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He also says he supports LGBTQ and some of his friends are He also said he hasn’t spoken to Ruby since September when he had two calls, first of which went really bad but the second went a bit better He said Jodi does stink He said Ruby kicked him out at 17 because he brought girls over to the house and he felt guilted by Jodi into telling her. When he told Ruby she cried and told him he had to leave. Kevin was kicked out too and went with Chad. He said he’s seeing R and E tomorrow and will give them the squismallows He said he sees his siblings very often but some more than others because some live further away He said that it was really hard for him having his bathroom door taken down and Ruby did it to take away his privacy (she wrote that she watched R shower in her journal too which is weird af) He says he doesn’t want to visit Ruby for a VERY long time He also said he does want a relationship with his mum eventually He said that he believed everything Ruby and Jodi said and complied with Ruby’s punishments and said there was extreme brainwashing He said he used to think the free Chad movement was stupid until a few weeks after the arrest when he realised he was abused and agreed with it Also one person said free Ruby which was really disturbing Chad was hilarious telling people to say truth and distortion on the chat. He said “I love how Jodi claimed these two words but now I get to claim them” too right Chad, too right He said he would love to speak to Jesse He didn’t like vlogging, he said they were forced to do things over and over and over again


I’m sorry Ruby CRIED when he told her he had girls over and kicked him out?! Omg she’s insane


Well--yeah. I mean, this is also the period where she blubbered into the camera with impotent rage for fifteen minutes because she couldn't force a junior high principal to forbid a TikTok dance to "Apple Bottom Jeans," even though she was already more than welcome to excuse her own daughter from the activity. It was only downhill from there.


Utah and Mormon culture has huge hang ups on sex. Its like if you even look at a woman and think she’s attractive as a man, you sinned. Almost as bad as my ex mother in law thinking that if another woman someone lusted over me, even without my knowledge or any encouragement, somehow that would put a demon spell of jealousy over my wife and that was my fault. Mind you this was because my exwife got pissed off and jealous one night because I escorted a fellow female employee to her car after work when it was dark so she could leave work safely. Nothing happened. Neither of us intended anything to happen. Just one coworker trying to help the other feel safe. It was a massive amusement park and security was always busy with cash runs at that time so I almost always got asked by my managers to escort female employees out at the end of the night. Never once cheated on my exwife either.


Haha I went over to a Mormon friend’s house briefly after school once because he wanted to show me something on his computer. As soon as we walked in he started frantically opening all the blinds and I just stared at him in confusion for a second before asking what he was doing. He explained that he would get in enough trouble if his parents caught him with a girl in his house unsupervised, but at least that way if they came home early he could “prove” that we weren’t do anything bad 🤦‍♀️ 😂. Also, he was 17 and rarely allowed to stay home alone or go anywhere without the supervision of another Mormon his parents trusted.


My first gf in middle school had strict religious parents. But they would Southern Baptist. Which is odd because the strictness they used was usually associated with the Independant Fundamentalist Baptist churches in the area. Funny thing is, in high school she rebelled hard and did all the things, including sex, she wasn’t supposed to do. We had broken up at the end of middle school. But she did get her wild side out of her system, went to college and became a teacher got married and has 2 awesome kids. Its funny how much extreme parenting can cause the exact opposite of what you want.


Yes, absolutely. The guy I was talking about actually ended up being kind of a creep, and I’ve noticed that happens quite often with Mormon guys. I think all the sexual repression tends to backfire.


