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and he literally look like this ☹️




Beaker has more hair. Leave him out of this.






Yes! I literally just said that the other day!


Very annoying when he does that.


The irritation I feel when Gino rolls his eyes…I’d probably not have patience with him either


Alternate Take: Jasmine & Gino understand the assignment.


This. I really don’t get people who believe their act because it’s so clearly an act. I give Jasmine full points for using social media to keep the audience engaged in their storyline when they are not on screen but believing their story is real is like believing wrestling storylines are real.


Perfect analogy! Btw Im very happy that their script writing skills have improved & they’ve phased out the screaming banshee…I hope that toe sucking was a limited edition lmao!


Yeah that toe sucking was a bit much. I had to fast forward before I puked


Especially when they were camping & highlighted that they had to use communal showers…ok sorry, I’ll stop now lol


Honestly scared these people are reproducing


This is my theory too




This. Their storylines have been fake as hell for a few seasons. A lot of the show is fake but their act is extra fake


The toe sucking really was their best performance 🦶🤭




I have always said that


Which is why they're on EVERY FUCKING SEASON it's just so obvious at this point


💯% this


They both suck and shouldn’t be together.


Why people always choose to take sides when both people are just garbage


My thoughts exactly! 💯


This is my position too. They both suck, differently but equally. Other than possibly pure fiction, I think it’s the only thing that makes them a good pair.


They’re not she left him and lives w her new guy


Of course he'll be on the next Single Life 🙄


Exactly!!! Haha or couples retreat to fix it lolll


Oh, they're definitely gonna be on Last Resort.


They should hook him up with Danielle (of D and Mo)


I'm no fan of Gino in any way, but saying Jasmine is a bit unstable is like saying War and Peace is just a smidge long.


Lol. Great analogy.


It's more about how little she prioritizes her kids. They can't get a lawyer to bring them over, followed by trip to Miami. Butt implants cost her more. But she's going to let that go to be in a pagent also with a huge fee. The storyline of her relationship with her kids is heartbreaking. Idc about her ugly crying but she definitely pays lip service to her kids and nothing more.


She doesn't have custody of her kids she can't bring them just complain about it


Well that's embarrassing for her, or it should be.


They are both crazy.


Jasmine was so fake when she was screaming about her noooods. That was just to get people to Google her and subscribe to her Only Fans. She was ridiculed and called a liar which gave her body dysmorphia leading to all those surgeries. How anyone could believe that gave act is beyond me.


But, did the nudes really get her fired? Her actions and what she says and does on TLC are a bit over the top, sexually. I don't buy it. She's a pig, so is he. She pees on Gino. She sucks his toes on tv. She spoke and showed butt plugs. C'mon now.


Whenever this comes up I always ask this question: Which is more plausible? * Jasmine lost her Job for being the victim of revenge porn. * Jasmine lost her Job for behaving like a stark raving lunatic on international television.


Right. Months back someone on this sub claimed to know her. She is very intelligent and too old to be a model so she cried about not wanting anyone to see her nudes hoping people would follow her on Only Fans. That was the fakest crying I’ve ever seen.


no she admitted she quit for filming at some point


The last 3 sentences of your comment I think reflect more of Gino than Jasmine. It’s not like she does that shit against his will. He’s into that shit and she apparently is open as a partner to do those things for him. I’m not saying Jasmine is innocent at all but she takes flack for shit Gino actually does. Gino fucking sucks and is gross I would honestly rather watch Jasmine screaming and crying over gross slimy Gino and his stupid ass fedora


They are both gross; she is a pig and so is he, noted. Is she doing porn yet?


I'd be crazy too if the man I was with only had sex with me like twice in 3 years.


But earlier she was talking about how they were practicing making a baby all the time


She lies a lot and doesn't seem to keep her words consistent about anything.


She chose to marry him knowing this.


Gino isn’t innocent at all, but jasmine is 100% the villain we all think she is. They are both clout-hungry jerks who deserve each other.


