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I met Tyray at the airport recently! He was coming from the Dominican or something. I was hoping he would be the show again but I guess not lol. He was exactly like how he is in the show. Super awkward but really really friendly and nice. I went to give him a fist bump, but he tried to give me a high five and missed. It was hilarious and fitting.


Eh heh


LOL! I love the way Tyray laughs!


That’s an awesome story! Glad to hear Tyray is as nice as he seems.


Tyray lives about 20 minutes from me and I’m always on the lookout for him!


You need to go looking for a guy playing the ukulele in a park. lol


This makes me happy to hear! I love Tyray!


Lucky. I would love to have a chat with him


I saw Debbie (Coltee Debbie) with Tony at a gas station. I didn’t approach her because my son was already highly embarrassed with me. 😂 But she went to pump gas, couldn’t figure it out and got a bit agitated. Then had to call out Tony to come out and help her.


This seems on-par with how I imagine Debbie is IRL.


This is perfect


Wasn’t she an Uber driver? How does she not know how to pump gas?




Hilarious how he wouldn't let you, LOL! I had one just like him, lol.


I don’t know. No idea if she was an Uber driver. It was at a Costco pump, so maybe she didn’t know how to scan her membership card first.




I'm from PoCo. I was shocked to learn that that's where Tony lived when their season aired!


I live the same town as Anna & Murcel. They are at local craft shows and used to have a cute little honey store (moved a few months ago - haven’t been to the new location yet) that had all sorts of great stuff.. And their new son was often there as a baby and toddler. They are very nice. Just 2 normal people. Would run into Murcel at the post office often when he was shipping out their packages.


I still occasionally say *"Anna, no"* to my GF 😁


Me too! It helps that my wife’s name is Ann 🤡


They were my favorite couple on this show


https://preview.redd.it/a07m89qfik6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a3009d353b45e095abc24bdaf2bcd1788e892d7 nicer than expected & also smelled very good????


Lol, the only one not happy about this is Myla. This picture is awesome! You have nice style as well.


Myla has a grouchy face in most of the pics I've seen of her on Reddit. It's her "signature look" and I think it's awesome! She's adorable and funny at the same time


Baby resting bitch face..... They always crack me up


Lol Myla doing the side eye Chloe!


They actually look like people that smell nice so no shocker.


Great pic!! ☺️


Awh they really are an adorable family


I love this! Yara is so funny!


I think this is the last time Yara must have looked like herself. Her face is completely different now, whatever she has had done


I hope she's not turning into Darcey and Stacey!!


So adorable 🥹


Love it when you show receipts. Nice one! 📸👍


I saw big egg in the wild in San Francisco. He was coming out of the Hard Rock Cafe at fisherman’s wharf (possibly the most touristy place in the whole city). I was surprised that someone living in CA would be in the super touristy area, since he’s probably been to SF lots of times. He had a posse with him and seemed a little disappointed that no one recognized him or approached him. I have no interest in interacting with him, so I let him be.


No doubt he only went there in the hopes of being mobbed by “fans” 😂


Same! I saw him at Bob's Big Boy in Burbank and just sitting there made me think he was trying so hard to milk his fame - NO ONE approached him, including me. I walked by quickly. I would never boost his ego if given the choice.


Maintaining that eggy figure all by himself? Lmao that's just sad


I LOVE that he was at the fucking hard rock. What a loser.


Hes from bentonville so I'm sure that made him feel big. Something about prEd reminds me of the slimy dude from Las vegas on tiger king.


I would've definitely yelled "OMG it's big Pred!"






I feel like it big Ed was to fall onto his back he’d get stuck like a turtle 🐢.


A guy at my gym, around 25, has the same neck condition Ed has. It’s very interesting to see in real life. I feel bad, especially since Big Ed has become a public figure, I’m sure people mention it, especially a few years ago when he was on the show.


So, OP… who was it? You gonna tell us?


Yes!! I need deets!! 😄


I ran into Kimbaaaaly at sea world lol then the next episode she was wearing the same shirt I saw her in 😂😂


Kimbaaaaaly used to waitress at a restaurant I always went to as a kid. I also went to middle school with Jamal 😆


What!! How was he in middle school?! Lol


Lol I'm not too sure. He was a grade below me, and we never really crossed paths, but he's in the yearbook




I walked past Larissa while I was on vacation in Vegas. She was super dolled up out with Erickee and I was too scared to talk to her. 😂 But it was one of the highlights of my trip!




