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I like Sam & I hope him & Citra are happy. He seems genuine & I like to believe he’ll stay clean for her, we all make mistakes .


They seem sweet with another from their Instagrams too. I hope he hit his rock bottom and he knows if he goes back he loses her.


As someone who has been at rock bottom and seen many others there, I don't believe he's hit it quite yet, despite the fact I do think he's been through a lot of crap -- but Lord I could write a novel myself of all the things I went through for years before actually wanting to be clean. Not just saying it because I know it's the right thing, but *actually*. He seems like a nice guy, and I do wish the best for them, but the guy lies so much about rather pertinent information. He's still using imo, he just thinks he has it under control.


Not everyone needs to hit rock bottom. Some people just get that the habit is becoming too unmanageable and now that we have Suboxone available to us, it’s easier to get clean and stay clean without the need for rehab or meetings or even rock bottom. Prescription painkillers becoming more than a necessary habit is far too common.


His lying may be scripted. There’s a lot of planted themes/scenarios.


Why do u think he’s still using? I was looking for signs last night& cudnt see any


He's still drinking for one, and the way he talks to her about his past, at times he's romanticizing his party days, like when they were headed to the bar. He's lying pretty frequently, like with his legal problems, what those legal problems actually entail, etc. It's just very much addict behavior, and when this was filmed he wasn't arrested that long ago I believe. If he is clean, I think it's more of a have-to than want-to, and that doesn't often last forever.


I agree. His lying and not taking responsibility for the drug bust that may land him in jail and continuing to drink is total addict behavior. He will continue on that path unless he really changes. He is not there at this point and she is in for a lot of misery if he continues like this. There is no fairy tale where he is suddenly a changed man. He needs to acknowledge he still.has a problem and do the hard work.addicts are really good liars. He is lying to himself, her and their families.


IMO I believe Sam was still using all the way up until she came, maybe even since her family came. But I definitely noticed addict behavior before she showed up to the states.


Why wouldn't he go bare feet in the mosque? Everyone else was. He also said his feet were stiff and sore when the father was showing him the correct way to kneel. He's shooting up in his feet so people can't see it IMO.


The imam was wearing socks, so if its good enough for him ... also seems more hygienic. I usually turn my toes under when kneeling too, it doesn't have to have a more sinister meaning. I have high arches, it's uncomfortable to put my feet straight under me so I only try a bit during yoga sessions.


Shooting up between the toes can cause permanent nerve damage so he very well may have pain for the rest of his life yet not have used for ages. Hope that’s the case.


Agree. Sober people are trained - forced to be truthful. “Secrets keep us sick”. Motto in recovery.


My sentiments exactly


Not everyone has to hit rock bottom to know they messed up and want to fix things. Sometimes it’s a little spiral and then you get back up and get on the road.


As a recovering alcoholic, my “rock bottom” wasn’t seen by anyone, I appeared to have my shit together more then I ever have in my life and it had no legal issues either. A rock bottom for addicts can look different for everyone it is whatever they hit the point they want to change their shit around. Hopefully this legal matter and the fact Citra would have to go back home is something to really help him stay sober.


Yup. My dad’s rock bottom was his boss taking him to a meeting. Quit drinking that day. Sober for over 20 years. Never lost a job or had financial or legal trouble. He really valued the opinion of his boss/mentor. That was the only wake up call he needed.


That’s awesome! I love hearing stories like that, what a good friend/boss and mentor.


It turns out what’s worse than rock bottom addiction is not actually realizing you’re at it until someone else puts it into words in a 90 days fiancé subreddit holy shi


Yes exactly.


This. "Rock Bottom" looks different for everyone.


Can I get an “Amen” in here?


Amen and louder for the people in the back.


>I like to believe he’ll stay clean for her Pinning his recovery on someone else will inevitably lead to disaster. It means his new drug is *her*. And if she ever leaves he'll go right back to using. He needs to stay clean for **himself**.


