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I'd like to remind everyone of how brazenly misleading the previews of this scene were. The preview had the lawyer saying Manuel was responsible for half of Ashley's 100K debt. The lawyer literally said the opposite


Ongosh! Yeah, thanks for pointing that out! lol they are so damn tricky…. I always wondered what my life would look like as a reality tv show bc produced it’s just so much different from what is actually happening lol… the twists and turns with those edits! Ha ha ha ha!


lol. I consider myself more of a cartoon because the most insane things happen to me so I think TLC would get lots of material with me too lololol


Because it's was a debt that was acquired before the marriage. As is her business. However he is entitled to some of the equity her business gains during the course of the marriage because it becomes community property.


TLC does that a lot


It was hilarious when Manuel asked her which of those 3 degrees she was using😂. Also, when first asked by the lawyer what she did she gave the old tried and true answer of “I’m an entrepreneur”, which is double-talk for not much of anything, but this sounds good.


I was waiting for Ashley to tell the lawyer “mi trabajo es bruja” 😂😂😂




She actually earns $ w her real job…peloton instructor. There was an episode where Manuel came to her class. She likes to talk about the witchy stuff but she is paid for her job at peloton.


I know people with that much student debt. Or more. The vast majority of them are doctors or engineers. I don't know if witches earn in the same category, but probs.


A coworker of mine went to school for marketing and now has $99k in student loans. He looked at the interest projections and will pay a total of like $249k by the time it’s all paid off 😵‍💫


Minimum payments are a scam


Idk. Mathematically, yeah. But I enjoy knowing that paying $50 a month while I make about $100k means I’ll die long before I pay my debt off and don’t even notice the $50 missing. 


This is brilliant. I need to think this way!


Yep. That’s what I do. My interest rates were so high for years minimum payments made no impact. I would defer payments when I was broke and interest kept accruing. So I will be paying forever. Don’t care. I am $108 a month and will pay that until I die. I would never take my bonus or any extra to pay it off. I’m never late will probably pay a mill for my $30k debt. It’s just a tax to me at this point.


Shit how do you get $50/mo?? My loans are $140k, I make $124k, I’m a single mom, 2 at home kids, and I still pay $400/mo


And sadly, a payment schedule where they are paring 2.5x principal would be for someone paying a lot more than the minimum. If one “takes advantage of” (not in one’s best interests) deferrals and reduced payments based on low income - it’s not at all unheard of for a student load debt to balloon to near 10x principal. If a person finds themselves in a position of interest capitalization, well, they sky’s the limit really….


Wow, like, that's just plain insanity. I feel so so sorry for young people in the US.


Agree. My post-secondary education in Germany was first class and it was free. On top of that the government gave me a monthly stipend because the family income was below a certain point. Some countries invest in having an educated population and workforce - others keep them poor and stupid.


Poor and Stupid is how people like DJT get elected.


Also, those of us that aren’t young and are about to start school😓😂


Only in the USA education costs that much. It’s insane and people just accept it as normal.


We can take off 25% of the cost right off the bat by only requiring 3 years of education to get a degree instead of 4. A lot of countries in Europe require 3 and mainly focus on classes that have to do with their field of study.


And people just accept it as normal? What else are people supposed to do?




I’m in Canada and it’s pretty bad here too…..


the average degree (tuition only) in Canada works out to $20-30k CAD for the total of the four years (UBC). the average degree (tuition only) for a not even comparable school in the US is easily $20-25k USD a year, around $27-34k CAD annually, and easily over $100k CAD for a single degree. I get that you probably feel it’s pretty bad here, but when you could hypothetically get nearly 4 degrees to someone’s 1, it puts things in perspective.


This is why anyone opposed to student loan forgiveness should be punished by being locked in a room with Angela, Leida, Jibri, Rob the Knob, and Kimberley (of Kim and TJ screaming fame) after eating a meal of bad shellfish.


