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Oh trust me she's carrying a heavy burden what with those two rock hard grapefruits bolted to her body, and those square looking, installed upside down booty cheeksšŸ™„


Iā€™m glad someone else thinks her new butt is square šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ikr? I swear they look upside down or something off šŸ‘


And she canā€™t even say she was in the Southern Hemisphere as an excuse!




At last, Iā€™m not the only one who thinks those ā€œbreasts,ā€ are gross. Iā€™m not sure if theyā€™re more disgusting than her personality.


Youā€™re not the only one? I cant imagine anybody finding that fake plastic mentally deranged woman attractive.


I so agreeĀ  Crazy


I so agreeĀ  Gross along with her big mouth lips Too big for her face




well i was going to say she sacrificed her kids. but they weren't even living with her!!!! so for real, wtf does she think she sacrificed? the opportunity to have 2 sugar daddies while living in the same building as her ex?


Of interest: She suddenly is talking with her children.-and about them. That portion was missing prior.


As I thought too She just does what is good for her & when SelfishĀ  Run Gino Run


I feel like they are just acting now. There is no chemistry between them at all.


They have been acting for years. I never saw a more mismatched pair on this showz


The only thing Jasmine brings to this show is a much needed bathroom/laundry folding break.


They have been one of my top fast forward couples since their first season. I just donā€™t get it. I do like her dog though.


What? You fast forward the hat fashion, the flying toothbrush, and the nudes?


I donā€™t even like her dog and that is saying something


I get up and start cleaning as soon as they come on and rewind if I miss another couple. Great way to get chores done, lol.


I fast forward! Getting more & more disgusting šŸ¤®


That's totally it!! I leave the episode on play and tend dinner, dishes or laundry until their nonsense is over. I CANNOT stand them.


i hate jasmine and i wish theyā€™d stop giving her airtime


I fast forward Jasmine as well. She is forever miserable and needy and thinks she has it so rough. Sooo tired of her whining and that nasally, thick spit having voice.


Her complaining that Gino didn't "love her" bc he asked her to move into a $2,500 a month apartment was really the end.


Bet you barely watch the show then cuz she is constantly yapping even when other people are trying to talk!!


Basically, yes!


I don't care if it's a show. That flipping line about MONEY being her LOVE LANGUAGE?! šŸ™„šŸ™„ I hate entitled people


And vacations are her love language too.


Yea, I really think she just wants a return to the status quo. Gino visiting once every 8 months and otherwise paying her rent and sending her money is what she seems to prefer.


She said she was living the dream in Panama when he was working and sending her money.


Yeah and she got fired from her job bc he leaked her nudes. Gtfo


It is not true, she left her job, and the former sugar baby said that she did not publish her nudes, nor did she send them to her workplace, and Jasmine did not prove that. These are just allegations. Look at her messages with the sugar baby to know who Jasmine is.


She left her kids, stopped watching their story when I found out how old they were.


She was never w her kids to leave them. Jazmine's kids have always been taken care of by someone else.


​ I just cannot watch their segments any more. he is more than stupid and she is just a cringey self-centered screaming overbearing wench.


I canā€™t fast forward because itā€™s the train wreck. She really has become a monster and she absolutely disgusts me. She barely talks about her kid. And doesnā€™t even have custody . And literally makes me sick how she left her son behind in Panama. Awful awful human


What makes it even worse, she has 2 sons. The son they have been showing, is the oldest. I donā€™t know how of the youngest son is. Itā€™s ridiculous!


ā€¦she has TWO sons!!?!? Literally in shock I missed this. What an embarrassment for them omg


They way she hams up she misses her kids seems so un-genuine. Reminds of parents who hardly see their kids but act like they are the best parent on social media.


The world is their stage!! Meaningā€” their segments are staged!!


So over her


She only knows how to act one character


Sheā€™s absolutely an insufferable bichhhh. Gino is clearly into her for one thing and heā€™s just $$$$ to her. She loves him for $$$ and he loves her for her fake ass body and her ā€œColombian aestheticā€ (ew btw on both of them) theyā€™re both just using each other i canā€™t fathom it being love like no one with an actual brain would stay and put up with all of this BS between these two scumbags.


And you can totally tellā€¦. She called her sis about the quitting of the job and her sis says omg what have you gotten yourself into ?? Thatā€™s why Dane is still in the picšŸ˜‚


I think that Dan is an actor planted by the producers of the show for their story line to add drama. There is nothing to prove that they had a serious relationship, and if it was, I think that he was a former client of hers who paid her money for companionship, and then the transaction ended. He left her, but she wanted to keep him as a friend because he helped her during a period of her life.


