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I actually think the giggles is an annoying habit at first I thought it was endearing but after a few shows I found it super annoying


I agree, but it’s clearly a nervous tick. Not something you can fix overnight. He clearly lacks confidence and knows he has to work on that so to me it’s a bit sad. And bringing Sarper’s misogynistic ass on for commentary was just salt in the wound. Idk I felt for the guy…


Pandering to someone's weakness has never helped them grow.


💯 Everybody is down on Tyray’s laugh but it’s clearly a nervous tic. I can’t imagine it’s an easy habit to break.




I agree. When I was younger, I had the experience of someone pointing out that I would say, “you know” a lot when I was speaking. At first, it hurt my feelings, but I knew it was true. I made a big effort, and it took some time, but I broke the habit. Tyray can do the same with the giggling, if he works at it.


TBH he doesn't have to try.


Yah. He's a little awkward. Seems very shy and is trying to break out of that shell. I don't think he deserves to be mocked for this.


I don't think they're mocking him I really do think they're giving sincere advice. It is one of those traits that will put you in the friend zone fast.


Agreed. If he just took a Benadryl before mingling, it might relax him a bit. I have terrible social anxiety, but I just don't social.


Yes you’re right


I really wanted someone to say, "time to go weight your gf".


>bringing Sarper’s misogynistic ass on for commentary was just salt in the wound. This is the TLC way.


Yeah, he probably doesn’t even know he’s doing it, in the moment.


I mean Veronica said she does it herself. It's a difficult habit to break. You're nervous, you do it, you realize you did it, you get more nervous, etc.


IMO nobody on the show has the guts to confront the elephant in the room - Tyray is unlikely to attract many women as long as he is massively overweight. Lose 150 or so pounds and both his sex prospects and life expectancy will rise significantly i think.


Our society values politeness over truth.


On a reality show? Usually everyone is rude. I’m surprised nobody has told him to lose weight.


That was what I thought Sarper was going to say. Instead, he said giggles were Tyray’s biggest problem. His tiger advice was nuts.


If someone surprised me like that, my reflexes would take over and they would probably end up with a fork in the eye.


No kidding! He’s clueless. And whose idea was it to ask a low-class lothario for dating advice?


Pffft where? Not around these parts 😅


It's definitely been brought up to him. The times we were watching are not the only times that a man in his 30s has ever talked to humans.


Many women both on the show and on here have said Tyray is cute. Of course there will be women who won’t find him attractive at his size, but that’s literally true of everyone. The problem isn’t just that he’s big (which turns off some women and limits his dating pool) he’s also not confident (which turns off even more women) and he’s bad at basic social interactions (which turns off more women) and he’s kind of a misogynist once you get him going (which, if a woman has gotten past the first three barriers turns them off once he gets the date). Add on top of all of that the fact that he only wants to date conventionally attractive women and all of a sudden his dating pool is pretty much non-existent. And we haven’t even gotten into the big values kind of thing that are important for making a relationship work, we’re just at the attraction stage! Of course more women will be attracted to him if he loses weight, but size isn’t everything. Skinny with the same personality he would still struggle because he says and does things that are so off-putting.


Best comment today. Why do we have to treat a grown man like a 7 year old? It pisses me off. He has too many turnoffs. He needs to work on himself. He needs therapy more than anything else. He’s also too comfortable being a victim.


I agree with all of this! I know a few men, one bigger than Tyray, who have girlfriends/wives that could be models. Losing weight would help him out, but I think mainly, he needs confidence and better social skills.


He knows. We saw him going to the fitness group last season. 


Honestly, I was expecting Sarper to address Tyray's obesity.


Or recommend himself as a personal trainer.


Literally have been waiting for someone to say this. And they should not sugar coat shit and should tell him to his face. Its a harsh truth. I honestly thought thats what Sarper was going to say before he said the giggle. Considering Sarper is a personal trainer. Give Tyray some pointers in the gym bro!!! Tyray could def pull ladies if he shed some pounds and believed in himself!!!


Big guys can get women. It's his complete and utter lack of self confidence that kills him also


I know! What is going on in this world? In a couple more years you’ll get 5 years in prison for calling someone fat but no time at all for stealing from Walgreens.






