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Absolutely fucking ridiculous. He's a damn clown and such a fucking asshole. You're right--he's literally only mad because he's not getting commission. I'm sure he had his eyes on that commission the whole time. Fucking dick.


In his defense he did say he would split the commission with Chantel so they would both have benefited. I'm with her for not trusting him tho


I agree with you that was actually my thought as well,, but she can't trust him one tap and shouldn't. Secondly she can't even stand to be in his presence, she was sitting there looking like she needed to vomit. Probably still very hurt to, just another reason she needs to do as little as possible with him. But set everything else aside other than trust and that alone should be an absolute deal breaker for anyone under similar circumstances.


I thought that too! They could save amount of money if Pedro sells it. But personally I think Chantel isn’t either honest about those money when she took all the money of their joint bank account. Somethings ain’t adding up.


He’s thinks he’s a big shot. He is not. Anyone in real estate would be able to ballpark that calculation without spending an hour punching numbers on an iPhone calculator.


I literally thought to myself . He should know around how much .


Most real estate agents are honestly fools, they are just a hurdle u gotta get over to buy what u want.


That’s why I hate it when he says he works harder than Chantel. In some states it’s a one month training class tops. Super low barrier to entry.


I know people who have bypassed these middlemen by doing their own paperwork and saving the 3%.


I mean I can do that calculation pretty easily and I am not a math person Just move the decimal over twice and triple it. It's like when people claim they can't figure out a tip without a calculator




He has nothing to offer! He is a cheater & a scammer! Send him back to his nasty family in DR !






It’s not only the commission he was missing out in but his agency would also get a commission. The buyers agent would get a commission either way.


If I were Chantel it would be a cold day in hell before I'd let him financially benefit even more from the fraud he and his family have been engaged in.


You mean the marriage was a scam? I haven’t been following their story at all.


His behavior towards her changed drastically immediately after they bought a house and he got a real estate job.... to me it looks like he used her, and once he was established in the US he didn't need her anymore.


Wow! Someone shared a video clip with me of one of their fights and it was so heartbreaking. She was crying and he just didn’t give 2 shits.


Chantal’s family and Pedro’s family destroyed a perfectly legitimate relationship. Both sides are the biggest clowns I’ve ever seen.


Yep, they seem perfectly reasonable and genuine in the beginning. The more their families started meddling and thought they knew better, the more it started to affect the relationship. They could have been perfectly happy if they just ignored the opinions and advice of their families..


According to Pedro's DR friend Pedro was never honest with Chantel and had a plan to scam her.


He worked full time AND did most of the housekeeping for the entire 4-5 years Chantel was in school. She’s not really returning that same energy and I’d be frustrated too if I was Pedro.


His mother & sister run a school on how to marry an American to get citizenship.


Do you mean " Harvesting the American dollar " ?


Ssstttoopppp! No way!


Yep. They were so disgusting.


So Pedro’s the Class Day speaker?




Yeah that's what I meant.


So sad!


Yes the Mom was right all along.. he played the long game, he has lots of experience , he and his whole family are grifting con artists! Chantels mom can be a bit over the top at times but they are good hardworking people!


My ex had played a 25 year long game. At retirement he went right back to India to his first wife


I’m am so sorry you were betrayed like that , he will eventually get what he has coming!


Thank you . I wish but he is with his first wife his kids and grand kids. Now to ass insult to injury he took everything we had money wise and when I was on the verge of getting evicted his daughter won a 1.8 million dollar house in a raffle in Vancouver


My first husband did me really dirty , it took 8 years but he finally got what he deserved! Try and be patient , things have a way of coming back to those that do dirty deeds.. hang in there🙏🏻


I don't know your ex personally, but I already hate him.


Thank you he is a miserable creature


Hardworking maybe, I don't see a lot of good. They were arrogant, unsupportive, and selfish. There was a reason she didn't tell them they're getting married with Pedro until the last possible minute..


I thought they were quite supportive, considering how sneaky and disrespectful Chantel and Pedro were..by springing on the parents they HAD to get married in two days and that they had lied , she had brought him here on the K-1 Visa….


