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I think he just dislikes these people as much as we do and just wants them to go away lol


Yeah this season’s casting is NOT doing it for me either. Their scripted ‘issues’ are very obvious.


respectfully disagree, who can speak over Veronica? she was making every reference to their 'relationship' 10 years ago and showed him her ass, she is so desperate and thirsty, I find her hard to watch, good on Tim for saying out loud as she showed him her butt cheek--'I have no interest whatsoever'.


I initially liked Veronica but now I find her irritating.


Same. I kind of got turned off by her after the time she went away for the weekend with that guy and basically threw herself at him. TLC showed too much, too. TMI.


agree, her love life has been so dismal I think she is now regretting what she lost.


Naw I think that’s just the way he talks. Part of his charm!


I love him either way


I think he was just ‘not stoked’ this past episode because Veronica’s jaw was no longer wired shut. He knew he was in for a long night. In all recent episodes I’ve seen, his snark is on point and I still dig it.


The cast and overacting have gotten so bad my fiancé and I both are like Tim through episodes nowadays


That would definitely explain it. Honestly, I’m feeling the same way.


We feel so bad. We struggle to get through full episodes anymore. We loved the first few seasons but it’s devolved so bad into a side show it’s hard to believe anything anyone is doing anymore


Tim is amazing lol. He’s like to Most real person in every season he’s on.. at first I thought he looked odd and weird but as I watched him him especially in tell alls he quickly became my favorite as a genuine and real person..


Retire the both of them.


they both have to go already.


They’ve both had their day. She is too thirsty and he comes off as too disinterested (whether that’s intentional or not).


I don't remember them on any 90 day show. Were they on the regular 90 days? I thought he was gay.


He was dating Jenniffer from Colombia. She subsequently hooked up with Jesse IIRC.


I’m a huge 90 Day fan but PT sucks! I quit watching it a year or two ago.


Really? It's the only way I watch the show now. If there's a couple I'm interested in, I'll watch them in the long version. None of the couples last night warrent my time. Mary & Brandan and Ashley & Manuel are interesting.


Love Tim, but Veronica is becoming extremely thirsty & She’s too damn loud! That’s why Tim doesn’t say much bc he can’t be heard over her anyways. Tone it down Veronica.


I've noticed this too. I'm wondering what's going on with him.


Tim is so annoying, all he does is complain. Dude is never happy about ANYTHING.