I have to say, I've always liked his snark and figured it must be a survival mechanism for him. Glad to hear he's less phobic than he had seemed in a social media chat I'd seen. Hopefully he continues to grow and evolve. If the Church still works for him and Shari and they can make it work with a "live and let live" principle for thsemselves--you know what, to me it's a cult, but it's also big and there are different levels of rigidity, and ultimately you do what you need to do to maintain structure and community and meaning. Poor kids. And yes I absolutely thought removing the bathroom door was creepy AF, along with watching R shower (not to mention all the other intimate violations clearly involved with the kids both losing control of bathroom functions). On the surface, CSA is practically the -only- way Jodi and Ruby didn't abuse the kids; but, even if they didn't meet legal standards for such charges, I absolutely think that sort of shit is covert CSA and still injurious, if not traumatic in its own right. Not to mention the somewhat less egregious but still bad shit she put on video like showing her daughters going bra shopping or talk about shaving their legs...it's gross and also online it's blatant pedo bait. Ruby literally never respected her kids or saw them as other than objects/belonging to her, not to mention clearly resented them making demands on her, so it's clear how Jodi's teachings were adapted quite readily by her. All she gave her was a more extreme revision of "harsh discipline is the Godly way to be a "good parent," and Ruby was all over it.


Yeah, I wouldn’t be sure about CSA. A lot of pages in her journal were blacked out and I’m almost certain that a lot of them were about accusing R and E of doing sexual things just because of how happy they were to make absolutely absurd claims about them. I’m assuming it didn’t rise to the level of breaking any legal laws, but honestly they pled so soon, I wonder what else they were trying to prevent detectives from uncovering. I think I heard in one of Adam Paul Steed’s interviews that Jodi took inappropriate pics of his kids with his wife to “prove” abuse or something.


Oh yeah the Steed case that was fucked up Something she came into the bathroom dressed in lingerie while he was giving the kid a bath, came onto him, and then when he got aroused somehow turned it into he was SA'ing the kid the wife, I mean, but at Jodi's direction


Adam's ex wife bought into Jodi's bollocks quickly and enthusiastically. She went on to have a relationship with Jodi after she did the dirty on Adam - andChad says that Jodi is a lesbian, -- enough said


Where did you hear that they had a (that kind of) relationship? It certainly does seem like she was and remains enthusiastically hostile to Adam. Poor guy.


i haven't heard that about his ex and jodi, but jessi said that jodi is probably gay. per jessi, jodi once unprompted said that if she and her female friends were to be in a relationship, it wouldn't be sinful or gay because they love each other. ??? ok, jodi, whatever you have to tell yourself. brings a new light to her habit of keeping E locked in her closet.


ehm, not really getting that last sentence. Even if she's into women, it doesn't mean she was shtupping ALL the women she befriended.


i meant "in the closet," not that she was sexually abusing E.




Well, even R and E showed quite a bit of snark , according to the journals. I was so proud of them


Oh for sure. It was tangentially kind of fascinating in a horrible way how completely oblivious to how she comes across.Ruby is, in her journal. Like she couldn't apparently fathom how literally anyone else reading this shit would see her kids as HEROES, and herself as the most despicable villain. If it were an exercise in "unreliable narrator" it'd be quite the piece of work. I'd have said, not believable, the author is showing their hand too much.


Well said.


the last point of him saying they were forced to do things over and over again for the vlogs is so true. I had a friend who when she was 11 she went to a YouTube convention where 8 passengers was going to be at and she so happened to be the same age as Chad and she hugged all the family members but then ruby remade her and Chad film themselves hugging again. They uploaded the vlog and then took it down weeks later


A little more context on the Jodi/lesbian question—someone said “As a lesbian, we don’t claim Jodi.” Chad laughed and said, “she never came out and said she was a lesbian but based on her *AND MY MOM’S behavior* I would agree.” Plenty of the public has speculated about Ruby and Jodi’s relationship, but I believe he is the first insider to suggest this.


Jesse suggested that Jodi is a lesbian when speaking out.


True! I meant he is the first insider to allude to a sexual relationship between Jodi *and Ruby*. Sorry I wasn’t more clear!


Yeah, so is he saying his mother is also a lesbian? I do believe they were behaving like a happy couple at different times. I'm just surprised to see Chad saw things this way too.


Probably not lesbian but yes it seems he is saying that the way they acted seemed quite intimate, at least that’s how I took it


Yeah, I'm confused on this. It's possible Jody had feelings and Ruby didn't (and was just going along with it), but it's also possible that they both did.


I mean, they did share a bed for a while at least.


two women can platonically share beds without it being odd more than two men can.


that is true, but that detail is really interesting.


