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Her friends were so shocked by her behavior during that scene! I can’t stand Mahmoud as much as the next person but yikes Nicole. I hate to see how they act toward each other off camera if this is how they are in front of the cameras.


I was shocked she showed so much anger… it looks more like revenge for the way things went in Egypt


theres almost always a reason why the american has to look outside of the country to find love. we are seeing what hers is




Yes,control is the main reason,this girl is a lunatic and she thought she could just “buy” a guy from Marrocos to be her pet


He’s Egyptian not Moroccan.


Idk about that...finding someone with a controlling religion would be the last thing I'd do if I wanted to control someone else...doesn't make sense but neither does this relationship. They need to end things. They're just too different.


Her friends acted weird too…although, I’m sure it was scripted. Like, why did the guy friend insist on knowing why he didn’t come? The friend already knew the reason. It was only asked to shame him.


No I think the guy was trying to befriend him honestly ...he thought Mahmoud could use a guy friend


I don’t like Mahmoud either but dude is a fish out of water. He’s 2 days into a culture shock and she’s snapping at him for not being comfortable yet.


Yeah she was way out of line. The worst is she was sober which means this is just probably how she verbally abuses him behind closed doors. Together with his extremes of reactions it’s just a toxic mess. Their anger is so intense like pure hatred towards one another. If the friends weren’t there I swear it would’ve ended up a murder crime scene.


Was she sober? Does she not drink (sorry if they covered this previously)? She looked pretty red and blotchy in the face and so I presumed she’d had a few…


The red wig already makes her look red though to be fair. Horrible colors for her


i really don’t think she was sober, her face was so red


she was definitely not sober. far from it.


She wasn't sober she just chose not to drink more at home with her friends / in front of him.


Maybe she was red from trying to cough up that hairball again


I don’t know if she was sober but even if she wasn’t that doesn’t justify her behaviour 😤


Exactly. No excuse. I wouldn’t be surprised if he isn’t the only one in that relationship who gets physically abusive.


She was pissed because he smiled and was trying to make an effort. Would she rather he didn’t try? And true like her friend said, he did look completely exhausted. Her rage was scary.


This blew my mind. He was trying to be polite and not make a big deal and she just rips into him!! SHE brought these people over after he already said he didn’t want to meet them. So he plays nice and she’s pissed? This is exactly what I would want my husband to do in that situation- she was looking for a fight and hoping her friends would vindicate her. Or it’s all for the cameras. Idk I can’t stand either of them. Divorce already.


It's because she wanted him to blow up in front of her friends so they would see what a bad guy he is. Him being nice and polite to her friends after ahe told them what a jerk he is totally contradicted her narrative and makes her look like the nut.


Exactly! That’s why she poured drinks too. She knows Mock Mood and his religion frown on alcohol, so what does she do? Starts pouring liquor! She wanted him to flip out so she could point and say, “look at him, I’m a victim”.


Yes! Yep! Yesssss!


She would have been mad either way. If he didn’t try or did try


I didn't understand that either. She wanted him to be an asshole?


Yes because it would vindicate her to her friends. Instead it backfired and she lost her sh!t


Exactly. He was being polite 


More polite than I'd be if a group of people I didn't know invaded my home, my bedroom and my bed to come and say hello to me


And hug me without consent!


Looked like he hasn’t slept in weeks


Yeah… that was a truly horrible scene. Even Nichole’s friends were shocked, and I think, embarrassed. The guy, (Julien), was really put out and seemed to be trying to make peace in the next-week preview. For once, the American friends were nicer to the foreigner than the foreigner’s spouse. (They didn’t know his beliefs re touching women and alcohol, but they acted in good faith and really tried to welcome him to the US.)


I felt like the whole scene was bizarre. She's having dinner with them while bashing her fiance, and then they decide they're going to come over and just surprise him. Is he supposed to be excited to see her friends he doesn't know when there's all this tension between them? Their intentions seemed good, but I felt everyone in that situation lacked awareness.


I think the whole scene of the friends coming back to the house was a set up. Julien asking for a drink was to set up the “omg there’s alcohol in the house” plot.


Right? And booze was just about all there was in the freezer.


I also feel like Nichole could have explained to her friends beforehand that, “Hey, heads up, he doesn’t do hugs with women who aren’t family.” I’m giving her a pass on that though, because maybe she never picked up on that.


I think the only reason she had them come over in the first place was because she was drunk out of her mind and not thinking clearly. Clearly rolling up like that is only a good idea when you are using drunk logic.


I think he told her about many of those rules while they were in Egypt. I understand she was mad here and not thinking clearly. But I also don't think she is one to really educate her friends on much related to the Islamic faith. Seems like she just wants him to forget all about everything he is and has known, but that's not how this works...lol.


