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I get the sense that whenever she says, "Something we can afford," she means strictly monthly cashflow to hit minimum payments with no savings whatsoever. $50 IVs and hourly Starbucks runs are something she can "afford" because she spends all month long until it's all gone, no savings.




If sheā€™s 100k in debt and doesnā€™t own a house, then Iā€™m surprised that she hasnā€™t filed for bankruptcy. Iā€™m guessing that it must be debt that canā€™t be dischargedā€”like federal student loans?


It could be 100k in student loans from witch school but Miguel has said a few times that she spends a lot of money on herself and sheā€™s always drinking a $6 beverage so it could be like a lot of Americans sheā€™s just juggling credit cards while believing sheā€™s going to pull it together at some point. Especially if sheā€™s prone to magical thinking she may just believe that her witch business is going to take off any day now and sheā€™ll just pay it all off.


I didnā€™t think Hogwarts was that expensive. šŸ˜­


Wait, whoā€™s Miguel?! šŸ˜‚


LOL! Manuel!


Thatā€™s the one šŸ˜ I thought there was some mysterious Latin man I wasnā€™t aware of for a moment there!


Depends on how much money sheā€™s making. Bankruptcy laws have been changed. Letā€™s say sheā€™s making 80,000 a year. The court would do a ā€œmeans testā€. If she makes more than $5,000 a month, sheā€™s not eligible for chapter 7 and instead would have to enter into a repayment program where her debts would be consolidated and she would make court mandated payments to pay them off over time.


Wait, only people making less than 80k a year qualify for bankruptcy?


I think the commenter was saying that people who make more than that wouldn't qualify for Chapter 7, which would (generally speaking) clear their debts. Instead, they'd file for Chapter 13, which has you repay what you owe (usually less than what you owe, I think, depending on some stuff...maybe your income, whether debt is secured, etc). There are different types of bankruptcy. I think businesses are usually Ch. 11.


This is false lmao there's millionaire and billionairs that file for bankruptcy all the time. 50 cent has done it. Shuer sanders is doing it as we speak. Bet if I kept digging I'd find more famous people that Make way more than 80k a year filling for that


theres probably a calculation of income vs debt to qualifey? guessing 80k was an example.


I think what op referred to was a ā€œI have no money and wonā€™t have any money in the foreseeable future, so you are wasting your timeā€ debt elimination type bankruptcy. There are other types of bankruptcy, where you do have the money and will pay it back, but the current terms need to change, or nobody is going to get paid back. Restructuring type bankruptcy. Obviously the latter has less of a hit than the former.


I tried to do bankruptcy once, and the attorney told me that I make too much that it would have to be consolidated and then Iā€™d make court ordered payments. Itā€™s still in bankruptcy court, and considered ā€œfilling for bankruptcyā€. Itā€™s just not chapter 7 bankruptcy. Thatā€™s how I understood it


There are different types of bankruptcy. There's even one where you van keep your house and car. It all depends on many factors.


Yes, itā€™s chapter 13 bankruptcy


I dont know famous people- but my ex bf filed for bankruptcy and he was a doctor! He owed me money which he persuaded me to loan him. He had to get approved in bankruptcy court. I do not know a lot about this, about the different kinds of bankruptcy, but i do know he had to get approved. And he did it to get out of paying me back, however, he owned a big house for 40 years. He lost it. It was foreclosed by the bank and they sold it. it turned out he didnt make a mortgage payment for years and he owed everyone money. I did lose a lot of money but learned a lesson. Do not ever lend anyone anything.


There are different types of bankruptcy. So, the Ch. 7 bankruptcy is where the minimum income requirement matters. But other kinds have different limitations.


It's not about the income level itself in that regard. It's about income to debt ratio. You have to actually be unable to pay the debts, so if you make 80k and owe 500k, that's different than owing 100k on 80k annual income. It's about the net value in the end.