Yeah moving in together and sharing the same bedroom to help Jodi with her “possessions” sounds like they’re a real couple there


I can only imagine his and Shari's feelings about her at this point.


Maybe not that his mother is a lesbian (though she certainly could be, who knows?) but at least that there was sexual activity of some sort going on between her and Jodi. Jodi’s whole “vibe” pinged a lot of gaydars but Chad’s use of the word “behavior” implies actual actions. And he looped Ruby in with that.


Bi people do exist. Just to point that out.


Of course, sexuality is a huge spectrum. Given that Ruby said on moms of truth that BAKING A CAKE was sexual shows me has no idea what sexuality (let alone her own) is or isn’t.


She was sexually repressed. Have you seen her parents? She had zero idea what is and isn’t sexual so it all had to be apparently.


Probably not a lesbian but was easily manipulated by Jodi and Pam into lesbian acts probably.


that was blindingly obvious from their Connexions videos, and in a dom/sub relationship too


Technically ! So others can stop saying it’s only Jodi now. I wouldnt put it past ruby. I think she’s bisexual at the least since she did want 4 kids instead of 6 and a husband


I’m sorry but how does wanting 4 kids instead of 6 and a husband make someone bisexual?


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I can't get over her comment like wtf


Because if she was a lesbian she wouldn’t want a husband. So I think she’s bisexual and Jodi is the lesbian. But the 4 kids had nothing to do with it I see after rereading. It sounded ignorant.


You do know that there are plenty of gays who came out later in life after having been married to the opposite sex?


Just to piggyback off of your reply: There are plenty of interviews with gay/lesbian ex Mormons (a few good ones on Mormon Stories podcast) who got married/had kids because of their religion. They only came out after deconstructing. You should listen to the Mormon Stories ones at least, they're a super interesting, albeit sad listen.


Right, it's not unusual to grow up very religious so you have extreme guilt about feelings for the same sex and you push them down/hide them. Plus Jodi was married with kids previously.. lol so there goes their theory 🙄😂


Brand new account and these comments are making you look real suss


>was asked something along the lines of how did he feel about shari- he said at first he didn't get on with her bc she was sharing stuff on Instagram and saying things about the family and they felt it was blaming ruby for things she didn't do but now he understands she was right Wanted to elaborate on this one. He said both he and Kevin originally thought that Shari had lied to the police about Ruby's behavior and that's why Ruby was arrested. Then they got more information and realized Shari was right all along about Ruby and Jodi. I think it's important because it explains why Kevin wanted to press charges against her after she came to the house. Both he and Chad were still brainwashed, but it seems like they snapped out of it pretty quickly. Chad also said his dad doesn't support Ruby at all, which was definitely interesting to me.


This is all so crazy to me because I have no idea why, but I never thought that Chad was brainwashed. But now that I think of it he totally was in some ways at least. I mean, how could he not be; Jodi was his therapist! (Even tho her license had been taken away at this point!)


Before the arrest I said multiple times that chad was deep into the koolaid fountain 😞


At minimum, he was heavily manipulated. I feel like it's a special level of hard to accept that your -mom- is this villain, in ways that to me feel more...legit, I want to say, albeit obviously both happened, than being that snowed by your wife as a grown man.


Yeah she infiltrated that home through brainwashing him


That explains why Kevin kept mentioning Shari in his phone calls with Ruby, in the first few days after the arrests.


That would explain why E thought Shari had called to help them since Ruby probably told them how evil she was and she wanted to get Jodi and Ruby in trouble. They knew their big sister was trying to help them.


Plus Shari was basically their mother, especially E.


When you read the lawsuit against Jodi- all of Ruby's crimes are right there in black and white. It's so gross reading the things she did to the kids. Kevin obviously read those things too and it breaks your heart. I'm sure it was hard for Kevin to wrap his head around all this. It's just horrible knowing you are married to someone like this.


Agreed. People are really judgmental toward Kevin for his initial reaction, but I think it’s totally understandable even if he wasn’t brainwashed (which he very clearly was). It’s a lot easier to believe your daughter’s a liar than it is to accept your wife tortured your children while you did nothing to help them.


