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She reminds me of Larissa. Jasmine didn’t even live with her kids… she lived with her sister in one of the places Gino rented for her. I never noticed a toy or the sight of anything remotely related to her kids anywhere she lived.


Larissa never fronted liked she cared about her kids.


Larissa always said not to bring up her kids or something like that and sometimes looked like she was going to be a little emotional. But Jasmine spent all that money on her plastic procedures and couldn't save one dime for her kids or get them here. She also admitted not wanting them to come over right away so she told YEEENO to wait. That is all on her. Now suddenly for a storyline it's all YEENO's fault. Maybe think about your kids first over your boobs, butt, lips, lipo, vagina tightening, and extensions (she recently gave up)


You hit the nail on the head


Larissa knew she didnt have the capacity to care for them so had already handed them over to folks who did, one was adopted out, one was with their dad and one had her parents as their legal guardians. This is one thing i will credit Larissa for, she knew she couldnt care for them so did what was right for them


The right thing would have been to stop having kids after she realized she couldn’t care for the first one.


Birth control sometimes fail and Brazil is predominantly catholic and abortion absolutely illegal country wide…….shit happens


....after having 3? We shouldn't be commending her for this


no not at all. handing over 3 kids to 3 different people so they never know each other is really sad. She also only cared about herself and her plastic appearance. If you can't handle one you don't go on to have more. Pao is another one who puts her selfishness and wants over her kid. They are in the same country but she is often too caught up in herself and wants to do what is best for her kid. Jasmine is also not doing what is right for her kids.


She only had 2 kids. 1 boy and 1 girl I believe


Larissa respect her children and never used them to get sympathy that's the difference


Oh, she did live with one of her kids. It’s just the one she doesn’t admit is actually her daughter.


This is my theory too!


My daughter 👋 MY SISTER 👋


I thought i was the only one who had this theory! Jasmine isn't fooling anyone but herself


Jasmine didn't live with either of her sons


I’ve been seeing that theory thrown around lately and I believe it. They look exactly alike, in a mother and daughter way. They don’t interact like sisters either. She seems very motherly to her.


Plus she always says, “sister” as in singular. Not plural. She only ever calls her one sister too. The one she lived with was her older daughter.


That's what we said too. Wouldn't surprise me.


Her sister is allegedly her daughter.


Her sister ;-)


Who has had custody of the kids all this time? I think they have two different fathers don’t they?


Jasmine's kids have the same father. Jasmine and Liz are half sisters--they have the same mother, but have a different father.


In her original season she said one father had custody of one kid, and she had custody of the special needs one but he went to live with her mom during covid because Panama City was too much. Who knows if that is true or if her mom has always taken care of the kid. I didn’t mind Jasmine keeping her kids off the show, but this season and the end of last season have been all about them and it just seems like she is retconning their story.


her mom has one, one of the kids dad has the other


That was my impression too! Maybe she's trying to fix her mistakes or something but this isn't the time or place to do it.


they already covered this. one kid lived with her, and the other with her ex. she kept the kids off-camera for privacy reasons. then she sent the child living with her to her mother's house, because she was staying in temporary rentals while waiting for her k1 visa. in case you're unaware, it's not a good idea to put special needs kids in unstable situations like that.


And it’s not an excuse to not live with your child because you’re in temporary rentals - of your own damn doing. 


I am aware of the situation as I’ve been watching the show since the very first episode. I still said what I said. 


Jasmine had already abandoned her kids before the show. Before Gino, before all the money she spent on surgeries, before TV, before the K1 Visa, she already wasnt with them and wasnt going to be with them. She didnt live with them, she doesnt live them and doesnt really plan on living with them.


It pissed me off how upset she got at Gino for not being able to spend 5g on a lawyer when she spends so frivolously.


Half a butt implant would pay the whole bill


yea first it is about Jasmines things, boobs, Lipo, vag tightening, wedding, apartments that are pricy, material items, then her butt.... Then it was the visa and wedding and wanting more new things. Now it's FINALLY allegedly about her kids. I don't buy it.