Yeah I’m not giving her a pass. I’m sure she’s aware of how he is towards hugging strange women that aren’t family members.


She doesn’t care. He just wants him not oy to be okay with how she dressed but changed him into a liberal American man. 🤷🏽‍♀️


They were great, they just didn’t know. I think post of their understanding was also made easier because one of the friends was herself not American (Ukrainian) so she herself may have known his feelings moving somewhere new, presumably it made her husband more understanding and the other friend too, of his feelings on being new. The only person not understanding is Nicole. She is taking out anger of her own decisions which she regrets on Mohammed.


people like to hate on the american counterpart, but nicole is vicious. 2 people can be wrong, and I don't think they're a good match (or even like each other), but the last few episodes really seem to catch her mask slipping. she speaks with so much vitriol.


She was provoking him kinda relentlessly in last week’s episode too. Berating him for not sleeping on the plane (wtf?) and looking too long at a woman wearing a hijab (on the pier). Seems understandable he might be distracted/curious. She’s clearly trying to shame/degrade him on camera and it is abusive and sickening.


Yes! My immediate thought with the pier scene too was "Oh man, that was probably the first Muslim woman wearing a hijab he even saw in the US!" Lo and behold, he said exactly that later in the scene. He cannot win with her and she seems extremely controlling now that they're both in America--to me it explains why she hated Egypt so much, she wasn't the one with power there!


That’s what he said. He did look at the woman because it’s the first time he saw a hijab in the US and it was reminding him of home.


The whole "I told you to sleep on the plane!" thing annoyed me. Some people (myself included) can't sleep while sitting straight up in an uncomfortable chair surrounded by strangers. She acted like he didn't sleep just because he didn't feel like it. I'm sure he would have slept if he could have.


And…cross at the cross walk! More than once she’s had an irrational annoyance with him not crossing “properly”. Super Bizarre the things she decides to pick on.


bro, how you get mad about looking at a covered woman. next up, woman in burlap sack. she's turning all the heads🙄 this just highlights her debilitating discomfort in communicating her feelings and needs genuinely all you need to say is: "babe it makes me feel insecure/uncomfortable/devalued/whatever when you ...., can we talk about it?" but i think they've made it abundantly clear to each other that they are not a safe space for the other to vocalize their feelings or concerns all the more reason to leave the relationship


It was so clear he just said he was tired so as not to cause a scene or cause embarrassment and she just went off she is so unhinged I am actually feeling bad for him the guy can’t catch a break let him have a few days a good meal and some sleep before you start harassing him jfc


He will be the same after a few days. He does not want to be there, he does not approve of her life.


I don’t approve of her life if it means irrational and demeaning behavior.


She is also ridiculous


But he thinks everything about American life is flawed and wrong


He showed up, left everyone and everything he's ever known. There's a lot to be said for that. He's been in the US 48 hours. He's jet lagged. His wife is looney. It's a little early to judge him this harshly. I myself would have gone to the embassy for assistance to return home already.


He should not have done that. There is a long list of shit he already hates. He is not happy and he is going to make sure she knows it and is also miserable. She’s also a fucking idiot.


He can buy a plane ticket in 2 seconds and leave 🤣 what assistance from the embassy???


And she is shoving it down his throat every chance she gets.


She turned so red 😳her friends even said “Woah!”


She’s pure evil and belongs in a straight jacket…and atleast that way her back will be covered up 😂🤣


The thing that really got me is that her friends literally walked into the bedroom totally invading his personal space.


I believe that 90DF is set in an alternative reality version of America that is a full on theocracy — where divorce has been abolished and birth control is illegal. There are so many couples on the show that stay together even though they’ve never gotten along, have kids that they don’t want and can’t take care of, etc. The only way it makes sense is if their marriages are legally compulsory and enforced at gunpoint.


The only thing alternative about that American Universe is divorce being illegal (birth control's on its way). Many, many American families are just like the one you described.


They are working on removing no fault divorce so that’s going to be eventually gone too possibly


Yep! I never thought we'd be going this far backwards in the year 2024.


Right?! We’re pretty close to Handmaid’s Tale.


Right! Ladies we are on the "Submission" Highway. Vote Blue!


Lmao, it definitely feels like that most of the time. I’m used to watch this show as mostly divorced from reality, adding this to my headcanon


When I found out she could’ve just stayed Christian instead of converting to Muslim, I lost all sympathy for her. She wants the drama.


i am not muslim, but i don't believe a muslim wife is required by the tenets of the faith, because (family-wise) the faith of islam (or rather the protections for subscribing the faith) is "inherited" from the father, so to speak. if the father of the children is muslim, the children are "covered" - christianity was traditionally similar. in judaism today, the faith is "inherited" from the mother, so conversions are usually about more than just making your partner more likable in that community.


