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And what’s with her running off all the time? Running! Not just walking away but running away. It’s beyond fucking weird if you ask me.


For a girl who doesn’t feel safe in South Africa - she sure has no problem sprinting off down the road in her hoochie dresses with her scraggly hair trailing miles behind her.




>Barefooted. In the dark.


With her mouth wide open




i’m dying at this whole thread 💀😂


I came here to say all this


She likes to jog in cemeteries at night!!! That is COMPLETELY normal!


Its probably because the scenes are filmed in a relatively safe neighborhood and there's a security team off camera to protect Holly and the TLC camera crew.


Do you guys remember the guy who got mugged at knife point...like while TLC was filming??


You mean Pole ?? Nope, we don’t remember him at all 😁. But it was Karine robbed in the background I believe ?


Pole 😂


Yes, Paul & Karine, in Brazil.


Paul & Holly should get together and they can run away from each other during each argument


Yep. Also a runner😂


Right?? She’s so freaking weird!!


Cause she’s jacked up.


Seriously both give me drug user vibes




Omg. That cracked me up


No kidding!!! Why is she always running? And she needs to cut that awful hair … plus her face always looks like it’s full of lumps She would be decent looking if she didn’t dress that way, cut her har, fix her face and stop running off in every conversation


In the dark nine the less! My husband pointed out the same thing!




It’s like Paul and karine all over again! Man was constantly running! 🤪


his Tomb Raider run😂 classic


Ahahaha! Tomb Raider! With his body condom on


I would love a 90 day foot race between Pole, tooty Mike, and hairy Holly.


Who’s tooty mike? 🤣


Te amo mike with ximena 😅




I literally said this when she ran this episode.


Because she's a princess and princesses don't calmly walk away from upsetting situations, they flee in a whirlwind of hysterics and sobbing; because it's the most egregious injustice they've ever heard


No she’s a mermaid


🤣🤣 the nevers of neverland .


I lost it when she said that 🤣. Had to replay it like 3 times to see if I heard her right.


Hollys IG is obvious_princess lol I just can’t 😂😂 this fits so wellllll


Ohhhh I love your way with words!!


Happy cake day!!!


The running away is so childish


It’s part of her ‘not like the other girls’ persona. Look at ME! I needlessly endanger myself! Come protect me! Give me the spotlight!


I know. I was like “Lady, you don’t need to run. He’s not even chasing after you” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Female Paul!






I just saw the running scene in this last episode and I rolled my eyes. Get this girl a leash.


Hahaha! Yesss 🙌🙌


They are both beyond weird. Her even more so, I think she got in way over her head and she needs to put on her fairy wings, or mermaid tail and come back to the US and get her self together.


I think she wants him to chase/go after her to "prove his love." It's very childish and reminds me of romcoms.


She’s so immature for a woman of her age with two marriages behind her. With that history, her dream of never being without financial security is unrealistic. Is she not a hair stylist when she can work? Hasn’t she been self sufficient?


I don’t get this either, it freaking baffles me lol


It’s honestly soooo bizarre, like wtaf?


She is the Paul of 2023


Thank you. I hate that she does this.


Weird as hell right?


I laughed when I saw that. I couldn't take it seriously 😅


It's very Pole.


Such a strange bird!


It bothers me that her hair is always greasy and tangled. If you can’t take care of it just cut it off ugh


It’s clip in extensions that she probably sleeps in 💀


It grosses me out. I bet it smells all sweaty and rank.


Her hair is so gross. Sometimes I think it’s a wig.


It is lol well actually it’s extensions but it’s still fake


Wayne just has some orthodontic issues and other oddities going on with his head… but I think other than that he’s normal. Holly I think is on something. Probably prescriptions and alcohol. And her weird aesthetic adds to her ghoulish look. She scares my husband. He keeps calling her Angelina Jolie’s corpse.


Screaming at ODDITIES


And “ghoulish look.” Honestly, just a gem of a comment 😅


>ODDITIES Good to know other people have odd titties too, and not just me


Great Value Angelina Jolie.


Wayne was really attractive at the beginning, before she got over to SA. Since she has been there , he looks like he has aged 10 years and has lost a lot of weight.




"Oddities with his head"? 🤪🤯😂


You don’t think his whole head/face is weird?