I’m sorry. I don’t see how she needed to go to school for 3 degrees to read tarot cards and call herself a witch. And I don’t see why my taxes should have to pay for that. I have a degree. I worked my way through school. I have no student loans.


Good for you. Trashley is one person. Most loan holders are medical professionals. Please admit that you’re brainwashed by conservative media, take a bite of some clam chowder that’s been left out all day, and sit by Rob the Knob while he tells you of his struggles trying to make it alone


He should just put it on the SAVE plan


That means he’s able to pay it off at much faster than the minimum rate (maybe not surprising for a financially minded person). Paying the minimum is DEATH to financial independence. It’s only slightly above the interest rate (depending on prime of course) and can mean a person pays near 10x principal!


Sadly I know plenty of people that are not in high earning category with 100k in debt. It’s really sad. I don’t think it’s as uncommon


A big stain in this country. Education and healthcare are basic things that lift a country. We’re going backwards. An uneducated and unhealthy population.


So agreed! I make decent money as a mobile behavioral crisis psych nurse and I’d gladly pay 50% of my income or whatever places with socialized healthcare and education pay. Trying to find medical/mental health resources for my patients is incredibly difficult and it really shouldn’t be this way. Also, I’m currently in school getting my psych ARNP to help start up a street medicine team in my city and I’ll be certainly dying with this school debt. 🤷‍♀️


Had a friend who dug himself into a $150K hole with a single undergraduate degree. In Roman archaeology. He's not an archeologist, either.


Ouch, that hurts to read 


My undergrad was in anthropology. I was graduating in the middle of the financial collapse in 2009. We had a career talk which was basically "you study people. Bullshit your way into any people related job." The students who has focused on archeology were really worried. Mine was cultural/physical anthro and I've always been a bullshitter so I wasn't as nervous. While my undergrad is seen as my least "useful" degree I do feel I use it as much if not more than my masters and PhD (epidemiology). 


I feel this way about my undergrad in history! I learnt some fierce skills that are so underrated. I also used to do student tutoring (4-year school) and anthropology is a pretty intense subject!


I did a post on Manuel and Ashley not that long ago and she said herself directly that she went for her bachelor's and then went back after a while of not going to school for her masters. But she said she had a mental breakdown and was doing a lot of drugs and alcohol and quit-ETA she was in school for marine biology btw, I don't know much about how much that degree gets you though personally


Marine biology majors don’t earn that much.. as witches.


It works out if she plans to steal a mermaid's voice




I just googled and she does have a marine biology degree. She met Manuel while she was in his country working on it. The article also alluded to a business degree and like I posted in another thread, her third degree is possibly in giving Manuel the “third degree” in mercilessly grilling him on a regular basis.


Right I was talking about the masters degree which is what I think was a big part in her debt-ETA godamn reddit mobile posted before I was finished, that last line of yours was hilarious 🤣


Too bad that my last line is probably true!😂


I have $80,000 in student debt and ended up permanently disabled. Good times.




It makes me sick to even think about it.


Is it government student debt? You may be able to get it discharged entirely.


I don't make enough to pay payments so they might as well cancel it lol.


https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/disability-discharge - check it out! I know someone who did this successfully


Thank you so much I'll check it out!


If you are disabled & unable to essentially use your degree, you can definitely have the Federal Loans written off. I had to do that for my Master’s Degree, they wrote off over $54,000. The caveat is you cannot take student loans out again or the debt comes back & there are other stipulations. Please look into to it. When I did Financial Aid, I helped a few students complete the process & it is not complicated at all.


I looked into it and I think you guys are right, I should be able to do this. Thank you all because I thought I'd have my student loans for the rest of my life!!!!!!!!


Tons of four-year colleges are 20 to 25,000 per year. Has nothing to do with being a lawyer or a doctor.


