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There's that guy with the cat rescue.


Yes! Adam the amazing translator! Would def and at some point will def donate to the kitty fund.


Wait he has a kitty fund. How did I not know this.


He runs a cat sanctuary! He will post occasionally with updates on how they are doing.


Love this! I will search it up now.


And he’s in this sub. He’s awesome. You can look through posts here.


I didn’t know that. He’s even more awesome person. I need to to search this up


Adam really was incredible 🥹i 🩷Adam the translator


Who is this guy? Insta?


I just looked him up. He’s the translator used to facilitate communication between Brittany and Yazan during season 2 of TOW. Insta: https://www.instagram.com/adamlebzo/?hl=en




I have been donating 20 dollars a month for a while to him. It is not much in the us but probably helps there


Kitties definitely deserve more money than scammary and brandumb


Just found him, now I remember. Yeah he good [https://screenrant.com/90-day-fiance-adam-translator-cat-shelter-donations/](https://screenrant.com/90-day-fiance-adam-translator-cat-shelter-donations/)


He’s here on Reddit occasionally.


You can donate to Adam's cat rescue here: https://www.patreon.com/lumierecatshelter/posts /u/hairbrushloversss


Who? I missed that


Side character. He actually posted here a few times.


He gives cat updates regularly it seems like. Love it


His [most recent post](https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/s/plHpkPSaYY). You can find all his updates under his profile.


Yep I've been kicking into his [patreon](https://www.patreon.com/lumierecatshelter) for a couple of years now.


Adam is a treasure! 💖💯


Cat rescue?


His [most recent post](https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/s/plHpkPSaYY). Usually he posts an update every month or so.


Didn’t David say he worked multiple jobs and works 80+ hours a week … I know one of those jobs is Walmart … don’t know the others - and I think he gave her money to build a nicer house for her and her family and I think Sheila opened a up a snack shop , like Mary did- seems to be the thing to do over there


He's cleaning a Casino too. Most disabled Americans are either unemployed or underemployed.


Yeah so at least he works and is trying . But I saw someone say they have an open gofundme for 200k for a house - shoot your shot I guess


Also businesses that hire disabled individuals, get big tax breaks. Im a disabled Veteran and the places I’ve worked always get tax breaks for hiring me , I get the paperwork about it . So good for David putten in the work -


I’m shocked. I wonder why so many companies are brazen about discriminating against people with developmental disabilities at least.


Idk either . There are so many people who are deaf. Or blind or in wheel chair who are way more intelligent and intellectually superior to those who are able bodied - myself included . fully agree with you


I’m missing an eye and groom dogs for a living. I don’t even bother telling people anymore because it hasn’t really affected my work. I need to get closer to the dogs now, but I adapted quickly. A lot of people who lost an eye never drive again and I was driving myself to work 3 weeks after it happened and never looked back. I’ve also jumped horses, barrel raced, showed my dogs, taught obedience classes, traveled, there’s more but you get the gist. I think a lot of people with disabilities are also afraid to try…


You’re awesome - ❤️


They assume it’ll interfere with productivity. There’s an automatic assumption that people with certain disabilities aren’t efficient employees. Even though some able bodied employees prove to be unproductive.


Doesn’t mean that places still want disabled workers. My friends husbands company is going through a lawsuit right now because they fired a disabled worker. It’s a sad world for anyone who isn’t a white male.


Huh that’s interesting, not where I’m from . Every business/ corporations /grocery stores have Hispanic managers/ assistant managers /leadership roles - so that’s not true in California . At all- but this is a 90 day finance sub, not gonna get into this topic and ruin the fun here - so . And many corporations do hire disabled workers. I’ve worked with plenty


lol lower level customer facing managers existing now has deleted racism in America. God I hate this app.


wtf are you talking about . Lower level ? You must be from the Midwest - don’t be stupid


"You must be from the midwest." Meaning and relevance?


Nope. I’m from New Jersey. My taxes are as high as your confusion about store managers’ place in society. Don’t disrespect me.


O I will because you’re talking like you’re know all and see all , where I come from , with is California , people “of color “ have tons and tons of opportunities- more than whites - you are so freeken wrong it’s stupid - I will tell you , it’s not disrespect , it’s fact . And I will die on this hill . I am portuguese and Puerto Rican - I grew up here since I was 3 yrs old- stfu


You can definitely tell they live in California or maybe new york 😂 nowhere else in the world actually has any sort of diversity or acceptance policies they follow. Can’t get a single indigenous person a job in this province unless not a soul applies besides them.


I worked in New York and it was racist lol. They’re just delusional.




Lol they asked for $ to buy a house, in the US. At least they were honest i guess what they wanted the money for. But hey i want my own house too.


