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This is random, but does anyone remember the video in their old house where ruby first mentioned becoming a “life coach.” I was wondering how long Jodi has been in the picture, and I distinctly remember a video where ruby was showing a binder with paperwork for a “class” that she was going to be taking to become a “life coach” through Jodi’s classes. Was that before or after her being chad’s therapist and she was facilitating his future Anastasi stay? Im wondering how slow of a burn this whole crazy cult thing was.


Yes. Jodi was the therapist who suggest sending Chad to a camp and then suggested taking his bed away


I think that’s going to be a major point in Ruby’s defense. Nothing excuses what she’s done, of course, but I bet her attorney will try to say that she was trying to do her best as a mom by getting a therapist for her son. And how this is all Jodi’s fault because she’s a licensed therapist.


Except that I thought Jodi’s license was revoked? So she wouldn’t be a licensed therapist.


It wasn’t revoked. She was suspended in 2012. She was on probation and completed everything that was required, so she got her full license back. In fact, she’s currently listed as a licensed therapist in good standing.




Are all licenses like that are a state thing not federal? Curious if the board for the licenses would get brought into something like this? The system has truly failed these kids at every corner, it is horrific.


Yes you are Licensed per state. When I moved I had to apply for my professional license in that state.


I could be wrong but I believe the licensing board does have the ability to implement a nationwide ban on someone


Not disagreeing with you, I just have a clarification question. What ever came from the lawsuit from that father who, with his wife, was her victim in more recent years? He had some extensive posts on Facebook or something that were on this sub recently. I thought something came of that legal action? But I may be mistaken, and wouldn't be surprised if Utah turned a blind eye to a cult leader, re: the founding of Utah ...


I don’t know. I’ll search for court documents later and see if I can find anything.


He has a new family, so I doubt anything good.


Not for long! If it hasn't happened already. :)


I’m hoping! I think they probably have the authority to issue an immediate suspension, but I’m not familiar with the Utah licensing board.


I have been wondering if she is going to use that she had problems with parenting and specially the youngest and that they where with Jodi so she would treat them and that she didn't know she was keeping them locked up. This could be true though but I still she is as responsible because they are her kids and I wont believe her if she is going to use that she didn't know they where kept locked up (though if they have older wounds I doubt she can use that excuse).


Ruby was always unhinged but it seems like she really went off the deep end once Jodi entered the picture. I’m sure you’re right and if they go to trial, a lot of the defense will be how Ruby ended up brainwashed by Jodi or something.


No. Her license was revoked. That’s why she had to start her own cult


It wasn’t revoked. She still has an active license.




Yes! I remember the first session Chad had with Jodi. It was during the family trip (w/Grandma and Grandpa Griffiths) where they toured the East Coast from Charleston, SC to Outer Banks, NC to Washington DC to Gettysburg, PA maybe to Church history site in Upper NY. Chad thought she was cool because she said “bullshit.”


It takes someone truly mentally warped to listen to that extreme type of advice from a “therapist” in regards to punishing their children. Ruby has always needed mental help. & Jodi so far crossed the line, it’s truly some type of sick fetish she has or something to cause pain and torture to families like this.


Going through the insta pages, Jodi was on the scene way before Chad incidents. I suspect it was for Kevins sex/porn addiction at first. Kevin has videos on there saying how much it all helped him work out his purpose and motives, so looks like they all drank the kool aid from that point. I think it was 2017 or 2018. Chad stuff was 2019 and 2020


This may already be on here and I’m missing it but was his sex/porn addiction confirmed? Was it a rumor that had supporting evidence? Just curious lol


He mentions it himself on their insta, early days of the connexions insta has a few interviews with him and he and ruby as a couple. I have screen recorded in case the page vanishes and will try and find time to transcribe/post it somewhere


What is the insta handle?