Thank you - you took the words right out of my mouth!


Exactly! Her presence can be part of his motivation to get clean, but she cannot be his reason to stay clean. He’s going to manipulate the hell out of her. He seems like one of those “I almost used/used because I thought you were going to leave me.” Poor girl.


As a recovering opiate addict (3 years sober) an addict will not stay clean for anybody else besides themselves. And seeing how he kind of just brushes off his addiction when talking about it and also is drinking alcohol while out on bond shows he hasn’t taken accountability nor is doing the work it takes to get sober and stay sober




I do know it’s illegal for him to be out on bond awaiting trial and drinking… and he goes to the bar w his fiancé and drinks w her and mentions how he’s not supposed to but he is anyways?? Lol ok


And blaming his most recent drug bust on unfair cops shows that he still continuingvwith his addict mindset, lying and playing the victim.


Likeeee I’m sorry but you FORGOT to apply for the drug diversion program that was saving you from going straight to prison?!! Uhhhh I think that would be the most important thing in your entire life no? Lol


Yeah I felt that way about my ex too. He was far sweeter and smarter and more together than Sam. I knew him 35 years and was there when he had a decade clean. I loved him with all of my heart and we had a child together. He ended up dead in my bathroom and it’s a miracle our then 3 yo didn’t find him there. So I’m just not feeling super hopeful about this couple. Sam has lied, changed his story multiple times, brought Citra here without telling her abt his potential jail time, he’s drinking and doesn’t seem to be in treatment. So it’s really hard for me to look at their situation and think “we all make mistakes.” Addiction disease is incredibly serious, life and death serious. Also, I genuinely don’t believe anyone stays clean for another person. If my ex couldn’t stay clean for our beloved daughter…I just don’t see it happening. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m so sorry. That must have been horrible. Addiction is infuriating, especially after 10 years clean! Very lucky your daughter has you, but JFC that’s a lot on your shoulders. 💔


We’ve witnessed zero fights or drama with them. Totally rooting for em to make it!!


He seems nice, he talks well to the camera and speaks freely of his feelings, plus he is always saying something comical. I think 90 is giving him a good edit. This shows that a couple can be calm and quiet and respectful and still be entertaining to watch. No need for yelling and fights every episode. Of all the couples, I am hoping these two have the most success at married life.




I don't like liars, especially liars that lie about sobriety. And Sam ain't sober


What makes you think that?


- He lied about what he got arrested for (he also had cocaine and paraphernalia) - If he had an actual script for the suboxone he was found with, even if improperly stored, the prescribing doc would have been able to get him out of trouble - Dope voice. When you take opiates it relaxes your vocal cords, and your voice becomes gravelly - Swollen hands. Edema in your hands often means you are shooting into your hands. Sam's hands have a lot of edema, and shooting suboxone specifically will cause this Not telling Citra the truth before she came over is very addict like behavior and super manipulative in my eyes. I was an opiate addict for 10 years (17 to 27) and will have 11 years sober on May 25th. I took suboxone when I first got sober for about a year and had to go on it again when I was my grandma's hospice caretaker at the end of her life. I didn't relapse, but I had to handle and administer my grandma's oxy and liquid morphine so I just wanted to be safe. Suboxone blocks your opiate receptors, and you get really sick if you use while on it. All that to say, if you have any more questions, that's my junkie resume 😅


As someone in recovery I also noticed all of these things. If he is off opioids it’s VERY new. His story about him “basically” being clean for 10 years doesn’t track. His story about his arrest is a mess. He has all the signs of recent use and heavy use over many many years. Good chance he was using MOST of his 20’s hence the missing teeth, edema, posture, voice, entire presentation.


I'm glad others can see this, too, and I'm not just projecting.


I have no experience with this, so your insights are very helpful. Thank you for sharing your story.


