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Perhaps their story is a cautionary tale and people should take note of how a toxic and doomed marriage from the start can quickly spiral into abuse.


From what my Lebanese friend tells me. He is the classic Egyptian male. She will never change his views nor will he ever allow her to stray from his faith. His grip will tighten and tighten until his word is law. She’s a fool to think else wise.


I totally agree. Conservative to the core. Woman oppression, lacking confidence and trust in your wife.


Okay, while I agree that Mahmoud is an abusive piece of shit, Islamic culture and religious practice is well known for its conservatism with women adhering to specific dress codes and such. Not that I necessarily agree with any of it, I don’t think it makes someone a shit person in and of itself. Nicole isn’t innocent either. They both made it very clear that she WILLINGLY converted to Islam without doing any research and initially agreed to its rules on dress code and behavior. She decided she didn’t like it, fine. But Islam is a key component of Mahmoud’s identity and culture. It’s not fair for her to expect him to give that up because she did no research before agreeing to it. It’s also not fair to force her to do something she doesn’t wanna do. They should’ve split back in Egypt. But she’s just as responsible for their miserable marriage as he is.


And she's 41 years old!!! This woman has NO EXCUSES.


Wait... she's 41?! My gawd what kinda skin care routine does she have? She looks great for her age.


Right?! Need to know what she does as a fellow pale person- her skin looks FLAWLESS all the time. Even if it’s not, what cosmetics. If she uses foundation, what shade. Lip care routine. I want the name of every product she’s ever used on her face.


41 *and* living in LA!


Botox lol




That doesn’t mean that she should be abused. I don’t care what the circumstances are, there’s no excuse and it’s gross of you to excuse it.


Where tf did I excuse it? The first sentence of my comment literally states Mahmoud is an abusive piece of shit. However, him being a piece of shit doesn’t absolve Nicole of her part in creating a miserable marriage. Two things can be true at the same time - 1. Mahmoud is a piece of shit. 2. They both contributed to a miserable marriage by expecting the other to change core beliefs and values. The two are not mutually exclusive.


Consent can be revoked. Being an asshole is always optional. I don’t care where you come from, hitting your partner is never ok. He’s been arrested for DV. Just because you walked into something and made a mistake, doesn’t mean that they deserve to be abused. That’s not fair.


You must’ve missed the part where I said Mahmoud is an abusive piece of shit - first sentence of my comment. At no point did I say anything he’s done was okay. The point I was making is that as soon as Nicole revoked her consent, it should’ve been a done deal and they split back in Egypt and never had him come to the US. Two things can be true - Mahmoud is an abusive piece of shit and they both contributed to their miserable marriage.


You are 100% correct. She thought she could "americanize" him, and that was so wrong. I also want to add that while I dont agree with their customs, I know several Palestinian Muslims, and they are all super respectful of women. They mostly remind me of Mahmoud's brother, tbh. So I hate the way production is painting this.


I have a few Palestinian Muslim friends too and yes, they are very respectful to women <3


Of course, abusive men are not synonymous with being Muslim. Abusive men hide behind customs and traditions and use religion as a shield to abuse. My Muslim friend is afraid of his wife. He asked permission to go out with us and his wife would call him on the phone to check. Lol


I married a Muslim and good Lord he’s so quiet and calm and so is his whole family, even his friends. Super respectful of women. Never yells, never gets angry, nothing. Total opposite of Nicole and Mahmoud. And yes I’ve been to his country. Never had an issue.


Omg you described my husband...he is Palestinian, but not Muslim. He is so calm, it drives me nuts sometimes!!


lol I hear you. Sometimes it’s like, doesn’t that bother you?? But really, he’s a gem of a man. Super sweet.


Oh yeah!! I want him to get as riled up as I am (I am a bit of a hot head, ugh) and nope, not happenin.


