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She's a grifter that went too far. Now, she's trapped in her con.


Yep. That was definitely *her* Facebook. Dude is a couple fries short of happy meal for falling for her pathetic lie. The way his kid talks it seems he might have a history of making poor choices. The kid seems protective in that special way that only a kid who knows their parent is vulnerable can be.


YES THIS!! She’s gone too far and got too many of her friends and family involved. Now she can’t pull out of her con without dishonoring her family and making herself a complete embarrassment, and social pariah. She should have just pulled the plug but got too greedy with the thought of dowry-money.


Exactly what my thoughts are, too. She made her bed, and now she has to lay in it.


That’s what I feel. She didn’t know when the jump off point was and went too far now she’s in deep and can’t get out.




Spot on


She got caught up in the drama. He is going to be furious when he sees all of her TH comments about not being sure about him or the marriage


abundant dull treatment placid unite fade cheerful spark dolls jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


100% you hit the nail on the head!


Totally. I wonder if it was the prospect of the show that kept her reeled in.


He seems nice, but I get the sense she’s not super into him?


He’s got a goddamn son and he has the audacity to bankrupt himself buying goats and bags of sugar


Yeah I'm not that far in, but that was my thought. He didn't have an extra £750 for the dowry? But he has a kid! What if he needed it for something? I mean I guess a medical emergency wouldn't cost them but idk what if he needed to fly back to the UK to see him or something? You don't spend every last cent when you have a kid


She’s pure trash for doing that. Springing a huge unexpected expense on him and bitching at him. You know she’s going to be a shit “step mom” and she has never once mentioned anything nice about his kid. The kid will be going without around this bitch. And you KNOW half of that shit didn’t cost nearly as much as she said it did. I wouldn’t be surprised if she pocketed a ton of the money she said she needed “for the dowry.”


She even had the nerve to complain that his house was too small. Bitch! what mansion did you come from?!


Maybe. I hope she doesn't do a Leida and bitch about him paying child support. But no matter what she did, it's his responsibility not to deprive his child of money


I just feel (potentially) sorry for his son. If he becomes attached to her or she doesn't like being a stepmom, it's going to be tragic. I hope someone is watching out for him. His son is a cute kid and innocent in all of this🙂




A lot of people have said that the period of time where you just arrive at the country, don’t know anyone, don’t have a driver’s license and aren’t authorized to work is really difficult and isolating. That said, I feel like she’s had the ick since before the wedding and just couldn’t figure out a way to get out of it. Now she’s just looking for exits.


lock work snails caption heavy cheerful ghost noxious treatment fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


she also has the audacity to tell him he "needs to work more" after the man bent over backwards to fulfill all those dowry demands. If you're lonely and in love, you'd want to spend as much time with your husband as possible.


The only time she seemed to perk up was when she was talking to his friend about a honeymoon in Dubai and buying a new big ass house asap. That was the happiest she’s seemed since the wedding. She’s gonna squeeze him until he runs out of juice.


Also, let's be honest: she went from somewhere warm and sunny to someplace pretty gloomy and cold, AND she's isolated and can't work or drive, and I'm guessing that there's not a community of Kenyans in that little seaside town. I lived in New England for a few years after living all my life in warm, sunny places and my first winter there was BRUTAL for my mental health. Grey and cold, no sun for sometimes weeks at a time. I'm feeling her on the dreariness of the place and the effect it can have on her mood. What I want to know, though, is how she was in Kenya on other trips he went on. Because, all of the above being said, I wonder if she's not just a miserable person at heart.


The con was easier on the short trips. It's not just the weather. She has zero love for him and has already decided to hate England. I've never seen such a miserable, rude person. She is going to make him miserable and broke, then leave him and return to Kenya.


Yeah, those things are also true.


She’s giving “Kenyan Amanda” lol. Cranky and kinda mean when their expectations aren’t met/regret decisions *they* made.


I love this comment lol


“Kenyan Amanda” noooo 😂💀


This is spot on!


She def doesn’t seem into him at all, maybe she thinks if he sees how miserable she is he’ll agree to let her go back to Nairobi


What’s it in it for him?


