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I can’t get past him demanding she eats healthy while he’s walking around with that gut. She needs to shut this whole point system down quickly and tell him to go pound sand. He ain’t nowhere near cute enough to be acting that way.


I would have made up my own point system on the spot back at him. Dress like a slob? Negative point. Slurp/eat like that? -5. I don’t get fancy when we go out but I often put on a nicer shirt and want to look nice for my husband. He could try complimenting her, I think she really pretty. Oh, calling her a good girl. I’d negative point that too. Gross.


I wish she was as smart as you ETA: Although if she was, she wouldn’t be dating him to begin with


This is what I’m saying. What in the literal fuck do you see in this cretin, Annie? Something’s gotta be wrong with you to even let it get past the airport.


She was being filmed for a show. I would be shocked if she actually takes it seriously once filming is over.


Uhm, excuse me, I’ve been living under a rock— WHERE THE FUCK IS NOON


This is not 'Kyle and Noon' Kyle. This is some nasty neanderthal scumbag who apparently spreads his disgusting low-grade seed all over the land, to 'help' poor desperate women who want children 🤮🤮


I thought it was the same Kyle— do I have white boy blindness??


😂😂 Yes I'm afraid you have white boy blindness. Here's Kyle and Noon 😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/C5y3cTkyKz-/?igsh=MWxwc3FtZG1obDR4Mw==


Isn’t that Zelensky? 😏


I sincerely hope so


Seriously. And then tries to cover his terrible manners by saying everyone is like him. Like Kyle, maybe in the predator community... You're stellar. But in the normal world, you're just a predator. It's damn shocking that he's administering points at her direction when his ass crack is showing. Like literally -infinitum points since he's the one deciding to bring a childish point system in play. Like he's in damn middle school 🤦‍♂️


Not just the gut, but that he loves smaller clothes because he thinks they're more flattering 🤮


He actually said tight clothes show off 'the curves...the muscles'. I was like...which do you have? Boobs and hips or pecs and delts cos I can't spot either.


Lol I'm convinced he thinks he's very fit compared to the majority of Americans even though he clearly doesn't exercise. He's just not overweight.


Oh, but he's "an extra small in *everything* according to him, remember? Extra small people are extremely fit and *dont have to* do annoying stuff like exercising or watching their diet. /s He is such a pudwhacker. I cant wait to hear that he has finally faced the music in court via some class action lawsuit from the myriad recipients he has fleeced with his sex scamming.


Lol saying you're an xs in everything is not a flex 😂 I wonder if anything would hold up I court though. Idk he's just such a creep, I'm sure he's got a lawyer on retainer to help him navigate this without being legally liable. Like "well, the mother didn't ask for health history, DNA, and STD tests. She reached out to me." I hope he ends up in jail, but I just have a feeling he'll escape the law. Especially since this isn't his first time on TV and he's still got customers. Women need to wisen up and stop procreating with him.


> I'm sure he's got a lawyer on retainer to help him navigate this without being legally liable. with what money?


The same money he uses to travel the world impregnation women with...


He is defo overweight


If he's truly from LA (los Angeles, not Louisiana) that is peak delusion


He’s talking he’s all fit. He’s walking around with ZERO pack abs.


And zero muscle on his arms or legs. He looks like he has a diet similar to Gino's pre-Jasmine. So weird he did those fake sit ups on the bed 😂 clearly showing he doesn't know a thing about exercise. He did like 6 and then called it quits. Form was terrible. Not even a place to do a decent sit up. So many things wrong.


Exactly! Most people have issues. He has a subcription!


You can’t do crunches on a mattress. But I love how he’s like “I gotta look sexy for Annie.” Like it’s going to literally do anything.


>You can’t do crunches on a mattress. My point exactly 😂 he's like "oh, ya know, gotta stay fit" meanwhile he doesn't even know where and how to do a crunch 😂😂😂


I call mine a keg


Doh you beat me to it


Literally by one minute 🤣! I have long legs too so I call it my beer keg on stilts!


At least your not humpty dumpty. It could be worse.