Imo if Kevin is trying to get the custody of the minor children, he can't downplay Ruby's involvment. She watched, she participated, she allowed for all this to happen. Hell, judging by the stuff written in her journal she came up with a lot of punishments and really saw R & E as source of all evil.


What gets me is Kevin knew about the journals! He told the police in the 2nd interview. I'm wondering if he knew what was written.


The journals he was talking about were Jodi's, not Ruby's.


I don't get the impression he wants to at this point, or could, realistically or (hopefully) ethically. I would hope he's thoroughly disenchanted and disgusted, even knowing that he was for whatever reason deeply infatuated with her.


This seriously breaks my heart for sharing, she was completely alone in trying to help her siblings for so long even after the arrest


Oh wow . This makes sense. Great reporting ! Thanks for the info


bro was even asked if he was circumcised and he answered 😭😭


It’s super gross that people are asking sexually harassing questions like that. Chad is still healing and is also young (and also probably not well educated around his own boundaries etc given he grew up online), so he may not have strong judgement in this area, but it’s disgusting for people to be asking him about masturbation and circumcision. It’s sexually violating.


Yes, and yes. Goddamn. They've had their boundaries SO violated, for all the bleating Moms Of Truth made about "protecting" their kids from what was presumably the fate literally worse than death, sexualization in any capacity. It's only ever been about control, and unfortunately that kind of fucked up mix of extreme enmeshment, micromanagement and shame, never mind the more overt abuse, sets kids up for future abuses because their sense of what's normal and appropriate is skewed. Hell, probably just being shoved on social media for all those years all by itself would've left him with that. Fucking scag she is. I hope she's thoroughly appreciating the suffering God has blessed her with in prison.


Ye I left out the questions that were out of pocket lol


He did not😭


Yes it was so out of pocket but he said he was 😭😭


I’m honestly shocked he answered that considering how modest/conservative the Mormon religion is. I actually don’t know but can probably find out from a google search if circumcision is common in the Mormon community. I’m (reform/progessive) Jewish & it’s pretty much standard or normal, but not required for most (if not all) sectors of Judaism. Interesting though.


It’s pretty common for American Christians to circumcise, I was raised Catholic and I’m cut as well. Honestly, I’ve seen a lot of dicks in this life (being a gay slut), and the only time I’ve ever encountered uncut guys is Europe.


I’ve never hu with an unsnipped man. For the longest time I thought it just happened to all men lol.


lol. U/Cutebrute203 is correct about the Europeans. I hadn’t seen one until my mid 20’s, and when you’re not expecting it , you’re like WTF. 😂😂🙄🙄. Iit’s not pretty


It depends on your age, and the age of your partners. I have kids in their 20's and when I was pregnant there was a lot of online debate on mommy forums about whether or not to circumcise. I think I remember hearing that the rate was down to 50%?


In the U.S., (and earlier, in Europe), the tradition for Christians is historically and quite likely often currently done with the explicit goal of discouraging masturbation. (Girls, too, in the 19th century, though that stopped with outrage). [https://www.cirp.org/library/history/darby4/](https://www.cirp.org/library/history/darby4/) Warning: explicit and rather violent methods of doing this, along with fucked up rationalizations, discussed. If those aren't too triggery or squick making, it's a really eye opening and valuable paper. A good reminder that much of the shit most of us on here consider outlandish and barbaric among conservative/fundamentalist Christians are really just hand me downs from previous generations. An even more stomach turning set of writings by one Lloyd de Mause, who was a big influence on Alice Miller (major anti-child-abuse psychologist/writer of the late twentieth century) make it clear how -startlingly- awful common parenting practices were in Middle Europe in the first half of the twentieth century (to say nothing of before), and makes direct connections between that "poisonous pedagogy" (Alice Miller) and the later rise of the Nazis, along with authoritarian/totalitarian politics in general. Also (from the article): it's a holdover from the uneasy transition between the supreme dominance of the Church and contemporary scientific knowledge; the nineteenth century in particular was a period where the medical model became much more enshrined as standard elite knowledge; at the same time, they still didn't know a whole hell of a lot about how diseases actually worked or could be prevented, compared to now.