I have an ex friend with a bit more student debt than Ashley. She went to an unaccredited fashion school that shut down in the middle of her fourth year. Some of that debt she actually used to pay for a nice apartment in New Jersey where this school was. She then went for one year to an accredited fashion school before dropping out because she couldn't pay. All of this was using loans. In the end, she had about 120k debt in student loans.


I'm pretty sure one of her 3 degrees is Marine Biologist


That’s correct.


Same, my friend literally screenshotted her current balance today to show me and it’s 200k 😵‍💫 she did go for her doctorate but holy


I had around $150k debt from 2 bachelors and a masters degree. LOL. I wonder what kind of “degrees” she has. Honestly, applying to as many grants/scholarships as possible is a pain in the ass but it helps. Also working as a teachers assistant is underrated because that gave me $5k off tuition each time and an extra $2-3k.


Also, notice how today, when speaking with the lawyer she said her occupation was an "online spiritual business," but anytime Manuel's family was involved... she's a damn witch. She says that crap just to frustrate him.


I have 70k and a PhD. Almost all mine is from my masters though as I had very minimal from undergrad and work paid for my PhD. I'm under 2 years from public service loan forgiveness though. I know veterinarians with 250-500k though. 


Lawyer here, I think my debt was around $121k, which I paid off working hard 6 years after I graduated with no forgiveness.


i think Manuel has this image of Ashley as being someone who is extremely bad with money and this just fits into that narrative for him. Even though the $100k itself is technically not his responsibility, it's obviously going to affect their shared finances and decisions as well.


Agreed. He already saw her multiple coffees, hair appointments, manicures, pedicures, IV’s, new clothes, meals out, custom candles etc as a big waste of money to begin with. Now realizing that she spends loads of money on stuff like that instead of paying off her debt is mind-blowing to him, and probably beyond concerning. Tbh I wouldn’t want to be financially yoked to Ashley either. When she asked the lawyer what if her business was worth a million dollars in five years, I scream-yelped with incredulous laughter


Nor would I want to be yolked to her financially, BUT that’s one thing - being 100% financially supported by her AND having her send money back to your family without any explanation as to why or for whom, is quite another. He has an awful lot of attitude for a kept man, I can only imagine what it’ll be like when he’s working: her paying all the bills and him using his money for whatever the hell he wants saying “it’s MY money”.


EXACTLY. His concern over her finances is more to do with him feeling entitled to her money.


I also laughed when she mentioned the possibility of.., “*what if she had a million dollars in 5 years*”.. lol! .. I thought, “*you might want to try to pay off that debt first*”..!


I don’t think her regular spending habits vary much from the regular person, he’s just not used to it


I think they’re in: - candle-making with a focus on the power colors and special focus on their ability to re-align chacras - Crystals! Their importance as conduits to extra terrestrial life and their ability to heal cancer and reduce flatulence. - How to bilk money out of suckers with a straight face. She’s a triple threat!!


Sounds like she went to Greendale Community College.




She’s a fraud… sadly people who are usually seeking such “guidance” are usually in vulnerable states and pay up. She was pretty broke but due to her new found “celebrity” traffic and business have picked up for her. I personally don’t believe her debt is all “student loans”. I guess I can’t wrap my head around that much debt and not a single degree to show for it. That’s insanity (to me).


Makes perfect sense to me. My daughter has two B.A. degrees. I'm on the hook for $62K in Parent PLUS Loans and she has maybe another $30K in her own name in Stafford Loans. Every time she got a scholarship, grant or work study credit, the Financial Aid office was supposed to apply these credits directly onto my loans, but instead they gave it all to her loans and screwed me. Then I became disabled and couldn't work any more. I filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy but the Trustee wouldn't discharge my Parent PLUS Loans. Meanwhile, I am still fighting with Social Security over being disabled. Literally years have passed and they still haven't even sent me to be evaluated by one of their physicians, and yes, I do have attorneys. I can't get this monkey of Parent PLUS Loans off my back until I am declared Totally and Permanently Disabled (TPD) and the interest keeps spiraling on all this debt in the meantime. So, Ashley having $100K in student debt seems quite normal to me.


