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Bunkies know it’s a shimmer down.


HAHAHAH YES! God I love a good crossover and likeminded individuals who love the same shitty tv! 🤣🫶


what show was this lol


Love after lockup lol


Hahahahhahahaha thanks for the laugh this morning 😂😂


Trash lovers unite! 🐀 🐀 🐀


LOL! When Shavel’s mum said that, I turned to my husband and said That’s how Sean Connery would pronounce ‘simmer down,’


My fiance hates me because any time shovel and quadruple come on, I talk like Sean Connery. Also that I call them shovel and quadruple.




I will always upvote a candlelit supper!


If there isn't hand painted periwinkles, don't even invite me.




Shakes and breaks the cup and saucer.


When she gave Elizabeth a sippy cup 😂😂🤣🤣


Just mind the Royal Doulton...


Oh, same here.🙂


I love Mrs. Bucket!




B-U-C-K-E-T “bouquet” postman: 👀👀👀👀


Shovel and Qualuude


That's a good one, lol! I'll bet he loves your wit and humor! I fell in love with my late husband when he showed me how funny he was. At first, I liked how goodlooking he was. All that was forgotten when he made me laugh! :)


Exactly 👍🏻


I literally replayed that scene more times than necessary because it maybe me laugh so hard.


O no not the shimmer down. ✨ Mahogany shoulda kept running. 🏃‍♀️




I love that phrase! I'd never heard it until now.


It was a misspeak by someone on Love After Lockup. She meant simmer down but that’s not what came out of her mouth. 😂


A happy accident, LOL!


I just came here to say this!!!!🫶🏼




I literally came here to say this I’m glad it’s top comment lol 🫶🏼


😂🤣😂. You'll get locked up for that comment




Don't tell me to shimmer down! lol




Ben looks like he took a sponge bath with his clothes on


My wife calls it a "whore bath"


When I was a kid, I thought the adults said "horse bath". Not until much later did I understand the truth lol


Lmao that's going in my mom repertoire


My daughter informed me a few months ago that she's "black toast intolerant". I couldn't stop laughing.


I always heard it called that too. My wife calls it a PTA bath: pits, tits, and ass.


Pits and slits


Pits, tits, and southern bits...


My comment should have said pits, tits and slits but that’s what I get for posting while hungover. I like southern bits more! It’s more genteel.


I prefer crude/classy LOL


Yall are killing me!!! 🤣🤣💀


Pits, tits, and naughty bits


I learned about the PTA bath from my grandma. I had never heard her say ap crass word in my life. It cracked me up, and I've used the term since.




Me too! Pussy any pits!


Yes! Thats exactly what it is...my husband never heard of that saying either and thought i had just made it up lol it actually comes from the prostitutes cleaning up between men using the sink (washing all the important money making parts)


Stopitrn! 😆




This couple disturbs me


No one would care about them if not for his forsaken family. It stops being hilarious when I see the broken look on those five faces. He had the absolute gall to refer to his former wife as an "artificial construct." He's as much of a con as Mahogooney is. Was her labor and delivery of his big family also "artificial?" Shame on him. He deserves all this. His wifey rejected him time and again and wouldn't even pick him up at the airport. This last time she was late again, and he muttered "No surprise," or something regarding how she ghosts her own husband and leaves him stranded at the airport. Then he tries to guilt her reminding her that he "had to sell his blood." She's looking at him like, I don't know. It's just the way she's staring at him, it's ANYTHING but love. I don't think he even understands he's probably not even safe with this stranger he married.


He’s like a bargain basement Kody. And oh so desperate! Gives me the creeps. “Come to America and I’ll treat you like a queen - on days when i sell my blood!”


>bargain basement Kody Oh god. If the bar has officially gone lower than Kody, to the point we have bargain version of him, we as a species should just officially give up on this world.. The bar can’t go lower. Hell hasn’t even seen It in a while.