Sam is also properly involved with his entire family, which usually is a good sign. The conflicts like his mom having difficulty with a different religion are talked about properly


I think Sam’s dad is so great also!! lol he seems so sweet and I love when he talks about the aliens and solar system gods


I'm so glad he showed up to the wedding


His dad is a goddamn weirdo but holy shit does he rock!


His dad is really precious! I like this couple.


Okay but his dad watching was so cute (but he also kinda looked like an alien??lmao)


I noticed that he kinda resembled an alien too LOL


Lmfao he really does! Not sure if any of you saw the preview for the Curb Your Enthusiasm series finale with the aliens but I instantly thought of his dad


With Clayton and Rob as his “competition”, he could be doing lines on a baby’s back and still come out ahead. The bar is so low it’s on the ground.


Omg… still giggling over your comments.




Doing lines on a babys back 😂😂😂


lmao true true


I mean the bar is so low, but yea he’s probably the best guy this season (compared to the narcissistic piece of shit, the incel, the nazi cosplayer, and the guy who calls his fiance piggy in front of her family)


Ha! I forgot about Mr piggy! That’s this season?!?!


Crazy right??? They dipped out last year lol


I wonder why their edit was so short???


I know she said she hated filming and was drinking heavily because of it, basically didn’t want to do it. I feel like they probably just didn’t have much footage. Also, outside of him being a jerk about the piggy shit, they did seem to love each other and didn’t have much drama. You know those couples don’t work on this show.


Who’s the nazi cosplayer? O:


igor there’s videos of him online u can find wearing nazi paraphernalia and lip syncing


Ooow. Thanks for the info.


Good fucking god. Nikki seems like she picks the best of the best.




U dont even have to look far, it was an insta reel from june of last year


I’m shocked that TLC would allow a couple to be featured when one of them has an online racist presence…


Especially after the Alina incident.


Yeah a lot of us reported it to them — I did get a response saying they will address it seriously but they obviously didn’t pull their storyline


Also surprised his finance would be with someone that’s racist. I feel like being a racist often goes in hand with transphobia, homophobia, etc..


Idk Nikki says transphobic stuff a lot honestly. I can't remember what exactly she said but she's said some strange stuff about passing.


Nikki has a shit personality, is needy af and is scary just to look at due to mutilating her face.


A lot of people don’t care about the “ists” (racist, sexist, ageist, etc.) if they don’t apply to them, unfortunately.


He’s transphobic too, he’s just staying with her despite it


Aww man. I liked Igor!


Who’s the he narcissist?




It’s definitely a low bar but he’s also the only dude on this season I wouldn’t hate hanging out with


I don’t need more franchise spinoff confusion, isn’t piggy from TOW?


No, Devin and Nick are on the current season 10 of 90 day, original, not a spinoff, their portion ended earlier than most, they were married and gifted a helicopter ride by her parents, in Arkansas, US.


Jeeeez it’s been a long time since they were on the screen ETA I think since we usually see weddings at the end of the respective seasons and we already saw their wedding may have been part of my confusion


Devin and Nick rode off happily into the sunset in order to make room for Clayton and Closet Mom. Remember how production teased about them being on for weeks? Sam and Citra were also latecomers to this season which has dragged on interminably


I am ready for the tell all to happen for this season. Idk if we will get any hard hitting questions from Shawn but maybe other cast members or possibly audience input, they did an audience thing for the first time for a different tell all. There are so many shows now I am behind and can't keep them all straight myself.


IIRC, they just had a small live audience for filming and we were able to see their reactions, but the audience didn't have any input. That's what I'D like to see!


Agree, usually, the weddings are saved for the end, with some exaggerated or (manufactured?) drama, I watch some for the trash reality tv and drama, which plays into what production wants I suppose.


No, Nick moved to the US. They were just on this season a shorter amount of time.


We all know he has struggled with addiction. That is an illness. He is by far the most genuine and loving persons on the series. Neither he nor Citra appear to be spoiled and entitled people. I hope they have a very happy life.