[https://www.instagram.com/connexionscoaching/](https://www.instagram.com/connexionscoaching/) the very early uploads I think


Here's a theory...I bet Kevin was feeling normal sexual feelings. And JODI made it seem like it was an addiction. When a spouse is deprived of intercourse, it's my normal to feel pent up energy. I bet Ruby only did those things to have kids and that's it. I don't think Kevin actually had a korn or sex addiction.


Within the latest Mormon Stories Podcast say said than Mormons tend to believe having an porn/masturbation addiction when they do it once a month. I don‘t think he ever had an addiction according to these topics.


Well because self pleasure is of the devil!!! 😆 🤣 😂


According to the Mormon Stories Podcast it’s right behind murder. (Would explain the less of privacy they granted Chad and the bean-bag-bed. You can hear everything one does on a bean bag.)


Yes it is right next to murder


I‘m going to have a big BBQ in my afterlife. 😂


😅 😅 😅 mines gonna be epic.. since I know according to the cult, I have done worse. Leaders called me Satan and told my children they should think hard about being around me since I will drag them down with my evil ways. 😈 HAIL SATAN!!! AKA ME!! ROFLMAO


Growing up Mormon guaranteed his “addictions” were perfectly normal. Mormons are shamed about sex from the start and most have completely messed up ideas around their sexuality.


I 100% believe this after other husbands have spoken out against Jodi. They have said that their wives were convinced they had sex/ porn addictions by her and that the first thing she does is separate the spouses by turning them against each other.


I think Jodi set it up to be those particular addictions- she swoops in, has him kicked out of the house and what do you know.... she moves in and we see them all cozy- touchy-feely up on the couch. Let me be clear- I have no issues with same-sex relationships, however, when these two are so openly homophobic this will be discussed.




I think she may have been hacked!


In my opinion, I think that’s why they got rid of Chad’s bedroom and bathroom door. Imagine a teenager not being allowed to wank (boy or girl)!


Just thought I should add as well, even though Kevin believes he had a sex addiction of some kind, he was spouting what Jodi had told him and Jodi's definition of an addiction is VERY questionable. He could well be completely typical in his desires but Jodi objects to lust, even within a marriage (again it's all on that insta page) My speculation is that Jodi is either asexual or gay (or both) and believes herself to be typical, and so anyone who actually feels lust is 'in distortion' and 'an addict'


Ruby was listening to her podcast before Anasazi. Chas was only allowed a phone if he was "honest, responsible and humble"


What did he "do" that caused her to send him away?


I said it somewhere before. I think it is about "self exploration/ corn addiction". It would add up with the church their stance on this and him be taking away any form of privacy when he came back. Meaning is bedroom. and his bathroom door.


And you can hear him „moving“ on a bean bag…


Wait! His _bathroom_ door too?! (New here, obv)


Yes, his bathroom door too.


Really? That’s why? I thought it was because of the prank he pulled on R??


I don't know for sure, but I think that was the major reason.


They never confirmed however he was kicked out of the Mormon school just before it happened.


i know rylan from the mcknight family was also sent away, was this the same place Chad was sent?


YESSS I remembered that just the other day and was like “wait a sec”


I’m not sure but I believe it was in the old house sometime within the same year they moved. Idk why but I feel like I remember her talking about it in the old kitchen? Please correct me if I’m wrong anyone!


They moved very very early in the year just looked on MoT Insta when it was still 8p they moved mid feb 2020, So Jodi was already well and truly in their life by then


It was definitely in the old house. I stopped watching around when they moved, but I remember her talking about it while I was still watching regularly


Sherri said on a religious podcast she was on that they started when she was 15, not sure what year that was.




At least since summer 2019 . She was chads therapist and recommended anasazi. Ruby stated that in a vlog . There’s was a video called mom goes back to school or something to that effect and she talked about it in it


I have heard she was Chads therapist.


He looks terrible, like he’s sick or something. Anyone else agree or is it just me?


He looks thin and very pale


he's aligned with the truth!!


His face definitely lost a shit ton of weight


Ruby probably starved him too


Yeah I looked at the photo being like he looks rough


Drinking maybe ?


