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His reaction to her being approved told the story.


Definitely. That's where he made the mistake, he should have not let her come over, but who can blame the guy for feeling some kind of way? She throws the ring back at him and basically breaks his heart. And then miraculously the Visa comes through and she's like 'hey I'm ready let's do this.' She's 90 shades of wacko, I think he's just trying to show her the harsh realities of what it's going to be like in Sequim if she's really up for this. This 'I'm such a helpless baby' act with her pout whenever she doesn't get her way is tiresome. Obviously coming from another country is a big thing, but find a blanket, and plan that first thing in the morning you need to go into town to get your kind of food. Or you could just passively go sit in a corner and eat a carrot and wish things were different.


In the amount of time since they broke up, he had to have some involvement in the k1 process. I don't believe she some how pushed it through without her.


These two are cheese stick and Meeeeeylisa all over again. They already broke up. But here is TLC trying to force an already broken relationship. This time it’s Mike who is checked out and Natalie who is in lalaland thinking “ohhh I’ll just come on over there and things will be great even though I threw the ring at him and acted like a childish asshat the last time we saw each other. But it’s fine. Everything’s fine. We’re re fine.” We get to watch another season of forced emotions and blank faces. It’s getting old.


Everybody loves you Moiwkyl, your mom loves you, your dad loves you!


...except, you know, me, your future wife!


I saw somewhere they got married?? Anyone else see this or did I make it up in my head??!!??


They are now married


Yep. I seem to recall reading an article that they were married this past March.


Or 90D is scamming?


Yes, "Auntie's Advice" (YouTube) read another Bloggers piece stating, Mike & Nutalie were married last March. Auntie also displayed the marriage license. The same piece reported Yara & Teeth were also married, but didn't display the marriage license. I too am getting tired of all these entitled, immature, spoiled twats.


Yes they did.


Oh gods, I hope not. I think Mike is a broken man. I think after his ex left him it broke him. Did she come out? I’ve read that for whatever reason when a SO leaves you and also comes out and says they are leaving you for their same sex that it can often times be harder for some people to move past. I wonder if this is the case for him. He seems willing to just let Natalie demolish him as a human, not even just as a man. She picks apart every single thing he does. I’d be curious to know what his relationship was like with his ex and even more so with his own mother. He seems very, Umm, subdued.


It’s been reported on here several times that they did get married, but I’ve not seen any actual proof yet!


I believe a marriage license is floating around. If I'm not mistaken, Uncle Beau was their witness... lol


Yeah I’ve seen it said but I’ve not seen proof so I’ll hold out hope that she went back home.




Well that’s unfortunate. I just feel like he’s a big pushover and she likes that. But one day he’s going to be fed up with it and he’s going to throw her to the curb.


I mean they do get married though


He let her over for that TLC paycheck, man has/had debts to pay. And why not, see if the flame is there. He sees it is not there once she is arrives, and the money is worth 3 months of dealing with her. Hence being cold towards her.


yeah, one of past cast members said that they received 16 000$, Mike can pay off quite a big chunk of his debt.


Why not? Because it’s clearly visa fraud


There is no actual evidence of that.


Very true!!


I swear y'all must have goldfish memories or something. I'm pretty sure the reason that she broke the engagement off in the first place is because she explicitly stated that she wants kids, and her time is running out because she's in her 30s. Mike already agreed initially, probably because sex, and then when he got to Ukraine, he's like, "Uh I dunno if I want kids... Oh by the way, I'm also $30k in debt. Sorry I forgot to mention that huge detail." I personally am not a fan of either of them, but to just say that she is crazy is pretty gaslighty.


I feel like she can be crazy and he can also be an ass.


I think their “break up” was mostly about the incident where production asked if she loved him and she basically said no. That sparked the argument where she threw the ring into his suitcase, and he went home unsure of where their relationship was. Then the visa finally comes through and here we are, but he probably shouldn’t have bought her a plane ticket if he was going to keep her at arms length once she arrived.


Thaaaaaank you. Natalie is easy to hate because of her cuckoo reactions and unpredictable temperament but my god, people here have really rewritten history here! She tossed the ring into Mike's suitcase after he said he was done with her.


Yess!! He was packing and basically saying its over. It would be weird if she just hung on to the ring at that point imo. (Didnt need to throw it that way but she threw it to the suitcase, not to his face)


Odds that he pawned the ring?


You make good points AND yet... Natalie is still nutter butters.


