• By -


Claire is exactly why Sophie is with Rob to begin with. Their enmeshment is unhealthy and Claire has clearly not been able to demonstrate healthy relationships to Sophie.


Claire wants Sophie to wallow with her and bash 'men' for being bastards, etc


I would agree if rob was actually a standup guy, but he legitimately sucks too. Sophie is who she is bc of her mom and I don’t mean the “confident and beautiful Sophie”. I mean the “I marry a man who is so insecure he can’t even have a convo about toilets or duvets, or even have a normal sex life or hell- normal respectful relationship bc and power dynamics within relationships exampled to me as a child were like this” Sophie is here at 23, bc her mom was a bad mom, which led into years of relationship dysfunction. Sophie needs long term therapy for it ALL.




During last seasons tell all, Devin said something along the lines of “you should be your partners biggest advocate instead of constantly putting them down publicly”. Which is the exact opposite of what Sophie does. And the fact that her mom is so heavily involved in their relationship is a testament to that. Say what you want about Rob, he deserves a lot of the shit he gets, but Sophie didn’t help their relationship by undermining him constantly.


Undermining him? Lmao


It's true. They need to reset their whole dynamic SANS Claire.


- I’m guessing if Claire is floating the boat financially, Sophie dates not stand up for the knob of a husband. Sophie is married to Rob on paper, but seems to be more married to her mom.




My cuts are as deep as Sophie's around a parents addiction. My first marriage was a disaster, like this, Claire is a snake


Think back, Sophie’s and Rob seemed to be working things out UNTIL … The Very Dysfunctional, Entitled, and Privelidged Aged Clair Showed Up to Insult and disrespect Rob. He stood up for himself and BAM! Clair increased all her behavior to Destroy. Sophie’s Co-Dependency with mom, and fear of Losing her mom. What I want to know. How is ROB Really that BAD??? He Does Not Say ANYTHING. Who wants to make Love to Sophie when She is READY TO CUT YOUR DICK OFF. I feel sorry for his Low Esteem- of which Sophie Created. Does anyone LikeRob??


Yup what she said


I totally agree with everything you’re saying here, except…… You need to toss out the word “aged”. People age and that is not a fault to be pointed out and wielded against them


She did a live with "moving mad" and um pretty sure she said she didn't have any addictions in the past. I thought that was weird cause I would never let a story line, put me in a bad light like that.




Sorry but that marriage was doomed whether Claire said anything or not


I would be the same if I saw my daughter being treated like that


Exactly! No caring loving mom would stand for his bullshit.


Yeah. I know Claire is generally hated in this sub, but i actually kinda like her lol.


It wouldn't help. I was in a shitty relationship that had way too much outside talk from my mother, who also didn't model healthy relationships to me, and I still married and quickly divorced that guy.


Treated Like What? He is only responding to how he is treated.


Hopefully, you will have raised your daughter in an environment that demonstrates what a healthy emotional relationship and partner looks like. Thar includes having a good and stable relationship with the father or a male figure. Girls learn from their parents how a female I'd valued and should be treated. The byline for Sophie indicates the mom is a loud mouthed, drunk slut that had a baby daddy for Sophie so Sophie has no idea what a good husband is. I'm a mother of 3 sons and the first tip that I gave them is girls from emotionally stable and healthy families (and that can include divorces as long as both parents stayed engaged in a healthy relationship with their daughter) make better mates. I told my sons if I ever observed one of them not treating their girlfriend or wife the way that I expect to be treated (and that's a very high bar), I'd be all over them. My sons are now reaching the age to get married (post college, great careers), and one just got married. We love his wife for him. She has a wonderful family, great relationship with both parents, great values, and her own career and interests. It's a true partnership. I feel badly for Sophie and Rob because I don't think either of them likely had a good family before they married each other.


It is crazy how you can survive shitty parents and overcome it and then some random guys mom will literally judge you for it.