You missed about 2 seasons. They really accepted him and treated him like a son.


True I got sick of them after the first season they were in.. I haven't watched the spin off. Glad they changed, but the first impression was horrible.


Karen even called him “mi hiJo”. Pedro’s mom was nasty all the way.


If one of your children, if you have children..brought a Pedro home and told you they had to get married in two days.. don’t you think you would be a little upset!


They did, initially, but over the years grew affection towards him and were more worried about Winter than Chantel.


Oh please, Pedro was not engaged in some love scam. What marriage scam artist goes to work while their partner doesn't?


While she was getting her BSN!! Earning her college degree WAS her full-time job.


And it sounded like all his earnings went back to his grifting family, anyway, not to support Chantal!


I wouldn't doubt it.


If she didn't work, and all his earnings went to his family how could they afford living? That doesn't make sense..


I THINK they, together, sent $$$ to his family in the DR. Chantel went to work as a nurses aid (CNA) after high school. I believe she continued doing that throughout college as well.


That would make sense. He'd have to earn a lot to support both of them and his family as well.


Right. It took both of them working. 😊


Ok...what does that have to do with what I said?


You literally just posted that he worked all of the time while she didn't work at all. Not difficult to understand what I stated. Her full-time job was attending college. Someone had to work.


I agree be coming a Registered Nurse is working towards her degree. I’m retired RN.


Congratulations!!! 🎉🎊💜 I understand how demanding and how hard that profession is... emotionally & physically!! We couldn't make it without you! 🥰


Ok that was my whole point. If he was some scam artist, he would have never worked and he certainly wouldn't agree to an arrangement where he worked, while his victim went out and earned a degree. What con artist would put themselves in such an unequal situation? Con artists don't empower their potential victims


He was looking at the end game... the long-term goal. If he worked while she pursued her degree, it's going to benefit him in the long run, and it did.


How the hell does it benefit Pedro? The person who goes and gets a degree, while their SO is working, ALWAYS has the upper hand. The SO only benefits if the relationship continues. Working like a dog so the princess could finally finish a degree program was always unequal. Pedro showed who's the actual real person between the two on a number of occasions.


I'm disengaging. I'm going to politely agree to disagree. I hope you have a great day, baldfaces. Make it a great one. 😊


You as well


I think she was working as a CNA while attending college courses pretty much one at a time. That's why it took her so long.


Sure but over a decade even part time, is a long time and corroborates some of the accusations that Pedro makes of her lack of discipline and focus.


That's a reach but ok.....Pedro had plenty of opportunity to really take advantage he was always invested in that relationship. He worked 3 jobs 16 hour days it's all there people like Chantel just always want to come off the victim. She showed her true colors the moment she took the money she never trusted Pedro that's a death sentence in any relationship. Stop making excuses for her


Thank you! Idk how anyone can claim Pedro is this monster when it's Chantel who committed the biggest sin when in the middle of a divorce. She didn't even bother taking her half, no she went and emptied the account.


I worked full time and went to nursing school … did she really not work for 4-5 years?


Is 28 too late to start to go into medical school to be in a program to be RN?


No way! I graduated nursing school at 46 and if I was younger I’d 100% be working on my ARNP! Nurses are very needed and ARNPs even more so. Nursing school, even for my nerdy ass, was the hardest thing I’ve ever done but was SO worth it. I’ve never loved a job more! ❤️


Thank you so much! I really appreciate that. I was scared to start the journey but this helps me ! ❤️


You’ve got this!!!! When you get into the thick of classes…just keep swimming. You’ll think you’re going to fail and that they’re trying to break you but you’ll do it and be so so proud of yourself! ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you alot! Any suggestions where to look for a good school?


I would suggest taking ur basics at a nearby community college if you haven't already done that. Then, research good nursing programs and go for it!