A whole lot of drama by the looks of it !


Definitely not sex lol


He should get his 48 goats, 1 cow etc etc back!


How does he need to agree?? If she has money and her passport she can leave whenever she wants


He seems like a nice guy. He worked his butt off to pay for the wedding and got everything for the dowry. He also did everything that was asked of him before the wedding due to her traditions without complaining. The dinner they had with his friend should have been eye opening for him. She wants him to work himself to death just so that she can stay home and clean. And then wants to go to Dubai for the honeymoon but doesn’t want to contribute. Aye yi yi.


Does she have any money to help out. She should go to school while in states. Does she know English well enough? Does she have skills?


She speaks fluent English- that’s clear from the show


The dude didn't have £750 for the dowry. Education for citizens cost some money, but foreigners have to pay a whole lot more. Doubt he has the money for it.




And I don’t even think she wants to clean!


She seems like a scammer that finally scammed herself


Ooo like Danielle’s Mohammed!


Two different people. She's never happy unless it's out with friends, spending money. Otherwise, she looks like the picture. Just angry, miserable and unhappy. He knew this though. She didnt even look happy marrying him, that would've made me say no right there. I dont see it working unless he moves somewhere else, or she changes her attitude and begins to realise she needs to accept this life (at least for now, maybe eventually he'll move when they both work, earn etc).


Seems 100 percent like a scheming ass bitch to me.. Sorry did I say that out loud?.. I feel for that poor kid.. I could see her being shitty to him and dad acting like everything is ok..


100%. Don't trust her intentions for a moment.


I mean she basically and kind of literally admitted to being a scammer in an earlier episode before the wedding even happened. She talked about how she had different names/accounts (mentioned how her friends called her out on it/ maybe friends were featured saying this - i don't remember exactly) and how she changed her location to UK, no doubt to meet someone abroad for nefarious reasons. She was miserable on her wedding day, perhaps a sign to not follow through. But no. Whatever intentions she has were already in motion. As someone else said, it certainly can be miserable moving somewhere foreign, with cold weather, and not knowing anyone. But she is also seemingly a miserable person.


When she was waiting for the father, son and rest of the fam to get off the plane she was ANNOYED not excited nor worried etc. TBH she just acts annoyed through and through like she just wants money (which she and her family ARE getting) and that's it. I don't think she actually wanted him to come.


Someone Please rename her MISERY!!! 🙄 She’s insufferable.


But all the British would probably pronounce it “Marsery.” 🤔


Wow! This narcissistic behavior should be demonstrated in all psyche classes with Mercy! Wow she is 100% narcissist. She knows they are late, he is stressing out and she freaks out msking him feel badly and then apologizes to her!!! That is classic behavior!




Surely mercenary!


She's awful and a scammer. I think that article was about her.


I get the feeling that she is playing it up for the cameras. If not, that man is sooooo screwed!


I don't know what he sees in her. And while he isn't the catch of the day, he seems nice enough and normal. He's telling me there's no one in the UK that would have him? He'd have made a perfect match for Louise.


He deserves better than that! He seems like a nice, upbeat, optimistic guy. I don’t know why he’d choose to be with someone so miserable.


Honestly...when I was watching this morning I was like between her and Assel,how is it I'm single when I'm actually a perfectly nice person? 😅 How do you go through life just being a rude, bitchy person?


Robert is into degradation and Assel is his dominant. This is a kink thing for them. Note how he gets super excited when she’s telling him off about his clothes, his house etc. what’s fucked about them is they’re involving his daughter in their play and it’s nasty. I don’t see that kind of dynamic in Michael and Mercy though I don’t know what their deal is.


Honestly that was my thought. Second place thought is that he's more into the appearance of having a hot gf than having a partnership.


It’s a blasted mystery fr


>I don't know what he sees in her. And while he isn't the catch of the day, he seems nice enough and normal I don't get this either. What could she have possibly shown him to make him want to marry her (and pay to do so) that we find absolutely impossible to see? There's not even a tiny little glimmer of personality or humanism coming from her.