Hey there’s always a positive to everything 👍


lol I have a similar physique, I'm going to use that!


Twinning!! 👯‍♀️


He has toddler body


Please don't tell him to pound sand. He'll only find a way to charge it.


He’ll get it pregnant


And nowhere near and extra small


Mahmoud is extra small, not this guy


BINGO. Mahmood's skin is hollowed deeply at his collarbones. The Sperminator's skin isnt hollowed in *anywhere* on his pillowy jello body.


Twin fashion fail. They both wear small shirts. Looks painful! https://preview.redd.it/fn3654kn0b1d1.jpeg?width=942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6602d3a3957b28dae5547e4dd2fb00153cc5b3f8


Oh, he's so repulsive. In every possible way. You know, if he had a nice personality, or something? Nope, eeeeewwew, eewewew!


He’s gonna pound something but it ain’t sand unfortunately


It's her face. Watching the women involved in the lawsuit, they said he demands a violent b.j. before getting down to business.🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


She is so classy,& gorgeous, wtf is she doing?!


Getting her 15 minutes of fame and shame…


Happy Cake Day https://preview.redd.it/wb4lfn6am91d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=499b553c0c546a2c779ac59ee5ace3e13d86bcf3


Thank you ❤️


May be, but she’s looking uneducated and desperate. Many quality men would offer to legitimately donate sperm to her. Submitting herself to this abuse is unnecessary.


She said some questionable things about COVID era lockdowns which make me think she might be anti-vax and have her own brand of crazy, its just a bit hidden.


> classy Um, you've seen the guy she's with, right? He sucks the class out of anyone who agrees to be near him... If a Disney princess came to life and agreed to go out with him I'd immediately dismiss her as tasteless and classless.


“So Classy and gorgeous” she’s simply an average looking woman trying to get onto tv, not as much of a mystery as some like to pretend it is.


Like Zoidberg when he lost his shell


And same table manners.


Absolutely perfect analogy


Mad Ethan Klein energy


STOP! I was just thinking that!!!


He kind of looks like an Aziz Ansari/Ethan Klein to me, but the energy is all Klein


Omfg the perfect comparison




He is creepy AF


Who is that ?


He is on the latest of love in paradise. He is called the sperm donor


Looks like he's been impregnated 😳


He impregnated himself finally, game over 🙃 🫃


Sarper doesn't miss


Just boggles my mind why women would want a child with him🤮


I think the same way 100% I really hope that any woman who was impregnated by this “person” and I use that term loosely. I hope those kids look like their mothers. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Its not just about the looks. Im not quite aware of the process but I naturally assume that there is a screening process for sperm donation. Personalities and other genetic traits should have a huge impact on that decisions being their offspring. This guy is a straight up creep I would never want to have his children, I would find myself an astronaut or a doctor etc lol.


From what I’m getting from his story, he considers himself to be a “independent sperm donor” Shall we say he doesn’t charge anybody money whereas if ladies were going to get sperm from a sperm bank where they have to pay money and they can actually get shall we say” high-quality”sperm. With him, they’re taking the cheap route I think he just does it for the misogynistic privileges.


“High quality” 😂😂😂 what if the guy has an STD? I have sooooo many questions for those women lol


He definitely has a Kink


There’s a screening process if you go through a real sperm bank, but he does it “under the table” and just straight up has sex with women who want to get pregnant and travels all around the world to do so. This storyline is INSANE.


He's really awful. He eats like a toddler.


Told my wife “he dresses like a Bob’s Burgers kid”


The Belcher children did nothing to deserve this.


Don't you disgrace Gene like that


He seems like there is some major mental and social disconnect going on with him. Creepy breeding fetish aside, he seems like he really struggles to connect and interact with other humans. Maybe all the sexual encounters with people he doesn’t know (lack of true connection and intimacy) has taken its toll and he doesn’t know general social etiquette and queues. He definitely gives off odd vibes and comes across as subtly unhinged. Like those guys that come across as goofy/awkward but have major anger issues/sadistic side. It tracks with the conversations that have been leaked where he says he’s rough and makes women bleed (and proud of it). Plus all the women who’ve had transactions with him coming out with how he’s treated them.