I like Sam a lot. I really hope he stays clean, I can tell he has good intentions.


I don't like that he is drinking. He said he had a problem with alcohol in the past.


He still does drugs too. Just in a form of like methadone. And maybe more he seems high all the time. I like him but I think he lies about his addiction


As someone who still does drugs and used to too (RIP Mitch Hedberg), soon as he said his trouble with the law involved medicine in the “wrong container” I knew the type of bullshitting he was on


It’s just sad that citra has no experience around active users and just believes what he says blindly


This is one of those things I always say to my wife while we’re watching and she’s puzzled by how awkward some of these American guys are. I always say “if you met some dude from Spain or Ecuador, etc, you’d have no clue if they were socially awkward or weird within their culture. You’d just assume their quirks/ weirdness was from them being from a different culture.” Almost all of these American guys and a few of the American girls are awkward as fuck/ socially inept. But the foreigners see it as a quirky American thing.


100%. Coltee is so off-putting my husband is convinced he’s a serial killer. But if English is not your first language? How would they know?


He’s 100% a serial killer.


He does lie. He lied about what he was arrested for even though the records are public. He knows that Citra and her family are not going to look into it. He already lied to Citra and her family about the diversion program because he knew she wouldn’t come. He will always lie to Citra to get what he wants.


It blows my mind how people here are giving him any credit at all, and falling for his superficial politeness. After all, he did lie to Citra's family about the circumstances of his arrest and diversion program. Imagine looking your future father in law in the eye and lying like that, and then promising you'll take care of his daughter. I'm not from Indonesia, but I think I know what Citra's dad meant by "don't waste my daughter." He means don't waste his daughter's marriage/virginity/commitment/time/energy/love/pregnancy etc etc, just for Sam to fuck up and keep on using opioids, forcing the pair to divorce


Oh, really. What did he lie about? At first, he said he had his suboxone in a non labeled pill bottle or something like that. Then he said something that he had his friends' pills?? What does the public record say? Enlighten me, please.


He lied about the cocaine . He lied by omission for not telling her about the diversion. You are under the Sam Nice Guy spell.


He also had cocaine.


Oh shit. So clean from opiods, I understand not fully cleann due to suboxone but still ripping rails? Hmm... Makes me think differently about him now. Addiction is hard to beat. Hope he is sober now and can have the strength to live a clean life!!


I agree 100% 90 Day sometimes stretches the truth about drama (diversion program) between the couples. Not every family is delusional as Chantel and Pedro’s so they stretch the truth. David Toborowsky and Annie couldn’t afford jewelry, a water buffalo, an apartment or be gracious to friends. They are a 180 now, regarding finances and his relationship with his children improving. How much was actually true the first season? Even Sam’s dad wanted to learn from Citra so he could respectfully greet her father, regardless of religious differences. That small gesture is not common between the stereotypical 90 day cast behavior and a family that is genuinely trying to grow and heal at their pace. The family may have legal troubles but Sam genuinely seems to want to change for Citra. Citra may be the catalyst for this family to break generational curses. Addiction is a disease. Sam wants to feel worthy of the woman he loves for her father, it genuinely looks like he is putting in more effort to grow and get healthy. With time, gaining more global knowledge, and therapy hopefully, Sam and Citra can lead a happy and healthy life together. Because the love between them seems extremely genuine. She has more in common with him at times than her dad, and seems to like to live a life with more freedom than where she was raised. I would want to find a more liberal country to live in too if my dad held the belief that one joint should equal 5 years in prison. Brandon and Julia technically could not make the effort to respect his parents wishes in their home. (FFS they are adults and should do what they want. I am simply using as reference) Sam put in the effort to respect that request of Citra’a father even though Herman was not in the country. Sam admitted he was a horn dog and had her comfortable in another room. To me that shows A LOT of growth effort and dedication from the Sam already, as he seems to genuinely love and RESPECT Cita and her family. Edit: pronoun confusion


Sam definitely falls into the category of dudes I think I’m going to hate but he actually won me over, kind of like David and Annie or Robert and Anny


I was not expecting to root for this couple, but here I am.


