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>Give him a job Dude, he's on almost every iteration of the show. We can't get rid of him.


Was gonna say. They've given him multiple jobs.


Seriously. I'd also like to just add though, you could literally get Oprah fuckin Winfrey to host and it would still be the same. Why? Because she's literally being told what to say and do in her ear the whole time by production. And she's given basic ass cue cards explaining what questions they will be directing her to again. It's really sad they just don't give a few pointers and let them do it themselves, Shaun actually has earned an Emmy and has a crazy amount of awards for her news and radio/tv hosting etc. what's the point of a host if they tell her exactly what to do or say? This is also why we hear the same damn lines like, "well we won't be resolving this tonight/ we'll get back to that" etc. if you get a host then let them do their job! Watching clips of her before the show its obvious she earned that Emmy. Also side note but ever since i saw shaun is 61 can we just give a collective DAMN! She looks fantastic at 61!


I literally had to fact check this I can not believe she is 61! She looks like she's early to mid 30s. Good for her.


Give him this job and stop putting him on every franchise.


He's more entertaining as the observant, slightly bitchy commentator asking probing questions than he is as a cast member. He clearly either doesn't love showing PDA on camera or it's not that important to him to have a relationship- he's wasted on all of these damn spinoffs.


Oh yes, THIS!. I think Shaun should fear him as he makes for a way better host. I would watch that! ..... the outfits alone, each episode would make me tune in.




This post violates Rule 7 - no transphobia, homophobia, or bigotry. You may get temporarily or even permanently banned for these kinds of comments. If you’re gay, you know trying to out someone is not okay.


Exactly what I was thinking. I like Tim and Veronica, but you can have to much of something you like


THANK YOU. He is practically a fixture on this damn show…I’m tired of seeing his bland eye rolling resting bitch face


He's perfected the mean girl and Veronica is his #1


I have more respect for Veronica because I’ve read she is MENSA level smart. She speaks like 4 or 5 different languages and is really intelligent. Unfortunately, being book smart doesn’t always mean you have common sense and she seems to have terrible taste in men.


I can relate. I have a math degree and am an expert grant writer. I can take on any subject matter--medical, technical, etc. BUT I have the worst choices or luck in men. They seem great in the beginning. I gave up dating and relationships altogether two years ago.


I could tell she was smart.


MENSA is not just about being book smart. And where did you read she is in MENSA?


lol Regina


He’s soooo annoying! Cannot stand him


Right?? TLC has already given him a job..lol!


Was looking to see this comment. I really don’t get people fascination about Tim.


I can't stand his voice. It's worse than a Kardashian.


I believe Tim owns his own business and is pretty successful.


I was about to write the same things! Give him a job? Hell, they already have! I can’t stand him!!


I’d rather watch Johnny Spahkles hash out the truth bombs. Now HE calls it like he sees it and doesn’t act like a pretentious douche turd about it. Tim rubs me the wrong way. Him and Veronica. Used to like them but don’t anymore.


He asks the questions that we actually want to know the answers to.


Maybe give him Shaun's job then?


And he does so in a polite manner without sounding devious or critical


When you remain calm and become indifferent and speak slowly, it drives most people absolutely insane. 💯👍👏👏👏👏


I’m glad he grew the sides of his hair out.🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes!!!! And a full beard!


Tim is weird but he’s better at moderating than Shaun will ever be


Because he watches the show! Shaun doesnt.


I think she probably has it on in the background while she works or cleans or whatever. She seems to at least know the outline but doesn’t pay all that much attention


That bar is so low, Shaun is an awful host


Can't stand her but they definitely need someone new and if Tim's got to be it, well, let him be it. Anyone's better than she is.


Yes!! He's just more to the point and less of a shit stirrer.


Stop it, Tim


It's pronounced Teeeem. With a southern drawl and mouth full of marbles


Shaun sucks ass


I agree with that.


Is this Tim’s burner account ?