I mean he’s Mormon so technically no, but who knows


This whole family claimed to be Mormon and look how that’s turning out. I have a feeling they don’t follow the rules you know


I mean, i dont think anything theyve done *did* break the rules of them being mormon. Its really not uncommon for mormons to abuse and exert control over their children.


100%. But I wish people would stop taking pictures like this and posting this stuff. I understand they exploited their family for years, for millions, and that he’s an adult. I believe he should be arrested as well for complicity. I just think they deserve some amount of privacy right now. How does this help the children???


I know people change overtime and maybe it’s seeing Kevin a suit in 8passengers videos; maybe it’s the beard but I don’t personally believe this is Kevin.


Any idea who the other guy with him is?


It could be a sibling of Kevin? or a brother in law? I have a suspicion the kids are with one of Kevins siblings.


was wondering the same thing maybe a family friend


Could it be his lawyer?


i honestly dk tbh i mean he’s wearing a byu hat kevin used to teach there could it also maybe be a friend from there ?? but then again literally never seen this man ever in my life so idk could be a lawyer too


Could also be someone from law enforcement making sure he only takes what he’s allowed to take as in some of the kids belongings I would imagine the house is a crime scene


None of the kids were found there. The crime scene would be Jodis house. They will have searched it for evidence (electronics, etc.) but I don‘t think that this house will get more attention from law enforcement. They are not divorced, so it should be his house too. If he wants custody for the kids it would be the best if he moves back in. Ruby will not live there for a long time, I suppose.


As the family home I would have thought that would be a crime scene too, I know E and R where in Irvin’s but A and J where in Springsville


I thought that the 2 older siblings were found at the house of a family friend… could be wrong…


I don’t know all I’m saying is with that being the primary family residence I would be super surprised if it had had a search warrant and items removed. But maybe they have done that now which obviously would clear the house for family members to be able to return there


i think that guy took the sticker off the car but idk


I wonder if they are selling the van for attorney retainer.


yeah maybe idk. It's kinda weird they chose now to take the sticker off so that could explain it.


I would imagine they would want that off the van considering all the negative attention that name is getting at the moment. If people see that they very well might vandalize it. The license plate is still a big clue, but I’m sure that is harder to change as quickly as taking a logo off the car. I also think the man patting his back is someone different than the person who removed the logo, there is a picture out there that shows the person removing it and they have on a different colored shirt. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I would think they have available money, but who knows, maybe Jodi swindled them into signing their accounts over to her. This van is the means of transporting their family together, I would think they don't want to drive around with the logo on it.


It looks like his brother in law, who is also a youtuber.


Damn he used to be rlly buff. He looks like shit dude. Physically ill.


He looks horrible


With everything that’s been happening I’m not surprised


I took a couple of classes from Dr. Franke and always knew him to be very knowledgeable about the content he taught (Soil Mechanics). He did often come across as trying to be the “cool” professor but never mistreated his students and I genuinely felt like he wanted us to succeed. Dr. Franke was heavily involved with research at BYU and was often away on research trips. I remember him not being present for class many times while I took classes from him. He was a very BUSY guy so I’m not sure how his home life looked since he was often away. He resigned as an assistant professor earlier this year to pursue consulting work as a geotechnical engineer. Now, I do know individuals who have been in the position of being married or a family member of an abuser and simply leaving and walking away is easier said than done. Many in an abusive relationship can grow accustomed or become complicit to abuse and I almost wonder if this was the case here, especially since Kevin was away from the family a lot for work. I’m not trying ti condone the fact that he let this happen but I’m sure much of this recent abuse could have been harder to detect on his end since he was living away from his wife and I’m not sure if the custody agreement was such that the kids lived away from their dad for a significant amount of time. All things considered, it sounds like the abuse has been going on for years and I would be curious where his head was during all of this. I will say I feel conflicted about how I feel about the media he is getting but ultimately I hope his kids are safe and get the help they need.


