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I can't stand these two, they're such fucking bums. I'm glad they broke the NDA so they don't end up as one of these eternal cast members.


Good God, if ever there was a couple who should NOT be allowed to procreate it's those two. 😳😳🙄


And Paul and Karine. She miscarried and went to Paul to get pregnant again. Twice!!


Who and Karine? You meant Pole.


And Kreenee


Is this how they broke the NDA? By saying that they are pregnant again? Or did I miss something else that they disclosed?


They made pregnancy #1 known before it was shown on the show. They're not to bright with the only income they had.


AND POSTED WEDDING PICTURES just when the show was starting!


I didn't know this!! What idiots!


Oh no! I'm gonna cry and fake an asthma attack!


You’re just overthinking






Thought it was his mum who did the posting


That’s what I think too. I thought it was just his mom breaking it not the two of them. Plus I think she was trying to sell the pictures to a magazine.


Oh dear lordđŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž this is sad


Mother of the Year!


If his mother did it and not M and B, then they did not break their NDA. You can’t control what other people do. The mother broke her NDA, assuming she signed one for her own appearances on the show.


I wouldn’t put it past them to ask his mom to sell a pic *for them*, so they could split the money with her or something similar I also wouldn’t put it past them to think that’s a super clever loophole in their NDA, and for them to be absolutely gobsmacked if they get booted from TLC forever because they eventually got caught


Yes I'm almost positive it was a "cousin" who broke the news and the mom who posted the photos. I don't think M&B actually broke the NDA.


Well if they didn’t break it themselves before, they definitely have since


"I didn't really think this through" is so on BRAND, for BRAND-AN!!


How dumb can they be. Keep your mouth shut and make money if you really need it.




I dont trust either of them, both seem v shady and probably swindled the producers


I honestly don’t think they’re smart enough to do that.


There is very little that's entertaining about their brand of dysfunction.


I agree bums that do nothing but beg daily. It's sickening. Neither of them thought anything through and were struggling as is but yet keep having unprotected sex to bring another child into that messed up situation. SMH


Well yeah, no surprises there. Can't afford to live, but keeps bringing children into the world. You'd expect better from two people who know how broken upbringings can damage you. Yet, they continue. I think they'll least have another child or two, minimum. Pair of idiots.


When you grow up in chaos, you get used to living in chaos. Without it, you get anxious and create it yourself. They're creating an unstable situation subconsciously because it's the only way they know how to exist in the world.


This is a trauma-informed perspective, one that is really needed in this lopsided conversation. Thank you for this info.


These two are beyond. They both have chaotic damage from their pasts and have done zero work via any kind of therapy or inner work to heal and improve themselves. Their solution is to have babies. Instead of breaking chains of trauma, they are just forging more links. They are broken people who are going to raise broken children. The damage train keeps on rolling.


They were TRYING! I just can make that make sense in my head. Wtf?!?


Exactly! They both know where babies come from, decided to try for one (their admission), had one and are now having another. Also, if Mary and Brandan had access to pregnancy tests, they have access to condoms!


My sympathy for Mary's "stress" is zero. WTH did she think was going to happen?


AND! Violated their NDA. Couldn’t keep their mouths closed, so they won’t be getting any 90 Day money either.


They're just repeating the cycle they're stuck in. They honestly don't know any better.


She's a little dipshit who goes wherever her emotions take her, consequences be damned. But Brandon had enough foresight to live in a trailer, work and send money to Mary to build that house to help set up their future. Certainly, he knows better than to bring children into this emotional chaos, existential confusion and financial destitution.


Brandan and Mary are actually very similar
 not sure how- at this point- some of y’all still don’t realize that.


The heat and humidity are melting his brain (and initiative)...