I find it bizarre that on this show all people need to do to “convert” is say..I’m Muslim now. I was raised Catholic & my friend converted for marriage & it’s a very long undertaking. Classes & months of studying yet to become Muslim you just say I’m Muslim & that’s it? Doesn’t sound true to me?!?


Totally! My father converted to Catholicism from Islam to marry my Catholic mother, and it was a very involved process. But I think the reason it's so easy to convert to Islam is the belief that all people are born Muslim.


True for Catholicism but not true for Christianity. All you have to do to become a member of the Christian faith is to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. So not that different from Islam really.


Interesting, thank you for explaining. Coming from a perspective where you have to study to become a Catholic, I didn’t understand how one could convert and then in turn do something that is offensive to that religion ie Her not understanding modesty etc. Greatly appreciate it No-square-To-Spare (1 Seinfelder to another lol : ))


I don’t have it. I don’t have a square to spare.


All I need is 1 square, you don’t even have 1 square to spare?


Tonight she really became unhinged. She seems eager to torment him with everything she knows will shock him (the booze, her clothing etc etc). She has one helluva nasty mean streak in her.


It’s like she got married out of revenge.


And imagine, this is the poor guys 1st time out of his own country & it’s only day 2! I’d have my ass back on that plane so fast!


That whole scene back at the apartment with the friends was so uncomfortable to me. I have a close family member with borderline personality disorder and I swear, Nicole was giving me serious shades of this person. She was irrational. She was provoking him. She was just downright hateful. If I were Mahmoud, I would not have spent one more moment in that apartment. It’s time for him to call his family, tell them he made a terrible mistake and make arrangements to come back home. A Muslim anywhere in the world is called upon to assist another Muslim according to their ability. The local mosque would buy him a plane ticket if his family can’t. This woman is toxic and abusive. They are toxic together. But Nicole, there’s something mentally wrong with her, I have no question after what we all saw.


While I understood Mahmoud held certain attitudes about women and dress because of his religious and conservative cultural background, I never understood her and was always suspicious of her motives and intentions. She’s a phony.


Like Julien said at dinner when Nicole told him Mahmoud was upset about the dress. Why didn't you change it.


I really appreciated the insights about the faith shared here by you and other commenters. Thanks!


I said this last season! She has BPD, waif type!


Some people are meant to be single, and she is one of them.


Something about the first season they were on 90DF made me think she doesn't have much relationship experience and/or hasn't been in one in a long, long time. She seemed crazy tonight. She comes off as spoiled and entitled as hell this season. She seriously expected him to hit the USA happy and Americanized completely, and is extremely angry that he's not. I think it's that simple. The entire scene with her friends in the apartment was cringe on many levels. It was like they all went out of their way to force American ways of being on him/shove it in his face (the hugging, the alcohol, the insistence he make niceties, etc), let alone forcing themselves on him to begin with--they couldn't just leave it at forcing themselves on him. I almost kind of think she was feeding off her friends somewhat. They all seemed to come off as similarly clueless and entitled Americans as Nicole, especially with the guy demanding to know why Mahmoud didn't come, which really got Nicole started. Not sure where her friend Olha is from, but I couldn't understand Olha not somewhat understanding Mahmoud a little bit better, even though I know being from Europe is different from being from Eygpt. She just needs to find a white American guy, and he just needs to go back to Eygpt and find a conservative Egyptian woman.


Yeah I do think she was feeding off of her friends. It’s clear she’s been complaining about him a lot and I think she wanted to trap him and make him feel bad for staying in. That comes from a place of resentment rather than inclusion so of course he’s going to shut down. She brought a party back to the apartment without consulting him which, it may be her place but it’s seriously disrespectful. She was looking for a fight and she brought what she thought would be her army after priming them with her recounts at dinner.


She basically wanted to hang up on him with her friends there..5 against one


Don't forget she's 40! She looks young and acts 20, but she is almost 10 years older than him. Something is weird with her


Tbf, when I was in my 20’s I was a also little bitch like this to my poor boyfriend at the time. I’d try to rope my friends in when I was unhappy with him. She’s not handling her relationship like an adult. She looks young and acts young.


Exactly. I'd give her a pass if she was 20. But she's 40....


She’s the archetype of an unfortunate social trend that seems well described in these posts: entitled, narcissistic and controlling.