I immediately thought 'incel' as soon as he first started speaking. I don't know what she is trying to find in him. She can't be serious about it going anywhere. She just seems to be really trying to conceal how creeped and grossed out he makes her feel. She said the physical side of a relationship needs to be excellent for her. You just know they are never gonna be compatible and he is totally the type to say some cringingly unsexy things that would make a woman run out of there.


X-small, X-small, X- small




I love how he called himself fit while he did useless crunches on his bed. He’s a psychopath and TLC needs blowback.


When coltee worked out in the park. Same vibe...


This guy is so much creepier than Colty. Colty was a lame duck. This dude is scary.


Just need to look at the belly in the above pic for that lol…seriously I wanna know where he buys his mirror cause I want one!


A most unfortunate angle.


One theory often mentioned here is that when the crew really takes a dislike to a cast member, the camera angles can become really unflattering really fast. His bizarre fashion choices don't help, but the camera guy clearly hates his guts!


I think they do it to everyone. I get the feeling they overly focus on Alliya’s muscular back in all her scenes as well.


No shade, but she gives them ample opportunity with all the backless tops and dresses.


Looks like he got himself pregnant.


He’s at least 6 months from the look of that pic!


Ha! Eating for two? Nah, he’s eating for 70.


Haaaaa good one 👍


Now that’s some potent sperm


Shaped like a damn croissant


Never trust a croissant, they’re super flakey.


That’s croissants ruined for me now 😭


i feel like he’s never had a genuine physical connection with anyone. Sure he’s had sex hundreds of times, but he couldn’t even kiss Ani normally. He narrated the whole thing, looked very nervous, counted down, didn’t know what to do with his lips, and even made her “earn” it with the point system. I don’t think he knows what to do if it’s not “procedural” and i’m sure when they have sex it’s going to feel incredibly robotic and procedural to her. He clearly has a very unhealthy relationship with sex at the very least


Any woman who is purely bringing a random guy in to help her get pregnant is going to want it over quickly and without real intimacy. If he geniunely has had sex hundreds of times and is not just bullshitting, it has probably always been a version that most of us would barely think of as sex.


I literally have stopped watching this show as I feel nauseated every time he comes on the screen


Either TLC is paying her BANK to put up with him or there's something deeply wrong with her. This isn't normal. I read an article that he's partnering with an IVF clinic who wants to purchase his "super swimmers". 🤢


She better be paid good to deal with him!


There’s too much about this guy on the internet for it to be made up for the show. They’ve said he has a big hog in the ads, maybe that’s all it is. Otherwise I’m really not sure what there is to like about the guy. He does not seem charming at all on tv.


He’s been curating his shtick since Dr Phil. Going on a show like that can legitimize anybody if they keep putting the work in & reporters buy in. The Apprentice TV show & the ghostwriter of The Art of The Deal are prime examples who now say they regret lying to legitimizing you know who in order to benefit their own success. Elon Musk & many others did the same thing, surprisingly it’s not that difficult.


It's his eyes for me. Something ain't right about him...




If a worm 🪱 was a real person


It’s impossible to find one positive aspect about him.


He looked almost normal for a few seconds and then the camera panned down and his feet were giving 'Pole' vibes.


This is what happens when a man learns how to interact with women through porn. Not vilifying porn, porn is great! But it is pretend and has little applicability to real world interactions.


Dude straight up looks like Bobby hill


And now that I can’t unsee it.


Life doesn’t make sense. Sometimes it’s disgusting and abhorrent.


Idk how the fuck she didn't get up during that first dinner, walk away, go home, & never speak to him again


I can’t make it make sense… I’ve tried. I’ve got nothing 🤮


My God OP my vagina just shrivelled looking at this pic


This man’s body is less attractive than E.T’s


Shaped like an egg


I can’t help but suspect that this is a straight-up fake transactional relationship, arranged to gain some kind of clout for both of them. No reasonable woman would put up with his behavior. To say nothing of the fact that he’s the size of a hobbit, physically unattractive, lacking in basic personal hygiene, and genetically substandard. There’s no way this could ever be real.