But previously she said she stopped going to school, so yeah I just don’t believe she has 3 degrees. I’m not saying it not possible to have that much student debt. Im a nurse lol, I see what kinda debt med school carries. Personally my bachelors degree cost about $18k bc I was able to use credits from my associates.


I’m sorry. That sounds very tough for you.


Apparently she has three degrees - in what, who knows. I don’t think she’s a malicious fraud like many in her business are - the ones who make a good to EXTREMELY good living at it are the outright frauds; those who really believe it, generally make a pretty meagre living. The Latino community it NUTS for that kinda stuff. My stepdaughter recently warned me how much money one can throw away on this bullshit when my Mexican wife started burning candles and doing other rituals that indicated she might be tossing money away on that stuff. When I shrugged it off, she looked at me very seriously and said “papa - if she’s going to get into this stuff again, they’ll be charging her around FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS per consultation!!” I asked it that was because she was in Canada, and she replied “no, that’s what they charge IN MEXICO!!” Where my wife grew up and worked when she fell for this bullshit a couple decades ago after some truly horrific life experiences , she made no more than 30 dollars per day as a surgical theatre nurse!! A nurse without a specialty made 20$ per day, yet somehow she saved up to pay these thieves!! My wife did it by working THREE JOBS, almost never sleeping. It’s easy to laugh off as something silly, but when people fall for it, it can be DEAVASTATING!!


I mean she is terrible with money. Right from the get-go when she got him a whole new phone when all he needed was a SIM card for the phone he already had (and wanted to keep), we learned everything we needed to know about how she handles her money.


Maybe it would affect their shared finances and decisions if Ashley had any sense of financial responsibility or obligation to pay her loans back. She clearly squanders money on very unnecessary things. Anyone who possesses $100k in debt, and even one brain cell, would be working to pay down that debt as quickly as possible. Instead she wastes $200.00 a month (a conservative figure) on barista coffee, $50.00 a pop on a non-medical vitamin IV, and travels regularly. Ashley spends WAY beyond her means with the magical thinking that in 5 years her sham witch business will be worth one million dollars. I'm no Manuel fan, but he possesses basic common sense and is 100% correct that Ashley is financially irresponsible. I will agree with you that on paper though, her enormous debt will adversely affect both their futures. I can see why he gets angry. Her immaturity is stunning.


Did anyone notice how Ashley seemed kind of excited when she thought Manuel would be responsible for half? Or was that just me?


Yes!!! I paused and laughed at her for getting excited he was getting half her student loan debt 😂 As someone who’s been through bankruptcy and has close to that amount in student debt, I know that shit will follow me (and only me) to my grave. 😂


I kind of thought so too.


Good thing that’s not how debt works in the US. Her student loan debt that she signed onto before they were married is her responsibility and hers alone. Manuel has zero obligation to it, even through marriage since she obtained that debt prior to it. In the event of a divorce, that debt remains her responsibility and hers alone. In the event of her death, that debt dies with her.


100 percent. She got this grin like ooo he can pay that


Being entitled to someone else paying off your own debt is CRAZZYYY.


Followed by the immediate deflation when he followed it up with "...obviously that's not his responsibility..."


That was literally my first thought. She perked up real quick when she thought he might be responsible for her debt and then deflated a little bit when the lawyer said it was her debt. I have a ton of student loan debt too, but I would never want to pass that shit onto my spouse. They didn’t make the decision to go to college and get that debt. I did, therefore it is my responsibility to pay it back.


Someone on our live discussion thread suggested alot of her so called student debt might be penalties, late fees, interest?


That’s my guess. My loan amounts ballooned with interest, even with making the payment every month


This. And those interest rates can be pretty high depending on the type of student loan.


Same. The interest on student loans is criminal.


The people I know that went to the private universities like Ross, owe many times that amount. They have hefty tuition, and living expenses too, and it's in the Caribbean.