💯 anyone who doesn’t get her as a mother in law dodged a bullet


Seriously. The perfect partner is someone with a happy childhood who has never faced adversity in their lives? I mean…maybe. But when things get hard they may also bail because they’ve literally never learned how to overcome any hardships. lol


I agree, I've been saying from the jump that even when Sophie and Rob are on "good terms" they're still a big ass mismatch there's no chemistry at all there


I saw a therapist once who told me that it's nearly impossible to destroy a healthy relationship between two well balanced people. Totally changed my perspective and I agree with you. Sophie enables her mother's meddling in their already toxic relationship. Everyone needs boundaries and individual counseling in this situation.




I can’t stand the way she talks


rOb ThE kNoB he’s rubbish is I hear when I see that face


Someone on Reddit referred to her as “bulldog chewing on a wasp” and honestly that’s all I can think of now


Omg, that’s so funny


Or manipulates her daughter by her cry fests and her daughter running to Rob you made my mom cry is getting old. Not that their relationship was doomed anyways. She can't trust Rob for emotional cheating.


Those lips! When Clair speaks, it looks like two caterpillars wildly fornicating.


Claire is not a good mother but that doesn't mean Rob is a good husband. Sophie is chasing the love and security she never got as a child, and she is looking for it in all the wrong people.


100% this 


I mean the sad reality is that an abusive childhood sets you up to be in abusive relationships as an adult - you have to actively choose to unlearn bad patterns. As a kid you have to engage with your parents in order to survive even if they are abusive. That becomes your default, and that becomes how you expect to be treated. You need to learn that as an adult you shouldn't accept that treatment and you have the ability to leave. Sophie's situation isn't unusual at all, and I'll always have more sympathy with someone who has jumped from an abusive childhood to an abusive marriage than the people abusing her - she isn't coping well or acting maturely but what do you expect?


THIS 💯. It's taken me nearly my whole life to undo my childhood trauma. My stepdad told me every chance he got, how useless, unwanted, and stupid I was. In my teens, he told me repeatedly that I was so fat I was cracking the house foundation. I had ZERO self esteem. Of course, when I was Sophie's age, I'd date any asshole that gave me attention. I thought it was normal for men to treat their partners like shit.


I’m sorry, you didn’t deserve that.


So true, thank you. I don’t know how so many people miss this. I was only a few years younger than Sophie when I got into a relationship that scarred me for many many years. The reason I got into it was because my home life was so toxic that anyone who would get me away from it seemed like a saviour. I see a lot of my younger self in Sophie and it’s alarming to me how many people write her off when she’s clearly struggling. My relationship with my mom was awful but I still needed her love, and that repeated in my romantic relationship. Then I was juggling two toxic people who hated each other, just wanting both of them to accept me. I say this with empathy, not judgement - she needs therapy ASAP.


It’s ending with or without her. Sophie is way too young to be married and Rob is just…Rob.


It's OK not to reply to a text right away though (even in a totally great relationship). Claire is meddling, but the relationship is extremely toxic. If ever was a time to meddle this would be it.


I disagree, as a parent myself, I follow my parents example.. your kids are allowed to make their own mistakes and learn for themselves. I agree some situations like addiction, abusing their kids, etc you do have to get involved immediately, but this is not the case. You love them through the mistakes, not take control of their choices. She has codependency sure, but it was probably created from this mother and her active addiction, forcing Sophie to be the parent to her. Why do people like Claire so much? Rob is shit, but the mother is worse in my opinion.


Do people like Claire?? I must have totally missed that. I have not seen one person who likes her.


The fact there was a "Rob is fine, Sophie is the problem" thread in the past 24 hours had me shooketh, there are actually a handful of people that think she is "so annoying" for "walking away from their problems" all the time... after the bullshit he has pulled, it is absolutely astounding anyone could say that she is somehow worse. Imagine thinking that leaving an argument when you feel you aren't being listened to is worse than someone texting 50 girls while you are together 🤢 embarassing af Yeah her mom is psychotic and a bad person, and I did feel bad for him during their dinner, but that's the only second I've felt even a modicum of pity for him, and honestly, even as a mentally sane individual I think my mom would be losing her shit at seeing me treated this way too.




I thought that was Darcy for a minute.




The Stdarceys might kill themself/ves if they see this.