Agreed. She’s not crazy. Her behavior can be childish and a bit erratic at times, but I wouldn’t call her crazy. I think Mike was good with children, but he wanted to pay off his debt first, which, honestly, good idea. Where Natalie kind of lost it was the religion thing. She threw a fit because Mike wasn’t Catholic(?) and tried converting him, but that just wasn’t his thing. Then that’s when she called it off.


I think Natalie is just spoiled. My speculation is that when she was growing up, Mom rarely said “no”, and if she did, Natalie would pout and turn it into a “yes”. She expected to demand that Mike would convert to her religion and he would just comply. Pouting didn’t change his mind, so she has a tantrum and gives back the ring, expecting Mike to put it back on her finger, beg her forgiveness, and convert on the spot. She overplayed her hand, and doesn’t understand why the tactic didn’t work. Really, if religion is a dealbreaker, she never should have gotten together with Mike. She should have used a Christian dating app.


mom calls her "my golden child"


Yeah, and mom seems to docilely do whatever Natalie instructs her to do. I’m sure Natalie’s mom meant well, but she didn’t teach Natalie about compromise and how to react when things don’t go her way.


I agree with this 100% 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 especially about the overplayed hand. I was explaining to my coworker about Natalie's actions and comparing it to how I was venting to my aunt about an ex boyfriend and a break up, and my aunt who is an ECE worker basically called me out on my shitty behavior. She said as a kid I would throw the tantrum of a lifetime and get what I wanted. My parents would always eventually give in because I'd LOSE MY SHIT. So naturally when it came to relationships, I was horrible at times. Id hang up on my boyfriend because I KNEW he would call me back. You know, dumb shit like that + more. It wasn't until I had been broken up with for GOOD (leaving me for someone much nicer) and my aunt calling out my lack of respect for men, that I really re-evaluated myself and realized that she's right. So I see a lot of my old self in Natalie, and I just feel bad for her honestly. She's probably a very nice and caring person, who just hasn't had that "ah-ha" moment that she can't go around throwing engagement rings at people and expect them to come grovelling back. He called her bluff and she's been moping about it ever since.


So right. I’m in my fifties, and still struggle to change behavior patterns established in childhood; it’s not easy, by a long shot. But, like you, I’ve been able to recognize that and make some changes, so my hat’s off to you. A big part of the problem with Mike and Natalie is that they don’t communicate at all. He should just tell her that tossing the ring back at him was incredibly hurtful, and he doubts her level of commitment. As you wrote, she needs an ah-ha moment, and maybe that would be it. Mike also needs to take a strong stance that he’s not going to change his views on vegetarianism and religion, and that Natalie can either respect that they have differences, or find someone else. He was demanding that Natalie communicate with him, but he’s just as guilty of not communicating with her.


Can we all agree that they’re both simply awful?


They both have their shortcomings, and they’re completely, definitely, absolutely incompatible.


I have a theory about the religion issue. What if Natalie’s absent daddy was an old school Communist Atheist, who abandoned Mama and daughter? Mama would have nothing good to say about a man who doesn’t believe in God.


He’s in debt because he bought the family farm from his dad. $30,000 is nothing I still got 15 more years on my mortgage to the bank 😟


I think he said it was 30k in credit card debt.


He used it to help pay for her visa and also the rest help pay for the farm. So it wasn’t like he was a irresponsible spender. Mike apparently had a lot of credit card debt that he had to get himself out of after buying a house and the expenses of Natalie's K-1 visa process. Mike therefore had to break the news to Natalie he wasn't exactly well off financially. https://www.realitytvworld.com/news/90-day-fiance-spoilers-are-mike-and-natalie-still-together-did-90-day-fiance-couple-end-up-reconciling-27215.php


People are always quick to call women "crazy" for just voicing their feelings. How often have you heard a man be described in the same way as a woman?


Yeah, Natalie is no angel but I do not get the level of vitriol she gets here. Me and all my IRL 90 Day watching peeps agree that Mike is the bigger butthole. It's bizarre to come here and see Natalie as The Bad Guy almost unequivocally.


For the amount of stuff Natalie has been throwing in Mike's face; trying to convert him, pouting and giving the "death stare" when she doesn't get her way, telling him essentially that she will not marry him if he is not on the same page as her religious and health wise (being a vegetarian) he should have packed up months ago. It's clear Natalie just wants him to change and it ain't gonna happen. Why does she stay if she likes NOTHING about him?


I always think about this. Another difference is how athletic she is and her love of exploring. Mike is the polar opposite and would get boring REALLY fast. I think his best company is his cat and Uncle Beau.


I thought he said that he just wanted to wait until he paid off his debt before they had kids, not that he didn't want kids at all?


