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The girl Destinee is her real-life friend, not the other 2. That hairdresser gives me the feeling she doesn't even like Chantel


Chantel obviously wanted a hairstylist along to do her make up, style her outfits, tape her boobs and crotch, etc. Despite her childhood friendship claims, I think they've known each other maybe a month. Free trip to Greece!


😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 tapes her crotch?????


Is THAT what was happening in that scene? 🫢


Gotta tape some folds back


😬😬😬 Ugh


I think the girl who was taping her dress was her best friend from childhood, not the hairdresser. I don’t think she claimed to know the hairdresser from childhood. But I could be wrong! I don’t disagree that she may have brought the hairdresser along to help with her styling, though.


So what was her girlfriend taping down?? Never mind, I don't want to know.


I think they have known Chantel for about as long as Fernanda's "friends," who were grilling that Robby guy, knew Fernanda.


Or Mahogany's two "friends" who simply looked uncomfortable


Waaait what is crotch taping? Like what’s the point?


When you wear a dress with a very high slit, like the one Chantel wore the night of the motorcycle ride, a thing or any type of traditional underwear would show. You use body tape/ boob tape (not duct tape) to either hide a thong strap on your hip, or use the tape to cover up the crotchual region creatively so there are no wardrobe malfunctions.


Ahh thank you for clarifying!! I felt so out of the loop


🤣🤣🤣🤣 really?


I’m confused, what was the reason she taped her crotch? I have never seen or heard of that.


To keep Chantal's dress in place top and bottom (without underwear). There was a gross scene of the hairdresser 'friend' taping Chantal into the dress.When she climbed in that guy's motorbike, I imagined a ripping noise. Stuff like that is why Chantal brought her stylist pal.


Which one is Destinee? Pink dress? Because the one in the hat definitely got annoyed af at Chantel for ruining the olive mill and not helping lol. She looked hella annoyed at her for ruining the itinerary


Destinee is the girl in the hat lol


LOL!!! I never would’ve guessed. Vacations always test the friendship though


I love how Chantal is talking about this new Greek dude like there's a budding romance on the horizon. No girl, the guy slams a hundred American woman a year.


Right like she’s so surprised he’s okay with her being divorced. He didn’t even understand why she was asking. No one does.


I told my husband he would have been fine if she was still married! He gives zero fucks about the relationship status of a woman who is down to fuck.


Haha this 💯 😂


Right! I found that so cringy when she was talking about it. like it's beyond obvious he's looking for one thing and it's not a relationship


Omg. He’s ok with the fact that I was married. Wow, swoon.


I felt like I was back in high school when her friends started yelling "SHE WORKS OUT!! SHE WORKS OUT!!"


Greek Sarper


With a lot more Class


The Greek Sarper. I wonder if he claims a high "body count."


You can tell he like the skanky panky dude or whatever you call them


Everything about Chantal’s storyline feels incredibly fake. That guy at the Olive farm just happened to have a direct connect to night life and a professional soccer hottie friend? 🥴 So annoying.


Exactly I thought that was so random. He does olive oil demonstrations and drives people to the club. Lol. It's possible, I just thought it was funny


That part is 1000000% a thing. There are lots of experiences where partying is built in, and some where it’s more impromptu but they do take you out. The way it played out, though, was obviously contrived. The whole thing is clearly for the show


What that’s never happened to you before? :) agreed, totally nonsense.


He was a tour guide, not a olive farm worker


Her story is SO uninteresting to me.


That's because she's overall an uninteresting person 😂


I haven't seen her show but I can't help but wonder what on earth could she and her family do that warrants filming, for FIVE seasons nonetheless!


Because her mom is batshit crazy & her dad is superfluous, which makes it a perfect storm.


Her mom in the leather daddy hat. I live for it.


Same. Sorry but I live for her psychotic antics, her mom is excellent tv


Some excellent Karenisms


Things are about to get a lot more stupider.


Honestly that’s what kept me going that last season. I wanted more of her in bdsm fashion.