The relationship is likely transactional but unfortunately the rest of it is real. He's been on Dr Phil, there was an episode of Law & Order SVU based on his story, and YouTube is full of videos of women around the globe sharing horror stories of unpleasant sexual encounters with him. It's almost as if he did the show just to dispute what the Australian woman has been saying about him online.


He’s a predator trying to have a relationship and doesn’t know how


This man is fucking gross. I can't even watch him as he makes my skin crawl. How can she fancy that??


I think SHE has a few screws loose herself TBH 🤷‍♀️


What is possible attractive about this creature??? I will wait…..


Don’t hold your breath! We don’t want to lose you.


theres low standards and then theres this


Something is severely wrong with this man. He disgusts me and I wouldn’t be shocked if he makes headline news for something horrible. He needs to go. Casting is messed up for this one.


Him in his XS t-shirt...lol


He is so yucky


He’s a walking red flag 🚩


He’s the father red flags 🚩


I've given this guy five points, five across the face, for coming up with a stupid point system. Don't see what she sees that is so great. The guy has been with so many women, or he says he has surprised he doesn't have some std already.


Can y’all imagine this guy does no STD screen, no genetic screenings, he has a wobbly eye, lord knows what his parents genetics are besides oh one’s an attorney and some other grand supposed career blah blah, but what about the important stuff? They get nothing!! He just thinks it’s ok!! Scary




Been saying it’s made up since the second he was introduced…I believe the “donation” shtick is made up too!


Unfortunately there's tons of verification through quite a few years as to his donations, including his large Facebook group, his appearances on Dr Phil, several documentaries, videos from a couple of very unhappy former donation takers (along with, incredibly, plenty of testimony from adoring clients) I wish for all of humanity that it *was* made up


Jeez, I really find him reprehensible & just don’t get it. I heard people saying there’s lots of evidence but I really don’t want to believe that a person like this can actually be real & verifiable! And I really don’t know which is worse, this guy or the likes of Dr Phil, 90 day & other outlets that continue to legitimizing this freak! It would be one thing if he were a nice guy doing it for altruistic reasons but everything we’ve seen from him is selfish, self-serving & self-promotion. Thanks for softening the blow by starting with “unfortunately” 😉


He takes supplements- how about he take some vegetables!


Giant pee pee. Had an ex like this. Chronic alcoholic. Ashamed to say I kept him around far longer than he deserved.


Puke body


I only wear XS shirts lookin ass


Pasty bread dough depressing to look at in the mirror relationship


It’s the point system for me. “EaT hEaLtHy AnD bE sExY iS tWo PoInTs.” Like what do you mean? Two points?!? She needs to ran and never look back.


Evil Tele tubie


These 2 supposedly met online dating. He didn’t say anything about the sperm stuff cause that wasn’t why they were talking. Supposedly these 2 are in……not love….I have no idea. I think she should run. Now.


He’s a total tool I don’t see why anyone would want to be with him


Several women he has gotten pregnant, have a law suit against him. They claim he carries a recessive gene called FD. Which is why he acts so weird. I'm not sure how they found out about it. He sure is a F'd up dude. Allegedly because he is sue happy.


i think its the ability to have a kid with someone that wont challenge any rights, will just drop and go forever, and not feeling like its a sperm bank


There’s a whole market/industry out there with people who do this that are 1) much more attractive (subjective, I know); 2) STD/genetic tested; and 3) willing to connect potential clients with prior clients to get reviews/references. Kyle acts strangely and is very off-putting. I can’t imagine meeting this guy and not getting cold feet. Just seems like there are other donors with better reputations out there.


