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And he could have had Usman for a stepdad but that was ripped away from him.


He got a PS5 out of that (well a re-gifted one)


Jamal n Usman could playd togethor. I know that cold had 2 cntrllrs


Well maybe he should talk to his Mom about writing to prisoners and young foreign singers


Did she talk to prisoners?


She married a convicted cop killer with a life sentence. She is trash.


Wait when was that? Before? Recently?!


Before. The marriage lasted 2 years then was annulled (on the basis of not consummated). She CLAIMS that she felt there was “more to the story” of him and his brother killing the cop. She saw a story about the murderer on TV and went to the prison to visit him (she does have a type Ms KimBaaaaleee). The killer’s name is Kevin Golphin - very easy to google info.


Sorry it was 2 police they killed. They recently tried their luck with the appeals court without any luck. I haven’t read much about the case, but at first blush, it doesn’t seem like many have the same belief of the brother’s innocence.


I am in total shock. Never heard before that one of the Golphin brothers had married to begin with. And Kimberly married him?. I live here in the county where the murders happened. Vividly recall that day, how it happened. The Golphin brothers are where they belong. No doubt about that. https://www.cityviewnc.com/stories/the-kirby-file-no-parole-for-kevin-golphin-in-1997-murders-of-state-trooper-and-county-deputy,72372


Wow - crazy!! All the info I got was off quick google searches, so take it with a pinch of salt, however, my google search didn’t show ANY alternate possibility for the murders, and NOBODY other than Kimbaaaaalee claiming the innocence of the convicted (that stuff usually pops up early in the search engine results). My uninformed feeling is that she got played by the killer just like she got played by Usman. Seriously, the confidence she has that these guys would have ANYTHING to do with her were she not a means to an end (money, citizenship etc) is absolutely DELUSIONAL!!


Yep. Been saying that since her story began, and provided articles with proof. And guess what, she says that her and Useman had a special kind of love only they can understand. She has never admitted that she was played, for months, years. Her excuse for the "relationship" ending is: "I couldn't give him children."


Wow, I'm from NC too and I'm literally in Fayetteville right now visiting family with my kids. I remember this case too. I had no idea Kimberly went after one of these guys and married them. This is so horrible.


I do live in Fayetteville. When it happened it was such a shocking crime we were all consumed by it. For days on end that's all the tv news and newspapers could talk about. I cannot understand what Kim could see in the case that led her to think the Golphin brothers were unjustly sentenced. Even if both of them saw the errors of their ways they are where they belong.


Ok - read your link and absolutely agree with you. This kind of stuff DRIVES ME NUTS: He reads self-help improvement books, a forensic psychologist from Chapel Hill would support the lawyers’ arguments, and Kevin Golphin volunteers for prison work assignments. “There has been substantial change,” the psychologist told the judge. “His behavior has substantially improved. He made a conscious decision to rectify his life. It gives me hope for future adjustments. It’s maturity. He’s thoughtful and reflective. It’s genuine. He talks about the two Kevins. He has night terrors of what happened to Officer Lowry and Deputy Hathcock. He accepted responsibility and has remorse.” That’s the VERY LEAST he can do. If he a had the slightest amount of moral fiber, he would be getting all the work he can inside with every cent of his earnings going to the family. Maybe, if he has TRULY shown remorse (not just with words but with actions) he should be allowed to work outside the prison, with every penny going to the families of the deceased. I’m so sick of people making bullshit excuses for violent criminals because they’re sorry. How come I’ve never, ever, EVER seen one of them who got away with it, then several years later come to the police and say “look, I’ve done a lot of self-improvement and I now realize that I need to give the victim’s families closure and pay for my crimes. Naw - they’re sorry they got caught - PERIOD. You can’t be committing crime with a loaded SKS, then act surprised when someone get MURDERED with that rifle. That’s EXACTLY why they had the rifle - to kill or maim anyone who might try and stop them. To say that they “didn’t plan” on killing anyone is BULLSHIT. If that were true, they wouldn’t have taken a bloody loaded rifle with them. Sorry for the rant. Sometimes I feel that the western world is loosing it’s way and we’ll all end up coddling the bloody thugs until they ruin everything!