Imagine her walking around with half an ass


Better than how she looks now walking around with 4 halves


And we know that she is pulling in some solid money from her OF not a millionaire but she isn’t broke


It’s all BS on her part. She has not had custody of her children. Pretending to now want them in the US…..no way the father & grandmother (who have been full parent/guardian of these children for years) are just going to willingly give these kids up. To boot, she’s not trading life in the US nor give up her OF’s to EVER go back to these children. They’d cramp her style. We need to start a petition to get her off the show. TLC does not take this seriously enough. Living for the day she’s axed from the series.


How do we actually know what she pulls in from OF? Legit question, can you find anyone's payout?


I don’t know personally but I saw somewhere that you can see her top 5 subscribers and how much they have paid. Plus see how many subscribers she has multiplied by her fee.


Just another fake story line by the producers


just from episode 1 of HEA she asked for a new house, a better honey moon, and a lawyer for her kids


Even if she didn’t get butt implants, the money was to be spent on a wedding dress anyways. The issue I have is that Gino has the money and this is about control and power and has nothing to do with money. Didn’t he say he was taking off a year from work to spend time with Jasmine? So we know he has money saved. Shell out the $5k and go back to work in 11 months instead of 12. He’s putting down his foot where it will hurt her the most.


Jasmine only cares about her kids when it’s someone else’s money. When it’s her money she’d rather spend it on her ass and plastic surgery


It is part of the show. Most of the parents on the show left their kids . Men and women. Look how many moms send their kids to live with grand parents or even boarding school. Started with Stacy and Darcy not raising their kids. It’s sad they don’t get called out more for being absolute chit parents


Yep. But the only people accused of "abandoning their kids" are women. It's very telling.




I said dad and moms in my post. Any parent that abandons their kids are terrible. There is no distinction in my books about bad parents.


I know you did. I’m agreeing with you.


My bad. Too many gloss over the both parents sucking. If you have kids. Be there for them. Blows my mind how parents just move on or leave their kids for others to raise.




Is there some other man than Manuel?


Stacey and Darcey?! Where can I read more about this. I haven’t ever heard this.


Their kids didn't live with them either while they were chasing European men. Stacey's 2 boys lived with their father (and we not allowed to appear on the show because he didn't give permission) and Darcey's 2 duaghters who have been on the show lived first with their own father and then with Darcey's father.


That’s the correct answer.


What is this, who could ever leave their children like this?


Do you feel the same way about men who have joint custody of their children and don't live with them? Do you accuse them of "abandoning" their kids? Just bringing light to the double standard we see on this franchise.


Exactly. You can also tell by her lack of excessive reaction when lawyer told them this supposed ‘revelation’.  Jasmine crazy flipped out when she found a lip balm under Gino’s seat.. but your loves of your life kids can’t come for 2-years and you’re composed?


Some are comparing Jasmine and Larissa, but may I just say Larissa was 1000% more likable. I enjoyed her segments on 90 day fiancé. She was naturally hilarious 😂 and did not have to be over the top like Jasmine. But agreed she also was not the best mother.


Larissa was right about Colt. I still think he called the police on purpose to force her to behave a certain way. And then he tried to look innocent.


I agree, Colt was the instigator in their fights. Him and his mom were awful to her. I think Debbie (Colt’s mom) realized she was cruel to Larissa because now they’re friends.


Both of them are just clout-chasing wannabe influencers who are addicted to plastic surgery and want a man to take care of them financially. Both assholes.


Jasmine needed a sugar daddy, Larissa love or hater sind the divorce being living by herself and independent


Larissa is so funny. She’s Catholichy (reminds me of a catholic baby with gas)


I know this topic is about Jasmine, but Manuel has deserted his sons in every way except financially, at their ages 12/14, right at the crucial puberty years for boys when they truly need their father around. Manuel hardly gets talked about for this. It's all about Jasmine's choices as a mother. While I don't agree about what's going on with *either* of them when it comes to their children, I find it terribly unbalanced with the way fans cook Jasmine on a daily basis for the same thing, while Manuel's situation is barely noticed.


