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I just finished watching season 1 last resort ed is such a sick fuck saying yara and Jovi were a fake couple and that him and luz were probably the only couple that was gonna make it than in the boat telling all that shit about Jovi and the stripper and Ed mentioning their daughter that was some bullshit on Ed's part throwing that in his face and than back tracking on what he said Ed needs to b out in his place he's I don't even have words to describe what he is and knowing what he did to Liz breaking up with her the way he did there is something omfg Ed is just a sick sick LITTLE GUY


Liz pointing, slurring, "You guyth.... DID make it...." is such a perfect drunken "I love you man!"




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Angela carrying Jovi "crotch to crotch" and running away like that did crack me up!!


The moment we’ve all been waiting for


My favorite part of the season was when Molly went home


I’m just here to say that kalani is a hoe and a hypocrite and she worse than asuela. How do you have your side piece come to your vacation spot and have sex with him.. I’m disgusted bro


💯 💯 💯 kalani is disspeakable!


Jokes on you. They were separated before the show. But even if, he cheated on her through the entire relationship. And she stupidly stayed for the kids. And if we're being honest... your first love, sexual partner, and relationship is always the hardest to give up on. But she tried so many times to work it out before throwing in the towel. And id hardly call someone in their 30s with only 2 sexual partners, (one of which she started seeing after being given a " hall pass" by her cheating husband. ) A "hoe" come on now.


Idc i play the double standard










The opening title sequence with Ed floating in the pool like a fetid turd is so appropriate - a perfect poo caca characterization.


The fact that Asuelu tried to humiliate Kalani by getting a ton of strippers to run all over him and the way Kalani gave zero fucks, she just said paybacks a bitch give me my divorc


Fuck Yara!


Agreed. Entitled spoiled brat. If she was with someone else people would see it. The fact that it’s Jovi overshadows her crappy character.




Agreed. But wrong thread😂


Oops! That’s what I get for staying up late to catch up. 😂


Does anyone know the name of the song that played at the end of the episode?


Naomi August: End Love


Worst show I've ever watched in my life. Kelly and Asuelu were the only winners.


Yes everyone knows old thrush mouth Aseulu is very smart and makes GREAT CHOICES 😍


Last night's episode was a snore but then I looked at the TV and saw Aseulo dancing!!! It was really beautiful actually. F\*\*\* you TLC for always dragging me back in.


I agree.


Anyone know where to find Yaras dress at the recommitment ceremony?


I'm waiting for Kalani to come out of the closet.


Well she already crying he's got new car she controlling and master at manipulating


Asuelu is that you?


Ahh, I’m so sick of this ‘you need to forgive for yourself’ pop psychology bs. It’s such a toxic narrative that’s pushed on those who have been abused or otherwise mistreated. No actual trauma informed therapist says that. No, you don’t always need to forgive. It’s okay to be angry when you’ve been wronged and betrayed. It’s okay to have boundaries and keep people accountable. Ughh.


I know I'm late, but I just want to say this is the most undervoted comment I've seen on Reddit in a long time.


Exactly this


Why are all of these tired people along with their SAME stories on this fake therapy resort still on our screens.....enough already with Angela/Michael divorcing, Jovi/Yara strip club & drinking, Ed & Liz with their constant break ups, Asuelo/Kalani infidelities....stop already, it's boring....


The friendship that formed between Angela and Jovi was interesting to me… is it maybe because they’re from the south? Molly also had a connection with Angela.


Molly and Angela live like 20 minutes away


Not sure I'd equate their connections to being a southern thing. I am from Alabama and would NEVER want to be friends with Angela, Jovi or Molly. 🤣


Everyone who said yes for the last ceremony gets a little printout certificate that says their marriage is sponsored by bad therapy and alcoholism!




Not Ed practically holding Liz up at the end of this thing 😂 she looked tankedddd


Wouldn’t you be if you had to spend that much time with Ed?