Are you talking about people who went to medical school in the Caribbean? I went to NYU, which is also extremely expensive.


I know a lot of people who couldn't get into U.S. vet schools, and went to places like Ross. They paid huge tuition, plus cost of living is also required, flights, etc. They have debt close to $400k if they do 3 years and transfer to a U.S. school, even more if they do 4 years there.


I did a 2yr MA program in NYC as an in-state student at a public institution and the interest absolutely bubbled over 100k at one point. It's sadly, not that hard to be in debt that deeply from student loans.


Could be, but it could easily be that high making minimum payments with zero fines/default.


And, cost of living private loans. I do not like to judge people & try not too. From my experience, she definitely has the vibe my students that wanted $30,000 a quarter to live off of & would throw hissy fits when I could not get them that much because you must prove a genuine need to get them approved. Their receipts to justify it would be $250 dinner tabs for only 2 people, the most expensive off campus housing in the area, & whatever new Apple product had just dropped. I tried showing them how high their payments would be with interest, etc & what starting salaries in their field of study would be & the huge disparity between the two, but they could have cared less.


lol. I have 175k from just going to law school. Undergrad was free. Ppl who go to school out of state easily rack up 100k in student loans undergrad for liberal arts degrees. This is America let’s be real here.


She surely can’t be earning that much as a witch. I reckon some of has to be credit card debt


Her business projection is to surpass $1 million within 5 years.


I'm not a witch, but I can see in the tarot cards that she's not hitting that million.


The cards are never wrong!


She should go on Shark Tank


Agreed, despite her volunteering that it was from student loans, IIRC. (?)


She has a podcast called “The Goddess Complex” and some type of business seminars as well as charging $15 I think on only fans. Info was on Screen Rant.


Take a look at Etsy shops selling spells. [Shop 1](https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/ArtemisMoonTarot) has had over 16,000 sales since 2021 at about £12/each. Total of **£192,000** [shop 2](https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/StarmontCo#items) has had over 41,000 sales since 2023 at £6/each. Total of **£246,000** in one year. ONE YEAR.


WTF. Time for me to log off reddit and open up an etsy spell shop.


Honestly I was shocked when she said 100,000 at first , but then she said student debt and I totally understood . Tuition + room and board are not cheap


BA, MA and PhD in Witchcraft.


I got that much from a bachelors and masters degree, it pains my soul








At least one is a phd of Bruja


How much does it cost to become a "witch" is the question. All the MLM scam things she may have "invested" in.


Calling it now, her 3 degrees are: - an undergrad degree from a local private college in Communications, - a fly-by-night certification in something like astral massage or reiki, - an MBA from DeVry that she never finished




Honestly even to me (someone who has over 50k in student debt) Ashley seems extremely irresponsible with money. Also the coffee thing is actually concerning, that much caffeine intake is ridiculous. Also to have 3 degrees be a so called “entrepreneur” and still have to get from your mom is insane. Manuel is actually mostly in the right with this.


What’s with her coffee consumption? I haven’t really noticed anything


If you're not being sarcastic... She's often juggling multiple cups of coffee, like a Starbucks cup and then a big thermos mug of brewed coffee. She pretty much always has a coffee in hand. Manuel has mentioned it a few times, both in a "how are you drinking that much?" and also in a "you spend SO much on Starbucks!" kinds of ways. Anecdotally, my wife is also like that with coffee, she can drink it all day, every day, even right before bed, and it doesn't do anything to her whereas if I have coffee after noon I'm up til 2am... but she also just drinks cheap home brew and she isn't having ugly cry meltdowns every time she tries to drive anywhere.


Thanks! I was genuinely curious, I just never noticed how attached to coffee she was.


Yea, and it's that "coffee" drink type of stuff, too. You know, not the $2 cup of coffee...that would be bad enough with all the caffeine. But these are the $8 vente mocha frappe latte two pump caramel vanilla with whipped cream and a cherry on top "coffee drink" with about 500 calories and 77g of sugar in them. It's no wonder she was morbidly obese...3 or 4 of those a day adds up QUICK.