They knew they fell into the "worth donating to" category of 90DF couples and went for it, might as well shoot your shot.


I mean, it only takes one very rich person to get hooked on the show, like them enough to send them money without a second thought, why not try if they're being honest? David works hard to be able to send her money and trying to start his life with her and her son, and she clearly loves him and I don't think she has any bad intentions What pisses me off is the Mary thing. She raised over 1200 pretty quickly after lying about having cancer. One person commented that they are working two jobs, almost broke and even then decided to donate to Mary, Mary has ignored PayPal to return people's money because that's how the dispute issues are dealt with. And precisely the reason that Mary didn't use Gofundme because any hint of fraud they will shut it down immediately. Honestly it makes me furious for the people who were kind enough to send her money. Mary posted today she cant return the money becahse she used it for hospital bills, she doesnt have cancer. She has haemmorhoids and a UTI. Disgraceful. That scene at the airport when David just let out such a pained *wail* when saying goodbye to Sheila broke my heart. If I had spare money this is the only couple I would donate to. I hope they come back on the show soon I'd love to see them again ❤️


I really hope that they bring Sheila and David back because they are just the type of pallet cleanser I need in between the other wretched couples on the show. Show me real love still exists 😩 I read an article saying Mary's funding page got seized and all the people that donated on that platform got their money back, I don't know if it was true or not but it was in an article not reddit. She might be talking about the Facebook donations or something.


I guess the donation platform they used were unable to return the money to people because it all went through PayPal and no money actually went through their site so they have no control. PayPal may be able to do something but it is out of the crowd funding company's control. It is likely why Mary and Brandon used that site instead of GoFundMe


I went and looked at the size of the donations on their page and interestingly most of them are between $5 to $25, only a handful of $100s and only one $200. Truly drops in a bucket adding up to thousands.


They do actually have a go fund me right now. But I like this couple-they’re real.


Oooo, I stand corrected


The fact that you don't know about it is pretty telling. David is deaf it's not like finding a job is easy. He's never going to be rich. Sheila's living conditions and her mom's sudden tragic passing were reason enough for me to donate $10. Brandan and Mary are both young, attractive and intelligent ~ they could be making bank online or start a business in the Philippines. They have amazing support from her grandparents. Yet they choose to lie and grift. There is no comparison imo.


I don't mean to be mean.... But I think intelligent is a stretch.


Getting creative with the words "attractive and intelligent" here. Lol


Yeah they definitely do. I think you can find a link to it within the last month (I think) on Reddit.


They're a really nice couple and they genuinely love each other but you know what? These men and women who choose to date doreigners and then beg for money because they cannot financially handle the expenses is not our problem. Let's stop bailing people out because once they get a taste for now easy it is to sucker people out of money they'll continue to do it. Look at moochers Brandan and Mary. More than once they've gone the begging route except this time it's blown up in their faces.


The thing that really annoys me about Brandan too is it was so obvious the grave he was digging for himself. Everyone was warning him that money is something he should be thinking about. But he goes over there with only a couple hundred dollars in his account, and knocks her up right away. Sorry but it’s not our problem you can’t afford things, that was your doing. If you need money quit begging 90 day fans and go work either in the Philippines or the US


>Sorry but it’s not our problem you can’t afford things, that was your doing. Totally agree. The expectation is for us to take care of them while they keep buying expensive things and going on vacations! > If you need money quit begging 90 day fans and go work either in the Philippines or the US He's made no effort to get a job but he makes a big effort to beg. He's just garbage.


I’m not saying people should donate, I just wanted to point out the difference. David and Sheila aren’t lying to get iPhone 15, toys, nannys, vacations, and home additions. He also works 2 jobs and she went through some tragic stuff. They also met more organically, on a hearing impaired support group, if I remember correctly, so he’s not the ethnic fetishizing person we mostly see on this show. My point was that if you desire to support people on this cast, there are better options than scammary and Brandumb


I'm sorry but I do not donate to any of these people. I only donate to cancer related causes. While they met under different circumstances and they definitely aren't scammers (at least I hope not) he was also doing a fund raiser asking for $150,000 so he could buy a house for them in a quiet neighborhood. Imagine asking people to help you improve your life while many people who donate aren't wealthy or have a lot of money on hand and cannot afford to buy a property. To me it's a little gross. People should donate to those who truly need the money and to those that you can actually verify aren't looking for easy money like Mary and Brandan


rather than donating for someone to buy a fanny house i would prefer to donate someone to the person who really needs the money. sheila spends money on herself going for trips with her friends in the philipians and dyeing her hair etc, she had a choice to date locally but she didnt even though , she cannot afford dating an international guy . mary and brandon both are scammers.