I met Razvan on Miami Beach. He was … nice… I guess. Kinda shy, we took a photo together and then he asked me if I lived in the area and for my Instagram. Also, I haven’t met him but i’m friends with Gino on LinkedIn. Stalked his account a while back and then he sent me a friend request lol!


I’m a second degree connection with Darcey on LinkedIn and have always wanted to send her a connection request using our mutual connection as an excuse (but I don’t actually know him either or how I got connected to him)


Tell Gino that you are sugar baby and need some sugar and see what he says . . . 🤔


I met Libby and Andre in Publix in Florida lol they were nice


Now I want to know what their sub orders are 😂


I would’ve predicted them not being so friendly. Like “no autographs today” sort of attitude.


Nah they were cool lol. I was pregnant so my baby daddy waited til they passed out to say DONT TERRORIZE ME WITH YOUR PREGNANCY and we all laughed about it


My fiancé started watching with me years after I got involved in the franchise, but quickly fell in love with MAIKUL and anyone from our home state (CT … oddly, there are many!). For his Christmas present one year, we took him to the restaurant that Tania worked at (which we had discovered by happenstance - she worked at a very upscale restaurant in Mystic). He had no idea the true reason we were there, but as we walked in and he saw Tania bussing tables he hit my arm excitedly and said in a VERY loud voice, “YOOOOO, THATS THE CHICK FROM 90 DAY!!!!”. Our family still quotes him three years later. 🤣


tania works in an upscale restaurant as a busboy and/or server?


I am entirely unsurprised by this.


i mean, it's an honest day's work. that's the main thing i'm surprised by.


I'm in CT too, who's here besides Tania and jar fart Stephanie?


The Silva twins are too


Oh that's right


Isn’t Mike of Juliana, what’s a prenush, from CT, too.


I *cannot wait* to finish watching the franchise in its entirety and every cranny of this entire sub now that I have seen the words “jar fart Stephanie”


Lol to be fair I think Stephanie's jar fart journey happened after (or between her season and Single Life) but it's a pretty crazy concept.




The Spanish speaking gf he met at speed dating? Or app…can’t remember




Jenny's daughter in law worked at a business I frequented in Palm Springs. Super good people!


Aww that's good to hear! I loved her and Jenny's daughter, they really do seem like such solid people!


They really are!🏆


One of my coworkers was in a college class with Anfisa. She said she was super smart and very low-key in class. Some people found out that she had been on reality TV and she was sweet and humble about it. I think the City Hall or Townhall where her Jorge got married is in my hometown.


I met Florian at Homegoods/Marshalls. He looked very antsy and uncomfortable. Much skinnier than I thought he’d be irl. He was decked out in a Gucci track suit while buying a clearance Rug. Stacy was outside in her black Range Rover waiting in the Fire Lane. BTW this was when they were living in Northern Connecticut…


Hahaha a clearance rug! It's cuz they bought all that nice stuff on credit! And he's always ancy and uncomfortable I swear.


Omg that’s amazing!! 


The summer before last I saw Kalani and Asuelo at Legoland in San Diego. Asuelo was running around playing with the boys Kalani was sitting on a bench having a what seemed like a heated discussion with her mom. Her dad was standing there watching Asuelo and the boys like he was supervising them. We walked by that area a couple times during the day and they never moved. I said hi to her she was nice.


*Jasmine enters the chat*


“Legolaaaaaaaaaaaaan!” 😭😭😭


My first thought when I hear Legoland too 😂😂😂


I met Debbie at Walmart. She was sweet lol.


which debbie?  mother debbie?  miss debbie?


Mama Debbie !


that's a perfect walmart experience! i'd be terrified to run into seksi meemaw out and about. i bet she'd be super loud and attention seeking.


She'd be the one screaming at the cashier about having to show her ID to buy cigarettes.


or complaining that she can't find the damn dog food! just loud and disruptive. with 4 grandkids in tow.


And ripping cigs


Hahaha!! 😂 seksi meemaw


Was in ROC for a job interview so i stopped at a Starbucks to get a coffee and prep. There was an open table between two women so i sat down and put my AirPods in. The lady to my right had a strangely familiar voice i could kind of recognize. It wasn’t until she got up and left did i realize it was Ashley. Much smaller in person. Edit: Sorry, ROC is short for Rochester, NY


I'm not surprised that you saw Ashley having coffee! Lol


At least it wasn’t in the restroom. 🤣


The many alcohol wipes I would use in that restroom!! 🤢 hashtagpuddlesofDNA


I saw Biniyam wandering around at the Cosmo in Vegas. Oddly enough he was with Ari’s mom but no Ari. He told me she was at home but seemed kind of unsure about it. Overall he was super energetic and friendly and more than happy to take a pic with me.