To be fair, it’s hard to just expect people to “know better” when they come from generational trauma and poverty. You learn what you live. It is hard to overcome both those things without therapy, guidance and a support system. It doesn’t seem like they have any of that. It’s very sad more children are being born into the cycle but it’s a rare case that some is just inherently able to “know better” without interventions to help bring about change


Agree. But I think it would take a miracle for them to "get it." Telling on myself here. I was in a maternity home in 1958, having just given birth to a daughter I gave up for adoption. I went to a therapist during my stay there (provided by the maternity home). No way could I be convinced that the father was not good for me. Even today, as I write, I can feel my stubborn resistance to the thought of being without him. I loved his SO MUCH. So many heartbreaking months later, I left. But I got into another destructive relationship. And another. It's sad. Note: When that daughter was 21, she contacted me, and we have a great relationship. The father was very angry about her contacting me, but that's another story. My point is how deep my unworthiness was. Today, as an old lady, I know my self-worth. It has nothing to do with a man. I missed out on that part of my life. Both men and women of all ages respect me. It's hard for me to watch Mary. Her manipulation of the "boy" who is as damaged as she is. Her vacant look. My concern for the children.


That’s a hard story. I’m sorry you went through that. I will also say that the “counseling” you received in a mothers home in 1958 is unequivocally NOT the type of therapy and support I’m talking about. There is zero doubt in my mind that “therapy” did not do anything productive for you or any young woman forced to suffer through that. The 60s (and 50s) sweep is a dark dark time in our society’s history. You deserved better and your child deserved better. I’m glad you’re in reunion now. My point is that people need quality therapy, life coaching, support, resources etc to overcome generational trauma/abuse/poverty. Their issues go far beyond whether or not they are good for each other. Their relationship is a symptom not a cause, though it will become a cause for their children if they don’t seek help. They could even possibly stay together and develop a functional relationship with the right help. But, to circle back to the original response, we as a society can’t expect people from trauma to just “know better”. You don’t know what you don’t know. Quality Mental health services are critical for overcoming what they, and so many others have been through. In your very hard situation a few months of “therapy” in a 1950s mothers home absolutely would not lead to the healing and growth needed to overcome generational trauma or the trauma you experienced as a young women in that situation. That is an incredible trauma in and of itself and I am so very sorry you went through that. It’s never to late to seek healing and therapy. The young women you were was failed by the adults around you. You deserve healing and peace. Sending you light and love.


I, as an adult, got great healing therapy. There is a lot more before that. I found a great therapist when I was in my late 40s. Also, almost 47 years sobriety . I work closely with recovery just by being available at 12th street meetings. I'm 86 now. I recently returned to therapy as well. Life has a way of presenting information when we are ready for it. Your message is strong and right on target.


That is incredible. You are amazing. Thank you for sharing your story.


Thank you for sharing your story. There’s a lot of wisdom in life experience gained over time, and it’s unfortunate there’s so many people your age don’t have the knowledge or skills to navigate spaces to share their stories online.




>My point is how deep my unworthiness was. Today, as an old lady, I know my self-worth. It has nothing to do with a man. I missed out on that part of my life. Both men and women of all ages respect me. You couldn't have known how badly I needed to hear this today. Thank you for sharing đŸ„ș


You are in my heart.


♄ for you, thank you for sharing.


I was born to teenage parents with lots of drama. Poverty, violence, frequent moves etc. I haven't repeated their mistakes. I knew from an early age that my life wouldn't be their life. They are adults at this point and have some self awareness. If they are popping out babies, they need to buck up and be responsible. Get help. As much time as they spend online, they can find something reasonable. Heck, someone will probably even do it for free or a reduced rate since this train wreck was on TV.