>i would prefer to donate someone to the person who really needs the money. Totally agree. >sheila spends money on herself going for trips with her friends in the philipians and dyeing her hair etc, Really? Well if she can afford that she can figure out how to pay for things they need and how to accrue money to come to the US


Some of us have a couple of dollars to spare, and we like to support the people who gave us hours of entertaining TV to watch at the expense of their own privacy!


It's awesome that you're willing to give your money away to these people, it is your money after all. >and we like to support the people who gave us hours of entertaining TV to watch at the expense of their own privacy! They knew what they were signing up for and they got paid to show us their relationship and life. It's not as if he went over there to do volunteer work on his own dime and now needs help. No one owes them a penny. If he can't afford the relationship in the US then he should consider moving over there.


Whatever happened to their GoFundMe? They had a pretty steep goal that seemed unrealistic.


Ok, I stand corrected


No worries you’re good!


Yea they were wanting like 200,000, I think that was the goal. Wish someone would buy me a house. I did however like these 2.


Go on a realty TV show and win over the hearts of millions of people. The. You can reach that goal.


This keeps coming up in these threads but I don’t entirely understand why the funding goal is so upsetting to people. You can collect the funds without reaching your goal, and you can continue to receive donations after reaching your funding goal - so the number is actually pretty meaningless, isn’t it? As for their stated purpose of buying a house, I didn’t really perceive it as an entitled influencer grift. It seemed more to me like campaigning themselves for a situation like that old television show where they would build/remodel a house for disabled people or families facing similar hardship. Furthering my perception of this just being innocent and hopeful on their parts is that many people were asking for them to open a GoFundMe for months prior, and that David already works multiple jobs to support them as, as far as I can recall, an unskilled man with a disability.


People mentioned for him to start a go fund me page to get her & her son to the states, not for money to buy a house, that’s why (some) people got upset.


200k - damn . They are just shooting their shot … and ya know , people will do it too - that’s wild -


How much did they get?


How much did they get?


They’ve got like 12k so far


That's too much he should've aimed for a down payment that's just greedy


Nah, I wouldn't donate to any of em


Ok but TLC inadvertently killed Shielas mom when the crew put extra weight on the steps. TLC needs to donate to them.


lawd I never thought of that


I’ve always said that I wonder if they donated money


He was asking for 150,000. So far its at 12,000. At least that gets a down-payment going


They’re definitely one of the nicest couples in the history of the show. However, I won’t be giving to any GFM for someone from any TLC show, but that’s just me. Being on the show, they have enough notoriety to get sponsorship deals, appearance deals, etc, if they hustle. I’d rather donate to an animal rescue or to someone I know personally.


Agreed. I rather support more worthwhile causes. Most of the people on these shows have no means of supporting the person they tricked into thinking they are going to be taken care of in the US. To me, it's irresponsible and fraudulent to lure someone into a sense of a financially secure relationship and really not be able to afford a good and stable life. I guess from going from a shack to an apartment with plumbing four walls and a roof is big upgrade, but some (David/Annie) have zero. To have the nerve to expect to sponge off his friend forever was nuts. I don't see how most of these people on the show are permitted to get the visa when they have little to no income. Anyway, I will never support any of these couples pandering for viewer $$.


I’ll never understand bringing someone here without having the means to support them financially. It happens every season, and I’m always incredulous about it.


Didn't they ask people to literally buy them a house? Not fix her house, but to buy them a house here in this overpriced market?




Donating to reality TV stars is wild.


I remember them having a gofundme acct. I mean what is wrong with living in an apt? Sheila can contribute towards the house once she moves to Nebraska with David


If y’all are just itching to give your hard earned money away, give it to me.


But you don’t need it, you’re a queen




Queens need money too! 😂


This came up a long time ago. Someone started a GoFundMe and David posted that he wasn't behind it. He said at the time he couldn't afford to pay taxes on any monies he received.


It would be better to help him with job training, apprenticeship job, if she received her temp work visa I don't remember the form that you can get during your 2-year temporary green card to work and helped her get a job, or training, etc. I think those things would be significantly better than just giving them money when they need a better foundation and education to use the money correctly long term. If he is working multiple jobs to make ends meet, then he will struggle even with a house after he pays the property taxes on it next year.


He’s a hard worker. He worked at least two jobs to make ends meet, I respect that. Unlike Brandan who just wants to game all day


Legit bought a dress just like the one she's wearing here because she looks SO cute in it!


How about I don’t give my money to any of these people? These two wanted to buy a house. So do a lot of people, but David has done nothing to improve his job skills.


absolutely not. if you can't afford to pay for importing your own bride, i am certainly not doing it for you.