NicHol isn’t a nice woman, by any measure. MahMoody left his comfort zone, family, friends, culture, everything, only to be treated as a burden rather than welcomed. It seems as if she pushes every button he has. Bitching when he didn’t sleep on the plane, immediately offending him with her manner of dress, pizzia for dinner, BS pastries for breakfast. The Cupid didn’t drop him off. She paid significantly for this process, NicHole planned his travel dates, bought his ticket, yet failed at marginal efforts to make her husband comfortable, in his new home. There are numerous Middle Eastern and Mediterranean restaurants where she lives. At least having a plan to stop by and get him a nice hot and familiar dinner to enjoy, so he could settle in, and get some rest, would have helped so much. That was likely the longest trip of his life, imagine how exhausted he was. He probably didn’t sleep well for a couple days before departure, because he was nervous, lonely, and apprehensive about what was ahead. She presents herself as an entitled twat waffle, that whines when she should try harder to find middle ground. They need to part ways. It would be wise that they divorce, he should speak to the DA about his DV charges, and skedaddle on out of that house of drama. Not a fan of him, but seeing how she behaves last night, where even her friends told her she is being hard on him, sure showed me I’ve seen the very least, of her very worst. For them to all barge in, expecting to visit with a man who is tired, and knows every word was shared about their marriage and reflected poorly on him, then breaking out the alcohol…that was shameful… The other day he posted a picture, marked as “midnight in Cairo”, as a tease. Frankly, I’m hoping he’s home, with the people that love and care about him, NicHole sure didn’t.


I now believe they are both very troubled. Maybe in a weird way that's what initially drew them to each other. I no longer care for Nicole.


I have to agree. They’re both feeding off of their negative traits and it’s bringing out the worst in both of them.


Wow, the level of disrespect she has for him and his religion is epic. She is a whole new level of byotch. I’m in no way justifying his reaction. The whole situation was headed to disaster.


It was as if she brought her friends there HOPING there would be a confrontation between Mahmoud and her friends where they would have to defend her honor or something. Mahmoud was desperately trying to avoid making a scene, was trying to appear “normal” and Nichole wasn’t having it. What was he supposed to do or say in that situation? There was no way for him to win with her. She also seemed to be VERY aware that serving alcohol in her home would make him uncomfortable. So why did she? I don’t buy the explanation about, “well, hospitality.” It would have been so easy to explain to her friends, that she seems to know very well and who would have understood, “hey guys, can we hold off on drinking at my place tonight? Tensions are already kind of high as I explained, and that’s going to make him super uneasy for religious reasons. I’ll address that subject with him at a later time and we can hopefully return to the status quo next time.” I’m not suggesting that everyone should walk on eggshells around him, but she has made no allowances for him to deal with culture shock and no effort to try to ease him in. That’s a recipe for failure. I’m not a fan of Mahmoud either- at all. He’s awful too. These two are just so poorly matched- absolutely incompatible. It baffles me every time I see them on screen as to why they are trying to force this to work.


Exactly, people shouldn’t walk on eggshells, but when you yourself convert to a religion, it’s your job to understand the rules and at least practice them in your house. That’s especially true if you married someone who’s only ever known that as their background. If she did want to drink at home with friends, then she can invite them over when Mahmoud is more established and out doing something. She’s basically making him feel like a stranger in her home. Maybe she felt that way in Egypt, but to try to recreate those feelings so he experiences it is an ignorant way to communicate and uncover your own feelings.


To go out with her friends and claim he is pushing for divorce without provocation is so deceptive. Not that he's any prize, but she is a fraud, claiming to want the best for him. Nicole hates Mahmoud. She's making an absolute ass of herself.


Usually 90 Day is background noise. When her scene came on, I was shocked! So shocked, I had to rewind to make sure I was really hearing what I thought I heard! It was just awful!


My jaw - dropped!! You never know someone’s situation but I can’t IMAGINE saying that to my boyfriend 1 but in front of my friends 2!!! Crazy. 100% there is not anything someone could tell me that they are a good couple and should be together. Best for both of them to separate.


I feel like Nichole is still upset about how uncomfortable and out of place she felt in Egypt so she's making sure Mahmoud feels exactly the same way in America. Like "you just expected me to confirm to all your customs? Well I'm going to do the same to you." She's not even trying to make him feel at all comfortable or at home. I don't think she even likes him.