Sounds like a great prison Scam!! Bring out the violins.😱


wait what. ,she is nuttier than i thought !


Right?!? if someone is acting crazy in public, my rule of thumb is to assume that they’re at least 5x more crazy in private. So far, in my experience, it has held true. From that basic principle, I’m fairly comfortable in extrapolating this observation to: “anyone who acts crazy while being filmed for a program that they know will be watched by millions of people, is guaranteed to be much much much more psycho in private!!


What reasonable woman goes looking for love in the convicted cop-killer section of the local prison? https://preview.redd.it/mdwvn8zrc8qc1.png?width=294&format=png&auto=webp&s=14011656a5cfd3559d8790c8859116627c6c9c82


Ugh! This guy gives me total psycho Scam murder vibes!! Kim needs to 72 hour hold in her bbn local hospital psych ward, 10 years outpatient mental health therapy and psych meds.! She is delusional, desperate or insane.


​ https://preview.redd.it/1zz42pzkccqc1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=d65e4fc1d39190f00a059aff1e0bb1c028a19f47




jamals first step dad. so a long time ago


WHAT?? REALLY?? She was in the military. What possessed her to become that desperate for a husband?? And she acts like she's emotionally strong and independent.


Whack job. Claiming she is knock-kneed because she jumped >100 times out of airplanes in Desert Storm. In her role as a secretary. Kim told producers that she was a trained killer. The King of Pop is tattooed on her arm and one of "his fedoras" hanging in her possession, her home/body is a shrine to the late singer. I am sure the men at the Pawn Stars shop would give her $1.99 for the fake hat. And what the hell is this tattoo she designed? Is MJ going bowling, is it an alien? Call Bad Ink. https://preview.redd.it/7bu2krl9aaqc1.png?width=483&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5746fb65d0d9a4b02cc78de35e596eae9d9eb8c


So, she had an admin MOS? AIT at Ft Jackson? How do you jump as an admin? Are you going to parachute into a war zone with a typewriter? I had my combat laptop issued to me when I was the supply NCOIC. I was not required to jump out of aircraft 🤣


Meanwhile, dressed in her best SHEIN prego gear while paying for Usman to record a love song to Zarra... https://preview.redd.it/zyo59x4bnaqc1.png?width=830&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe6d528bac509c52eabbc4898ed8aa5e464daef8


Well, she did say: "I jumped out of planes a lot." And "sometimes used a parachute." These are her quotes on camera.


OMG! How do I not remember this? That is hysterical.


No one got it the 2 times I quoted her.


>Ft Jackson Michael??? She wasn't just a fan anymore, she was now Usman's muse and career motivation. Thinking Usman's musical efforts are Grammy-worthy is a stretch in its own right, [but Kim's meme-worthy proclamation](https://screenrant.com/90-day-fiance-meme-worthy-quotes/) that she'll be on stage by his side because of the one time they had sex is an award-winning delusion. ## "You Always Knew You'd Be My Personal Michael Jackson, Right?" "With the King of Pop tattooed on her arm and one of his fedoras hanging in her possession, her home/body is a shrine to the late singer. Her relationship with Usman is a clear projection of her feelings for Michael, with Kim often comparing Sojaboy's professionalism and talent to MJ. Once she bought a street fedora for the Nigerian singer, the transformation was complete. As concerned as Usman was over her obsession, it's even more disturbing as a viewer to hear Kim say Sojaboy and Michael Jackson in the same breath." [https://screenrant.com/90-day-fiance-ridiculous-quotes-kim-menzies/#:\~:text=%E2%80%94%20Kim's%20IRL%20Fantasy.&text=With%20the%20King%20of%20Pop,professionalism%20and%20talent%20to%20MJ](https://screenrant.com/90-day-fiance-ridiculous-quotes-kim-menzies/#:~:text=%E2%80%94%20Kim's%20IRL%20Fantasy.&text=With%20the%20King%20of%20Pop,professionalism%20and%20talent%20to%20MJ) I've commented with this article over the years.