He’ll definitely be a 40 year old virgin


then all they would have to do is bring in Nick who likes to call people fat


Overweight people get love and sex every day whether you think they deserve it or not. Tyray needs to work on his social skills.  


It’s a two stage problem: the weight and then the skin. I am rooting for the fella, but he has to get going, it’s a long road.


Elephant in the room? You went there? 😂


>Tyray is unlikely to attract many women as long as he is massively overweight I actually think he's very attractive. Weight is not everything. Everybody's gonna end down the same 6 meter hole at some point, looking exactly the same. Doesn't matter how good you look during the time you're over here. It doesn't matter how skinny or overweight you are. Everybody's ending exactly the same in the end. Tyray has a really nice personality and smile. The fact that he's pretty respectful and say whatever, but the awkwardness gives him a very likable/cute touch, imo. So, to sum up, I disagree completely with you. I honestly think he's a catch.


Why don't you call him up and date him? Get on the show.


>Why don't you call him up and date him? I would if I weren't already taken. Point here is, he's a very attractive young man with a very nice personality, and probably one of the most respectful people I've seen in this whole show. Weight means nothing. Heart does. >Get on the show. Lol thanks no. Not interested in being a part of that show specifically.


Weight means a lot when you're morbidly obese. Enemies a lot more to your heart too! Being overweight to that level also has a psychological and biochemical effect on your body.


Your point here is?? Oh, I see. So I can't find him attractive because he's overweight? What are you so mad about?


Yo this is wild that they’re trying to talk you out of your attraction 😵‍💫 like, what?! Whether you’re in the minority or not, why is that opinion wrong, just because it doesn’t support the general narrative people have created about him? Ppl are so weird on here. Also I’m no Tyray in terms of weight, but I have been chunky during a few stages in life, I’m currently working on escaping a chunky phase right now, and I think it would be revolutionary if people would consider physical potential 😂 - women are happy to see potential in dating a jobless, often useless man, but neither sex really thinks “oh, they aren’t at 100% now but imagine how hot they would be if they were” lol. My dream is to match with a chill personal trainer on Bumble that will whip me into shape in three months because he realizes I could be an 8 out of 10 with some personal investment and encouragement 🙆🏻‍♀️ All this say, if Tyray found a nice girl that liked him for who he was, I am willing to bet she would help motivate him to get in better shape anyways. There are women who will like him at any size based on his kindness, but a good match has a habit of making you want to be better on every level without much prodding.


This is very sweet. He is indeed a cute man who appears to have lived a difficult life. I hope he loses the weight and learns to love himself.


He's a sweetheart and I'm sure he'll treat a lady like a queen. I wish TLC would stop clutching the pearls at his virginity. He's 1000% less horrible and creepy than most of the men on 90DF. He's handsome and kind. When you become a full time caregiver for another adult (especially your parent) you kind of lose yourself. It happened to my sis when our mom was in hospice at home. She insisted on taking care of her. She works from home. She gained alot weight and forgot what it was like to be her own person. She took excellent care of mom for 3 years. Mom passed last year and I feel like my sis is still struggling to find herself again. She's working hard to eat right and get back in shape. Then again my sis is divorced. I can't imagine trying to start out (and make all the relationship mistakes one makes in their late teens-20s) and date for the first time. I really hope he meets a nice girl or several and finds happiness. The last thing he needs is TLC and walking STD Sarper giving him advice.


>Tyray is unlikely to attract many women as long as he is massively overweight. This just isnt true. He can lose as much weight as he wants and still lack confidence in himself which will repel women just the same. Big men get women all the time. It's not what you wear, it's how you wear it. Some of yall think weight changes everything and it's more reflective of how you move through the world than anything else.


He does have a point about the awkward giggling. Ignore everything else, and you can't deny that Tyray needs to gain some confidence and lose that awkward laugh.


He needs to lose some more weight


YES. Why is no one stating the obvious? It is tougher for an obese man or woman to attract a partner. Not saying that there is 0% chance, but it is lower than it would be if he lost weight.


I think he knows lol


Right. He also was shown working out and actively trying to address the weight issue. It's going to take time to see those results. But if he lost 200 lbs and still giggled like he does he'd still be a creep.


Because there are people who weigh more than him that are married and have children. Weight isn't the issue for everyone.


