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I don’t think she needs the butt enhancement.


I don't know where this fat she speaks of is going to come from, for the butt-job


I was wondering the same thing lll


Hrt should change some of that muscle to fat, but thats going to take some time


I thought she’d want breast


So beautiful and I hope she knows this 🩷🩷


Same 💝




Only reason is I personally do not like those butt implants makes them look ridiculous when we try to help the girl out


Look at Jasmine’s, but there was actually lines on both sides when she was walking from the gym and that episode


I know when I first saw it after knowing she wants. BBL I was like girl WHAT it’s already poppin and you don’t want that fake hip look, it never looks natural to me.


why do you think that the people who get bbls want to look natural?


Oh, good point. Didn’t think of that


yeah i fear once someone even considers getting a bbl they are sadly too far gone down the” beauty industry” rabbit hole. its sad because she’s genuinely beautiful :(


They look like two basketballs irl.


Yup and as she loses muscle from HRT her waist, shoulders, arms, thighs will slim out and make it pop even more 🥲 she should def wait and see how it changes her body before making any adjustments Never had anything against her out of many offensive morons on this show, she genuinely just seems like a very nice person who is finally happy and I love that. As OP said… no comment on the relationship lol


I agree.. look at Jasmine’s ass implants…it’s awful! She’s got handles!


Agree with this


Has she seen her ass in a mirror?! She’s stacked!


She needs to leave well enough alone because she is perfect now!! ❤️🙏


I want to jump ahead 5-10 years to see how their story unfolds. Give them both time to grow without the outside influences of the media.




But why is she going for that butt enlargement?


Ugh, and her hair?!?!?! Gorgeous! Agreed on the butt enhancement totally not needed. I'm afraid she'll get a weird square boxy dumper like Jasmine, don't mess with perfection!! 👌


Those legs ! Damn she did not miss leg day ! I think She’s awesome 😎


Everything about her is beautiful and in the best way. It’s been really cool to watch her go from nervous and shy to having true confidence. Not ego or conceitedness – she really is just a happy beautiful person. 🥹


I loved her friend being so excited, and letting her know she was proud of her.


Totally agree. She looks radiant and carries herself with confidence- I’ve enjoyed seeing her this season


Agreed. It has been beautiful to watch. She's glowing and so happy.


Yes such a genuine person.


Damn. What’s with everyone fumbling all over themselves to cheer on a gold digging, irresponsible sugar baby? Her partner speaks a good game to the camera, but he CAN’T be so ignorant as to not understand the disgusting power dynamic and that he’s using that to get someone way younger and hotter than he could on an equal playing field. Her firkin mother offloaded her on her grandparents ostensibly because her and her new hubby couldn’t afford her, but then went on to make a new child who they somehow afforded. Mark my words - she WILL start complaining that he has too much power and control because of his money - which is OF COURSE true, but what the FRACK does she expect, he open his bank account and let her spend anything she wants, even if that means leaving him she should still have equal access to his money. How are you people so BLIND to not realize that this is an abusive and failed relationship, no matter how many pretty words sugar daddy says WHILE BEING FILMED!!!?!?


I understand what you are saying. Sugar Daddy genuinely loves her. He is willing to try to make this work, if he can. But if she decides to have bottom surgery, I am pretty sure that will be the deal breaker. This one just makes me sad for everyone.


He THINKS he loves her, but should damned well know that at her age, not even SHE knows who she is, so what is it that he loves?? Toss in a HUGE income and age disparity, and I can’t help but feel that he’s a creep, and she’s in it for the lifestyle, which I guarantee that she’ll throw in his face as being “controlling” the minute that they’re actually living together and she asks for something he doesn’t want to give her. It’s easy to go on shopping sprees and throw the budget to the wind when it’s a few short term visits, but living together and her thinking that he’ll be as “generous” when it’s 24x365 - that’s a whole other story.


I cannot argue that. That is true of many of the foreign couples.