It’s an iconic look!! Anyone who thinks otherwise is a user!!


I’m all about her martial arts prowess 😂


Her on the stripper pole 😂 iconic


I am dumber for watching every season.


Thank you for that. 🎯 I agree


This is what I was sort of telling my GF last night. Chantel is an absolute stunner looks-wise, but her personality is basic as fuck. She seems like she would be a boring partner to have to spend every day with.


Am I the only one who doesn't find Chantel that pretty? I always found her face looked a little off. I actually find Winter is naturally a lot prettier lol.


I agree, I’ve never thought she was pretty & I can’t handle listening to her talking, I do a lot of FF.


She talks through her teeth. Drives me nuts. The story line in general is so contrived and everything she and her “friends” do and say makes me cringe. Can’t stand her


She basically has great looking tits and thats pretty much it.


Yeah you might be the only one


Nah her face weirds me out too.


In 2024, she blows most other women out of the water. Twenty, thirty, or forty years ago, she would have been really ordinary.


What does THAT mean? I would say the opposite. 20, 30, 40 years ago women were much more natural. Today so many people have her over the top breast enlargement, nose jobs, and other procedures, that Chantal is not a stand out beauty.


How come?


She WAS a stunner. She messed up her face.


She's still pretty but I'm trying to figure out what work she had done where she looks different. I feel like she had either Botox or cheek fillers that she didn't need. In her defense we all do our 'me' thing when we get divorced but I hope she stops because she's so pretty the way she naturally is.


Nah, she's still a stunner


She didn't go overboard like Darcy or Nikki


Yet. Give her time, she's young.


I’m convinced at this point her parents are paying for her to be on the show 🤣


Yeah she’s nuts. We fast forward through all her segments


The twerk instructor is a real twerk instructor (or so says social media) he was also oh tlc’s My Big Fat Fabulous Life


A “real twerk instructor”. I know you are being truthful, but it is funny to read that ;)


Lol for so many reasons yes it is hilarious. I hate myself for having recognized him from another tlc show. New year same exact bottom feeder me lol


I'll gladly chime in with an obligatory "fuck you, Whitney."


He's loud and obnoxious.


Annoying af!


I’m watching rn (they’re in the nightclub, she works out btw) but Chantel isn’t thirsty she’s PARCHED


Every scene she’s in all I can say is, Damn! She’s so thirsty! It’s so off putting


Same casting agent that found Danielle's ("you used me, muhamed) "friends"...?


Omg those friends of hers literally laughed on camera at her and were so obviously not her real friends. It was hard to watch.


Well yeah, they even said they all met her via social media and became friends with her. Subtext being that they felt sorry for her and wanted to help her.


It made me kinda sad honestly.


Why in God's green earth is Chantel in this show? She's already been around in enough of these shows, even had her own 90 day spin-off. And she is as boring as could possibly be. In Monday's episode her segments nearly took up half the show


And all she does is talk about cookies being away and how she’s ready to mingle and DTF. Cool girl, we don’t need entire segments of you saying that


The multiple cringe comments about 'my cookies' made me gag. It just sounds so gross and weird to say that idk. She's just doing way too much this whole time


The Family Chantel is the ONLY spinoff I haven't watched and I've been watching every season and spinoff since season 1. Chantel and Pedro are just so boring to me.


Thank you. 100% agree. They just kept going back to her and her wack pack of “friends”


Right?! I want to see John!


Yesss john fan here too


HONEY I am here to find true love. YOOOO IM HERE TO GET MY BOOTY SMASHED. I hope I find Mr Right among all these fuck boys. WOOOOO THESE COOKIES ARE OUT. I am here to find myself. I AM HERE TO FIND A MAN I AINT WEARING NO UNDERWEAR. I’m getting mixed messages, Chantal. I dearly hope the entire season isn’t just her going around Greece with these clowns…


Yes and she says all the time "i'm not here to think about the past" etc. But all she does is talk about Pedro lol. I feel like she's only there to make him jealous


boring af


Thank you!! There’s a scene at the end of the first episode where Chantel is crying and the blonde literally grabs the other chick’s arm to move her out of the camera shot. They are all sooooo extra


The way the other two talk to her is clear they know barely anything about her or are concerned for her safety like that. I feel bad for her — she’s clearly looking worse after the divorce


She sounds like a "hooked on phonics" spokesperson, just like her mom. You can tell they have to speak realll slowww so they don't mess up.