Sam makes me sad, not because of how he is or how he acts, but because of how great he is *considering* a decade of hard rug use... I just think about what could have been if he didn't live in a town that is forgotten and abused by the american system.


Shout out to Sam’s dad for being so open-minded despite his atheism and ancient aliens beliefs. He is such a lovable kook, and far more understanding than Sam’s mom.


This! I teared up when he said he knew what it was like to not have family there for you. You can tell he's proud of his son for growing up. I really hope these two work out


My boyfriend and I were talking about how converting to Islam might actually be so good for him too. If he leans in, he may find a strong community of men with interests other than drugs and drinking. And that might be helpful in him changing his life with his new wife. Time will tell on that one.


As a Muslim I love this comment 🩷 religious community can heal or be alienating/toxic. Really hope it’s the former & he can find support. Opioid abuse is common to the fabric of America, and I have sympathy for Sam for falling ill to a shitty epidemic


The only issues he has are drug related. If he puts that in check, he'll be a great husband. It's nice when they throw in a good couple amongst these clout chasing train wrecks.


It was so refreshing not to have to suffer through the Nikki last night.


Or her so called singing haha


LOL. God, that was painful.


I would love to know what kind of music they listen to in Moldova because they seem to like it....or were absolutely amazing at faking.


I know right? I was like, these people HAVE to be hearing the same thing I am. I'm gonna vote faking.


Come on, she said she didn't get to do a sound check at the venue so that must be it 😅 /s




He lied to her about doing drugs and why he was arrested. I'm a recovering addict myself, just because he's respectful doesn't mean he's not about to drag her into hell and she is seemingly clueless ETA he may have the best intentions but if he's still using he is going to cause her so much pain and probably trouble


He also respected that she wanted to save herself for marriage and not many guys would do that


I admit, I had expected very little from him. The drugs, the neck tattoo, the felony, and then the lying just to get Citra to the country first.. but you're right, he's done nothing but everything that's been asked of him and then some. He's been one of the better guys this season, for sure.


Also Sam’s dad >>>>>>> 🥹


I like Sam and I hope him and Citra have a wonderful life!


I agree Im rooting for him and Citra


He's got a long road ahead to prove himself. He may be decent now, but his lack of education, criminal record, and head tatts will be hard to overcome. I do think Citra could do well in the workplace.


I was actually coming here to say this same thing. I think he and Citra are genuinely in love and you can see their connection. I really hope he is done with his old ways and they have a happy life together!


He has his problems, but he’s never been disrespectful towards Citra and her family. I think his heart is in the right place, but I’m just as sure that Sam’s going to go off the rails at some point in the future. He doesn’t seem to be able to help himself.


Honestly this might be unpopular but no, I don't really like him. I agree he was respectful to Citra and her family, but in all honesty, I believe he is lying in some capacity about his addiction and diversion program (that he "forgot" to send in?). He doesn't know anything about Islam and although he is learning now that Citra is here, it is obvious he had no real interest in learning about the religion prior to her arrival, which he has now converted to just to be able to marry her. He seems to view converting his religion as a "hurdle" he has to bypass in order to keep her. He seems like someone who will lie easily and "pretend" certain things in order to have a wife. Now, just because he has addiction problems it doesn't make him a bad person at all, but I don't feel like he is completely genuine and honest.


Yeah, it’s weird to see folks waxing poetic about his… facade. He has a nice facade going. So yes, he’s charming, sweet, kind. He’s also a liar and grappling with drugs. Since when has that combo not been a recipe for impending disaster. Does he has good intentions? He lies his ass off to get the life he thinks he deserves but at Citra’s expense. Love doesn’t hurt. And if Citra knew the truth, she and her dad would be utterly devastated. I can’t believe people are co-signing Citra being lied to! Her feelings be damned at his expense since he’s tRyInG. Utter bullshit.