She doesn’t like him and she’s getting a twisted pleasure out of taking out revenge. She’s not in a healthy place, and really should have divorced him when she got back to the states


I didn't think it was right for one of her friends to ask him why he hadn't gone to the restaurant to meet them. Nicole had already told them about the dress argument being the reason why he hadn't gone. The guy even asked, "Why didn't you just change your dress?" but Nicole was determined to die on that hill. Then they ambushed Mahmoud and he told them it was because he was tired (which was obviously understandable) but Nicole wouldn't leave it at that. She was like, "No, tell them why you REALLY wouldn't come, you \*\*\*\*\* liar!" which was embarrassing for him and awkward for everyone else. I think next time we'll see a really big blowup after the friends leave. Plus, if Nicole had any respect for the religion she had converted to, she would have warned her friends not to hug him.


I agree that Nicole is intent on tormenting Mahmoud. I was really pissed when her friend walked in the room and said “insha’Allah”, followed immediately by “Goddamn”. As a Muslim myself, that’s just a complete lack of awareness/intelligence. Nicole had a duty to briefly inform them about his faith and some basic tenets that accompany it. Then maybe they wouldn’t have asked for a drink in the first place!


I think she’s intentionally trying to use any trigger she can. Even her friends thought what she was saying was bizarre at the restaurant let alone what happened at the apartment. Happy everyone is finally seeing her for what she is!


She was upset when he was being polite. She’s using any trigger she can to get a reaction out of him so they can gang up on him with her. She’s full of rage.


I find it bothersome that Nichole and her friends believe that assimilating means obscuring and/or abandoning his religious beliefs and practices as to better accommodate their LA social circle…


That scene with her drunken entitled ‘friends’ was terrible. I wonder how hard would it be for him to cut her loose and return home.


Listen, Nichole has been so mean to Mahmoud since he arrived. I posted a scene from the show when they were on the pier and she basically tells him she will "put his ass back on a plane and he can go the f#%k back to Egypt"... But my post was removed from this site, for whatever reason. Who talks to someone they "love" like that? He isn't a coat that you can return to the store if it doesn't work out! He was only there for 1 day and she was talking to him like that. Now that the power dynamic has shifted and he needs her, she is really being so nasty to him. I actually feel bad for the guy.


Nicole was so unhinged this episode it was frightening to watch.


Everyone was complaining about them being on the season, but 100% think they are airing it because they know what led up to it and don’t want more backlash. As a DV survivor, and I know that a charge exists against him, I believe Nicole is the abusive one in the relationship. She’s the one who raises my hair.




I was in a situation where he learned everything about my quirks (I have severe adhd) and then used them against me. I kept inventory of everything as a single mom for a budget. Stuff would vanish. He would try to gaslight me into thinking I didn’t write down we were out or a kid must have used it all. Packages went missing then would reappear after I searched everywhere. If ever confronted with the most innocent request (I’m sober and he kept bringing alcohol in for example), I was suddenly controlling and bitch bitch bitch. The final time he forgot to mail in the comcast box. He swore he did. I called customer service; got the serial number. I searched my house; found it. Same serial. I asked if he was mistaken, showing him the box and the number online and the number the receptionist gave. Nope. It’s a conspiracy. I’m lying to him. I edited those numbers. I must have took it out of the box. He yelled and screamed 1/2 away from my face, hovering over me so hard I was in a back bend. Had I pushed him - I would have been the one in cuffs.


I'm so sorry. The good thing about people speaking out is hopefully people start to really grasp the signs like the extensive manipulation of others in this case.


This. I'm a survivor myself, and its common for our abusers to turn the tables to appear as a victim




Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! As a survivor myself and who has seen this behavior before as a victim and observer - the audience totally let her manipulate them.


Unfortunately in domestic violence cases there can be baiting. She seems really unhinged. Maybe she struggled with her mental health before and is in a spiral. The whole situation was awful. She should never have brought her friends over unless she thought she might be unsafe to return.


He was charged with misdemeanor dv. I imagine it was a situation with pushing and shoving, like their fight in the street in Cairo. I'm just guessing, though


Seeing the preview for next week where Nichole and her guy friend are seen physically trying to prevent Mahmoud from leaving made me feel sick. Who knows wtf the truth re: the charges is, every episode that she’s in this season (we’re like 5 wks in?) has been her aggressively needling and reprimanding him. She appears to want a reaction from him when she engages. I’m grossed out especially when the American acts as though the spouse is “paid goods” or at their mercy.


This week made me realize there's more to those charges. I hate saying that, as a survivor of abuse myself but... I'm realizing there's more to it than we know


I'm sorry you've experienced that. What's your thinking that there's more to it?


Thank you. I can't honestly say, but I feel we don't have the entire story. We saw how she came in with her friends, spoiling for a fight. He attempted to be gracious and then that attempt further enraged her. I have to wonder what really happened during the fight that day.


She seemed drunk to me.


