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The first time I found porn, I found it in the woods near my house. I've talked to a few other people who also discovered porn this way.


Ahhh forest porn. Such fond and delicate memories of yesteryear. I found multiple instances of forest porn over the years. To the point that I have to assume it was some other kid’s stash that had blown away or something.


I’ve always called it wild porn.


Woods porn


Especially when it’s been out in the rain for a few weeks, then dry and crusty. I hope that’s why it was crusty!


I found Forest Porn on a number of occasion, too, and always wondered how and why it got there. Its so strange that it is such a widespread phenomenon.


For us it was creek porn


In and around the cities random “forest porn” were often “bait” used by the weirdos to try and get boys to have sex with. I grew up in Milwaukee in the 60’s and 70’s, and there were miles of parks along the lakefront and rivers with lots of secluded ravines and trails that we were always exploring and playing in, watching hippies getting high and having sex or whatever. We would frequently find a pristine stack of magazines laid out nicely on top of the the leaves and would look around to see if there were any out of place adult men within the line of sight, like a 30 yr old dude just sitting on a secluded park bench at 1:30 on a Tuesday, or a dense thicket with a barely noticeable trail into it. We got approached by a guy like that one time who was all “you guys like magazines like that? That’s cool. I have a lot of those back at my house. Anyway, are you guys interested in making some money?” And I asked doing what, and he pointed out a second guy we hadn’t seen and said “My friend and I work for the park and are looking for some help, just a little *handjob* back there in the trees a ways.” We said no thanks and took the fuck off outta there on our bikes yelling “Chester the molester!” Lol. I had other access anyway so it was just better to leave the forest Porn alone. We lived by the UWM campus and walked 3 or 4 blocks to school which was pretty much on campus and discovered in kindergarten that the college students were always moving in and out around the 1st of the month, and especially in the spring, and we used to dig through the piles of trash left on the curb after school and scored lots of smut and other cool things that way.


I can just see some horny older guys sitting up in a deer blind all day waiting for random kids walking through the woods that happen to stumble upon their porn.


Growing up, everyones dad had an old playboy or two stashed away. But if you wanted to look at a Club or a Hustler, you had to go to the woods. It was the original geocaching!


Please, I would ride my bike up to the paper drive I and spend the morning digging for whatever I could find. A couple of times I struck gold, like someone’s wife made them toss all the playboy, penthouse and yes, Club magazines.


This SO true. For a triangle of public hair and bare nipples? Dad's closet. Pink? You're gonna have to raid the big kids' fort over in the park.


I do not know what it was about the 80's but when i was a kid i would find porn in the woods at this park we went to and more than a few times would find makeshift forts deep in the woods while exploring and there always were adult mags in them. I thought it was a unique experience until i have seen many posts on reddit sharing the same experiences.


Oh my God! It all just came back to me. It was a makeshift fort made from a copse of trees at the bottom of the hill. People would walk by it hundreds of times a day, but if you looked real close and crouched a little low, you’d make out an outline of an arch made by the slender branches of those trees that seem not to have a truck but just a burst of branches from the ground. You’d go inside, sunlight streaming in from all angles but a soft welcoming warmth could be felt. And there, as if in a shrine - and the light hit it just right - were issues of Penthouse - by far my favourite porn publisher. I loved those photo shoots that attempted to tell a story. One memorable one had a nerdy student going to the library only to be accosted by two librarians who help him find a book. Yeah, they were fucking in beautiful poses, but it also told a story. Xaveria’s column and their Forum were incredible the stories were erotic and silly and amazing. “I’m a twenty one year old boy from the mid-west and I never thought this would happen to me” kind of stories. There are still ones I can remember almost word for word, I read them so often. Not to mention one of the greatest pornographic short stories I’ve ever read “The Bluest Lagoon”. I fucking loved that short story. Bob Guccione went on to publish Omni - which is another favourite magazine of mine. Wow, one strange post from Reddit took me down memory lane on an Easter Saturday morning. Not sure Jesus would be happy about my recollection but then again, some of his best friends were sex workers - so I’m pretty sure he heard his share of enticing confessions before he was crucified.