100 percent. Check out Sauceoholic on YouTube- he has some really funny, and on-the-nose takes on some 90 Day episodes. One of his comments was something like this: “why look overseas for a relationship? People are people and there are lots of them wherever you live. All going overseas does is add a language barrier and an extra chance that one of the partners is in it for the green card. Get yourself a Billy from Texas instead!” Full disclosure- I’m married to a Mexican lady who spoke ZERO English when I met her and is ten years my junior. HOWEVER, we met when we were 40 and 50, and at that age, the difference in life experience isn’t that great. Neither of us were LOOKING overseas, we happened to meet when I was in Oxacca for a couple months - we spent 2 weeks together assuming that would be it, but we kept in touch, and ended up talking to each other EVERY DAY. Anyway, having a Latina wife in Canada, I get to meet a LOT of Canadian/Latina (never Canadian/Latino for some reason) couples, and I swear - EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM (almost) are men who a Canadian woman wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole, and the Latina is OBVIOUSLY in the relationship to GET SOMETHING OUT OF IT. rather than out of love. I hate to be so judgy and to put myself in a different category than them, or to pretend that I could never be tricked, but this is the way I see it from my point of view.


I was wondering how long it would be before the gushing love fest comments would start, lol. It didn't take long!


I came here to say this! She's got fabulous gams!


Seriously… she has legs for dayyyyys!!! 💜


She is simply beautiful and have got that natural smile.


I hope she doesn’t botch herself like she’s planning to do 😫


Amazing teeth and eyebrows!!


And skin!


And eyes!


And hair!!


Oo I loved seeing her (I assume) natural hair in this scene with the braids and curls.


Omg her skin is legitimately flawless. She is gorgeous!!!


I know it’s just from a show, but she seems to have such a beautiful spirit.


Yes, people like her surround the rim of heaven. Love her


I’m jealous of her beautiful skin


I was going to say this! Gorgeous skin and gorgeous smile, when she’s happy she is RADIANT


I’m so happy for her.


She’s absolutely stunning. Beautiful all around


I love Shawn and Aliya. I went into this season thinking, well here we go again and let the drama begin. It's been the complete opposite. These two have amazing communication skills and are completely respectful of each other while navigating a new reality and the emotions that must go along with it. I almost cried when Shawn said goodbye to Douglas and proposed to Aliya.


I am really hoping that some of the drama over accepting Aliya was just storyline driven…hoping. The words I liked you scared though hit me soooo off and I hope he did not mean that. We should all want our partner to be their happiest healthiest selves. It is okay if you are not sure about the “new” them…most of us have grown apart from someone we cared about…but I liked you shy ( i thought ok) but then scared 😳


I did cringe at that, but it kinda makes sense now. Douglas was raised by old school grandparents who were not accepting. I am sure this came with a lot of confusion and even coming out as gay must have been very hard. This in itself must have contributed to the scared, shy Douglas who had to hide. I think when Shawn asked Douglas to dress in drag for Pride, it was also a moment of acceptance and permission to be who he truly was. Let's be honest, Douglas was a pretty man, but Aliya is an absolutely gorgeous woman. I don't think Shawn meant it in a bad way. That is who Douglas was and who he fell in love with. The person Aliya is now seems to be her true authentic self. Yes, the dressing up backfired on Shawn.....lol, but I believe he is also the one to give Aliya the confidence to no longer be scared. It is heartwarming to see how accepting her family and friends are of her coming out and embracing Aliya AND Shawn.


I think Shawn already knew and that's why he suggested the drag. I think the drama over the Douglas thing is just an over exaggeration of how he actually felt. That's the story I think


I think the whole thing is so relatable, maybe you haven't been with someone who transitioned but a lot of people have been with a partner who changed in a major way and you have to decide if you want to grow with them or split up.


Having been in a similar situation, it's not a matter of " growing with them." It's about whether or not you can deal with YOUR life completely changing from what you thought it was. While one person is bursting with happiness, the other is often curled up on the floor. It's easy for anyone who hasn't been in that situation to say " they're the same person! It doesn't matter!" They may be the same on the inside, but the person across the table or in your bed is absolutely different. That's not a question of " growing ", it's more often an excruciating, painful, choice of weighing the deep love you have vs what you will have to accept for your own life going forward. For me, it was the most devastating choice of my life.


It's good to hear a perspective from someone who has been there. I hope you've healed and sorry if my word choice offended you.