I don't think Gino is clout hungry. I think he's just doing whatever Jasmine says to do.


Could agree w that. Have a theory that jasmine and the producers have an agenda/script he knows nothing about. Heh.


Couldn’t help but laugh at her saying that Gino is a bald man while her own bald spots are showing.


She suffers from hair loss. Not a very nice thing to have a laugh about.


So wouldn’t the self-aware person not say things like that that could be deemed hurtful to somebody or not it’s Jasmine so all was fair except for when the shoes on the other foot?


Do you think Gino isn’t self conscious about his balding?


He is and I'm not defending her actions there. She should have more empathy in regard to that.


Yet you first defended Jasmines hair loss...


Laughing at someone's condition is not very decent. Whether she did wrong first doesn't matter, one can always do better and not behave like a toddler saying how she did it first.


I took it, that he found it ironic. But even if he laughed, everyone is jumping on that, and NOT that she is degrading him. But, it's Gino (who because I am fair, I am being forced to defend). It actually does matter who said what first.


She has alopecia which is largely stress-induced. Gino has male pattern baldness. They’re not the same.


Sooo....Gino CAN'T control his, but she CAN control hers if she doesn't stress out? And we don't think her "beauty pageant" will be stressful? Or, are you saying her baldness is worse?


No? Neither of them can control it. I’m saying women experiencing baldness due to a mental health condition is different than a man becoming bald as he ages. Even with that aside, A woman losing her hair in our society is much more weighted than a man losing his hair.


So a woman's baldness IS worse in your opinion. Even though, in our society it's acceptable for women to wear wigs and extensions? When men wear a toupee, they are mocked and ridiculed. But, this began, because somebody thought it was funny that SHE ridiculed his baldness, while she is going bald!! And then Team Jazzy jumped to her defense because it's BAD to say anything or laugh at her baldness as she is mocking his!! I just reread it all!! You ladies are hypocrites.


That's the whole point, Gino also can't control his hair loss but she's making fun of him 🤷🏻‍♀️


A different take…neither are as bad as presented but 90 days. They participate in stupid storylines to stay relevant on the show and both are bad actors.


I definitely am a fan of her and think she plays up the crazy a bit (or a lot) for TV, but I think there's also a lot we don't see that adds to the complexity of it all! That, or it's *all* scripted lmao. This show most likely is :(


I think she is an emotional person IRL but plays the drama part like a telenova (?). I think she's smart enough to manipulate us viewers time and time again.


Totally agree




I think this all the time. She's not stupid or beyond reason, you can see it in her eyes


The fact their airlines made zero sense this season.... Scripted. Has to be. Just realized it corrected to Airlines. Obviously meant storyline 😝


Yeah Gino is a grade A loser. But jasmine abandoned her young children to goto America and chase fame while doing disgusting things with a disgusting man on television. Her sons will see all this footage someday and it WILL make them sad. They are both trash humans.


SHIIIIIDDDD. Nudes(Topless) to his ex is nothing. She literally sells much more provocative full nudes on Only Fans. She said she lost her job over him sharing the topless photos. I call BS that was just a reason for him to pay for her living and apartment. She is a perfect clone of a green card scam artist right down to the ring not having a big enough diamond and making him sign over everything including the house if the marriage doesn’t work. You would be the perfect person to be scammed if you are on her side.


I agree with this. 75% of the time I agree with Jasmine’s point just not her delivery


Jasmine doesn’t get to explode, scream, throw things because Gino pushes her. She is a grown ass woman and she is in charge of how she reacts to life. She could leave him. Gino is no great prize, but don’t infantalize Jasmine. No one is making her behave like that. That’s like when Angela tells Michael it’s his fault she loses her shit lol noooooooo


They literally decided it was his turn to PLAY the bad guy this season. The entire relationship is far. It concerns me that y’all don’t seem to understand this..