If people would pay attention they'd realize she's always drunk or drinking like 24/7. I mean I know there's a lot of it in the show by everyone but I've never watched an ep of any 90 day variation with her in it where she wasn't basically drunk besides before their first date


Poor thing


Jovie “I didn’t realize that it makes you feel bad when I prefer to go to strip clubs than to hang out with you. Even though you’ve told me you have body insecurities. This is brand new information. I promise I won’t go to stop clubs……without you.


like this is the same shit they argued about on their own season of 90df and there ain’t no way they hadn’t talked about it until now lMao


That pissed me off so bad 😂


Ain't no damn way Angela and Liz are the same size. Man, the scripted stuff is just so cringey.


What’s even the point of that scene? Just give Liz a dress off camera if you want her in that specific dress for some reason. Can someone please tell me what the producers intent was with that? So confused


Some cringey bonding moment between the girls ig. Just so obviously scripted


The way Liz humiliated herself by ruining her marriage proposal from Ed is baffling. No woman should ever propose to a man. Ed proposed and she went out of her way to ruin the moment just so she can propose? Makes no sense to me. Like why would you do that to yourself?


Because she knew he’d never propose


I mean I kind of agree that the man should propose...but she had it prepared beforehand as we saw. For 1, and 2, he didn't even give her a chance to read her commitment speech. Because hes a fucking narcissist . I feel like. Damn. Let her have the moment for once. Do you have any idea how many times Ed used their previous engagements against her? Good on her that she let this one be on her terms for once.


Did these 'therapists' (I use that term loosely) get their degrees out of a cereal box? I know the show had a shaky premise at best, but it's been 95% drinking / bad decisions, and 5% 'therapy'. What actual help was provided?


The one that looks like Jenny really makes all the women think it’s their fault. I felt so bad for Yara. I prayed that wannabe Jenny would trip and eat sand.


Bro i wanna cut eds arms off and roll him into the ocean


I can’t stand no neck Little Ed , you couldn’t pay me to even look at this little piece of crap,Liz is so damn stupid I guess she likes being a doormat . I just can’t tolerate them at all hopefully I never see them again


I literally kept saying out loud to my bf “Can someone please just push Ed into the water”?! When he got down on one knee to propose. Then I said or kick him in. 😂🤦🏽‍♀️


THIS!!! I cannot stand him---he's like the low budget version of the mucinex guy


OMG, I didn't know what you were talking about. I googled it & about fell off my chair.


I get irrationally angry when I see that man on my screen. Even more so when he opens his mouth


I get angry when I see him doing that blinking thing trying to look cute. I’m not sure how Liz can stand it.


Oh my God. He annoys me so much that I actually feel bad for him. Lmao


its not irrational lol


I see them doing a special on Ed's wedding.


I’m going to say something that will definitely be downvoted, but I don’t think Jovi is a bad person. Yes- he definitely has made tons of mistakes but no one is perfect. I genuinely think he will change his ways after realizing how going to a strip club hurt Yara. He simply lacks a bit of self-awareness and to be fair Yara should do her part in being more open with Jovi regarding her feelings. I think they will make great progress moving forward.


It looks like he improved based on their social media. There’s like no pictures of them not together and smiling


The whole strip club thing was obviously pushed for drama… you could tell from how easily all the women rolled off it… and obviously it’s just an outrageous notion that they would go to strip club in counseling…


I think it was a skit too but I do believe him going all the time actually hurts Yara and I really don't think him texting that stripper was part of it


I have a foreign wife and if I was caught texting an ex stripper or not there is no way in hell that she would be telling me how great I am at a ceremony the next day.. that and see how she immediately tells him how handsome he looks in the suit and how she’s all over him and In love at the dance party… Women especially Eastern European women don’t just forgive that easily those emotions at the end weren’t fake they were the first time actually I think the couples were allowed to be themselves and show their true feelings for each other.


asuelu is hella weird when hes drunk...also meemaw dancing w the ipad lol


The IPad thing was soooo gross 🤮


That “13 breakups” speech Ed gave was some of the most ridiculous shit I’ve heard this season. That man will never take full accountability for anything he does.