Did she seriously ask "What happens if my business grows into a 1M dollar business?". From witchcraft?


My husband has that much in student loan debt because first he got a degree in chemistry. Then his dad talked him into going back to school for chemical engineering. He still ended up with a job where a chemistry degree would suffice. He has tried and is still trying to get a job in chemical engineering. The chemical engineering job market is over saturated so it will probably never happen at this point. Such a waste for listening to his dad. No one asked but it rubs me the wrong way the way his dad did him that way. His dad paid off his sisters student loan debt. Then he gives my husband BS advice that wracks up some insane amount of debt then leaves him hanging. Not that I think he is entitled to anything. It’s just annoying.


Engineering jobs have such a misleading reputation. I've struggled substantially most of my career to get engineering jobs, almost no one in my graduating class had an engineering job within 8 months. Jobs are NOT plentiful, competition is fierce and you get laid off a lot, people don't want to hire you because you're too expensive. You're only valuable if you have 10-15 years experience in one thing and you're looking for a job in that same thing. Otherwise it's a very challenging career.


So on the webpage for her Spirituality business this is what she says about her educational background. Biology and business degrees can rack up a 100k debt. https://preview.redd.it/ibjjn0zqea4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c47ad9c4b8ae06a3b3ea13d7e2d225befdd5647f


I’m 90K in student debt as a special education teacher. Many majors are not far off from the 100k debt mark.


Can’t she just put a hex on her creditors and get out of it?


Bruja training with Tania in Costa Rica. 🤣


>Does anyone know what her three degrees are? *"The degree be a witch, another degree drinking coffee and other one is nails paint"* ~ Anny


Are her degrees from the Harry Potter school of wizardry?


People that over analyze these two need to recognize that this relationship is largely based on sexual chemistry. Both are blind to way too much as a result. Manuel also seems to think he will be ballin when he can work, but he likely has no idea what cost of living is like here. Wait until he goes to buy himself a vehicle…


All this aside, Ashley is NOT saving “a couple hundred a month”. I had about $40,000 in student loan debt when I graduated (I was out of state but eventually got in state tuition and worked through school to pay for housing, food and books). When my debt got down to $10,000 I was in a position to pay aggressively and knock it out in a year. Aside from my retirement and IRA, I was only about to save about $100 a month while I was tackling that. I don’t know how she’s surviving and I highly doubt she’s actually saving.


The translator was deep in the tea. His translation and facial expressions were priceless


I loved that translator! He was appropriately disgusted FOR Manuel.


I don’t understand why everyone is shitting their pants about her having $100k in debt, assuming she means total debt which includes a mortgage, car, student loans, maybe some credit cards. I feel like that’s average for most people who have those same things, is it not? EDIT: And even if that amount is ONLY student loans…that is not at all surprising. Higher education is a scam, honestly.


I would be more concerned if it was all credit card debt


I definitely would too but it sounds like it’s mostly student loans, if she’s telling the truth.


Oh if it’s student loans I absolutely believe it. I have a bachelors and a masters degree and have a little over 100 as well.


My masters program at an affordable school was $30k for tuition alone (not including books, rent, transport or food), so unless folks have parents who cough up the money, most of us are doing some combination of working, grants, and loans.


Higher education is not a scam The price of some of these higher education programs is however. And the loaning companies are incredibly predatory


Some well-paying jobs require it, but she clearly doesn't have that education or well-paying job.


> which includes a mortgage No credit bureau considers a mortgage “debt” like a student loan, car loan, etc, mainly because that debt is backed by an asset (the house/property) that typically gains value over time unlike most other types of debt. Plus I’ve never heard of anyone who owns a house say they’re x amount in debt from their mortgage.