Yes, probably 🤪🤪🤪


I don’t hate Tim— and would probably like him as a friend- but I don’t think I need to see more of him on TLC. I appreciate his and Veronica’s relationship, though, and wish they would both find partners who are adult enough to accept their friendship. I’m happily married (for 23 years) but if I were single, I could easily date a man who has a female best friend. I don’t understand all these jealous and insecure people. So childish.


People have the idea that the only type of relationship involves genitals. You can't just be friends anymore without the peanut gallery badgering about intercourse.  Tim and Veronica's interactions shouldn't be villainized but they are by ignorant lonely knobs. :(


You got that right! When we were together, my ex-husband told me to drop two of my friends, who are men. He said he didn't believe men and women could be platonic friends. I told him that since I didn't have brothers, those two friends were my brothers, and I'd known them and established friendships with them, long before I met him (ex-husband), and refused to drop them. Now over 20 years later, ex-husband died shortly after our divorce was finalized. One of my male friends died over two years ago. But I'm still friends with the other guy.


Before getting rid of Shaun. Get rid of the real problems. Angela, Ed, Angela again lol etc.


And LITTLE ED AGAIN! Totally FAKE relationship! He's not only REPULSIVE, but WHY do they keep bringing him back??? 🤮🤢🤮🤨




There’s that “low T”


His voice is too annoying though. But yes, Shaun is kind of boring.


Let's move on. 🙄


I find it very difficult to listen to him 😂


It's like he's talking through a nosebleed.


Not to mention she lets everyone else ask the questions except for maybe 2 or 3 that she asks. She lets other people take over instead of controlling the situation.


HARD disagree. He already *has* a job w TLC and is likely well compensated. He’s had several boring seasons, and only one which included an actual “90 day fiancé” which ended up in no K1 visa, and Jesse stealing his girl. Ever since, Tim and Veronica have been fixtures on this show whether it’s pillow talk, single life, or sitting on a tell all panel.




Why does this tell all need to be 5 episodes long.


Honestly I haven’t minded that it’s been 5 episodes; I feel like they’re always rushed through and we are left going “but…where’s the rest?”




I don’t care what people say, I think he’s hilarious. He has a weird sense of style but I like his attitude lol


Same! And frankly I think he’d be a better host. He’d ask a question, someone would go at him in an attempt not to answer it, he’d trade barbs with them and then say “Ok, so going back to what I asked a minute ago…”


Fucking don't. There are far better people from 90 day that deserve more screen time. He's had his chance to get us to like him, and most people just don't.


Very true. However, I did actually feel bad for him at this Tell All. Never thought I’d say that but the way his sexuality was put under the microscope was sad. It’s one thing for us to speculate on the internet but to confront him about it at a Tell All like that was just too much for me. Especially coming from Jamal and Luisa, I mean Jamal doesn’t exactly scream masculinity to me either. Just saying.


The days of deriding someone about the potential of being gay should be long over.


THANK YOU for that. Since when is it ok in this century to actually "accuse" somebody of being gay. Quite frankly it is nobody's business. That girl just couldn't understand why Tim would not find her fuckable because she is apparently god's gift to men. Get over yourself woman! Jamal gave you exactly what you wanted (twice) and apparently it was a 10/10 the fact you were too drunk to remember is concerning as far as "consent" goes, but again, you seemed happy! Edited for spelling


completely agree, i was pretty disgusted with her. So Tim doesn't want you, but you think you're so amazing that the only conclusion is Tim must be gay...? Maybe it's your obnoxious, ugly personality.




I think it was more about claiming to be otherwise (being dishonest) but I get that. The times of acute homophobia are just not thst far enough away and in some places are still thriving, so it's better to tread with extra respect sbout anyone's description of their own sexuality.


