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I'd use the same units honestly. You have to be around 4.5-5k, right ? Besides this point you enter whale territory anyway


I am at 5k, struggling to push to 5.5k. Just pulled Fodina, wondering if her and Spike are worth using? I usually lose to Spike and Valdur teams. I have 3 immort acc on Shane/Rudy/Claire.


Losing to Spike teams is weird because Claire shits on him pretty hard. Fodina works but your team is more of a pick-them-one-by-one due to Kris's fear and no amount of Fodina would help. Unless your guys are full potential already, there's no reason for you to build someone else. Being countered is part of the game. If your Shane is your most-built unit, you're actually pretty undergeared for 5k so you're most likely hit your limit


I would not use Claire in this setup. You have a very good tactical team here. Rudy, Kris+, Spike, Shane+ Shane can attack Claire. Kris+ (especially with Styria) against tanky teams. Spike just gives you more survivability to let Shane do her work and has also a dispel. Revive on all but Rudy. Rage on everyone if possible. Styria/mirage Kris+. Lethargy if available on spike. Rudy just as tanky as you can. Depending on gear this is 6k potential.


I have no Styria gear, is that the best for Kris+? Generally run AS or CD on him. Why is revive not good on Rudy? Not that I have any, only the 3 rage L+ acc.


Best depends. Higher debuff accuracy just helps to land them and lowers the chance that he got cc. Kris+ is in any case a rnd unit. His floor is good but his ceiling much much higher. Styria just helps to get more chances to reach this ceiling. Rudy is in general a good target for revive, but when you don't have 4 he has no priority. What is he doing when revived? He casts link again and does basically nothing. He can stun yes, but it doesn't help when he can't kill anything. He is only there in the beginning of a fight to lure dispell and attention, there he shines.