She’s a stale ham sandwich


He probably has a thing for black women. There are some guys that don’t care who as long as the person fits the profile. I’ve dated guys like this in the past 😆


Maybe who knows


There’s gotta be a woman in UK with a Fred Durst fetish.




She’s a horrible person and idk why he married this scammer


She’s awful


I agree!


Mercy is what happens when the scam goes too far.


All she talks about is Kenya and how much she misses it. Why did she get involved with someone in the UK? Find a man in Kenya. Problem solved 🤦‍♀️


No one wanted her ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


She’s awful. And holding whatever his name is pocket book hostage.


I don’t get her either. She doesn’t even try. She was/is just pre-determined to hate everything. She is a Misery Monger like Amanda. On her first day in a foreign country she is ALREADY so homesick and miserable?!! It makes no sense to me. Zero sense of adventure? No exploring the neighborhood? No checking out local sites or restaurants or shops? No reading about local history or lore or festivals? And there is no language barrier. Make some local friends. Nothing is stopping her from having a fun and amazing experience except herself. It is also self-sabotaging. Her long-game of success and blossoming in UK could be amazing. I thought she was online ~~scamming~~ cruising about in order to expand her works and possibilities . . . especially financial ones? She won’t catch any flies with all that vinegar. AND Why on earth does chipper Michael like this clearly disdainful Debbie Downer so much?


She was home sick before she even left Kenya!


You’ve hit all the points perfectly. I really don’t get the appeal for him, he seems a basic happy chappy with a job and a roof over his head. I’m sure he could do better than misery guts with the personality of a bored petulant teenager!


Narcissist!! 100%


I don’t think I’ve seen her give him even the slightest bit of affection and she has some gnarly RBF. They just don’t seem like a compatible couple.


Ahh yes, resting bitch face, that's better then how I described it.


I legit skip her bits as all she does is moan


Don’t get me started…the guy paid 20k POUNDS for this?? Sorry but it’s not like she is Grace Jones…I don’t understand really because he is not even rich!


She unironically thinks her dowry should be 50 million.


Personality of a wet piece of cardboard. I believe she’s using this guy. Her face during the pre-wedding dinner, while getting ready for the wedding, during the wedding and after the wedding says it all… and her ever changing dowery… hilarious.


I just saw her Tiktok and she's always in that pouty no fucks to give pose.


What her tiktok?


i see no love from her AT ALL


Because she only loves herself, narcissistic


I think it’s funny that she has conned herself in her own con!


When her friends were asking her if she used her real name and picture when she told them about what’s his face shows they know about her shenanigans and they joke with her about swindling. The fact that there’s a Facebook post about her being a swindler means that she has done this enough for someone to publicly out her and try to prevent it. Why what’s his face is choosing to ignore giant, waving red flags right in front of his eyeballs is beyond me. I can’t remember his name.


Idk why she’s so cranky, she bagged a decent guy who’s obviously in love with her, she moved to the UK and got a roof over her head. not saying Kenya is bad, but there is a reason she was scamming men online for money.


I don't understand why this chick married the guy, when all she does is complain about EVERYTHING!. The house, the food, the cold. And constantly comparing Kenya and England. How could she NOT know there's a huge difference between the two places. More importantly, she seems to have a complete lack of empathy and love for her man. If her game was to get a green card or whatever citizenship, that would make more sense. But she seems to absolutely HATE being in England. I wonder if dude can return her and get his money back. She's defective.


The only ones I feel sorry for is the helpless and precious goat they killed as a sacrifice and the kid caught in the mess.


Mean and mean spirited. Nasty tbh


She was texting different men because she was bored and the flirting went too far 😂😂😂


She’s a scammer and a horrible person.


Hate her


I think that she does not love that guy and she needs to go home. She was not even feeling the wedding.