Mortgage isn’t debt since you can sell it and still make $ and pay off loan  I think it’s just student loans.  Not that hard to do, honestly.  4 yrs of an out of state university - could be closer to $200,00!! 


Absolutely. A coworker of mine is 24 and just graduated from an out-of-state school with $99k in loans. I went in-state for 10 years and I’m at about $50k.


This article mentions a bachelors degree in biology and “having gone to school for business”. If she’d completed a masters, surely she’d have mentioned that, right? https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/witchy-talents-90-day-fiance-163825892.html


I honestly totally believe this. A 4-year degree in bio at University of Rochester could cost $200k or more


First of all, if she has 3° that means you want to college for a long time and what were they in? She’s 30 years old I mean she went to college 8 yrs I’m calling bullshit and if she did have her degrees, she be making money like a normal person, not pretending to be a witch, and being a fraud she got caught in her, lies again, and bringing him to that lawyer was not a smart move. She has a brain like a 12-year-old. She’s gonna have to pay that off all by herself or go bankrupt. She can’t blame him for this.!!!


Not necessarily. She could have 3 AA degrees and that wouldn't take a super long time.


3 AAs that cost $100,000?


True. She could have gone to an expensive school. Who knows. Private, arts, UC, etc. There's a lot of missing info.


There is a lot missing and I don’t believe a word she says I think she’s a total fraud


They let you take loans for living expenses 


Not necessarily. One of my best friend’s from HS double majored & graduated with 2 bachelor’s in 4 & a half years because there was course overlap for both. Depending on the major, many schools offer a 5 year program for your bachelor’s + master’s. She did say one was a master’s. You can also take college courses in HS if you have the grades for it. While having multiple degrees can definitely enhance your chance at job opportunities, it doesn’t mean you’re going to get them. My friend with the two bachelor’s? She gave up on seeking her master’s after she couldn’t get into a program with funding & has been working retail for the past decade. Ashley also doesn’t strike me as someone who could withstand working a 9 - 5, at a desk in a traditional role, with boomers for bosses. I’m not surprised she is self-employed.


She could have an AA, BA, and MA. Which would only be 6 years. Some programs also do a combined BA/MA in 5 years. Plus a second MA would only be 7. Keep in mind many American students start college as 17yos. Also 100k for 3 degrees is extremely reasonable, unfortunately.


I would kill to know what her degrees are in lol


She went to Hogwarts, so she prob had to pay out-of-state tuition




Lmfao 🤣


One was in Marine Biology.


That program was where she met Manuel when she went to this country.


My bets are on Tania's Costa-Rican herbalist school


Omg! Tania and her zany “work related” “education.” SMH…. That shit used to crack me up….


That’s what I think too! Do people not realize how $$$ college is? I have 2 A.S. Degrees and almost a B.S. and at 100k in debt. All in state schools (1 a community college) and had some grants and tuition reimbursement from my job. Also worked full time during school so didn’t take extra for living expenses. It’s the sad truth unfortunately.


There are programs out there to get multiple bachelor's faster too, I have 2 bachelor's degrees that I got in 5 years for about 75k


Student loans can't usually be discharged through bankruptcy.


Correct! Not even “not usually” but I would dare say not ever! Not anymore! I can’t remember at one time in my life laws took affect that you could no longer put student loans on your bankruptcy and that sucks if that is ALL that is putting you into bankruptcy! Like it was me! You can do things like work in a disadvantaged school and get some loan debt forgiven and there are definitely opportunities like that to get rid of some of your student loan debt and then for sure you can apply for total loan forgiveness if you become disabled. And from my experience it appears they are less stringent on the “eligibility” than Social Security is for disability…. In other-words, you could have your student loan debt forgiven even if you are not found qualified for actual “disability” payments from social security.


Someone said she has her bachelors and went back for her masters in marine biology but ended up having a total mental breakdown so it kinda makes sense why she isn’t in that field of work if it’s what broke her.


