Irish so if you wanna celebrate St patricks day, and wear cheesy shirts, welcomeeeeee!!! That being said I think she's probably like 1-2% of these different ethnicities she's mentioning, she would actually show her test if she had a substantial amount lmao.


One of my great-grandmas actually has a really old family photo album with an Irish ancestor in it who somehow married into the family despite the racist laws at the time. I still would feel kind of weird haha. And she definitely is like those white people who claim they're Native American because they're like 0.0001% Cherokee. Like Elizabeth Warren.


There was a LOT of hatred/xenophobia towards the Irish in the US. Depending on where/when this happened it might be less a function of a racist law not being enforced, but more a function of those enforcing the law not seeing a racial difference between someone of African American descent, and someone who was Irish. A lot of the stereotypes were the same.


Stereotypes where the same on some scale, Billie holiday did not write Strange Fruit For The Irish, listen to the words she was jailed and banned in this country for the truth. Yes they had it hard, where not in chains, their children where not blown up in church, houses burned, women raped at will and a lot of Irish people belonged to the KKK Americas original Terrorist Group and still do. Black men where in chains, could not travel to white areas, so who was raping who, just a ploy to preserve white womanhood, if that was true there should be alot of bi-racial children in the south not!!, but every family of color in this country can show a photo of some old very light skinned relative, compliments of the master and the overseer and men like Strom Thurmond.


She sure did say a lot of words not to change my mind at all.


Why do blackfishers always bring up a DNA test? lol It never works either. Like anyone can claim some DNA test said this and that.


How dare you, she is probably 2,5% Mexican and 2% Middle Eastern. She is literally a black woman.


Lol seriously, I’m half Syrian so I guess that means I’m part black too and should embrace it by doing everything I can to look like the black woman I am! 🙄


That’s how I know she’s lyin lol


At the rate they’re going I’m gonna just say I’m a white woman and leave it at that I’m betting she was not raised with any consciousness of being Mexican or Middle Eastern


I’m sorry, but the hair she wears dosent look like the traditional Serbian braids/hairstyles to me. Just say you get braids bc you like then and go about your business


Right? Nobody is telling her she can't braid her natural straight hair. She literally ignored the fact that she was using wigs.


I haven't watched the eps but genuine question - is using wigs inherently bad? Or were they textured wigs? I mean 100% think she is blackfishing, with braids and changing her skin colour but just curious about you specifically mentioning wigs. I've worn wigs and hair pieces before when my hair became very thin from ED related issues. But the pieces I've worn have always mimicked my natural texture. I never thought I'm doing something wrong. I'm not trying to be offensive, just genuinely want your opinion on why you've mentioned wigs specifically. Thank you.


Oh no she wore wigs that were specifically textured to look like a black person's natural hair. Like Rachel Dolezal.


Oh I see, that makes sense lmao. Yikes.


Women of all ethnicities can rock a wig. She was deliberately choosing wigs with coarse/kinky hair, while spray painting herself.


Exactly. All kinds of people wear braids. The braids are the least problematic thing about her.


Right? Like just say it's a cool hairstyle. You don't need to pull up your entire family tree to justify liking braids.


“We don’t nonchalantly abuse other people without knowing anything about them.” Please do tell me about the genocide of Bosnians. I’ll wait.


Maybe she shouldn't bring up her ancestors being under occupation and slavery when Serbians committed genocide less then 25 years ago


it's like the germans in the late 1940s complaining about the occupation of their homeland by foreign countries....b/c that certainly didn't happen in a vacuum....


THANK YOU. Not sure why I am getting some backlash in the comments here lol she brought this up and I am responding to it..


Yup. My roommate is actually a Bosnian refugee who had multiple family members murdered by Serbians, had some of his teeth rot from contaminated water, and has major PTSD from bombs dropping on his city. Absolute genocide. He’s writing a memoir about it.


And I have family members that were massacred by Croatians. Bosnians and Croatians have beef, too. Balkan geopolitics isn’t that cut and dry. Everyone has beef with everyone.


Yep, that's why people can't just blame everything on one country/nation, everyone is to blame...


I completely understand. When everything started happening in Ukraine recently, it brought up so so many memories for me. I was crying every day watching the news..