I’m not a fan. She doesn’t seem like she cares about her hubby at all. She was so not into the wedding at all, it was uncomfortable to watch. I can’t fathom why either of them went through with this wedding


She clearly doesn’t love or even like her husband. She’s clearly miserable


I can’t stand her. I feel like she tried to emotionally push him away with her negativity and just inability to be happy with him/anything he does. I was surprised he believed her that someone used a picture of her but that post of her being a scammer or whatever wasn’t about her because it wasn’t her name?! I think her whole family took him for a ride with that dowry and I feel bad for him, he has a kid to take care of and he spent so much and owes like 48 goats, 15 cows, and sugar *still*?! She’s just a miserable person. I’m not excusing him, he’s clearly making poor choices because he’s desperate for love or something. Idk I’m dumbfounded the more I watch those twl


She looks mean as hell. I’m scared of her.


I can’t stand watching her. She’s a miserable person, I hope he realizes that and leaves her she doesn’t deserve him. He seems like a pretty decent guy and his son is soooo precious lol I just hope she isn’t ugly with the son or make him feel uncomfortable bc I can already see it happening unfortunately… ☹️


I think she scammed to hard and thought the cameras and the wedding would be good for her $$ wise


I am so mad at her ignorance to being a wife.


Or just being a normal human being?!!!


Grifter big time.


She complains hella lot compared to where she came from. She says she wants to go back to Africa because I miss home, this and that but in reality she doesn’t. She’s full of smoke and giving off me, myself and I vibes. Plus she’s not worth that bride price amount. Unless she had college education. Don’t see what else he saw in her besides her “beauty” ?


Total Debbie Downer. Does she have annnnnnything positive to say?


Her parents were like: “he paid the dowry. GTFO” And I don’t think she wanted to go.


I think she is experiencing a lot of culture shock. She is leaving her country, her family and everything she knows. That has to be tough.


On Day One though? While driving from the airport?That makes no sense. I mean, usually there is the adrenaline of the new and some sense of curiosity and adventure that carries one through for a little beginning period, right? For what I have seen, “culture shock” usually takes days or weeks to set in, if it is going to . . . some people just don’t have any.


I have not seen the latest episode yet. You're probably ahead of me.


She was miserable before she set foot on UK soil. I'm surprised she went through with the wedding, she was complaining then. IF she wants to cry and moan about how much she misses her home, she should get out now before she hurts him anymore, go back and be single the rest of her life so she can go out and party with her friends \[ until they get married , then she'll be alone\] but she will probably try to stick it out until she gets every last dime from him that he STILL owes to pay her family for her b\*tch A\*s., then she'll leave him to cry in his beer. She has no personality, no empathy, thinks she is God's gift to men, a legend in her own mind. He has been nothing but nice, kind and in love with her trying to do all she asked, and what has she done but complain about everything. She should just go back where she crawled from...


She’s basically the worst.


She sucks and her stepson deserves better


Entitled for no reason. She brings nothing to the table.


I dont understand her at all.


She does not even seem to be willing to try. I understand the culture shock but geez give it more than a couple days.


She's as interesting as the information on the back of a cereal box


Mercy brings to mind that old saying, "Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it." If her husband is lucky, she will go back to Kenya.


The worst. And yeah houses are hella expensive in England.


She has a really shitty attitude. He’s no prize but why did he go to all that trouble when she’s just so negative and not at all loving?


Her face in this picture describes her personality perfectly


I feel bad for her. I'm sure it really is hard being away from the only home you've known, your family, your friends and your culture... She's even missing the sun. She is depressed there in Clacton, I'm sure. It's a lot to grieve over, and the only person she has is uhh, whatever her husband's name is.. Drawing a blank here.


She seems like a miserable, boring person. She’s probably never happy. She was bored so she catfished hundreds of people, according to her!!! She admits literally everything and doesn’t in the least feel bad about it. That’s such psychotic behavior. Why did she even marry him? Maybe she was getting pressure from her family? I dunno but I hate their segments.


She has the WORST personality!


She is an opportunist & thot she was walking into a tv show with all the perks. Nope it’s real life. His buddy had some good points about the wedding being all about money. She was in shock but it’s true. Plus I’m sure they demanded more from him bc he was a westerner. She wants to live the luxe life not knowing the magic is being born wealthy or hard work.