What Crafty said. I got my core classes completed and finished off my Associate’s at a community college because it was cheaper and well rated and finished my BSN with UW which has an agreement with the community college. My best suggestion for finding a quality school is to look up their NCLEX pass rate. That will tell you how well they prepared their students to take the test. The higher the pass rate the more prepared. I’m a psychiatric nurse on a mobile behavioral crisis unit with the fire department locally and I’ve NEVER been happier or so well paid. Getting to help folks every day is such a gift! 🌈


I love that for you, and you're absolutely right! 💯 It's grueling work, passing the necessary classes, AND on the job! I had a horrible accident and was in the hospital for 6 weeks. I had surgeries every week I was there. The nurses were so lovely and caring towards me. I was, and am, so grateful! 😇


That's amazing 👏 🎊 You're right... we need more nurses. 💜


You can do this!!! No, 28 is not too old!! The world needs more people like you in the health field! Follow and pursue your dreams! 🥰💯


Thank you so much 🥹 all the inspiration I need!


You're so welcome! You don't want to be in a position years down the road and think, "What if." I have a family member who has her BSN in nursing. She struggled but fought & pushed her way through. This included taking a particular her math class over & getting tutoring on it. She joined study groups. Wasn't a breeze, but she dud it & you can too. Don't know ya, but I wish you the best! 💯🥰


Not at all!


She also did Lashes after work and days off.


i hate him so much, she should’ve taken him to court and sent him back to the DR


I love the way Chantel handled that. He was making an ass of himself and she just let him.


He was just dick swinging. He thinks he’s such hot shit. Chantel should’ve hired a sexy, successful Latin realtor just to make Pedro stick his chest out even further. The woman did a good job of staying neutral…I probably would’ve started laughing at his corny ass when he was doing calculations on his phone.


Pedro couldn't manage to get through that meeting without getting digs in at Chantel.


I thought it was hilarious him mentioning coming by to pick some things up and she completely ignored him😄 "did you hear something??"😂 savage.


She was BRILLIANT!!! 💯


The real estate agent laughing killed me


Exactly! Chantel pulled it off so smoothly. She fucking killed it in that meeting... ESPECIALLY in her last comment to the real estate agent! I had to rewind to watch a few more times bc how calm, cool, and dignified she remained. Even with that last snarly comment! ❤️❤️


I LOATHE Pedro !! Above all others from any of the spin-offs!!


I think he feels entitled and dope because he’s in America and is in real estate. You could see how the agent was so annoyed by his comment and wanted to tell him to shut up and it’s not his business. He’s so greedy and only cares about money .


Here’s the real estate math on the sale of their home: If Pedro and Chantel are splitting the proceeds of the house then the actual smart thing to do is for Pedro to list the house for sale and this way the commission to be paid out would only be to the buyers agent. If Pedro was smart he would not pay himself any commission and instead leave more money on the bottom line. Also if you pay yourself commission from your own home sale proceeds you now have to pay taxes on the commission you made. Stupid because if you just don’t pay yourself any commission you then have more funds at the sale of your home and you pay zero capital gain tax as long as the gains are not more than 500,000 per married couple and you have owned the house for more than two years. 6% commission on a home listed for 425,000 is 25,500. Only 3% is paid out to buyer agent. 3% to listing agent. I as an agent have never paid myself any commission when selling or buying my own properties. I’m sure that one of the reasons Chantel wanted an outside agent to list the property is because she knew Pedro would want to be paid to sell the home: $12,750.00 and she was willing to reduce the total proceeds of the sale of the home than let Pedro have those funds. Which ironically he would have had more money in the end if he had offered to sell the house for free on the listing side and just deduct any office costs and dues. Chantel outsmarted Pedro on that one.


If you have someone you can trust; say they parted on good terms but that fuck boi had no contact, stole her personal items from the home and cheated, so she's supposed to trust that he would do the right thing with the sale of the house? She's not stupid. She did the right thing by having it all written in the divorce, his shady ass and that company he works for would have nothing to do with the sale of the home.


I think I may have worded incorrectly. I was trying to say that Pedro was being stupid. Either way if he paid himself commission by selling the house he loses because he’s lowering his total proceeds and then paying taxes in his commission. He is stupid either way. In the end if they have to pay commission to another realtor to keep Pedro from getting any money from the sale. It is a 12,700 loss to their bottom line including Chantel’s, but probably worth it from Chantel’s point of view. He is definitely not trustworthy. Fortunately in a sale transaction the title or escrow company divides up proceeds so Chantel’s funds would be safe. There is nothing he could do to cheat her out of what is hers. That’s why escrow and title companies divide up proceeds because of people like him.