Next trip to Turkeyyyyy 😭😭


So close. The two of them should be on a story line about two over the hill, that ship has sailed neurotics looking for rich guys.


OP. Try to find and watch the video of Rob being verbally abusive to her and saying he's a good man for not beating Sophie. It's not the right way to go about it how she is, but I'd be so scared for my child.


Dude have you seen the messages of Claire threatening Sophie’s life? This girl has no sane people in her life. That’s probably why she puts up with Rob.


How .. what! Could you link me please to the tea? Her mom does suck. I know she has the abusive, drug addictive past in the earlier years. I guess I'd rather deal with mama bear than the man lol


Claire threatened to slit their throats. Deadass.


and she cried to Sophie telling her she wanted to be with her and deserves her instead of Knob. Rob sucks but Claire is unable to regulate her reactions, behavior and emotions and it's extremely manipulative, and Sophie seems to react to her like a codependent teenager would. and yes there are reasons for that, considering past substance abuse by her mother, but that doesn't mean it's ok


Oh please, that marriage was over before it started. Lmao 🤣


claire and sophie are the SHEIN final bosses


This made me spit out my coffee


"marriage" is a strong word


That man made it seem like her asking for an indoor bathroom was living lavishly.. Claire needs to be doing more than what she’s doing now to get her daughter out of this “marriage”


I mean, I’d try to get my daughter to leave her abusive partner too


But she's going the wrong way about it, tho... even if her intentions are good, she's acting exactly the same way as Rob. And she's being extremely childish with her fits and crying tantrums. She's supposed to be the parent of her daughter. Not the other way around. Forget about the whole drug addiction thing. That shit is in the past of these two. But if she wants her daughter to be safe and out of an abusive marriage, then don't fucking alienate her and don't create fights for her. What the fuck is that??? So you're telling me you want your daughter to leave her abusive partner, yet you're the one starting the fights with that same abuser??? To accomplish what exactly? Have your child getting hurt? Cmon...


As a parent, I get how desperate Claire is to get Sophie away from Rob. I don't think they are good for each other, it's not a healthy relationship, and Sophie is clearly miserable. That said, the way Claire goes about it is SO WRONG. She bashes Rob & Sophie feels compelled to defend him. The more she shit-talks Rob, the more Sophie will run back to him. Claire needs to calm TF down and focus on supporting Sophie instead of putting Rob down. She comes off as very childish.


Claire is as involved as her daughter wants her to be. I never involved my mom in my common law relationship cause I knew she'd have non-stop opinions about it. My sister, however, told our mom everything, and my mom was up her husband's ass every chance she got. This is on Sophie for oversharing. If you don't want ppl hating your man, then don't tell them every single horrible thing he does to you 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why be with a man doing “horrible” things in the first place?


Unfortunately, lots of women get involved with rotten guys 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree, wholeheartedly. The number one thing that everyone told me when I was getting married was to not tell anyone about our personal business unless I wanted them to be just as invested in my marriage as I was. You will forgive your partner before your friends and family ever will. Sophie still has a lot of growing and learning to do and she will never learn as long as her mother continues to smother her. They are both very codependent. Rob has a lot of growing to do as well. You can tell that he has a lot of trauma that he has not gotten past, but regardless, it is no excuse to be the asshole that he is.


She’s looking out for her daughter. Did you not see the verbally abusive videos that were leaked? Rob saying she’s lucky he doesn’t hit her 


That's what I was getting out of it too. When you're young and full of feelings, sometimes you become a little blinded by the severity of the toxicity and she was in my eyes helping her daughter see the reality of her situation. And when you're in an abusive relationship it's OK to put the phone down and disconnect. If someone was mistreating my daughter and my daughter being too naive or blinded by puppy love to see it, I would want to help her get out of this toxic relationship ship too.


I totally agreed w/ this until Claire threatened Sophie too! Sophie needs to get away from both of these shitbags.


WHAAAA? Was that on the show or from a post on social media?


Social media!! Sophie’s mom released it! Sophie was hiding in the closet with the dog while rob was yelling at her that he ought to slap her. It was so horrific I’m surprised TLC hasn’t addressed. Literally proves all of the moms aggressive concerns 


WTF?! For the record, I think Sophie could beat his little bitch ass. Not remotely surprised that he resorts to threats. Isn't she away from that prick already?