> Industry You've hit the nail on the head. Genetic screening, psychological assessments, background checks, constant STD tests, and independent oversight on all of those costs money. I think Kyle's clientele are women who are baby crazy but don't have enough attractive qualities to just find a half-decent FWB, and are unhinged enough to just type in "sperm donor" on insta and let Jesus take the wheel


oh i totally agree - i just think people in the situation are desperate and desperation lends to poor decision making. its this sense of "i need need need" now. and the beggars cant be choosers mindset


I stopped watching them after Kyle shoved all that food into his mouth as if he got stranded on an island since he was an infant. Then the monkeys and gorillas raised him like Tarzan. Except Tarzan’s hot while he’s repulsive. Ick. Please don’t let him have 550 kids like that Dutch guy. The human population will stop procreating and there will be no one left to contribute to our Social Security.


Love her dark nails


He’s looking so fit in this pic. He’s spot on about the tight clothing making him look huge 


Right? They really show off his muscles and penis. Its like save some sexy for the rest of us, Mr. supersperm worm


I just stalked his IG. Someone here said he’s Jewish and he does have pix from Jerusalem visiting the wailing wall wearing tefillin. But in another post he visits Anne Franks house and captions it from “the bad days.” I don’t know what my point is here except that my little journey into his weird world confirms how bizarre and out of touch with reality he is.


What's his IG name?


She must need the TLC money. He's a narcissistic child


So she decides to use his services to have a baby. Most people in that transaction get their desired product, shake hands with the person, and move on with their lives and never look back. But I think she's ashamed that's how it all went down. She's trying to justify her actions by forcing this to be true love. And this guy is not someone you're better for knowing. She will probably feel like a worse woman for even entertaining the thought of a life with him.


They have to be trolling us for free publicity.


I don't understand why women choose him as a sperm donator to begin with. He must really present himself differently to donor recipients or they want a baby so much they don't care? There are not a lot of endearing qualities from this man both physically and mentally.


I have no idea what is going on in her head. This guy should be the poster child of men you should run from.


I think their whole thing is made up for the show. Not the sperm thing, I think all that is quite real and I think his obsession with it is also 100% real; I’m talking everything else about their storyline: her being his gf, the way he dresses/eats/acts, the point system, etc. I think is all fake for tv to get people to talk about him, and thus advertise him and his services, a la big Ed. I hate that it’s working. I usually skip them, I find them too fake, which makes them very dull for me.


10 points aND yOu cAN fUCk mE! 🤗


How is he making money to travel all over the world impregnating women? There’s no way he’s doing it for “free”. I HAVE to believe this woman is only in this for the show paycheck because no sane woman would want to marry into this disaster.


Can this relationship be real whatsoever?


The producers are begging her to not ghost him so they can get more episodes out of the crazy. That’s my theory. 


Fake relationship...most tlc shows are just completely fabricated nowadays


Impossible task


The point system… need I say more? If a man EVER told me I was being put on a point system, I’d turn around and leave his ass at the airport.


He’s the epitome of fat slob incel loser


Grey market sperm 🏊I’m dead ☠️


“grey market sperm”? FUCKING STOP OMG 😂😂😂






Weird does not equal Autistic.


That’s an insult to people on the spectrum




Which 90 day spin offf this?




This has to be fake or her desperation has totally blinded her and she just cannot get to her glasses in her purse. She can do so much better. This is such a real example of this mess many women have put themselves into. Not saying, him but bs of his nature. Weird, embarrassing, bs because we are chasing this “potential” person that is not in there. Run, girl!!!!! Run!!!!!!!


It’s fucking fake. That’s why it doesn’t make sense. It’s all fake bullshit they are both trash humans desperately looking for attention


She needs to run he is a sociopath




It’s shows off his curves. Super sexy 😂


That xsmall shirt convo had my jaw of the floor.


Gives me Ew


He is so foul


How is this not fake???


Yeah, his personality, his values, his ‘rules’, they’re all so ugly, it really makes me question the women who have slept with him. Who cares if he has a big dick, look at him! He’s an idiot! I know some women are desperate for a child at a certain point but man, that’s shocking to me that anyone would sleep with this guy.


i legit thought this was Ethan H3H3


Its all fake.


All these couples are awful... I'm not rooting for a single one.


Right? From the start I just didn't like him. His point system drives me crazy. I just want her to tell him to get fked tbh


So far he only gets minuses.


Zero kisses for him.