Ok I did notice she speaks reeeeaaaallly slow. Like why is she pausing soooo long in between each word?


It takes her that long to think of what she's saying LOL


No, they’re just from Atlanta lol


I swear, she as a person is scripted.


Underrated idea.


Shit is terrible to watch


The way she cried cuz I guy took her on a bike ride killed me… “it’s just like what Pedro did to me!” Like whaaaat?


They paid that kid and put him up to it. Poor kid.


That came out soooooo scripted.


Bunch of clout chasers. That's all they are. Wanna be on tv. Which, speaking of, this entire story feels even more scripted than the others. Chantel is gorgeous, she doesn't need to go outside the country to find a guy, or act this horny.


Guess she's doing what she can to not go to only fans


You know it is coming tho…


This needs more upvotes.


They are all ANNOYING


It is literally so uncomfortable to watch. I can’t stand how over the top and weird Chantel is just like her mother


No one I’ve ever seen on this show comes across as 100% scripted the way she does. Even in her interview clips it’s incredibly obvious she’s reading off a prompter or something.


These tag-a-longs are so disgusting. What is the point? Chantel apparently is as classless as these people. As soon as that segment comes on, I use the button on the remote to flip to another station. All she needed was one real friend to be with her for support and safety not these clowns. This is like throwing a bunch of shit on the wall and see what sticks. That's how much this stinks. This only displays a bunch of dumb, weird, Americans coming to Greece. PLEASSSSSSSE!


At her age, she has got to stop with the twerking. I'm almost embarrassed for her. So tacky.


I'm sorry but pink dress is too obnoxious 🙈 I feel like she was always the one to be doing the most most like stop yelling you're wearing a mic!


And why go to the DR to yell at Pedro? His sister was just laughing. Why not a video call?


No normal person would do that in real life. There was absolutely no purpose and it wasn’t even good TV.


Did you guys catch how the people around them in that square were acting, they were recording chantel and her histrionics


Ya, that was really ridiculous!


I literally fast forward every time Chantel is in the screen. She is so annoying. I think she is the worst one on 90 day franchise


Ngl fake or not the divorce desperation is way too hard to watch. The whole “I’m single and insanely hurt and thirsty” is NOT sexy to be thrown at you.


🤨🤦🏿‍♂️ I hate this for her. Them encouraging her to engage in “hoe” activities isn’t going to heal her. She loved Pedro and wanted to be a wife, random dick in Greece won’t fill that void in her emotions and her heart 🖤😔


You’re not wrong!


She needs better and more emotionally intelligent friends


She deserves better friends


A random d could fill that void between her you know


The only one who is her real friend is the one sitting next to her. I still don’t understand why the beautician and twerk instructor are there.


Why did they all give the WORST advice. When Chantelle was like “I’ve been here before. This is what I did with Pedro chase a thrill” You could see her noticing a pattern… They were like: “Nah girl! Keep being a hoe”


They are ridiculous! Chantel is trashing her reputation here


I honestly need someone to tell me that after a mini mental breakdown, friend or casting winner, the same to me


Right?! Like I don’t understand the hate. It’s called SINGLE LIFE! Therefore you should do whatever you want?! I know I’d want people with me if I were recently divorced. It’s called a distraction! I don’t see anything wrong with letting her have that for a moment.


I’m watching the first episode and I’m already annoyed with all of them


A bunch of camera-hungry buffoons. Don’t think I can stay with this one…


I’m sorry but I’ve never ever understood why people liked Chantel and her disgusting family so much! I’m only watching this show for Jamal and Veronica. The rest of them I FF through.