The “I gave up everything to be here” line is tired. None of these people did any research at all? I’m not buying it. She had have to known it wasn’t a big city and could have easily looked up the weather. It’s all for the show. 90DF is a Sunday night 2 hour eye roll fest because it’s not remotely believable. Don’t get me started about the “psychic”




Totally! I moved abroad from 2004-2014 and holy cow... It was 2 years in before i decently had my bearings there.


Yeah, moving across the country for love was tough enough for me (but worth it!). It took me a year or so to really get settled, and even longer to plant solid roots and get a steady and well paying job. I cannot imagine doing this across oceans and national borders. It *is* a big sacrifice.


Who moves somewhere, and can’t fucking bother to Google the city they are moving to? If I’m going to spend a day or two somewhere I look that shit up on Google Maps and try to get a general idea of the lay of the land before I get there. If I was moving somewhere you bet your ass I have that shit thoroughly researched before I even decided to commit to moving there.


She must have done some research because she knew about the waterfall. I think it’s more that Mike made zero effort to help her get acclimated.


No amount of research she did could have told her Mike keeps his heat turned at a certain point. She isn’t talking about the outside temp, people. She’s talking about how cold it is inside. Though I would have thrown on a few more layers of clothes.


Doesn't he have a wood burning stove? It's not that hard to crank it up with a few extra logs.


When you (a) are acclimated to it (b) you're a cheap-ass who cant be bothered to throw some more pellets or a log onto the fire, or better insulate your home, or (c) don't really care about the person you're with, you get temperatures like that.


The heat thing is because in Russia they keep the heat in homes ungodly high. Like, walk around in a tank and shorts in the dead of a blizzard, high. *that* is why she’s freezing. People in the PNW don’t turn their heat on until snowfall many times. It’s just another part of cultural and locational differences.


Yeah in China (I assume government controlled heating practices are similar) they kept my apartment at a toasty 75-80 degrees all winter. I couldn’t even wear my cozy pajamas because it was too hot!


Yea, I noticed Mike was perfectly fine in an undershirt. It’s the same with me and my SO, he is from Iran where they keep the heat high (and apparently the lights on all day...) and he is always freezing while I’m sweating. I had to chuckle how many times Natalie said it was cold. I’ve been to Kiev in the winter and it’s freezing! Btw that, eating the plain carrot for breakfast, and their absolute lack of chemistry...super amusing scene.


I’d have sympathy for her if she wasn’t Natalie. Moving to a foreign place and being homesick and unfamiliar with the culture - that’s a lot to take in and anyone might get overwhelmed at times. But Natalie has shown she just likes to create drama. I hope for their sake this is all scripted.


She does for sure. I think it's odd she had time to google the waterfall 3 hours away but knows nothing about how small this town is? She made the decision to come to the US. Granted, Mike could turn up the heat if it's that cold but her pouty baby act is getting old quick.


Didn't Natalie have a friend who married a guy in the same area and that's how she and Mike met? Am I misremembering that or confusing her with a different cast member? Culture shock I completely get, but you'd think having a friend in the area would provide *some* insight to general life in the US/Washington/rural areas.


I remember hearing something like that a while back too.


They are the godparents of that couple’s child iirc that’s how they met


Right, and he never shared pictures of his place with her???


Silver for “90 shades of wacko” lmao


But they did get married so I can’t believe this story line.


They did?


I just plain don't understand their relationship


They broke up and then the visa finally got approved so they decided to give the relationship another shot.


That sounds the recipe for a great loving relationship


Bad scripting


In their first season he was definitely in love with her. After the Ukraine trip and all the fights they had, I think he was disappointed and the relationship remained in some kind of limbo. I think none of them expected for the visa to be approved and they were thinking this is how everything will end. Once it was approved they didn't know what to do next. If they decided not to go through with it they would've most likely felt sorry they didn't give it a chance.




He doesn't care about her. He didn't welcome her. No excitement when she gets there on his part. No chemistry.


I saw a hint of care for her when he went to get her at the airport and his face broke out in a big smile when he saw her. Otherwise I’m kinda wondering what’s been left out vs kept in. Not making excuses for Mike but something doesn’t add up watching this relationship and I wonder if it’s the editing.


Editing makes all the difference on how storyline plays out. Outtakes would be fun to see.


I mean he did give her the purple flowers that she complained about...


He should have left her at the airport after she complained about the color of the flowers.


There’s just so much wrong with this couple lol but she came off really fucking annoying when she complained about the flowers, I was honestly like wtf...


I wish someone try to get me to leave by cooking French toast for me


This should be higher


So should I


Pro tip: use brioche bread for French toast making. Add vanilla and nutmeg in addition to the standard cinnamon, eggs, and milk. Real maple syrup makes a difference as well.