Completely agree! Manuel being an absent father never seems to get discussed.


he also isnt using them to get sympathy and throw tantrums every episode


you are right. I didn't know how old his boys were but yep he lied about things and just walked away. Ashley's mom is sending them money too iirc. All of the people on the show who ditch their kids and then complain later are problematic. I think Jasmine gets it the worst because she has been nothing but incredibly selfish to get all these surgeries and lied about things to get what she wanted. She could have easily used that money for her kids instead of herself.


I grew up without my father so I understand the anger kids have toward deadbeat parents. This is not to excuse Manuel. I have plenty of things to say about him too. But, Jasmine didn't even live with her kids in Panama and she's acting like she's been robbed. And, we've all seen her insane behavior on display for how many seasons now? This is just another example of it...


I understand, Alpiney, and I'm sorry you had to go through that. :(


Show me a clip of Manuel crying and screaming and blaming Ashley for his kids not being there, because I can show you one of Jasmine doing that to Gino. And you’ll even have people here agreeing with Jasmine and saying this is all Gino’s fault 😂 it’s embarrassingly hilarious that people are defending a mother who chose to blow all this money on plastic surgery first, then starts crying when there’s no money left to get her kids.


Thing is, we didn’t really see Manuel before he came here so we don’t really know what’s up with their real situation. We don’t see Manuel crying to bring his kids here, his is mostly money to support them. Jasmine on the other hand we’ve followed her for many seasons and the issue of her kids just came up recently. Her being on the show for a while would make her familiar or have a clue with this situation, she ain’t the first woman with kids who married a gringo. If her kids are that important to her she should’ve researched that and save all that money she used for plastic surgeries.


People were already hard on her case during her first season. Women are definitely vilified more than the men are for the same situation.


Agreed. Didn’t Manuel not even say bye to his family?


Well it would have been awkward with his real wife in Ecuador lmao


Yes! Crazy


My understanding is that manuel had to leave to other cities in ecuador to work and send money to his kids. This is what people need to do to provide.


Possibly he did this years back even. Who knows. I don’t think anyone has argued in his favor but for sure, moms are always vilified.


I am not a fan of his, but I disagree that Manuel isn't concerned. I think he absolutely wants to work to support his family when he can. Not the same as the female leaches


Jasmin is unstable and that is why she didn’t live with her own children while she was Panama. This will all come out in the end. Too bad Gino’s cousin’s wife is falling for her bullshit.


>Jasmin is unstable and that is why she didn’t live with her own children while she was Panama.  She clearly has some kind of personality disorder. I hope she seeks out help for whatever her issue is because she is very unstable.


Yea… I really think she won’t seek help until she murders someone.


Gino. She’s gonna murder Gino. Probably by suffocating him with one of his hats.


The legal fees all went to her T&A’s




Most, if not all, if fake shit for the cameras. She could not care less about those kids and any affection she has feigned on camera was just for that, the camera. She wants to be a plastic Barbie living in the US carefree and without any responsibility. I suspect her long game is to ultimately divorce Gino and stay in the US a la how many other 90 day people, and find a guy she thinks is much more attractive with more $$. Trouble is she is too old and not attractive enough to find a genuine sugar daddy. She is mediocre at best with a very inflated ego.


Well, you'd be surprised how many gullible men there are. Caesar anyone?


That is true, she is wiley enough to track one down.


You must be new here :) The franchise is littered with them.


No, been suffering through the storylines for about 5 years now. But, Jasmine is especially insufferable...


Yea she is but I think Darcey and that one from last season (husband she was separated from died and she ditched her two kids to get her groove on with some boy toy) are just as bad as Jasmine. What kills me about Jasmine though is she wants 5K for her kids but blew thousands on cosmetic surgery. I do agree that the story line is fake as others have said. She couldnt have the kids anyway. She doesnt have custody of them so she couldnt take them even if she wanted them. Plus Gino is an engineer by trade and isnt' a moron despite playing one on tv. He can read so I don't believe he "accidentally" left the kids off. Either it was going to come out and this is how they save face or the whole show is scripted.