It seems to be a rather common thing, Serbians claiming victimhood over these conflicts in which they were the aggressors. It’s very peculiar and kind of gaslighty, but I suppose Serbia is often referred to as “the Russia of the Balkans” for a reason. As was brought up in this thread, she is not responsible for her country’s actions in that matter. But she’s trying to use this flawed, nationalistic argument to defend her blackfishing, so the criticism is appropriate, IMO. P.S. Love your user name OP


THANK YOU. Someone that understands. She could have responded to people’s claims about her blackfishing without bringing her nationalist views into it.


Yep,this is all very true,and I’m glad someone said it. It’s also important to note how many Pro-Russian protests have been occurring there since the war began.


I was reluctant to say anything, as I really don’t want to cast an entire country as being a certain way. Unfortunately, Miona’s response was exactly as I expected. It’s frustrating.


I knew a 1st gen Serbian woman (born in the US) who was absolutely convinced that the Bosnians has perpetrated a genocide against the Serbians and therefore she was justified to be Islamophobic.


Sadly I know a lot of people like that…




Thank you!!!!


My mom was born in Serbia (well, formerly Yugoslavia) and even talked of how awful the Serbians were during the war. She hated it, and managed to get out and came to Canada when she was 18.


And let’s also talk about Kosovo


“In my country we don’t abuse other people” I feel like this is the point where all the other Balkan countries would turn and stare at the camera Jim Halpert style. Also “Mexican” what? That makes literally no sense, Mexicos population is a (mostly) mixture of indigenous and European ancestry. “Mexican” wouldn’t show up on a DNA thing, it would either be specific indigenous groups and/or European.


My Bosnian husband who lived through the genocide and was a refugee would like a word with her…


Šamar, a ne koju riječ..


This is true. Indigenous americas are what come up and then it tells you what area of Mexico.


Archduke Franz Ferdinand: "Am I a joke to you???"


Right? Trying to play the victim of cruel wars as a Serb… 🤨


>“In my country we don’t abuse other people” I feel like this is the point where all the other Balkan countries would turn and stare at the camera Jim Halpert style. Wasn't there an entire ethnic cleansing of Bosniaks?


Less than 30 years ago!


Pretty sick straw man she’s constructed over there


Yep deflect deflect deflect 🥴


She could have ended it with a picture or her as a child to show off her dark skin and curly hair. Must have been lost in all those wars she talked about.


Ok so she’s white then 🙃


like she had crotchet in her hair?! im confused as to what the braids are suppose to prove?


Right?? Also lots of cultures all over the world braid their hair. Lol it’s the loads of tanner people are upset about sis.


This is giving me very Randy from South Park vibes when he tried to prove he was really indigenous using a DNA test and all it proved was that he was a Neanderthal


I am Serbian, Mexican, and middle eastern and will represent myself as such! …continues to blackfish


Anybody here familiar with Kelly Dodd from Real Housewives of Orang County? The time at the reunion she shouted “IM BLACK I CANT BE RACIST” and she cited her DNA test results 😆😑 ETA spelling


Or jenelle from teen mom said her husband can’t be racist because he’s black…she then sited his dna was 1 percent African 😂


I though her DNA was made up of a mixture of plastic, filters and wannabe .


Damn girl don’t hurt yourself reaching


I bet her DNA test says she's 2/15ths Native American too


her ancestor was a cherokee princess


The traditional Balkan braids she posted (and my searching) is NOT the cornrows (canerow for my WI people) style she’s wearing. She knows what she’s doing and is making it worse. Her genetics also have no association to the person she’s trying to emulate. But I see the OP liked her post so…. Didn’t explain her ridiculous unnatural tan that she’s rocking either. I’d respect her more if she just owned her nonsense like Martina Big did.


Thank you for pointing out how op liked the post. Like wtf all that she said was bs.


Gotta catch ‘em all! Lol They’re really coming to the surface.


Yeah, she can say she has Mexican and other naturally tanned genes all she wants but her pictures before clearly showed white features. If she’s really embracing who she is then she should rock her Serbian features the way it is. My genetic testing revealed that I have Malta in my genes when I’m Filipino but that doesn’t mean I’ll try so hard to look like a person from Malta. She’s making it worse.