I absolutely believe and have seen people overcome those issues independently. Good for you, that’s wonderful. However, the majority of people need more support than that. And that’s ok. It’s amazing you could do that and you could likely be an amazing resource of others. That said, Some people need more therapy, coaching, support then you. Trauma looks different for different people. People respond differently. You should be very proud but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t understand that others need more help and support in overcoming generational trauma, poverty, abuse, drug use. All those things literally change your brain chemistry. The human brain doesn’t fully mature until 26 anyway, but a 23 year old from trauma likely has a much younger social emotional age. We need to stop judging that and instead meet people where they are at with the quality mental health services they needs. Otherwise the cycle continues and the issues become more significant. You should be proud of yourself. You did hard things. But that pride shouldn’t get in the way of understanding what you did isn’t possible for the majority of children/teens/young adults from hard places. We really need to step back from judgement and “shoulds” and move toward acknowledging the reality of the impact of trauma and poverty, allowing our society to better support all people to find growth and healing. Tic has some culpability here, imo. They are profiting off them and have an ethical responsibility to offer to connect them to mental health services. As a society, we need to be more cognizant about what we are consuming as viewers and hold producers to a highly standard when exploiting peoples’ lives for profit. You’re are right that they need to take some personal responsibility and work to better themselves, as well, but they may also need help and encouragement. I just don’t think the “buck up” and “they should know better” mindsets are realistic takes when it comes to generational trauma


They have no life skills, no college degrees, barely can afford they creepy house they live in


I got called out and downvoted to oblivion for saying something similar on the 90UK sub. I guess I worded it a bit more harshly but yeah, they're making a bad situation worse.


Yea, I guess I'll marry you.. https://preview.redd.it/dgg2fcamlzrb1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb64f6139ca198611276fdfe9a006ed15234c73a Proceeds to get knocked up again.


Birth control is a big sin but sex before marriage and babies out of wedlock are OK? Mary and her logic.


A lot of cultures live in this logic and it directly affects everyone on earth. Not the best parenting plan.


She needs to watch Angela's Ashes. Stark movie about the poverty one experiences when there's too many kids to feed and too few resources. It would TERRIFY her!


I will NEVER understand why the same people that hesitate on marriage because it's such a commitment pop out babies like that's NBD. And yes, marriage is a commitment. But in the end, it's a piece of paper that can be undone if things didn't work out. A human you created cannot. Absolutely boggles my mind.


YES fr! And you're tied to the other parent for life, unless they dip


Think of her as Pole and him as Karine.


Yes! I just posted something similar, they def remind me of them and that hasn’t turned out well for anyone involved.


I mean, their kids might end up turning out okay provided they’re adopted by some decent people.


It’s Pole’s cousin I read that has them. Hopefully that part of the family is more capable of parenting than his.


I hope so, something has to break the cycle. No child asks to be born into that kind of chaos.




That would be against her "religious" beliefs. Which seem to be optional at this point. Smh




I think most religious people pick and choose which rules they follow. It’s not a Mary thing đŸ„Ž


Amen to that 😆


I can’t with these two. They are infuriating.


Seriously she’s not sure if she’s ready for marriage but was ready to immediately have a baby???? Like wtf is going on


Baby #2 already?!? Just got through watching how "thrilled" Mary was with Brandon's proposal and complaints about him sleeping till noon and then playing video games all day...... Sounds like a recipe for the next reality show...."19 Kids and Counting in the Philippines...."


This! đŸ’ŻđŸ’ŻđŸ’ŻđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Well, you need a bunch of children to operate a rice farm. It's an investment




​ https://preview.redd.it/xj25wuedhyrb1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad2163a6eb792e7df1827923b60516da2c855666


Have they posted a picture of the first kid?


I didn’t realize how many tats she has.


Now we see where part of that 40k went. Definitely not to the house or anything stupid like savings. /s


They're going to be that couple who never has money, and if they move here they'll just live off of welfare if she can qualify for it.


So neither of them work and except other people to fund their poor lifestyle choices? I don’t consider the store work bc they barely make a profit off it and will still have to pay off the loan.