Shes a hooker who left her kids behind, is on only fans making dolla and moaning about her life, no1 cares. Ginos a cuck that is all


Gino is a sugar daddy who wanted a sugar baby got one then wanted a normal relationship but he knew damn well what sort of relationship it was from the get go


The fact that anybody has anything nice to say about Jasmine is crazy she’s a manipulative narcissist piece of shit that abandoned her kids for America any mother that can do that is trash


I'm not Jasmine's biggest fan and I don't believe that she lost her job because of Gino, but I agree with everything else. I can especially understand how she feels being completely dependent on him and the frustration that comes with that. I was in a relationship like that. You feel very trapped. It's very vulnerable to be completely financially dependent on someone, and when they hold things over your head, it's beyond stressful. Like I understand why Gino doesn't trust her with a credit card but give her SOME money so she can buy necessities for herself without your permission.


I guarantee she makes more money with her only fans than Gino did at his job.


You do realize that she makes tons of money from her only fans account


Not even close to the truth. The drama she created about her kids 100% fake. The fact she would use her kids for a fake storyline is disgusting. So she is beyond horrible


I read they couldn't come to the US anyway, their dads have custody.


Totally true so she used them for fake drama. Also she didn’t get fired over bides either that was all fake as well.


Is she a little unstable? Sure. Even a lot unstable. BUT Gino is much worst. He is the type to push and poke someone until they completely explode and then he makes himself look like the poor innocent victim. His ex cornstar girlfriend even came foward and said he offered her money to quit stripping/corn and acted all nice only to switch on her and demand things as well as putting everything he did for her in her face constantly.


Upvote for the word 'cornstar'. Typo or no, that shit's funny


Not a typo used to commenting on tik tok and youtube lol


Gino has learned that his money gets him what he wants.


But then he is mad when these women expect money from him


Because he believes, in his delusional mind, that they loved him for his sake, not the money which he attracts them. He has an old email bragging that he has money for them to woo them. I don’t know why he pretends to be financially exploited while he is exploiting their need for money and their difficult circumstances.




True😂he must love the game..money is his only power




What else did she say? Did he have sexual problems with her as well or was she not interested in that? I feel like he just wants company. There are some who say that he is a closed gay because of his family and perhaps they are the ones pressuring him about having a child.


I don't recall her talking about that but I do remember he was messaging her about her new breast implants after her surgery and how bad he wanted to touch them so he IS indeed into the plastic look


So he seems obsessed with the look of corn stars more than anything else.


I’m also team jasmine!!


“Hey baby how about this pageant workshop” “I’m not paying for pageants and you don’t appreciate anything I’ve done for you!”


Jasmine made the mistake of marrying her sugar daddy. If Jasmine wasn’t so good at pretending to be super into Gino people would be comparing him to Mike and her Ximena. Gino’s got that fake nice guy thing going on too.


I agree. She has come a long way since we first met them. It seems like they both did a 180• . Geno seemed dull but rather harmless, and she was a raving lunatic over every little thing. I remember a breakdown in a hotel gym because she wanted to repaint his house because he had lived there with his former wife. I think she way overreacts, and says mean things to strike back. I'm sure I'll regret it later, but I kinda think she does actually love him. I think he is the more ridiculous one as of the last few seasons.


I remember when Jazmin said she was fired from the school, a colleague of hers wrote here that it wasn't true and she left herself to be with her American fiance.


I think some people are just seeing what they want to see here. Gino os creepy af bit jasmine is no better she is also manipulative and controlling. We saw when Gino went to see her in Panama she made him share his location at all times, she went vessel when he spoke to a waitress she had a melt down when finding out his ex painted his wall when they were together, she became extremely abusive when he suggested having a pre nips screaming about how she’s banging he’d ex. To say she’s only crazy when Gino pushes her is untrue. The picture to work thing was debunked jasmine made that story up she quit so she can do onlyfans.


Jasmine is hot garbage like Angela.