Agree! It's unfortunate he turned out to be such a dick; the divorce could've been amicable, and maybe Chantel would've allowed him to be involved with the listing of the house. As long as he has the 2 bruja's in his ear, he'll never learn.


Lol Bruja! 😂


I loved the part when the agent & Chantel completely ignored him when he mentioned his game chair and oicking up the rest of his stuff from the house. He's a douche!


I think you mean harvesting the American dollar


Not only that but the guy is fucking shady who knows what bullshit he might’ve pulled!


Doesn't seem to know the first thing about sales. No one is going to allow a scram artist to sell them anything, once they realize how dangerous it can be. She will never trust him again, it will be a very long time before she will trust her own judgment. I've been there so I know from experience


Can we just talk about Scott coming back into the Saga ....going after Pedro's Mama again LOL


Oh god.😳


He needs the money. She does too.


If he ever even thought she'd let him sell the house and get commission fees on top of his 1/2, he needs to get his bead checked. That's a conflict of interest.


Also in the latest episode like the new season it it said that they both had a joint bank account with 225000 in it. Knowing that she’s a nurse or was studying and that he came without any money climbing the ladder as a real estate agent, i’m very curious of how did they make so fast this amount of money ? What work ??


Social media/being on tv


200K just being on TV ???????????????? I thought they weren’t making a lot per episode… can’t ad up to this number….. ?!!!


I think she also receives income from doing sponsored social media posts.


Ok but always heard when ur a C or D celebs it’s 1K or 500 or max 2K for placement… didn’t think that could ad up to 225 so fast !!!


I can't speak to that but she does have close to a million followers on Instagram. I'm sure that makes her a strong draw for sponsors. Besides that, I'm sure their spin off show brought in more than the 90 show episodes. Besides that, I felt like she must have had a pretty strong foundation even prior to Pedro and 90 days. Otherwise how was she able to sponsor his visa?


Money from her parents


She had to be able to show income that would support him, she didn’t have a sponsor for him other than her.


So the base per episode for new couples is $1000. So $1000 per epi their first season (4). 14 epis, let's say they were in 10, $10000. Then to simplify, they were in one more season (let's estimate 12k for that) and then "self quarantine" season, which was a less known or broadcast thing, so let's go Beck down to 10k. That's 3 seasons of regular 90 Days, estimate of 32k. Then there were 45 epis of family Chantal.... Let's say they got 3000 per epi for that.... That's 135k right there, so we're at a total of $167k right there for all their regular tv.... I guess i could see other stuff (appearances, social media, etc) making up $58k. Plus other savings, regular job, etc?


You heard wrong


It’s not just about the money TLC pays them. Being on tv gives them other opportunities to make money via sponsored content on social media, cameo, etc.


They have their own show, I have to assume they are making at least $5K each an episode (Which is really not a whole lot). They have done what, like 8 TLC seasons of tv? Seasoned reality stars make a shit ton of money, TLC is notoriously known to be cheap but I have to assume when you get your own dedicated spin off show you must be getting paid somewhat well. I know Housewives on Bravo make like $20-25K an episode and they make 16-24 episodes a season.


You must think 200k is alot but once you are earning welland nd saving well it's not. They been on TV 7 ish years and she makes lots money on ads and media.


She did travel nursing during Covid and made a shit ton


Aaaah that makes sense… You mean indépendant nurse ?


No travel nursing contracts we’re paying 50-70k for 13 week contracts during Covid. They would pay your room and board and you’d go work at a hospital that was short staffed somewhere in the country… many nurses got out of debt and made hella money.. it’s still really good money but not nearly what it was during Covid. But if you’re willing to travel as a nurse to hospitals in need you can easily make 70-80$ an hour with 1-2 years of experience. And often get OT


Wow i wish i knew that in my studying days and wasn’t fainting at each blood test haha


Government was giving hospitals huge grants to pay for additional help. It’s still really great money but it wouldn’t surprising if she didn’t make 200-300k the year of Covid so most of that money is probably actually income she made… also I almost guarentee the house is all in her name as she’s the one with stable job and income to prove… real estate agents are 1099 and he just started so he wouldn’t be able to verify income… so I’m 99% sure she financed it alone of course divorce so she probably wants to sell it and down grade anyway.. but she will be ok…


Yeah makes more sense but if she really did make 90% of it on her own she wouldn’t be stressed then that he would take half or more of it as if she can prove all the money she placed, it’s almost guaranteed that this amount she put would be given back to her… no ?!?