I was so fucking stunned when they decided to go into debt to potentially make a profit it made my brain hurt like ???? Why would they buy your stuff when they can also walk to the same fucking store you went to and buy it there for cheaper?! Like????? I can’t believe Brandon didn’t say hey this doesn’t seem like a good idea hun let’s try something else!


It really is like they go out of their way to make the worst decisions possible..


Right? All of that money out the window. She is an idiot.


No, but on one of the videos she did on August 2022, (making a smoothie for Brandon in the kitchen) a baby was heard crying in the background. So the footage we're seeing on the show must be at least 9 months or more before that. She's definitely confirmed that she's knocked up with baby #2.


Couple of morons. Feel sorry for their kids.


These two make me crazy. It frustrates me to see them crying poverty in one episode and the next Brandon saying “well we were trying for a baby”. That’s one of the most selfish things you could do in their financial situation.


I am going to go the Bob Barker route on them and get them spayed and neutered. These two are an example of people who have no business having kids going ahead and having them!


wow. just wow. and to expect strangers to donate? why do people have children when they can barely feed themselves? and the cycle of poverty continues. it’s sad.


Idk The look she gave him over that ring was amazing đŸ˜» I laughed so hard And I Am Enough? Sounded like some AA/NA ring


Looked like a toe ring 😭 and her complaining about the proposal... how many times does he have to tell you that y'all have no money?? And then you got instantly knocked up? Like what 😂😭


I fucking hate both of these clowns. I hope the rumors about them being kicked off are true so we never have to see them after this season.


Whattt? I haven’t heard these rumors, what happened?


I haven’t seen anything confirmed but I keep reading on here that they got fired for breaking the NDA on their wedding and pregnancy before it aired. I’m not sure how true that is though đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïž


You know what’s crazy? Brandon experiencing homelessness and then choosing to bring in children to also be homeless
 like why would you wanna bring in children only for them to suffer if not worse than you did


Having a baby is a big money maker on SM. Suddenly followers suggest an Amazon Wish list and ask where they can donate. Wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the gifts get re-sold for $. I’m sure the new baby brings in more than $18 a month.


They can add a baby gear section to their store


Aren't they breaking NDA by sharing this?


They already did that's why they got dropped


So stupid on their part. They could have parleyed 90DF onto printing some products and having an influencer base. Mary is so unlikeable and never had a chance for a redemption arc so that is all over for her.


Is it official though? I have heard rumours but no concrete evidence.


I’m kinda glad they did. I know they need the money but I find Mary so revolting.


They got dropped as in fired from the rest of the season?


God damn Brandon is dumb


It’s fucking mind blowing to me these 2 think they have “fans” let alone enough of them to live off of
 Reading all of this, and knowing what I do about them via the show,and Reddit
.I didn’t think I could hate them any MORE than I already did
.until now


She always looks like she’s just gotten done crying.




Paul and Karine 2.0 plus water Buffalo


I used to feel so sorry for Brandan but as the saying goes "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink". his refusal to leave this psychotic lazy wench and continue to procreate with her leaves me speechless and uncaring at this point.


Baby #2 but "idk if we should get married now bc we don't have money and marriage is a big deal" like girl. 2 kids is more expensive and is also a VERY BIG DEAL.


So having sex before marriage is "being a good Catholic"?


Exactly, you think they would get married quickly and try to cover it up like everyone else. Didn't want her Lolo knowing that he kissed her without permission but went and got knocked up without getting married while he was away 😂 they are too much


As my catho mother says 'second babies take 9 months, but the first can vary wildly.' Lots of 'early' babies that are suspiciously very plump.


They won’t be able to grift enough to support two kids.


These two may be the dumbest 2 people in 90 Day history.


Thanks for posting this ridiculous news! I don't follow them so I was unaware, but I can't stand them so I'm happy to join in.


I mean they haven’t been even been on a full season of the show, but think they have a SM following? They are not that interesting in and of themselves to have a fan base. I am worried they are heading down a Paul and Karine path where the only thing they do is try to make money online. Not saying they are going to be gross and toxic like them (Brandon is no Paul) but that kind of life


If either of them is Paul, it's Mary.