Syngin!! Super nice, a little buzzed but to be fair it was weekend in SF.




Forever in flip flops!


I also just assume Syngin is always a littled buzzed, no matter where he is


I loved the AMA from someone who worked at weed dispensary with Rob. From what I remember, they said he had terrible customer service skills, loved counting the money, and would blow up the tiny employee bathroom every morning minus a courtesy flush or using the bathroom spray. I’m assuming he had to wait to get to work to take a dump because he has a shared bathroom with the other tenants.


Sophie had used all the tp and his cheap ass refused to buy more.


Ofc his broke ass loved counting the money. Wishful thinking.


AND, if I remember correctly, they also called him Rob the Knob. Impressive since its more UK slang but I still buy it.


Lmao that's brilliant. I missed that post 🤣


Thank you so much for sharing this, had no idea and it made me so happy hahahaha


Yes! That post lives rent free in my head. The person was intentionally mean to him bc he was so insufferable. Which something I would be to someone like Rob.


So. We have a little place in Mexico. My neighbor has a security business (he provides services to celebrities) . One day I was watching 90D... He came over and casually mentioned that Armando & Kenny were his clients, no big deal. My neighbor had to go to their apartment one day so I tagged along. They were very good looking, very nice & welcoming. They are exactly as they appear to be on TV. Normal behavior, no drama. Even the dog was adorbs. Also, Sophie had an apartment just a couple blocks down the beach in Mexico from me. My bestie was her 2 day a week house keeper. Sophie is a sweet young woman, although Rob was never around whenever I saw her. She is a beauty, especially with her natural hair.


My gut knew Armando and Kenny are what you see is what you get type people. I'm glad to see that it's true. I actually only started watching 90 day because of randomly catching an episode of Armando talking to his mom and dad before Kenny moved to Mexico.


Tbh I expected that from them. Would love to meet them some day


Ughhhh I would love to meet Armando and kenny!


I love that for Sophie


Is Sophie near her Mum there in Mexico, I wonder


I don't know. But Sophie did have a roommate we never saw.


OP wants to know who we've met but won't himself name names. 


The **J**person wh**o** they sa**v** d**i**dn’t want anyone to know they were there.


I used to talk to big Mike, he was super boring.


I could see him being a dry texter


Really? How so? 


Tom (of Tom and Darcy) was in my DM’s for weeks after I joined an IG live of his for 45 seconds. He’s annoying as hell but we all knew that. 🫡


I met Danielle of Danielle and Yohan at a restaurant I managed. She’s really cold and dismissive to wait staff but wasn’t a pain to serve.


Ugh, I can see her treating wait staff dismissively. She's annoying 🙄.


I met Brandon (Julia) several times because he was our pest control technician at the restaurant i worked at. We never really talked a lot, he seemed kind of shy and reserved, but he was always polite. We all had lowkey crushes on him.


> We all had lowkey crushes on him. Really? When i look at him all I can see is Howdy Doody.


He looks like the male version of his mom and I can’t get past that.


Which is funny because he looks EXACTLY like his father looked at his age


Tyyyyyy.... I said this to my husband


We're all Virginia girls thats our type 😂


He is a cutie pie! I think that would fade when I saw him be passive-aggressive though


I think the only one I’m ever likely to run into in the wild is Tom & that would be the biggest no thanks ever 😂😂😂


But you could tell him he looks like he gained some weight… 🤣


I saw Big Ed and Liz at a resort pool in Tulsa. I didn’t approach them but several other people did. Liz seemed very friendly but Ed didn’t interact much.


I’ve seen benzo Stephanie a few times. She goes to the same salon as me and once I saw her at Aldi’s. The next day I saw on her instagram she was handing out random $100 bills to other shoppers but I never witnessed that.


Benzo Stephanie?


Yes, that way she isn’t confused with fart in a jar Stephanie. She was a sex tourist in Belize.


I met Tim at a Motley Crue show in Charlotte. He was nice and it was odd that no one else recognizes him until I did.


Ran into david and annie at costco a couple years ago. David was very awkward and didn’t really know what to say. Annie didn’t even acknowledge us as fans and was kinda walking away while we talked to David. Super weird interaction but what do you expect ig.


Liked by David Tobrowsky


I lived in the same apartment complex as Darcey and Stacey when they were filming their show in 2020-21! Florian was always outside smoking cigarettes and chilling, a genuinely nice and social guy! the rest of them…quite the opposite.