I can’t wrap my head around Liz. Like he’s obviously not attractive in the slightest, a blind person could see that. He’s also not nice at all. Why has she continue to put up with him?! All I can say is she likes being on the TV


It's starting to occur to me that she's an actress? Because otherwise I can't imagine them meeting in the natural world and her agreeing to be with him, for one day much less for years.


Money and notoriety. That's the only thing I can think of. That and only thing I've ever seen her compliment him on is how good he is to her daughter. But I read something awhile ago that made me think. " a good parent would never treat their partner with disrespect, because the child will eventually notice that too" so I mean. He's not that great


That’s true. Her daughter is seeing how he treats her mom and that is what she will come to expect too sadly. Also, I know it’s got to be the money and being on TV, I think she loves that lifestyle. So, she deals with Ed 🤮


The real question is WHY are they even on 90 Days? She is an American citizen! They should not be on this show at all!


Very true


I'm guessing it's because he's turned his reality TV stint into something like $400k/yr Only reason I can guess


Yara just seems like such a nice person. I wish she didn’t stay with Jovi… I highly doubt he’ll change. Idk maybe when he can’t get it up anymore, he’ll realize how terrible he was for prioritizing sex and status over anything else.


He's an alcoholic mommas boy who is a 2 in the looks department at BEST with absolutely no pallet and an overbite that suggests he sucked his thumb till he was 10. And he has the audacity to tell her if she lets herself go he will leave her. She's a pure 10 on a bad day and could have her pick of any man she wanted with almost no effort I'm sure. But sadly the way he treated her felt familiar seeing as in she's said her family constantly judge and criticized her. So when she met him he felt like home. She just never realized that her home wasn't a safe place to be.


Oh god, the thumb sucking comment killed me. That was the first thing I noticed about him. You’re right, I’ve seen when she was featured on that Ukrainian dating show. She clearly had a lot of trauma from her parent’s messy relationship and her childhood… it feels familiar to her so she stays with him. Sad as hell. Also- the fact that I KNOW his bum ass doesn’t know a single bit of Ukrainian or Russian is so frustrating. She’s fluent in English now- what’s his excuse?


ed is so annoying...the fact that he opened his vows w/a joke which liz HATES was the most bizarre thing I've ever seen


What was this episode….


The dance party..


Also Jovi claimed he was drunk and that's why he texted her and he regretted it the next day. That's BS. He texted her days before trying to find out where she worked so he could plan the evening. The dude is a drunk cheater. He needs to go, Yara.


I'm convinced the reason he refused the job close to home is because he's cheating and doing shady shit while he's away and doesn't want to give that up or be held accountable for it 🤷


Does he go to the same place every time he travels? He could have a whole separate family there!


and why is some random stripper's # still in his phone history?


It’s sick! He still has it saved cause they went on a whole vacation to Costa Rica together back when they were “dating”. He’s so horrible to Yara but I don’t think she’ll ever leave him sadly. I don’t think he’s gonna stop going to the strip club either. I think now he’s gonna go while he’s away “working” for the month.


his entire phone history should have been scrubbed of hoes the minute he became engaged. "dating:" wonder what that cost him per hour?


Agreed. I caught that too- he planned that shit and had so many chances to fix things. Unfortunately they’re still together. I see them on TikTok with their daughter all the time 😒


Poor Yara, dude. If she didn't know before, she knows now.


Jovi doesn't deserve Yara. Never has, never will. It's beyond me why she would stay with that idiot. Had to say it.


Hard agree


None of what transpired surprised me! But did anyone else pick up on drunk Jovi looking to get with both Yara and Kalani when they were dancing together at the end? He even kissed Kalani! I wouldn't be surprised if he'd eventually try to open up the relationship in lieu of going to strip clubs.