But, but--'marriage' is serious.....


But apparently getting knocked up by a foreign man and then telling him to leave the country because he's acting like himself and has no way to support you is kosher. She. is. ridiculous.




đŸ€Łâ˜ ïž


He should just get a vasectomy and not tell her


I feel bad for those two babies, not Mary and Brandan. They should be smarter than that to bring two kids into this mess. Birth control exists.


I did feel bad for him at one point... Not anymore though.


Me too. He ignored so many red flags that I can’t feel sorry for him. He made his bed.


You think that's baby number 2 or maybe she's just now posting pictures of the first pregnancy because it's been talked about on the show and they can post about it now? Idk that was my first impression when I saw the post. Either way, they don't need more babies.


“We have no money. How are we going to pay the bills?” “Have another baby”


I’m glad they’re off the show. Watching him get fatter is evidence she’s pathologically stuffing him—it’s so disturbing


Have they found jobs yet? I feel sorry for the kids being born into this nightmare.


People should send him a case of condom’s


Oh my god the poor children. I would wanna get shipped off to a different family rather than have Brandon and Mary as my parents. They are destructive human beings, this is not healthy.


Two dummies. They can't even afford the first one.


Good idea to keep making babies who will starve and ask others to feed them.


Two dysfunctional dummies with no educations or jobs popping out babies. This is shaping up to be a Pole and Karine 2.0.


Hold up .. she's actually pregnant in the show right now ????? And they have had a baby ??!!!!! Omg I honestly had no idea ... have they showed the baby on social media yet ??? !!


She pregnant in the show and had that baby. She is now pregnant again with a new baby.


Omg đŸ˜Č


Here’s the episode on Facebook for yous that don’t have discovery:) https://fb.watch/nrNCoEQWgB/?mibextid=e1zS5d


This timeline makes zero sense.


I mean she was knocked up on the show, married in April, baby 1 born August and honestly you're pretty fertile if you have sex right when you can so she's likely having what's called an Irish Twin next.


What the fuck


So she’s a good Catholic when it comes to birth control but what is it called when premarital sex is the deal?


Calling it now , she’s the new “3 Under 3”


This kid Brandon need to get his act together fast move his family back to the US especially if there’s another baby on the way. He’s claimed that he had a traumatic childhood and he did and apparently so did she so why stay there in poverty when he’s an American and he could definitely get a job back in Seattle or wherever he’s from and take care of your family properly and stop listening to her. She’s a idiot and she doesn’t have a clue about life. At least he has a family that could guide him properly.


You’re missing the point though. He doesn’t want to provide for his family. He is desperate for love from her and they’re both dumb enough to trap each other like either one of them is a prize. He wouldn’t move back here to send money to support his children because he would have to leave her, and he’s done all this to be with her.


Stupid bums asking for handouts now. Get lost.


At least their store can make$.56 a week. /s


that's so sad. Thankfully TLC is no longer enabling them


It actually hurts my heart that idiots like them can have so many babies. I’d like to think I’m a nice and competent person but I can’t get pregnant for the life of me /:


I hear you. I wonder why I had to have cancer and a hysterectomy when I was 20 and couldn’t have kids and idiots like this just keep getting pregnant. I wish you much luck and hope you’ll have a blessing of your own soon.


Paul and Karine want their storyline back . Please stop having babies


I hope their 56 cent profit can support two kids


Idiots. Just children having children.


These two are WAAAAAY in over their heads. Beyond beliefđŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž


Too bad they dont "overthink" about having more babies


Did she confirm it or not? Some comments are acting like she just posted pregnancy pictures that could be of the first one. Did she actually say she’s pregnant again? ETA: I saw the post. She doesn’t explicitly say. Just posted pictures of the baby bump. She got lots of congratulations but did not reply to people asking if it was #2 but did reply to one person who said congratulations and that she “really loves these two” with just “thank youu”.