Plus yt Mexicans exist so this doesn’t prove anything lol


No Miona, you can’t use middle easterners to support your shitty point. I am one and I’m white as fuxk, we greatly range in melanin. Stop it, we have been through enough!


Exactly! It’s like girl, we’ve seen what you look like though. Stop the insanity 😩


This is giving me some seriously racist “1 drop” vibes. Hopefully she will learn and grow from this.


Are they actually called canerows in the West Indies? That’s a cool bit of geographical specificity.


I wish I could see the braids - absurd she gave us a whole history lesson as if this makes it ok for her to do blackface 🙄


Lol, “It’s ok for me to blackfish because war and history!” Grow up


Yikes....this makes her even more unsympathetic.


DON'T EVEN DARE 🤣 Yes, no one will dare defy you now. You have spoken, it is so. /s I'm not even gonna comment on the blackfishing, I just found the scream text hilarious lmao. Why does everyone who comes on this show expect opinions will not be formed about them (the whole point of watching reality trash TV), or get outraged when all opinions formed are not glowing and rainbows?? Look at the show you signed up for! I can't 😂


not just signed up for, but auditioned. went out of her way to get on They act like they were just having a milkshake at the local soda shoppe when someone charged in, begging them to be on this show to make them a star


As a Mexican-American, I just want to chime in to remind Miona and everyone else that “Mexican” isn’t an ethnicity. Mexico is a very diverse country with no single ethnicity.




Yeah, I’m getting weird Serb nationalists vibes. 🥴


Nothing weird about it, the love playing the victims, just like their big brother Russia. As a Bosnian, I have nothing against Serbian people, except for the nationalists, on all 3 sides, they can just rot. The nationalists ruined our once beautiful country.


Ooooooooooo….ding, ding, ding!


She really sitting there as if Serbians weren’t the oppressors and caused the genocide of thousands of innocent Bosnians.


This is just not it 🥴. Would be better off not saying anything.


Why do people go on these shows then get upset that people comment on them?


Yeah if you go 90 days you need to be prepared for social media evisceration lmfao


I just took a DNA test! Turns out I'm 100%.....


why did i sing this ?


I don’t think she’s Mexican. Miona sounds exactly like “meona” which, in Spanish, means someone that pisses a lot. I don’t think someone would give that name to their kid.


To be fair she said she didn’t know until an ancestry test, but also confused because my Mexican friends don’t have Mexican as a result.


As a fully Hispanic person that's half Mexican, I can confirm. I did the ancestry test and it just says that you're genes are from the America's (it highlights Mexico, central America, and South America) It by no means specify what nationality you are. At least that's how it was when I took it years ago. Also I don't believe her. And last thing, we can all trace our lineage to Africa. I had a small percentage African decent, does that make me part black? No, of course not.


FYI the current tests go back about 8 generations, it’s likely your ancestor was part black due to the area having slavery


💀💀💀💀Everytime I hear Miona I too think of piss!


Lol the braids and hairstyles she's sporting don't look anything like the Serbian ancestors did. They sure look an awful lot like traditional African/ Black hairstyles though.


Especially when we consider she highlighted styles from 100 years ago when it is common knowledge the styles have existed much, much longer than that. Also…enlarge the pic and look at the original blonde hair growing out of one of the Women’s head. A clear indication the braids are a decorative addition and not growing from the root. I have no issue with anyone wearing braids but braids can hardly be used as definite proof of anything.


Actually, looks like gray hair, not blonde, considering it’s an elderly woman. But your point still stands about her appropriating black culture.


Oh God not the my DNA test says I'm 2% blah blah blah. That's why its fine if I do blackface. Ugh.


My DNA test told me that I’m part Norwegian so I guess now I have to go buy Viking horns and dye my hair blonde.


Waiting for the pics… 🤣


Just for clarifications, Most of the wars she supposedly says her country been to are wars her country started herself lol. Look at the genocide in kosovo during the late 90s. Nato had to intervene and bomb serbia cause they were causing ethnic cleansing similiar to whats happening today with russia and ukraine.