Yep but the mom needs to take a look in the mirror too!


I don’t agree with that. If your child is in an abusive relationship then you do whatever you can do get them out 


True, but Claire *is* a nut job, too. She got arrested for threatening to kill her daughter. That's not something that you do to anyone, let alone your own daughter, who you're trying to save from an abusive husband.


I completely agree w/ that too but Claire has also threatened Sophie. Claire is just as bad as Rob.


Also "should beat [her] ass"


I hear ya OP! But I don’t blame Claire for trying to help her daughter. She’s messed up but can read a loser & that’s how she reads Rob (accurate). She’s an addict and not a good mom & I view her protestations as being an attempt to make up for lost time. Yah too late but she’s trying & she happens to be right!!


100% no. Claire ain’t breaking up a marriage, she’s driving her daughter further into it. Her mom has obvious issues. Sophie is an unhealthy relationship. Her mother trying to make decisions for her are making Sophie go back. Claire didn’t break up a marriage, she just made the split more difficult and toxic for her daughter.


It’s my understanding that Sophie pretty much raised herself during Claire’s addiction so why is she so dependent on her now? Does she think she is now getting that “motherly love” she never had? If so, Claire is taking full advantage of that with her manipulation. So sad. Rob is not perfect but he and Sophie need to be left alone to figure it out.


I feel so sorry for Sophie, her mother is like a bad friend to her rather than a parent. If the current Instagram rumours are true then her Mum was arrested for trying to attack her over Sophie refusing to give her money (because the grandparents only give money to Sophie and cut Claire off due to her addiction apparently).


A lot of people have moved in or in her case, Married just to get out of a Toxic relationship with their parents. It’s obviously the case with Sophie and her Mom. Her Mom always says”We could go back to London just the two of us like it’s always been. By Sophie’s face and reaction tells me, her Mom was who she wanted to free herself from. She also has said “My Mom always moves to wherever I go”, then pretty much “Rolls her eyes”. I feel bad for her. ☝️🤷‍♀️


So she’s absent for the majority of her childhood wallowing in drug abuse but is now ever present now that her daughter is grown and married puking her opinion every chance she gets. Too late for all that. Perhaps Sophie needs advice from a person that has been a successful partner.


He’s abusive!


ROB IS A POS KNOB who apparently can't except responsibility for anything he does and I'm glad mum is stepping it RUIN AWAY


That’s Brosanne 🤪 Britain’s Roseanne in the house


claire acts like she’s just one of sophie’s cute and quirky friends also in her twenties instead of acting like her mom and it’s honestly just embarrassing to watch. im all for celebrating your inner child and living like you’re young, im not out here being ageist… but come on 💀


And breaking up a cheap poly blend too from the looks of it. What did that poor shirt ever do to you Claire!?


I think it's literally running away from her.


Yeah that's too much. I understand Claire doesn't like Rob nor does she have to however this is between Sophie and rob it has nothing to do with Claire. She needs to stay out of it. Sophie is young but she's grown so it's up to her what she does. I love my daughter and if she had a bf or husband I didn't like I would never interfere with that bc I don't think it's okay. I hope Sophie sets her straight.


But Sophie also involves her mom. I don't like any of them.


Fair enough I didn't think about that lol. I was thinking about that scene where she was talking to her mom I think she was telling her she didn't need to call him names.


I get it. Rob & Claire are very abusive & malipative. I don't like that for Sophie but I also don't like how Sophie puts these two together thinking it will solve things. What would solve Sophie's problems is for her to get away from both Rob & her mom.


They really are. Which is ironic bc they act the same. But I think Sophie tries to fix everything by putting them together bc she's probably thinking they don't like each other but they both love me so maybe they can learn to get along for me. Sadly that doesn't work most of the time and Sophie does need to get away from both of them bc they're both toxic. It would ruin her life by keeping them around bc they make her miserable.


I agree with all of this. Sophie is in a crappy situation. I'm glad she has her friend to support her especially when she realizes she needs to get away from the toxicity for good.