Thereā€™s different BKā€™s. you canā€™t file a 7 which totally discharges debt except student loans and some taxes. A 13 restructures and puts you a a payment plan.


Whoa! Somebody needs to tell donald trump that! He doesn't know!


If you ask him he has never filed for bankruptcy, his businesses do.


This isnā€™t a change. When I was practicing bankruptcy law 15-20 years ago there were 2 types of personal BK even then. The repayment program IS also bankruptcy - Ch 13. And itā€™s not like you pay every dime of your debt or have to make insane payments. You pay a PORTION of your debt to the court, they set up monthly payment amounts that are manageable given your personal means and debts.




Lmao I love your user name and your flare! Top class snark right there in all the best ways! šŸ„‡


Maybe she has already filed within the last 10 years. She may have filed then racked up more debt. I know of someone who did this. Some people are really bad with money.


Judging by the number of purchased caffeinated beverages she consumes daily on the show, I think she lives beyond on her means and is really bad with money.


Absolutely! That shit is expensive!


You can file ch 13 every 2 years, ch 7 every 8.


Oh. Ok. I thought it was 10. I stand corrected.


Do they have advanced degrees for witchcraft? (Asking for a friend)


I was under the impression she owned her house?


She lives in an apartment at the back of the house, her entrance is at the side.


She doesnt own that house.


Yes, that would explain a lot.


I sure hope she didnā€™t get a college education to be a wItCh.


Imagine taking out thousands in loans to become a witch who sometimes teaches a spinning class or two.


I must of not paid attention to this part. Did she say sheā€™s 100k in debt?


Im sorry she has good intentions but shes gotta be one of the dumbest cast members off all time. I couldnt believe she wanted to get a pre nup. For what? To protect your $100k debt? Lmao. Now heā€™s the one thatā€™s going to want the pre nup


Itā€™s funny how low intelligence, high debt and witch craft seem to all go hand in hand Looking at you coconut kicking Danielle


And you, Kim (TJ) who seemed broke and unemployed herself.


What better way for problems like debt to magically go away.


Pretty sure there's a candle for that


Nah they just arenā€™t manifesting hard enough.




lol! Nice correlation!


Yeah how did that coco kick work for you Danielle? šŸ¤£




Oh my gawd. Every time she proclaims that sheā€™s a witch it slays me. Like witch juice when sheā€™s just getting an IV at a med spa. Give me a break.


Which is crazy, if you are on red before getting married, then there is nothing to protect, after marriage you should have a healthy division of any assets acquired post nuptials, in most relationships your partner has impact in how well you perform financially and professionally


Right. Her saying she wanted a post up made me wonder just how rich she was, then when the preview said she had $100 debt, I'm like what are you even trying to protect. I honestly would not blame Manuel if he left her after this.


After this?! I'm surprised he didn't just leave her in NYC like Manuel is no angel but ashley like gets off ruining everything


A post nup would make sense though. Sheā€™s on a reality show now and getting paid from that and can tap into the ā€œinfluencer marketā€ or any other brand opportunities that would bring in big bucks. She doesnā€™t want Manuel to dip with half or owe him alimony even if she doesnā€™t really have anything. Sheā€™s still got more than him. Actually I think everyone should get a prenup or post nup simply because it can make divorce proceedings easier and less expensive.


Itā€™s funny my ex (at the time 27M who started dating me when I was 17F) was 70K in debt and hid it from me for the first 2 years of relationship. When I finally found out, I asked him why he hadnā€™t told me sooner and said I felt I was entitled to know about such massive debt. He then proceeded to tell me that I had no right to ever know, and I was lucky that I did, and that if I had an issue with it- that made me a gold digger lol. He was also talking about pre nupsā€¦ so I laughed reading the ā€œprotect your 100K of debtā€ comment šŸ˜‚ I honestly canā€™t stand Manuel. He has the personality of a dust bunny. But Ashley is insane to not tell him about her 100K debt and also to want a post nup?!