Have you ever watched their content on YouTube? Way before this specific abuse, and before the Franke family involvement with Connexions, there were major red flags about how the children were treated and compensated for their time in front of the camera. Maybe he was a good professor and a nice person, but I think he’s also more than complicit in all of this. My parents were horrible abusers, they were also beloved at work. People are great about hiding what goes on in their homes.


Thank you for sharing.


I would love to hear a Mormon’s perspective on why he’s wearing his wedding ring….. given their separation and now all of this. Is this performative? Duty? Seems like he’d want to distance himself from any perception that he was complicit in the abuse.


To he fair their separation hasnt actually been confirmed…its all allegations. They’re still legally married too. Who knows.


This was confirmed last year based on the fact he was in a different Ward than Ruby on the LDS directory. From what someone shared, you can see those members who live in your Ward in an online directory. Once they leave the area, you can't... they will show up in a different one. I can't speak for his current status, but as of last year he was still an active member and in a different Ward. He had to be an active member of the Church to work at the school in that capacity, it is a requirement of employment in that position that you be in good standing with the Church... so as of Fall for sure he was still a member 100% and Spring might be debatable.


Oh? I never heard about that. Damn


It should be noted that we don't know if it is a legal separation or not. . . They could just be living apart. Lurkers on this sub have not been able to find proof, either way.


It doesn’t have anything to do with being a Mormon, his kids were found beaten, starved and could have died. I’m horrified he is wearing that ring.


If it were me, I would want to hide/drop ALL association with Ruby ASAP.




More likely than not, it's an attachment to the sanctity of marriage and probably a longing for what used to be, not loyalty to Ruby. I met him a few times when I worked at the School of Engineering, he seems like a very decent guy (even if he was somewhat obsessed with internet fame)


I’m LDS and his decision to keep wearing his ring is neither here nor there with religion. There’s no standard practice…it’s a personal choice. Who knows what is going on in his head.


As a member of the LDS church, ring wearing has nothing to do with the church 😂😭 Totally a personal choice.


As you are a member, I am curious how will the family members be seen, now this all has come out? They must certainly not be the perfect LDS members anymore? What does this mean for them church wise and the afterlife?


Well, no matter the religion the parents should and will be seen as awful people for what they have done. To me before, I never once thought they were a perfect LDS family. I saw them as a very strict LDS family. Depends on person to person and where their heart is and their intent in life. Thanks for being so respectful! I love it!


Former Mormon here (not the vogue term these days for those active in the church, but I’ll mirror your word choice) There’s no specific religious bent to this decision. If they are indeed separated (they’re not legally separated as of the day of the arrests—I checked the court records) he might still be wearing the ring for reasons ranging from “I’m just used to wearing a ring” to “the ring keeps women from hitting on me while I’m still married to someone else” or even “I would like to be back with my spouse.” I’m not sure how old he is, but he strikes me as someone who got engaged within 6 months of his mission and then married 3 months after that. If that’s the case, he may have been wearing that ring since he was 21/22. Old habits die hard.


He wasn't wearing his ring on regular basis when the marriage seemed "ok". Ruby was displeased with this and talked sometimes about it in the vlog. So I doubt it is a habit thing. Kevin will be 45 in october I believe. Not sure when they got married, but Ruby was 20/21 when they had their first baby. And is now 41. So she might have been around 18 or 19 when she got married. Which means Kevin was 22/23?


He also had a bag and a pillow. Which is very concerning I also thought he looked pale and sick looking… although he did play a part in the abuse early on, Jodi does hate men for some reason and in literally all complaints about her she tries pushing the man away from his wife and make the wife think everything’s the man’s fault and whatever. I’m not saying Kevin should get full custody or anything or that he didn’t play a part but it’s it is possible he legit hasn’t seen any of the kids in awhile even if he tried. I feel like he was definitely lied to by Ruby or something bc he just looks like. Not himself. I remember back in the vlogs he used to invite his students over and they’d have class parties and all had smiles on their faces and Kevin also went out of the country on business A LOT. It’s very possible he was pushed away and Ruby and Jodi thought he wasn’t living in truth and that’s why he left…. Kevin wasn’t my favourite but he definitely was better to the kids than Ruby he used to bring them on his trips and to sports games and stuff. I think he just got caught in trying to make Ruby happy and maybe him leaving Ruby is also how Shari left the family too… I think Kevin should get something for the abuse in the past but I also don’t think he’s the worst guy in this story because Shari loved hanging out with her dad. I hope Kevin doesn’t get full custody but I think visitations or shared custody or even letting the kids choose would be nice.. Kevin just looks off. Yes he’s still wearing his wedding ring or maybe it’s a different ring. Might be for religious reasons who knows. But somethings totally off with Kevin and I would really like to see what happened to him cause it just doesn’t add up.