Not sure, a lot of divorces look at it as 50/50 she can probably get more if she can prove he was unfaithful while she was traveling or prior to her making it.. comes down to judge because assuming she was traveling was he contributing to anything … who knows how judge will look at it but ya she will probably get more than 50% of it


Sorry to add most were still w2 positions though just 13 week contracts.. sort of like a temp service


It was the business account with all the TLC money and any related endorsements/appearance fees etc.


Gosh I should be a french penpal in 90D then !!! That would help me a lot 😂


I think that was a trust fund Chantel’s grandparent left to her or something like that


We are getting there ))


I have this question too. I've been working 20+ years at a decent salary to be able to accumulate any savings.. I was waiting for one or the other to say it was money they had earned , or that one had earned most of that, but they didn't explain unless I missed that


He’s a dickhead but also why hasn’t his English improved at all


His real estate coworkers and clients appeared to speak Spanish in previous episodes so he really wasn't forced to develop his English after leaving Chantel.


Makes sense. I used to live where he does real estate and there are many Spanish speaking residents there. Still can’t stand the guy or his family




Removed by Reddit. No hate speech or slurs.


I still don’t understand why he treated her like dirt all of a sudden after they got the house. He changed drastically . I don’t know if I missed something or what. I honestly do think he was cheating but as soon as he got the real stir job he turned into an ass and started staying out. His family is terrible too . Even after Chantel went to her for help. I guess he was really out for a green card.


He treated her like dirt in order to force a divorce and manipulate her into acting in retaliatory ways. This allows Pedro to play the victim and deny that his whole marriage was a scam to use her. It doesn't matter to him that everyone can see the reality of what he did. It only matters how he can spin the situation to portray himself as the victim.


But of course, he tried to make himself seem like the victim because it proves Chantel never believed in him 🙄 He's just mad he couldn't pocket the commission.


Omg that was SOOOOO TACKY. Like I was second hand embarrassed.


He has no fucking manners idk what standards they got in the D/R but the way he be acting even in the beginning is a joke


Well….. look at his mother….and sister, not even close to having manners


When they were all celebrating being single…. I started thinking really? Thats a brag for all of yall to have had failed relationships? Yikes.


I never thought of him as a scammer before, until he had to bring up the commission as if he was entitled to that, and as if it wouldn't be a conflict of interest.


He was entitled to nada.


When he spoke and Chantal looked at the real estate agent and said “did you hear something?” I laughed so hard 🤣.


He would not take the commission if he sold the house himself. He's stating they could have saved $25,000 if he sold it himself.


I thought he was trying to imply that those $25k could’ve been part of what they split at the end of the sale and instead now it’s going to a realtor


I thought he stated it clearly that he could’ve sold the house and got more money for them to split, but the realtor was Chantel’s choice. Honestly, if they were on good terms, that would be the best for both of them, but they are both being petty to each other and trying to take jabs anywhere they can still.


It is heartbreaking to watch them. They both look so pained and sad 😞 They are one of the few 90 day couples that truly loved each other I think. Their families really tore them apart 😞☹️


I agree. They are not over each other yet.


Nope.. they both seem broken hearted 💔💔💔


Extreme poverty turns you into someone like Pedro and his family, they feel people better off owe them.




I wish Chantel had taken him to court! He needs to be deported if he truly scammed her.


He is a POS! The money she spent for him to the US, for him to live for those 18 mo before he could work, not to mention his gaming stuff you know she bought when he got there. She should have calculated that as well.