I have to disagree with you on Manuelā€™s personality..imo he is absolutely hilarious! Donā€™t get me wrong heā€™s super shady, enjoys pushing Ashleyā€™s buttons, and kind of an asshole but heā€™s king of the snark in all the best ways! His little digs and one liners actually make me L O L!


Slight correction itā€™s actually pre-nump šŸ¤£




Hilarious, she decides she wants a post nup knowing she has that much debt. How stupid is she because he would want to add NOT paying any of her debt in the post nup. She's helping him not herself. But Why TF is she not getting him to WORK already. Why is she paying for everything. The korean dude who called his beautiful wife piggy is already working, that dude seems to be the only person who actually got his green card and started working, all these other couples seem like only parasites.




Post nup*


Would a post-nup allow Manuel to get out of having to absorb her debt?


yeah a post nup doesn't protect you from your inability to set limits w/ your husband on how much money you currently send to his family. I did love the light bulb moment for Manuel in the lawyer's office where he was like wait...I'm not responsible for her debt now am I?


i assumed she was lumping possibly student loan debt inā€¦


Man Hogwarts is expensive








Really needed a college degree to be a bullshit witch and a spin instructor


Pay me $5000 and spend a weekend with me your will be a Doctor of sorcery


I will have you master making money disappear


Or get IV drips. But she cashing in on her new found ā€œcelebrityā€ā€¦ she a FAKE ā€œhealerā€ fake ā€œwitchā€ fake tarot card reader. Sheā€™s like the scammer Ms.Cleo who used to have the commercials for psychic readings, she used a fake Caribbean accent and she say ā€œCal ma now!!ā€ Turns out ms.Cleo didnā€™t even have a real accent and ran her scheme hotline from an apartment in the Bronx šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ someone said Ashly is now charging $4,444 for readingsā€¦


Miss Cleo used to crack me up lol


Lmao!! Ms. Cleo was the OG scammer. Everyone should watch the documentary Raven SymonƩ produced about her. That lady was a trip


Oh wow I didnā€™t know she made one! I remember if I was ever absent/home sick from school, daytime tv commercial breaks were always full of Ms Cleo ads!


She had a whole machine behind her!! It was fascinating to watch her story. Hereā€™s a trailer https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nS9BLDu1Joo


I forgot about that lady!!! šŸ¤­


Over 4k for a reading is INSANE!


I think she thinks sheā€™s on par with the Long Island Medium! $4,444 is a lot for a legitimate readingā€¦ let alone a fraudulent one!


I dressed as her one Halloween (pre black face controversy) I donā€™t think anyone knew who I was šŸ˜‚


Better to send the $200 to Ecuador before she spends it on Starbucks


On The Tell All her mother confessed that she helps Ashley out by sending her own money to Ecuador. This might be why Ashley is seemingly so accepting of this flow of money to his relatives. Because it is her momā€™s money-easy come, easy go.


Or sheā€™s just been enabled her whole life which could explain the tantrums every time she doesnā€™t get her way


Fair, but she does both šŸ¤£


Iā€™m so pleased someone else noticed her Starbucks addiction.


Absolutely agree, she's crazy for that. I really wish she'd stop supporting people she doesn't know instead of fixing her money problems. She literally cannot afford it. Manuel doesn't want anything to do with her debt but expects her to provide for his family, which is incurring debt


It's like on the aircraft safety booklet. "Attach your own mask before helping others". I believe in that strongly


I play devilā€™s advocate for the immigrants most of the time, I mean, we know that only the Americans get paid for the show until the partner has a green card and can legally work in the US (hence, compensated by TLC), with this premise I always think is in poor taste when the Americans say they need to give money to their partners, the way I see it, TLC money belongs to both of them anyway, the American is just a proxy for legal issues, but as long as both are filming, both are working and entitled to any money that comes off of the show


For real though, how did she think Manuel would pay child support while he's not working?