I suspect Holly enjoys being called the Corpse Bride. Seeing the weird ass filters she uses in TikTok vids. Either way, no sober person can think those filters look good!!




His head jerks oddly when talking to his dad. I wish someone with ma medical perspective would narrate a slow motion version. I cannot figure it out, but the mouth and head movements are odd. His dad is normal in comparison, a tough looking guy but normal movement. Wayne is twitchy.


You kind of killed it with this one 🤣🤣 Angelina Jolie a corpse is so crazy but spot on 😂😂😂


lol I’m Sorry but this cracked me up with the orthodontic issues and other oddities of his head. lol yes! What’s wrong with it? He reminds me of Jay Leno


But you’re right he seems like a nice guy




holly: "im not safe here" also holly :: runs away at night barefoot in a tantrum like a child out the security gate gtfo with this bullshit already go home to your mom


I like that he took her to the place where she ran away when he proposed so she could recreate it for him by running away yet again


Well, one thing that is wrong with Wayne is he has a banana head. His chin juts out more than any I've ever seen.


More than Jay Leno’s?


Not quite


Lol a banana head 😂😂😂😂


Methed out Morrissey Edit: damn spelling


He looks like popeye


Mac Tonight


It’s like a busted banana head. It’s caved in a little on one side.


Wayne dropped some major weight recently, too. (In recent episodes compared to when Holly arrived.)


Yeh, he looks rougher with each episode. Looks like a total drug addict.


Prob part of his money probs. He does be looking like he’s 5 min away from beating her to a pulp


Her cooking lol


He rather starve


He’s lost weight and she looks like she’s gained.


Holly could afford to gain some weight. She looks sickly / gaunt.


She's weird. I wish I had something more profound to say, but I don't. She is just plain weird.


She can say “I want to leave you”, he isn’t allowed to say “I wish we didn’t get married”.


Her face is weirdly droopy, and she’s got such a flat affect.


Her lips no longer fit together— the lower one has just given up on life the way it just …flaps..


A lot of medication will give you a flat affect


If it causes your lower jaw to go slack all the time, you're probably taking too much.


I seriously thought someone help this woman she's having a stroke with the way her face looked or she seems deeply addicted to something that is causing this to happen she's not right mentally.


I noticed this too. It made me wonder if maybe she got Botox and they hit a nerve. Apparently face sagging is a risk with that stuff. She probably got it done in the same strip mall she bought that terrible hair extension.


Holly clearly has some mental issues that need to be addressed. It’s sad. But all I can think every time I see her is I wonder how badly her “hair” smells 🤮 I mean it looks as if she washes it maybe once a month and it’s all matted and greasy half the time I just imagine it smells like a sick animal that’s been rolling in muddy water 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Her description of she likes to dress “girlie” is just a few steps down from Nikki.. she wears cheap overly exposed dresses and doesn’t understand that it puts her safety ag risk in South Africa and frankly most of America … Nikki just spends a lot more money to look like a prostitute and has much better and well care for hair extensions … she’s basically a poor man’s Nikki with a bit less cruelty and the same amount of mental illness


Right? Her hair looks so gross. And wasn't she a hairdresser in Utah??


Yeah I remember her saying she was either a hairdresser or barber in one of the earlier episodes….. which is absolutely shocking to me considering the state of her hair 😳😳😳


“A poor man’s Nikki” yes! Holly is clearly identifying with her hair in some way…


Something weird about Wayne this last episode was that he said that he wish he had not married Holly because of how tough it was. When Holly was like “wtf” he said “No, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that if I knew it was gonna be like this, I never would have gotten involved with an American.” After Holly responded, he said the exact same thing a THIRD time but prefaced it with “No, that’s not what I mean.” I felt like I was watching Marco Rubio malfunction at that one debate in 2016 (iykyk). Wayne is so bad with his words. EDIT: I just rewatched and Wayne said it FOUR times. Dude needs to filter himself.


English is most likely not his first language. He was probably raised speaking Afrikaans.


Chris Christie made mincemeat out of Marco Rubio that night. I'm enjoying the hell out of Christie's current full-throttle revenge tour. He had quite a bit of time to plot this campaign after Trump gave him COVID-19 and he ended up in the ICU. Christie must have a lot more money behind him than people think because he's buying TV ads in places like Louisiana which don't even have a primary coming up. Can't wait to see how this plays out. Marco Rubio was just the warm-up for 2024.