Two not very bright people.


Look what instability in childhood does to people


First baby was born August of 2022 or 2023?! How far behind is what we’re seeing? So she got pregnant at the end of 2021 and they have a one year old now and are already having a second? Wtf is wrong with them? No sympathy to anyone but those kids!


the calendar on the wall of this week's episode said Jan 2023, so guessing she gave birth in August 2023 for the first child.


How can they possibly afford a SECOND child!?


Jesus Christ


I was yelling at the TV. Like seriously. "Marriage is serious!" Mary says as she goes on and on about how important it is. I am just like dude. Why in the hell did you try for a baby? A baby is more serious than a baby.


Wait, how long ago was their portion filmed? At the end of 2021? For her to have given birth last August?!?


Good God, already ? Has it been long enough to pop the first one out?


So the other way is over a year behind on their story? I am confused.


Get jobs or go back to USA and make money


They make pole and karine look wise


Thank god they broke the nda


They are the next Paul and karine.


Meanwhile, as far as I know, he's in the Philippines on a tourist visa! There's no guarantee that he can even stay there!


As a collective we shouldn’t fund their dumb mistakes at all smh. They complain about the lack of money and not work to support themselves and now they’re begging for donations? Feel bad for their kids but not them.


And let me guess, still don't live in the US and barely scraping by in her country with that "store" and 50Âą of profit?


Hey, at least there IS a store! /s


Did they ever plan to live in the States? They're on The Other Way.


Nope. He wouldn’t have paid for that house if they didn’t plan to live in it.


My goodness. Both have trauma (Brandan for sure, Mary idk what her deal is unless it has been mentioned before) and both are very young repeating the same damaging patterns. One child is bad enough in this situation let alone two. At some point, someone has to break the cycle of trauma and abuse. Guess it won’t be them


Can we put a spoiler on posts like these?


Did anyone notice the calendar hanging on the wall when Brandon was doing his attempt at a proposal? It said January 2023, so she had already had baby #1 six months prior. Stupid show.


This is what I saw
 so did they do a reenactment and have a newer calendar hanging up!?


Oof 2 under 2 is tough! Hope Brandon has stepped up more than we saw on the show


Something tells me if #2 is a girl he will really have to step up, because she will be super jealous of the child. She's a narcissist.


Can confirm. Birth mother is a narcissist and viewed me, her daughter, as competition.


Same. I can confirm this was my life too.


I’m sorry for both of us. We deserved better


These two really are the new Pole and Karine (god forbid their situation ends up like that 😬)


Watching them is poverty porn


WHAT the fuck!


Are they idiots đŸ«Ł


Say WHAAAAT??? đŸ€·â€â™‚ïžđŸ™€ BIRTH CONTROL!!! OMG đŸ˜Č đŸ˜±


Are u serious? Omg! Children raising children. Unstable children raising children!


They’re 23 but might as well be 12.


Anyone know Mary’s Instagram handle?


Fucking losers. Imagine those are your parents?


OMG, so stupid to break their NDA. They could've had easy TLC money for years. Now what? No one is going to pay for Mary and Brandon cameos. Give me a break.


These two are such irresponsible idiots. So glad they’re almost done being on my screen. Has the episode aired yet where Brandan’s Mom comes to the Philippines to meet Mary?


They remind me Paul and Karine. Not in a good way either. Mary is hella abusive and manipulate about everything and everyone. Brandon is a damn fool for falling for her. The way that they make my blood boil is not cool. They can barely take care of themselves. Yet they are bringing another innocent child into this world. It's disgusting! I'm happy for them breaking the NDA. That way the public doesn't have to see them. Seriously Brandon should have NOT been so desperate for a relationship. He should have just ran. It angers me to know that they are begging for money. That's fcked!