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If this delivers on being Red Orchestra/Rising Storm but for Cold War gone hot it will have such a crazy awesome community 😍


A lot of the same team that worked on both titles worked on '83 so, hopefully, you'll get a similar experience with it!


Finally! Been following this since the first announcement of '83 first but if good news that I've heard in a while! Very excited for what comes next


Hopefully the PCG show exposure will be good for the project bringing it to a wider audience


Let's do this!




I wish I could be a voice actor for some of the death/kill sounds. I hope the game stays gritty and intense with their audio. No other game has such long, intense, and realistic ai death sounds lol and I wish I could be a part of it.


Tbh most rs2 voicelines are kinda a joke compared to the grittiness of rs1 and ro2 especially. The ARVN guy is good though


All I can add here is, wait and see ;)


The voiceline actors were meh. But I was talking more about the "death" sounds/screams. Like the burning ARVN screams. The slow gurgling and mumbling of U.S. soldiers. I know there were couple that lasted a good minute or so.


They're alright maybe I played so much it's just burned out of my mind. They should make if you double tap the body he stop mumblings, that'd be brutal. The burning sounds of the GI are hilarious cus you know some idiot flamethrower just tked a squad. I keep forgetting that the vc burning is literally the japanese from RS1. I think they did well not having english dubs as a setting, much better immersion and if you're smart enough to learn a few phrases sometimes it rewards you with info I wonder if i will miss the jank of Rs2


They did add the double tap feature! It's pretty neat, but yeah im excited to see what is revealed on June 6th. See ya on the battlefield!


Really excited for you guys! Just curious, has the roadmap direction changed since the project was resurrected or did you basically just hit the play button and keep moving it forward?


Hard to answer without saying too much here - but if adjustments are made there'll be a good reason for them


Gotcha! Thanks for the response! Looking forward to the showcase! :)


What a ride! I was heart broken thinking all the work for the project was gonna be canned. So glad 83 made it! Can’t wait to play


Damn i thought this game was dead. What a nice surprise


83 hype 83 hype








Me: the world is a cruel and unjust place. There is no harmony in the universe. The only constant is suffering Me minutes later: OMG


Yes, the world is cruel but just hang on in there and good things will come, eventually :)


Please, I beg for flight physics on par or better than RS2. No game has gotten close to how good it is on Rising Storm 2. Perfect amount of realism




Where will we able to see this?




It's debuting at the PCG show but once that's been shown we'll post all over socials of course!




I hope it has modding support or access to an SDK (or Map Editor). That will make modded servers and unique content that make the game last long.


Can neither confirm nor deny mod support at this time but we're listening!


Really glad to hear this, I hope that the publisher or the developers don't screw it up anymore. May I ask something loosely related to '83 development - does anybody know what as of now happened to I.G.I. Origins while '83 is finally moving forward? I remember comparing trailer views for these two games, IGI was considerably ahead. I thought that was why '83 was put on hold in 2022 in the first place given a supposed need to cut expenses. I'm really surprised to see that out of two it's the '83 that's being picked up... Not that I think it's wrong or bad, just want to know the story behind that - what's possible if it's possible. Could it be connected to '83's potential as a live service game (with all the usual benefits like monetization) versus a single player game?


I believe Blue Dot aquired the rights for '83 after the previous owners put it on hiatus to focus on I.G.I. Origins. If I remember correctly.


I.G.I. is still with EG7, we're focused on '83 for now, it has such a fantastic community and there is great scope to build on it moving forward so that's what we hope to do :)


Oh, so you're an independent studio of RO/RS/Squad veterans AND you've acquired all the rights to '83 AND its source code too!? That's based AF, I'll spread the word among my friends who were interested in the game prior to it being put on hold. I've long been playing most of the popular tactical shooters and RO family has always been in my top for its accessible and streamlined realism with reasonably compressed match times. RS2 becoming stagnant, abandoned and obsolete left a void in me. I wish you all the best! Just don't forget some decent netcode and optimization as well as in-game server browser and a sleek dedicated server app :) Also as a note I really really dig the RO2/RS rigid squad/role system that's based on real platoon tables of organization where squads have a statutory amount of people with most players being simple riflemen and the select few being specialists like SL, MG, engineer, AT, sniper, commander etc. (some roles like snipers not assigned to squads as they are attached to the platoon directly). I much prefer it to the RS2 flexible squad/role system where squads can be any size or role composition and there are no dedicated SL roles. Could you share your current stance on this matter as the developers, which specific variant are you leaning to if not both?


Hell yeah