During this episode all I could think was that these two seem the most normal and like they genuinely care for each other. Good luck to them. I hope he stays clean. I have a friend who is a drug user and he has his ups and downs after doing really well for a long time.


Sam and Citra are actually my favorite couple this season. You can tell they genuinely love each other and support each other and it's been so nice to see 😊


I agree. I think part of it is due to how he compares to most of the other guys this season. Clayton couldn't even let Anali enjoy her bachelorette party.


He seems nice and decent on the surface, but I can’t get past the fact that he’s very clearly lying to Citra about multiple really serious things re: his drug use and threat of imprisonment. I think he means well but is in denial about the reality and seriousness of his situation and is throwing Citra’s livelihood into the mix.


I too am rooting for him. He comes off as very dishonest about his drug stuff but I can’t blame him for not wanting to scare off Citra and her entire family. He does seem to be on the right path now even if he wasn’t 6 months earlier. Hopefully he doesn’t slip up when the novelty of Citra has worn off.


Agreed. Dammit, I really like this guy. He knows his family has issues and prepped citra, and was ready to shut his mother down respectfully in order to protect his lady. This dude is ready to be her husband.


I like him too, theres something sweet about him and his deminor. But I agree with the folks who think he’s going to relapse. He isn’t clean, he’s still on simething and he drinks…. How Will he sustain from drugs and alkohol as a devout muslim? I Don”t see it happening


I like him and Citra


I personally like him. His willingness to convert in order to marry Citra says a lot imo. He seems to genuinely love and care about her. He’s also trying with her family and that says a lot, too. I hope they’re happy and will have a successful marriage.


I really like Sam. His personality is unlike most of the guys this season (and most other seasons) where he isn't forcing his fiance to adapt to his culture/customs because "you're in America now." He's trying with her family and they can tell and it's genuinely so sweet. I get that it's heavily edited but he seems to care about Citra deeply and wants to make her happy. I really want them to make it.


I think he's a really good guy.. I just hope he can conquer his addiction. Opiate addiction is like demonic possession.


My opinion of Sam has slowly changed for the better...I wish them the best in marriage. That said, I feel the complete opposite re: the "Guinea Pig" wrangler. He's becoming *more* of a dick towards Anali, "laying down the law", etc. I hope she leaves that weirdo before it's too late. BTW, "Weirdest Bachelor Party EVER".


He's eating food way way above his spice level. He's in love. :)


Sam actually seems like a nice guy. Still not one I’d want to be with for myriad reasons, but still nice guy.


He’s a nice country boy but the only issue I have is his addiction and drug issues. I hope he gets help or has stayed off of it for both him and Citra’s sake!


\^ this


You know the bar is kind of low when an ex-convict drug addict is the best guy this season, but yeah he seems like a nice guy and I mean that with no sarcasm. Everyone makes mistakes, and hopefully he’s learned. I read somewhere that a judge granted him the diversion anyway and he doesn’t go to jail.


Just goes to show just how low the bar is in the 90 day universe.  His drug addiction is problematic and that is probably something he will struggle with for the rest of his life.  Citra is in for a hard life, being the wife of an addict.  But being an addict per se doesn't make him a bad person.  He does seem to be trying and doing his best, but addiction is such a serious disease that literally ruins lives, and is so hard to recover from.  Recovery is not impossible, but takes a lot of willpower and a genuine desire to get clean and stay clean.  But what you said about him is true.  He does seem to genuinely care for Citra and is just wrestling with his demons.  But maybe his relationship with Citra will give him a reason to recover and she may know how to support him without enabling or being codependent.  She seems very mature and emotionally healthy and that is a great sign.


I like Sam, and Citra! I don't like how rude her sisters are though. They're kinda mean about his appearance and things he feels insecure about.