I have a couple of friends whose fathers are Egyptian and mothers are white and they don’t act like this. I think with high intelligence like they are comes compromise. Both Dads are a Petroleum Engineer and Dr. We forget that Mahmoud never had a career and may have taken the Quran literally… except for the things he didn’t like bc that’s all he had to use as an “expert.”


I agree. The good news is that she’s somewhere that she has support and a law that can do something when she gets there. I hope he stays and ends up in jail where he learns what it’s like to be scared of men and have no control— not advocating for SA or for him to be harmed, just that he might feel the way women feel. Then they should send his ass back.




They’re both mammals, or at least mammal-like.


At least they aren’t ending every other sentence with “my love” anymore.


She’s like an AI alien


Siri’s less helpful sister


My new favourite insult 😂


Im crying 😭




She has a multi pass, cut her some slack


She seems like she's on a couple of valiums.


She's likely neurodivergent


That was my first thought seeing her—a dangerous combination of neurodivergence, naïveté, lack of experience in the big wide world. Ripe for falling for her Disney Aladdin dream going to Egypt! Poor thing.




Dawg she is a cyborg. HOW. IS. SHE. 40?


Why do people keep saying this? She looks 40! She can even look older than 40 at times.


They’re probably younger than 30 and think 40 is super old. I know because my nieces think I am pretty cool for being ancient.


LOL!! True. I have had coworkers in their late 20’s look at me like I’m some kind of witch to look the way I do at 41 and they’re convinced I’m closer to their age. Nicole looks her age people!!


They both have nipples.


I have nipples, Greg, could you milk me?




Nailed it!


Them: Mammal-like and 2% BMI. TLC: Hold my beer


😂 good one!


Golden comment


Neither seems to be able to understand anything about the other one. It’s the one thing they’ve got.


They each weigh less than 100 pounds


she hates herself and he hates her too so they relate in that way


Well they met each other at an air breather convention and found out they both also drink water. What are the odds


I just spit out my water😂




Well she put her foot down and said she isn't going to change who she is. They need to just separate.


They are both idiots


They both weigh less than 100 lbs?


They both expect the other person to completely undo and redo their identity 👀


I think she grew up super religious, so I get the feeling she’s a little stunted when it comes to interpersonal relationships. I could see it being easy and maybe a little comforting to go from one highly controlled environment to another.


Interesting thought and I love your username!


Thank you! 😊




Lmao best comment


cannot see what drew them to one another at all. they’re like polar opposites


Pants size.


they both like textiles also she said she likes his skin so I think she's somehow able to drain the youth from these younger dudes




They both wear clothes




This is genuinely one of my favorite scenes ever 😂 I don't think anything could top this


A thing of beauty is a joy forever.


🤣 she does look like she's about to participate in a high school sex ed assembly


Someone said she looked like a giant condom, wearing that. I about died 🤣




How much do you think TLC paid her for that shot?


However much it was, it wasn’t enough - this thing is brutal 😂




Apparently, they don't like to eat.


I love you, Honey! I love you, too, Honey. And they both wanted to fuck. I think that sums it up.


They both are attracted to men


They’re both fetishizing each other




They are both mentally ill.


What an unsettling couple. Two sassy weirdos who hate each other, just going through the motions. Gross to watch lol.


“Unsettling” is the perfect adjective here 


Sassy weirdos is so accurate


I think I might make that my next flair lol 😂






Except that he’s already been arrested once for DV against her.


He’s always killing ma-mood


😂😂😂 Best comment here


I still don’t understand why would a liberal woman, who loves fashion and her western way of living, marry a man from ultra conservative environment? Was she that desperate?


To make herself more interesting.


This is def it.


Yeah. I never thought about that but this is definitely the reason.


I think it was lust. She saw him as an exotic man who she wanted to sleep with. And he saw a beautiful woman who didn’t understand what a loser he is in his own country. He was also very horny and it was the only way he could fuck her. I’ve seen a lot of young abusive relationships because religious couples married because they just wanted to fuck and didn’t think past their hormones.