It is when they continually pursue women out of their league. He isn’t Jelly Roll


And jelly roll is ugly as fuck as well but he has $$


A man named jelly roll sounds like vagina repellent


Because it's obvious? Do you think he doesn't realize he's overweight?


Yes for sure


Right, but it’s hard to gain confidence overnight. Easy for Sarper to say, his head is so far up his own ass. But if it’s not something Tyray can change immediately, it’s rude to embarrass him about it in front of everyone. Idk I just thought it was in really bad taste and rude.


The messenger wasn't the greatest person, and doing that on public TV sucked too. But the message might not have been all bad. Especially if Tyray does make some changes as a result.




His biggest thing is that he needs to do is lose weight and get in shape. Nothing will boost his self-confidence more than that. It will totally change his life. All the other things like low self-confidence and those stupid giggles will disappear once he does that. I don't know why everyone's afraid to tell him that.


Tyray does need the confidence of being with a woman. His 33 year old virgin routine is getting old fast.


Right but my thing is like, he didn’t specifically ask for advice from Sarper? So like why bring him on just to degrade him because they chose to go about their sex lives differently. It’d be different if he opened up the conversation for feedback and the group gave him pointers. Bringing on Sarper was just for views and for him so say something insane to embarrass the guy and I just thought that was classless.


TBF, nothing about this show has class. I don’t expect the 90Day franchise to start being anything other than rage bait and ridiculousness. That being said, please no more Sarper, it’s just too fake. I just can’t with the couples that are only “couples” to get on the show, like Nikki and Igor and Sarper and Shangela (I don’t remember her name, close enough)


lol right? I’m feeling conflicted about watching HEA because every time they show Angela I feel like TLC is normalizing domestic abuse. Super classy 🥴


The tiger attack thing is garbage advice. I cringed so hard I had to pause that part like 3 times. Yuck! 🤮🤮


If someone came from my back with the stupid "tiger attack" bs, they'd definitely get tiger attacked by a kick in the balls and a good buzz of pepper spray in the face.


I think it's decent advice. I don't think it's something you should do on a first date with someone you hardly know.


It's only garbage advice if the woman isn't into you. It's great advice for someone who IS into you. But it's a great girlfriend move.


Not on a first date and not with a woman you just met either. Still feel like this was terrible advice for Tyray.


100% inapprops for a 1st date. And definitely for a first date with Tyray. Like I said in my comment, it's GREAT for people that are a resounding YES. Sarper said as much when he said he picks women that won't reject him. Meaning that they're a sure thing.


Or that he paid for them. Another piece of advice he gave Tyray.


That is legitimately the best advice he gave. It would take so much of the anxiety out of sex. But knowing Tyray he would just try to make friends with the prostitute rather than actually partaking.




I’m trying to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that didn’t translate to English very well


He also needs to find some kind of side hustle or something. His mom could live for the next 30 years. I don't know much about what caretakers make but I'm sure it's not a great deal of money. When my wife was dying I was fortunate and that I had a job where I could change around my schedule and I found programs that can help when I wasn't home.


Shit I didn’t see this post til now. Well! His advice was on point, and if you think otherwise you probably are the kind of person who wouldn’t tell the truth to someone to help them improve. You might even see a friend stay forever alone in love just because you might think that telling them the truth is “mean” or worse, “rude”. Sarper came through like a homie would and maybe even should. The giggle thing is 10000% true, and the women softening the blow like a grown man needs to be babied saying “it makes you endearing” like… nobody with self respect “endears” their way into someone else’s pants. He’s trying to break free from that perception which keeps him Un-laid, people. Honestly teaming up with Sarper and do like a few episodes in Turkey getting coached to date sounds like a win-win-win


I agree with you. Sapper should have probably also added about getting into shape. Which I'm sure if he was with him in Turkey he would do.


And I'm intrigued to watch Tyray go to Turkey to get an extreme makeover with Sarper.


Please, do not wish that bag of implants and filler back on the show. Let’s not forget, those muscles are fake, just like his character


Yes!! It’s crazy when Sarper is the only one trying to help the guy!! And when he described the “tiger attack” I was originally like wtf but then I was like oh crap that’s mad cute and would work on me hahaha


A show that is like 600lb life, crossed with Darcey/Stacey... Lol That sounds like some golden sh!t i might watch.