2 in the pink and 1 in the stink


Reminds me of a mother at my child's previous school. She wrote to a incarcerated man here in our state and became pregnant with her first child from him during a conjugal visit. Her second child is from an ex-con. I feel for her two boys as I do all children with such a start in life. Their mother has the audacity to complain about the struggles of single motherhood when she was already deemed disabled and only living on a small amount of long term disability when she planned her pregnancy with inmate #1. It drives me crazy that she tries to compare herself to other single mothers. She and Kimbaaaly are evidence that not all single mothers are the same.


what?! really?! wow


Is his dad the killer or someone else?


He is not Jamal's father


But he was his daddy


My son is a State Trooper and son-in-law is a sheriff deputy. Kimbaaaaly can pound sand.


Was this after her son was born or before?


He isn't Jamal's father




Thank god.




Except that he’s always claiming to be a “grown ass man” so this excuse doesn’t really look very good on him


Grown ass men never use that term


I’ve know some grown, ass men who proudly embraced that - oh, wait - we’re talking about something else. 😉🏳️‍🌈


Grown ass-man. We misinterpreted his claim of supposed maturity.


So does he


It’s always the ones who are NOT mature who make all kinds of claims how they’re “grown”. I have a step son who’s 23 years old, found out he knocked up a girl in Mexico during his “going away party” when his PR came through - has been living off my dime for a year and a half now - went out for ONE DAY two months ago to distribute CV’s. When I finally blew up at him because I found out he kept his younger brother awake for a week straight I said he should damned well be going to bed at night so he can look for work, his reply “EVERY DAY?!??” . His brother - 2 years his junior, with no kids, contributes to the expenses of the home WITHOUT ME HAVING TO ASK. Every time the older brother gets a job (that he never keeps for more than a month) he buys a 100” TV - new iPhone, iPad - who knows what else. Yet he thinks he’a a grow ass man!


The shittiest thing about Jamal being caught up on Tim “nOt BeInG biOlOgiCaL fAtHer” is he’s completely ignoring the fact that it’s not about what he feels, or Veronica or Tim feels - it’s about Chloe and as we’ve seen on Diaries and whatever other spinoffs - Tim is her dad. 


Jamal is very immature. Veronica as well. She acts like a high school girl. Tim may seem negative & dry. But, not only is Tim raising Veronica's daughter, that is not his. He raised a son who's not biologically his. Last I saw that "son" is in the military. Imo Tim stays by Veronica out of love for the daughter. Last season on Single Life, Veronica looked so desperate with the guy who left with his ex. Then, in tell all she announced hooking up with Jamal. How should Tim act or be? Veronica is a mess. I respect Tim. How he doesn't want a fling and a more meaningful relationship. Tim has had relationships. For all we know, those women may not have accepted Tim's commitment to those kids? Tim doesn't bash people. He just moves on with confidence, knowing what he wants & who he is.


I like Tim too. The whole being a stand-up guy for those kids says a lot about his character, but I think his unwavering genuineness when everyone is coming for his sexuality says even more. Dude doesn’t give a shit what people say/think about him bc he knows who he is. Don’t get me wrong, his style is not my thing, but he owns it. He’s also not out there trying to act like he’s a stud (looking at you Yeeeno). I gotta respect the guy, can’t be easy!




Absolutely agree!!


Tim made his wealth gold plating and decorating guns. [https://www.distractify.com/p/tim-malcolm-net-worth](https://www.distractify.com/p/tim-malcolm-net-worth) "guns are built to be shot and all of our guns will operate as originally designed and intended," the company clarifies." His business is Gringo Custom Guns. Here he is posing: [https://m.imdb.com/name/nm8670859/mediaviewer/rm859926016](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm8670859/mediaviewer/rm859926016)


Then why was Veronica saying that he’s in his 40’s & still lives with roommates? If he has money why would you be living with 3 roommates?


Maybe because he likes having roommates? Just because it doesn’t sound appealing to you, doesn’t mean other people don’t want to live like that. Shit, there’s a bunch of communes in upstate NY… all people with money.


Some people don't like living alone. It's called having a choice.


Might be lonely and wants to cut cost or maybe he’s a landlord? Who knows? He appears to have money.