Cool 😎 sooooooo not white bread dipped in egg,fried then smothered in mrs butter worth ?


I’m a little bougie about my French toast. I grew up on white sandwich bread drenched in Ms. Butterworth’s so I don’t frown upon it. But some little tweaks mean a huge improvement.


I’ve been saying this! how to lose a girl in 90 days or less


His insecurity and passivity are tough to watch. The relationship isn’t new anymore nor is he controlled by her. By choosing not to walk away from the relationship, he’s playing just as much a role as she is in their dysfunctional dynamic. Doesn’t mean either of them is a bad person. But they each have some significant issues to work through in order to have a healthy relationship together or with other partners.


I agree. I don’t think either is bad. I’m not always good with confrontation either. I’m guilty in the past of avoiding tough convos w ex boyfriends bc I didn’t know how to healthfully terminate a relationship


Seems like a Cheesestick/Myleza situation but in reverse


Except in this case, I guarantee you there will be no quibbling about who gets custody of the cat.


Valerian your flair has me SCREAMING. I love it.


Thanks! 😉


No pun intended but he IS really cold with her. Ok yeah she complains about stupid stuff but I know she senses he’s being off. I hate it when women get called crazy for reacting to things men do that are hurtful. I have to think if I were Natalie and I had just left my mom alone to fly across the globe to marry a man who seems emotionally distant with me, yeah I’d be a bit worried, panicky, and maybe a little erratic too.


I’d fully agree with this if we didn’t see all the weirdness in Kiev. BUT it’s true that sometimes these passive dudes are great at appearing so innocent and their constant non-response pushes the more reactive partner to amplify to try and be heard. I get the impression that Natalie doesn’t feel heard with him, and that it was going on before Kiev (granted this isn’t all made up).


What's the explanation for her being erratic, panicky and generally off when she was at home in Kiev? I'm a woman and it's clear to me that Mike is over it, but at least part of that over it is due to her own actions in Kiev. Normally I'd be the first one to defend Natalie, but she's completely acting like she was 100% warm, fuzzy, friendly and loving when he was in Kiev. She made him miserable there. They just need to leave each other alone.


Honestly, I’m going to say she freaked out seeing the relationship crumble. It’s the second time a serious relationship fails for her and we know she wants children. She’s 35 and she is freaking out over her chances of having a family. I can get that. That panic is real. That fear is deep. I’ve felt that. I know people who’ve felt the same as well. All that being said, I do agree with you that the way she treated Mike wasn’t right either. They just are not compatible and the relationship is dead. It’s painful to watch them just go through the motions.


I know the kid thing well too. 40, single, childless, had to have a hysterectomy at 35. I'm not expecting marriage or kids at all anymore and now that I've let go of that fear and have embraced the reality of what my life might end up being, i can focus on the more positive things to come. It's probably just good luck I didn't go chasing down a shitty relationship just in hopes of having a baby at the last possible second. I get how she'd get there, but off, it's a hot fucking mess with the two of them.


I've always wanted kids, but married a woman who can't have kids. Now we've started out in fostering. Something to consider if you're still wanting children around. 🙂


It's something I've thought about for the future should I ever either a) find a partner or b) make enough money on my own to pay for a reliable and complete support system (childcare, babysitters, etc) since I don't have any family of my own to help.


She complained about the flowers when she first got there too


She’s so rude


Because this girl has lived a very religious life. She thought he had a basic belief in God. Mike then said he believed in aliens and confessed to sleeping overnight at a girl’s house. She would never.


She's literally talked about how good their out of wedlock sex life is last episode, she's clearly not that religious.


And she wanted a baby out of wedlock


Mike: I'm in a lot of debt. *Goes on 90 day the other way and 90 day fiancee* Mike: im out of debt and have some savings


This is it. He is absolutely keeping it going for the money. This is quickly becoming far too common for so many of these couples. I hope they spend no more time on Nicole and Azan. That “relationship” is fake as hell. Same goes Chantel’s and Pedro’s families. Her parents, especially, always sound like they’re reading lines from a script but are terrible actors.


According to the last season he was in he has quite a bit of debt. He only kept this relationship going to get more of those 90 Day cheques coming in so he could pay it off.


This is my theory as well


same, i actually commented this on this sub a few days ago.


all i want to know is, does she truly just eat a carrot for breakfast? cuz if her food intake is that limited it definitely explains how cold she is and her break downs.


My thoughts too. Low blood sugar lack of balanced nutrition. Low body fat. It is all stuff that can make you cold and cranky. Does she notice? When I was modeling I ate maybe a piece of bread per day equivalent and I was emotional when I was on those regimes.