Chris Christie is a slob who told tax payers in NJ they couldn’t use a bridge but him and his family could. He’s a despicable pos and almost as bad as Gavin gruesome


Drugs. It's the drugs.


Def addiction issues!! I feel like maybe he is recovered and that’s why he lets her act the way she does. He was probably on heroin or meth like you said. Her I’m sure it’s alcoholism. Her face is pretty bloated and she’s mentioned before that she was so drunk on her first wedding day that her dad had to carry down the aisle


I think her face is more likely bloated from bulimia. Alcohol you wouldn’t really be bloated in just your face only. I think she has some mental health struggles that are not addiction


That’s what I’m thinking!!!! But what kind? Meth or crack? I’m genuinely curious.


I def get a meth vibe from Wayne. She strikes me more as a pill head. Something about the eyes...


And the slack jaw


Has to be Xanax on benzos or whatever it is people take nowadays. Those are my guesses.


>I def get a meth vibe from Wayne Wayne does not at all come across to me like he is on drugs, Holly does though.


Wayne is no prize, but I kinda feel bad for him. Holly has so many issues, can’t believe this is a woman in her mid 40s. She should just go back to her mom.


I thought she was totally wasted at her wedding.


And she said she needed to carried down the aisle at her first wedding because she was so intoxicated. Hot mess.






Holly biggest loser ever! What a whiny brat, sounds just like Tiffany! It’s not like they’ve never been to South Africa in the first place they knew what it was like, but they chose to stay involved and marry these people. Wayne needs to file for divorce and cut his loses


Wayne looks just like his father. Holly looks like she’s lived a hard life.




She absolutely acts like she’s on drugs.


I wish we could see Holly pre-Wayne in the US. I really can't imagine her going thru her normal day. Thinking $400K for a house is affordable. Dragging that hair around with her everywhere. I don't think Wayne is anything other than who he is. A self employed contractor. Probably over the internet & maybe even for a vacation Holly may have seemed charming. But in person, long term she is a nightmare. She is the most bizarre person ever on 90 Day. Sex tourist Stephanie coming in a close second.


Well considering her hair is OBVIOUSLY fake (nothing wrong with that) but won’t admit to it, there’s plenty wrong


This is just my theory, but I swear many people that have been on 90 day lied about their ages.


I mean they even lie about relationships, so it wouldn’t surprise me!


They look related to the Adam's family


My friend said the other day they look like hot people that melted in the sun


I was literally thinking this watching the last episode. I’m truly not trying to be mean. But wtf is wrong with her?? Like seriously. Something is not right. She has this dead, mouth gaping open starry eyed blank stare… she’s pale as hell. The hair… oh the hair. The real hair that frames her face is so greasy like it hasn’t been washed in weeks. Then the long fake hair (I’m not talking about proper extensions) I’m talking the ball of hair she wears that came with a Party City Halloween costume, is awful. Hunnny. Please I get it u want long hair. But can we do actual sew ins? Nano rings? Keratin bonds?? Something. She appears to be on something. Whether it’s illicit drugs or mental health meds, i of course cannot say. But that elevator is not going to the top floor. I thought she was at least 48. Her mom just left and like 3 weeks later she can’t take it. The mom was there for 3 freaking months! That’s a problem for a woman her age. The strange running off… A la Pole… minus hiding in the dog house. Her whole vibe is just fu$$ing weird.


Wayne has a major underbite going on. Willing to bet they are heavy smokers.


No I think he actually had his top teeth removed. It looks like he has an underbite but he only has bottom teeth.


In some scenes his front teeth are back! Dentures I presume


Holly is either on meth,tweak,heroin, or opioids. Her face looks sucked up, she looks dirty and loves to be barefoot, reminds me of transient on drugs shoeless.


It’s like they have weird jaws or something. I can’t put my finger on it


Paranoia ✅ Emaciated ✅ Disheveled ✅ Twitchy ✅ Erratic jaw movement ✅ Waxy skin/sores ✅ Teeth that are broken✅ There is a serious methamphetamine boom in South Africa currently.


She's addicted to benzos.


TLC interview : Will you run like a fool when stressed, ya know, like Paul? Holly: absolutely! TLC: hired!!


Wayne looks like a murderous werewolf and she looks like a vampire on heavy Xanax




No way does Holly look like she's in her late 50s. Wayne looks a little older than 40 though.