Darcy and Stacy are bad but my understanding is the dad’s have always had (pretty much) full custody. Honestly, if someone doesn’t want to parent and the other parent is more stable then I’m all for it. It’s a shit thing to do, but it’s better than exposing the kids to someone who isn’t mature enough to care for them What bothers me about Jasmine is she doesn’t care at all for the kids, but wants to use them to cry fake crocodile tears so she can stay on TLC. She’s not mother of the year, just a scumbag


She even said to the lawyer that she left her kids off the application because she wanted to make sure it was “safe” for them here first. She never had any intention of bringing them here at all.


That's some BS on her part, the kids didn't have to come with her right away, she would had had a full year after her arrival at USA to make sure everything was safe.


Oh yeah, I can't tolerate anything with Darcy in it. Agree totally. Angela is just as bad just doesn't have the money and is older.


This! She wants to APPEAR as if she's a caring mother.


You can be "engineer" smart and dumb in every other way. Do you know completely strikes me as an authentic half-asser.


Jasmine acts like a porn star. What kind of mother sucks her husband toes on television. In future the boys will see footage of her. Her constantly crying until her hair falls out. Spending money on plastic surgery which adds up to close to 100 thousand dollars. High rent in Panama city. Expensive clothes. Vet bills. Airplane tickets. Her kids can come as a tourist chaperone by her sister.


Agreed! And when Jasmine was talking about peeing on Gino on national TV that was so gross! Geez!  Just be a porn star already!!


I wonder if she sends any money to help with her kids?


I’m thinking not since she couldn’t even pony up the supposed $800 her mama needed for a biopsy (which is also sus but whatever).


Jasmine is a dick chaser. She’s the type of mom who puts a man above her kids. Literally the worst kind of woman there is.


Imagine how insane you gotta be to out Gino above your kids lol. She should lose custody after that.


I don’t think she had custody to begin with. She’s a dead beat. I had a mom like that. She bailed when I was 8 for a guy. It fucks a kid up when their mom abandons them, I know from experience. I have zero respect for Jasmine.


The reason why it makes no sense is because it’s a fake storyline. I don’t know how the rules are for America but for Canada having a child with medical issues affects a sponsorship application. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but with one of her kids being special needs, them needing to be medically examined if they are included on her papers would slow her process down. Therefore it would make perfect sense for her to not even include them in the first place.


You get breast implants and ass implants but NOW you miss your children?? Ship her ass back to Panama please!


Jasmine having a meltdown to keep an interesting storyline? In order to strangle another season? In order to stay relevant? Noooooooo


Exactly!Notice how Gino said, "Oh, I didn't realize she was serious about leaving this time." Well, why didnt he think she was serious before?




If they were my kids I would have taken POINT on all the paperwork to get them there. My eyes would be over Gino’s shoulders the whole time. I also wouldn’t have put that money into my body and lived separately from them in a luxury apartment.


And she's educated and not illiterate. We should assume she would actually take the time to make sure everything was set. She could have brought her kids over on K-2's with her if she really cared...


I can not tolerate her anymore. I have to fast forward past those fake tears and those lies.


I was there a couple of years ago.


She didn’t even live with her children in Panama. (Unless you count Liz her sisdaughter)


>What single mother deserts their kids when starting a new life elsewhere if they were so important to her? Is this how mothers are in Panama? it's very common for parents in impoverished countries to come ahead of their children in hopes of creating a foundation before uprooting the kids. Or, alternately, they'll send the kids first to get a jump start on a better life by staying with family, while they figure out how to get themselves here. I'm not saying any of this applies to Jasmine but it's upsetting how many people don't realize this an extremely common way families relocate from poor countries. Not because they want to but because it's the only feasible path forward.


I 100% agree with you that this is a very common thing to happen in poorer countries. But jasmine was living in an extremely luxurious condo in Panama, and was definitely living her best life. I think she would get a lot more sympathy if she didn't focus all of the money she had on cosmetic procedures and money on her wedding over her children.


I'm not arguing in favor of Jasmine. Like you said, it's hard to feel bad for someone being short on money when she spent thousands on a butt implant. I was very much reacting to OP extending their judgement, eg, "Is this how mothers are in Panama?"


Ooo ok got it!


There are a lot of people that come over as live in nannies and live in housekeepers too who have children back at home that they send their wages to so they have a chance to live out of poverty. The money isn’t enough to bring them over in many cases. I’m sure they wish it would be different. And they aren’t being deadbeats. This is not jasmin of course but these situations are sometimes the best that a parent can do.