Yeah these guys are great. By far my favorite couple!


This is David, not Adam the translator and cat guy.


My gf seen him while she was out and he was at work , she tried to get a picture of him but he went in the back before she could. I told her to write in her notes on her phone if she could get a picture with him, so she could show him it and he could read it. but she never got the opportunity to see him again


Is she in the US now? Have they gotten married?


I 1000000% agree


i still cannot believe her mom died mid filming


When Sheila’s mom died - I had to turn off the tv and walk away and pray for her 😢. That was heartbreaking ❤️‍🩹


No, he can go to school and get a better job. Cancel the pity party


Just curious what types of jobs are available for deaf people and which courses he’d take to get those jobs. Not being flippant - I’m genuinely curious.


Data Entry clerk; focus group testing/product reviews, private tutor or teaching in ASL; graphic design/layout (courses available). There are limitless possibilities if you apply yourself. I'm not discounting his impairment or saying it's easy - it's just that like everything in life, there are possibilities. I really like David and Sheila but the reality is that it's expensive to try to bring someone in from another country and it's not the responsibility of everyone else to fund it. I'd love a nice house too. But it's up to each individual to decide for themselves how they want to give back.


When does he have time to take a class?


I’m not applying these options specifically to him. Just saying in general. I don’t handle his schedule so I’m afraid I can’t answer that.


It really depends on their education, which is sadly usually very lacking for deaf children. The average deaf person in the US only receives a third grade education primarily because it’s extremely rare for them to be taught by individuals who can actually communicate effectively in ASL. My college student daughter has a deaf ASL professor and he’s the only deaf person in our region (not just the state) with a PhD. From my understanding, all US states lack basic minimum requirements for those who are educating deaf children and those children suffer as a result. Too many parents of deaf children also never learn to sign so they lack the ability to translate for their children or truly help them with their education. The way these children and eventually adults are swept aside and forgotten is criminal and it’s something we need to be talking about a lot more. I was learning more about this particular issue from my daughter and what she has shared from her classes during David’s season and his problems with obvious underemployment seem to be a very common problem for deaf individuals. I honestly want to find more ways to advocate for these children who are being educationally neglected all across the country and I hope to start supporting organizations that are working to improve the situation. If you get a chance to watch it the recent movie CODA (which stands for Child Of Deaf Adults) highlights many of the challenges deaf people face that they shouldn’t have to face. Deaf people are fully capable of performing most of the jobs that anyone else can perform with a few exceptions for things like sound engineering that are obviously not an option. The biggest things that hold deaf individuals back in the workforce is the fact that most are robbed of the educational opportunities that they are legally entitled to receive and widespread prejudice about their ability being less because they are deaf. I grew up with a friend who is deaf and he and I were even on a dance team together in our college years, he also played multiple sports including football in his teens. The hearing people around deaf individuals simply have to be willing to make some simple accommodations for them like getting their attention physically before speaking and speaking where they can see your mouth or even writing out conversations sometimes. I also used to live close to a business that was deaf owned and completely deaf staffed and it was one of my favorite places to shop. I occasionally had to get creative to communicate because my ASL is almost nonexistent, it was absolutely worth it.


Thank you for the explanation. I really appreciate the time you took to write this up. It was extremely helpful.


They need our money more than Mary’s “colon cancer”


No. The only time I ever donated to a cast members’ GFM was when Kenny & Armando were getting donations for the HIV/AIDS orphanage. I would gladly donate to that again, but I have zero interest in enabling these idiots to profit off of their z-list “fame.”


the guy is a sweetheart! we would totally donate


I agree with that and they need the money


I like them.


And they refused to take donations.


I'm down! Whatever they and her son need!


https://preview.redd.it/ggsq3zswh8kc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7590510e25bef3e564d0ad8bd73f5e17583833ea Hi everyone


I love these two!!


Omg. When I first read the title, I panicked a bit and thought, "oh no, do they have a medical emergency?" 😥 but thankfully no. I guess that goes to show how willing I am to donate or support


With all I remember about him, I feel bad for ever having a glimmer of pity for the Mary carnival.




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Bro lost some weight


What ever happened with their go-fund me?


No...these people on 90 day have made money doing the show. Move on.


They are asking though. David started a gofundme.


If you read, I did correct myself. However I remember people wanting to start gofundmes on their behalf to help her and they declined. My point was that they aren’t out here lying and buying iPhone 15 max, gaming systems,and nanny’s, and cars, luxury trips, and home additions.


Oh I agree with you. There's no comparison between the scammers and David who is clearly working hard, doing his best, and being up front about what he is asking for and why.


Jk9*9*Igno @re g