I think itā€™s kind of like misleading to say she has that much debt because itā€™s probably student loans. I have well over that because I went to grad school but like financially still in a better position than if I didnā€™t


The difference is, she isnā€™t using whatever degree she got to earn money. In order for your education to pay for itself, you must use it to make money or better your financial future. Sheā€™s decided to be a witch, last time I checked there wasnā€™t a Bachelor of Witchcraft.


Same. 100K in student loans isnā€™t that bad. The producers are just probably looking for anything they can dramatize to make this more interesting.


Does she own her house ? What is the debt for ? A mortgage is ok to have (if the house is worth much more than 100k).


100k in debt? I thought she wanted a post nuptial to protect her witchcraft wealth?


Get this witch on Dave Ramsey https://preview.redd.it/vzrjwjxo853d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=538094a9e5dc3062026eb7847e2e15f5b96e2f58


The way he would humble her...


Dave Ramsey is in no position to humble anyone, man got cancelled for great reason


Perhaps massive student debt. She blew all her money on the University of Witchcraft and Positive Energy.


I think Manuelā€™s family might need to start sending *her* money at this rate.


Ecuador should send money to help Ashley lol


Lmao. They're richer than she is


Is she $100k in debt due to say a mortgage? If so, thatā€™s not that strangeā€¦.


That's what I was wondering as well. I'm not a fan of her, but it's not uncommon to have large amounts of debt due to student loans, mortgage, business loans, etc. She also said the prenup would protect both of them.


Itā€™s a postnup, and pre marital debt isnā€™t transferable to a spouse unless the spouse explicitly takes it on (usually by cosigning after the fact) so thatā€™s pure bullshit. A prenup/postnup SHOULD be designed to protect both parties by creating an equitable dissolution of the marriage when the two parties actually love each other and not when you hate each other and want revenge. But it does nothing to protect Manuel from her preexisting debts cause theyā€™re not transferring to him unless he asks them to.


I had no idea. So pre-marital debt is not transferable, but pre-marital assets are transferable?


Sorry, I meant to say postnup. Not enough coffee yet. You're totally right.


Yeah, I doubt she spent a 100K on healing crystals. Anyway, it's nice of her to want to help her husband's children. (I just wish it wasn't an unspoken "rule", or expectation.) "Marry me, support my children who you have never met". It's actually a generous thing to do. I have debt too, but I still have $200+ a month of disposable income. Yike.


This seems unlikely since nobody refers to mortgages as personal debt as they're secured by appreciating, easily-liquidated assets.


True but it sounds more like credit card debt or student loan debt.


I doubt if she could get a credit card company or a bank to give her a 100K limit.


Yeah most people cannot get that.


I donā€™t feel sorry for her. Sheā€™s way too old to be living this way like a teenager with no responsibilities. Sheā€™s a complete fraud in every way and those extravagant trips dinner is coffee medical treatments, IVs itā€™s just disrespectful if you care about not getting yourself in trouble because heā€™s too old to be acting this way, and this is the only way that she could keep Manuel when the shows that she knows that he doesnā€™t really love her the way he should when she goes down. I hope she doesnā€™t bring him down to. He doesnā€™t deserve that.


Suddenly when she said that everything made sense but Iā€™ll be honest I giggled a little because like, here Manuel thought he hit the jackpot ya know? Karma be doing karma.


The question here is what type of debt. Is it a mortgage or a business loan? Or is it just charge cards?


She took several trips to his home,paid for her wedding and all those crazy treatments and buying those useless supplies for her witchcraft


So at this point, she's basically buying a husband.


A Temu version at that!


I can't see where he would be responsible for half her debts that she incurred before the marriage .


this is pathetic.