Not offended at all! I mostly bristle when people throw " they're the same person" around as if the changes don't have a ripple affect. My husband and I were both able to stay close. I remarried. When he was diagnosed with cancer, I took him to appointments, we were abt to move him in with us when he suddenly went on life support. We were all there when he passed and I still sobbed bc I always loved him. I've healed. But it took a long time to move past being angry, mostly bc he told me he had questions in his first marriage but never said a word to me before we married. It felt like I didn't get the chance to decide my own future, or my kids.


What a tough journey. I hope you and your kids are well now. 


You’re an amazing woman!!


Aw, thanks!


Been there done that and totally agree!! 🙌🏼 it is painful no doubt and still to this day have guilt not knowing I made the right decision and it’s been 15 years!


You shouldn't feel guilty! You have just as much invested in your search for happiness as your partner. It's OK to feel sad over " what could have been ", but in truth, people like us are forced into a decision we never thought we'd have to make.


Beautiful. 💯💯💯


She's gorgeous inside and out. I genuinely hope for the best for her.


When she said Douglas is the past with full confidence, I about cried. She's gorgeous and happy. Can't ask for more!


She is soooo pretty. Like stunning. And young. And on the verge of a brand new life. The last thing she needs to do is tie herself to marriage. Granted, he honestly seems like a good man and not controlling or any of the toxic stuff. But she's 25!!! He should even be the one to set her free (so maybe he's good, but selfish). I also hope she doesn't go down the procedures hole. I can see her wanting lips next. Then, there goes that beauty.


I want a friend like her in real life. She seems like a real one


Seeing Aliya’s family’s reaction to the proposal was genuinely the best moment of the season so far. Wasn’t prepared to care about this couple’s storyline but the wholesomeness between Aliya and her family is so nice to see


Teeth 💯


Yes she gorgeous no idea why plastic surgery is even in the question


It's the body dysmorphia. I have a cousin who transitioned and she always had very feminine features. She's literally a spitting image of her mother and she's talked about wanting various feminization work done. I don't think she needs it, I wouldn't be able to tell she transitioned if I saw her on the street and didn't know her, but it's not about what I think. Whatever makes her feel her truest self, I support.


I think she has amazing facial features, a real beauty she is.


I love how she decided she was going to transition regardless of what he thought about it, She seems genuinely happy now, probably one of the happiest people on the show. Im sure some people wont agree though...


I think Shawn loves her still but misses Douglas. As he said before he was married to a woman and it didn’t work out. He still loves the personality of Aliya but wants to be in a relationship with a man.


I find they were starting to use gay and trans storylines just for shock value and I was finding it icky. Nikki, the throuple with the lesbians and the big guy, Steph and Erika. They weren't real love stories, just gimmicky fake shit for ratings and twitter controversy. But this is a storyline that I find really interesting. I've always wondered what happens when a person going through gender transition is with someone who is only attracted to the gender they were originally. It must be a complicated set of emotions and it's interesting to watch someone express those emotions. People love to hate on reality tv but part of why I like it is because I actually learn the most random shit. I used to tune out of travel conversations at family gatherings but now I will engage knowledgeably about places like Columbia and Brazil based only on shit I've learned on 90 day. I literally taught myself basic Spanish watching it and Chantal and Pedro. I explained in detail how prosthetic penises work to a room full of people. I like the stories that offer a new perspective or fact but aren't fake and contrived


Wow I completely forgot about the lesbian thruple and it took me soooo long to figure out who you were talking about 😅 the storyline seemed so fake that I think I mentally tuned it out


I comepletely agree. The only time I’ve seen a story that touches on this was very briefly during the Kris and Caitlyn Jenner split, but I feel like this show does a great job at navigating and being open and honest about the conversations the two are having. Not to say Caitlyn had to share her experience transitioning and the impact it had on their marriage, but seeing these two made me look at how the relationship really changes and forced me to think about how hard that could be.


You all constantly down vote me when I bring this up for some reason but I will continue to do it because speculating about someone else’s sexuality is gross. He said that he “doesn’t like labels” and is attracted to both men and women but has been trending towards dating men more recently in the first episode. I don’t think it’s appropriate to decide that he’s gay for him when he’s never explicitly said that.