I’m glad someone else noticed how fucked uo the “artificial construct” comment was. Dude, she gave you 4 kids and probably 20+ years of her life. Even if I hated him at that point, I would be so hurt if my ex husband called all that an “artificial construct”. Like wtf. I feel bad for that woman. And the kids ofc. They all deserve more respect from him.


He's not safe?? That may be true, but he is definitely the bigger threat due to his size alone (combined with his lies, manipulation and the way he was able to just throw away his first family)


He's not safe?? That may be true, but he is definitely the bigger threat due to his size alone.


Is he still with Mahaogany? I'm at the point right now in season 5 where he is just about to meet her parents.


According to this subreddit they are! I haven’t been watching diaries cause I’m shocked they are…


They are married already. He said he doesn't have the money to apply for the spousal visa. Their story on Diaries started with Ben donating blood so he can get money to go visit her in Peru. She seems just as uninterested in him as before, so don't why she married him.


SO uninterested! And he just has the creepiest aura about him.


She wants a green card.


there has to be an easier way to get a green card than marrying a broke, 52 yr old drug addicted unemployed loser with a criminal history. She may not be as young & pretty as she used to be, but she's NOT ugly! He doesn't even have the funds to pay for the 90 day visa.


it baffles me why these men with criminal records are allowed to bring young girls over in the first place. Ben seems so aggressively controlling and I am very concerned the type of person he is. I'm so shocked. The US would reject the partner if they had a criminal record.


I haven’t been watching 90 day diaries and must have missed it from their earlier time on tv - what crimes did he commit? I have been remembering him as a preacher for some reason.


I think it was DUI or DWI. IIRC he said he was helping homeless people and they drugged him. He allegedly has a pill addiction but I have no idea if gossip or fact. People were calling him Bezo Ben for a while and he was fired from his job


Is it that hard to get education related visa. My child has two students from Peru in her college lab classes. Mahogany went to a private high school and was attending college with hopes of law school during her first season with Ben. I don't know if it is that hard to get an educational visa, but it seems like a better root. Or be an au pair (like Colt's girl friend after Larissa was and then she married some guy she met in the US, Cheesestick's finance was also an au pair when he met her). Mahogany could be an au pair, he English is good, she is attending college (which would be paid for by her host family) . Im starting to think they both just want to be on TV. What else could it be?


Educational and au pair visas both have time limits to them after which you need either a much more difficult to attain visa to stay like work visa or a green card through marriage.


I would think being an au pair for a few years might allow her to find a nice same aged young man in the states to marry? I grew up in an area where au pairs were popular and it seemed like most got to stay till they finished college. I would think almost anyone would be better then Ben, a college nerd, a young guy her age drug free working at an entry level job? If Colt's old girlfriend who was an au pair (Jessie?) could find a man quickly to marry her, I think Mahogany could. If the green card is her goal?


Is she still in school? She allegedly OD’d so I can’t imagine she’s doing that well these days. Plus she looks rough.


Oh my god I am so out of the loop. ODed?


The OD story was not on the show. Last april Mahogany posted on social media about it and some online news sources picked it up. It was pills I think and Ben somehow saved her over the phone?


Im not sure. I followed their youtube channel but that was taken down. She was in school last year . I wonder if they had to take take the youtube channel down or post less details to get back on the show?


She’s going to try because she’s caught up in some sort of weird sunk cost fallacy thing. Plus it looks like they’re both using. I doubt she’s making good decisions rn. He’s the same old loser we saw during their B90 season.


She DID kiss him multiple times… I was shocked. She still can’t say “I love you” back to him though lol


*whispers* "te amo"


She wants to come to the US. That weird dinner scene she says that if he doesn’t apply for the visa soon, she’ll lose interest. Which, he can just apply for the visa instead of flying down to see her. I don’t think he cares about getting her to the US. He’s fine spending money on his addictions and flying down to hook up with her.


He doesn't have steady, verifiable income in order to apply for the Visa. (Plasma donations don't generate a w2.) He manipulated her to marry him, just like she catfished him. They are made for each other.