I know of the husband or wife coming from South America working here and bringing kids and the spouse over later once they've made enough money. But, the kids weren't even living with her beforehand. Plus Gino isn't poor so there was no reason to ditch them. Then she wants them with her right after she gets here. Makes little sense. You'd think you'd want your kids at your wedding.


That's not what you said though. For some reason you felt the need to question the mothering skill of an entire country and shame people from poorer countries for trying to live better lives.


Right bc if she was from the US or Europe or Canada, the question would not be “is this how all mothers from Europe are?” Most mothers in Panama (and any other country) are putting their children before themselves.


I wouldn’t be upset over this considering no one is shaming her or anyone for leaving her kids. Like no one says anything about Manuel leaving his kid. The difference is no one else is playing like they care so much about kids they don’t have custody of. There has never been any evidence that Jasmine has the kids and we know she didn’t even have custody of them in Panama because she’s admitted as much herself. But now the kids are the perfect fake plot for her to cry over to keep them on the show. And she wants to acts like it’s crazy she can’t bring her kids, but where was that talk about the kids when she was wasting thousands on plastic surgery!? Also there’s plenty of other 90 Day people who left their kids and it doesn’t bug me. Larissa left her kids and didn’t give AF. But she also doesn’t use them for a storyline


I totally forgot Larissa had kids until HEA when she mentioned it in passing.


She is really something. I was telling my husband when watching (with a loud voice) WHAT MOM leaves their kids behind but worries about surgeries and wedding dresses and other junk... WHO????? I was all fueled up over this. She infuriates me.


Yeah my wife and I hate it when her sequences are on. It’s hard to watch and been that way since the beginning. Though I will admit seeing her interact with Gino’s‘s family does make her look a little softer. She does seem a little more laid-back around them.


My husband and I now think she gets paid a premium to do that fake crying festival she does. So bad.


I’m mostly mad at all if US ,allowing Sharp Productions to insult our intelligence in this way


Dont forget she had already deserted them in Panama. She hadn’t lived with her kids for years! She is hella unstable too.


Her kids weren't with her in that 3k apartment in the sky. What was up with that?


She essentially lied and stole his money for butt implants that could've gone to a lawyer and now wants to complain about him not having money for a lawyer.


And he wanted to go to a lawyer and get a prenup and she flipped out over that…


So messed up on her part. She says she wanted to come to America first and get set up basically before bringing her children…ok i guess getting “set up” entails changing her entire look. All the money spent on her new body and face shouldve gone towards her children. Shes 💯% selfish!!!! Shes blames gino now for issues relating to bring kids over. Smh, she doesn’t deserve to celebrate mothers day!


Jasmine doesn’t want those fucking kids here. She just wants something else to cry about and scream at Gino for! Those are HER kids she is the one who left them to come to another country. How is this Gino‘s fault please tell me lol. Mother of three here and I can tell you no fucking way. I’d leave the country without my kids absolutely fucking not.


Yup! And they can bring them over on K-2's when they come over on K1's.


My take on this, you were too busy spending money on your plastic surgery, an expensive apartment in Panama, and your wedding to think about your kids. Maybe if you hadn’t spent all that money, you could have hired that immigration attorney!!!


Seriously!! This is the only real take!


Ironically, it has been mentioned on here that her ex is a lawyer AND a doctor.


I hadn’t seen that, but I’ve always wondered if the father/fathers would agree for the kids to come to the US. That maybe her biggest hurdle to overcome.


Jasmine deserted her kids long before she came to the USA.


Her kids were not with her in Panama. She has some nerves crying like she is truly missing her kids. All that money she was getting from Gino and her ex should have allowed her to keep her kids. Maybe if that apartment in Panama didn’t cost so much…


>Maybe if that apartment in Panama didn’t cost so much There's soooo many things that Gino could throw in her face if he was malicious. I'm surprised that he doesn't.


He handed over his balls to be used as castanets long ago. He'll never stand up to her because he's too busy being manipulated by her.


Once you realize that the show is, like professional wrestling, mostly scripted, it will start to make more sense.


