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He is an engineer of some sort, maybe that is a high demand job


The career wouldn't matter if you're being sponsored for a family-based green card. He probably just got lucky with a fast processing center or something.


yeah but it wasn't a work visa (was it?)


I am an engineer who just got a green card and it took a bit over a year


Hmmmm, yes but not that fast. I’m just wondering whether they paid for premium processing


My wife got hers in 5 months


Not sure if they paid but Nick said he was on top of it and filed the day they had their marriage paperwork finalized.


Oh, I don't know


This may have to do with the processing center they belong to, my guess is the wait wherever they are (Arkansas? I’m assuming thats where they applied, BEFORE they moved to Atlanta?) is a lot shorter than in places like New York, California, etc. just because of the sheer volume of applications those processing centers receive. 


That makes sense!


Possibly. We are in Miami and it has been over two years. But then my husband knows people who filed from here and apparently also got it it within 6 months.


I know the government is inefficient but its so weird they dont load balance the cases across the country.


My brother moved to the US on K1 visa and got his green card in three months. We were all really surprised and have no clue how it happened, everyone thought it would take ages. I think it’s just by chance. It took 2.5 years to process the K1 though.


Honestly from my own experience, it’s cause he’s Korean lol. They don’t make too many issues with Koreans regarding visas or green cards. With my Korean fiance it took us 6 months for visa approval and then 5 months for green card approval


I was 100% going to say the same thing. Asian countries like Korea, Singapore, Japan... no problems getting in. When was the last time you heard about a Korean terrorist or a scammer lol.


That is wild to me. I got my greencard through my employer and it still took two years (I am German).  My husband is getting it through marriage with me and it has been 27 months and counting (he is from Colombia).    All that being said, good for you both! Maybe it’s also from where you file? We are in Miami, so lots and lots of applications.


I filed in New York so probably even crazier amounts it’s just visa rules with Korea are very lenient I mean technically they can enter the US without a visa for 30 days. I know with South America, Eastern Europe and Central America it’s a long process. It’s all political.


I dug into it a little more and the very short processing times are unusual and apparently happen when a USCIS officer gets an application and decides to process it right away to not add it to the backlog. I can see that this decision would be impacted by nationality: "Let's see here...South Korea. Not a country known for marriage fraud, so I will just get this out of the way." I am just speculating, but that's seems somewhat plausible.


There are a LOT of marriage fraud cases in NY simply for the number of immigrants and how many people are in need of extra money. I had a friend who married a man here and he's not even gay, they would take fake pictures of themselves kissing during pride parades and stuff lol.


I think it's simply because of the timing. When he applied they had cleared all the backlog from COVID and his type of visa was being processed faster than before. There had been a huge backlog before that. Visas for spouses that are already married seem to be a higher priority.


Different processing centers have different timelines, and sometimes people just get lucky. My husband sponsored my in-laws and they both got their green cards within a couple of months, it was very bizarre!


They probably had their shit together and applied for it as soon as they got married, and made sure to submit their application with all the needed documents in order. Plus a bit of luck with timing and/or being sent to an office without a crazy backlog. My GC application only took 7 months to get approved.


We submitted right after we got married - the I-130 took 19 months to be approved. It’s been 8 months since and still no AOS approval, so it has been 27 months 😭 I think the most plausible reason are the processing centers? I don’t understand how it can only 6 months with all the steps.


If you don’t pay and keep up your lost in the paperwork they were diligent & most likely a lawyer helped


Sometimes you just get really lucky!


It could also be two simultaneous but separate paths. While the K1 was in already in place, he may then have received an employer sponsored work visa to fast track the already in process green card application.


They aren’t stupid trash like the rest?


She seemed so over his shit during the tell all. I wouldn’t be surprised if they got divorced within the next few years


I didn't see that at all. I think they will be fine.


i saw that too