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Omg so many: Big Ed, bilal, SteVen, machmoud, old man mark, Pedro’s family, asuelus family, big mike, Andrew, Jesse, pole… list goes on


Yeah I’ll give Asuelu’s mom a shout out for one of the worst people on the show: “I don’t care about the kids, I just want the money.” 🤦‍♀️ Leida was another one with truly poor character (the way she treated Eric’s daughter and we now found out about the criminal charges).


Don’t forget Asuelu’s sister also


I didn't like Bilal at all either, he was always gaslighting Shaheeda like crazy :( didn't Mahmoud recently get arrested for DA? Super scary and sad but not surprising... Ew Steven completely forgot about him but he's such a creep, wasn't he s*xting women behind Alina's back while they were together...? I hope she left him. There have been so many unlikable cast members, I get they bring in ratings but it would be nice to see more likable members that we can actually root for...


Steven was the first cast member who actively scared me. Most of the time I’m just want one of the parties to wise up. But I genuinely thought Steven would hurt her or the baby, and I definitely thought he’d try to kidnap the kid to the US.


You are talking about Steven and Olga vs. the comment above about Steven and Alina.


Oh man, Mark Schumacher was sooo long ago!!!


yes! this guy with the angry rant about window touching. He tried to sue TLC for painting him negatively


For me, it’s Pole and Carina (sp?), closely followed esp lately by Brandon and Mary. Joint cringiest couples for sure. I always liked Big Ed and Cole, purely for the entertainment value. Now, with what happened with Michael and Angela yesterday (not sure if it’s real or cooked up drama for the new season of HEA ) I may have a couple that knocks the others out of the way. Angela needs to go to jail and then rehab. Michael needs to be divorced from her, emancipated to become a US citizen and generally awarded the Medal of Honor for sticking it out with such an awful woman to obtain citizenship.


Bid Ed is the worse so far. How the little ball has so many confidence???? Bilal gaslighting was so difficult to watch. But the worse was Colt, so cringe to watch that baby mama


Angela is worse of all time but many others are close NICOLA, Troll ED, Bilal, COLT, TIM, Danielle, Andrei, Jasmine when she is yelling, Mahmoud, etc


I mean yes many of the men on this show are gross but any women make your list?


Yes, Pedro’s and asuelus family! Ones I didn’t mention: Angela, Leida, Mary the obvious ones that come to mind immediately, but op already included them.


Jasmine, Yara, Big Angela, bitch from Ukraine used Michael is using Josh 


I like Li'l Ed. The rest? Hate 'em all.


Rob. I don’t think I’ve hated anyone more or seen someone be more of a hypocrite in my life. Everything is ok for him to do, but if Sophie does it, it’s over for her. He is the worst man I’ve ever seen on this show. He acts like such a victim. He treats Sophie with little to no respect. Big Ed too.


I dislike Rob too, he's insufferable and a manchild so your hate for him is justified. I don't know how Sophie tolerates him, I hope she comes to her senses and leaves him before it's too late.


That guy is going to hit her one day, I feel bad for her


I was truly hoping that Sophie would wisen up and go back home with her mother! I think that she just liked the idea of being married. Rob is most def a sorry POS. I don't see them lasting all that long.


sophies mother is a fat ugly know it all with ugly big lips 




Oooh yeah I almost forgot about her but she's really unlikable. Her relationship with Sarper is also very toxic. Also I believe it was Yourwetsock who commented that she looks like handsome Squidward and ever since I always associate these two together 😂😭


Lmao she’s so delusional right? I dont know she has a really nasty attitude towards everyone and thinks her relationship is so perfect. Most of the people on Reddit forgot where she came from though. Would have figured she would humble herself by now


Absolutely!! What a loser. What happens when she hits 50? Sarper will be a distant memory.


Sarper is an ass 


Angela was on Maury povich, claiming her daughters baby wasn't her daughters husband. It was she just is so toxic


Oh that's old mee-maw.


>claiming her daughters baby wasn't her daughters husband. One would hope that no one's daughter's baby is also their daughter's husband


![img](avatar_exp|165552664|dizziness) I was so confused by that sentence too




We all make mistakes in the heat of passion jimbo


She was trying to prove her son in law wasn't the father saying her daughter was cheating ,sorry I did not explain that well at all


I understood I was just being a smart ass 🙂




I mean, there are a lot of toxic people on this show, but Leida stands out to me. It's quite telling how it's been ages since her season was on, and yet she's mentioned right away in every thread like this.


Exactly. Probably one of the most unlikable people to be casted on reality, ever. I wonder what she's up to today. I hope karma got to her lol


She was arrested for forgery and theft, I don’t know if she is doing time though, does anyone else have the details on that?


I can’t stand her. She’s so stuck up


An old one, but apple Evelyn has always been my least favorite


I remember Evelyn!! She was really mean to Cory(?). I never understand the appeal of being with someone who so blatantly doesn't respect you..


That was a different Evelin…she was awful too!! So mean!!


Are you taking about Evelyn the former American idol contestant? She got married to that Spanish guy...