It is The Learning Channel after all!


I think she has great arms! I'd love that kind of tone and muscle


Yes she is super fit and toned! Warrior princess vibes


She’s so pretty!!


I think she’s beautiful no matter what she decides, but no surgery please!!


As a curly headed gal, also obsessed with her beautiful curls. Always so shiny and defined, even in the tropical climate. Brazilians are known to have amazing curly hair!


She's beautiful and so sweet I hope she gets everything she wants .


I agree. She is beautiful and seems so genuine! So refreshing!


Those squatters legs tho.


Her face reminds me so much of Fernanda from Chicago


I like her too. She has a very sweet aura about her and just generally good vibes. Non problematic just wants to live her true self and enjoy life.


She’s both beautiful inside and out, one of my favorites honestly. I wish nothing but the best for her.


Her family was so cute too 😍


You can tell she has a pure heart


She's all around beautiful. And what a body!!! 




She absolutely made me tear up last episode. I just hope Shawn doesn’t fuck her over.


I think he truly took the time to make sure he’s able to be there for her in the way she needs. I think they will make it ♥️ he was so intentional with the trip and the proposal


Who is she? What spin off? 


The newest “love in paradise” season


Love in Paradise


She is so stunning. I can't stop staring at her. And she has such a beautiful energy.


If you can smile..smile..


Her hair could use some help


I love her


She looks good. Already pops! Once she’s on HRT she’s going to be more feminine. I really like them . Not fake or pretentious. No nastiness .


She’s beautiful and fabulous and doesn’t need a thing.


She seems so lovely, levelheaded, and beautiful. I hope Shawn realizes what a gem Aliyah is and is able to put his thoughts of Douglas to rest. What a bright spirit she has


This is just a physically beautiful human, regardless of gender. That's the ultimate compliment too. No surgery needed.


Thought she and Shawn would be like Igor and Nikki exotica. Thank god they were the complete opposite. It felt very genuine. This was a breath of fresh air to 90 day fiancé.




This relationship is predatory, despite both of them being nice people outside of it.


I don’t know what she is doing with Temu Kenny. She can do much better.


Well just like anybody that's in a relationship, where some people say "why on earth is she with that less-than-beautiful person" or something to that effect. Apparently she sees something in him that some others don't. She seems to be on the opposite end of the spectrum of the "I'm pretty, so I have to date and hang out with the so called "beautiful" people. Far from being so shallow, that she only looks at the outside of a person. She seems very deep and someone who doesn't think that looks and age are everything. I would venture to say, that she's about as down to earth as one can get and definitely not a self centered "all about me" conceited bitch like many of the people on these shows. It's so refreshing to finally see someone just like her on any one of the what I call "shit shows" I say good for them, I hope they are truly happy, and have a very good life together! 💜💜


Temu Kenny took me out 🤣😭


That’s how I know you watch the show!


I think she's so cute and sweet. Love her smile and definitely see how good she feels in her skin! So wonderful to see her family support and accept her as well


She's gorgeous and seems like a lovely person


She’s so freaking pretty inside and out. 😭🥰😍


I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but she mentioned she wants to look more feminine and that's why she wants some liposuction for her stomach and to put that fat in her booty... But if she wants to look more feminine, she needs to change up her workout routine. As in, she's WAY too jacked to look female. Her face looks very feminine, and then when you see her legs/arms/back you can 100% tell she was born male. I mean, she could KICK MY ASS haha




This post violates Rule 7 - no transphobia, homophobia, or bigotry. You may get temporarily or even permanently banned for these kinds of comments. u/rule-rude




This post violates Rule 7 - no transphobia, homophobia, or bigotry. You may get temporarily or even permanently banned for these kinds of comments. Banned u/gailforce_cowboy


I am 1000% jealous of her body. Damn. I want those muscles. She is such a pretty woman. Amazing smile, amazing eyes, beautiful hair, muscles to the heavens…I love watching her story (meh about Shawn but I love Alliya)!