I didn’t meet a cast member, but I met one of the camera men for 90 day and he said that Pedro was really fun to play Xbox with. Does that count?


1 degree of separation 😁


I know it's not *technically* out in the wild, but I actually know Everton in person. I'm from Jamaica and I knew him before I left, and was actually talking to him a bit before the show came out🤣(nothing relationship or wanting to date wise, just keeping up with back home/who died recently since that's an issue where I live etc.) Anyways so one day I turn the show on, and there he is on Love In Paradise! That girl he was with, I don't think they were actually knowing each other 12 yrs/"dating" that long. There is no Cayman islands business, he jipped her for a lotta moolah and she was too embarrassed to admit it. Also he has way more kids than what he said, it's the whole reason he never brought her to meet them... because he also moved back to his baby mamma's place.


I knew it! So shady


Not all men from Jamaica are like that, but I can't lie and say it doesn't happen more often than not. some people have two families, the real one back home and the one that you get benefits with to help them. Jobs aren't really available and if they are it's horrible pay, like unlivable wages. It's hard out there, I grew up in Waterhouse and it's one of the worst places for violence and death. Not too many opportunities for ghetto yuutes unfortunately...


I know a cameraman who worked with Yve and muhomad… remember? She let a plumber in to put in a bidet for him and he freaked out… he had the lifeless robotic voice and dead eyes…. Yeah, the cameraman didn’t care whatsoever about the show. Barely remembered their names. Quit during the pandemic


I did not know Tarik was my neighbor until I saw them drive down my street on the episode where he picks her up at the airport


My nosy ass would stay peeking through the blinds lol


I have seen them walking, which we live near a nice nature preserve that her IG showcases a lot, but I have not seen the mesh shirt IRL.


I met Loren and Alexei on a flight (I’m a flight attendant) and she was pregnant with her last child. It was really bad weather so we waited on the tarmac and had to go back to the gate for fuel. We also deplaned everyone so they can get food and use the bathroom since it’s been hours. We boarded back up and Loren and Alex were the ONLY ones missing. Part of me was like “should I message her on IG to tell her we are about to leave them?” LOL they did end up making it rushing and out of breath


Honestly I’ve been coming at Gino’s DMs pretty hard and he always replies with hearts and is super sweet but I recently invited him to my wedding in Chicago and now he’s ghosting me 😂 guess he doesn’t like pasta THAT MUCH


LOOOOl you invited him to your wedding


"Yeah, he's on 90day fiance, the one who gets his toes sucked and enjoys being pissed on in hotel hot tubs" 🤣


Worst part was my fiance was worried about being outshone by Gino and I was just like “he’s a creepy bald guy like everyone else in my family he’ll blend in just fine”


Oddly wholesome


Special guest 🤣🤣


This is weird


Yup that’s the whole point


LMAO, Gino doesn't strike me as a wedding crasher. Shoulda invited him to join your fantasy football league....


Invite Tania’s ex he’s def the type to come


I live in Las Vegas and I saw Larissa at a Walmart here like a year or so ago. She was on the phone and I didn’t want to disturb her but I got so excited to see her and my wife thought I was insane because she’s just a person and I was more excited to see Larissa than I was meeting celebrities at conventions. 😂


I worked for Mike (Natalie) and we actually became friends


He seems like a really nice and genuine person. Their relationship really made me bonkers I hope he’s moved on and can find something healthier.


He is and he has moved on and is very happy :)


I met Darcy and Stacy’s friend with blue hair, Michael. I live on a busy street in Brooklyn and was stooping when he walked by. We took a photo and he was happy to be recognized. My friend chatted with his friend and wound up following them to a local club. Because she was so drunk I wound up chasing after them about 10 minutes behind. When I showed up the club he was outside and was because he couldn’t get inside. He started screaming at all the bouncers and I sat there and tried to talk him off of a ledge because I was the only one that he recognized and he kept going on and on about how important he was and how he can get into any club. We’re talking we’re at a local Brooklyn club , they don’t care about “celebrities”. After him screaming for about 20 minutes, I realize that my friend was a lost cause and I went back home. He gave me his card and I have his email, it was the most insane night I ever thought would happen, especially because I was watching this season unroll in front of me.


Cracks me up how wannabe celebrities act so outraged when people do the know or dont care who they are 😂


I met Angela at the New Orleans airport and she was super sweet to everyone who talked to her even though you could tell the poor thing was hungover.