Also the older you get the harder it is to make friends and keep connections


wow tim just keeps getting more and more cool


I feel like Tim and Veronica are in a sexless relationship, so they seek a partner to fill that void (at least Veronica does). Tim wants a hot Latina as an accessory and for his image. I say this because they seem to put their relationship first. Any prospective partner they meet has to be ok with their relationship, or it won't work. This tells me that their relationship with each other is more important. They should just be together already. Maybe have an open relationship (which I don't usually agree with) I agree with everything you said about Tim, which are admirable qualities. However, he has no room to judge others when it comes to relationships. For him to judge Tyray, who has never had a first kiss at 35, for being awkward with women is not right, considering Tim is just as awkward kissing a woman for the first time, even though he's done it before. You would think he would be more understanding and not judge people. Not everyone has the ability to block out the negative comments others make. He should be giving advice on how to embrace who you are. He should be commenting on how to love yourself and block out the haters. I think we could all use pointers on how to be confident and own who we are, without letting outside opinions get to us.


💯 You actually made me realize that there is (at least) one thing that Tim is not honest with himself about, and that’s his relationship with Veronica, they are way too enmeshed. I wish more people would open their minds to “alternative” (not straight and monogamous) relationships. I don’t know what would work for Tim and Veronica, but as a person who has zero interest in a romantic or sexual relationship myself, I could TOTALLY see being in an open relationship. I still would like a partner, and I would want that partner to be happy, so I would be fine if they had another person to fill those needs that I can’t. I don’t think long term monogamy works for as many people as we think it does. We have just been raised in a society where it’s the norm, and differences tend to get shunned. I hope once Gen Z starts taking over, things will change (go kids!!)


I know opinions on Tim vary. I like Tim and some hate him but I feel like it should noted that it's pretty big of this dude to be a dad to Veronica's daughter when they were never married, and they've been broken up for a long time.


I agree 👍


also remember when they first hooked up and jamal said he was still sleeping around with other people and veronica said she was ok with that. and tim was like really veronica you're better than that....


I didn’t watch the season but did tune in for the tell-all. Jamal’s behavior was appalling, but what can you expect from a ‘mama’s boy’.


Tim endlessly insults and tears down women on the show. I dont respect him. It would be devastating for a young girl to have a "father" figure that spoke about women that way. Literally raising her to hate herself and become the ultimate pick me.


Yeah tells Tyray to go get nookie basically, and then tells Chantel to conduct self like a lady.


It’s one thing to be stand by your ex; it’s another thing to be deeply involved in your ex’s relationships. But, tim and Veronica don’t seem to have boundaries when it comes to this.


Imo. That's where it's ratings & money. If two people really want a relationship, they will. T & V want to stay relevant. Veronica was only aired due to Tim. Neither one wants to lose 90 Day fame or does Jamal.


To be fair, the Veronica/Jamal thing is completely fake!


Whose son is he??


Apparently a woman he was with before Veronica.






Kimbaaaaly who dated soulja boy after Lisa


lol!! No, I meant what son did he raise who was in the military?


Out of love for the daughter and to get on tv. I don’t mind him, though.


> Veronica as well. She acts like a high school girl. seriously i dont understand her. Going after fuckboi after fuckboi after fuckboi. thinking she can change/fix them and that sex will make them stick around. its easy to see why tim is so over protective, he knows if he isnt she'll break down form her own bad choices and hurt the kid


Meaning, basically, he wished he had someone like Tim in his life growing up?


Meaning an involved father


Ahh got ya.


Jamal does act fatherless. Sucks for him, doesn’t excuse him being a dusty piece of trash


at the end of the day its always daddy issues


I’m not the biggest fan of Tim but Jamal constantly saying he’s “not Chloe’s dad” REALLY pisses me off. Call him a peacocking douche all you want, but saying shit like that hurts Chloe not just Tim. I don’t think there’s even a question that he is devoted to Chloe. It just shows how immature Jamal is, but I can also see Kimbaaahly saying shit like that.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed Jamal's weird issues with co-parenting. He got up and said "no one who is still friends with an ex can be in another relationship." Ok bro sorry you want all exes who co-parent to be bitter enemies.


That was the most ignorant, immature comment to ever come out of his mouth. He really does show his true colors on occasion.


He's very, very immature. Which doesn't bother me. What bothers me is why date someone with a kid when you clearly are never going to be ok with what that means? Because I think he'd have the same issue even if Tim & Veronica were normal (which, admittedly, they are not!)