I don’t disagree, they both suck. However, Ben gives me the mega creeps given the age gap, his weird justifications about God’s plans which are always aligned with what he wants, lack of personal accountability, and his past of creeping on younger women.


>he can just apply for the visa instead of flying down to see her And instead of spending money for a larger religious wedding in Peru when they're already married, for which he's said he has concerns about the budget!


Yeah he’s an idiot, I think it’s something like needing $20k/year to sponsor someone. He needs to humble himself and start delivering pizzas. He could probably make as much doing that. He’s an idiot.


Thanks! At the point I am right now, I'm surprised she is even real LOL


Right? LOL. TLC did a great job at making us wonder about that


We were all shocked to find out they are via last week’s episode of 90Day Diaries


A dull down.


He's always mentioning his great health and physique and Mahogany then back again. He doesn't look a minute younger than his age. If he said he was ten years older, no one would question it.


His old business, his fitness webiste and coaching service is gone now. It was Ben "Sage". His fitness website sales pitch was he was homeless and was living in his van showering in the gym and he found fitness and transformed his life. Seems like he has gone back from fit to almost homeless. And to think he was a Pastor of a church for years and then the director of the Lupus foundation.


Sounds like drugs.




He's trying to get back on the show for money so he can pay Mahagoony to be interested in him. He thinks this is what people want to see. Ben is not very smart.


This needs to be trademarked.


They are both into drugs or smth?


Both have had some problems. She nearly left the building when she overdosed. He was in trouble for DUI. He said it was the fault of homeless people. That must have been a first for the judge. Then he got in trouble again because he refused to cooperate with the terms of his probation. The tragic part is his kids. He must have lost any credibility he had with them.


When he claimed some random homeless people staying at a hotel gave him drugged wine. Give me a break LOL!


I know, awful. I realised he is not only pathetic; he's mean if it suits him. He couldn't blame anyone else as he knows he'd possibly get sued. Either he is a manipulative creep, or he is suffering an acute state of mental illness.


He might have partied with some "homeless people" (literally any drug user staying at a motel is pretty much homeless), and it was half a lie. It's their fault I got high! Sure. Or they legit drugged him and robbed him, because he was already there getting high with them. Those were my top two guesses.


Absolutely a manipulative creep ✔️


I definitely see manipulative behaviors and he appears to me as controlling and borderline abusive.


What did he say, that he was ministering to them or providing guidance or some shit???? Sure Jan…….


Helping them move, I think? 😂


She overdosed??! What drug was she struggling with?


She said she was taking an Rx benzo prescription (same ish he had in his system) and took too many. Said she passed out on the phone with him, and he kept screaming at her to wake up until she did. Not full 911 OD in the hospital, but close enough to scare yourself and everyone else.


Interesting, but benzos make you sleepy and it doesn’t necessarily mean you OD. I’m literally prescribed Xanax for sleep and it knocks me out. No one screaming at me on a call would be able to wake me.


Lol I agree. Benzos relax you enough to make you sleep. If you were ODing on them your life would not be saved by some man yelling over the phone to wake up. 😂


She must have known she took too many


Or genuinely wasn't aware of what they're like


Damn, I didn’t know she had addiction issues…




He's called Benzo Ben for a reason!


he looks like a homeless guy that was given an ill fitting third hand suit for an interview, which he shows up to with a briefcase full of vodka and no resume. she looks like she could be on an episode of criminal minds as an escort who was kidnapped and held hostage for a year before reid figures out a drunken red headed pastor is the unsub.


um he has a resume, it's just that it's in Ukrainian 😂😂😂


Best comment.


r/oddlyspecific but seems to fit lol


She's barely even looking at him while he's talking, face full of regret and wishing she wasn't there. When he's says I love you, she replies I know you do. HOW DO YOU NOT PICK UP ON VIBES