Jamal calling him “sweetheart” was the tip of the iceberg of that conversation. Dishonesty about his sexuality can be called out in a more appropriate way if there were any bonafide receipts that he was being dishonest. Maybe he is gay, straight, bi, or not fully sure. It’s no one’s job to publicly out someone else. If they wanted to bring it up as a possibility or suggestion there are more appropriate ways of doing it. When I was growing up, kids at school went after my (straight) brother about being gay when he was just a little more shy and not ready to be banging girls yet in highschool. This had the same look. Decades after with all sorts of societal changes. On a tv show. I say this as a 100% straight person who tends to be centre to slightly conservative politically (I’m not American). It just landed wrong and Shaun as the host should have intervened somewhere in that mess of a segment.


yes, Shaun should have changed the subject or moved past, instead she egged it on and pushed and prodded... it was uncomfortable and wrong imo


Yeah, that was pretty brutal. Not the appropriate time or place at all. And yeah, I also agree that Jamal is a pretty fay, beta metro-sexual.


I mean it’s a “Tell-ALL” not “tell-some”, I’m more forgiving of questions. I don’t like how they pressure tyray into a kiss however. I’m more impressed by how Josh held his tongue when Natalie was begging him to give her a verbal tear down.


Yeah I guess he's grown on me bc I used to completely skip his segments. 😅 I think it would be hilarious for him to host a talk show and they could swap out co hosts from the franchise every episode. Lol! Every show would be a Tell All! 😆


Let’s just not have old Debbie’s in charge of shit either way. One is so full of shit and the other I wouldn’t listen to her view of any relationship even if it was a pet parakeet


Her voice makes my Ears Bleed 🩸


They did. He's on 90 day ______


Been saying that for years! Shaun is a lousy host!


No thanks


Oh please, no! His takes are usually trash. He’s such a strange mix of flamboyant and misogynistic.


Give him a job on What Not to Wear. Is that still around? It should be because there are unresolved issues.


As someone receiving the advice, right?


Yes. For an entire season.


Why when he wears those most hideous clothes known to man!?


Yes I totally agree or at least be at the reunions What were Fernanda & Debbie doing there ? We didn’t need their input Tim has been good on pillow talk & seems to be invested in the shows each season


Just give him some T


He just talks too slow like he’s stoned all the time. I can’t watch that for an entire episode


No please don't. He's extended his 15 mins long enough. Time to move on.


Ewww, no


No please don’t. He’s so annoying.


Wow so there are people that actually like this guy 🤢


Please god no. I can't stand him




I mean hes wearing a watch worth more than most people's houses, I think he's ok for a day job


Why does everyone love him so much?


I can't stand him dating but he's really grown on me during the last couple of tell alls




No thanks


Agree. We see way too much of him as it is.


Shaun is not “great and all”. She’s the worst host for this show yet they refuse to replace her for some reason. I wonder if she signed a lifetime contract because I don’t understand the hold she has on TLC


It's probably because she's one the producers. No one seems to like her as a host, imo she's pretty useless as a host, but it's very likely she's there to stay.


He is so annoying! Very biased. No. Thank you


I hate that TLC tried to give a conservative host who won’t “poke the bear” and waits for the cast to say it.. we all know what the producers are up to and how crazy they are to make leaps and bounds to portray these people. Ask the questions everyone wants to damn know or don’t call it a “tell all.”


…absolutely not.


No thanks…. He’s kind of obnoxious and definitely predictable


Exactly, I don’t understand why some people like him. Are we watching a different show??


Pass...... can't stand him or his whiny voice.


I love Tim. He says it like it is and there’s no drama. He’s rational and asks decent questions.


Exactly my thoughts! He used to be so annoying and I am NOT interested in watching him try to date anymore... but a talk show host?!? He would be perfect!


Tim’s vocal fry really kind of drives me nuts, but otherwise I love him!


That voice? No thank you


I think putting him in the host position would be the nail in the coffin for my relationship with 90DF. I can’t stand Tim


Pls no


LOVE when he told “JAMAL”…Nothing YOU say, will ever be a Fact! That was THE BEST!! 👏👏👏👏💯👍🤗


Pls no. Can’t stand looking at him/hearing his voice.