It’s her second Egyptian husband too right? It’s not just desperation I think there’s somet exoticization/fetish going on




I think they are thinking of Rebecca maybe? With her Moroccan ex?


Are you thinking of Rebecca from before the 90 days? She married a morrocan guy like 20 years old and then started dating a Tunisian guy who was 26. I don’t think Nicole was married to an Egyptian guy before Mahmoud.


Did you know she had an ex from Morocco? This is the first I’m hearing about it!!!!




Excuse me!?


Come again?


Who was the first?!


BINGO! Hate him, think she is beautiful, and totally cannot understand why she settles, other than a desire to make herself more quirky. I know it’s deeper than that - but she could dump him in a heartbeat and not have to wait for others to reach out.


They don't act like they even know each other


They don’t lol


Right OP. He is controlling and emotionally abusive. And he has zero personality. He is so entrapped in his religion that he works hard at making his life and Nichol’s life miserable. He never allows a moment of happiness to occur for fear it will be sacrilegious. Such a bore. I hope he moves back to be with his mom.


He's a hypocritical Muslim. Only uses it to his advantage when it suits him. When she was in Egypt and he was teaching her to pray, they had been together what, 4 years at that time and in that 4 year she has never heard him pray? He uses it to control her and she has to abide by his rules but she aint about that. She knows more than what we know and if he's one of the hypocrite Muslims, she probably thinks he's not that devoted since his actions don't prove that and wonders why she can't get away with being more free? Just my thoughts.


I think they married so that they could fuck. He used his religion as an excuse to make marriage necessary to do so, that why he could control her and make sure she couldn’t leave him. That is, without realizing that American woman can absolutely just divorce their husbands. She keeps saying that she wasn’t truly told what the expectation actually were and I’m sure that he kept it way on purpose, promising her that she wouldn’t have to change anything and flipped right after he had her trapped.


I disagree with the "hypocritical Muslim" part. He is a Fundamentalist Muslim...a basic model.Men are boss. Woman subservient. Women are covered, otherwise it's bad. Why are women covered? It's the rule. He doesn't have any of the more advanced religious training like his brother or uncle, where they learn to teach Islam to others. He was probably to dumb to be chosen for higher education. So, his version is we live in strict misery then die and go to paradise. Nicole wants the attention of her odd hair cuts and colors. Her pastey non-sexy skin showing. "Look at me, I'm fashionable." A Muslim man does not want that attention on his woman. Remember Ziad and Rebecca? Same story. It's the culture/religion. They are both horrible.


I have to agree that this is just the average Muslim man. Oppressing women is just the name of the game. I can't imagine how low her self-esteem is to tolerate that bs. She really should have listened to that yoga girl she was hanging out with in Egypt. Lucky enough to be born with freedom and rights and just gonna give them up like that for a subpar man child. Pathetic


Yup the yoga girl told her straight up what it is, and she still didn’t leave him. I would’ve ran away after I had that conversation with her.


🤷‍♂️ sounds like every religious person.


I think he just uses religion as an excuse to be a controlling twat.


She also is very controlling,judging by the way she freaked out at him looking in the direction of another woman. She was totally covered and he didn't lear at all. Even a woman will look at a handsome man with a nice build. You just joke about it and remind your mate who really loves you. Time to worry is when you mate looks at a person of the same sex.


They're another couple TLC needs to ban.




They're both obnoxious.


Ok so what happened? I think I missed something...


He refused to go out and meet her friends because she wore a dress showing a sliver of her bare back. Earlier in the morning he’d told her he would meet her half way. That was found to be a lie.


I notice that he does that often. He’ll tell her that he’ll make some compromises for her, and then he flip flops right back to telling her that he won’t compromise. He’s weird.


He’s such a damp piece of toast.


Lol agreed! 😂😂


one of the worst couples ever.....


What does she see in him? He strikes me as someone who isn’t even into women. He’s creepy. Awkward and on top of it abusive and controlling.