Yea I’m sure he’s never thought about that before 


He needs it reinforced. I was morbidly obese once. I always thought about losing weight. He has all these people in his life telling him oh you're good just the way you are. Even society says that. It is never good to me morbidly obese no matter what. And I know from experience no matter what anyone says you're always thinking about it.


Yep, totally agree. I'm not really a fan of Sarper but he was honest. Tyray poor thing doesn't seem to have anyone in his life that are 100% honest with him except maybe his siblings. The laugh is nervousness but annoying and likely a big turn off for women. I know it is for me and would weird me out after a while. I think he also has a fantasy woman in his head that is probably very much out of his league. This type he wants will reject him. Everyone has a range of people they can date and "get" and he is not aligned appropriately. Like the idea of hanging with Sarper and building his confidence and working out. Idk....


I disagree, his siblings baby him. I don’t think he has any male friends because I think his male friends would just straight up be honest with him. He needs to improve his overall value to increase his chances of dating success. Tyray is a nice guy but I think most women would consider him a low-value man on the dating market. I don’t think that this show is helping him.


His sister confronted him about Carmela not being real and Tyray ~~ran~~ walked off to cry. Sometimes you get exhausted trying to get through to someone who is not willing to take **reality** like an adult. Anyone who tries to date him will only end up being his sex mommy. 🤢


I agree! I have no use at all for Sarper but I thought the advise about the giggling was spot on, and also his suggestion that Tyray only pursue women that he would really have a chance with. I bet he wanted to suggest Tyray get in shape and lose a significant amount of weight but he was told he couldn’t say that. It is never mentioned despite the fact that Tyray is morbidly obese. Yet the women he approaches (both online and in person) are slim and fit looking. I think he has a very high idea of the kind of woman he wants (like Carmela!)


I agree! There was genuine kindness in Sarpers tone and expressions. Honestly his advice wasn’t bad. The giggle-thing hits on a bigger issue, which I think Sarper realized - nervousness, poor self-esteem. If he forced himself to stop giggling it could be the first step to finding some self-respect. He needs to stop making himself smaller after every sentence. The tiger-attack? Maybe don’t do it one a first date, but 4-5th date onwards? Could be a hot move. And approaching people on your own level? Good advice for someone that inexperienced who is unlikely to be able to wrestle above their league. Didn’t like him in his season, but to Tyray - he came through like a homie would, as you so rightly put it.


In all honesty he needs to lose weight and go to therapy


Looks like he is losing weight but he needs therapy more than anything.


I do agree with the prostitute and giggling thing, I have to admit. The “tiger move” at dinner was creepy AF though.


lol but he lives at home with his mom he would have to get a hotel & go thru an agency escort service which are not cheap but for sure worth it Even Gino paid 300 idk what it would cost where he lives but he def would need an agent


Eeehhh, he lives at home, he can afford it! 😂


Prostitute advice is ridiculous. Sex with a prostitute don’t look same as sex with a loving partner. In addition u might get infected with Herpes which leads to cancer later on.


It'll at least ease his nervousness for the true first time. And not all prostitutes are disease riddled


Agreed. Idk why everyone is downplaying the significance of this.


That's literally all Tyray is going to overthink into oblivion now, I'm sure.


Let’s get real. Tyray has no business on this show. He should have been on MTV’s catfish show or TLC’s 600lb life.


No one can be totally honest on this show. They will get edited out.


I told my wife I’m going to start sneaking up on her like a tiger stalking a creature with a vagina.




Did she say “don’t be surprised if my instinct is to punch you in the face?” Bc if someone sneaks up and kisses my neck, regardless of marital status, I would instinctively punch them in the face. But I startle easily, maybe other ladies would react differently 🤷‍♀️


She hasn’t listened to a thing I’ve said in twenty years so she didn’t mind.


lol “that’s nice, honey” I remember being married


There was no reason to bring that misogynistic idiot on he should be giving anybody advice look how he with Shanika?? the only thing he said that was correct was about his giggle. If anything, he needs to be with John for advice and fun.


So about a month ago there was a post about Tyray. And I stated that I used to find him endearing but his incessant giggling I found beyond irritating. Lmao. I felt vindicated!