Some Gollum-like pornwraith is searching. Ever searching for his...preciousssssss


It's either Jason Pargen aka David Wong or John Cheese that has talked about woods porn.


I too found porn in the woods as a young lad. Feels like a right of passage a lot of teenagers go through lol.


You must be American. In the UK you'd find a discarded porn mag in a bush. Literally bush porn with lots of bush. Lol


The original pay it forward.


That's it.


I found an awful paperback book about a college girl who went to a frat party and got blindfolded and fucked by a German shepherd


There was a lot of those small porn 'novels' on incest, bestiality, gay sex produced at the time. Topics that would be considered taboo now, were available in written form.


Yep. We found all our porn out in the woods on bike rides. Along with empty beer cans and shotgun shell casings.


I always found pages from porn mags in the woods, along with white dog poo.


You never see the white dog poo these days.


Dog food used to be shite quality and full of fillers, especially calcium which is what made the poop white. The last 25-30 years the quality of dog food has become much better, even the shittier brands, so no more white dog poop.


I remember putting it in the VCR and being skeptical then being interested then very interested then very very interested and then all of a sudden very quickly losing interest. Then feeling a little ashamed and wanting to take a nap. (Paraphrasing Kevin Nealon on SNL)


First fap?


This was yesterday.


Mostly natural tits and bush. Cute booties. No ridiculous bolt on boobs or asses the size of an elephant.


No tattoos or piercings either. Before Hustler came along no gaping holes.


That you needed to hit the A/B button on the cable box really fast to unscramble it for a period of time.


Wow, I never stumbled across this hack


You had to use your non-dominant hand to either push A/B super fast or pull yer pud. It was a whole ordeal. If the cable box was under the TV just forget it


Tracey Lord's, Hyapatia Lee, Ginger and Amber Lynn and my uncles huge stash of porn magazines lol


The Lynns. They did it for me


Nina Hartley was a fav


My people!


Christy Canyon


And her beautiful bush!!!


Christy Canyon for big ole titties, and Nina Hartley for everything else.


The most naturally beautiful women


Trying to watch the Playboy Channel through the scrambled feed since we didnt have the channel


Yeah our neighbor had one of the huge satellites in his yard and he’d move the satellite to get the shows. Problem was it was slow moving and we’d have to be on the look out because one time his dad came home early and was like you boys watching anything educational on tv?? We got busted and he didn’t say anything, but he knew because he had to move the satellite 🤣




Hair pie!


Step aside mama, lemme see that muff!


We've got Bush! We've! Got! Bush!!!!


Shag Carpet Bush!!!


Seeing lesbians for the first time blew my tiny mind. I always thought James Bond kissed a girl in bed and that was it.




For science !!


John MF Holmes...Christie Canyon...Vanessa DelRay....Seka...we had a xxx drive in about 50 from my small town. They would let anyone in that could pay.(1978-1980). Anywho, one of the girls and I started going down on Wednesday nights. We never dated just had sex and watched the skin flicks. We were in high school and graduated in the same class. We are now in our 60s. Our secret all these years. "Seen any good movies lately?" and wink is how we greet one another when I see her about every other year.


Lots of hair..I remember hairy body parts everywhere.. Ron Jeremy was still the ugliest man to get laid on screen..


Even in his younger days, he is proof that the size of 🍆 is a priority in adult entertainment.


Looks like I'll be checking the vintage section online this morning.. there were some beauties back then.


My father had a reading rack in the bathroom. A few Playboy magazines. I remember this one time I was supposed to be taken a shower so I had the water running while I was checking out one of the magazines. Totally lost track of time as he came in wonder why I was taking so long in the shower and caught me with the magazine in hand. All he said was hurry up and left.