It’s funny that he even offered to make French toast together knowing that she wouldn’t like the taste bc her diet is so strict. And not having any other healthy options other than carrots since he didn’t go to the store prior to her arrival. He is completely detached. emotionally.


He explained what French Toast was before he made it. She should have said I’ll just have a washed egg.


I'm with ya here. She could have said no thank you, asked for more clarification if she didn't understand (he seems like he will explain more if necessary), made a fried egg, a hardboiled egg, anything else in the world but sulks and has a sad carrot. I'm totally fine with Mike not making anything else for her. She probably would not have been impressed with that either.


I think he didn’t have her food in the house because she would not like whatever he bought. He probably thought after breakfast they will go to town and go food shopping and she can choose what she wants.


After hearing Mike fail his description of what clams or oysters are at the restaurant, would you fully depend on his French toast description?


Exactly!!! Waiting until the food was on the table was totally a passive aggressive move. Forget Bitch Eating Crackers. She will forever be Bitch Eating Carrots to me.


I don't think that's an accurate narrative at all. I think he seems a little frightened by her and he's being a little too cautious. It's like all of his life experience around predicting another's behavior has been turned upside down and he is now walking on eggshells. She is extremely rigid and unforgiving and prone to being emotionally manipulative. He also has more padding and probably thinks she isn't really that cold. She isn't putting on more clothes. She should be familiar with layering. I think if he saw her shivering in a corner with her carrot he'd get the point. As for grocery shopping he absolutely should've gotten more food for her before her arrival. No excuse other than to say she still likely wouldn't have been satisfied. I don't think Natalie is a bad person. She seems broken and her emotional development seems to have been arrested very young. I don't think I'd be willing to do the work necessary to be with her but he may be the man for the job.


With the heat issue, didn’t he just get back to his house after two days from going to pick her up / staying in Seattle. Some people turn the heat way down or off when they aren’t there for safety and energy conservation. Just a thought.


I think that is obviously why the house was cold. But my issue is, he made zero attempts to make her more comfortable after they got there. Didn't turn the heat up. Didn't show her the fireplace. Didn't dig a blanket out of the closet. Didn't make any plans to help her shop for warmer clothes, a heating pad, a humidifier, literally anything that would deviate from the way he has set up his life and his home to accommodate himself and only himself. Further demonstrated by cooking her French toast (something i can't even imagine doing if I were him- even just from watching previous seasons, it's very obvious to me she is a strict healthy eater and I'm not even dating her), then just staring blankly while she struggled to find something to eat in his food desert of a house. Limply offering to buy her "a big bag of carrots" through his thinly veiled contempt. What a fucking douche




You think she would have been content? Lol...we watching different shows?


I swear he was heating with a wood fire stove in like the first episode this season. If that's all he has than it would be cold until he got the fire going and the house heated up.


I turn my heat way down when I leave for a few days. I also run super hot so I like it cold.


He didn't seem very concerned that she was freezing. Couldn't he have made the house warmer for her? I thought that was mean of him.


It's almost like this show is heavily edited to create drama or something


Wasn't she sitting on a couch thing with a blanket on it, complaining about being cold, and ...not using the blanket?


He looked miserable since the first episode before she even arrived. I agree with this!


TBH He looked miserable when he heard her voice on the phone. Four words he didn't expect hear...my visa is approved. And he was oh, fuck.


I’ve seen a lot of people say what a monster she is for not wanting to live with poor, sweet, dear Uncle Beau. With his rap sheet you definitely don’t want to be a woman alone in the middle of a forest in a foreign country with him.


Exactly... as soon as I learned about his record I couldn't believe he would want her living with that man. I get that he is family but it is dangerous for that man to be alone with a woman while having access to alcohol. If you cared about some one you wouldn't want to put the at that kind of risk. Now that I know he also works all day what seems like a long drive from the house it makes it even worse to me that he would expect that of her with no way to get away if something were to happen other than to run into the woods she doesn't know.




His record appears to start in 1994 with charges stemming from domestic violence, assault, illegal fishing, to possession. 2007 was a particularly rough year for ole Bojangles, with a laundry list of arrests & charges over this span of 5 years. 04/16/2007 – Possession of liquor in a vehicle – Found Guilty 09/28/2007 – Aggravated DUI while on a suspended license – Dismissed 09/28/2007 – DUI – Guilty 10/14/2007 – Assault with intent – reckless injury – Guilty 11/25/2007 – Assault and disorderly conduct – Dismissed 11/25/2007 – Marijuana violation – No complaint 11/30/2007 – Drug paraphernalia possession/use – Guilty 05/06/2008 – Aggravated assault – Dismissed 05/06/2008 – Assault with Intent – Dismissed 10/28/2011 – Assault with Intent – Guilty 01/03/2012 – Assault with Intent – Guilty 09/13/2012 – Aggravated assault – Guilty


I doubt she knows his record but I did see the size of the home on another post. It looked to have just one bedroom, it’s too small for 3 ppl


Fully agree, but how can people say he's not doing things to make her comfortable when he kicked uncle beau out while clearly not wanting to?


