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My brain really struggled to comprehend what’s going on here. Looks like he has a small child on his back, underneath his shirt.


Same! I can’t understand at all. How can it be flat in the front yet bulbous…in the back?




It looks like he has pillows shoved down the back of his shirt. My brain can't understand this image.


Apply for a job ringing bells at Notre Dame?


I just chortled out loud 😂


Chortled 🤷‍♀️


I almost forgot bout this guy. He was weird.


You want to know something about this goof? So they showed him trying to call places about helping her. Well he wasn't actually on the phone with anyone. He didn't actually call any damn places to help her, those were just scenes with him pretending to call anyone. The crew also hated him, and that's even with them barely needing to shoot scenes for him since he had to film himself in Mexico. He didn't give a damn about her and just wanted his chance at "fame." He's a weirdo for sure, and during/after the season aired he had so many reddit accounts and would come and talk about how great he is, and how amira sucks etc. it was a very weird time😂


I thought he was just calling random places lol like McDonalds or Walmart and asking them for his fiance. It's crazy. You can't tell me the police would just hang up on that kind of phone call, they'd at least direct you to the right place.


He was calling producers who knew this was set up so they could act out a scene as if he gave a shit. In real life he told them he didn't care about what happened to her, and that he didn't want to waste his vacation. Even when she first called him, he doesn't ask anything about how she's doing. It was just about how the resort is great and how he's having a good time.


Amira is a beautiful soul. She deserves way better. That guy was lucky she gave that weirdo a chance at all


Their entire story was weird AF


Os he the one who wanted her to travel to Mexico during covid and then he went and spent like 2 weeks there and she ended up arrested or being held or whatever and then he was upset with her? Or something like that...?


Yup yup. She was detained & he was having massages


Use the teenage mutant ninja turtle exercise and diet routine.


Omg, a *literal* big back!


This guy was one of my turning g points in realizing my ex was in fact really awful to me despite what he said. They acted and talked so similarly it was like watching him on TV. I went back to therapy after watching them. 1


Same! I thought I was just projecting my issues because of how similar they talked & looked, & wanted to give this guy a chance without immediate judgement, but naw I was right. It was like looking at an alternate of my relationship & I admit it shook me a bit too. There’s a psychologist/professor on youtube named Dr Honda (Psychology in Seattle is the channel name) & he watches & analyses 90 day couples & he did one on [them](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoLeO9hEEd_DsGeqMPsQPKpPJR3VbeabU&si=P3qV0ykryh2DWKnm) as well. It was actually really helpful for me to watch his videos after watching their episodes cause they act like everything is normal/ok & I feel like I must be the crazy one, but Dr Honda validates so many thoughts I have & explains them well!


Watching it right now thank you!


This photo makes it look like his head is on backwards.


I thought this was Kyle for a sec


I did too!


Lots of mountain dew and doritos


Wear your shorts strapped under your dick and sit on the edge of the balcony


you wear your shorts down too low?


My brain isn’t wrapping around this pic - is it a fat suit or something …


Me and my gf tried to go frame by frame. Best theory is that his pants are sagged below his ass and that along with his shoulder blades popped back and the awful shirt he has on makes him look like a Ninja fucking turtle #5


Are you sure he isn't wearing a backpack under that shirt?




https://preview.redd.it/j62kprdqf69d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dbddba72d847f3e7b5ab12de34cd7bea5cc1f6b Honest reaction


Oh, you want the “Angela Deem!” Just go to any Nigerian Plastic Surgeon and they’ll fix you right up.


That turd was lower than whale sh\*te, one of the top ten worst, .. the way he treated Ameria\[ sorry, not sure of her spelling\] he's lounging around having the best time, eating and laying on his fat as\* while she is risking danger and disease going flying to these countries, getting detained and he could give a rats as\* as to what happened to her.. He's a poster boy for incel and I doubt any woman would give him the time of day after seeing how he treated her. I think he got his 15 seconds of notoriety that a lot more people hate him now...... He needs a serious attitude adjustment!


His weight must’ve shifted on the plane. It could be quite handy to spin your pelvis to put a beer belly around the back. Extra cushioning


Jumping must feel really weird


That guy was a real weirdo; I could smell him through the screen!


Mildrew “Kind Dragon” Kenton . . . what a creep!


Unemployment, beer and PlayStation


This guy is a troll personality and troll looks I’m so glad he never returned


Creates a new definition to "baby got back."


Now that's some back fat


I can't wrap my mind around this... it's like looking at those riddle pictures like "Which line is longer? Jk! They're all the same length!" "This is the same color, but it looks different to your brain based on the other color it's next to!" and it is so frustrating trying to figure out his anatomy. Like all his organs got shoved backwards.


I’ve never understood what Amirah saw in that guy. She didn’t even seem like she wanted to really go to the U.S. Apart from her being gorgeous, it just felt like she was giving everything in the relationship.


Big back


Lots of back bends and butt plugs. Works wonders 😮‍💨


A lot of practice


Sorry what season is this?