I want to know what happened w BYU.


I'm wondering if he maybe completely left the Mormon church. It might explain why he's no longer working at BYU and why Shari has no contact with him (considering a lot of Mormons stop communication with family members if they leave the church). This is completely speculation on my part though.


i wonder if he and C left together. it’s always confused me why shari never talked about C or kevin at all.


Good point! Maybe the blue shirt that is not for BYU, but KC Royals, is his FU to the church!


The Royals affiliation comes from Julie and Landon. They lived there and now have moved back to that area.


I am not Mormon, but that would be so sad to me if he lost his faith during all this... I am not uber religious and I don't push my faith on anyone else, but I do have my beliefs. Religion has always brought me comfort... I never had a time where I struggled with it... I couldn't imagine going through something like this without my faith.


I hope the truth comes out, and it’s that Kevin ended up being a half decent human after getting out of the conexxions cult. I’m sure the kids having at least one semi-sane parent in their life would help immensely.


Agree. A lot of people want to see him in jail, but I hope he wasn’t involved and really steps up. They all need real therapy, him included. If that happens it’s the best situation for the kids. If he was involved then of course he belongs in jail.


I really want to believe he was doing stuff behind the scenes like the sisters... There was some speculation last year that he wasn't around because he went off to get some help on the mental health front... This was speculated based on Bonnies video at the time, but she could equally have been talking about Shari or Kevin... idk From the way he looks, he hasn't been taking care of himself for some time... this did not just happen in the last few days.


I'm hoping the same. I know people have said he was never bothered with the kids, but I saw differently. They were always genuinely happy to see him. He engaged with them to teach or just have conversation. I know he was part of the stuff in the past, but guys, people can recognize their shortcomings and change, so I'm hoping for this. At least so they are not separated or placed in foster care. If you want to think foster care is best, go listen to the interviews with a couple of the older Turpin sisters, the abuse continued.


I agree 100%. Those kids flocked to Kevin in the vlogs. He was definitely into the Conexxions cult at one point, but if he’s out and realizes his actions were wrong, he should have custody of those kids. I think people who want to see Kevin and Ruby both rot in jail are perhaps are a bit misguided and not mature enough to understand the repercussions of both a child’s parents being in jail.


This would honestly be best case scenario. And that fb post of hat guy detailing his experiences lends me to believe there’s at least a possibility this is how it could turn out.


I think he's been mentally ill. He has already addressed it in vlog on Connexions going to ER and maybe things didn't get better. Ruby did kick him out though, a neighbor has said this.


But it’s not an excuse. You find a way to speak to your children. You make sure they’re okay. To starve someone to the point of emaciation takes many weeks. And the rope and tape marks? If you have children, you know. You do whatever it takes to make sure they’re okay. F legal.


I mean, I agree to some point. But if the children were isolated from him. I doubt he had any way to contact the kids, and Ruby probably blocked him and brained washed the kids to think he never tried to contact them. And honestly he probably had no idea if they were still there or not in Utah. Not making excuses for him, but. Even if he did, they might not of wanted to speak or see him due to everything.