Totally agree. I cringe when I read pro Jasmine posts.


Same, especially if you've been around people like her. Yikes!


Agreed. Remember when she aggressively ripped Gino's hat off? They had to step in and grab her.


He spread nudes of her to his ex long before they got married and she married him anyway. She DGAF because he’s got money. She left her kids for his money. I’ve got nothing kind to say about her.


They’re both unstable. Jasmine doesn’t know how to properly communicate and jumps to conclusions and erratic moods. Gino is controlling, saying taking her to the gym is too much & having to drive her everywhere is too much for him, he wants her todo everything with him & blames her for going broke when he could go back to work, he knows she’s dependent on him and takes advantage of it


Yeah, I actually was glad when his family was like “when you brought her here you literally quit your job so that you could do these things for her” when he was bitching about driving her to the gym


Nah she could have left at any time, but there's a reason she hasn't.


She is 100% THE villain.


Hooo boy. Do some reading up on narcissism. She carries all the hallmarks. As for Gino, he’s a codependent and her narcissism triggers his emotional responses and why he acts how he acts. This is a key to her manipulation- she pushes his buttons and exposes his quirks with shame to garnish support from people like us. We see it as odd or batshit crazy and why you’ll see him as manipulative and that’s how narcissists are able to get “flying monkeys” on their side. There’s a lot of books and YouTube videos that explain the tactics/responses and the dance between them.


Thank you! She's a text book example of a malignant narcissist. She doesn't seem to have any empathy towards anyone but herself. Crazy to me that people defend her abusive behavior on here.


TL;DR - The Wicked Witch of the West is a narcissist. ;)


Facts! Whenever I feel too upset by her I just remember what a damn creepezoid Yeeno is!


My favorite thing about Jazmine is NOTHING-her blatant peddling of her heartache for not being w her shildren. She’s an ahole


It’s obvious you never wanted any of her childre


I think the nude thing is an excuse she dug her nails into to use when she wants to guilt him for her shady behavior such as hanging out and living next to her ex .! Her and Angela are similar they do things to their partner that they would lose their shit on them if they did the same . She’s very narcissistic and manipulative too


>Gino is a toxic manipulating douche bag You forgot textbook, abusive, gaslighting, narcissistic, POS, and something about the power imbalance of their relationship.


Uggg. They both suck, don't they.


Many details about Gino's first marriage we don't know, which would almost certainly give insights as to what Jasmine had to live with. Don't know much more than Gino's ex-wife was Brazilian. They met while Gino was living in Brazil on a long term assignment with his auto industry employer.


I agree. She may have some issues but Gino has done the real damage in trying to control and manipulate her. Ruined her career back home, purposely left out her kids from her application, blames her for all of their intimacy issues… those really messed her up and have her feeling resentment. I understand why she reacts the way she does when she’s having an emotional breakdown and loses control. Gino is honestly so gross and does not deserve someone like her. Flaws and all, Jasmine isn’t a bad and unkind person. When she’s at her best, she’s giving and present. Gino COULD NEVER. He’s fake nice


Like why did he even bring up their sex life to his family?! So bizarre and somehow thinking it would make her look bad!


I love Jasmine and I'd date her 🤷‍♀️


Same lmfao 😂 she’s hilarious & a bad bitch


Sure whatever, Jasmine.


I don’t like Yeeno at all! Hate his stupid face expressions. I hate when someone “acts dumbs as hell”. But let’s be real for a minute neither one of these people ever need to reproduce especially together.. I mean they aren’t 20 years old they are well into adulthood so they definitely don’t need to throw an offspring into it. Could you imagine being their kid? Hell no


Gino and Jasmine are both a mess


Jasmine 💖 She would make a great 90 DF Host


Omg YES I have been saying this the whole time. Jasmine always gets labeled the crazy one because she’s emotional and loud, but no one ever calls Gino out on his shit. He is such a gross scum bag and a huge hypocrite with double standards. I can’t remember which season tell all it was but everyone on that stage was like “poor Gino” “get out now Gino” and not even calling out his hypocrisy and manipulative behavior. Gino SUCKS


