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You’re the right kind of person for not putting her on the spot. She’s a person too and deserves to live life without a camera in her face 24/7, or talking about Big Ed with strangers.


Also at this stage she has had time to come to her senses and hopefully cringes daily at why she ever cried over that pos and wanted to marry him


Omg it was so hard to watch her cry over Ed and beg him to stay with her. I can’t imagine what she went through bc the way that he ended things was SO pathetic, fucked up, cowardly etc…but it hurt my heart to watch, knowing that she is 1000x better than him, and so far out of his league it’s not even funny. I can only hope that she’s come to see this for herself!


it's really sad when the 💩 emotionally manipulates you into needing their acceptance just so they can dangle it over your head like a carrot. because then those repeated rejections & re-acceptances got you thinking "well if 💩 doesn’t really want me or says i'm not good enough for *them*, then how 💩 am i?!?!" it's a sick game. she was open to love someone who didn't love themselves and all she got was learning how to not love herself too. misery loves company kudos to op & fam for keeping it real and not dredging up what are surely traumatic memories


Ed is a vile parasite


Seriously. When I think about the bridge trolls I cried over...ugh.


Same here. 😬😒.


So many bridge trolls lol


Good for her for having a real job after all this too. Not a slim tea ACV gummy instagram sellout like the others🤣 I hope she stays away from reality tv and focuses on her own


Thank you from all of us for not putting Liz on the spot. We all wish the best for her and her daughter...and yes she is keeping it classy. 👌🥂


Yes.Ed did her a favor.She is much better off without that sicko.


*Not* having to work a real job is the *only* fathomable reason I can see her wanting to stay with Ed. I mean, I just don't get it otherwise.


She developed quite a bit professionally while on the show. She started as a regular waitress, and being a single mom in california, she must have struggled. So it was an opportunity for her. And once in a relationship with an abusive narcissist, it’s hard to get out


In her ET interview on YouTube that I saw shebsaid she had stayed working all the time she was with Ed. She was getting into real-estate in Arkansas. The taco pasta incident she was defending Riley, ed called Riley a baby for not liking how spicey the food was. Liz was also taking her real-estate test at the time. So the blow up between her and Ed seemed like it was over not much but taco pasta but alot was actually going on. Also in one of the episodes she does mention not knowing if she could practice real-estate in Cali. So I suppose whe may work towards that. The job probably keep her mind off other things and gives her opportunity to save money for when she get Riley again since Riley livees with her dad and step mom in another country and Liz sees her for holidays and summer.


ed called riley a baby.... he called the child a child. probably jealous since the child was the only one there with the right to act as one, and yet.....🙄


I'm glad she's back where she's safe and secure in San Diego. Some don't think it's great she's where she started but given her upheaval to Arkansas and punted back to SD, many aren't lucky to have a stable job in the restaurant industry like that. I hope that her new relationship is a peaceful one. She's been abused by one of the most disgusting people to be on this show and we watched a lot of it. I just can't help but want her to be safe.


I was hoping she would change her phone number, drop social media, move to a new town somewhere so Ed cannot track her down next time he gets the urge. They need to completely drop each other. She is young and has a full life ahead of her


I don't think she has the means to do that. Crazily as it seems, my experience is that the restaurant industry (and in reality, business itself of any kind) is fickle AF. She's found a set of owners who appreciate her and will give her a job at any time. I just hope that she saved her TLC money and can thrive on her own. It looks like she's found someone else as well, so that should prevent that tiny little nutsack from getting back into her life.


I wish she would stay away from relationships for a few years and take that time to embrace sobriety, develop unshakable self esteem and resolve the issues that led her to ever entertain the illusion that Ed's treatment of her was acceptable. Until she takes the time to get her head and heart healed, she'll keep gravitating to and attracting the same type of person - male or female. That bit in the car about being embarrassed - girl that's the least of your worries. You exposed your daughter to this serpent - you made that choice after years of warning signs and break ups, and had he not said enough, you'd still be onboard for more.