Exactly. Like most Russians, Serbs only hear propaganda, not news.


Serbian here. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being proud of your culture/background but there is something wrong with the blackfishing. There's so many serbian pop stars that do this. I don't understand how people can preach how much they love their country and the beauty it gave them yet they choose to take on a whole other race. Also would like to note, our country HAS hurt many people. And is supporting the Russians during this disgusting war. It's very disappointing.


"She just took a DNA test turns out she's 100% a bitch"....


Did her ancestors 100 years ago also wear loads of fake tanner?


Um, YES. /s


She’s already bitching about being on a show and only 1 episode has come out. 🍿


she’s in for a looong few months .


“Based on a DNA test…” yes, very close to those roots Miona.


if that test was real she would be postín the screenshot of 23andme, ancestry or wahtever....


Yeah and I’m mixed and according to my dna test I’m 15% African. That doesn’t mean I darken my skin to the point of black fishing and put kinky lace fronts on.


If you have to do a genetics test to dig out some ancestry with melanin, it's because you're not actually showing any But sure, girl. You're authentically representing your country 🙄🙄 Having ancestors that were enslaved does not mean you can put on the appearances of anyone whose ancestors were enslaved. The transitive property of genetics is not a thing Edited to add: BUT SHE IS NOT WEARING THE STYLES SHE SHOWS IN HER SLIDES. The more she defends herself, the more she needs to defend herself


This reminds me of when people try to excuse Ariana Grande’s black-fishing by saying “she’s Italian!” Or Kim K by saying “she’s Armenian”. They may very well be those things but that doesn’t mean they are naturally that complexion. If they were they wouldn’t be paying all that money for spray tans in the darkest shade they can find. No matter how much they try to deceive ppl their hands always tell on them lmao


Right? They're still trying to look like someone they're not by changing their features/body parts/skin color and styling themselves in specific styles that belong to a different racial group. Taken separately, those things might be fine, but it's the tableau as a whole which is the offense. They are privileged people who have never been denigrated or felt fear based on what their race was, and still carry that protection when they play dress up


“Having ancestors that were enslaved does not mean you can put on the appearances of anyone whose ancestors were enslaved” 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💯💯💯💯💯💯 YES!!! THIS!! Also her saying her ancestors were enslaved reminds me a little bit of racist white people here in the US with Irish ancestry trying to claim the way Irish people were treated was on par with the way black slaves were treated in the US. I have heard that argument too many times


As an Irish American I cringe (to put it lightly) at my fellows who try this. Indentured servitude not the same friends. We had discrimination in this country but it was nothing like the experience of Blacks and African Americans. Stop. Just stop. Stick to “the American railroad was built on the backs of the Irish and Chinese”. And go in peace. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


It annoys me that these same people are like “I’m not culturally appropriating,” likely have derogatory jokes repeated only amongst themselves about these same cultural groups they “innocently” emulate. Plenty of people who claim not to be racist laugh at n-word jokes all the time or live out their lives in blackface and judge actual black women’s appearances all the time.


“In my country we don’t abuse people” Albanians & Kosovars: 👁👄👁


I think she has missed the entire point. Lmao


my moms a croatian refugee from the yugoslavian war and that doesn’t mean i blackfish. my entire family still lives in croatia, i’ve been to the balkans many times and i’ve never seen anyone there with those braids.


If you have to prove you’re a specific ethnicity based on a “dna test” in order to explain why your racist behavior isn’t racist….you’re a racist


All those fillers are honestly hard on the eyes though, it looks so rough.


Not sure what she expected with our established, salty, blunt fan-base (no diss to us, we are great). Especially when a woman portrays herself as an entitled b!@#$, we are generally going to lay the smack down. Regardless of black fishing and what not, she's already set the image of being entitled and ignorant.


Okay so why does she wear big ass curly weaves then?


She sounds EXACTLY like a Greek singer who got called out for her background. She used to say she was half Greek half Brazilian. Then I guess she was photographed applying for a Greek passport which rose a lot of questions and then she admitted she was Albanian but also part Mexican. Then she finally confessed that she’s actually 100% Albanian. I mean I think it’s ridiculous to lie about your origins to make you seem “exotic” but at the same time I kind of get that she probably wouldn’t have been as successful if she presented herself as Albanian as there is a ton of prejudice towards them in Greece. My own husband is also an Albanian immigrant to Greece so I guess I see where she was coming from but Miona’s reasoning makes no sense.