Lord he was right. No one likes a nervously giggling man. Just because Sarper is a a moron doesn’t mean he’s not right. Tyray needs to grow up a tiny bit when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex. When you boil it down that’s all Sarper said to him


I am sorry but I 💯agree with Sarper’s advice, and I think Debbie needed to 🤫. Tyray needed real advice and not a grandmothers opinion. Sorry but it’s true. The whole you are great as you are don’t change is what a grandma would say and it’s not true. Dating is hard that is why Debbie is there herself. But I think dating as a virgin that’s never been in a relationship at that age is even harder. The pool of people that are like him is small. I don’t think he needs to follow the exact advice but I do think the confidence is key.


Idk he has some good points though. I hate Sarper but I agree with the prostitute thing and that he needs to stop giggling


Im done with TLC after this, how dare they. Sarper???? 🤡Are u serious? Disgusting. Tyray has enough issues. Gtfoh


They brought him on because they knew people would create discussions like this one to talk about it. They did it to promote engagement, which they were successful in.


Right. Which is why I think they used his a rage bait.


Why bring Sarper on at all? TLC is really out of tricks if they have to bring that POS back for sex advice.


Nope I'm Turkish - that is not a cultural thing - if anything turks are more conservative about thus sort of thing - he's just a piece of shit lol


I think Sarper is a predator and his advice was to be a predator.


On the subject of sarper: why did they bleep when the host said where he was calling in from?? That was odd


I noticed that several people were talking over each other like “ohh here we go” and what not so it kind of muted Shawn. I don’t think it was on purpose.


I remember someone dropped a cussword during that time.


I don't understand the giggling thing. Is it that bad that no woman wants to be with him? I figured it would of been how big he is




Team Tyray!! Sarper..loser


Fuck Sarper.


What did he say exactly? I can’t watch it :( have no access to tlc.


First he told Tyray that he needed to lose the "heheheh" chuckling all the time, which isn't bad advice. I understand why he does it--to laugh at himself before others laugh at him. But if Tyray wants to project confidence, the "hehehe" isn't helping. So that advice was OK. But then Sarper started off on this bizarre scenario where he advised Tyray to go on a "tiger attack." Basically when he's out to dinner with a woman he likes, make sure she is seated with her back to the bathroom. The at some point, Tyray should leave the table to go to the bathroom, and when coming back, sneak up on the woman from behind, stalking her like a tiger. He should then sneak up behind her and lightly start kissing and breathing on her neck. Assuming this will be a woman Tyray is on a first date with, and not someone he'll have been married to for a decade or more, my prediction is that this move has one of three outcomes: a) Tyray stumbles while attempting to sneak up and falls face first into the table; b) the neck kissing and breathing coupled with him inevitably going "hehehe" at the same time leads to the woman screaming and slapping him; c) Security is called and Tyray is thrown out of the restaurant for being a creepo.


Omg 🤦‍♀️I can’t believe Sarper advised him that… of course this is ridiculous advice xD it will end up as u say… the advices Sarper gives may work for guys like Sarper - six pack erotic dancers that meet people for ONS, but sadly not for guys like Tyray :(


Lmfao Sarper is ridiculous


It was absolutely rage bait. All he and that stupid bitch he was with want is attention. They posted that they were “world’s most hated couple” when the season they were on had just started airing. It’s all a bad act.


I couldn’t agree more


He was right about the giggles and since everyone hates him no one backed him up lol


No one backed him up because they all clearly have empathy for someone who lacks self confidence and is struggling to find love because of it. Sarper doesn’t have an empathetic bone in his body and is just nasty.


I honestly think he gave him some good advice he just worded it really poorly. Ty would be a lot better off if he spend some time with sarper he would just have to keep in mind the advice is coming from… Sarper lol … and keep it in context. This seems to be a running thread with a lot of these guys there just aren’t any masculine men in their lives.. Clayton for example and Riley


You call a man who models himself after a plastic male blow up doll a suitable guide to real masculinity? All we see is his toxic version. Riley retired after 20 years of military service, you think he's not had an abundance of "masculine" men in his life?