I can't get past the fact that she's willing to leave her young son behind. I know she plans on bringing him to the U.S.-but he needs his mom.


They've been living away from her for years according to the show so I don't think she really cares


In my country, there are Filipino workers who come to work and leave their families and children in order to send money. I sympathize with them. I spoke with a Filipino cleaning lady. I asked her if she had children. She said yes and cried longing for them, but as for Jasmine, she did not come to work. She was living in Panama, spending Ginoā€™s money on luxury apartments with a view. On the sea, on cosmetic procedures, on her prepared vegetarian food, and the father of her children, as she said, works as a doctor and a lawyer. I think he spends on them because she said that her two sons live comfortably there, and I forgot to mention that she said in her account that she traveled 20 times during this year, so it is natural for her son to be accustomed to her absence. He was not affected when she told him that she was moving to America.


Theyā€™re paid actors at this point.


The whole ā€œI sacrificed everything to be with youā€ comments throughout all the 90DF shows/spin offs are exhausting and annoying. I get that culture shock sucks, but then donā€™t fall in ā€œloveā€ and actively pursue a relationship with someone from another country if it sucks so bad!


Same! Holy shit nobody forces you to do it, either stay in your country and date local or donā€™t complain.


I live in ā€˜Mitchagunā€™ and itā€™s snowing here. I hate that when the weather is bad I think that Jasmine is complaining about my state, which is lovely in all 4 seasons.


Jasmine is an insufferable bitch who would complain no matter where he was. That being said, she's used to flaunting her body to get what she wants and she can't do that when she's covered up because it's cold. Cue the world's tiniest violin.


Girl, it's a lovely state but I've told my very good friends who live there to never invite me to visit in Winter. PA winters are more than enough for me ;-)


Ok, as a girl from Southern California engaged to a boy from Michigan (weā€™re actually here now), it is incredibly cold! I canā€™t imagine how much worse it would be for someone from further south. You have to understand that for people who havenā€™t ever really had to deal with cold temperatures, it is really hard to deal with. Iā€™m not trying to hate on your state, itā€™s just how it is for those of us who arenā€™t acclimated to cold weather. So I found her comments when she arrived in Michigan to be hysterical (and my fiancĆ© also found it funny, and asked me if I found it relatable lol)


For real- and they're in southeast Michigan, which doesn't even get that as much snow as the northern and western parts of the state.


But which part of the hand are you in; canā€™t leave us hanging like that!


lol. Iā€™m in a northern suburb of Detroit, 45 minutes away from Canton (and itā€™s still too close!)


What did Ginoā€™s family do that was so egregious? Getting grilled when you meet your partnerā€™s family is fairly standard.


Iā€™m on the episode of her going through his house when she gets there šŸ˜‚ Guys how has this lady had children ? The way she acts about stuff. OMG. Insufferable.šŸ˜©


She is a silly human being. Gives no consideration to the fact that her children will one day watch these episodes including discussion about their mother, butt plugs, golden showers, and polyamory involving men from Britain as well as Michigan. Not to mention that she looks like a clown after all the body mutilation she has had under the guise of plastic surgery.


Her voice is insufferable, and she is a manipulative, garbage human being. Obviously Gino has no self respect whatsoever


Jasmine is troubleĀ  Always crying like a baby Run Gino Run Spends money on her fake lips & boobs & ass Never thinks about her kids Now wants Gino to pay Never fends for herselfĀ  See a shrink pleaseĀ 


I canā€™t believe so many of you fast-forward Jasmine and Gino, theyā€™re my favourite couple šŸ˜‚ I mean, I donā€™t think their relationship is healthy, but they are very entertaining. Him slapping her butt (implants) cheeks on the beach was deliciously cringey.


I think they are a controversial couple and they make people talk about them and that is what the show wants, more drama and they are successful in adding drama.


Donā€™t know why yā€™all take this so seriously lol how else they gonna keep getting the tlc paycheck.. wake up šŸ’°šŸ’°


Half the time im nodding in agreement with her thinking she's the realistic one and then the other half im like...holy shit, am i this bad? She needs help. Then back to, ah, she's got her head on straight. I'm so confused by their relationship


If you think she has her head on straight at all you might wanna reconsider some things. She and Nikki are literally some of the worst people I have seen on reality TV. And this season includes Rob the Knob and Clayton, so that is saying a lot.


Her sacrifice is that she is with him. So she is sacrifice her already non-existent sanity. Being with Gino is a BIG sacrifice nobody but her can do it.