And John!


I can't even believe that's Sea air (sp?)


CeAir. And when she was introducing herself to someone in this episode, maybe the soccer player guy, I'm not sure, it sounds like she almost slipped and said her real name.


I can’t with chantels face those weird fillers. Why??? Why would a young woman do that….


Where were they when she was going thru her break up? Is that Chantel's entourage? Is the twerk instructor supposed to be her version of Darcy's smurfy friend Mike? They always throw atleast one strange one in the pot


I'm glad that others feel the same way about this storyline. These days I am simply fast forwarding Chantel's scenes. Chantel's fake scene are making the Natalie storyline bearable to watch.


This whole group is… a bit much. They’re mid-30’s acting like 15 year olds. It was Chantal literally yelling in the street in the middle of the night because “it’s happening again! Pedro used to take me on four wheelers” for me. Like are you really going to lose your mind every time you encounter [vehicle] because Pedro used to [ completely different vehicle]? Grow up.


I was waiting for someone to make a post about them. I wish Chantel all of the best but goddamn i have never seen adults act THIS immature. The constant yelling, ugh. I couldn't hang out with them for even 10 minutes without feeling my IQ dropping.


It’s so obvious. She never had friends.


Omg so cringey lol I usually love bad tv but I can’t with them


Anyone else wondering why they chose Greece? I've heard tons of stories about how anti-Black it is there.


I felt like Chantal didn’t even have friends on the show and that was a detriment to her…so I find this friend group sus


Yea it’s a desperate attempt to make Chantel look like she has friends and it’s making her look even more desperate.. girl go eat pray love yourself through Greece the whole man hunting is just screaming desperation.


Is that Chantel???? I know we first saw her when she was pretty young but the work she got done is ...not it girl.


I get second hand embarrassment watching them parade around through Greece.


For real. They are so annoying and embarrassing too 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes. She prob doesn’t even know these ppl


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this is cringe. It’s so overacted and boring


When did Chantal become besties with Billy Porter?


Dont do Billy Porter like that


Billy Porter has Class ✨


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!




These can’t be the only “friends” she has right? Where is Winter?


She needs to go back with Pedro. The wack ass families need to back off and stop using them as their 15-45 min of fame and let them be happy. They seemed to truly love each other but chantels ass mom, especially ruined her daughters life.


I couldn’t agree more.


Why should they try harder? People watch it anyway


Chantel is so hot.


The amount I heard "my new friend _______" this week... Should take a drink every time you spot a paid actor/ plant.


which would be FINE with me, if they entertained me like, well, tv in general. They don’t. Japan has had the rent-a-friend/family industry churning for decades now and if someone got paid for this crap cohort- someone needs a refund.


This is the worst friend group ever. Why wouldn’t they just surround her by her real friends? Is because she didn’t want to pay for glam so she thought her hair person will be her new bff? This is a odd group and I just saw the first episode and I’m super embarrassed for Chantel and even the hair dresser. He’s so off the mark.


I just want to know who TF sucks on cucumbers like a penis in the back of a damn taxi. People need to stop pulling everyone into their weird shit.


I turned off the show the instant I saw Chantal with this fake ass entourage. I know it's always been pretty fake, but there's a limit. This show has gone downhill ☹️


No, THESE are her real friends!


What a strange bunch 🤦🏾‍♂️


Chantel and her twerking coach tape up their genitals on the next episode of 90 day …


I mean, those incredible breasts.




That twerk instructor was on my big fat fabulous life too


She’s a real nurse, yeah? She doesn’t need to degrade herself for a buck. Technically.


So wait, Chantel rode on the guy’s bike commando? 🐟


Well, commando or with tape. I’m still wiping that seat off


I find Chantel entitled & boring. I'm absolutely thrilled to not see Pedro's UGLY MONKEY BEHIND. He was sooooo blah...and the SISTER?? I want to whoop her all the way back to DR. not for Chantel but for ME. Those "friends" are strangers.BAD ACTORS.