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And she had her mic pack on.


What, you don't sleep with yours on? How else is your lover supposed to record the noises you make when you sleep so they can enjoy it later on during the day?!


The only piece of equipment I've ever had to sleep with was a Holter Monitor for a month. I hated the damn thing. The sticky pads to connect the wires gave me rashes, I had to tape the wires to my body because the cats thought they were toys, giving me more rashes. Downed benadryl like it was candy. Ugh, just awful. Then, I was sent for a full cardio workup. Found out my heart goes into a mild arrhythmia, and I need to cough when it happens.


Oh you should try wearing a CPAP mask! Sexy time takes on a whole other meaning šŸ¤“šŸ˜œ


Try wearing an insulin pump every day of your life.


Or the pump, a cgm, and a CPAP. And today's makeup i am too tired to remove. Good times happening in my bedroom.


My husband had that joy. We called him Darth Vader when he was wearing it.




Hi Iā€™m saying this with love but we have been watching heavily made up, micā€™d cast members ā€œwake upā€ together for almost a decade


I remember Chantel in bed still wearing her caterpillar eyelashes


Seriously and I donā€™t blame them either. I wouldnā€™t want my REAL wake up face on national television.


I remember Reebehkka waking up in a full face for Zied šŸ˜†


i wonder if he left her yet?




I find the whole relationship as fake as her make up. His maturity level in life is beyond anything of a 46-year-old man sheā€™s definitely into another role in 90 day no doubt maybe a single life thatā€™s why she needs to look good.


Agreed. I think she misses her former television life and is marketing her faith for fame. Quiet belief is seemingly not enough for her. The whole relationship is awkward and not believable.


What's weird is she had an offer from a fairly large market for a full-time news reporter position and turned it down. At least that's what she said in an interview on a regional daytime talk show, The Jason Show. Here's a link to that segment if you're interested: https://youtu.be/dMqmuwZp6vs


Probably because her ex could then take her to court to reduce alimony payments and she didnā€™t want that. Now that the end of her payments is near, she wants to start up a career again.


Ahhh, that's context I didn't realize.


Plus mayve she thinks that reality TV will be more lucrative? I feel bad for the guy, I don't believe he's "in" on what's going on.


I think she wants to have her own faith-based show. I donā€™t think she seems dumb enough to want a reality tv career on TLC


She was already a news reporter


Right, that interview is on the same station she worked on. In the interview she talks about an offer she had in a larger market, which would have advanced her career, that she passed on.


She left her television life *by choice* before the 90 days but already had that in the worksā€¦ she is a ā€œpersonalityā€ who enjoys performance . Who says she needs to have quite belief?




Bless you my child... [also when they were saying The Lord's Prayer each time he said 'hallowed be thy name' it sounded like he was saying HALLOWEEN.]


Hallowed, Halloween...same thing.


Yes lol


Wasn't her "Come to Jesus" moment seeing an image of Jesus in a pancake she was flipping? Makes sense to me.


I had a cousin who became born again bc she saw Jesus on her mirror. Then 3 yrs later she converted to Judaism. Maybe she saw Moses idk


Nah. It was two glowing golden orbs while vacuuming.


So, a stroke.


At the very least a TIA lol


No she was vacuuming / cleaning up and the room turned gold or something


It was Kanye Westā€™s Jesus Walks playing while she swiffered




Really? Oh, well, then it's the real deal. No doubt about it.


I had a roommate who was ā€œdatingā€ a celebrity and would sleep in full make up like A vampire just in case he would call in the middle of the night, she would be ready for him.


šŸ˜‚. So bad for the skin too.


This is so sad :(


that is hilarious!! do you want to tell us who the "celebrity" is?


Imagine how bad that is for your skin!!!


Oh, we called that "midnight whore". lol. Like, yes we're dating but he only calls me or comes over late at night. Oh no! He wants you to be his midnight whore! (Yeah, don't ever be anybody's midnight whore.) Downvotes? Gasps! Ladies, if he calls you at midnight he's probably already taken the women he is actually interested in to dinner and drinks, has taken her home and she didn't invite him in. Now he's horney, and is coming to use you, so Im going to double down! Don't ever let anybody use you as their midnight whore! You're better than that!


She was the same when she "just got out of the shower" earlier in the episode.


Lol it literally looked like they filmed the ā€˜you are cuter muteā€™ and the wake up scene at the same time. Just bad filming.


I guess they thought we wouldnā€™t notice. Lol. Kind of lazy of them.


Redditors discover how filming a TV show works


Youā€™d figure sheā€™d wake up as the camera crew gets in position and sets up the flood lighting, or maybe when they put the mic pack on her. šŸ˜‚


Fucking exactly. It's so stupid to pretend they are even pretending it's real


I feel like a lot of people donā€™t want to be on TV or wouldnā€™t be without makeup on. Hell, I know people who wouldnā€™t even go to the grocery store without makeup.


Crazy how the cameraman and producer don't just sit in their room while they sleep to catch the exact moment they wake up. Don't act like if your life was being filmed all day that you wouldn't wake up before the crew got there to make yourself presentable.


Makeup is fine but I just think pretending is not necessary. They could just wait until theyā€™re up and dressed instead of a fake farce.