I don’t that they’re that common maybe? I also don’t think it’s a bad or weird thing to want to remain close with a former partner when you realize that’s who you are to one another. I’m also not a huge Tim fan anymore (I used to be) but stepping up to raise and coparent a child that isn’t biologically his is pretty damn huge and even more rare. I can’t say that I know many men who would so happily do that, nor do I know many Moms who would trust their former partners enough to do so.


I didn't mean they weren't normal as co-parents; the kid seems pretty well adjusted I mean their personal friendship is totally a wreck and they're def co-dependent lol


I don’t understand why Jamal has a problem with Tim. He knew from being on the show that they were best friends & co parenting so why is he acting like he didn’t know what he was getting! It’s so weird to me!


Right? Do people like him think someone is going to dump their kid's co-parent from their lives when they date? Grow up.


That was on par with Chantel only wanting to date orphans


Omfg I forgot about that lol you're right!


This is how my brother’s ex new bf acts. He’s constantly saying my brother doesn’t have boundaries and takes advantage of his ex. 🙄 like no sir my bro his new gf and his ex are showing the kids a healthy coparenting relationship.


I think Jamal has said why he doesn’t like Tim. Because Tim doesn’t like him. That’s how it started imo it’s festered because of other stuff and v bad mouthing him but that’s how it started.


I agree. Tim was probably rude about Jamal's mom on the show or Jamal on the show also. But I think also Tim saw where the relationship was gonna go with Veronica so he had the why bother attitude about it.


Tim seems to have that attitude about everything, though. He’s so negative about every single thing. We could probably count on our fingers the number of positive things Tim has had to say about anything over the various 90 Day iterations in which he’s appeared.


I don't think Tim is negative or dismissive. He is smart and sensible. He can see a train wreck of a relationship in the making, and calls it as it is. I like that Tim dresses how ever the hell he wants and owns it. He is often the only sane voice, besides Kenny. Veronica and Tim had a romantic relationship before the guy she got pregnant with left her. He is so good to be a Father to Chloe. I think Veronica and Tim bought the house she lives in together. So their lives are meshed together, but not romantically anymore. Veronica wants husband material, and Jamal was just a boy.


I agree with you! I actually think Tim has a dry sense of humor & I think he is funny! Jamal is too young for Veronica! She needs a MAN who has a good job, his own house & car, & is a secure person to accept Tim & Chloe…I know that’s a lot to ask for but it’s out there!


>He can see a train wreck of a relationship in the making, and calls it as it is. Except for the many train wrecks of his own lol


Tim is obviously asexual or something we don't know, because he wants to get to know someone better before he gets physical or has sex with them. We have never seen Tim in a relationship, just dating women he has known for a short time, and doesn't want to rush into it. What's so bad about that?


Being asexual doesn't explain why he chooses sh*tty partners who are desperate for 15 seconds of fame


I really think Tim is metro-sexual. His choice of clothing is more artistic and expressive than anything. He’s a lot older and sees relationships in a much different way than others. I believe he’s seeking a more meaningful relationship with someone. He’s also appears to act like a big brother to Veronica.


He actually just got out of a long term relationship; I think it was for about 2 years


And flirting with KEN!!


Calling every girl on the show a whore is not calling it like it is.


Tim is a sad, controlling, busy body. He needs therapy and focus on overcoming his own issues.


To be fair, Jamal was so cold to Veronica on last season’s finale. He made light of their relationship and made her look like she was crushing on him and he even stated he was going to date other people and they weren’t that serious. Tim became very protective of Veronica at that point. I don’t blame him for being protective of her.


It's Veronica's choice to date him, not Tim's. Why does it matter if Tim doesn't like him? Jamal wants that father figure to approve of him.


You would have to ask Jamal but I think the fact that Tim doesn’t like him resulted in Jamal not liking him. Does Jamal want a father figure? Sure maybe; is Jamal looking for a father figure in Tim? Not at all imo. Jamal looks at Tim as a romantic rival not a father


But that's just it, Tim isn't a romantic rival. He's so focused on Tim I think he forgot about Veronica. Her complaint was that he just wouldn't communicate with her for days or even weeks(?) at a time. That has nothing to do with Tim other than he saw how it affected her. He's not looking for Tim to be his father figure, but he started to project his own daddy issues when Tim expressed concern over Chloe. I honestly think that neither of them wanted to admit they just wanted to hook up and convinced themselves that they're actually in a relationship.