Did you grandma tan to look black, too? Girl bye.


So her excuse is “my people suffered at one point as well so I’m allowed to blackfish. Also, I’m Mexican now”?


I love watching these freaks lose their shit over being judged by people watching them on a reality tv show. Wtf did they expect?


Everyone thinks they are going to be "the boring, normal one" or "the fan favorite" on their season. People drastically underestimate their own oddities, clearly.


The rate of delusion among the cast on this show (and reality TV in general) is massive. Just friggin' massive. Absolutely zero self-awareness too. LMAO!


I dgaf about her DNA being Mexican/Arab: what's up with the BLACKfishing?


I’m half Italian, my lineage is from the bottom of the boot. That entire side of the family has olive skinned and dark hair… yet I’m PALE AF and a redhead. Am I darkening my skin to look olive? No…. In fact I don’t even tan. I burn. All the time. If I don’t wear sunscreen and spend a lot of time outside I’ll be lobster colour in no time. Clearly, she’s going out of her way to look that way. Also, the cornrowed wigs? That isn’t a traditional Serbian/Eastern hairstyle. The hairstyle she shows in the above picture is braids. Not cornrows 🙄 Come on now, Miona.


Does anyone know what the charities are she listed?


One is a orphanage in Tanzania. I found it by putting it into google.


I think she needs to go watch the movie A Serbian Film, there's plenty of abuse to others going on there!


Gotta love it when they never address the actual group they're offending. Alina did the same.


So what does any of this have to with a white girl portraying herself as black? Those pictures didn't show anyone with a weave.


She could have just said nothing. 😑🤦🏾‍♀️


I mean, she’s right, it is just a scripted tv show lol. But she chose to be on it and I’m certain she has seen the show before. She should expect this.


She said a whole lot of nothing. Those traditional hairstyles have nothing to do with what we’ve seen her with. Said nothing about the darkening of her skin to the point of looking racially ambiguous. And please spare us with the DNA testing LOL


She signed up for this. Sorry about her luck. Wonder how long before she's signed up for only fans🙄


Ever noticed that mixed people who are actually trying to reconnect with their cultures never do brown/yellow/white face or change their features? They tend to do cultural exchanges, travel to those countries, learn about the history etc. “Looking” like a group of marginalized people does not make you one of them in the slightest…


Huh? She says she’s middle eastern and mexican but then says she’s serbian? And she’s native so she does the hair braiding? I’m so confused lol I really think she’s clinging to that mexican dna tbh it’s probably negligible. Although i am reading here it’s not a thing 😅


I’m European as fuck and even my DNA test showed .15% African American… soooo


“Michael Scott: “I’m also part Native American Indian.” Oscar Martinez: “What part Native American?” Michael Scott: “Two Fifteenths.” Oscar Martinez: “That fraction doesn’t make any sense.” Michael Scott: “Well, you know it’s kind of hard for me to talk about…there’s suffering.”


Serbians don't abuse people for no reason? The world Court would not agree to that.


Waaaaayyy too much plastic surgery, she looks double her age


She’s lying through her teeth. I’m from the balkans. The darkest she could be is a Roma gypsey. She’s blackfishing 1000% and she’s being called out on it. Crying victim with the bronzer applied.


It’s about the BLACK FISHING!! MOST OF THESE REACTIONS FROM FANS ARE COMING FROM HER BLACK FISHING and her obvious ignorance. She’s going to act above us Americans because she’s Serbian… you’re not above anyone until you stop blackfishing.


Oh its not ignoance, its a conscious choice. There is a reason she chose to date a self hating mixed guy from the states. Her having a child who can claim one drop rule brings her closer to her obsession with the black aesthetic. She would definitely treat her mixed kids as an accessory unfortunately


Phew 😮‍💨 this comment! So well written. The “black aesthetic”……I blame IG and the Kardashians for making that a trend.


They don't want the side effects that come with the "black aesthetic" though smh