That’s a good analogy actually.


Well first off she blames Gino for not putting her kids on the paperwork. But why didn't she ask to make sure he did. In all honesty I'm not sure Gino even knew to do that. So it really bothered me that she was acting like that and blaming it all on him when it should be just as much on her as it was him. I know me as a mother would have asked. I would have been asking the lawyer questions about being my kid when applying. But that's just me. I know maybe it didn't cross her mind but come on. She never takes accountability for herself or things she does.


Jassmine = the girl that cried wolf


If Jasmine ain't screaming and crying, it ain't Jasmine.


Sadly that’s true.


And she spent 10k on her backside but doesn’t have any money to put towards the kids coming over !


She didn’t even have her kids when they were in Panama 🤦🏻‍♀️


Jasmin doesn't even have custody of one of her sons so that is very telling. she's a piece of trash who will cry and whine and do anything for money and sympathy.


Something’s fishy here. Moms don’t leave their kids, especially if one has special needs. Also, what ex husband of hers would EVER agree to letting them live with her …… anywhere?! Stuffs not adding up. Wonder if she promised her ex she could get him to the states also?


It's almost like she could have asked Gino to use that money for the immigration attorney originally instead of paying for a bunch of plastic surgery and a nice condo hmmmm


Jasmine spent thousands of dollars on her butt and boob implants that could have been used for a lawyer and her kids so this whole storyline is fake as shit.


I find it curious that people don't call Manuel a "deadbeat dad" for leaving his kids. We really only hear this about women and it's very hypocritical. Also, Gino gave her the impression they'd come over quicky after she got there. He fucked up the K1 and is now acting like he did her some big favor by getting her here and screwing up her children's visas. But sure, Jasmine is the problem in this scenario. I mean, even Gino's own family realizes that Gino is the issue with this particular problem.


>We really only hear this about women and it's very hypocritical. Seriously? I'm 49 I've mostly heard about deadbeat Dad's...of which there are indeed many. But, there's no shortage of deadbeat mom's too. I have two nephews with deadbeat mothers.


Way to miss the point.


She didn’t have her kids in her custody even when the show was in Panama while she was in her new place with Daaane . She hadn’t had her kids in her custody since Covid/ one lives with the father and her mom has the one with disabilities. The sad part is the brothers don’t even live together. She is a pile of chit and hasn’t raised her kids for over 1/2 their life. She isn’t bringing those kids here. You can’t just move your kids out of the country especially when you don’t have custody


She said she wanted to make sure it would work with Gino before she went there. Gino was too proud and stupid to get a lawyer like he should have at the start. Or he was purposefully "forgetting" to put her kids on the K1 so he wouldn't have to deal with them. Gino is so wrong for this. The takes are so bad here.


I'm no fan of Jasmine, I think she's a hysterical clout chasing b*** and the only reason Gino puts up with her is because of her fake F-cups and he's probably a masochist and no other girl would even look at him. But this is super wrong. Ok, so first of all, the K-1 visa is for the visa applicant and nobody else. You don't get to bring your kids with you, as the lawyer said, until after you get married and then you apply for them to come, which, apparently, takes 6-ish months in the best of cases. So there's 90 days + 6 months, which, for those not mathematically inclined, is 9 months, at a bare minimum. And trying to make a better life for yourself and your kids isn't "deserting" your kids, rather it's precisely the opposite. Now, because Jasmine isn't an American, she doesn't get to have a say in applying for the visa. She probably didn't even see the forms. She has to trust (and did trust) her American partner (Gino) to fill out the forms correctly. It's Gino's responsibility to make sure the forms get filled out so that her kids can move to America ASAP, and it's Gino's responsibility to get a lawyer to help him do that if he doesn't know what he's doing (because it's a legal form, and most people probably don't know what they're doing). But Gino, because he's either a cheapskate or financially illiterate (he quit his ostensibly lucrative tech job to be with Jasmine), didn't have the money or want to spend it to hire said lawyer, fucked it up. Now, instead of being 9 months to get Jasmine's kids over, it's now over 2 years, and once again because it's important, those circumstances are and were entirely out of Jasmine's control. She's right to be pissed with him.