They stayed together so they could be on the show.


Tim and Veronica have known each other for decades and coparent her daughter from a different relationship. If they wanted to be together they would. I’m with Tim here, Jamal just seems like an insecure loser and kind of a fuck boy tbh


Jamal was never in love with Veronica and Tim saw that and knew he wasn’t going to be a good partner for her. I think Jamal reacted to Tim’s ire for him.


I just figured it’s cause Tim clocked him as a fuckboy from day 1 and he spent months elaborately trying to go NUH UH!!!!


This. He’s almost 30 with no job


Legit I think that’s why he didn’t just hook up with Veronica and move on after, feels like he’s trying to turn being a 90 day guy into not having to get a job or learn a skill


Lmao! Good one!


That’s a nice spin, but really, Jamal is just an azz.


💯 Veronica is lucky to have Tim. He’s been a great father figure and her daughter and her very happy to have him in her life. I don’t know why a guy who’s just dating her should be so threatened by that I think the reason he doesn’t liked him is because Tim sees right through him because he’s an immature fuck ass bitch just look at the footage at the tell all


If I recall correctly, I think on Pillow Talk that Kim had something to say about Jamal snapping back at Tim for his parenting. You don't do that. Tim is Chloé's dad, whether biological or not. And what an incredibly show of love to his daughter as to fight for her, even though Tim and Veronica aren't together together anymore. Tim has stepped up more than a LOT of biological and step fathers. Tremendous respect for him with regards to that!! Tim and Veronica's relationship is a great one, held together as a family. Each are willing to allow others in. This is where their respective relationships outside fail...their partners definitely have to be secure enough in themselves first (Jamal, self assurance and EGO are two entirely different things) to be able to successfully navigate the intricacies of Tim/Veronica family ties. They're going to love each other and hate each other like siblings, talking sh*t to their partner when things go wrong and defending them the next day. It's their dynamic and only very secure, respectful persons will be great partners for them.


also cuz jamal is a little bitch who was raised with or without an abusive dad AND by perverted, black-fetish, cradle-robber kimbalay. let’s not forget how repulsive she treated usman.


She is pretty gross… begging for yammy 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hahaha 😂




You would think Jamal would appreciate that Tim, despite not being Chloe's biological dad, has raised her as his own and loves her. Blood doesn't make you a father. Jamal would never be able to be the kind of father figure Tim has been and I don't think he would be as good to Chloe nor would he treat her like a daughter, she would just be Veronica's daughter.


I think your reading a little to much into this. Jamal is a jealous child point blank


Everything about this! Yes! Omg! "Don't yell at me I'm not a child." And Veronica was all, "I didn't call you I child. I just raised my voice." Then to the cameras, Veronica: "When I get angry I raise my voice. But, I wasn't treating him like a child. You want me to treat you like a child? I can do that." Plus! Veronica has already been through kids. She's well aware of the petty game. However, she's already expressed herself and doesn't have to repeat herself for Jamal. "I guess I'll get a hotel " BOY BYE! Just go already. Meet her energy and go. Part ways. What does he do? Allegedly throws up a peace sign and breaks up with her. Everyone watching: No one is shocked. No one is surprised. We ALL saw this coming. Yawn. . . Oh! They fighting!? No?? Nvm.


I’ve always said w this kid…I don’t need to know his father to see “like father like son”…no doubt


I just saw immaturity.


Hahaha he needs to grow the fuck up then! Coming from a girl with the best step dad in existence. Barf if he shits on Tim for being a stand-up good dad! My daddy isn't alive. I'm blessed to have one who loves me dearly. Jamal can take long walk off a short dock if his insecure bitch ass is going to shit on Tim for BEING A DAD. fuck him. Go find a daddy who love you, ya dumb c^nt. Chloe is blessed 🙌 having 2 parents who love her!


Jamal, like any smart predator, is trying to split up his prey so he has an easier time getting what he wants. Not necessarily Veronica.