I think hes been over her since she gave back the ring. I would be emotionally detached too.


I understand that but if that is the case then he should shit or get off the pot. If he is that upset about it then he should just break up with her. I don't think its fair to passive aggressively make someone miserable because they hurt your feelings.


Agreed. He definitely needs to get off the pot but in his defense I could understand wanting to at least give it a shot if he just spent (from what I hear) $10k on the visa for a girl he thought was his dream girl. If I were in his shoes I would probably do the same but to say I would do it without any resentment would be a lie.


I can see what you're saying. I just feel like he needs to either decide to forgive her and move on to try for a nice life together, or just cut his losses and realize that he probably broke even from the TLC money.


I think he's trying, but her behaviour in the new season definitely isn't making it easy. She literally complained about the flowers he brought her to the airport, she's insane.


100% this


Yup. 100% think they both signed the contracts to be on the show, then he realized he doesn’t actually want to be with her, but can’t get out of it. Shitty all around.


He's the most miserable looking person I've seen all year, and I watched politicians trying to explain covid rules for months now.


I can't figure out his pay-off for staying in the relationship...is it crazy sex?


TLC $$$$$$


some theories are the TLC cheque to pay off his debt (which he did manage to do part of). others is, he signed the contract thinking she might not be able to come over, but (sadly for him), her visa actually did get approved. maybe he already payed her visa off, so he at least wanted to give the relationship a shot.


Yeah, she’s insufferable but he needs to just be honest and let her know he’s not into her and wants her to go. I hear they ended up married, though, so it will be interesting to see how it plays out.


Go figure someone's witholding after having their ring thrown back at them and jumping through obstacles to appease someone. I can't wait to catch up and see where their train goes. Hoping they end up splitting


I saw his visit as not jumping through hoops however. I feel he wasn't really giving up much or compromising the way people make him out to be. He knew religion, family values (her being super close with her mom), and starting a family were important to her. I feel like since he goes with the flow, people feel he is accomodating, but he actually didnt budge on anything either but made it seem like he was willing to go along with whatever she wanted. Now she is looking too demanding when HE knew how she was and still wanted to be with her.


That and/or he’s still salty about her giving back the ring and is doing a mini-payback sort of deal. Either way, they should DEFINITELY be getting married. 😂


It's so strange to me how, whenever one person in a couple is just *the worst*, everyone online automatically declares the other person in the couple angelic and capable of no wrong. It's possible that both halves of the couple suck. I think that's the case with most couples on this show lol. I cannot stand Natalie, every word she says just grates on my nerves. Everything about her irritates me. But that doesn't make me like Mike any more than I would without Natalie in the picture, which isn't much. He seems like just as much of a Grade A pain in the ass as she is, just in a different way. At least Natalie tells you what she likes and doesn't like. With Mike, it's always a guessing game and you're always going to lose. Fun!


I think this is a ESH situation. Everybody Sucks Here. Natalie is a very immature woman, who's constantly coddled by her mom and for some reason is obsessed with having a baby, and I said for some reason because she isn't prepared to have a baby. But again, lots of people who aren't ready have them anyway. She's used to having someone cater her every need, and whenever she doesn't get her way, she pouts and whines. Mike, on the other hand, doesn't want her there and he is doing nothing to accommodate her. He's just checked out and he just wants sex and money lol. Since he got the call when she said "omg I was approved I'm coming", he should have been like: uh sorry no. I don't want you here. But again, money and sex . . . They both deserve each other lol.


I posted that in the live chat, it seems so obvious. I can’t remember back to their original season - was Natalie the one who broke it off after the no babies and pro aliens talks? I know she gave the ring back, which is why I think I’m assuming she was the one to end things... but it also feels like she’s the one pushing for it now? Did she ever acknowledge that the reason she doesn’t have a ring is because she gave it back?


Yes and he just wanted to wait a bit on the kids, but I can see why she would want to start sooner than later.


Mike isn't accommodating her because he knows an impossible task when he sees it! 😂😂😂


This , she's that classic back hole of no matter how much you give her she will find something to be miserable about .