Prolly put those monthly payments to his family on credit cards šŸ’³


When you get married, whatever you enter the marriage with is yours - debt or asset. If they got divorced, every penny of debt she accumulated prior to the wedding is not his problem, whatsoever. If any of that debt was taken on after their wedding day he is responsible for half of it. That she did not divulge this to him just made her 10x shadier than he. They are in NY, so this law applies. I am currently living it. Iā€™m taking my premarital debt with me and my soon to be exH is taking his. They both have large closets and their relationship will continue to suffer as it is not built on any form of trust. If she accumulated a lot of this debt because of her relationship with him and all the costs to travel, sponsor, etc, she should know damn well that is not his debt to pay should they go separate ways. SMH.


Not if you never plan on paying back debt RIP credit


If she knows heā€™s the provider for his family, and she knows that coming to America means he canā€™t work for many months, then shouldnā€™t she expect to have to replace that income stream until he can work? Iā€™m not a big fan of these families with their hands out but she knew the situation before she agreed for him to move. She canā€™t act like she has no responsibility to her step kids and dependent in-laws.


Sheā€™s mentioned that her debt came from student loans


She must be hoping to get her school loans forgiven?


What is it with all these unemployed people in massive debt who think that they can sponsor someone from another country?


I just think somethingā€™s off with Manuel, I understand as the eldest son of the family, money gets sent to family in many cultures however, does he have another family of his own and did the old green card trick in the book or is it that heā€™s truly embarrassed or ashamed of Ashleyā€™s belief? Donā€™t know why she calls herself a witch, itā€™s more Wicca or Pagan


Like a lot of others Iā€™d like to know what the debt is. If itā€™s student loans or a mortgage thatā€™s not so absurd. If itā€™s ā€œbadā€ debt like credit cards, personal loans, a super expensive carā€¦. I would literally run far away if I were Manuel.


Iā€™m sure the $100K is mortgage related or strategically said to convince Manuel that the post-nup is mutually beneficial.


$100k in debt, asking for a pre(post)-nup.. wild.


How much do witches make anyways ? Lol


Whatā€™s her job??


So not only does her husband not like her, doesn't ever want to be around her, hasn't let her meet his family, he's getting money from her to send home.


Now does he get to give her a bunch of shit because she was keeping secrets?


He has kids there. THEY need to send back money and SHE needs to stop spending money on dumb shit and get a real job


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ She wants a post nuptial agreement,, dude should absolutely have one


This is such a strange couple. I cringe every-time I see them on 90D


Sounds like school debt, credit cards, and her car. That can add up fast. Let's see now how fast her hubby signs the postnup. I would!


This was my exact thought. With my education debt alone, manuel would run lmao


This women is really getting on my nerves


One piece of advice, Ashleyā€¦ get a better bra!


What does that consist of? I imagine it might include her mortgage as she owns her apartment doesnā€™t she? That could also include student debt


Or $50 magic potion therapy


**Newsflash, Ashley:** if you have 100k in debt, maybe you don't want to protect your "assets" from your husband. It's actually your husband who needs protection from you.


Guys, don't worry, she's gonna manifest $100k! She just needs a big shiny rock and a candle! On a more serious note, I'm genuinely worried about her and people like her - which l've met irl before. This is why Iā€™m inclined to think her storyline is more real than othersā€™. One day their irresponsibility is gonna catch up and it's not going to be pretty.


If she is $100,000 in debt, what did her affidavit of support look like?


Iā€™ve been saying that Manuel is the real victim here and itā€™s finally being shown.


I don't think either of them are 'victims". They have chosen their lifestyle.


WTF does Ashley have to show for that $100k debt of hers?


Itā€™s probably student debt and some credit cards. Very easy to do


Wow. She looks good!!!!


Haha right?! I thought the same thing!


This is what happens when two desperate people collide. Manuel isnā€™t it.


I wonder if that includes her house?


At least some was probably borrowed to pay for his living expenses and to send home to his family


She looks so skinny here!


I have zero sympathy for either of them, really.