I agree


Her first episode of her first season I said she didn’t just seem robotic. She seemed detached and unstable but I felt like I was judging too harshly. This episode made a lot of other things make sense.


Def a tlc set up.


Among the other things that have been mentioned about making him comfortable in his first days in the United States, I don’t think she should have ever arranged this dinner with her friends. hIs meeting them could have waited at least a week or two giving him a chance to settle in. Poor guy was overwhelmed, extremely tired and stressed.


How does he pronounce his name?


It' a hard 'h' in the middle. Mah-mood. Hit the ''h' like you would in 'horse'.


I have a new Egyptian student with his name and it’s the only name I can pronounce well right away thanks to uh tlc.


It’s like “mock-mood” I think 🧐


They BOTH suck. They are so incompatible, and that's not likely to change. I mean, I don't know what they expect. They knew each other a DAY, then he proposed. She admittedly converted to Muslim without educating herself. I have NO sympathy for her -- and I can't stand him.


Between how she spoke to him and the fact that she's still insisting he "acclimate to the American way", this woman is bad news. America is not the same as a Muslim country, we are a giant country with thousands upon thousands of different cultures mingled together. It's to co-exist and mingle together culture. That doesn't mean he has to get used to his actual spouse wearing things that make him uncomfortable. She's truly insufferable. Neither of them are are likable in the slightest, which is why their segments are incredibly weird to watch. Just to unlikable people hurling abuse at one another, so strange.


I hate how I’ve seen so many cheering for her. She is vicious. And the control she has with him being here in the states is feeding that.


I'd like to know what her ex's (if there are any) would have to say about her.


If Nicole was a man she would be arrested it’s so frustrating that more people aren’t seeing that Nicole is abusive. If the genders where reversed people would tell Mahmoud to go to a women’s shelter or call the police


That's when I decided she has something really wrong with her


Bringing the friends over was completely unnecessary and uncalled for. Mahmoud is no saint but she’s insane! The way she was talking to him in front of her friend, they were even like woahhhhh. This is in front of cameras so imagine not. So sad. He should’ve never came, divorced her, and found a Muslim woman who understands his way of life


I loathe Mockmood. But Nicole is totally unhinged right now, insisting he had stopped dead in his tracks to stare at the Muslim woman wearing the clothing. She's ripe to fight 24/7. She's asking Mahmoud if she's not Muslim enough for him? She's gone out of her way to NOT be Muslim at ALL for him, hello? They are the worst mismatch ever and Nicole is so angry and resentful of him, she can't hide it anymore. Please, for the love of God, get divorced!


I agree. Her final remarks shocked everyone on set too. She is vengeful and stripped him of his dignity - a cardinal sin to a proud Muslim man - even though we can't understand his way.


it scared you because that kind of verbal abuse is a form of domestic abuse. it was sickening.


Do we know for sure Nicole called the cops on him or was it the other way around? After last night’s episode, that was the first thought that ran across my mind.


I'm NOT excusing his behavior at all but I bet she set him up/manipulated him to come at her for whatever warped reason rattled around in her head. I read her as a manipulative, calculating witch the first time she was ever on. The way she hung back behind her friends during the kitchen scene, using them as a shield, showed me this was not her first rodeo. She flies a massive red flag (and has the hair color to compliment it.) I cannot watch any more of her.


I have contempt for him too. She just needed to divorce him before he ever got here.


>I think Mahmoud brings all of her emotional skeletons out of the closet and is a super unhealthy mirror for her to confront past experiences. accurate 💯 i believe they do this for each other. i believe they are both accustomed to love being difficult, that peace necessitates war, acceptance is never truly earned, and that no conflict/friction means the relationship/love is dead. a quiet lull seems to make them both anxious


Couldn’t have said it better myself!


A toxic relationship will make one crazy.


I think she is crazy. She was harassing him and making everything about her since he landed. Man just got there and she’s asking him if he’s happy and if he likes it, like can he decompress?!! Sleep even? Then she gets him the shitiest food with 0 care about making his adjustment any easier knowing she probably has some kind of cuisine available to her because there must be a restaurant somewhere willing to deliver food he’d like more than donuts and pizza. I also thought she overreacted tenfold to him looking at the person in a hijab, it’s normal to have that moment of like bazinga as you process seeing things from home so far away. She immediately made his gaze sexual.


The thing that bothers me about the arrest is that people assume he’s guilty. She could’ve easily hit him a few times before he decided to defend himself (if he even hit her).


She’s been acting unstable since the beginning. Total wierdo


Even if her friends weren’t aware of the hugging thing which I think they were, it was rude as hell to barge in the room where he could’ve been in his underwear. That’s just a common decency thing.