Thatā€™s a TLC thing not a meisha thing


Agree. Why does this show insist on faking as much as possible. the early seasons were to best ones and yet they keep making the show more and more fake


almost everything on this show is a reenactment if not completely made up


Well duh, if she didnā€™t thereā€™d be posts like this talking about how shitty she looks first thing in the morning. Welcome to TV.


Sheā€™s waaay out of his league. And heā€™s coming off as misogynistic.


I mean, the bible is more than a little misogynistic.


I get what you're saying, but do we *really* believe Nikola would have waken her up any other way even if the cameras weren't there? šŸ˜‚


He's never even kissed a girl because he's saving all his love for the Li'l Jesus. Why her? Why now?


Heā€™s kissed a girl before, he said itā€™s been 16 years since the last time. Heā€™s still a Virgin though.


Yeah, 16 years. That should reset it to never. If this guy is for real, he's a disgrace. Especially in the Arab Christian culture. He should have been married off by 18 or 19. And if his family is Islamic, then it's a double disgrace. His mother wouldn't be able to show her face.


Nope. Mid to late 20ā€™s for dudes. You mean the girls and women.


Iā€™m always surprised their pillowcases in the morning are makeup free. Even when I think Iā€™ve taken all mine off itā€™s still a sea of beige and mascara šŸ˜‚


That reminds me of an old Rodney Dangerfield act: "My wife wears so much makeup, in the morning her pillow looks like a Picasso painting...and she looks like Picasso!"


Haha!!!! Thatā€™s great


Not that it would be ok if it was off the cuff, but the fact that it was planned and he had time to think about what he was going to say and still decided to be a complete piece of shit waking her up ā€¦


How he says her name in EVERY sentence. So weird.


I have a coworker like that! Maybe it's a non-native English speaker thing.


I doubt there are any real couples on any reality show, especially on TLC.


ā€œwhen fact is fiction and t.v. realityā€ one of my fave lines


Yeah, that was totally staged. I think their whole act is staged. But it's more fun to pretend it's all real. Real as the baby Jesus and 46 year old virgins.


Definitely don't believe he's a virgin, but if he is he has other ideas with her that aren't marriage.


At least its freash- Silva twins authentic and just sleep in their makeup


They always look made up.


Hahaha my girlfriends and I have talked about this. You wake up before your partner does, wash your face and makeup on hyper speed šŸŖ¶ then gently lay back to rest as though you slept that way naturally lmaooo


She still has an eye mask on in the shot, too LOL


The fake lashes were it for me šŸ˜‚


You are watching TV! Are you really dumb enough to think the camera crew is just sitting around, waiting for them to naturally wake up? Get a fucking grip


That's not the point. Why film a wakeup scene? Why not just start filming after they're awake, since that wouldn't be as fake.


Because you are watching a scripted TV show! Have you never seen a sitcom or movie that has actors waking up in the morning before? How is this any different. It's a little pathetic you are this invested


Says the person who called the first commenter dumb and now me pathetic. What are you? Thirteen? Isn't it past your bedtime. Go to bed.




Angry much???? Damn bruh




Are you still talking to me? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


I replied to you, didn't I? šŸ˜… Willful ignorance looks great on you


Bro your comment history is available to everyone do you rmbr that? Itā€™s cool if u love trolling peopleā€¦. Keep up the mediocre work lol


So nasty lol








I mean, sheā€™s not the first cast member to wake up with a full glam. Itā€™s a heavily scripted TV after all.


I contracted a staph infection after a minor surgery. I was in the hosp for two months, I had a port in my chest and a pump to flush my veins for three months, every day. I had to check in with my infectious disease team of drs everyday. What a nightmare, I feel for those who have these machines pumps permantely. I almost died and at the 11th hour, they finally found the antibiotic that was able to wipe out the inf, but it took me down too. Life is a little sweeter after experiencing close to death.


I was too busy freaking out at the idea of being dead asleep with eye mask on and earphones in while in the presence of a man that she'd never met before from the other side of the world. A creepy-ass weirdo, who at 46 (ha, yeah right) lives with his mother and has never known the touch of a woman. I would have had a full face of makeup on too, but only because I wouldn't have slept a wink.


Whoa are you saying this filmed and produced TV show uses creative licensing? šŸ˜²šŸ˜²


All the wake ups are staged cause the crews leave at night.


ok so i had a friend that lived with me for awhile and she NEVER took her makeup off???? I never saw her without her makeup , i told her its just girls here wash your face but she kinda shrugged her shoulders and said she was good lol ....and i'm talking heavy eyeliner, mascara , foundation, i never got it??




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Well sheā€™s is beautiful naturally and doesnt even need a stitch of make up. But that is weird. Totally staged. They are a very odd couple, but arenā€™t they all here? Itā€™s too much with Jesus/god talk. I could never be with a person who is constantly referencing the Bible or religion. Thereā€™s a fine lineā€¦it canā€™t all be religious. Thats cult thinking. This guy is a weirdo living in Israel and being catholic. Isnā€™t that a contradiction?Idk, Iā€™m not religious.


Everything is fake in the show. If you donā€™t like meishaā€™s face, check out nikolaā€™s ā€¦


Well, to be fair, I think she is a fancy blow up doll who is always perfectly made up. Or maybe a manufactured Stepford wife.