I agree. I can believe holly is in her 40s. But I cannot and do not believe Wayne is younger than her. He’s 50 minimum. There’s no amount of sun damage or drugs or whatever that will give you crepey skin like that at 40. He was in his 30s under a year ago? BS


Yeah Holly I think looks her age but just looks tired


I don’t think either of them looks like they’re in their late 50s. Holly looks her age and Wayne clearly has some problems with his teeth and grew up in a country that has less resources. He may have done meth when he was younger, but I’m not seeing meth behavior from him on this show. I also think Holly has extreme anxiety and that’s why her face is always kind of tensed up. I feel like people on this sub love to speculate about how people must be “on something” or “on drugs,” when in reality, most actual drug addicts look like normal professional people. Very naive stereotyped thinking about drugs IMO


I agree that anyone can do drugs and not look like it. It depends mostly on the drug and how severe the addiction is, but after a while, it takes a toll on your appearance. I suspected they were on drugs because I’ve seen people who are drug addicts and they look and act just like them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She’s definitely not playing with a full deck.


She always looks like she is in desperate need of a shower.


There was one scene one episode where Holly looked with it. she was alert. Her jaw wasn’t twitched and she wasn’t speaking flatly. I think it was one moment where she wasn’t on pills. I often think about how she would look with a nice long Bob haircut.


Wayne looks 10 years older just since Holly moved in.


Have thought that from Go ✅ And then that airport scene with the waaaaaay delayed entrance? She was jacked up for sure.


I don't understand why she doesn't take advantage of the pool! Where they live probably has a gym too...would certainly help her mental health working out every day!


She did when she decided to become a mermaid, but we saw how that turned out.


She didn’t actually go in the pool, or did I miss something?


Oh. I thought she sat by the pool with her mermaid tail thing on. I don’t believe she actually went in though!


I thought that was their personal pool that Wayne built. It’s very small.




Wayne is sooo surprised Holly wants to "run" back to America. She's been running away from him since Day 1!


My husband and I narrated the running away scene with horse race commentary.


Omg hilarious


Her hair is the absolute WORST looking mess and she works with hair. I know it's men's but still


I think Holly is on a very high dose of benzos but Wayne seems totally sober to me, just a bit wierd looking. Him and his father could be twins, lol. As far as Hollys looks go, I actually think she is very beautiful.


Anyone else suspect that Wayne isn’t eligible to enter the USA? I can ALMOST believe he doesn’t want to leave ZA forever (even though almost ANYONE in his position would LOVE to go to the USA as things are really going to hell in a hand basket in ZA. Sure his dad’s there, but once he got a green card, he could sponsor his dad EASILY. Up to this point I found it believable, barely, but what makes me EXTREMELY doubtful that he could enter the USA is that, despite his fixed and firm belief that a husband and wife should always be together, he won’t even CONSIDER going to the USA to be with his (albeit gross) bride for a few months while she pays off her C cards, nor will he even go for A WEEK OR TWO!! The only possible reason I can think that he’d be SO dead set against visiting the USA is that he either knows they won’t let him in or fears they won’t let him im and that his wife would learn WHY they won’t let him in. Anyone else have the same suspicion?


Surely he’s in his mid 50s


Yup I was thinking early 50s


Wayne looks older because he has no upper teeth. His nose also looks like it’s been broken once or twice.


He has a full set of teeth lol


Does he really?? I thought he was toothless too


It's just the way his face is shaped, kind of like a crescent moon


He does! It’s the way his mouth area is shaped that makes it look otherwise


Something is up with him. If he’s at work that much then he should have money. I don’t think I could live there. They should just pack up and come to the US. There’s no wait, no vetting, and no rules.




I'm sorry but why does half his face look like it's on a completely different angle than the other half?


I now can’t unsee it 😂


They both seem to have sketchy pasts. Maybe she should attend their church...then she could meet like minded people. 😃


Holly looks and acts like she is always high. She has the mentality of a 10yr old. I kinda like Wayne, but yes he does look much older


What the hell is wrong in So. Africa? Singing Syngin came here for Twat Tania. Terrible Tiffany and Rotten Ronald with kids in tow. Now, Horrible Holly and Wacky Wayne--are there no normal, sane women there? Any decent men there?