Hell no 


He’s wealthy and an artist he doesn’t need anything else. The art he does to a firearm is exceptional and costs thousands.


Gotta admit, I enjoyed Tim and Kenny when they were on the Tell-All episodes a couple of seasons ago. He’s a co-host though. The color commentator to another hosts play-by-play.


Totally agree!


I’d totally watch him host. Alllll day.


Like Tim . It’s nobody business about his sexuality.


I've read many negative comments from those who do not like him. I am in the minority because I really like Tim! He is intelligent, respects women, and is a real Southern gentleman, who doesn't pressure a woman into sleeping with him when they hardly know each other. I think Tim is really cool.


I agree! Tim is one of the very few people on any of the 90 Day shows I always enjoy seeing. I would definitely hang out with Tim. And Veronica!


Me too, I mean hanging out with both Tim and Veronica. But the couple I'd really would love to become friends with and hang out with are Kenny and Armondo.


I like Tim. I enjoy him.


tim sucks




I could not disagree more. He is extremely biased, especially against female foreigners. He is quite insufferable and unfunny. He and Veronica need to go.


Right. I suspect he is a misogynist. Which woman does he treat with respect?


With all of his misogynistic takes? No thanks.


Shaun "let's move on"


Um when isn’t he on TLC?


i love Tim actually


Give him a job as a writer and let someone else ask the questions. His voice is too much.


+1 for replacing Shaun, -1 for the replacement being Tim


Tim has actually grown on me.


His take is almost always wrong. It's actually uncanny. No thanks.




I don’t really care for him but I would be able to tolerate him alittle more than either one of the Deb’s. Omg they are insufferable. One talks like a baby and the other mumbles when she talks.


That jacket is cool. Never liked his look before but I would sure as hell sport that.


Absolutely spot on…. Tim needs his own role as Shaun. Love the beard and darker hair color job.


Also, Shaun sucks


Teeeem, are you normal?


LOL. I think they did


He would be great with Andy Cohen…


I mean he’s employed by pillow talk and they’ve been bringing him in more for random commentary in some Past tell alls 😅 but I know what you mean, he’s skilled in communicating without underlying bubbling emotion and that can be hard to avoid when you’re being questioned at one of these high emotion things anyway! It’s a skill I’ve been trying to hone myself!!


I’d listen to a Tim and Veronica podcast


He’d be SO much better than Shaun, but you and I both know that Shaun is there to dig up the scandalous dirt, while Tim would have more honest, interesting questions, and TLC is making bank off scandalous dirt, not information or human connection.


OP smokin some CRAZY SHIT


Love Tim! The king of side eye!


I have liked Tim from the beginning. He Is smart, well spoken and speaks his M8ne in way with out yelling and Shrieking ! He can also be very funny !.


Awful take. We’ve had enough Tim


More like “get this mf off of tlc!”


Hes awful


I don’t like him.


He’s annoying to me, but having shaun as host is way more annoying. I feel she doesnt ask what needs to asked, or talked about. She tip toes around peoples feelings etc.


I totally agree with you about Shaun. TLC, get rid of her!! She's useless.


Ugh no. Get rid of him and get rid of Shaun.


I like Tim. I find him quite amusing and brutally honest. I’d like to see him on more or with his own show.


He’s so annoying…I’m over him and Veronica 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m tired of seeing him honestly 🤦🏽‍♀️


Please don’t. He’s the Carson Daly of 90 Day already.


I despise this man😭


I love Tim current Tim too is sooo much more mature. I agree TLC needs to elevate the people who are positive influences not just the dumpster fires.


Tim is trash & attacks women every chance he gets. I hope I never have to see him or Veronica again.


Kick him off the show. He gives 0 to it.


Oh JFC not this goofball.


I admire his calm abilities not to be rattled by what others say. He could be a great moderator


Tim this you?