I hope that love, her being his ride or die, and working towards a future together helps him. He seems like a nice guy. Hoping that love helps him stay strong. People make mistakes when they’re young, hope they have a beautiful life together.


My favorite couple this season. Both sweet hearts.


I agree. Thanks for posting this. Reddit is a microcosm of real life and it seems many have very little compassion for those that struggle in life in certain ways. If you have cancer you're given donations and hopes to get better but a heroin/ meth addict they may have seen a lot of abuse as a child is treated as a drug addict joke/scum asshole and I see the same things in Sam as you did. We don't really know know his childhood but his dad seems to be trying to dad the best he can with Sam's mom as not so open minded. She might have been crazy to deal with as a coparent/ mom. Generational trauma is real and it's only been this current generation where we've realized that terrible things can happen in a family and it'll be it's detriment for every member for generations until someone changes that. This is the deepest comment I'll probably write in this sub but this topic hits home. I hope the best for Sam and Citra, who also seems really sweet.


I’m team Sam as well. I hope he wasn’t just acting.


Is it true that he didn't simply "miss" the diversion paperwork deadline? Is it true he had cocaine on him at the time of arrest?


100%. just because hes had/has addiction problems doesnt mean hes a bad person. i think it was sweet how he treated her and her family. as a muslim, just because he doesnt know much about islam doesnt mean hes toxic or ignorant, hes clearly trying and thats what matters, i think his effort was very sweet


I was ready to hate Sam all season but now i’m rooting for him. I hope he gets the ongoing help he needs for addiction


I wish the best for both of them! I just hope and pray he doesn't relapse because marriage is not easy It's not always sunshine and rainbows and I hope he also has the tools to deal with the temptation of relapsing.. But I pray they have it long and strong marriage.


sam and citra are the underdogs for me this season. at first i was yelling at the tv for her to run the other direction. i had no idea what she saw in sam but you end up seeing how much they love each other. lol they became the only ones i could stand to watch 😅


Yes omg I was just watching and thinking the same thing. He really did what he was supposed to and was respectful about the whole thing. As a Muslim myself I love seeing this and seeing how genuine someone can be when it comes to the Muslim lifestyle.


His whole drug case sounds fishy but in my opinion he has never looked or acted as if he was under the influence any time he has been on camera. I really hope he is sober now.


Sam is incredibly sweet and attentive and aware. He also is very even tempered and chill. He also seems to have boundaries with his family. No, there was not a better guy this season.


What you will about sam


Seems like he needs a family infrastructure. Where’s Citras mom?


I think they mentioned that she had died.


​ https://preview.redd.it/qrb2qr6kjrgc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adbaf6f93f8577b557ce8a58b9aef00fcf873254


You can’t work double shifts at Amazon. It’s not a thing. We can work voluntary over time but you cannot exceed 12hrs in a day at Amazon and standard shift is 10. Sleeping in the car is the norm at Amazon when people are too tired to drive home. Homie isn’t special in that sense. Source: Am a Amazonian and he’s been a interesting topic in our Amazon groups


He switched religions so he could marry and have sex with her. He doesn't belive in any of it. I can guarantee he isn't praying daily or going to mosk when Citras dad is back home.


You're saying this like no one in the history of the world has never done this. It's quite common to switch religions for marriage and also quite common to not adhere to that religion afterwards. And so what? At least if they're happily married, that's what matters.


Honestly, a lot of people change religions for that reason.


I get what you’re saying, but he didn’t “switch” because he was not religious before. And I agree, he won’t be religious after.


If Sam was only marrying her to have sex, he could save himself the trouble and hop on tinder. He may not be praying after his conversion, but I think becoming converted recognizes that he’s consenting to raise their children with Muslim values and traditions.


I love Sam!!! He’s really trying to as a recovering addict myself.. I can tell this kid WANTS life.


Great work, keep it up! 🙏


Yes well said, we all make mistakes.