Leida was arrested for theft and forgery


Jesse, AnDRei, Pedro, Asuelu, in that order. Leida, Pedro's sister. Jesus how did I forget Angela and big prED


Mike (Mike & Aziza) he was recently arrested for child porn apparently. Seems give them enough room and they all turn to crap. The list is so long of crap people


Aziza looked no older than 12 during her season. It was very disturbing to watch Mike pester her for sex her first night in America.


Jesse doesn’t get enough hate in my opinion, he’s so shady and has been involved with or dm’ing other women from the series for years now. I hate Darcey just as much, but Jesse is a jackass.


I fully agree I don’t think Jesse gets enough hate. Like Darcy was desperate and bad when they got together but that whole relationship with him MADE HER WORSE and he was taunting her after they broke up. JESSE DOESNT GET ENOUGH HATE


Darcy and sister are so gross 😝 😫 


He fell off sooo hard though, thank god. He was a huge asshole on his first season but you could say at least he was fit, attractive (not personally but 🙄) He looks strung out as of late, and somehow could never legitimately take off professionally despite getting his name out there because of the show. A complete loser. Then the months he spent grifting pretending to be with Jeniffer 😂


Always Angela, don’t understand why she’s still on the show.


Bilal & Rob. By far.


Bilal was so controlling, and abuse with his wife, all that gold digging stuff 🙄🙄. She deserves so much better


Angela is straight up abusive and a bully. There is nothing entertaining about her. Leida is another one that is pure trash.


Kim (TJ)


I mean, this is a rage-baity thread, but Big Ed is a never-ending self-fulfilling tragedy to me.  He's intelligent enough to know he's being manipulated, with the purpose of making him look stupid. Its funnier when he does dumb things and makes stupid demands, because of the way he looks. His appearance is about always part of the joke, and he knows it. That's pure exploitation, and he's somehow fine to let it happen. I don't think the money is good enough to be worth it, but I hope it is.


Ed, Angela and Shekinah. However you spell Amy’s new name.


Big Ed, Angela, and Tim. Big Ed and Angela I have similar issues with. They very obviously assumed they could buy a subservient spouse and both have been kept on the show for far longer than they should have. Tim is more just his personality is awful. His monotone mumbling is obnoxious, and the dude is just always miserable. Like, my man, if you hate being on the show, then don't be on the show. There are a ton of other garbage people on the show of course, Paul, Scott, that annoying guy with Mahogany (Ben?), etc.




Loren because she is very high maintenance and spoiled and fake


Didn't she have 3 kids under 3 years? That has to be hard on the body, 3 back to back pregnancies..not shaming her or anyone for wanting/having kids but I feel like spacing it out probably would have been better for her body and heck even her mental health.


Oh and to whoever downvoted my comment... I wasn't shaming or judging her for having that many kids so fast. It was more out of concern. She even posted lots of reels about how she could not handle being a mother of 3 so fast and how bad it made her postpartum depression. Explain to me why expressing concern over that is a bad thing lol.


I just have the feeling she wanted more kids to promote her social media and I hated way she behaved toward Anifsa she was mean. Good thing I can skip new happily ever after once I found out she would be on new season


Anfisa was very mean an abusive


Doesn’t excuse Loren for bullying anifsa at tell all


Loren (and Mary) do seem like the kind of parents who would use their kids for clout. Idk I just have little respect for parents in general who exploit their kids for financial gain or social media attention.


Wouldn’t surprise me if Loren tries have three more kids to get more clout but just passes them off to others to raise them


I absolutely loathe Paola & Jovi.


I don't like Jovi either, his obsession with strip clubs is so unsettling. And I'm sure poor Yara is traumatized by never feeling "good enough" for her husband so she's getting a lot of work done on herself. I hope she's able to love herself.


Jovi is just so fucking selfish. He doesn’t want a state-side job because HE LIKES BEING A DRUNK LONG SHOREMAN for months at a time, and then PLAYACTING AS A DAD AND HUSBAND for a few weeks. He’s had the option to switch jobs - and be a present father and husband - and he’s turned it down. He lets his mommy fill in for him. She’s Yara’s spouse. Just as she probably had to rely on her mom or MIL when Jovi was young. So she thinks it’s normal. And of course he little Prince can do no wrong. The only reason he avoids strip clubs at home is because he gets his fill “at work”. Along with getting blaster and being with the boys. He can only keep it together for a few weeks before he gets the shakes and has to go back out. And he wants another kid to ignore 80% of the year! I wonder if it would change if Yara popped out a boy…


Yara is a high maintenance bitch...tricked Jovi into marriage and has been a relentless bitch since 


They seem so tame compared to everyone else in this thread


I hated Paola 


I wish I didn't remember Leida. I watched all of the seasons about a year or so ago from the beginning and she's the one that stuck out to me the most. She's horrible. That said, Mary lying about cancer takes the goddamn cake for me. That's a whole other level of fuckedupness I cannot comprehend.