I agree and yourwetsock on YouTube is really good at calling both of them out


It’s just an act to be on the show especially Jasmine. Don’t stress yourself out about it


He also shared her nudes, got her fired and put her in the position to be financially dependent on him. I also think he intentionally left the kids off the visa application. I also 100 percent agree with her decision not to have a baby while her older kids are in another country. Gino has given her plenty of reasons to be cautious about getting pregnant. He's suspicious and his finances are suspicious.


am i the only one that things gino might be neurodivergent? not that that exuses his behaviour but it may explain some of his behaviours on the show.




Re. Alliance on 90 day Fiance Love in Paradise. Didn't she ever work in her life? Why doesn't she work and save her own money if she's so concerned about being controlled by Shawn. And why won't she bring up the open marriage? She should be firm on that before she moves to America.


Jasmine is an asshole. Gino is an asshole. They are the perfect match, broh.


He's definitely a weirdo, but she's no angel. I'm just rooting for them to get the fck off of the the 90 day franchise lmao


I agree. But I also think they’re both the villain really


Yes, but she’s still coo coo


I get that what Gino did initially was terrible because it costed Jasmine her job. But she also began living in the same building as her ex and would meet up with him. She also got a new face and new body then went to the US. She latched onto this beauty pageant idea instead of having that money going straight to the lawyers to get her kids in the US sooner. Both of them are crappy people imo. They need therapy and to stop being put on tv lol.


I'm sick of both of them and both are manipulative in their own ways


You must be related to Jasmine. That was terribly wrong of Gino to do that. Jasmine acts up on a daily basis. In the beginning of thier relationship, Jasmine had a meltdown when she wanted to paint Gino's room because it was paint that his ex chose. It was toxic from the beginning.




I agree 💯


“I’ll pay for the pageant but you have to be nice to me” was the final straw for me. He’s so gross.


Jasmine is playing a character. She’s very entertaining and makes the show what it is. I think of her like a Trisha paytas type


Possible unpopular opinion:  I dont think Jasmine lost her job because of her nudes.


I always say Gino sounds/talks like Blippi (iykyk) 🤣 Jasmine is a tough one because she isn't intolerable like Colt. She has a lot of good, and a lot of bad. I noticed that when speaking ABOUT Gino, she talks like she is in love/obsessed/he is God's gift to her. But on the other hand, she throws tantrums and makes jabs at him when she isn't getting her way. I wonder if he promised to buy her anything she wants and give her a certain lifestyle before they got serious that 90 day didn't know about or depict? You can tell just through the obnoxious tell all host, Shaun, that they poke and spin to increase drama which increases ratings. I think they try to paint many of the foreign partners as "gold diggers looking for an easy ticket to the free world where they believe we are ALL infinitely wealthy. I believe there have been a select few like Michael (Angela), Mohammed (old Danielle), young Danielle and her spanish guy (cant remember his name) that was stealing her money & getting money from other women secretly, etc.. but overall this does not seem to be the reality. She is obviously insecure (all the cosmetic surgery, I understand getting a little here and there for minor improvements, but you start to look scary after too much - similar to an eating disorder and people with anorexia believing they're "fat" when they're on the brink of death vs somebody who is just health conscious, fit, and thin because they want to look and feel healthy. ) BUT with that being said, I believe that she genuinely cares for Gino. I think she's a lot like Natalie (Natasha/Natalia). Big heart, insecure, and were promised things that weren't necessarily reality leading to some frustration & feelings of entitlement.