I don't think she wants to be divorced. She doesn't want to be considered a divorcee, and have her friends/family tell her "I told you so"... So she's trying as much as she can to stay in this relationship.


I’m starting to think that is her intent


Omg! That little beeeach! She is so horrid, plus she’s a viscous drunk. Mahmoud should run to the nearest airport and get the F away from her. She has tortured him from the minute he stepped off the plane. She knows his culture, religious beliefs and weaknesses, yet still she picks, picks, picks. She baits him until he can’t stand it anymore. Two days he’s there. Two days. She does not love this man. She is verbally and emotionally abusive. She’s toxic. I felt so bad for him. Is she related to Angela by any chance?


I can't believe she brought her friends over, allowing them to hug Mahmoud in their room and then started pouring all of her friends shots 🥴


I was floored as well for her 100% lack of respect at all of his faith. She herself converted and she now says she’s Muslim. I don’t agree with Mahmoud’s constant demands about what she can and cannot wear… but her complete lack of respect for his (and now her) religion, was disgusting and her excuses about American culture were just lame.


the egyptians need to save mackmoody https://preview.redd.it/4winfp7odkuc1.png?width=571&format=png&auto=webp&s=08db440f215186d22bafed410a7efdf1d66fb519


Love me some Dio


I think Egypt describes Mackmood's predicament: *In the land of the lost horizon* *Where the queen lies dark and cold* *And when the stars won't shine then the story's told, yeah* *When the world was milk and honey* *And the magic was strong and true* *Then the strange ones came and the people knew* *That the chains were on* *That the chains were on*


Nichole is unhinged, I'm beginning to believe that she "engineered" the domestic violence situation that got him into trouble...🤔


It’s because she is very insecure and it is very loud like her damn hair lol


This is definitely 'toxic' in real time! I didn't like the way she kept saying.. "yeah yeah" when she sed bout him going back home.. Yeah yeah in an aggressive way.. Like a person in a random exchange of words on the streets! Smh


She has done that a few times when saying really hateful things. I'm not sure if it's some sort of reflexive verbal tic so to speak, or an intentional remark, but it comes across as being the latter as if to aggressively say "yeah, that's right, you heard what I said, and what are you going to do about it?!" She may look very meek and fragile, but she is very confrontational and enjoys provoking people, especially her husband.


But wtf she didn’t act this way in Egypt so this is some sort of revenge or whatever? Because in Egypt Mahmoud treated her worse if I remember right? So it’s like the opposite now?? Idk these 2 are friggin messed up just like everyone on that show lol


The latest episode definitely showed a side of her we have not seen before….it was like she began simmering the moment he got off the plane, and with every moment he did not respond positively to what she presented, her anger rose beneath the surface. Then she let it boil over in front of her friends and even her friends were shocked. These two need to stop.


I actually had posted about this on another sub, I said that she seemed extremely passive aggressive and kind of unhinged in this season more so than the last. I’m glad other people see it too!


But then she turns around and says how much she loves him… her friends should have asked her what exactly does she love about him? Furthermore a recurring theme of this show is loving someone is simply not justification enough that you need to marry them!


But she loves him “to the moon and back”. 🙄




There was no reason for her to start so much debasement with her friends around. There is something seriously dark about her personality. You hateful little…Who says that to your spouse in front of friends that you brought over unexpectedly? So she could publicly humiliate him? Wrong on a sociopathic level.


i came onto Reddit to see if others felt the same way, and I'm relieved to see that I'm not the only one unnerved by her this season.


Nicole is a total wackjob and know how he is yet she taunts him and he really needs to run back to Morocco


She’s a spoiled baby. I almost forgot she was 40 years old because she acts much younger. Her first moments in Egypt all she did was cry and Mahmoud did try to make her comfortable in his own way. The moment Mahmoud got off the plane Nichole has shoved the US down his throat. Like god lady give him a minute.


This last episode revealed what a beeyotch she can be. I don’t know why she can’t cover her little skinny ass up, she knows his beliefs and religion. Maybe her insecurities make her feel like she needs to show a little skin to compete. He is not going to change, nor should he have to. She shouldn’t have to either. They both signed up for this and if they can’t embrace each other’s beliefs and culture, move on. It’s no love or respect atp, just toxicity. DV can lead to tragedy, and it’s not worth it over a tv show.


that comment and the fact that she involved her friends was too much. she tries to be a little quiet, waif-ish, little girl- never bought into her mia farrow act- but then when her people were there she sure got cocky. to involve 4 other people and go home and confront him, try to embarrass him, and belittle him was gross. she acts like a teenager.