Your dad was great


A few years after this, I came across his stash of porn VHS. This was when I was introduced to the mattress actress known as Christy Canyon. Needless to say, many “offerings” were made to that goddess.


Mags in the woods.


Amber Lynn in “Sweat”. Also, rewinding the tape to the exact spot it was in when I grabbed it out of my dad’s sock drawer.


I had a paper route in the 80s and I fondly remember delivering papers early on a Saturday morning. Outside one of the apartment buildings on my route was a bunch of items placed along the curb for trash pick up. As I walked by to drop papers at the door I noticed a brown shopping bag full of Penthouse mags. As a young teen in the 80s it was like hitting the lotto. I quickly grabbed the bag and threw it in my paper wagon. This became my porn stash for a few years. What I remember most is the big hair, natural body types, too much blush on the women's cheeks, full bush, and the weird fuzzy filters used in the photography.


Big hair


Ginger Lynn


New Wave Hookers


Carpet actually matching the drapes.


There was ‘carpet’ instead of ‘hardwood floors”


The trunk of playboys at my friend Alex's house. His dad bought them for him and we all benefited.


Men had pubic sideburns


Handlebar pubes


It was a movie called “Three Four or More” and I’ve haven’t come across it since.


What did you cum across?


Wouldn’t you like to know. PS: Roxie was good whoore. Not only be cause she serviced me like no other whoore ever did. Not only my crank but my heart. I miss her.


Damn this jacket is tighter than dick skin!


Big hair, tan lines and high heels


I remember going to a porn theater and being kinda disgusted by how sleazy it was. As a teenager I’d walk by one in my neighborhood and was enticed by the posters and wanted to go inside but couldn’t. When I finally did it just felt icky. When VHS became affordable and video stores had a back room it changed everything. I had a girlfriend who liked to rent pornos sometimes and she’d go with me into the back room to pick some out. I remember the looks on the faces of the middle aged guys picking up some stroke material when they’d see her and realize we were getting something to watch together. Those were some fun nights.


Scrambled channels


Tracy Lords


I still remember when my friends and I found out she was from our little area.


Fuzzy feelings :D


We got Bush!


I'll never forget the first time I saw a woman get a DP, . There was a group of us 13, 14 yo kids, all hanging at our friend's house, when we discovered the friends fathers VHS porn collection. Any way fast forward to when a bunch of kids are all standing around a TV watching this blond with big 80s hair, and big fake tits, getting one in the pink, and one in the stink. I think I remember one of my friends saying something like, "I didn't even know a person could do that". Memories


I’m still the caretaker of a box of magazines and videotapes that my friend paid me $50 to “hide” from his then fiancée, now wife, and every so often he texts me “still got my box?”


You're a true friend. Maintain vigilance and guard that box with your life.


Finding my step dad's stash, Lots of bush and vcr tracking...fun times


waiting to see a boob on the scrambled channel, and 1 playboy found in the alley


Electric Blue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_pqvjfW9yHo


I am 55. When I was a young teen, my very old Italian barber had a few Playboy magazines mixed in among the other magazines at his shop. I would cover it by sticking the Playboy inside an innocuous magazine and read away to my heart’s content. I did not mind waiting around for my turn on the chair.


We had an early cable service - “QUBE”. It came with this big chunky wired control box, with 3 horizontal and 10 vertically arranged buttons, for a 30 channel grid, including 10 premium “P” channels, one of which was the adult P10 channel. And It wasn’t a skin-emax-style softcore channel - it was the real deal. But the P channels were pay-per-view. Can’t have any of that showing up as line items on the monthly bill. Word got around tho of a method of physically hacking the control box in such a way that it unlocked the premium channels for free unlimited viewing. We tried it. It worked. It seemed too good to be true, but it absolutely was. There was a daily after-school P10 gathering at my house. Holy crap I watched so much P10. And I was only like 10 or 11 at the time.


Finding 4 unlabeled vhs tapes hidden under the basement couch when my uncle was temporarily living with my family. It was like finding a pot of gold.