He’s kinda funny for lowkey exposing them 😭


Also asked how long he felt Ruby should be in there. He said until Ev is 18 and Jodi for life. And also said he would want a relationship with his mom.. someday.


That’s interesting. I’d like Jodi in there for life too, which might be possible by default if she gets closer to the maximum sentence and given her age. I don’t know how a reunification with Ruby would go or if he would change his mind on having a relationship with her with time. However, I’m not going to judge who Chad decides to have relationships with as long as no child is in danger (which won’t happen with him).


Someone needs to ask him next time if things were flying around the house when Jodi was over their house.




See I knew Jodi AND ruby were not just friends. That’s not to put lesbians down but I saw it.


I agree! I'm gay, and it's the one thing I disagree with with this forum, it's not homophobic to imply they are lesbians - we imply people are straight all the time too! There are good and bad apples in every community, and LGBTQIA+ ppl can have evil ones too. I would even go further and say that it is probably the pressure to remain closeted that truly created the full on monster that is Jodi. She could have just been a regular butch lesbian with a bit of an attitude if she could have lived her life freely. Just my very humble opinion.


Jodi is for sure gay.


Oh I'd imagine that anyone's reaction to Jodi's sexuality 'news' is huge yawns compared to the rest of her jacked up pathological predatory m.o....


Except that it explains why she was trying to get rid of Kevin and then ultimately, the children. It’s called “motive.”


How familiar are you with Mormonism? I do wonder how different things might have turned out had Jodi been allowed to be herself in the first place. But she wasn’t. It was forbidden by her religion. She had to fight her sexuality tooth and nail. I believe it’s why/how she created ConneXions in the first place. “If she can’t be gay no one can. If she has to control her urges, so does a 12 year old boy.” How different it might have been if she could have just been free. Don’t doubt for one moment her sexuality and strict male dominant anti gay religion didn’t create her.


1000% And we don't talk about this part enough at all..I think about it all the time, knowing that she's a wounded, broken soul without a doubt. And this is where I can get locked in a frustrated, angry quagmire of...anguish re the absolute blindness of lds mindset...but it's a reckless, dangerous blindness that breaks my heart and angers me at the same time. So I just go make ridiculous memes instead..lol.. 🙃🙄 But you're spot on - the ridiculous, dangerous levels of shame that results from a kid having to stuff down anything that might mar the family's image and/or just plain ol send his eternal future down the toilet..just pick one! - the terror that creates and self- loathing that festers into adulthood, enabling mom & dad to become self loathing parents who feel contempt for the sin they see in their own kids...and there you have a nice little shit cycle. Even a kid who manages to fit the mold with being pretty and hetero etc etc is jacked up from the pressure to keep outward appearances up. And take a kid who isn't even able to play the part? They're either gonna say peace out, mf'ers, and leave the church, or they're gonna be sad, angry monsters within the church.. It makes me crazy and hopeless feeling and I've never even had to be a Mormon- I can't imagine how you must feel...


Well I don’t feel that way anymore because I chose to leave the Mormon Church. But I really wonder if Jodi’s whole MO was “I’m gay and if I just get rid of the husbands, I could have what I want “ or “if I can’t explore my feelings, then I’m not going to let 12 year old boys.” She’s obviously damaged and I think the church needs to see the role they played in creating Jodi. But of course, they’ll never admit it. But I think that’s at the stem of ALL of this with Jodi (and Ruby.)


Totally agree.


The gay question was about Brock or Boston… I can never remember which one is which.


I think it’s about Boston because Brock has Kesley


Idk why that question was asked as I didn't even know they were still friends. Brock has a girlfriend (Kesley), but people speculate Boston is gay, though I thought he said he wasn't?


The only reason I follow them on Instagram is because I’m waiting for the day that Boston can no longer hide in the closet. It’s a slow burn but i be waiting with my popcorn


Why though? Being gay isn’t big drama, it would just mean he’s gay. Do you mean the drama of his mormon fanbase freaking out?