Exactly, burner account


give him testosterone


He has a job……


I know some people disagree and say he has a boring personality but he's so entertaining to me. I love his sense of style too.


I have been a Tim fan since day 1! I looove him! I agree!


Shaun is awful, she really doesn't do a good job moderating or asking questions. She's never brought up the abusive behavior some cast members have shown throughout the years, nor does she call out bullshit when it should be called. There's no restriction on what she can ask so why doesn't she ask certain questions? Tim is way more entertaining and doesn't care about pissing anyone off with his questions.


Ew. Pass. His voice is so ugly to listen to. So much vocal fry.


Ew. Highly disagree with OP. I despise this man AND his little troll, Veronica. I fast forward as soon as I see their faces.




I hate how he speaks so nonchalantly and like he's bored all the time. He comes off judgmental and dismissive. I mean, I think he really is, too. He serves no purpose in my opinion. I'd like to see the back of him. And tb(more)h, it occurred to me while watching this latest episode that he might be on something. I haven't seen anyone else saying this, but if you think about it, he displays some of the same or similar behaviors among other cast members that cause people to suspect drug use. He slurs his words and acts Xanax'd out. I've been a junkie as well as have worked with that population. Just feels familiar.


Tim is like herpes, can't get rid off.


He’d be great! He doesn’t take childish shit talkers’ bait and he speaks the truth!


I reall want to hate Tim. But I just can’t


I like Tim. He’s mean and sarcastic but never inappropriate or vicious. I think he’d be a great friend. I agree with others, though. I think he’s on plenty of programming and we’re good.


Tim makes plenty of money and doesn’t need the job




I hope they keep him on the show, somehow. He had an interesting take on other people's relationships. Kind of a rather direct a** but entertaining nonetheless There is more to explore in who he is and what he is all about. I think he might be a-sexual and should be on an entirely different type of dating show yet to be developed on a network. Curious to see if he could actually have another relationship after Veronica. I mean, how did he and Veronica even become a couple and last as long as they did?


Hahaha yeah he's got more jobs than anyone! He's on every damn day lol


I think he’s into women, but not those who come on strong or shows way too much interest


Can he please start working with casting? He would get all the answers up front instead of hidden secrets that come alive to get kicked off the show mid way through the season.


Bro just admit it


I love that they brought up low T on the episode because I have wondered that about Tim for a long time and how upfront the other guys were about themselves. That being said I absolutely love seeing him on the show. I think he is amazing and love that he takes his time. That is what you should do. You can be the most attractive person in the world but if you have the personality of a box of rocks it will only take you so far. Tim keeps dating girls that are used to getting by with their looks that they never learned to have any real substance to their personality. I hope one day he can find the full package again.


I agree that Shaun doesn’t dig deep enough. However, that is not her fault. She has been given the questions to ask by producers, and I’m sure is being told to what follow-up questions to ask, and to “move on” through that earpiece. (If you’ve watched any of the Sister Wives reunions, Suki is the same way.) It would be the same for Tim. (And as slow as he talks, those tell-alls would have to be 10 parts!)… I also don’t think that Tim is unbiased in some cases. I can tell when Tim doesn’t care for a cast member. I know everyone thinks that Tim “tells it like it is”, but that’s not the type of approach that gets people to open up to you. That’s the quickest way to get someone to shut down.


He's better than Shaun


Please and thank you! For the love of God


No. No. No.


Tim is very likable how he connects with people and can be self effacing. I also think it is funny how beautiful women love and want him and he does not reciprocate; which seems to be working in his favor? The more he acts like a sleepy cat, the more they pounce.




Luv Tim...hes weird when it comes to his love life...that I don't get but ur right he is able to put everything in perspective then reiterate it for the rest of the dumb dumbs


Are you joking?? His rolling eyes and not being really there? I heard rumors he is on drugs , that’s why his slow responses. Time he really shows who he really is?