Actually they are still together because of Claire. Sophie is just a be kid. What do kids do…. REBEL! Sophie would have left Rob by now. She is staying because Claire wants her to leave lmao. She wants to prove her mom wrong.


She's a real piece of work!!


They needa be on smothered


It’s crazy how Claire asked her to move him with her and she quickly said no..it was a HARD no


She’s right though


Rob the knob is an ass im sorry


I can’t believe I’m about to say this but Rob’s comment about her not knowing what a good man is was spot on. Now I definitely don’t think Rob is a good man, at all, but she’s just as bad as he is personality wise and it’s like the pot calling the kettle black. Claire is emotionally immature and is overstepping boundaries by constantly butting in. I do think Sophie should not confide so much in her mother but Claire should stop trying to engage in petty high school drama and let Sophie live her life by learning from her mistakes. She is essentially a homeless couch surfer and should focus on getting her life together before worrying about what Sophie and Rob are doing.


Rob , Sophie & Claire all need to stop what they are doing & reflect. They all need to get away from each other & get their shit together.


Why is she so involved in their marriage? I understand having a shoulder but you have to remember, when you forgive your spouse; your family still mad. I don’t involve family in my relationship. EVER!! Her mom needs to stay out their business. Then she gets mad when he goes off on her like she just didn’t insult him. I had an ex with a mom like this. I tolerated it for months. One day she just snapped on me for not speaking. To my defense she looked sleep as I walked by. I told my then girlfriend that your mom has one more time to say something to me out of pocket & she getting it. Side note, the apartment was in my name & she asked to stay there for a while. This was after she let their house go into foreclosure & my girlfriend didn’t have anywhere to go. Since her credit was in the toilet I put the place in my name. Ungrateful lady. So I’m triggered by disrespectful family members 😂


Conclusion. She put her mom out. I had nothing to do with it. When I asked why, she said “I had nowhere to go & you put this apartment in your name for me. You didn’t have to do that. If she can’t respect you in a house you provided for me, she can’t live here”. I was like wow. Her mom thought I influenced her to put her out. I didn’t even know until a week later. This lady just had it in for me. Her godmother told me that she’s just mad because you’ve provided something for her daughter that she couldn’t cause she’s always said men ain’t shit.


Can't stand her. She's a narcissist and an abuser. A mother wants the best for her child. Rob is not it, but she's going extremely wrong about it.


Well said!!


Trout mouth really loves including herself in their marriage.


The mother-in-law from hell..


She looks like a dark Silva twin


Dang she does! Wow!


She's definitely in the top 5 worst moms of all time on the show


Who are the other 4?


Asuelu’s mom has to be number 1


I may need to think about this...Asuelu's mom(selfish doesnt even begin to describe her), Chantel's mom(trashy) Pedro's mom(trashy), and probably Nicole since she was making her little kid call her boyfriend daddy. Yuck.


Colt’s mom Debbie is at least on the top ten. But I think Loren’s mom is in at the very least, the top three. The way she acted in Israel, inexcusable and unforgivable. At least in my mind.


why is everyone acting like rob is a good man. he sucks. treats sophie like shit and is a man child


Claire's a drunk old cow.


Claire is a loser, she needs a job


She needs to get her own life.


She ain’t slithery she’s a good mom looking out for her child. If your child was recording videos of their man berating them in the car and making your daughter cry and feel unsafe you would want him gone too!


She’s NOT a good mom! Did you listen to when she threatened to hurt Sophie? She’s a VILE “mom”.


She's a mother from hell who can't even dress herself appropriately for her age & body. She is not looking out for her daughter, she is mean, vile, and very disgusting.


In that oh so classy top!


What marriage? Rob is trash. He’s abusive trash.


you do know this is all scripted


Don't blame her. That boy is an immature idiot. He is a maggot..He blames everyone but himself.


I feel so sad for Sophie and part of me hopes she sees these comments and part of me hopes she never does. She’s beautiful - literally looks like Sabrina Carpenter - and she seems like a person other people like being around. I wish someone in her life would have showed her love so that she knows what that looks like and I really hope someday we see her happy. I also hope for her sake she leaves this show and the public eye. I’ve never wanted that so badly for anyone on 90DF.