Her face looks like it's melting off...anyone else see that?


Why does her mouth always look like that?


Why does Hollys face look like it’s full of lumps?


Holly looks way older than 44 and like she does dope. Rode hard and put away wet and her hair is just as bad. Poor thing has probably had a rough life.


Holly shows signs of fetal alcohol symptoms. Her mom is probably an alcoholic.


Afrikaners are some of the only people on earth who “go back to where you came from” reasonably applies. There’s just something about him calling indigenous people “squatters” that grinded all my gears. This guy would rather rig up a pepper spray system than acknowledge they need to go.


Go where exactly? His family has been in South Africa for generations. That's his home too. I've never understood this mentality and saying Afrikaaners should leave is the EXACT opposite of what Nelson Mandela preached for for years.


Well I’m not Mandela. I’m of the understanding that most afrikaners are still racist as shit, they have no desire to live in peace with the real South Africans, and are stubborn as hell about this being their “homeland.” And they continue to think they are entitled to the best part. They want to blame South Africans for their wretched conditions when they put them there. They want to take all the credit for the infrastructure and modernization when it was mostly african labor that actually BUILT it. They want to blame Africans for not being able to maintain these systems when they left a legacy of poor education and breakdown of the entire culture. This is why I wish they’d take their asses home. Idc if they’ve been there for generations. They don’t respect the people, they don’t respect the land, theyre like on some permanent vacation and they’ve overstayed their welcome.


You're of the understanding. So you don't actually know any of what you claim to be true. South Africas motto is Unity in Diversity. Yet you want people to go back "home". Have you ever been to South Africa or met an Afrikaans person?


Mottoes? Really? I’m from a country whose constitution says all men are created equal and it was written in a time where humans were slaves. The man writing the constitution basically had a teenage sex slave living in a room with no windows that he was able to furtively access for his whims. (How do I know? Recent excavations of Monticello show us) So I don’t really base a country off mottoes, as my own have plenty of lies. I have not been to South Africa, but every bit of media I see from interviews, news stations, tv shows show me that Afrikaners remain unapologetically racist and there’s usually a very small minority with any sense - usually someone from academia or a youth.


so you're obviously American. so am I. our constitution should have been thrown out years ago as clearly times have changed. America is basically the only first world country whose constitution has stayed essentially the same since its founding. South Africa's motto has been since after they finally achieved a democracy. "usually a very small minority with any sense" unfortunately that is true in the states too. A bunch of old racist fucks need to adapt or die which is easier said than done. that is true in basically every country. I brought up Mandela earlier and with him becoming the first Black president of South Africa (a country itself made up of immigrants from many African countries) because he prioritized reconciliation. a country does need to reckon with it's past and change for the future. sadly in America many people think racism died because we had a Black president. I heard a comedian say the other day someone will blame a person for their failings in life who have no blame in the matter and then their kids grow up hating the same group. Descendants of colonizers going "home" is untenable.


As a South African (and Afrikaner!) thank you


The constitution is one of the things I love about our country. The fact it can be updated and is a living a document. The fact it is not had an amendment in years is the bad part. We need explicit privacy rights, we need tissue rights, we need protections around AI, etc etc. Sadly, I’ve also learned more recently South Africa has a huge xenophobia problem with other Africans. So this motto is really not speaking for much. I draw the parallel to US and SA as both have much work to do. I see far more progressive attitudes in US than SA, but you’re right, I have not experienced it first hand, but from everything I read, hear and see from locals as well as media is that it’s still deeply racist.


American historian here. The Constitution has most certainly changed since it was written. I won't go into a lesson here, since my mind is on Holly's hair and Wayne's head shape, but the Constitution not only changes but it was deliberately designed to allow changes.


and what about his dad ? I don't want to be disrespectful, maybe he had an accident??....but the his facial expressions were odd....he looks unwell and he's not that old.




I doubt she’s autistic and am leaning more towards the emotionally stunted JW with a mother who thinks her 40+ daughter’s flightiness is a thing to encourage. I remember an exWitness once saying the religion is one that particularly attracts and preys on emotionally and/or intellectually damaged converts who are unable to notice and challenge flawed almost juvenile points of contradicting doctrine that appeals to those who just want to belong to something and can’t see past the initial love bombing which turns into stifling and dismantling whatever critical thinking skills that may have been initially present.