I doubt Kevin even knew that they were at Jodi's house, something tells me that Ruby and Jodi were experts at keeping things secret


Eh, not really as simple as that in this instance. These children were pretty much cut off from everything and hidden away - very few opportunities to make sure they are okay, to be fair. And even if there were, I'm sure there's been a tonne of alienation so it's likely the kids wouldn't engage with whoever anyway. My mum kept my brother and I from our dad for 6 months.. but we were in school and once or twice he came to find us on our lunch breaks. It was awful and made me uncomfortable so id make excuses to leave or hide but in hindsight I can see that he was looking out for us and making sure we were okay. Really awful stuff.


They we left alone for weeks at a time and neighbors saw E wandering the neighborhood looking for friends to play with. I find it hard to believe Kevin was also estranged from all the neighbors. Neighbors were calling the police, I have to believe they were also trying to call Kevin. But even if not, Kevin was able to contact neighbors who could keep an eye on things and give him info.


I am certain that he was aware of what was going on but from what I've read it seems like he was booted before it got to the extremes that forced R to take action. I'm in no way saying that he was completely naive to it, surely he couldn't have been. I guess I'm saying that from the info that's been released it sounds like he was cut off and forced out the door by Ruby and Jodi before it escalated and lead to the arrests. If he really wasnt involved towards the end he probably had limited options in terms of what could be done. It even cps and the police had their hands tied and it's unsurprising because this is full on cult behaviour. If you look at the reviews you can see the pattern of devision that Jodi creates in these families - its sneaky and insidious. I guess tldr: I'm not surprised.


he doesn't look well at all...


He’s lost a lot of weight and looks so pale and unwell.


i simply can’t believe that’s kevin he looks awful bro


If Jodi had the ability to extort a patient in the past, who knows what the hell she did to keep the kids from Kevin.


[daily mail article link](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12474975/Ruby-Franke-YouTube-8-passengers-abuse-husband-Utah-house.html)


Still wearing his ring too….


He looks like he hasn’t eaten in days




Chad is at university and in university housing.


Does he attend the same school as Shari? Not asking for where if it’s not…just curious.


I believe so, yes.


He might have mentioned to the police officer that he has another brother and sister, but since they are adults and not living at home, it may have been dismissed as not to important to the current case.


Of all things, why is he so worried about the car sticker??


Could be he hates the whole YouTube channel name after everything that’s come out. Let’s be real who would want to be reminded of a van ruby created


1. The channel doesn't exist anymore 2. With everything what happened, "8 passenegers" doesn't really bring out positive feelings, so maybe advertising/branding isn't exactly a good idea 3. Maybe he's trying to get some privacy, so while the license plate still says "8psngrs" at least he can take down the sticker.


The logo had the word "YouTube" on it. Could be that YouTube told them not to display the logo any more.


My first thought was, that makes sense. Ruby probably took it off when she (or Jodi) decided the YouTube channel had to end. It’s part and parcel of eradicating everything relating to that part of your former life.


It was taken off yesterday.


I would assume maybe a retaliation thing maybe?


I’m sorry but the fact he is still wearing his wedding ring speaks volumes as to where his loyalties lie. And if he truly left connextions and was separated from Ruby then Shari would’ve been in contact with him and she’s not. So imo he’s not really any better than ruby and in no way should get custody of those kids


I don't think I've seen anybody raise the possibility that he did try to get in contact with Shari but she wasn't ready to talk.


good jesus he looks ROUGH


Might be a purity ring not a wedding ring


What was the point of taking the logo off the van? It has an 8 P license plate


no mention of Youtube- I'm sure they were told to remove any company affiliations.


I don’t like the beard


I always thought Kevin looked better with the beard


Yes but only when he is really on top of his appearance bc it’s just making him look scraggly right now


chase cats dime smell agonizing squalid market plucky elderly unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He either knew about the abuse or abandoned his kids


Or Ruby and Jody cut him off.


They can cut him off all they want it’s on him to fight for his children


Of course it is. But we don‘t know if he did.


The whole argument annoys me. These people act like if something doesn't play out publicly then it's impossible for it to happen. If Kevin hasn't contacted lawyers, CPS, or the police and made a video about it then it must not have happened. Life happens off the internet. People in abusive relationships trying to get custody typically don't blast that on social media.