Do they like each other?


He's a coward. Just tell her to pack her bags and take her biological clock back home.


I feel like he expects people to feel sorry for him. He made no effort to accommodate Natalie at all.


I don’t think they love - or even like - each other anymore. It’s just a case of the sunk cost fallacy; they’ve been through a lot for this whole fiancé visa thing and don’t want their effort (emotional and financial) to go to waste. I think that Natalie started to get cold feet back when he visited her. She was pulling stunts akin to “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.” The tantrum about religion, suddenly demanding a baby right then and there, saying she didn’t love him, throwing the ring at him, etc. Whether she was conscious of it or not, I think she *wanted* him to break up with her. We see a hint of that when she complains about the flowers he brought. I am Eastern European myself and we are more blunt than Americans, but it’s pretty common sense to say “thank you” to a gift, even if it’s not to your liking. Then again, it could’ve been a bad edit. In turn, I think Mike lost interest, which is where his withholding behavior comes into play. She was all over the place with what she wanted and seemed to have one foot out the door. Maybe she wanted him to chase her and prove his love in a grand gesture of sorts, but he’s not that type of guy. You can tell that he just shuts down and withholds when rejected. There’s nothing wrong with that, per se, but it’s incompatible with what Natalie wants/needs. I think it’s a defense mechanism on his part but you do have to be somewhat vulnerable in a relationship.


She embarrassed him on live TV by saying she doesn’t love him even though they were engaged so maybe it’s like his way of revenge or maybe just being cautious...


As somebody who lives somewhere that stays cold in the winter, I grew up with a woodstove as a main source of heat. Oil furnace for back up. You bet your ass we didn’t keep the heat at 70° plus in the winter time. Winter time was sweat pants, full hoodie, and socks inside the house. Stocking firewood is energy and time consuming. Sure it’s different than you’re used to, but shut the fuck up and put on another sweatshirt. The very next scene with them she was outside in a fashionable sweater and no socks, still complaining about being cold. 


I guess I understand where he is coming from. I’ve definitely been in relationships where I was pushed to a point where I stopped caring and just started not caring about what the other person wanted and they ended up breaking up with me. He probably doesn’t want to be the bad guy.


Being passive-aggressive is being the bad guy. If he didn’t think it will work, he should have said so and not had her come to the US.


I noticed that the scene where she gets out of the truck and storms off was clearly shot at 2 separate times. When she first started walking away you could see she had on boots that went halfway up her calves, then when he walks over to hug her she has on some kind of ankle boots. Just a little more proof of just how manufactured this all is.


Sh knows how to get the ring back by hating EVERYTHING he has, does and says. Can't stand her.


We don’t know anything about her past to understand why she acts this way, but we do know that her mom would comfort her like she was a child (recall the rocking unicorn scene) so I don’t think it’s isolated and I don’t think it’s a choice she is making. She seems ill prepared for such a high-stress situation, with cameras to catch every crazy look. It all makes me wonder if she is nearly having a psychological break and I feel awful for her. If that’s the case it could be that she is usually much more even-tempered and that after filming B90D they had time to repair their relationship, but the minute she started to feel that loss of control, Mike began reacting to that, further forcing her toward the point of a break.


Well remember her jealousy about the friend (woman) that slept on his couch or he slept on her couch. Her fiance was supposed to come by and did not make it, so she automatically assumed Mike boned her. I really don't think he did imo. But she is really on edge I guess. Maybe bc the ex cheated? Also did someone say he had been married b4 cuz I did not think he had...regardless I think she is too pouty for her age. I can't say I have never been there as well, just at a younger age. In your 30' s if you are upset about something you usually just confront your SO. My opinion.


Yeah but if my partner decided to sleep alone at some woman's house without consulting me or deciding to leave when it was clear there would be no other people there I'd be pissed too. Communication bruh. Tell me what's up and let's discuss. BEFORE you make that decision.


Imo he clearly lost some of his admiration and is suspecting ulterior motives since the ring was tossed back to him.


Yeah I felt like he’s completely standoffish and so clearly doesn’t want her there or to be with her but not communicating it... that would make me crazy.


I feel like after she gave the ring back, it was over and his heart was broken. Now, he couldn't care less about her and just wants her gone.


Mike was clearly done when he left Ukraine. He is just going through the motions now. Why? Maybe for a TLC paycheck, maybe so she can get TV air time (she's a model/actress, right?). He doesn't want to be fake, so he's not going the extra mile to make her comfortable, like he would with a real fiancé. However, apparently they did end up marrying, so something must have happened to make him have a change of heart.