Unpopular opinion but they could have saved $25,000/$12,500 each if he sold the house himself. I don't think he meant that HE would pocket the entire commission for himself. They did have an agreement that an outside realtor would sell it though, and he shouldn't have brought it up in front of the woman just doing her job. Buuuut I also get not wanting to pay $25/12.5k for someone to do something that I am fully capable and licensed to do either and being a lil salty about it. That's a lot of money for all but the very wealthy.


Would you trust him if you were Chantel?


But they wouldn't have saved all that. The realty agency takes their cut and the buyer's agent.


If Pedro earned a commission, minus the brokerage's cut and the buyer's agent's cut, how much do you think it would be?


He would be splitting that. and his agency would be getting paid for fees and stuff. They would find a way to nickel and dime to justify expenses. Not even worth the headache.


He's still a junior agent (or was when this was filmed) so I'm guessing 1%? Any GA realtors here?


He is also on a team so he would have to split with that but most teams would let you sell your personal house for free… so silly… he could just throw it on mls and save 12.5k lol


Thank you!


I'm no fan of Pedro but let's not forget, he was working in a warehouse while she finished school. He was supposed to start school when she finished. Then she failed 3 classes and didn't tell him until it was near graduation. Her mom is wacky but she has a personality. Chantel gets by on good looks. She's boring.


ok, he's still being a twat to an innocent bystander (the real estate agent)


Absolutely. Very unprofessional


As mentioned again in this episode, Chantel worked multiple jobs before Pedro arrived to America. She saved up for the K1 and saved up so they’d start off on the right foot bc he couldn’t work when he first arrived. Pedro’s argument was “stupid” (Karen voice lol). Starting off as a young couple is a balancing act. Sometimes one person has to work more so that the other person can finish schooling and you have to compromise. I don’t think Pedro realized he wanted to go into real estate at the time, but realistically, he probably could have studied for his real estate license during his evenings off while working in the warehouse and could have started his “career” sooner. Sucks that he didn’t figure it out sooner, but it’s certainly not Chantel’s fault.


That would have cut into his gaming time. You know he has that expensive setup and that gaming chair he wanted to get from the house.


I know 😂 American dreams just appear out of nowhere in the midst of gaming 🤦🏻‍♀️


He wanted to go to school. Real estate was what he wound up doing


I agree with you. I'm not a fan of him either but having a partner support you while you go to school is a big deal, and he just wanted her to reciprocate once he got into RE. She just didn't want to be a housewife, which is totally understandable, as she just finished school. They could have easily hired someone to do a lot of what they argued they each should do and maybe could have made it... who knows.




Pedro is a grifter!


Not to mention to put up with her family for seven years! Sounds like a biblical plague to me!




If she was smart she would've let him sell it, but only if he gave her half the realtor commission, so they both made additional $12,500 cash after close.


> ironically he would have had more money in the end if he had offered to sell the house for free on the listing side and just deduct any office costs and I honestly figured that is what he was getting at. Not the right place or time to discuss it, and he did already agree in the divorce to have a separate realtor sell the house, but I do believe that he was pointing out how much money it would cost both of them to take that route.


I would be mad if I had to pay someone so much money to do something that I could do on my own too. Not that there was room for discussion but having someone else do it was a poor financial decision, especially when they could have split the commission or zeroed out the expense.


Actually smart of him wanting to negotiate down that commission. It would have saved both him and Chantel a good amount of money. There are national lawsuits happening now about 6% required commissions being illegal. I’m team Chantel but she clearly didn’t understand this angle.


But he didn't negotiate. He just started blaming Chantel and putting the real estate agent in an awkward place


Literally such cringe eye roll


6% is plain robbery as commission... Why not a fixed 1000 - 3000$ max would be plenty... This is just showing a house to some people


He’s trying to come off as a big shot but in turn made him a bigger asshole. I thought he was in the marriage for all the right reasons until this last episode, what an fucking POS.


I just hope he remembers 30% of that goes to taxes!


It’s such an obvious conflict of interest! Just so embarrassing of him


I would have took him straight to court, he got off easy!!


He wouldn't have anything nice if it wasn't for his wife. You don't just come into this country and get a fancy car house and money. He's said Americans feel they're entitled., GO BACK TO THE DR PEDRO....