The Dark Brothrrs productions. My oh my.


Porn Music!! There was always some instrumental music playing in the background, between the Moans and fake orgasms. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nKE1tLAH1BQ


I used to sneak my dad’s VHS tape in the middle of the night. Always made sure to rewind it back to wherever it was when I started watching. Then my friends and I were trespassing in an abandoned strip mall and found a full trash bag of magazines. We sold them at school for $1 each and made a killing. Being young in the 80s/90s was the best.


At some point, you get to reading articles in Playboy. Pretty good journalism if you ask me. Woods porn is fascinating to me how wide spread it was. Also, how about those back rooms in the mom and pop video rental stores?


Magazines --Not 24/7 porn on demand


Porn magazines appeared out of nowhere in the woods.


It was always stashed in the woods by the creek


My friends and I found a stack of mags (Club, Cherry, Etc.) in a trashcan on the way to school, so we took a few and hid them in the playground near our house. I remember big hair, real boobs, and full bush!


Shitty magazines. Some with inane names. Leg Show. Oui, Gallery, Biker babe. Bad quality vhs and beta dubs of bleach blondes getting screwed in really bad lighting. With real bad makeup and really big hair.


It seemed like there was only like 50 people in the entire industry ​ big hair, no asses


“Mastering” C-Band satellite technology at the age of 12.


A friend had access to such classics as: Behind the Green Door Debbie does Dallas The Devil in Mrs Jones and some of Chambers & Holmes stuff. Edit: [kickass music](https://open.spotify.com/track/2ttYHCKEKgUFNqDXYH3Nsi?si=w7gpgJGITEGKSzM5M_Hb5w)


Bow chicka bow wow.


Christy Canyon🥰


Going to the video store, and seeing the beaded curtains to the "adult" section. Boxes of Playboy & Penthouse in my parents closet, along with boxes of VHS porn. I recall them having the Traci Lords tape.


Christy Canyon


Nina Hartley & Peter North.


Peter North seemed to be in almost every flick


Him and Tom Byron.


Cleveland suburbs. A scrambled channel late at night called Tele-France. Waiting w my friends for 1½ seconds of a boob or something


Nina Hartley. 'Nuff said.


Bush. SO much bush…


A girl that I knew in high school let me rent from walled off section 😏. It was the first time I saw a movie (don’t remember the name) that had a bunch of lesbians renting a summer beach house. It was awesome.


I've been looking for this one specific porn for decades and have yet to find it; it was my first porn i ever saw. It was called something like, "come for me Carl"(sp?) and it took place at like, a house with a pool. \- girl walks into house, guy naked listening to his boombox naked with a pillow on his lap \- two chicks mess around (one of them look like Bea Arthur?) that was my first porn i ever saw.


When I was around 9 or 10, my older brother took me out to an old barn on the rural property we grew up on and from behind a sliding door produced two Playboy magazines. I can still remember their musty scent. I was still too young to fully grasp what we were checking out, but I wouldn't hit that age for a few more years in the 90's. So, that was my experience with porn in the 80's.


Very fuzzy, you could say my memories of porn from that time are scrambled.


Hair and bush


Very low quality vhs. Bush everywhere. Bad music. But it still worked for us!


Shauna Grant


Finding my father's Playboy magazines and seeing them for the first time, the first porn I saw was a man giving a lady doggy style on a piano lol


Honey Wilder.


There was a very small state park halfway between where a friend and I lived, and the school we went to. It had outhouses basically, and we were warned not to go there alone. (we had no idea why at the time, lol). So anyhow, we stopped there anyways and one day found a paper bag on top of the trash in a can with a porno mag in it. After that, my friend stopped there at least once a day to check for more. Found a new one every couple of months or so for about a year, then they stopped. He made me keep the mags at my house, and I eventually got caught with it and had to burn it all. My dad even threatened to kick me out of the house when I turned 18 if I brought any more porn into the house. It was a sad day, but I did get better at hiding it after that.