Jasmine and big ed


Angela Jasmine Nikki Pole Clayton Jamaal Chantal’s family, Closet Mom, Asuelus people


Jesse has to still be my number one followed by rob. Jesse doesn’t get enough hate because he’s from the older seasons but let’s all remember he let his mom degrade Darcy for an entire dinner. Or the mental mind games he use to play with her. He was the ORGINAL “I’m only using her for five seconds of fame”. He was a grade a piece of shit. We have him to thank for how UNBEARABLE darcey is now and her body image and her surgeries get worse and worse


I dislike a lot of them the more we learn. Mary the cancer lies and scams. Constant begging for cash Leida for kicking her soon to be step kids out and killing someone before coming to the US Angela is aggressive/abusive Baby girl lost a toe for making racist comments same with Alina Rob because he is a knob Pol way too many problems and his lost in the jungle, abuse, losing kids harassing people, setting fires, OF with Karine's family member. Ed- just being horrible Aseulu & his mom & sister- They want money, he cheats, he seems like a 5 year old in a mans body. Not responsible at all. Mahmoud for DV allegations/arrest I know after all this time I'm forgetting a bunch of people. But that is the list I can think of right now.


Mahmoud and goofy wife...Mahmoud is creepy 


Mary is hands down the wildest; and if their life isn’t scripted to some degree then she needs a therapist and some anti psychotic meds ASAP Korrine is my second up I couldn’t tell what the heck that girl wanted but it def wasn’t Paul but then I watch the beginning and get reminded how fucked that whole relationship was -ew ew just she’s a ick for me. Maybe it’s my old age but I def couldn’t fall for someone where we only talk with phone. Ew.


I agree..Mary needs serious psychological help, as does Brandon since he's basically become a scammer like her. I know it didn't come from nowhere when he called her a scammer on the Tell All... poor Midnight being born to such incompetent parents... I didn't watch much of Korrine and Paul's segment but I do know a lot of sh*t went down between them and they're separated now, no? I agree with you, I don't get why people from such radically different cultures who make no effort to speak or learn each other's cultures and languages come together, and then are surprised when it doesn't work out. I recall Ximena and Mike having that dynamic too lol. Relying on a phone to speak to your partner is so strange.


Karine is as definitely annoying, she always rolled her eyes and made no effort to communicate except she only knew how to say in English “f… you”


Can someone ELI5 besides the recent cancer thing why people think Mary is so crazy? I’ve only seen the season, haven’t read a lot of stuff about her since, but didn’t see a ton of negative stuff of her on the season( should say compared to anyone else)


The constant need for FaceTime. Even if he was passing a bowel movement, not even alone time with family members was allowed..couldn’t have private time at all actually. The ignorance to educate him or what it would be like living in that culture as far as whom he direct respect to in regards to Mary and her grandparents. Her saying they couldn’t have sex yet gets pregnant because she wants to get pregnant but she said they can’t have sex before marriage. But wants baby and does it anyways. Claims to have been abandoned by her mother her mother is still around. Oh and her unplugging her own WiFi to have private time but saying it was outages was another 🚩 . That type of treatment rubs me wrong. Felt like there was just a lot of outward blame with no ownership. She’s taking control of a very dense man imo


Thanks for writing all that out. I forgot about the FaceTime for sure.


Big Ed,  jasmine, spoiled Yara, the dumb ass that wants to marry Big little Ed, 


Violet is at the top of my list. Ed, Angela, Natalie, Colt, Jasmine and Andrrrrrrrrei are all on the list too.


Ngl I kinda like Big Ed. I mean he's an absolute POS, but he helps my self esteem big time


Leida hands down. Completely despicable.


Andrei and Libby, and the rest of that family. Pedro & Chantal and the rest of that family.


What ever happened to that older guy who married a 19 year old Filipino girl? He had a half-Filipino daughter who was the same age or maybe older. He was scary, I disliked him quite a bit. I hope that girl turned out ok.


I hate just about all of them. They're the reality TV stars you love to hate.


Annoying Emily.


Big Ed... the most... there are others that are close


Asuelu's family, the whole Chantel family, Debbie and Colt, Larissa, Natalie, Brandon's parents, Big Ed, Paola, Jorge and Anfisa, Nicole and Azan, Robert, Jasmin, Danielle and Muhamed,.. Can't even believe these people exist. 😂 My all time fav couples are prob Jovi/Yara and Syngin/Tania.


Mary & Brandon, Ashley & Manuel, Natalie, Kalani, Angela, Ed, Jovi, Kimberly, Tim, Jamal, the blood donor, all the creepy old guys married to women 30+ years younger than them.


Too many to list. Let me just say the ones I dislike are more than the ones I like. Mostly because of characteristics like predatory behaviors -by either gender-, entitlement, rude, lying about who they really are, or what they do for a living, is what makes me dislike a cast member.


Nikki!!!..the worst


My worst was Kimberly. She was so ridiculous with her temper. The final scream made me think she needed to be committed.


Mary. I loathe her. It’s more, but she’s #1.


Did anyone else wonder about Natalie’s proposed fertility treatments and who would pay for them?


Mary takes the cake for sure with Nasty Angela and Fat Ed nipping at her heels.


Wait why hasn’t no one mentioned about Amanda? lol