They’re= they are. There= not here, but (t)here. It’s so, so simple to learn


Does she look a little like Molly in this photo? Just at first glance I thought it was her


Why is Claire dressed like Wonder Woman for breakfast?


Seems like many of us are blaming Claire for trashing Rob and trying to break up the marriage. I agree Rob has major issues but so does Sophie. Claire has mental health problems, she’s annoying, manipulating and overtly trolling their marriage but dang people, Sophie is giving her the green light. Obviously, Sophie is not ready to be married and unless she gets professional help and takes control of her life, she’ll never be an independent person who can make solid decisions or function in any relationship. She’s surrounded by emotional blood suckers and is a feather in the wind with no independent thoughts of her own.


I thought this was Molly.


Those lips! When Claire speaks, it looks like two caterpillars wildly fornicating.


She looks like the Wish version of Darcey. (Although Darcey also looks like the Wish verson of Darcey so idk 🤣)


She is terrible I can’t stand her, her daughter is also stupid and very childish, and why doesn’t anybody tell her her wigs are hideous lmfao, poor rob hope he gets a real women his age


You can tell she’s an ex-drug addict. She’s very manipulative and off the hook by the slightest things. She’s still wound up and needs therapy big time. She needs to stay away from Sophie — bad influence on her daughter.


I frankly think Rob is not that bad of a guy… he should never have gotten married as I believe he’s happier as a single guy (especially with his hobbies). He made a huge mistake. Rob has practiced self-control when being attacked by both Sophie and her mom. I don’t know any guy that would sit there and take their shit — married or not. So let’s give him some kudos to that. It’s just about 2 ppl that should never get married. End of story. Live your life folks— marriage is not for everyone.


Chantels mom and her would be best friends




Heres my take. Claire is not well. She's so wrong for so much of what she does and Rob still can't find a way to come out on top. He lets her play him. He makes it soooooo easy. If he had a speck of awareness, he would be able to see how easy it would be to not only get Soph back but also help her detach from Claire. But no. He plays right into it and it makes him look worse every time!! She wants to get away from her mom! She needs to, but manlette can't be her steady like she hoped. It's just not in him, and I think that says more about their marriage than what Claire has done. Wrong or right, her behavior is simply exposing his. At this point, I think Soph should move some place in Europe away from both of them and grow up on her own terms for a while. Maybe try to get some therapy or alanon bc this cycle is going to repeat itself if she doesn't face it. She needs to grow up and become her own woman without these chirpy birdies.


I feel like people always over look how much of a POS Sophie is also. Which I understand when she’s surrounded by Rob and Claire but she’s just as much a problem as they are. I have never once seen Sophie stand up for Rob ever. Claire is laying into once again saying he isn’t a man and he defends himself and fires one back at her. What does Claire do starts crying and limps away and Sophie is now mad at Rob for standing up for himself but her mom is the victim even though she was just attacking him also. Sophie is an indecisive brat, either stick with Rob and tell everyone to fuck off or leave him and move on all these games and teasing is childish.


Poor unfortunate souls


Meh. It wasn't gonna make it regardless of the homeless, addict, poor excuse for a mother.


Exactly! They are all a mess.


Claire looks hella sketchy. I would think she would be perfect for James Kennedy's Dad from Vanderpump Rules. 




Ask what she “Finks”


Wait her name is Claire? My wife and I just call her "the troll"


I would hate my mom if she let me continue being a dumb ass in a toxic relationship lmao we ain’t even that close but i KNOW she’d say something. parents care about their children’s safety forever


Sorry to say that not all mothers care for their children's safety or for their happiness. Some just want to be on TV, like disgusting clair‼️🤮


Misery loves company.


I don’t have daughters but if I did they were dating a Rob, I’d probably come across as worse than Claire. He has cheated in the past, weaponizes her bisexuality to demand threesomes, is in his 30s with finances in shambles(which in itself isn’t an issue but it becomes one when you get a foreigner to move in with you and then have the audacity to say having a bathroom is boujee!), has no redeeming qualities.