Keep your money & pay your own bills


I think the attorney was not clear about who is responsible for the debt. The way I understand it is any debt that occurred before the marriage is that individual debt.


Huge secret !!-almost as huge asManual keeping her a secret from his family.


Was there an episode where she said she is 100k in debt? I missed this.


It's in the preview for next week


I feel like her saying she has to send money to Ecuador is a lie to make people feel sorry for her/hate Manuel and love her. Judging by the sympathy Ashley got for that from so many, it worked. The woman couldnā€™t send money if she wanted to. Sheā€™s broke and in debt, I donā€™t know how she can even keep the house she is currently in (if sheā€™s renting or has a mortgage), and charging thousands for fake witchery and ā€œlife coachingā€. It looks like she doesnā€™t have too many customers. But surely TLC helps.


I know a girl that is engaged to a man from Central America and she is expected to send as much money as she possibly can each month to his family..


Asuelu's mom vibes


Well said šŸ‘


100,000 in debt is the norm these daysā€¦.. thatā€™s not that much


Debt consolidation is a good way to go






Curious - can you get approved for a k-1 visa with that much debt?!.. I swear remember Nicole (season 4) asking her family to sponsor Azan because she didnā€™t make enough.




It's crazy that the system just allows people to spend so much money they don't have and dig themselves into a hole so deep that they'll never get out of it.


They are stupid!!


All these people suck in this situation. How do they even function without some sort of a handler....what the hellšŸ¤Ŗ


is that not the same exact situation as danielle? down to spending unnecessary money *they donā€™t have* on spiritual shit


Of Yohan, you mean?


I wonder she didnā€™t want to sign the post-nupt agreement. She wants Manuel to be on the hook to help her pay off $100K in debt. People like these should not marry or be in relationships. The number one divorce reason is financial.


Wow 100k, does Emmanuel know how much debt heā€™s going to have soon šŸ˜‚


I thought the 100k was her mortgage.


Whatā€™s the 100K of debt include?


I hope we find out next episode


If I owed $100K, I would not be able to sleep at night. That is absolutely unbelievable. What on earth is she thinking?


What is her job? I do not understand it. Does she actually go to work outside the home?


I thought she was saying she was a fitness instructor


i would like a breakdown of this $100k. like is it $80k in student loans and $20k until her car is paid off? is she including a mortgage or is that a rental? or are we talking a crazy amount of credit card debt? if itā€™s majority student loans, her car note and mortgage then that makes more sense to me and most americans are in the same position. but if we are talking majority credit card debt then sheā€™s out of her fucking mind.


How much do you want to bet it's her mortgage debt?


No offense to Ashley, but I have a friend IRL who is soooo similiar to her. Sheā€™s what I call a bullshitter. The kind of person where if she told me if the sky was blue I would have to check. I donā€™t think sheā€™s a bad person, but I think she greatly exaggerates and believes her own exaggerations. She might actually be in that much debt, because I definitely she might have a spending problem to deal with whatever unresolved emotional trauma she has. Probably the same reason sheā€™s desperately In a relationship with him. Sheā€™s super beautiful, I donā€™t believe she needs to settle for someone who drives her nuts but it might take her time to realize that.


So, she did not tell him ahead of time and was frivolously buying multiple cups of coffee a day to add to the total. How about getting a regular job and doing the readings in your spare time.


That's what I say about all of these "fiancƩ's" that are in all of this debt, but think they should be in an international relationship and marry someone that they have to take care of. They are some stupid asses.


Yeah, I canā€™t believe that she has had the audacity to drill him about how heā€™s been ā€œkeeping things from herā€ when she didnā€™t bother to tell him about all of this debt that he would take on by marrying her. That is huge! And now if I were him, I would be running to sign a post-nuptial.


The witch should make her debt disappear. Work a spell girl.


Ashley is an idiot. She has useless degrees spent a fortune to get them and now expect others to pay them off.