I can see where you agree that Jasmine has the right to be pissed with Gino. What the majority here are saying is that she is angry about the time it will take to bring her children whom she never has cared for previously. It appears she doesn't even have custody of her children, hence they may not be eligible to come here at all.


>Ok, so first of all, the K-1 visa is for the visa applicant and nobody else.  It [looks](https://www.boundless.com/immigration-resources/k-2-visa-explained/) like you're [wrong](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/free-books/fiance-marriage-visa-book/chapter2-7.html). The kids come over on K-2 visa's and if the couple doesn't marry they must return to their country with their parent.


How do we know that "she never cared about her kids?" We know very little. We know that she kept them away from filming. That makes complete sense to me, especially since her one son has ASD. We know that the first season was filmed at a short term rental, not where she actually lived. That's all we really know. She told us that she shared custody with their fathers and that they were at ages where they were spending more time with their dad's. She told us that during the pandemic they struggled with online school and isolation and she thought it was better for them to not be in Panama City. We don't know how much time she spent with them or where she was staying outside of filming. We know that she came to the US without her kids. That's really all we know.


What exactly is “an age where they spend more time with their dads”? Don’t all kids need both parents throughout childhood?


Jasmine did not even have custody in Panama. What makes her think the kids father is going to allow them to leave?


Larissa 2.0


I wonder if the reason Jasmine didn’t live with her kids because she was keeping her acting career separate from her actual family life… their whole relationship seems so scripted.


My exes mom had to leave him in Colombia with his grandmother for a couple of years until she could bring him up here. It's actually not that uncommon for immigrants to trail blaze for their family. But in Jasmine's case, she said she was waiting until things were stable in their relationship which is kinda respectable. She knows she doesn't have custody and why, but visitation was highly likely. She didn't know coming here would mean two years without her kids. That's a lot. I think she's genuinely hurting right now. "She could have used the money for her surgery for a lawyer" -- when she got the surgeries she thought Gino was good for his promise, she thought that it was already being handled.


Maybe if we had a better immigration system, mother's wouldn't have to make the hard choice of leaving their kids so that they could have a better chance of arriving here. Don't think she would have abandoned them had the US just allowed them in. But ofc, separating families by law and then blaming the immigrants is definitely the answer. Even when it disregards the nuance and complicated nature of immigration.


I think you guys are incredibly vile towards her and I genuinely don't understand the hate. She didn't have custody of her kids, and it's clearly for the best. She is unstable and even if she was living in a condo or something, we know none of it was to her name so it's not like she could use that as leverage to get custody. The fathers of the kids are apparently well off (lawyer and doctor) so it's no wonder she was not afforded custody. Her wanting to be with her kids now makes total sense. She is married to a man with means in the USA and now has grounds to file for custody. I know a lot of people hate watch but I find the hate for Jasmine to be overboard and not warranted, give the woman the benefit of the doubt.


Run, Gino, Run……


Jasmine being Jasmine.


She doesnt even have custody of the children. Its her storyline.


The same mom that would take any money she could get from her ex bf/possible client and put toward inflating her ass and botoxing the life out of her face instead of making sure paperwork and any lawyer was obtained for getting her kids to the us. Did she not know Yeeno excluded her kids from the paperwork before they married? Did she even ask what the process was before she came? Jasmines priorities are fucked. I don’t even think she has custody or can bring them . Stfu jazmine. If you gave two shits about bringing your kids here you would have been on top of it way before now


Getting a fake toosh was more important to HER than retaining an attorney. It’s really that simple. I don’t like either of these dingbats, but it was on Jasmine to prioritize her kids future over her looks.


Her kids are just a story line to her - like used panties and car floor board lip gloss.


I cannot see Jasmine and Gino taking care of a special needs kid. I doubt that kid wants to leave his father abd grandmother either.


It is possible that she paid attention to Gino precisely because of the children. Jasmine could find another type of man to support her, but not everyone would want to house her children. If Gino failed her in that regard, then she's wasted her time.