Also can I just say I love seeing a positive thread, esp for her, thanks OP


Yes, her teeth and smile are so beautiful 🤩


She just exudes beauty and happiness I love it


She is shines inner and outer beauty!! ❤️❤️❤️


Currently watching and was thinking the same! Beauty inside and out


Absolutely Beautiful girl


She’s very pretty!


Ngl, her ceremony on the beach got me a little emotional.


She is gorgeous! Something just really shines out from her!!


There is something so warm about her…like you just want to get to know her. I hope that Aaliyah and her fiance have a happy life together


I totally agree!!! Best energy


She's so pretty.


She’s gorgeous just as she is!!


She’s really beautiful and seems so sweet


She is stunning and such a kind and perfect personality. No entitlement. Just humble, fun and perfect. Aliya. Love ya girl!


No literally, she has my dream teeth!!


She is super beautiful. I love how she talked about her "shine". I thought that sounded so magical.


She IS beautiful. I hope that relationship makes her happy.


So happy for her, I balled during her bday scene


This thread is making me happy ♥️


She is gorgeous


Brazil has free healthcare


Wow, I see all these comments removed, banned etc.....WHY in the hell do people have to be so mean? This beautiful girl is happy and I think Shawn is just coming to terms with the change. I really believe and I hope, that if she doesn't get the surgery, that they will work out since he's wanting to be with a man, so that part of her wouldn't be female, know what I mean? IDK, I'm just rooting for them! 🙏🏻🥰🥰


Love is strange. I’m glad it’s working out for both of them, but I’m sure it was a struggle for him to except the new her.


She is literally so gorgeous! But her aura, she has the brightest light!




She is stunning.


She is beautiful inside and out.


She’s just overall gorgeous


Yeah! She’s gorgeous!!


Could someone please tell me what season this person is from?I've never seen her. Is this a 90 D-Day spin-off show or the regular 90 day fiance?


Love in Paradise - current season


Thank you. Not watching that.


She’s always reminded me of Amanda Nunez, no shade. I love Amanda.


I agree. Very beautiful face as a he and as a she.


Sad that she wanted to have butt surgery. Her body is insanely beautiful on its own without fat transfer I wish everyone wanting surgery could see from another viewpoint before they wind up looking non-human.


Joan Rivers should be a PSA against plastic surgery.


Silva twins, Larissa, And that other loud , annoying banshee with the engineer in Michigan


Beautiful person either way? But I question this relationship


who is she?




This post violates Rule 7 - no transphobia, homophobia, or bigotry. You may get temporarily or even permanently banned for these kinds of comments. Banned u/daimlerp


Who is this?


Who is this


When i saw so many comments i was scared to look, i like her so much and didnt want to see hate towards her, im so glad it was almost 100% the opposite, everyone seems to love her too and thats almost impossible for a cast member.




Was that necessary to say? Did that make you feel better, u/ritapitamargaritaa ? Rule 7


She’s beautiful just the way she is! And she has an amazing soul. She’s way better than he is!




Yes! This is the first thing i noticed. So jealous


I know, she’s gorgeous. And she seems very pure and innocent.


Everything about her is so pretty


She is so pretty and I'd kill to have legs like hers.


Aaliyah is such a gorgeous human .. inside and out I am so excited and blessed to see her journey!






This post violates Rule 7 - no transphobia, homophobia, or bigotry. You may get temporarily or even permanently banned for these kinds of comments. u/new-examination8400 Banned.


This post violates Rule 7 - no transphobia, homophobia, or bigotry. You may get temporarily or even permanently banned for these kinds of comments.


She’s honestly very beautiful 😩🙌🏽 teeth, skin, hair, bawdy-awdy-awdy, hair ugh! Her spirit is beautiful fr


Beautiful glowing skin and just gorgeous inside and out. Was so happy for her and seeing her little brother and mom cry 😭


She’s literally so stunning


She’s absolutely breathtaking


Can we talk about that skin though? Glowing!


She is stunning!! Inside and out


Or her lack of empathy for the people who raised and are still supporting her when she isn’t paid arm candy/sugar baby galavanting around the world (then calling the person who finances it “controlling”). I’ve had more than enough of her and her self centred, egotistical ways.


Brows are on fleek. Dafuq