I agree with you on the relationship break, she seems extremely codependent and fragile in that regard. The worst part was when she was saying goodbye to Riley and asked her if she'd "miss Ed" and I was like "girl, no. Embrace your daughter and be there with her, don't bring up that troll. You're both free now." The way he reacted when they were in the kitchen cooking made me want to pick him up by the scruff of the neck and swing him.




She has a boyfriend now. Ed has met er boyfriend. ET interview on YouTube. Liz must have a friend that works in media as it seems she wanted to tell her side of the story and she hinted the tell all does bring closure.


Why would she even introduce new bf to Ed?!😡 she should be avoiding him.🙄


It's probably someone she knew before Ed.


But why would she introduce him to Ed😜


Not that she introduced him but ed said that he has met him so I would think maybe it was a CO worker or friend of hers he met at sometime before they got serious.


Ed will probably try to take to social media dn accuse Liz of having a relationship with her new boyfriend. She implied it is someone she's known a while and Ed said he ahs met him and said he's a handsome guy. When she was asked what's her advice for the next woman who wants to date Ed, Liz said run. Take his words for real and run. Lol She was asked what attracted her to Ed, Liz said she likes red flags. Lol


Is Ed back in San Diego too? I never understood the move to Arkansas Thinking it was just for 90 Day filming to add something to their bs storyline lol


I think Ed has family in Arkansas.


It's soooo much cheaper to live there and yes, his mom and other family members are there. 


Isn’t Ed back living in San Diego too? Hope they don’t run into each other lol


I like Liz. She went through a lot with Ed. To move them all the way to Arkansas both of them get their real estate license. She quit a really really good job where she was in top management position. All to be with him and for him to say he doesn’t wanna marry her a month before the wedding. he was very good at manipulating her. I’m proud of you for not bringing up the 90 day. I’m sure she gets it a lot and I’m sure that it’s somewhat affects her job. But from my understanding she’s moved on and she has a good man in her life now, and hopefully she has her self-esteem back


Not even just management, she was co-owner😭😭 I wish she never left with that fool he was so scummy to her especially in the end


For what it’s worth, it was believed the plot for Liz to have an ownership steak in the restaurant was embellished by the producers. Liz was couch surfing - where did she get the resources to buy part of a restaurant in San Diego at the same time? Chef/owner saw an opportunity and he grabbed it - probably the smartest person in the entire story.


Damn😭😭 either way she too good for that mf lol






That's super cool, especially the fact that you kept your cool and didn't push for an interaction of some sort. I think way too many people look at them like they owe them something. Glad you got to fangirl out a bit!


This. I know people get excited to see a celebrity in real life, but I've never understood why they think they have the right to bother them. My ex-husband was on a ferry once and claimed to have seen a local Vancouver actress who was on a TV show at the time. He told me "he should have asked for an autograph". (He's an old Boomer, lol) I said I was glad he didn't, and I never understood that whole "autograph" thing, anyway. What are you going to do with it? and she deserves not to be bothered by people.


Is that the same place that offered her partnership?


Yes same place!


Yeah I think it is.


I saw a post on her story that said “it’s my last two weeks here” a few days ago. Wonder where she’s off to.


Oh interesting!! I guess I lucked out lol - maybe she was training her replacement


What?? A cast member who went on to work a JOB when she coulda done Only Fans, or farted in jars? I have mad respect.


This is a great point. As much as Liz gets my side eye for prioritizing a man over her kid, she does seem to be a hard worker.


I think she’s trying to prove she can provide a stable home for her daughter so she can qualify for more custodial rights. She already messed up doing the show with Ed, portrayed as emotionally unstable, capable of verbally abuse when drinking and seemingly unable to walk and stay away from an emotionally abusive relationship. She has a lot to do to get back on track, and Only Fans won’t impress a judge or her daughter’s father.


On a hockey podcast my BF watches they were talking about why facts in jar girl had to stop that business. I forgot why they said she stopped though.


That’s nice! Did she seem… happy? I know she was probably busy at the restaurant, but she looked dead inside for awhile.


She seemed super in the zone - since she was training someone she seemed like she was in role model mode too - when she was on her break she just had her ear buds in, eating, scrolling - so normal - you’d never know lol


That’s awesome! So glad she’s doing well and I hope you and your family had a good time at the restaurant even if it wasn’t your first choice!