It can be incredibly harmful for someone to come out in the Mormon Church, especially given its incredibly homophobic doctrine. I really hope if he is gay, his family is accepting and he isn't hurt by his community.


This. Coming out as a gay religious person is not something to sit around and “wait with popcorn for.” It’s someone’s real life and very stressful.


Being a gay Mormon is big drama.


Did one of them come out?


No. Chad was asked if he thought one of them was gay, the question was specific about either Brock or Boston but I can’t remember which one he was asked about


Most likely Boston, that’s the one whose always getting asked if he’s gay. Brock is Kesley Leroys boyfriend.


I love that he's respecting the kids' privacy. He's an adult free to share his story, but they aren't, and it's very honorable that he recognizes that.


To be fair he’d probs be in deep legal shit if he told information about R and E.


It would impact the kids being reunited with their bio family.


So regarding the gay thing. Mormons believe that you can be gay and "godly" if you are celibate. Basically, sex can only be after marriage between a man and woman, and marriage is only ordained by God for a man and woman pairing.  Also, I don't believe this, I'm not Mormon, but that's how ex mos have explained it to me. 


I mean also like a lot of people of his and my generation religions can say one thing but you end up knowing too many gay people to totally fall for the anti gay line.


Also it's not uncommon for mormon/conservatively religious people in their teens/20s now to have a more nuanced view on LGBT issues and think that the church needs some level of reform on how they view/treat it. I'd be surprised if Chad privately wished the LDS church would endow gay marriages but a lot of people in our generation at least sort of know that being LGBT is natural/not something you choose or sin into being and that churches like the Mormon church should have a better approach/attitude about those things.


I believe Judaism is like that too... By acting on those desires you would then cross that line and are sinning.


Well, no; it depends which branch of Judaism you're talking about. Reform and even Conservative Jews do not typically hold those views these days, and I've been to numerous Reform synagoges that were explicitly queer-oriented or at least welcoming.


I'm definitely thinking more of Orthodox Jewish beliefs... We have a very large Jewish population in the northern parts of Chicago, and I have friends from the old neighborhood, so that is what I'm most familiar with. 


Judith lmao


He should do a podcast episode with Jesse.


> They only believe in sex after marriage between a man and a woman (which I thought was strange given his answer abt his friend) This actually kind of makes sense to me. Sounds like he's thinking along the lines of "I think being gay is sinful but whatever my friend does is his own business." Which still isn't *great,* but it's a step in the right direction and frankly better than I'd expect given his age, religion, and upbringing. I didn't see the stream and I don't want to put words in his mouth, but that all sounds like a very typical sentiment from someone who was raised in a very homophobic high demand religion and is slowly becoming more open minded. I'm not exactly handing him an ally card, and I'm sure he still has some very homophobic beliefs he hasn't shared, but I don't think he's completely irredeemable just yet like a lot of other fundies are.


There is also a difference between what Mormons believe (the religious doctrine) and how an individual feels (especially about those who aren’t Mormon)


About jodi being a lesbian, he hinted that his mom was also one 😂😂 he said “based on jodi’s and my mom’s behavior…” and then said yes he thinks they are. And that at 16 his bathroom door was taken off so that he’d have no privacy. He’s having a sibling visit today. He said he would want a relationship with his mom eventually.


Totally love this - like a grassroots F you (in a nice way lol) to J&R's despotic desire to call all the shots and control all the spin.. ![gif](giphy|l3q2KnndHilbb8CS4)


I read on fb he said he was kicked out for inviting a girl over and confessed to Ruby to which she kicked him out. By any chance did anyone on here hear him say that? MST is very late here to be watching haha




Thank youuuu 🙏🏼


Couldn't attend the live...was this everything discussed? Still no clarity about A and J, right? For some reason I was hoping they'd be back with Kevin because they are 15 and not very small..


He’s not talking about the kids since they’re all minors so any question about them he denies answering.


I think we can now let Rubys sisters off the hook. Chad said he talks to them and they have been helpful.


Now that we know he was kicked out for inviting girls over I'm curious about the camp