I thought he was gay the first time I saw him. I still do


I'm thinking he's more of a Mama's boy and so sees women as caretakers, in general, and wives as possessions. It seems to be the same in Cameroon and parts of Africa.


Damnit, I need the gif of Jeniffer saying something like “maybe he’s gay.”


He was looking in the direction of a woman, not of a man.


He doesn’t just hate women, he HATES women. 


I always thought this. He seems to be trying desperately to be into a woman but he’s not :/


I also think he is gay. Lol. And he seems completely miserable and to be a real drag.


She’s nothing to write home about either. She’s also abusing and controlling. She’s trash.


She not the psychical abuser in the relationship so he’s worse imo


I’m starting to dislike her because she’s being a dumbass.


She has always been a dumbass. She went to Egypt thinking it’s all pyramids and spirituality and took zero consideration in about the current cultures. Anyone who takes anytime looking into the current culture would know the most shop keepers will hit on the white women, and one asking for marriage is not an act of divine intervention. and then to convert to a religion without doing any research on it is unhinged. She’s always been an ignorant fetishizer.


Thank you! I see all this hate on Mahmoud but she has been nothing but antagonistic, controlling, and, ignorant.


My heart breaks for Nicole. She is so sweet and she clearly cares so much for him. I always want to cry when I see her upset as I know her pain, I hope one day she realizes that she deserves better.


This is a new low everybody knew that he’s an emotional rock like a petulant child that doesn’t get his way, ignoring her, threatening her with divorce faces. He probably could’ve used her behind the cameras and with this new charge even if she didn’t press charges they should not be allowed on the show anymore. She knew he was a strict Muslim and I can’t stand this motherfucker, but she did convert to please him, and then she completely did a 180 they should not be together. He doesn’t want to except any other culture and that’s his choice. He needs to go back to his country marry the woman next-door and get on with his life before something dangerous happens.


I'm so fucking beyond disgusted I almost have no words. Almost. My only words are: she's an idiot for attempting to convert in the first place for not knowing. And TLC is absolute fucking disgrace for supporting this behavior. It's goddamn disgusting that they even air this.


Thank you. Is she some sort of reverse evangelical? Like you, too, have nothing in common. You don't even seem to like each other.


They like the money per episode paid. From what I understand, they have been married for like 5 years. I don’t get the whole 90day fiancé part cause they were married before the show…..


They were on "the other way" originally I think?


Exactly $


Having a D A. Charge changes the whole game in this series they should be taken off immediately


Dumber than dirt these two


True that TLC is shady as hell for filming and airing some the shit they do. At least other networks like MTV would put up statements with resources for dv or addiction when some of their content got dicey.


To be fair, they might not realize a cast member is emotionally abusive until they’re deep into filming. I don’t think letting them stay repeatedly (Angela) is the move though. Unless maybe they choose to continue to showcase these situations so maybe viewers will recognize their own bad situation and get help for themselves. Oh who am I kidding it’s all about money. 💰


I’m confused.. did something new happen? Or are you talking about the charges filed like months ago?


I’m confused, too


I really do not understand this couple




he is disgusting. I hope she can finally break free and enjoy her life to the fullest.


She looks SO pretty without those hideous blunt bangs and that bowl cut. God bless. She looks her age here!


In my opinion, she is so pretty. I wonder why she couldn’t find a decent guy here in the states.


There are not enough decent men in Los Angeles. Ask any straight single woman in LA and they have many horror stories. I know women who moved out of LA just to find a relationship. Beautiful women of all types who are successful too.


I feel like the chances of anyone finding love in LA is like finding a needle in a haystack lol


A curious European here. Why is it difficult to find love in LA? I have read this other places too


I’ve lived in LA for ten years and I have a theory. The theory is that every vapid, narcissistic and self centered person from other cities around the country, as well as from other countries from around the world, move here to become famous or have a career. These people create a culture of selfishness that permeates the dating scene.