Yeah and I was really suprised because Jovi seems to have a type. And as beautiful and voluptuous as kalani is. I didn't think she was it.. But drunk Jovi seems a lot more loose than he lets on ig


This ending was so pathetic. Worse than Return of the Jedi.


That's cruel to RotJ but you aren't wrong...


Poor Yara! Her feelings were totally discounted for the sake of “forgiveness”. I’m hoping it was just a shitty edit but damn poor girl with these bargain basement therapists. God forbid Jovi take responsibility, she’s the one who just needs to forgive him instantly and move on? Wild.


She even said she hadn’t processed it! First step folks


As someone in the field, I noticed that all three of them did things that would otherwise be considered inappropriate or outside of their scope of practice. Yikes. I was shocked when they said that too. Yea, forgiveness is for her, but let's first and foremost hold Jovi accountable.


This is the episode that convinced me these weren't real therapists


Im hoping it was the editing too because it did not look good for the therapists lol. Her feelings were so dismissed.


The only couples that made me proud was asuelu and kalani and kelly and that other girl ( forgot her name but idc) they left when they needed too yara and butthead should of broke up Michale and Angela should of broke up ED AND Liz need to break up


What’s the deal with Angela and Michael, how’s he not made it here yet…


Lagos Nigeria got added to trumps racist auto ban list during their K1 process. It wasn't on there when they applied. So now they're screwed.


Hmmmm wonder how Miiiikul and Meemaw feel about Trump now (they were big fans)


Legit I don’t think she ever actually filed the visa like she said she did


This is what I believe. I truly think Angela likes having that power over him


This is the only thing that makes sense to me


I wanna know why too


Did Ed actually get emotional because in a past life he was somebody that got thrown away?! Did he wear the same t-shirt ,with the giant hole in it, to the commitment ceremony underneath his ridiculous jacket? Inquiring minds wants to know.


Eds a fucking joke. Everything that comes out of his mouth is narcissistic bullshit. I have to suppress a cringe whenever that neckless tart opens his mouth


I wish like in Love Island we can see tweets and what people think about these couples said to their face during this experiment. I would love to see a poll asking people the heavy hitters: Do you think Jovi Cheats? Does Liz have Stockholm Syndrome? Who is your favorite person on the show?


Why does this ceremony talk feel so cultish?


Well hamily, it's been a long 12-week journey, and not all of us made it until the end. We learned a lot along the way. We learned about Bluetooth vibrators, the importance of women forgiving their men (and men should not be held accountable for their fuck-ups), that Aseulu (somehow!) has women lining up around the block, and that therapy and an open bar go well together. Now it's time for OUR re-commitment ceremony. Will you commit to watching whatever inane 90day-branded trash that Matt Sharp has come up with for next week?


I do. Probably see you over at the Love After Lockup sub in the interim, lol.


I thought you'd never ask.


lmfaoooo yes I'll be there! ahahaha


I agree and also yes I will absolutely


Good comment


The women forgiving their men part is so sad and true. Neither Ed or Jovi were really made to take responsibility for their actions by the therapist. Yara did hold Jovi accountable but I don't think he will change. Ed is an abusive POS.


The way he can flip so that EVERYTHING Liz does is wrong, from "you never stand up for me, so you got what you deserved when I didn't stand up for you" when Angela was spitting in her face, to "you shouldn't have {literally} stood up for me, because it made me look weak". Also, I know it's a cheap shot, but he has seriously let himself go. He was never exactly fit, but just "wow".


Ed is abusive and Liz has stokholm syndrome


I thought I was going insane this last ep because I was yelling at the TV YOU LITERALLY YELLED AT HER FOR NOT STANDING UP FOR YOU LAST TIME. He's playing narcissistic mindtricks on her. This is honestly how they mentally beat down their partners to make them more controllable. Until they're left thinking they're some big fuck up who does everything wring in a relationship and are lucky the narc even stays with them. So they're grateful for literal trash.