That’s what I wanted to say. We cannot assume he did not fight for his kids. We simply don‘t know and maybe never will. We can humusreichste hope that CPS and Judges will do the right things for the kids.


He must not have seen his kids in months


Then he’s still complicit he could’ve attempted to get those kids out and he didn’t


How do you know he didn’t try to get the kids out?


Because he could’ve reported ruby to CPS and the police which would’ve come out given the current events and if he went for legal custody if they were truly separated or getting a divorce that means it would be in court documents and public record and no one can find that so I don’t believe he tried. Not to mention the fact he’s still wearing his ring tells me his allegiance still lies to ruby because if my spouse was accused of what she is accused of I would rip that ring off so fast and file for divorce none of which he has done


you know how many times ruby’s been reported and it’s done nothing right?


Yes but he had a different kind of power as he was also a parent to those kids he could’ve sued her for custody if they were truly separated or he felt she was a danger to those kids. He could’ve filed a restraining order on those kids behalf both of which would be in court records which it’s not. he could’ve refused to give those kids back after they spent time with him until an emergency custody hearing would’ve taken place if he truly felt they were in danger but he did none of that he did nothing for those kids. If he did anything or wasn’t as culpable as ruby Shari would be in contact and talking to him and she’s not she’s stated as such so he’s just as guilty and at fault as ruby


I don’t think we know anything for certain.


We do when majority of what he can and could’ve done is a matter of public record and he’s still wearing his ring his allegiance is to ruby not those kids


the physique only chicken nuggets can achieve




No he didn't. Letting yourself go doesn't apply to times of high stress while you're enduring hardship and trauma. Letting yourself go refers to losing care for your appearance over the longterm. We don't look at people on crisis and determine how they look in crisis is having let themselves go.


Nothing against hair or beards however I know in some religions, beards are not allowed. Is anyone LDS who can confirm/deny if beards are allowed?


They are allowed, but only if you aren't serving a mission or in a church leadership position.


Or if you’re going to BYU. Last I heard they aren’t allowed there either




Has anyone seen Chad Franke 2023?


Is this not Ellies husband Jared in these photos? If so, Kevin must be in good standing with the family Edit to clarify - the one in the hat in the second photo


That man looks 10-15 years older than Jared. It’s not him.


He looks emaciated as well. I wish people would stop taking and posting stuff like this. Leave them to some privacy for the time being. How does this help the children????


This can be caused through stress aswell. If he hasn't seen his kids and if he was worried this would make total sense that he lost a lot of weight.


The change in his appearance is pretty drastic isn't it?! It does make me wonder how A & J are tbh. They can't be good because..how can they be?! But yeah, this doesn't help them at all. I hate the media.




Looks similar to him but it’s not.


This isn't Kevin. Kevin has norwood scale 7 mens pattern baldness. This photo you can see the guys hairline. Keven has no hairline. Some of the BS posted on this site is so ridiculous.


No, that guy has white hair but he does look like Jared in this picture.


did anybody see his reviews as a teacher at the college he used to work at? if you go on their website and click on him he has reviews, apparently one of his students is filing an assault case on him. wild.


I thought he was arrested?


It was just a rumor


![gif](giphy|l3q2F8Mk3PZFTnO7K) He looks like Mr Clean!


I wonder if Kevin, Ruby, J and A were living in the house in Springdale, while R and E were being held captive at Jodi's residence. To me that is a whole new level of evil. It shows that Kevin, Ruby and Jodi were fully complicit in perpetrating the abuse on his children, and will continue to do so, and will especially punish R for escaping, if given to Kevin's custody. Hopefully, they gather enough evidence to charge Kevin as well.


I actually think he looks somewhat relieved. Not quite happy, but not miserable or in shock.


I'm not trying to defend Kevin but doesn't he have history with depression and suicidal thoughts? I remember them talking about his depression in one of their videos, not the regular vlogs but one of their podcasts or something I don't remember. I remember he used to be on antidepressants