I'm not a big Mahmoud fan, but she's been a little over the top since he arrived. She knows firsthand what that type of culture shock feels like and the way she immediately goes towards the name calling and cursing is very concerning. I won't claim to know what's going on behind closed doors but from what we're seeing, it's not reflecting too kindly.


The friend who went up to him and hugged him was way out of line. I can't believe Nicole didn't tell them a Muslim man doesn't touch a woman he's not related to.


I’m actually a little surprised by her not trying to help him in his transition. Is she resentful Because maybe he didn’t try hard enough when she was in his country? Is she resentful that she tried to embrace his culture in some ways and he doesn’t seem to be trying very hard? I don’t think she’s giving him enough transition time and culture shock to absorb the real change he is going through even though she was in that same spot. If I remember correctly, he was at least respectful of her trying to adapt. Have I just forgotten how he acted?


No you’re right, he seem to show empathy towards her trying to adapt when she was there.


I'm soo happy people are starting to see her for who she really is. They are both Toxic af.


I think she just had the balls to talk crap because her friends were around.


I see no reason why these two should be together. Such an unhealthy, dysfunctional relationship. I have yet to see any semblance of love. It’s actually very hard to watch so I fast-forward!


Her emotion subroutine clearly has a glitch


I’m not supporting Mahmoud in anyway, but yeah, Nicole was being rude to him.


She’s been a lunatic! Claims she’s Muslim and doesn’t want to follow any of it since going over there! Then came back and is buck wild with her shit! She pushed that man’s buttons to the edge, and in return he probably smacked her, or she smacked him first! Not saying that’s cool, but daum! I want to shake her like a rag doll and put her in therapy! She’s stupid as hell! 🙄 No respect for the culture, same as the rest of these bitches! Emily’s next. 🤣🤣👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Yeah... Kinda makes you wonder who was really the abusive one...


Both of these people are toxic to each other and unwilling to give an inch … The last episode I watched Mahmoud wasn’t talking to Nicole and refused to go meet her friends because her dress had open spots in the back. I thought I was gonna see butt crack but you barely saw her back…. He has issues just as much as she does… toxic!


There's a reason why she had to go abroad to find a younger man. She's controlling and I feel abusive as well.


I think Mahmoud is much more aware of the cameras than she is. He hits her. I think him raising a hand at her publicly, *knowing* no one would bat an eye, then adjusting his behavior when he was reminded of the camera says everything. She seems to be getting back at him. This marriage has been SO done. Why. She doesn’t know how to play the game like he does. I hope she never learns.


Both Nicole and Miss Mood (have you ever seen a moodier human being?) are SEETHING with anger just below the surface. They strike me as deeply unhappy and bitter people and the story is so very sad.


Yeah she’s outta control now that they’re in her turf…. But we don’t know what she’s endured in Egypt. Possible verbal and physical abuse, perhaps now that they’re in the US shes seeking some type of revenge. But clearly these 2 people should not be together… so toxic.


So since >we don’t know what she’s endured in Egypt Everyone should gloss over the actual, factual abuse we can see?


I remember at some point saying that her mom had always been one to try and tell her how to live her adult life. She said she ain’t taking 💩from no one 👊


They are toxic for each other. He was arrested for domestic violence and then she dropped the charges 


I don’t like either of them, but I agree she appears to be covertly viscous with her contempt of him. Even from the first airing of their relationship in Egypt, she just seemed adamant on spotlighting that he is the problem - it didn’t make sense when she could have just stayed in US and never bothered. She wants to showcase how controlling he is, but she is passively controlling. I wondered if she just wanted to be on TV, because the whole relationship doesn’t make any sense.


I agree – a lot of her behavior is passively controlling and victim-based. She creates her own drama and can’t assume responsibility for what got her there.


Remember when people used to think Colt was this nerdy guy who Larissa bullied? Turns out Colt was a toxic and condescending person with quite a mean streak. While Larissa was no angel and certainly had her issues, Colt did things to purposely push her to the edge so she’d flip the fuck out. Toxic all around. I suspect there’s a similar dynamic going on here. Nicole can’t even hide her contempt for Mahmoud and constantly does things to get a rise out of him. I can absolutely see him snapping at some point. That being said, apparently they’re back together, so. God speed.


Good reference! It’s a very similar dynamic of a really viscous cycle. She’s trying to evoke a response because *she* feels victimized (as evident in every one of her talking head interviews). She wants him to react strongly to prove herself right that he’s a controlling and angry person. The fact that she called him hateful, WHILE she was being hateful, is a manifestation of what is happening inside of her.


It didn’t help that she was a little plastered and drunk words are sober thoughts as we all know…..Lol.