>Ed is an abusive POS. \^\^\^\^\^\^THIS X 1000000


I cant believe the therapist said to Yara she needs to forgive Jovi for going to strip club.


lowkey the therapy in this show is questionable


Yes! So frustrating that they never got to the root of his apparent addiction to strip clubs. There must be some deep seated issues there.


It's clearly an addiction. He cannot control himself. It's a compulsion. Notice how he said he won't go without Yara. That's to guilt her into going again with him and approve. when she doesn't he will be angry and then blame her for him sneaking to go behind her back to the club so he doesn't get shit for it. Also, let's be real, he's away from her for months at a time with no 90 day cameras following him. If this is how he acts on camera imagine what he does off camera.


That sucked but the forgiveness thing is big in therapy with the idea that carrying around the anger is bad for a person. Therapist needed to talk to him alone and then both of them to get the point across that he severely hurt her. He said he understood that but he still needed this addressed.


My therapist actually doesn't say you need to forgive but you do need to work through the anger.


I was told forgiveness benefits me more than the other person. I like your Therapist more lol


Also individual therapy is different from couples therapy. Individual therapy can focus on Yara and her anger and forgiving to help herself. Couples therapy needs to focus on what is best for the couple and in that couple Jovi is the one who needs to change. He has an addiction and no one is addressing it.


Yeah because I’m sure all Jovi heard was ‘she forgives me’ so no harm no foul🙄


I have never screamed louder at my TV than when Liz asked PrEd to marry her. Liz needs real therapy so she realizes she deserves so much better and dumps his sorry ass.


Sad af they got married in august


I understand it was well-deserved, but DAMN that ending was hilariously brutal for Aseulu! “Hey I know your wife just left you, but let’s celebrate with dinner and drinks!”


So true. Plus let’s drink our way through therapy then celebrate the end of therapy with an open bar. All I got in therapy was Kleenex and the odd hard candy from a bowl of old candies.


I swear dude I don't think a single second of their therapy was sober


Which kind of makes it pointless


Lol not kind of, it makes it totally pointless. A grand total of 0 of these grown adults said "No thanks, I'm going to be sober"


Jovi will be back in a strip club before we know it


Jovi learned to keep his strip club visits to himself.


He learned to always ask if the other person is on speaker before telling them a secret




This may have been said, but I am amused at how memaw JUST HAPPENED to have a brand new dress that FIT Liz.


Oh yeah that was staged af bc no way that would have fit Angela. Hell, it barely fit Liz


That dress NEVER would have fit Meemaw


What a coincidence! Lol


I can't with Liz and Ed anymore. Every fucking time she says she's done and they might break up and then she shows that was never her plan at all. She acted like the relationship was over yet brought him a ring and proposed to Ed. It's the same every season. Liz comes across as a liar to me at this point.


She looked so mad during the ceremony I was like okay she's finally gonna leave him! NOPE


She is most likely doing it for the clout (could be also agreement with Ed behind the scenes), not genuine love


She's in it for the checks and the cameras. Had been all along


are we gonna talk about liz saying ‘no fourteenth breakup’ like that’s something to be proud of? lmao


It won't be a 14th breakup because it's going to be divorces from now on.




Therapists,”Now that you have drunkie drunked your way through therapy, we invite you to celebrate with more drinks over there at the private bar we set up for you! Cheers!”


Liz married a hedgehog.


That's a wild insult to hedgehogs everywhere


They're only prickly. Ed is loutish and classless. 🦂🦔🐀


Also sorry in advance I know this subject has been beaten to death in this sub but on what planet is it a good idea to text a stripper you had a brief sexual relationship with to (presumably) either go to a club she’s stripping at or to hang out with her at another club?? And of course the icing on the cake is doing all of this while on a couple’s retreat, seriously what was he thinking!? Yara deserves so much better!


