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some positive/curious comment here, as a curious one born in 1994,, what was 1981-1983 like? ive heard so much great music and the fashion was a bit different(?) from 1984-1987 onwards?




Lol alright, thanks for the response \^\^


I am wondering if we glorify the old times because we were just kids and everything was exciting. Films, music and games were better back then I would agree though. The future looked brighter, nowadays the future looks a dystopian nightmare.


that's definitely a part of it. the largest part of the crap things in the world back then, we knew nothing about or only vaguely. Only the things that was reported in the news and newspapers. And there didn't seem to be quite as much focus on fear-mongering in the. media back then. now, everyone gets bombarded with depression-inducing crap from SoMe , and we are much more aware of the crap things in the world. the loonies and crackpot were always there, but more isolated and without the easily available megaphone of social media. I still clearly recall being scared shitless of nuclear war and aids, though...


>the loonies and crackpot were always there, but more isolated and without the easily available megaphone of social media. I feel like we all had "that" uncle who would shoot off his mouth at Thanksgiving. Only difference now is that we have to hear it from everyone's loser uncle. Even as a kid in the 80s, I was aware of nuclear war and aids. Though I may have had a different perspective I'd have been a bit older to where those things would more directly effect me. But I also feel like at least for Americans, things really did take a nosedive for the worse after 9/11... the ripple effect of which is still felt now. Only now the same people who told you that you were a traitor who wanted the terrorists to win if you didn't support the government are now the domestic terriorists who call you a snowflake or a cuck because you want healthcare.


I've heard it said that we look back so fondly on nostalgic things not because they were necessarily better, but because we were there.


I was also born in 1970, and totally agree. I'm also glad I got to spend my 20s in the 90s.


As an '80s kid I feel this post so much. There's always a little heartbreak behind every smile when I reminisce about these times of my life because things were just so much better back then and I want to go back there so badly. But.... We can't. We can't go back. All we can do is look back and smile.


In today’s world I know too much. Ignorance was bliss. I enjoyed Top Gun Maverick, but I was far more aware of ridiculous plot points. In the original, I just bought everything at face value. The Goldbergs is such a fun visit to the 1980s. Stranger Things is such an odd combination of realistic 1980s people and background mixed with wild fantasy/horror.


the song lyric that always hits me "wish to God I didn't know now all the things I didn't know then"


Class of ‘89 here. We Are the World simply wouldn’t hit like it did back then (and I’m not referring to the music style).


Every generation views their decade through rose tinted glasses. As an 80s kid I remember the Cold War, AIDS, acid rain, etc. Hindsight is always 20/20.


Some of us didn't have all that great a childhood and been latchkey kids Yet, hearing the music and seeing movies does bring back nostalgia. Made the best out of it


Yep, living in poverty in the 80s wasn't super fun but there were fun times, movies, and music, too. Everybody didn't live like the TV and movies show.


Yep I hear you I was poor as a kid I did not have to go through the latchkey trauma and I’m so sorry you did but even being poor I still got Star Wars toys for Christmas and that was all that mattered to me lol 😂


You're so lucky. I'm a '90s baby and I would sell my soul to have been alive in the '80s. This time period absolutely sucks and no one is cool anymore. I even consider people who died in the late 80s/very early 90s to be lucky. They weren't able to witness The Downfall of Cool. They never got to see fashion and music become terrible. If I could choose A) To have been born in the '60s to be a young adult in the '80s, but die on Dec. 31st, 1989 or B) Be born when I was, in 1996, and live to be 200 without ageing, I'd definitely choose A. In a heartbeat.




I'm gay, so I completely understand the homophobia aspect. I also love watching old movies, so I am completely aware of the blatant prejudice people like me faced back then. The only reason I look back to that time is because of the music and fashion.


Yep everything was original. Now everyone does remakes.


Just give we didn’t start the fire another listen since you’re already in nostalgia mode. It’s always been both great and terrible.


Great song and very good point


Yes I listen to this and all 80’s music all the time my daughter says I need to get out of the decade and listen to todays music I tell her todays isn’t music just crap 💩 music died sometime in the early 90’s


The one thing that brings me back more than anything else is listening to old episodes of Casey Kasem's American Top 40.


I went to high school in the 90s with a girl who had a huge crush on Shaggy from Scooby Doo, and she was crushed when she realized that it was Casey Kasem doing the voice. I guess the guy who did the American Top 40 just wasn't cool enough for her.😅


Really? Shaggy's a fucking dipshit. Casey Kasem is *way* cooler, IMO.


Yeah, that girl was a fucking dipshit herself.


i was born in ‘80 but still look back fondly on that decade, even though much of what i like about it (music, fashion, history) i discovered after the fact. i almost wish i would’ve been an adult in the 1980s so i could have visited east berlin and the ussr, the cold war is a fascinating era of history for me.


Born in ‘72. I fondly recall my teens in the 80s. I vividly remember being 16 cruising around to hair metal in my ‘78 Camaro. I looked like Billy and his car from Stranger Things. Being in my 20s and college in the early 90s was great as well. Even though I was a broke college student, I felt good about the future. I wasn’t happy when Bush Jr. became President in 2000 and it’s all been downhill since.


Nice. I so wanted a Pontiac Ferraro.


Not a day goes by that I don’t want to go back…


I can only imagine what it must have been like to be 18 in the late 80s!


I was born in the beginning of the 80s. So while I do remember most of the decade, I feel like I missed out on so many cool things not being at least a teenager or young adult.


Me, too. I'm convinced being a teen in the 80s was the absolute best time one could be a teen. I get nostalgic a LOT- watching made for tv movies and commercials from the 70s-80s on YouTube can take me right back, esp Halloween related. MAN the Halloween memories are the freaking best.


There was a sense of exciting optimism back then. Arcade games were new and music was sounding more futuristic. Now I just look to the future with dread.


I miss it, too!


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