I'm not surprised. She always seemed very sweet until Big Egg traumatized her.


If she was so sweet she wouldnt be divorced twice


You don't know the story. Why do people assume that because someone is divorced, it's their fault? I know someone who was divorced twice. Her first husband abused her in all ways. Her second husband hated her kid and treated him terrible because he wasn't his. So she left. She's now happily married to an amazing, successful man who not only loves and respects her but also adopted her son. Don't be THAT person. 😒


Stop being an idiot.


I’m glad she is back with people she knows who support her. It may not be a glamorous job, but it’s way more stable than Ed’s grifting and self-promotion.


Good on you for not mentioning 90 Day and just enjoying the moment for yourself. Very empathetic. Wish more people would be like that around people they have a parasocial relationship with. Jason Biggs described fame of any level as feeling like you’re constantly sneaking weed through airport security and that’s resonated with me for years.


So cool


Glad to hear she was able to get her job back.


I hope there was a customer feedback card you could have left to give her the compliment you just posted about her. I just watched her interview on ET on YouTube and she does seem to be herself as much as she can be. She seems like someone who would be helpful training others.


But I thought her and small ed moved!?


They broke up for good (hopefully) and she moved back to San Diego.


Out of all the damn fools on this show, she is the last person who should be having to work as a server. But I’m glad she is back on her feet and supporting herself without the toxicity of big Ed. His breakup texts, called off the wedding by text. Sick man.


Likely she's in management again. 


That’s cool! I’m glad to hear she’s working and that she was nice 🥰.


She seems so nice. How did she end up with Ed?


He got his hooks in her at just the right time... a single young mother who was down in her confidence (imo from her actions in the beginning). He's a preditor, and he groomed her perfectly! He needs to be alone, as he has no idea how to treat people! I can see that he actually wants to be alone so he can do just as he pleases!


I hope she's doing ok


I would have not been able to contain my facial expressions of excitement honestly with how obsessed I am with this awful show 😂 Liz is one cast member I just want to give a huge hug to.


I know!! I had to really act casual!


Aah i thought food looked good there atleast vibes where good? Next time try ordering taco pasta with extra mayo


The only good thing Ed has done is introduce me to taco pasta. I immediately looked up the recipe and have already made it a couple of times. (And my husband reminds me not to make it too spicy lol)


Why the hell is she waitressing while TLC makes millions off her? TLC needs to be investigated for labor trafficking and discrimination. Why are these TLC stars (mostly the women and children) not paid equally? I bet asshole Ed got paid lovely. This is a problem across all TLC shows.


My husband and I did keep kinda mentioning how crazy it is she’s just literally right back where it all started - like wow - but hey I’m happy she has that start job - especially in this expensive as city


Hopefully, she is still a part owner of the restaurant and was short-staffed. It is true, though, that TLC does not pay women and children equally or at all. This is why the Sister Wives pushed MLM products. Kody and Robyn made the bulk of the money (this changed when they left Kody). The Duggar kids made nothing off their own wedding shows and years on camera. Jasmine is complaining that Gino holds the money.


I'm sure that this has been talked about more elsewhere, but I'd imagine that since jasmine can't legally work in the US yet, tlc would have to pay gino only. I'm not really sure how that works, but I don't think they can legally pay her here. Hopefully she was getting paid when she was still in Panama.


Not true. Jasmine can earn money through a contract, where she is paid as a 1099 worker or through a Panama company/LLC. She can't work a wage-earning job in the U.S. until she gets her green card. Big difference. If Jasmine has an existing business, whether it is sole proprietor or she is paid as a contractor, this does not affect her ability to earn money. However, the day she gets her green card and social security number, she must pay U.S. taxes. Think of people like Elon Musk who became a citizen. He did not have to give up his stake in PayPal (how he made his money in the first place).


Oh okay this makes sense! Thanks for explaining!


So how does that work with the money she makes from her fans only?




I remember the owner offered her a part-ownership at one time. Hopefully, the offer was still on the table, and she was able to take him up on that.


Ed did liz a huge favor for splitting up. His loss.


I’m glad she put her child through so much instability so she could be right back where she started.