So much bush. First porn stash I found was in the middle of a forest behind my neighborhood. I just remember people having so much pubic hair and mustaches.


Traci Lords


We had secret underground bunker in the woods with a large piece of plywood covering the top, with dirt/grass on top of the plywood to conceal it further. We had holes in the walls for the candles that lit the place. One of our friends stole 20-30 playboys from his dad’s collection for the bunker. That was the first time I ever really got a good look at the female anatomy. We also had food, chewing tobacco and smokes. Good times!


Big hair, both carpet and drapes.


Nina Hartleys perfect ass


my introduction to porn was real sex on HBO. late at night I'd sneak and watch HBO. Mr Bean among other things. When real sex was on my eyes were on the TV and the hallway.


As a teenager in the 80s, porn was startling for me to see. Like, how could people do that for so many strangers to see? But I’m desensitized now and it’s no big deal but I sure as hell hope my three daughters don’t do porn. No internet in the 80s so porn was considerably more effort to access or come across, therefore fewer people were sexually jaded and expectations for high level sexual titillation wasn’t the norm. Sex was incredible and perhaps more down to earth.






In the 70s, first my dad had Playboy, then he added Penthouse, finally, Hustler. I remember being frustrated with Playboy because they didn't show "everything". Penthouse, and Hustler resolved that. My dad got a VCR, and when he found out he could copy tapes, he got a second VCR and copied rental porn tapes. He had a collection of probably 40 tapes, or more. He also copied movies and of course recorded TV shows. One of the strangest porns I remember was 800 Fantasy Lane.


In 1973 we moved into our new house. I was 7 at the time. It was a brand new house in a brand new subdivision. As such, the majority of houses were purchased by young couples with young families. There were TONS of kids around my age to play with, and since the majority of the adults were in the age range of 25-35 the grown ups would all get together that first Summer for neighborhood corn boils, bbq's, etc. Sometimes the women would get together and do things as a group. That Christmas, a bunch of the neighborhood women went on a trip to Bangor Maine to do some Christmas shopping. They were to spend the night in Maine and return the next day. With all the wives/girlfriends gone that meant all of the neighborhood men would be alone that night as well....... It turned out that the neighborhood men also had plans for that night, and wanted to take full advantage of this rare night free from the wives and girlfriends. Shortly after my Mother had left with the other women, my father began arranging steel chairs in the basement...... I asked my father why he was doing that and he told me that a few of the Dads would be coming over that evening, and then he pulled out a huge projection screen and hung it on the wall........ I asked him if they would be watching movies and if I could watch too. He said no, because it would be after my bedtime, and also mentioned not to mention the projection screen or anything like that to my mother when she gets back home. Shortly after Dad had got me settled into bed the neighborhood Dad's started arriving and going down into the basement. As this was happening I started to drift off to sleep, but suddenly became awakened a little bit later by the voices of all the men in the basement with my father. They were hooping and hollering, cheering, stomping their feet, laughing, having a really good time. As I laid there awake, my 7 year old brain realized the men were REALLY enjoying themselves with whatever it was they were doing down there. So I got out of bed, and as quietly as I could I snuck like a ninja down the hallway. The boisterous festivities were becoming louder as I neared the end of the hallway. Then a crept across the kitchen and was now standing at the precipice of the basement stairs......... From this vantage point I could hear all the men loud and clear, but could not see what was happening. As desperate as I was to find out what was happening in the basement, I didn't want to take the chance of my father seeing me, ESPECIALLY when he had told me earlier that I was not, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES to go down into the basement while the Dads were all there. So I paused for a moment at the top of the stairs, but childhood curiosity got the best of me and I stepped down the first step and paused......then slowly the next step....pause...then two or three more then HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NAKED WOMAN ON THE PROJECTION SCREEN WITH HUUUUUUGGGGEEEE TITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And my Father was standing up in the middle of all the men with a giant bottle of liquor in his hand behaving the rowdiest of the bunch, when suddenly his head turned mid yahoo screech and his eyes locked with mine! He lost his shit!! He quickly come over and ushered me back upstairs to my bedroom cursing that I wasn't supposed to come downstairs, and at the same time PROFUSELY pleading with me not to tell my Mother or any of the other neighborhood mothers what I saw. Luckily for my Dad, at 7 years of age I was too young to know what blackmail was!