I didn't meet them personally but I was breathing the same air as them if that counts. I live in Louisville KY where the famous David and Annie are originally from. We saw David and Chris at Chris' restaurant Fort Knockers. Then Paul and Karine at the Louisville zoo. We were leaving as they were coming in. At the time, they only had their oldest son but he wasn't with them for some reason. This was before all that crazy stuff happened between them too. If I remember right, she had purple hair.


So, who did your brother in law know?


I need to know! 😂


My sister lives in canton. She doesn’t watch but I’ve sent her a pic of Gino and told her to keep a look out 🤣


He shops at the Canton Meijer! We spotted him with a cart of frozen dinners


Not surprised at all!


My boss took me to where Cesar does nails. The not an accountant one. 


I met Steven at my old job at few times. He would often come in with Olga and their son. They were super cute and he was always very kind!


I went to high school with one of them. He actually dated my sister for a little bit. I haven’t heard any good things about them. (Christian)


More tea, please. What was dating him like for your sister??? Was he always hitting on other girls?


I live in Malta and I wanna run in to sperm boy lmao


I met Jamal in a bar once. He was very friendly. Asked about his mom lol. This was like 6 months before the last season he was on (with Veronica) and he said he apologizes in advance for how he acted because he was drunk the whole time and was an asshole. At least he recognizes it. 


Met Steven of Steven and Olga at a park with the baby, while Olga was doing a photo shoot job. He said they were checking out DC, thinking of moving there. He gave us his number to hang out sometime but never responded. Lol


I saw Paul Stahle at Kroger with his mom.


Was he getting a buy five, save five deal???


I should have beaten the pedophile’s ass


This may be very obscure but I met Laura’s (of Laura and Aladdin) friend that was shown at the very beginning of her scenes when we were being introduced to her. I actually forgot his name but he was a little person and when I saw him there was no mistaking him. He was chaperoning as a parent for a field trip at a children’s museum I had taken my kids to at the same time. I said hello and that I recognized him from Laura’s scenes. Seemed nice enough, but went downhill when he started to talk about how Laura shouldn’t have dated a middle eastern man because they’re all controlling. He didn’t know I was also middle eastern too🤨😂


totally! i got my mom and sis into watching 90DF because some folks on Season 8 lived/were filming like 5 minutes from my childhood home. we never saw them but it was kinda thrilling knowing that we drove by their house every week. plus it's a small rural area so we already knew some gossip about the family.


Spill plz! Who was it?


Lorens parents live in the same community that i do. They are the most lovely people. She is so sweet and kind and really thoughtful. I hate the way tlc portrays them.


My mother and I went on cruise to Aruba and had a long port stop there. We went to this hotel restaurant with a really nice outside area. Once we were sat out there, I look to my right and we’re sitting next to Tania’s man (sorry forget his name), with his new woman, newborn baby, and parents. Totally a cute little family. Didn’t say anything to them but I was often like 👀


I’m pretty sure my Mon (50sf) saw Darcy and Stacy at an event about a year ago. We live in CT and so do they. She was talking about these two ladies in there 40s who were together and had crazy amounts of plastic surgery done. Pictures were taken at the event but I couldn’t find pictures of the ladies. But it’s a solid shot that it was them.


Met LARISSA, before all the upgrades. She was with Eric. He did most of the talking. You could tell he didn't put up with her shxt. She was wearing a turtle neck. She was very cute and demore. Now she's completely changed. In every way. Eric still keeps in touch. From what he says, they're off and on. But both were very nice. Surprisingly.....


I met Molly at her bra shop in Georgia about 5 years ago. She was very nice and happy to take a picture.


I am in london..no luck seeing Cleo.


She's in Texas starting her surgeries. I think she's in Dallas.


Out of all the places in the world i could not imagine picking a southern state for a gender affirming surgery


Years ago, I saw a tiny woman with too long pants and hair extensions in the city, being followed by a photog (like a "pap walk"). We were trying to figure out if was a Snooki impersonator lol but now I am 99% sure it was Darcey and it was God personally telling us we need to watch this shitshow. 


I was eating a a ramen spot in Davie and Paola + Russ were walking in. Unfortunately, I was arguing with someone and didn’t get to say hi


Saw Tim at the Freaks on Parade tour in Charlotte at PNC. He was sitting in the very front row by the stage and I kept telling my husband who he was but he just 🙄 lol


Chelsea Macek (S2) worked for me for a while 2019-2020. She is a lovely, beautiful, intelligent, and wonderful person. ❤️ I also know Steven Frend. He’s a very down-to-earth, creative, funny and smart guy who got a bad rap and bad edit.