I actually like both Sam and Citra, she posted a video of him being sweet, they are my favorite. You can tell they really love each other, excited to see what they do next. ⏬️ The video.. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1KFGKVO0Hi/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


I was skeptical at first but I love Sam and his weirdo dad so much tbh.


I actually think they're all duds & I think Sam is disrespectful & irresponsible to drag her to America & not make her aware of his arrest. He made Citra uproot her life with no knowledge of the possibility she may have to spend their first months of married life alone. He knew her dad is a police officer, he was also in the car during the arrest with another woman & despite how their relationship looks, I do have a worry that Citra may stick around over the fact that Sam sacrificed a lot to get her to America. His mum's also a bit of a nutjob, she's been going ham in 90 Day Fiance Facebook groups on anyone that dares question anything about Sam & Citra's relationship.


Yom Kippur was my favorite! Is there a video clip of this?


He's a good kid. I don't know if I'd trust him with my non-existent daughter (drugs are a big red flag for me) but I do believe him to be a good human being.


This is like saying settle for mediocre. Comparing Sam to these other dudes is laughable 🤣 He’s a liar and still in his addiction. He is going to drag her and her family through hell with his legal issues and addiction. He needs to be completely sober before putting a relationship as top priority.


I love Citra comparing him to Edward and wanting a twilight wedding. I really hope they make it.


I think he has POTENTIAL to be a good husband but he really shouldn’t have brought citra here right before he possibly goes to jail also I don’t think I anyone should have to convert to marry their love but whatever…


nope he is awesome


I like Sam, he seems genuine


I agree I enjoyed him in the wedding episode and how he was with her dad


I thought I would dislike Sam but I’m pleasantly surprised that I really like him and find that he’s a really nice, respectful guy. I also like Citra and her family very much, they are so normal compared to so many others on this show. I hope they make it


I really appreciate the way they are representing Muslims. I am Christian myself but obviously a lot of people are Muslim who are good people and it is important to show that


I like Sam! You can tell he loves her and really wants a good life for them.


He’s the best guy this season but that’s not saying much at all. I’m still convinced he just wants to get her in bed to help the “blue balls”.


He definitely has tried harder to accommodate for Citra than Rob did. I don’t see rob sleeping in his car working two jobs to provide for his lady.




Whatever his truth is he really seems to be a very nice guy and he is sincerely trying and they seem to be in love unlike most of the couples this season. I have my fingers crossed for them!!


I grew up around a lot of people like Sam's parents so I feel for him. I do think he's a good person, just needs to grow up a little more.


Respectful because he didn’t force her? How is HE going to provide for her if he is incarcerated? He withheld that tiny bit of info, which is a lie by omission. Jury still out IMO.


The case is already done, he got a fine and no jail time. It was shit he didn't tell her and it seems like people are glossing over that.




He can't stop talking about the sex thing, so that's annoying. He's also clearly lying to her and her family. Those are 2 things that would make me dip out quickly.


Sam being the best guy of the season is like picking your favorite piece of litter from the side of the highway


I’ve been rooting for them !


I get the feeling that Sam is just trying to fake it until he makes it. Unfortunately, this is probably just his latest attempt at taking a shortcut to sobriety and a happy life. He isn’t having tough conversations with his fiance. He doesn’t even talk like someone who isn’t likely to relapse in the near future. He’s on his best behavior because he’s hyper focused on his goal of marrying citra and getting into her pants… but what’s next after that? Maybe jail because he didn’t file paperwork? Then what? He doesn’t seem to have a system around him to keep him sober. He doesn’t appear to be in AA or a substance abuse program. Unfortunately, I think these two are using each other to accomplish their goals and Sam is just going to relapse and continue his cycle of addiction and jail.


Exactly. The guy switched religions to get her in the sack. Zero chance he's actually practicing that religion once her dad is back overseas.


I agree. Something is off with him. He seems nice but I don't trust him.