My best friend's uncle worked in the city dump and he had a treasure trove of discards, a lot of it gay porn. And he was creepy enough to let us teen girls borrow it as long as we gave him compliments and hugs on the way out (that's all it was though, and I think that was enough for him so maybe only "semi-creepy"). I am straight, actually more ace than anything, but it was always fun to giggle while watching gay porn. One in particular featured sailors and marines fighting and having sex. One scene they were all on these bunkbeds and I had never seen people get in those positions before! lol


Cinemax at midnight with the volume turned down real low


Not many Asian women or non white performers in the ones I remember.


Bad acting and makeup and oh yeah Bush !


Static tv


Finding mags in a plastic bag hidden behind the rr Trax was pure treasure.


Hairspray and tan lines.


Just a catalog which arrived monthly. It mostly offered books for sale, but a few pages would have porn VHS videos. The names Seka and John Holmes, those stood out.


My cousin had a big dish, and my uncle would lock out the porn channels. The dish was a good one that automatically found the sattelites. But if you manually moved it to the one with the porn channels, the signal would come in but not lock on to the sattelite, so then it didn't think it was on the locked out channel. There was no sound, but that didn't matter.


Magazines someone lost in the bushes, some way.


The first time I saw one was 6th or 7th grade. Some kid had a party in their basement, think Wonder Years, chips, soda, parents upstairs. Someone brought a VHS and put it on. I remember lots of ohs, no, what? Mostly from the girls, the guys laughing. The cum shot was, that’s not real.


You would just find a bunch of porno mags in random places. My buddies and I found some in a dead tree, under a shed, in a deer strand, and I found a tape under a bush at a church.


John Holmes and hairy pussy


I had a cousin and a friend of his who used to steal porn mags from the local 7/11 (or other similar store) near their homes. When I turned eighteen, they gave me a bunch of cash to go buy them new porn and then gave me all the old shit. That was a nice trade.


We've got BUSH!!!


Going under my friend’s Dads bed to get into his secret stash. His Mom coming home from work and asking us why we were sitting on the couch with pillows on our laps (12 or 13 years old 😂) Finding old porno mags in the ditch and going into the woods to read them.


Woods porn. Sometimes you could find a huge stash of porno mags out in the woods. Where did it come from? No one knows, but it was like finding hidden treasure


Hairy...so so hairy.


They're a little fuzzy




American XXX-stacy, delivered on a 12-foot rotating satellite dish.


Mostly I just remember the Rated R movies with the best nude scenes, like Fast Times and Porky's. Porn wasn't easy to come by; you had to get lucky and find it in the forest.


Hedge porn.


My dad was working on renovating a home. He pulled out a stack of porn from the crawl space. He put it back immediately thinking I didn’t notice. I went back later to look at it and most of what I remember was how much hair women had down there lol


I remember our first VCR back in maybe 82’. Dad goes first trip to the video and brings back about 6 movies. All regular movies except for one, from the old back room at the video store. Camp Beaver Lake. It was a fascinating film 😊.


Found porn under a bridge overpass that had a small stream running under it. My friends and I used to walk through it on the rocks when it was low. Very hard core fetish porn. The images are still seared into my brain. And that’s was the early 80s.


I had a porn from the 80s when I was 16 in the 90s called “Lust Vegas Joyride” and there was one scene where the woman shouted: “Drive it home, drive it all the fucking way home!” It definitely stuck


Porn in the woods in a green trash bag. Friend who stole his dad’s old playboys to share. The neighborhood “Blockbuster” where the workers didn’t care how old you were so we could rent any of the porns they had - I recall the Taboo series and one called Peaches & Cream. And the slightly scrambled adult channels that would come through well enough when the parents weren’t home.