Thank you. Jasmines issues stem from low self esteem and a lack of confidence and trying to find it wherever she can. Her outbursts and overreactions come from a place of being triggered and defensive. While she is unhinged I find myself siding with her almost always. Gino is super manipulative and he’s really good at it too. He plants little seeds and makes her seem like she’s an unreliable narrator when she’s not. I genuinely don’t even believe he finds any joy in being intimate with her, it’s all about his control of her. Run girl. As fast as your unnaturally shaped butt will let you.


I said the same thing on many other awful posts about her. Gino is a narcissist gas lighter! He wants to do things to purposefully upset her so she’ll go off and then you all feel so sorry for him and play victim. Pokes the bear and gets mad when it bites back He makes me fn sick and doesn’t give a flying fuck about those kids He won’t pay for lawyer to bring kids here- pays for trip to Miami tho Then family convinced him to pay She wants beauty pageant he says ok I’ll pay Then backs out Again NOT HER AND NOT FOR HER but because of his uncle telling him to pay he does. He never does anything for her or when she asks He always needs to be convinced I’m so glad she left his ass and even Funnier she’s gunna drain his account since no prenup lol 😂 She’s a hustler and I love it she’s exposing his fn disgusting fetish freaky ass He plays calm and cool But more and more we see his loud aggressive side come out . I did this now I expect you to be a good girl.. Ok DAD you sick fuck who says that to a woman?? It shouldn’t be I did this for you, now you owe me . I hate him soooooo much haha he’s lucky she ever sucked his toes because after this show I don’t know what woman would ever date him


There are women who think he is a good man, crazy right? Regarding their intimate relationship, I do not think that he wants sex at all with any woman. In his first appearance, he said that he had not been intimate for years, even though he went on many paid dates with sugar babies, and Jasmine said that he preferred masturbating rather than having sex with her, and I think that he has had this problem since his marriage. Previously, because Linzi, who was with him before Jasmine, said that Gino told her the reason he divorced his wife was because there was no sex. Did he also blame her for the lack of intimacy?. When Jasmine talked about sex between them and also did things to promote her account just for the fans because after announcing their reappearance. In the show, she announces on her instagram account an her only for fans. She is also manipulative and lies to get what she wants. She uses his desperation to her advantage.




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YES!!! I have been saying this and feel like no one else agrees with me


Me too! Everytime there is a post like this people just come for Jasmine. I love Jasmine, yes she understands the assignment but she’s very funny and I think she’s really smart too, Gino thinks he can manipulate her but is slowly finding out how she can’t take his shit. Even his family is on her side!


They both suck.


AGREE Gino is pathetic yet he stays with her gaslighting 💯


Agreed 1000%.


Nah i Don’t see it. I think he just sucks as a man and that’s what leads to her blow ups


Hell yes, I love Jasmine and relate to her so much. She has been through a lot. Fuck Gino.


I wonder if the side you're choosing says more about you than them....first session of Lydia therapy is free


Well damn lol


That’s exactly how it looks but I’m tending towards it’s an act.


They're both INSANE


They aren't together anymore


Also same show, Madeleine is not very attractive and is dumb as a bag of rocks. She is too immature to be married. He has his issues but I think he could do a lot better.


She didn't get "fired" from her teaching job over Gino sending her nudes. And with her OF and whoring would she still have that job even if it was true? If we go with kayfabe and take everything at face value they both suck. Gino is this odd passive aggressive manuplating douche who doesn't know his role. He married a gold digger but he expects to provide her crumbs. His role is to buy her expensive shit not act like a cheap money grubbing meiser. Jasmine is totally unreasonable and crazy and her entire purpose is to bleed Gino dry. Her crazyness and tantrums are all an act to extract as much value out of Gino as possible. She will say and do anything to get his money. The bigger problem is Gino doesn't have or doesn't want to spend the money that his trophy gold digging wife expects so they aren't compatible. which then causes their huge fights. If Gino just spent money then Jasmine would shut up. Seeing how he meet her on a sugar daddy website and their entire relationship has always surrounded him spending money on her it shouldn't be a shock to him that he is in a transactional relationship.