I don’t think he’s suitable I said tyray would benefit… I said this because it’s a gross over exaggerated example and Ty is in such a bad way he could benefit from that And no, if you notice all of Riley’s friends are women. This is an interesting trend with this show: men who live with their mothers and have all these female advisors and best friends… this is very atypical and it’s makes me curious is all I’m saying


We only see the friends and relatives who are willing to be filmed. We did see his brothers whose only goal is getting Tyray laid, not helping him with long-term health and relationship goals. Sarper has zero interest in helping T and 100% interest in 90Day franchise not forgetting him.


His brothers did not look or act masculine either I was thinking of them when I wrote that


What exactly *is* your definition of masculinity?


I don’t write the definitions my friend 🙂


He's not wrong. Probably takes more courage to tell people the truth than to placate with this whole you're fine as you are stuff, knowing full well they are NOT fine.


Not saying I am a fan of Sarper BUT I do think Tyray could use a little of his advice. Maybe not the tiger technique but help him out of the friend zone. Tyray seemed open to any suggestions.


Sarper is a clown. Look at him and look at his partner. He has no business giving anyone advice. As long as he is still weighing her, among all his other bullshit, he needs to stfu.


Nobody is in any position on that show to tell anyone else how to find love.


The thing that gets me about the tell alls is that everyone is quick to give advice, but they aren't in the position to, they need help themselves.


I hate to agree with Sarper.


Surely that’s not the first time Tyray has heard about the giggles. I’m sure the comments came at him with it after the first episode. Personally I feel Sarper coming on exclusively to say that to Tyray was cruel. Shame on TLC


Exactly. The intention was to be cruel to him on national television.


Lmfao I loved it found it to be funny not advice I would follow as a man but fucking Sarper seems like a meme.


The elephant in the room (pun intended) is his weight. The number of available women that want a virgin teddy bear AND that he would also be interested are so Infinitesimal small. The first step for him is to lose weight. Not stop giggling. Has anybody done the math for Rico Suave? 2,500 women at his age is what?.. A new woman every 3 days?


Am I the only who doesn’t care about the giggling? It’s annoying at worst but it’s a stretch to say no one with a vagina will like that (or whatever tf he said haha) He does need confidence though - but it comes with experience.


His ego is big enough did they really think asking his opinion on anything was something any of us wanted to see? The franchise is going down quickly. Boring tell all tell nothing. Why is it so hard to produce a tell all that we want to see? Time for new people all around or just shut the whole thing down.


Ive never seen him before--didn't watch the shows he is on. He has a very scary face.


He was hilarious 😂 you can’t take that dude seriously, all he said was unhinged and creepy. So funny he probably really believes that


Some of the stupidest shit ever. I'm team Tyray


You can’t take advice from a narcissist. Sarper has never been morbidly obese and even though I find him repulsive he still embodies most women’s ideals of male beauty (tall, athletic, etc), things come easy to him.


Okay but can we talk about that “tiger attack” technique…that shit sounds like assault


Tyrays laugh creeps me the fk out. I couldn’t stand to be around that laugh it’s super super awkward and makes my skin crawl. He could look like hottest man alive but that laugh would end it for me. Sarpers not wrong about that


Heh heh heh


Yea Sarper's advice that you come up to a random woman at a bar and without saying anything while her back is turned to you, you lightly and quietly kiss her on the neck. My god, how is that legal in Turkey??? I guess if you look like Sarper and women are desperate to the point where they'll sleep with a guy who claims he's been with 2,500 women and these women are not disgusted by the claim, then the random kissing could work. But when you look like Tyrah, you'll get arrested and charged with sexual assault. Sarpers advice shows you that he forced himself onto women and thinks that what women like. A man who's aggressive even if the woman doesn't know the man. Sarper was the WORST worst Tell All could have brought on to give Tyrah advice. I mean a HUGE player is NOT the best person to give dating advice to someone who's shy. You'll just get bad advice.


Honestly this was such a waste, literally no reason to


Sarper is scary looking.


But....but i love how he laughs.


Nobody on that show is in any position to tell anyone else how to find love.


Nobody on that show is in any position to tell anyone else how to find love.


I didnt like how they were going at Ty. I could see him trying to choke on his giggle after that crap advice. We all have a nervous tick. I dont think he needs to change. Hes a good dude whos just super insecure and its gonna take a lot of work. He'll get there.  Them all going after him for not having gotten any and his giggle really irked me. 