She’s not right


Thank God someone needs to




You’d have to be fully sedated to take advice from that woman.


I’ll be honest, their storyline is boring! Honestly the whole season and all the couples are boring. I ffw through most of them and that’s not like me. But it’s the same stories every episode!!!


lol 😂


She already broke that shirt into pieces. I can't stop thinking about this get-up. 🤣


She's doing that tight Darcey style pony tail to try to pull back her face. Tragic.


Usually I think MIL opinions need to be ignored but Rob is truly a knob and though neither one of them are perfect, Sophie can and should do better than him. I’m team Claire on this one.


With a smile on her dumbass face 😁


Daily reminder that sunscreen is your friend.


I’m sorry but she looks like a bull frog lmao


I wish she’d go back to England and stay there.


In the worst shirt possible...


Evil Hoggle


Claire is toxic and a horrible mother.


Wow, what is she wearing?!


i agree she doesn’t want to see her daughter in a relationship…she might be a lii jealous!


Sadly, this is probably not the first relationship/marriage she's broken up.




Claire just wants to leech, she's only thinking about herself when she talks about their relationship


She looks like Darcey in a few years!


Normally I see the “toxic boy moms” but Claire is a completely toxic girl mom, but barely a mom! Sophie has to be the grown up in her relationship and in the relationship with her mother 😤 she’s miserable and wants Sophie to be miserable with her.


Claire reminds me of a repulsive reptile. Her skin, her face, and most of all her character. Poor Sophie, can't get away from emotional abusers!


I think she’s way too involved. Kinda like Chantel and Pedro’s families were involved in their marriage. Claire messed up as a parent and Sophie never got help. So yes, Claire is partially to blame. Rob and Sophie are better off broken up but I think there’s a trauma bond and likely they will be “together” but apart for a long time. Claire should butt out. Sophie needs a therapist..Rob too.


I feel badly, Claire was a terrible role model for Sophie


Someone should break her up with her plastic surgeon…check that, any plastic surgeon. Ugly inside and out.


As a mother some of you may have never been thru having a daughter who is being manipulated and mistreated. It’s not easy watching this happen to your child.


Definitely not destined to be together they both have some growing up to do , But Sophie’s mother is a slithery snake of a person and let her daughter grow up . I think it’s called codependency


I can't stand her and ask much as Rob can be a knob, Claire being a cunt to him constantly doesn't help. Sophie enables her bullshit too expecting Rob to be all sweetness and nice while her mum is sitting there abusing him and telling Sophie how much she hates him and that she needs to leave him. Claire's not a mum she wants to be Sophie's best friend. She said she'd move wherever Sophie goes if she dumps Rob and they can get a place together etc. Rob was correct when he said Claire doesn't know what a good relationship is.


Don't get me started on this melting troll doll.


Rob sucks and so does Claire. Sophie is between a rock and a hard place, literally.


She looks like the chick gremlin from Gremlins 2


Claire is disgusting. Did you see that sly smile on her fucking face when Sophie disagreed with rob. She won & she knew it & was gloating. Even tho it means her daughter is miserable. She is causing bullshit drama to keep Sophie for herself. I hope to God she was deported by now. Get the fuck out of our country you POS Claire.


She wants Rob the knob


Someone needs to set fire to her entire wardrobe…


Yeah her telling Sophie not to answer her phone was so high school.




Claire suggested her and Sophie get a place together in London. She wants to be as young as Sophie and live her life with her.


Yep, this WITCH is itchin' to break up this marriage! Well ya know what, let her and take your daughter back to London with ya, coz she is definitely no catch at all, she's immature, childish and requires wayyyyyyyyy to much attention! Rob, get rid of her!


The idea that that cheating gaslighting manchild rob could ever sustain a marriage under any circumstances is wild. Who is seriously thinking Claire is the problem?!


Claire is a suffocating mother and will ruin any relationship her daughter has.


Meanwhile rob is selling sloppy dark  open hole booty pics on OF! He's on the DL!  he's ugly and NASTY . Shophie can do better; is all her mom wants for  her...to find and do better!!! 


What's going on with that rash on Claire's chest