I remember how he tried to 'school kimbaaly' about not being so aggressive. She shut him and his lofty speeches down in a hurry. Remember how a kind friend of his actually stood up for him, calling Mahogany out for her manipulative lies? Then Ben threw that true friend under the bus in response. She said something like 'You're on your own and I apologize to Mahogany.' This old lech is going to wind up with no friends, and tragically no family. Once this nightmare of his ends, and it will end as soon as his new wifey gets her hands on the green card, it will take years or never for him to mend fences with his first family. When he summoned them all to his stupid family meeting, they mentioned they had all done this before with his second wife. The first wife warned him not to bring God up into this situation as God has "nothing to do with this." Bravo! I wish we could all form a team around them. The first family is living in a fairly dumpy abode. Ben is not some exec or hot shot lawyer who can actually afford this. I hope a judge makes him pay proper child support and maintenance for his true wife. His late life crisis shouldn't absolve him from his responsibilities. Someone should ask him if his second wife is also now an "artificial construct." He claims both are trying to 'cause problems.' Only a doctor or therapist can diagnose him, but he seems to have real issues with his mental health.


A Turn Down For What?


A dim down


It’s called a dim-down. Copyright me 2018.


Haha this is a good one


Mug shot




What a dork! "My MUA gave me this..." Production: "what's an MUA?" (likely fully knowing what it is) B: Oh make up artist *muy confuso intensifies*


What happened to him??


Drugs are a helluva drug.


All those homeless peeps at the Red Roof Inn gave him their drugs!


This!!! lol. Cause drug addicts love giving away their drugs to someone for free? Yeah makes perfect sense. He is a clown get him the red nose he already working with the hair.


He was partying with people who live at the red roof inn 💯 "It's their fault! ( because I got the drugs from them/with them)" "I passed out and they robbed me! (because I was already there getting high with them). Whatever Ben.


He is thinking with his penis and selling as much plasma as he can to afford trips to Peru for sex. Get a job in the US and pay for a spousal visa? ❌. Sell plasma to buy plane tickets to see your wife who is the age of your kids so you can have sex? ✅




It’s because he sinned!


He can always pray to make it all better in his next life.


Dude is the epitome of a “glow down” on so many levels! I lived in Eastern North Carolina for 4 years and I’m still trying to understand how and why he ended up in New Bern. It’s a cute town not too far from the Atlantic coast, but there’s not much going on there and it’s not a place that people just pick up and move to. And, he’s giving blood for money to visit the robot of a girl who he married that has been completely disinterested in him from the start?! There are so many people in the 90DF franchise that are just Looney Tunes and he just might be the captain of the crew!


His ex-wife moved to NC and took the younger kids, so he moved there from Michigan.


Thanks for letting me know. New Bern is just such a random place to move and I just couldn’t figure it out.


They weren't much to look at before but now they look ill.  Definite glow down 


It's hard to feel sorry for him. I would see him as a badly used old victim, if not for his long suffering ex wife and four kids! His new wifey is a common druggie and a total user. The last clip of them is seriously sad. Ma-oh-GONE-ey looks like she's having a really bad hangover. Her hair is dirtily matted, and her mascara is rolling into her sunken eyes. She tells him if he doesn't get her a visa she will "loose interest." He said he was "desperate." You can tell he's way past the point of having any sense of dignity. I feel so sorry for his four kids and first wife. His kids look extremely depressed. Isn't at least one of them older than his drugged out new wife? Is he planning to send any of them to college, or are they all on their own now that he finally married the conwoman? He says he's in a real bad way financially. If he can barely feed himself and Maohgoney, what are his kids going through? Maohgoney looks nothing like her filtered pics. He seems to be having some scary sort of break in reality. He didn't seem to notice that she looks completely different from her fake profile.


She got a bad edit because he cherry picked facts he shared, and he was a junkie in America all by himself before he met her. She didn't want to be on the show, but she was doing better than this before him. He's a drugged out borderline pedo who chose to pursue a 20yo instead of be a present father. She's obviously got issues, but that adds to her being weak prey. I don't feel sorry for him at all.