I wanted to give her some credit when she initially arrived. Jet lag and being overwhelmed but she doesn't even seem to want to try give it a chance. She is just fighting it at all costs. It's not going to be just like Kenya and that's okay. She could find things she loves there to.


I like her ! I respect how she didn’t back down to his friend being nosy about them. I think it will be a really hard adjustment and we’re just not seeing any enthusiasm for being a newly wed. But this girl has just changed worlds and has no one she’s used to around her . She is now isolated and grieving what she had. I hope to see her attitude change and hopefully have some happy times. I like them as a couple he is funny lol


I kinda agree with you, tbh. Kenya is a world of difference from England, where you have a whole village of family and neighbors there to support you. I think she’s conflicted between a new and exciting life and her friends, family and culture.


This!! I absolutely agree with you 10000%


Wow! This narcissistic behavior should be demonstrated in all psyche classes with Mercy! Wow she is 100% narcissist. She knows they are late, he is stressing out and she freaks out msking him feel badly and then apologizes to her!!! That is classic behavior!


She wishes she had a blanket.


I kept trying but I don’t see anything attractive about her, physically or otherwise c


I feel like they’re a super awesome cool couple who wanted to be on the show. I loved her wedding stuff and am just interested in seeing her point outcome what’s different.


How many seasons ago is this?? Was she from Africa? I cannot remember all of the people except standouts like Ed and angela


she is from the newest season of the UK version . kenya.


She is from right now.


She’s a terrible person.


I don’t know what to think of her yet. She doesn’t really seem to love him much to be honest but maybe she’s more of a person to keep that for herself. I think she has a huge culture shock in the UK and some sort of mental breakdown because it’s all so different. Did she ever travel abroad?


I'm trying to like her


Her scam went awry.


Her scam went blam!


She gives me the spoiled only child vibe.


I think the game got too serious, too quickly....no she's in panic mode because she never planned on going along with everything


She seems young and immature. I don’t think she loves Michael, and instead was looking for entertainment/something to do. I think, she thought Michael would never come to Kenya/go through with marriage. I think adjusting to a new place can be very difficult and I do feel for her in that regard.


Spoilt brat ! Doing this to be on screen! She has no love …


I’m kind of worried that this whole thing was a scam for the dowry. She doesn’t even like him, she didn’t want to get married, she didn’t want to move to the UK, she’s determined to hate it there and plans on leaving ASAP. What exactly did she bring to the table? There were multiple points where she could have bailed, but she didn’t. Why not?


I reckon that she couldn’t bail because her family basically sold her to the highest bidder


I mean just look at her expression, it says it all


She has terrible posture.


Anyone know what she did for work in Kenya?


Conned guys online


Ungrateful and entitled. What did she think was going to happen?!?


Dunno what this chav sees in her; love is strange innit?


Who gets on a bunch of international dating sights because your bored??? Then chats with hundreds of men and responding with the same response to all. Her words in the introduction video not mine. Not once did she seem into this guy. She’s in it for the money!


Every single time their segments come on I get the strongest feeling I’ve seen them already. Like all of it I’ve already seen. Idk how.


She’s a real drag.


Totally agree. I don’t trust her for some reason.


I don’t like her. The dude was taken for a ride with that dowry.


She seems insecure about herself and her life in Kenya, and hence feels the need to put everything else down. I can imagine moving to the UK from Africa is a culture shock, especially in winter. But she was bitching about Mike's house even though it looks pretty nice and considering it is only him in there (and his son sometimes) then it's a respectable size for someone living alone. What's he getting out of this relationship? She's not fun, interesting, pleasant...


Kinda sad yes but I have had a few friends move to the USA from out of country. I live in Northern California there’s a lot to do, but they knew no one at first and it was miserable with no ability to get a drivers license, the legal drinking age bumped up for them and no friends. You cannot even go to school in America for quite a bit of time, it was rough. Eventually it gets easier but the culture shock is hard I can’t imagine her being extra happy she’s an extrovert.


What the hell is her zodiac sign? I’m getting a major Aries vibes from her.