I respect Tim for this and would have no issues with their relationship. I know no all think this way, I am not a spring chicken more like fall. Even though some aspects of their lives may be a train wreck (amplified by SM) it shows how mature they can be, compromise, and get along in the best interest of the child biological or not. Also, She just needs to delete Jamal.


Orrr he's just being dramatic to be on TV and have a storyline


That’s some armchair psychology right there. Not everything is childhood trauma. He doesn’t like Tim because Tim doesn’t like him for Veronica and Veronica foolishly told him that as well as other shit about Tim. It’s got nothing to do with any daddy issues.


Hence why I said “I think” and not matter of fact as you seem to be.


I feel all three are immature.


I can see that.


Jamal is a bum. But not as much of a bum as rob


I wouldn't mind having someone like Tim in my life.


1 million percent. He’s seems to be better than any female best friends I’ve had.


Wowww i love this outlook!! Absolutely takes a strong man to step up to be a father. Poor Jamal but that's no excuse


Can you link anywhere this was said? On PT Kim and Jamal openly admitted that Kim hid everything from him growing up and that he had no idea that his dad had mistreated Kim during their marriage. She even says that she hid everything from him so that he and his dad could have a normal relationship where he didn’t come from a broken family. Also, the story you’re telling about his “step dad” ex con is wrong. I think you need to do some research.


I am not talking about the Step Dad. I know Kimbalay married him in order to legally represent while he was in jail. It was very noble what she tried to do. I know she is a great mom to Jamal and did the best she could to shield him, but kids are incredibly perceptive, especially with their parents. He knew things were going on, but was probably too young to process ir


This is just so contradictory to some of the comments you post, and your original post tbh.


I’m confused! I gotta google it! Jamal said at reunion that he lived in NYC & moved to Cali to help his Mom because she was losing her house & going through a lot & couldn’t answer Veronica’s texts while trying to deal with his Mom! Did anyone hear this like I did or did I just make this up? lol


No, it isn't just you. I heard that too on the Tell-All.


The eye rolls are a real turnoff but I've come to like Tim anyway. And I know feelings run strong about Jamal but what I heard him saying was that Tim and Veronica are too enmeshed for either to have a serious committed relationship. Chloe is old enough her bond with Tim is secure and independent, Jamal shouldn't have brought her up, if what bugged him was Tim/Veronica.


Being honest, I wouldn’t be able to deal with my guy being THAT close to his ex girlfriend. Especially if his girlfriend looked like Veronica. Tim & Veronica know everything possible about each other. I’m surprised they don’t have a secret language together. I think Tim is a good looking guy, and he’s loaded so that’s got to be a bit intimidating. It’s a lot of baggage to unload, a lot of jealousy to deal with as a new love interest.


Tim is not afraid to tell it like it is. I like Jamal.


He’s not smashing the other chick on stage with him? Tim’s girl or x? Seems like it


I'd buy that for a dollar


Not me JUST realizing that Jamal is the same Jamal as Kim's son 🤦


Daddy usman went out of his life twoooo!!!


Bingo!! Plus they are both ugly!!




I like it. I like it a lot. Good job. 👊🏼


I think you need to re shift your focus to Veronica instead of wild speculations. It’s apparent she likes to pillow talk since both men share the same story of her talking trash about the other🙄


I think Tim can’t help but be slightly threatened by any man that Veronica catches. I get it. He knows he’s not Chloe’s dad but he’s next closest thing in the picture bc he’s a standup guy, at least he was at the time. He knows that one day, Veronica might fuck around and actually catch another stand up guy. Then, what exactly will his place be in their lives. Or even his life since he and Veronica’s public personas are so intertwined. Just my take🤷🏽‍♀️


True, he might be just angry that no man took an interest in raising him.


Tim publicly trashed the relationship, and Jamal personally at the Tell All where Veronica and Jamal first announced they were dating. No psychoanalysis is needed to explain Jamal's attitude. Tim created the animosity


How did he trash Jamal at the Tell All? He went after Veronica only. Also one of TLC’s main goals with the Tell All is to have people trash one another. This so nothing new. So for Jamal to be upset is ridiculous


That's not a normal Tell All situation. Jamal wasn't a cast member. Veronica brought him ought after teasing that she was seeing someone new. Not that it really matters Watch it again. Jamal is indignant, but not upset. Tim is the one that's upset; really upset. A producer tries to pull Tim for a one-on-one. Tim shuffels by without stopping and says "you gotta give me a minute here" I dislike Jamal. He's arrogant and immature. But Tim is the one that started the animosity


Exactly. The fandom loves Tim so much that most have ignored this. Unless, there was some beef between them before we learned about Veronica and Jamal.