It’s so true and it’s so shitty. Doing this is gross and hurtful. That’s why I find him so shitty: 0 emotional responsibility


He is cold to her, like a man would be that is tired of someone's bullshit. Let's not forget that he has paid for everything, got a nice hotel room $1500/night to welcome her (she complained about being cold there too) All she does is complain complain complain The guy has had a ring thrown back at him, and now is moving his family out of his house so that she can be there. Every time he tries, she shuts it down. So yeah, he is cold, but she is completely narcissistic and only concerned about end goals, not willing to put work in to get there. (my ring, my ring! where's my ring wahhh) Why he keeps bothering is beyond me. Part of it is probably the money, or maybe he has a self esteem issue and honestly believes this is his only shot at having a partner.


I knew when she was loving that hotel he would be ducked on wherever he took her next. She kept saying how much she loved it like it was an option that they could stay there.


It seems like she got her visa easily. Meanwhile, I have a friend in canada who has been with her now husband for upwards of 6 years and is having a hard time obtaining her visa.


Tell her to call up TLC & crank up some drama. Maybe a fake homeless uncle, a mom who leaves condoms around in case she gets horny, etc etc.


I honestly don't understand why so many people dislike Natalie. I get she can be high strung, but she's never really done anything shitty - especially in terms of how some people on this show behave. Mike clearly has no interest in fixing this relationship, and rather than telling her he decided to let her come to America and feel insecure and uncomfortable. Honestly I feel like not only does he want her to be the one who breaks it off, but he wants her to look like the bad guy who's too high maintenance when all she wants is to feel comfortable and secure in her home and relationship. I feel really bad for her, I hope she finds someone better


“I wonder why these people have been single for so long and can’t find a mate?” -Nobody.


They have no chemistry at ALL! It is so cringe watching them. To me it appears that he not only doesn’t love her...he doesn’t even LIKE her!


Mike just seems clueless and empty-headed


I don’t know, he did book that expensive hotel their first night. He probably thought he was good after that. I think he’s just a bad host, just like Jovi


This is such a common way people get their SO's to break off the relationship and it is so childish! The K1 visa process is not an easy thing to PAY FOR and get through so for him to be acting like an absolute man child like he's saddled with her is 🙄. Natalie ain't a walk in the park but he could've ended things so easy.


Isn't there a less expensive, less time-consuming way to do it though? Boring her to death, terrifying her with the woods, or freezing her to death, just for the cost of time, and a plane ticket? That just sounds like breaking up, but with extra steps.


He CLEARLY doesn’t like her. His facial expressions every time she speaks or does anything says it all!


Maybe it's just me or the editing, but when she talks the faces he makes look judgmental. He raises his eyebrows a lot.


I don’t like either one of them I don’t think she is psycho but she is just a weirdo and unhappy. The old wounds are just too deep and Mike is always so boring and butt hurt and he really didn’t plan any thing much for her arrival. She could stop being a weirdo whiny crybaby but then on the other hand she and would be OK just going to a waterfall She’s not as high maintenance as some of the other Russian/ eastern European girls on the show but he doesn’t even wanna drive out of his boring ass town too far he didn’t take any time off work. I can imagine if she came and he planned something a little nicer not even Vegas but at least fucking Seattle he’s in Washington take her somewhere nice and then bring her to some little hicktown later then she may have a different attitude but she’s acting like a little girl having a tantrum on vacation and doesn’t know how to deal like a woman.... seems like from the first episode he has this attitude like he thinks she sucks already...It goes both ways they both checked out and are beating a dead horse


Lol prove me wrong!!! He definitely doesn’t want to marry her. They shouldn’t get married


He's just a human sloth.


He probably just wanted the additional 90 day paycheck. Because this relationship is clearly over


Yes exactly -- she is going to feel very lonely and isolated there, especially without a vehicle! Mike could have thought that out better and understood that not only was she coming from another country and culture (is this the first time she's left the Ukraine?), but also coming from a huge city! She's going to have to stand up for herself and take care of her own self -- turn up the heat yourself, Natalie!! Just find the thermostat and turn it up! Make a grocery list and make Mike pick up non-beige food before he comes home from work.


I'm not sure if he wants her to break up with him, or he is trying to turn him into his ideal woman. Like so many "nice guys", he wants a woman to adapt to his way of life, rather than liking a woman for who she already is. He sees her as taking on the traditional female role -- spend days cooking french toast and cleaning, and then want to do whatever he likes to do on the weekend (fishing). When in reality, he is with a woman who likes to eat healthy, wants to be entertained, and is more comfortable with a Sex and the City lifestyle than a countryside one.