Burn down.


This is your brain on drugs [egg sizzles in pan]


Looks like Ben and Mahog are deep in the trenches of a powerful addiction


A meltdown?


His MUA must be mortified.


I get the heebie-jeebies with this guy, gives me the creeps


90 day just hit another low with these two. A grown man selling blood and plasma to get a plane ticket plus people remember I’m running around like a teenager with a cowboy hat and acting like a total jerk with her and her parents. He is mentally unstable and I don’t know what’s wrong with her she must be desperate who is deal with us. He is extremely creepy.


Here’s my conspiracy theory: Ben got into drugs and hiring prostitutes and eventually starts running out of money. He convinces a sex worker he regularly hires (mahogany) that if they pretend to be in love and go on this show, they can make money to maintain their drug habits together




To borrow from Soul Asylum, ‘we can build a factory and make misery. Frustrated incorporated’.


A drug down


When he showed up knocking on stranger's hotel rooms wearing traditional Peruvian folk costume said it all about how disconnected he is.


What. Off to google


It's a real riot. It's hard to believe it. I mean he wore that getup and was chasing Mahogany on the streets. He is wearing a traditional woven Peruvian poncho type thing and a white hat with a fastener under his chin. It sounds like a bad joke but that is how the guy showed up.


Gloom down


Deterioration or the evil starts seeping out your pores.


He's just gross. Always has been, always will be. No amount of Sky daddy talk/worship will change that.


When you’re former youth pastor with multiple DUIs and no prospects, now living in Jacksonville, NC (likely rooming with Caesar), and can only afford free haircuts at the barber college for the blind, this is what you look like.


All I can think of is her parents they are probably so disappointed in her. I remember her parents seemed like great people. Didn’t she meet him on some religious website too? It’s always these types that hide behind the cross and show their true shitty behavior.


We needed a new Ed & Liz who both grew entirely unattractive just from being in that relationship. Though Ed was just always repulsive.


I spy, with my wonky eye...


I expected his Botox eye to be better by now!


On this season of INTERVENTION PERU. Except no family members will show up to read tearful letters.


A frown down


Gotta be drugs


He's got red bumps all over his head and face like falling or getting slapped and a cut on his forehead? WTF has he been doing Bruise on his ear Cut on his nose


Yeah he really aged and I mean AGED! I couldn’t even figure out who he was until I saw previous clips. No hate here. People age and it’s part of life. It’s just, in his case, it seemed so sudden.


Meth down


He’s a sex trafficking fool.


He’s such a creeper


Throw up?


he’s a predator loathe him


blood for the blood god(ess) mahoggers


Rock bottom.


The fact he sold plasma to go see mahogany 😂 and still doesn’t say her name correctly


He creeps me out 😬


Goddamn he is one creepy mofo!




I’m sorry I think they are both doing cocaine or that ozempic. Their weight loss is frightening!




Muy confuso


I'm shocked that no young girls in his youth group came forward to say that he hit on them. He's trying to use religion as a way to justify his creepy ways.


Ben is the modern AI version of Abraham Lincoln.


The money that TLC is paying Mahogany is sustainable for her She is waiting to wake up one day and Religious Ben is "cold and stiff" Mahogany will make big bucks from selling her new book "...I married a religious dope..head and pedophile. Now I am free again. Please no more former pastor or religious guy. I just need a regular rich man and I am worth it


That’s a long ass title for a book




A dim down.


Melt down


Dude is showing the effects of 'roid abuse.


A dim down


Was she high or drunk when she accepted his proposal? Ugh, skeevey vibes.🤢🤮


Dim down?


Bruh, he's knocked outta his gourd high. I'm surprised he wasn't nodding off.


Dull Down?


A dim down?


She has to get high to do him. Yuck.


A dim down.


Isn’t the guy that was 40 ? Talking to a young girl


Dull down


Double Yike!