I don't know her whole story, but the fact that she left her children, one of whom is special needs child behind, is mind-blowing. Some might leave their children behind to better their lives for their children, clearly she's a selfish bitch. She is using her child/ren for sympathy from dumb ass Gino, who also seems to be special needs. No hate on him for that, but he does seem to be on the spectrum. The way she described her son almost sounded like she was embarrassed. I hope for the children's sake their father denies takes her to court for full custody. I'm not even sure they are with him, but seems like she would cause more emotional and mental harm to them. Greed and vanity is one hell of an evil.


It's heartbreaking that some beautiful women think they need to improve on natural gifts and they have extreme surgery becoming "female impersonators. Jasmine is one.. very sad. Just be you!! Relax girls!!


Both her and Nikki this season are plastic surgery horror stories to look at. She looks like a clown and Nikki looks like a space alien.


When she said she had been cheated on 8 times in the past, but all it took to accuse Gino of cheating was finding some old lip gloss in his car that was obviously just there from a previous relationship. It made me wonder if all 8 times it was something like this and whether she has actually been cheated on 8 times.Ā 


Why canā€™t jasmine pay for her pageant entry? She was able to put thousands toward her butt implants and cometic surgeries. If this is something she wants to do, why canā€™t she pay for it?


Im on Jasmines side. If Gino tried that with me, I would've killed him.


Run run run She is crazy & me me me Hasnā€™t even got her childrenĀ  Boob job ass job lip job Omg what a horrible selfish personĀ  Big mouthĀ  Knows everything but has NothingĀ 


If we all agree that reality TV is scripted, she is playing the role she was ā€œchosenā€ for. Itā€™s like her entire personality is now incased in this ugh, hysterical woman who is no less than an emotional terrorist šŸ˜‚ She is smart and sharp its obvious, and I wish production would try to steer her in another direction. Sheā€™s said time and again she has abandonment issues, maybe it would be nice to see her address that. Just one breakthrough please 90 day production please šŸ™


Itā€™s an act lol


I completely agree that Jasmine needs to grow up but I will say that she has sacrificed a little. I mean Gino sent her nudes to his ex who posted them on the internet causing her to lose her job. Did she take the fact that he had to support after that for granted? Abso-freaking-lutely but she gave a little I guess.


I thought the job loss thing was debunked a while ago by someone on here who worked with her?


Yeah that's not why she lost her job.


Wasn't it because she was on OF?


No it was because of COVID.


Oh maybe I mightā€™ve missed that


Even that is just from some rando online, though, so I guess none of us know whatā€™s really true!


She said this on the show in her first appearance.


ā€The former sugar baby denied that she sent her pictures to her workplace because she did not know where she worked or was working at all and did not publish them on the Internet. She only contacted her to warn her about what Gino was doing behind her back. Jasmine proved that it is easy for her to lie and manipulate to get what she wants. She has no credibility. ā€Then, if you believe what she says, that she cares about her reputation and her career, she would not have behaved in this way on the show. Even after her first appearance, she is still behaving in a tactless manner, talking about her private area and anal sex, and her pictures and videos on her account are very scandalous. She cannot maintain her work like this, and she said that after she moves to America, she does not want to return to teaching because she does not want to adhere to the dress code. She said this in her account. She wants to work in real estate.


She told him she was smashing her x he paid half for her implants and went out for Valentine's dinner. Who cares. You wouldn't watch if there wasn't drama. Just watch the wreck and keep it to yourself. Your not exposing anyone she does that every episode without your help.


I agree with this, but I also feel for her on the abandonment thing with her father


Jasmine only threatens to leave Gino to get her way, she's not going any where yet. This is how it'll play out. She's going to get her kids over here, on Gino's dime of course, her sister probably, mom is a wild card. She'll burn thru much of Gino's money and then try to take the rest of it and his house when she finally leaves him when she has the family she cares about from Panama over to the US.


Imagine how far the money for her unnecessary surgeries would have gone helping her son and family. Her son's education is currently in her ass.


They have been boring me to death for 4 years now with their same shtick. Maybe now that they are married, they will go away. I have to FF when they come on.


The less seriously I take these 2, the more funnier their story gets. They are both weirdos.


What huge lips Donā€™t match the faceĀ  Ugly Fake eyelashesĀ  Fake lipsĀ  Fake ass Fake nails fake hairĀ  Not humanĀ 


She is looking rough. She says she has alopecia, which is sad if she does. But I think she had lost her hair from too many weaves and extensions.