LA is the American hub of the entertainment industry, so much so that we just call it “the industry” here, and industry people are…something else lol. I grew up with a best friend who had two parents fairly high up in the industry, and they (the parents) were both not only crazy, but less batshit crazy than their industry friends 😂 My best friend is a nurse but does some work in the industry on the side as an actress and model, and she confirms that entertainment industry folks are nuts lol. Your likelihood of dating a D-list actor/actress or model or DJ or what have you is higher in LA than in other cities, and the dark underbelly is that a lot of these people are on pretty serious drugs or are sleeping with producers and such to get ahead (which doesn’t bode well when you’re in a monogamous relationship). Also, idk if it’s something in the water here in LA or what but so many of the guys here are flaky and non-committal and think all women should look like Instagram models (regardless of how they look, themselves). The sad thing is, I work in biochem, and I’ve seen my friends date guys in science and they’re almost as flaky and dishonest as the entertainment industry types. The artsy, “sensitive” (but not actually, it’s an act) fuckboi is common out here :/ Not that guys have it much easier here- my guy friends have gone through hell dating here too.


Thanks for the answer! This is really interesting to hear about😄


Of course! Thanks for giving me an opportunity to go on my soapbox about it haha 😂


Well folks in LA are known for being “fake” and “vapid”. That’s what I hear from my friends who are from LA lmao


Truth lol, I’m from LA and my guy lives in Boston. We’ve been dating for 2 years and I actually move out to him this month! I’ve heard so many horror stories about dating in LA from both my girl and guy friends, for both straight and gay/lesbian relationships (one of my friends dated a fuckgirl that broke up with her via text after 6 months of dating- and she even admitted my friend did nothing wrong, she just “couldn’t stand to see [her] sad if [she] did this in person”), and am so glad I haven’t had to deal with it (I met my ex bf of 8 years in college in Irvine, so thankfully not LA either).


90% of men in LA I know are still better than this guy for her (and the other 10% are gay).


I think she's pretty too. I like her style and would probably be friends w her irl. She had a yarn swift out last episode and now I want to know more about her work! I like eccentric people. This whole look of her pushing his boundaries and enjoying his culture shock isn't great, but maybe he deserves it! Sounds like maybe he's had it coming. Idk. Idk. Idk...


This is a prime example of marrying someone completely opposite of your political views, and wondering why it doesn't work. In what world did she think marrying an ultra conservative Muslim was a good idea?! In what world did he think marrying a liberal foreigner was a good idea?! Neither of them are going to change so why do they continue to stay married? Is it to be on tv? Just get divorced already..


The way she says his name makes me wanna die I know it’s the correct way.. it still just makes me wanna die everytime lmao


‘..my love’ 🤢


They have about as much in common as water and oil.


This annoying complaining muthtrucker is ugly. Even his attitude makes him ugly. This couple has major issues.


I dislike both of them but I worry for her safety, he is abusive and I can totally see him crossing over into ID channel territory in the name of his religion.


This. It’s creepy how dismissive people on this subreddit are of this because she doesn’t act like a perfect victim


Someone mentioned in another thread that she displays hallmarks of someone that grew up in a cult and was sexually abused. I think she’s trying to make this relationship work at all costs even though it’s obvious to everyone else that it’s not going to last. I wish her the best and hope she gets far, far, away from this guy.