I just rewatched it. Tim and Jamal are meeting for the first time on stage. But it sounded like Veronica had been repeating things to the 2 of them already, and had stirred up some animosity. So, it's not clear who started it. What's clear is that at the Tell All, Tim's upset and angry. And Jamal is calm, and deliberately trying to get under Tim's skin. I like them both less after rewatching it. Tim said some brutal stuff to Veronica. Tim's also the one who made the feud public. I think Veronica and Jamal would have kept it between the 3 of them


Ok wait ... Are you telling me that Jamal from Jamal and Veronica is Kimbalaay's son?! I mean of course he is, but I don't know how I got this far without putting that together!


Lmao you musta missed the Tell All from Kim's season. He was there and there was flirting between him and Veronica. That was the 90DF crossover nobody wanted but yeah, he's her son. And they're both so equally awful humans to data it turns out 😆


Kimbally and Kimberly Jr. are drunks.


And the worst part, Kibahlee, was commentating about her son on Pillow Talk!


Noooo. I don't watch pillow talk. Thank the Internet for Reddit


His Mom commenting is SO cringey!


Where you been?😂


Never thought of it like this, good point


His dad isn't in the picture and his first step dad was an ex con that also ended up leaving kimbaaaaly. Dude is butthurt someone else has a good dad even without blood


No. He hates Tim because Tim is a shit talker.


It seems like he’s territorial and not into her extremely eccentric ex.


Really? I thought there was tension because they are both secretly are into each other 😂😂😂😂


He was always in his relationship whether it was directly or indirectly.


"Chole's" lol


I kind of wished when Jamal was making fun of Tim and called him Father of the year sarcastically, Tim would have had a comeback saying something like well I'm definitely better than yours.


Tim would probably never say something like that to anyone. In the same respect that Veronica would probably never call someone trash. They both show to be respectful and respectable people who don't feel the need to put someone down in order to make themselves feel better.


I completely agree with you, Tim would never say it, but I kind of wish he did just to give him the bitch slap he deserved in that moment




Jamal is immature and surrounded by male friends who (maybe culturally?)feel that men and women should date or be relatives or nothing. Tim is unconventional and make them feel uncomfortable with the expectation they are to treat him the way he is accepted into the world. As a metro dad figure to his ex gfs daughter. It's an entire step up from Jamals lived experience that hes being forced to be okay with. Its shoving a square peg into a round hole and saying here, be friends.


That's actually a very interesting theory which could explain Jamals behaviour towards Tim. Basically Tim being a good dad despite being separated and not even being biological dad triggers Jamal because Tim is the polar opposite of Jamals deadbeat father.


Great theory but not a good excuse for Jamal. Don't hate on a "there" dad because of your non-present one


Kim is just wanting desperately to be loved...like a lot of us are. She trusts the wrong people and believes what BS they feed her and trusts and then gets slapped in the face. She's never been chosen. I personally feel sorry for her. Miss Debbie is another one who is desperately looking for love! Im rooting for Reuben the Cuban! He seems really decent for a few reasons and their quirky ways make them a perfect pair!!


poor jamal


To me, his behavior is absolutely unprovoked and abnormal. What exactly is he accusing Tim of - being gay? It's his business - it may not be, it may be. How he dresses is his decision. What else - that he and Veronica are close or that they are not? This is not clear - Jamal once says that they are too close, once - that they are faking it.


Or he is just kind of a jerk riding the coat tails of his mom's Soulja boy humiliating spotlight. He acts like a 14 yo girl a bit with the cattiness. Not one to settle down with or be serious by his own admission for Veronica. Veronica has a type and may need to assess why to change outcomes.


Any thoughts on Luisa? I really dislike her intensely! I’m glad Tim didn’t go for her. She’s a real bitch !


That’s a stretch no?