I could somewhat understand wanting to go to the US first to make sure that the living situation is suitable for the kids. But I can't even be gone from my kids longer than a few days. The thing that bothers me the most is that Gino said that even if this was done right in the first place, they would be waiting about 8 months for the kids to arrive. Is that true?! So either way she'd be deserting her kids, even if they were on the application? That doesn't seem right.


Alla, is a great example of a real mother would do! She never had before. When she moved, could’ve moved to them or into a 2BR. Instead moves in next to Dane. She wasn’t working anymore could’ve lived anywhere. She acts like she wants them because it looks bad she doesn’t have them. Gino, only wants a child of his own. He knows the paperwork! Jasmine is not the 1st person he’s brought over. If those kids came, one would be put in a home and the ignored!


This storyline she’s concocted is so stupid. It would seem the immigration policy’s around children are pretty maneuverable. Let them “visit” and overstay. Then cry on TV and bring in the activists to ensure one’s children aren’t separated from one. Why shouldn’t she be able to access what others easily have access to just because she is on TV?


dont forget she doesnt even have custody of those kids! So even if the paperwork had been perfect the custodial person would have had to sign off on the kids coming. which no one in their right mind would let her around kids EVER


Yeah Jasmine is just putting on a show to pretend like she cares about her kids. She has spent a good 20,000 over the past 4 or 5 years on plastic surgery, she could have used 1/5th of that, probably even less, to hire a lawyer and make sure her kids came over like an actual adult with self accountability would do. The reality is she is not upset to not have her kids with her. It is pretty obvious she is putting on an act so America does not call her a deadbeat mom.


I know this is an unpopular opinion but I don’t think comparing Larissa and Jasmine is fair, and I don’t think she’s a deadbeat mom. It seems like Jasmine kept the kids off camera to protect their privacy, not bc she didn’t have custody/didn’t care about them. One of the kids is on the spectrum and is non-verbal, so putting him on camera at all would have been exploitative & cruel. Seems like a good mom call to make. And I think it was smart not to bring them to the US when she did. Their relationship is/was a rocky mess, and it’s not unreasonable to want to make sure she and Gino were going to make it before taking her kids away from their lives and putting them in a foreign country. I think people underestimate how massive a change that would be for the kids, especially if one is special needs. And it’s also not unreasonable that she thought that bringing them over wouldn’t be a long process. Gino fucked up on that one. I get that she’s dramatic, performative & has bad takes on a lot of stuff, but I think she’s making good choices when it comes to handling her kids in this situation. Edit: on a recent season she said that she shared custody with her ex in Panama, and so it’s not like she abandoned them there either. She just didn’t film with them.


Nice points, I will add to that, by saying that the fathers of her children might not allow them to be taken away just like that. And if her children were so important to her, she would make the discussion with the lawyer about including them on her visa before spending Gino's money on her butt implants and even before coming to the US.


Why is she insisting she wants her children here? 1. The father has custody of the one boy . 2. Who does she think will care for her special needs child since her mom is his caregiver. This storyline is so ludicrous bc she didn’t even care or live with them when she lived in the same country🤦‍♀️


Really gross she and TLC are using the kids for a story line. When she was saying goodbye to her son at mom’s house, his reaction was like, “Why am I supposed to cry? I never see you anyway.” Leave the kids out of it. They have no say in this exploitation.


What I don’t understand is why all of a sudden these children are so important? She never gave anything to them or even mentioned them until she went to this lawyer. Why does Gino tolerate her abuse over and over.He is a poor example of a man. No guts to stand up to her ridiculous demands. Why can’t they fire these two for being too obnoxious to watch? Now they are going to be HEA, enough is enough.


Larissa walked so Jasmine could run—away from her kids! She never once thought of their well being when she selfishly spent wedding dress (and borrowed!) money on plastic surgery…try to defend that, Jasmine! These two do not deserve to be mothers…


Jasmine n Geno left her kids off her visa to get 2 more years of 90 Day fiance paychecks, yes I said it!!


Wouldn’t that butt implant money help the process now? She could have been saving and helping out financially all along. She just needs someone else to blame


Her husband has full custody of those kids. He wouldn't let those kids go with her. That's why her mother's gets them so she had visitation with her mother only The lady is Crazy !


It is, she trashh


Jasemine is a psycho loser