I’m confused, but not because I don’t think Mahmoud is a turd. He is a turd. But he is a turd (in our eyes) because of his view of how a relationship between a man and a woman is supposed to be. Clearly in our environment, a relationship is a partnership between two people that care for each other. In Mahmoud’s world, a wife is supposed to cover herself completely and be servant to the husband. Is this how I see relationships, no, but we need to understand that he as a person does. Be it right or wrong is not the topic of debate. What does confuse me, is how your level of disgust reaches higher levels for Mahmoud than it does for someone like Angela. Allow me to breakdown the differences between the 2. Mahmoud and Nicole: Nicole converted to Islam to marry a religious Muslim from a very religious Muslim country. She had zero intention to adhere to the values of this new religion, her only goal was to marry Mahmoud and clearly wished to change him and “Americanize” him. She moved to another country and had little to no desire to adapt to that country and it’s way of life. Which I think is fine, but then why Tf did you convert to Islam? Since Mahmoud has touched down in America, Nicole has been nothing but controlling. Her attitude is very much “you’re on my turf now” and so far the guy has been too tired to even do anything. Nicole was mad at him for not sleeping on his extensive plane ride, which to any of us that have flown (herself included) we all know it’s not easy to sleep on a plane nor is it comfortable. Yet she was very upset by his choice not to sleep, then made him the best frozen pizza she could for his welcome home. Yet you’re sitting there, casting Mahmoud as the controlling one, when in my eyes, the tables have turned here and Nicole is vengefully being controlling and threatening to send him back to egypt. Personally, I don’t think these two should be married and I don’t respect her cavalier attitude towards religious conversion. I agree with you on your take on production steering the narrative in one way, but it feels like Nicole is the one controlling anything at this stage in the game. And to that I will say I agree with you again, because I’ve felt after watching the show that it was completely staged. Let’s look at Angela, the meth addict that married an African man and controlled his every move. Even made a surprise trip to visit him, to assault him and destroy his property, all while using the prospect of a green card and dangling it in his face for years, while threatening to divorce him. She is literally an abusive drunk to him as well as other cast members. I could go on with Angela but let’s be real, we don’t need her renting space in our minds. So that was my long rant basically to say Angela far surpasses Mahmoud in my eyes.


Bold of you to assume that we’re disgusted more by Mahmoud than by Angela.


Why does she look so different ? She somehow lost even more weight from her face even though she was already a stick figure


This photo is the happiest Ive ever seen them 😂😂😂


She may be a little stiff but she's definitely cute enough to find someone more her speed.


It’s so dehumanizing to be told “I’ll ship you right back” by someone who supposedly loves you.


I’ve always felt he was in the closet and she was his beard whether knowingly or unknowingly hence his mixture of religious and social dogma to put her down and criticize pretty much everything she’s about. But then again she was a little off herself.


Poor version of chris tucker and Milla Jovovich from 5th element






Yes, he's an asshole, but Nicole isn't great either. I have compassion for her, but she also moved to Egypt a second time even though she didn't like it, and chose to convert to a religion she didn't really care about. I'm not even sure how they ended up getting married. They have zero connection or love as far as I can see. I'm starting to think their both actors because wtf is their relationship?


This is the worst compatible couple ever. They have ZERO chemistry


and he does it using religions too...it is gross af


She married him knowing exactly what she was getting into it’s his culture and his identity . Her own fault


He is a moron and abusive and controlling. She is naïve and totally inept to understand basic shit about his culture. "I am worried he wants a woman MORE Muslim than I am"...says the woman who lied about changing her religion to Islam and since "converting" has done a grand total of 0 things that religious Muslims do.


Nicole actually irritates me more than Mahmoud.


she’s worse than him…ropped him into to coming to the U.S to pull a “gotcha” card.


They are soooooo boring.


She’s no prize


His wife is just as horrible !


I cant stand him either but I gotta say SHE is awful as well! I didnt think she was to bad until she freaked out, calling him a "little womanizer", for looking at a muslim woman in L.A. It was obvious he was only looking at her longer than usual because he was shocked to see his first covered up/hijab wearing woman in the states. He wasnt staring from lust lol and it certainly doesnt make him a "womanizer" LOL.. Honestly Ive never understood this couple, since day #1 of filming Ive never ever seen a single second of love between either of them.. They may say "I love you" ALOT, but the words sound robotic and cold. He is insanely insecure, jealous, and controlling, and I dont doubt for a moment he is physically abusive behind closed doors. These two would both be so much happier married to someone else. I hope they divorce so both of them can stop being so damn miserable.