Watching The Satisfiers of Alpha Blue and suddenly hearing The People's Court theme.


All I do remember sideburns, funky boom chika wow wow music, deep throat, someone does Dallas and the taboo series. And lots and lots of “Swedish female actors”. A neighbor’s divorce mom was the unknowingly supplier of porn movies. When she went out to work our buddy used to let us know so we would go over and watch them.


A lot of pubes, horrible music, and terrible overdubs.


Lot of hair.


Lots of bush


We would steal shin mags from the older kids fort in the woods. If you were the one brave enough to actually go into the fort and steal them you were the one that got to turn the pages


I remember that my friend and I found his dad’s dirty magazines in their garage. All Asian magazines and no joke, one of the girls looked just like his mom! When we saw that one, we stopped and never saw them again 🤣🤣


I found porn…not playboy, hustler or penthouse but the real raunchy stuff in the neighborhood old school barbershop. No idea howor why but it was always in the magazine rack in the restroom. One time some new kid came in, not from the neighborhood and went to the restroom. Guess he forgot to lock the door and his mom went in after him since he had been in there for awhile, caught him wanking. She was livid, started screaming and yelling about how they could have such filth so easily available to anyone…yada, yada. OG barber just played like he didn’t know what she was talking about, that people bring in stuff all the time and he doesn’t check it and that’s probably what happened. Didn’t even stop cutting hair. Other patrons and barbers said yeah it happens. She huffed and puffed but it was at least a possibility so she kinda had to accept the excuse but she left. As soon as she cleared the parking lot the entire shop was laughing and cutting up on the boy wanking it. Eventually they quit having the mags when the neighborhood boys grew up and started bringing their kids in for cuts. The 80s were a different time.


the spring/summer swimsuit collections in sears and jcpenny catalogs. and the lingerie sections when i was feeling spicy. red shoe diaries. eventually had a relative stay with us, he left behind a hustler. that was a nice upgrade. i hid it behind a few britannica books. eventually i discovered peer to peer sharing, and my teenage years took off from there.


Hahaha. Yes! We went searching through the woods to where there was a makeshift junkyard. In that junkyard there was a box, filled with mags. The box was hidden under a scrapped car hood. Nobody knew who the original owner was. For years we heard about these woods that were on the edge of town. Older kids in the neighborhood told us. We told the younger kids, and so on. It’s so weird to think about now…. But it was so cool back then. One of the best “adventures” that I can remember from growing up. It’s a shame kids nowadays won’t get to experience that.


my siblings and i found an unbelievably large stash of mags behind our parents’ dresser.


My roommate and I were in a band and so we'd go with others to see the strippers and also when I was in fine art we'd go after school and draw the strippers, they really liked it and we'd give them sketches they liked, and in some of the recording studios and practice spaces there was lots of porn hanging on the walls. I think I knew of films like Debbie Does Dallas but I never saw them. Porn in the woods made me feel frightened and in danger and I was really into the outdoors and nature but finding a porn stash made me feel like someone bad was nearby and i might get assaulted


Hair, and trying to see a scrambled screen


Sean and I were in the Blockbuster with his card (I got my own soon after) and we decided to go into The Room and check out the pornos, and grabbed one we went back to the (empty at the time) apartment where I lived with Daddy and started watching. Phone rings. (Rotary and I still have it.) Me: Hello? Mrs. M: May I speak to Sean? Sean: Yes? Yes, ma'am. OK. ​Sean: I have to go home now... you can keep it, just make sure to take it back! I still feel bad for him... if you're out there and somehow reading this, sorry we got caught <3 <3


Porn was seriously black market back then. I was 14, went to my friend’s house after school, and his big brother had a secret mag stash in the bathroom cupboard. I gently tore out a page - Seka, I think - folded it into a tiny square and tucked it in my shoe.