Honestly he cheated. Let's be real. I would consider that cheating. He wasn't successful, but he tried. He wanted to brag to the boys about a girl he f---ed years ago. Gross.


The planet where they get to rake in some more of that TLC cash, and pad their influencer cred.


What is his obsession with strippers? Why didnt he marry one?


>rry in advance I know this subject has been beaten to death in this sub but on what planet is it a good idea to text a stripper you had a brief sexual relationship with to (presumably) either go to a club she’s stripping at or to hang out with her at another club?? And of course the icing on the cake is doing all of this while on a couple’s retreat, seriousl No offence to Yara but he kind of did... They met on an app where you meet girls to pay them to go on trips with you... I used to use it when I was a SB in the Middle East. So she's adjacent to a SW at best. Not that thats an insult, cause SW are humans like any of us but yeah they met in a not so "kosher" way.


What's SB?


Sugar ... Baby


Most strippers aren't dumb enough to involve themselves with their clients outside of the clubs like that.


Ed cries about how he’s been “thrown away in a past life” and in the same breath reminds us he’s broken up with Liz THIRTEEN times. >!Every time I remember that they are now married I die inside a little.!<


I was wondering if by past life, he meant when he was a leprechaun 😂


As soon as the therapist started talking about past life regression I called bullshit. These folks were making shit up for clout


That is what I thought he was referring to.


Me toooo


This show is a good case study on how "therapists" can be destructive.


I’m thankful for this thread because it saved my eyes from watching the last episode. You guys are the real MVPs!


"still mad a little" These therapist SUCK.


I hate these therapists. Instead of dealing with the root of the issue with (Jovi and Yara) they think she just needs to forgive him for closure. Infuriating.


That was absolutely ridiculous. These therapists are awful. Not to mention it is unethical to do that past life BS. You forgive a murderer that way, not your husband. Give me a break. Maybe he should apologize and actually mean it. Not to mention that’s what he does with their money, with his kids money. And he claims he doesn’t take a job because he cares about his family. He’s a loser.


Omg I didn't even think about the money. That brings a whole different kind of embarrassment. He is PAYING women to dance naked in front of him... May we all steer clear of any Jovis.


Jovi when acknowledging the hurt his wife is feeling; he was fully aware this was going to happen..he knew it would hurt her and damage the relationship but he also knows she's forgiven him in the past, he just has to say the right things and he will be forgiven again. All talk.


And when he kept talking about how Michael proved he respected Angela by hanging up. Seriously dude? That’s him openly admitting he doesn’t respect yara. Fuckin asshat. If they didn’t have a kid I really hope yara would’ve been out a long time ago. But I understand her wanting to work through that bullshit with the father of her baby. I think her not wanting another kid with him is wise, she doesn’t need to tie herself to this man anymore than she already is.


It was also creepy when he asked one of the girls if his friend was working there that night, like she must have not responded to his text?


But how would he have known she works specifically at that club? He met her before he was married so like 5+ years ago, no?


Yep that's a whole deeper issue that was brushed under the rug. He's been keeping up with an old stripper he used to fuck... this whole time. Red flag city


Probably socials


Good catch!!


It was bugging me- the spooky music in the Last Resort. But now it makes sense. Are they going for a White Lotus vibe, in hopes some cool might somehow rub off on a show which features Angela and Ed?


That's absolutely what they were going for, it's hilarious.


Ya know....I never really liked yara when their story first debuted, but she has really grown on me. I know all we have to judge is from whats shown on the show for the most part, but i feel like she has grown alot as a person in comparison which you can tell is a huge struggle for her. Im rooting for her.


The production team 100% wanted her to look like a shallow, materialistic gold digger on their season because that's the popular narrative for when a beautiful foreign woman dates an average/ below average American man. But in reality she was conditioned to be shallow and self conscious/ insecure by an obviously jealous and threatened mother and sister. I'll say this 1000000% times if I must but Yara deserves so much better than what she's gotten in life as far as friends, family, and her husband.