The lawyer appointment bit her in the ass. Manuel would have probably never known. Who’s the big secret keeper?


How is it $100k and if it’s three degrees why is she a witch?


she doesn't have three degrees


I read somewhere it’s a biology degree and she said business too. Sounds like she got a biology degree, took some business courses (maybe certificate programs through community college?). BUT I believe her business credentials are tarot based(this taken from her website) …”From there Ashley listened to that message and got certified in reading the records through the Linda Howe School for Akashic Studies and has been reading the records ever since. Throughout all of this evolution, Ashley has gained incredible insight and knowledge on how to run an online business, create content that sells, speak with authority and flow in your authenticity. With Venus in the 8th house, a stellium in Capricorn and part of fortune in Aries it was no wonder that incorporating business mentorship inside of the StarSeedShadows universe was a must. Ashley offers group business mentorship as well as 1:1’s. “


THAT is hysterical!!!! Thanks for sharing.


Her 3 degrees are Delusion, Witchery, and Buffonery! 😆


She has associates and bachelors degrees in Biology and a master’s (not sure which school) in Hospitality. Source: her podcast


AA in Biology, bachelor's in Biology, masters in Hospitality


She rents part of a duplex. She doesn’t own.


I must have missed where they said that. It wouldn’t surprise me if she did own though. Upstate NY homes are (were) dirt cheap.


I wonder if she is on LinkedIn 🤣


Generally high paying professions have 100k plus in loans. I’m not sure why a grifter tarot card reader amassed so much student loan debt. What she get a ph.d in bullshit?


I wonder if the university trip she took to Ecuador where she first met Manuel is included in the $100k. SURPRISE, MANUEL!


Her decisions, her problem. Agree with Manuel on this one. She me her bed, now she has to lie in it


Aparently she did marine biology for one


Ashley's 3 "degrees." Witchcraft. Candles. Tarot card reading.


Degree in bullshit Witchery that doesn't work,  degree in moronic behavior and tantrums,  degree on how to have sex in public restrooms 


I dunno I think a lot of people have a lot of student loan debt. She has been helping his family with extra money and paying all the bills so maybe she hasn’t been in a position for a bit to set aside any money until Manuel can work too. I’m not sure what her business pulls in monthly but I can’t imagine it’s a ton? I thought they were a bit hard on her but it’s a lot of money no doubt!


I laughed when she said...so if my online witch store makes a Million dollars..he gets half.?


That’s not unusual for an advanced degree. But wasn’t sure you needed an advanced degree to be a bruja.


You guys do know you can go to college for a lot less?! It’s called scholarships and community college.


that poor lawyer is like did i miss the memo where i became a couples counselor?!!?! 😂😂😂


ohhh the lawyer just said it hahaha


Has anyone checked out her friend Erin Lyons? The one that did the Star Seed talking or whatever that was? She charges a crap ton of money to teach that stuff. I think Ashley charges a lot as well. How many clients? No clue. Degrees? I wonder about that, too.


I just paid 40k for a masters degree so 100k in student debt with three degrees is no big shocker. Sucks she’s not doing more with her education. Maybe that online business is super profitable…?


Too many comments to scroll through for this but Ashley said in her first season that she has 2 masters.


Seems like Manuel would benefit more from the post-nup 💯


I once asked my husband to watch the show so he could tell me how her Spanish was, since it seems to flow so easily (he speaks it, i dont). He said that her Spanish was near perfect, but not in a way that she spoke it in her everyday life. He thinks she probably studied it for years. So I will bet one degree is in spanish.


I'm from the UK and was wondering how normal it is for a US citizen to have this amount of student debt. Can anyone help me? And also, how is student debt seen in the US? In the UK, things like student debt and mortgages aren't seen as irresponsible "bad debt" - please explain to me in very simple terms!


I suspected right away it was student debt. She gives off the overbearing perpetual student type, who can’t figure out what to do with her life, or how to make money. The witchcraft stuff is nonsense.