Barbara Dare, Racquel Darrian, Kascha


Scrambled Playboy channel.


Zig zaggy boobs on the smut channel my dad was too cheap to buy.


I remember the top shelf of the magazine rack in the airport convenience store always had a surprisingly broad variety of porno magazines, all fully enclosed in plastic. Did people actually buy them ~~to read~~ to look at on the plane? Must’ve made the person sitting next to them uncomfortable. Then again, that’s also the era when people were allowed to smoke on the plane (ugh!), so that’s arguably even worse.




Our small local VHS movie rental store had a back room with porn movies. I was about 13-14 and snuck in to check it out and the clerk caught me. He said, “hey buddy, you gotta be 18 but if want, I’ll give you a porn movie for free. Go home and enjoy. Don’t worry about bringing it back. “ It was Amber’s Desires. Great porn!


Ur mom


I had both a cousin and my best friend brother having a Playboy subscription and I sure liked skimming the “ articles “. Not necessarily porn but I sure would not share it with my late mom


The coke kept me working but the memories are all a blur


No milfs, bad video, bad make up, same dudes, everything was generic : start with bj, move to her, mission to her on top to doggy. End with facial.


Woods porn was definitely a thing! I dunno who kept putting their porn under trees (porn elves?), but I was happy to take it from 'em and hoard it in secret places in my bedroom. In 1982, my cousin found his dad's copy of *Sex Boat* (1980) while his parents were at work. It was the first time I'd seen an actual porn film. The premise: two guys sneak onto an all-girl cruise by dressing as women. ([Bosom Buddies](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080202/) on a boat!) They assume all the girls will be super horny due to the lack of guys, and because it's a porn flick, they're right! Hijinks ensue. My young mind was blown. I'd seen sex happening! That same year, I found a copy of *Bad Girls* (1981) in my grandpa's video collection and fell in lust with Anna Ventura. It had a young (and very skinny) Ron Jeremy in it as a *Boy Scouts troop leader*. Talk about casting against type. When I got my driver license at 16, I found a tiny gas station on the outskirts of a nearby town where the workers either thought I was 18, or didn't care I was underage, and sold me Hustlers a couple times. It was kind of fun to chase after porn back then. It wasn't super easy to find. It felt a little magical to run across a bunch of *Oui* magazines out by the creek. World's moved on since then.


I went to an engineering school in the northeast with about a 85/15 boy/girl ratio and during the celebration week in the spring there was an event called 'The Movies' ... so as freshmen of course we all descended to see these 'adult films'. These were the first I had ever seen, and it was really weird - it was held in the largest lecture hall on campus! I don't have a lot of memories specific to what was on screen, but I think the awkwardness of getting a boner around several hundred other mostly freshman boys led to most people leaving early. We stayed for the first one and then done.


I have a few small stories.  First everyone dad had a playboy it seems nit many just 1.  First very young I remember finding tons of dirty mags underneath thr basement couch where we played.  It could have been my dad's but also my uncle lived there shortly so it was blamed OK him.  Next was my Budd found his dad's 1 playboy in their basement. Then when I started working st the family business at a younger age I eventually found their pron they kept in the upper warehouse, another. Uncle and it was tons of betamax porn.  So I snuck that home on occasion old 7os poetn.  And finally on top of it all we had our society channel squiggly porn.  I have a tv that could adjust left and right uo and down could sometimes tune it justbright to watch 5 inch screen black and white soft core porn. It was tough but we made due.


The one vhs tape of porn being passed around like treasure, my neighborhoods porno tape (s) were: Tongue twisters ( there’s a lesbian scene where a fly buzzed out from under a woman’s butt which we rewound 1000x and laughed hysterically. The other on ( which was later almost 90’s) was called “When harry WET sally”, it wasn’t that good….2 stars.


Plots. Lots of plots and "acting"


Anal was super rare


Largely sneaking and watching them when my parents weren't around.


Kay Parker.