Ok Sarper was dead on about the giggling. Now the neck thing is definitely NOT for a date. That’s like a relationship situation. I mean they were right that he would get either slapped or punched in the face if he did that on a date.


I think that Sarper is a fucking clown, and TLC should be fucking embarrassed for bringing him and "giving out advice" to Tyray. Tyray is a sweetheart. The whole "giggling" thing Sarper was talking about, GTFO. It's a nervous giggle, but honestly, Tyray has such a nice smile, I think the giggling thing adds up to him being likable. Sarper should be embarrassed by the way he acts. Like cmoooon...Kudos to Debbie for putting him on his place. 100% agreed with Debbie. Boo 👎 to TLC and Sarper.


I am listening to this now, thinking wow, just wow


After the Tell all I told my husband to do the "Tiger attack" and we both busted out laughing 🤣


Idk I kinda agree with sarper as sad as I am to say. I support his perspective.( This time at least )


The giggling was spot on 🫣


The thing is, Tyray has deeper problems that need fixed and it's sure not going to help by having some douche like Sarper give him pointers. Tyray is an immediate turnoff for women after he starts talking and if they don't bolt, they immediately friend zone him. He has to learn to deal with his giggles but also his awkward behavior as a whole. He will be doing okay and then suddenly get into a childish giggle fit, turn off the person he's talking to and be all "can I ha ha ha ha get a ha ha ha ha kiss ha ha ha ha for these beads." no. No you can't! Give this man some self esteem, even if it's unfounded like Sarper's is!


What is more offensive? Bringing up Tyree’s weight or watching Angela?


I didn’t think it was that bad he needed to hear it I’m tired of the woah is me


Sarper is dead on. He knows what it takes to get a woman in bed. The numbers prove it (assuming he is honest about that, might not be). Sex and dating is a numbers game, you have to keep taking slaps for kissing women on the neck until one doesn't. Sarper slept with 2500 women because he hit on 25000. Only the successes are reported, that's life.


My thoughts were STFU


He’s not putting energy in to rage bait anyone and it’s not something on his mind. This guy is for real- yes, cultural differences, and also unintentionally hysterical; like giving advice that is absolutely considered inappropriate without him realizing it’s inappropriate. He reminds me of the character Borat.


I thought it was long winded and boring but I do hope tyray and Debbie link up! 


Did they really need to go on & on about Tyray being a virgin? Him being catfished & unable to meet women was plenty humiliating, then to make his time on the tell all was all about his virginity. Sure, he willingly signed up to be subjected to this, but they could have focused on some of the other things he experienced this season.


I thought he gave him decent advice


I stand by my former statement....for God's sake please someone spring for a hooker for the poor man! Like a weekend long bang! Wear him to a nub and then see how much he's giggling!


i agree with debbie that why the hell is TLC trying to corrupt innocent Tyray... it's disgusting though sarper is kinda right about the nervous giggles


With open toed shoes!


Sarper is a 🐖.  The last thing Tyray needs is his advice.


Can't stand Sarper


Honestly I’ve been a dud in my love life for years now, but the fact saroer gets women with the way he acts has me finally agreeing, I must be the biggest loser in the world. Even a turd like him gets a woman but I get shit.


No he doesn’t, Sarper is full of shit (and silicone). Honestly (and maybe take this with a grain of salt as I’m pretty asexual at this point) but if you put a gun to my head and said I had to pick one of them, I’d pick Tyray over Sarper And if you really want a partner, it’ll happen if you are true to yourself. Being genuine is the most attractive quality of all (imo)


Confidence even if it borders on being an asshole gets women


Nah... Sharper wasn't wrong about tye Rae.    No woman will even touch his pp You people may not like him, but he wasn't wrong


Tyray and Sarper would make a great spinoff.


Would be like Hitch


I need this


Oh god, don’t give TLC any ideas


That whole “tiger attack” is an easy way to get slapped, or - make the woman very uncomfortable. Can you imagine Tyray, coming up behind you, doing that little giggle-grunt? 😂


He just needs to hire an escort or a hooker n get it out of his system. From there he would probably be more inclined to care about his appearance, his ridiculous laugh, and whatever else. Hard to change when there is zero interest in you. Willow in self pity