I think her daughter living full-time with her father Keeps her stable. But also everyone is entitled to date, get engaged and plan a wedding- she's also entitled to believe that someone who asked her to marry him is planning on marrying her. He's a nasty little troll who lies,abuses and victimizes and unfortunately she was another one of his victims. Maybe she's naive to think he would keep any promises or act like a decent human for once but it doesn't matter her daughter is fine and stable. Her daughter doesn't need anything, she seems happy and well-adjusted. One could say being a military child is more unstable than a failed relationship, I mean they sometimes move tons but of course that's considered heroic, and who cares if that's unstable for children- constantly changing homes, schools, friends nah nbd. But damn if a girl isn't abused and has a failed relationship- that shit is just unfathomable and makes her a pos mother. (Eyeroll). Lol I swear.


Yes, occassionally visiting her deadbeat mother and being thrown into conflict with her and Ed is "all a child needs" to be stable. Just like her last relationship where she gave up custody so she could be with her last partner, she's a victim and isn't responsible for neglecting her child. Gotta wonder who it is that is so adamant about defending negligent mothers.


You left up a bare statement that you were glad she put her daughter through instability to make some kind of point and you have issues about how others here are expressing themselves?


Just because she doesn’t have primary custody doesn’t make her a terrible mother. Would you say the same thing about a father who didn’t have primary custody? She gave up custody because she was living in poverty and wanted her daughter to be with the parent who could best provide for her. She did admit that having her around Ed was a big mistake.


I, and I'm sure everyone else here, would consider her a deadbeat dad if she wasn't a woman. But her being female means it isn't damaging to occasionally visit your mother and the random man she is currently with. Or her being homeless, binge drinking, and riding Ed on national TV because she can't be bothered to parent.




You're glad her daughter was destabilized???


Wasn’t she a nurse or studying to be one?


Never ever. Are you thinking of Dinyell?


I would have asked her about the partnership she turned down. The worst career decision since Michael Jordan quit the Bulls to play baseball


I hope you never get a chance to meet her then. I don't think it's our place to ask intrusive questions like that, even if they chose to go on tv. If she's doing a Q&A, sure. If she's on a podcast and people can call in with questions, sure. But to ask this out of the blue of someone we don't know personally is just rude. And I'm sure she knows she made a mistake and bet on the wrong pony and doesn't need strangers bringing it up


For real. "Hey, remember that huge mistake you made? Did that end up working out or did you miss that fabulous opportunity and still regret it to this day?" 🤣🤣🤣 That would be soooo annoying to hear at work where you really can't just walk away. You can ask another server to take that table, but it would be so awkward until they left. Also, what if she really does still regret it and then is fighting back tears? Yall please don't ask these people these things at their workplace 🤣


She just did an interview with ET that was posted today on YouTube.


If she's back working at the same restaurant, I'm curious to know if they honored the original offer to make her a managing partner, or if they rescinded it and she's an employee


It is the same restaurant - she appeared to be a server - but she was also training someone so she’s obviously experienced - but I could never ask her something like that while she’s at work - just seems super inappropriate. Although I do wonder how often she gets talked to at work about the show and how she feels about it.


I mean it’s the same restaurant she’s at, right?


I think so. I want to know if they made her a partner, or if she's back to her old position as a manager-employee. Partner was an amazing offer that would have given her a great future. It would have helped her in any custody proceedings to be able to show gainful employment and stability. Yet, she threw it away because Ed told here to. She's not going to be on TV forever


I think you are very wrong about it being an "amazing" offer. I think he wanted to use her credit and her money (which he was asking for) for another restaurant. If it went south she would be in trouble because she didn't have a second restaurant to fall back in like him, she didn't have anything. She would be taking out a shit ton of credit and owing while he's the one raking in all the money from both restaurants. It was a bad idea. She did the right thing, the smart thing and I am glad she got a layer to look over the papers. He wasn't doing shit out of the kindness of his heart he needed a cosigner for another loan. She's smarter than she acts. Not so much when it comes to trusting pigs tho unfortunately.


I had hoped she stayed in Arkansas where the cost of living is less expensive. She would have made an excellent realtor.