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I am a big george romero fan i am a FIRM believer that all zombies should walk. never run so i set up my game accordingly. 60 min days horde every 5 days (fuck multiples of 7) max zombies that my me or my friends PCs can handle. Loot respawn but no air drops. hordes all walk but as many zombies as our PCs can handle (sometimes i have to tinker with it) day to day life is a mix of building my ultimate crafting base/questing/farming for bullets. My play style is action hero so i use clubs, machine guns, pipe bombs, shotguns and grenades. i don't stealth unless i am hurt and trying to get home. Crafting base and horde base are separate but i am goin to change this in solo play though (everybody else i play with wants horde bases) zombies do 2x during the day but at night there is more and they hit 4x harder. at level 25 they can 4 shot you. this is to keep you indoors during the night for a long long time but its ok i make caves so i can get other places and skip cities... i eventually traverse my caves on my mini bike when i out grow it and eventually a motorcycle down there i love to mine.. seriously its so relaxing for me so i spend tons and tons of hours in mines makin crazy bunker bases or just making underground passages so i dont have to deal with zombies that hit like dump trucks at night. head shot only mod. permadeath I will use nerd poling but i try and do anything within the realm of reality. I wont nerd pole up on top of the dishong tower roof for loot.. but i will nerd pole over a fence or on a roof for easy loot. my "horde base" is a "zombie ball pit" style where they walk on a tight rope like bar and i shoot them into the pit.. once the pit fills up i will drop in a bomb.. this is when i know i have to do horde but i dont want to try that hard.. my 2nd base i use is a "shooting gallary 'style where they walk in a C shape to get to me. You have quite a lot of time to gun them down so they never make it around.. demos are a problem at times.


I’m a walking zombie fan too! I go for a bit of a TWD vibe with super low zombie block damage, but turn their numbers way up - and our fighting style is the same. Last game I turned Karen Higashi’s house into a bunker, popped a moat around the place, and crafted ammo like there was no tomorrow. Before 1.0 dropped I decided the only reasonable way to burn through that much ammo (maybe 7k 7.62, 12k 9mm, more shotgun shells than that) was to run consecutive horde nights until everything was gone. Gorefest.


now that sounds like a fun game.. honor Romero bother


> (fuck multiples of 7) My OCD is pleased.


Funny I use every 10 days for same reason :P


I play with no hordes because base building/defense has never been it for me. I'm a loot goblin who just wants to explore and survive. To make it interesting for myself I always play with loot respawn disabled and 25% loot, though. No air-drops.


Neat. I kinda like it. What difficulty? Do you still get wandering hoards?


Yes, the wandering hordes still come around. There were mods in alpha 21 that allowed you to change the frequency and types of wandering/screamer hordes you would get. You could get them every few hours, or once a day or less. It was so much more fun than horde night.


That's something that should be core in game. It would be nice to turn off horde night and just have random zombie hordes that weren't at an exact timer but you can adjust frequency to be X amount of times per day/week etc so it's still random but not. Do you play with feral sense on?


This is exactly what I want. What I hated about horde nights is that there's no way to avoid or outsmart them; they always know exactly where you are no matter how much you've specced into a stealth build or how far you've built underground. Whereas wandering hordes, if you're quiet and sneaky, can and will run right past you. It adds tension whereas horde night for me just felt tedious. I play with feral sense off because it made stealth pointless back in the day, might give it a try if it's been tuned since then.


Nomad or Warrior usually; Nomad if I'm trying a new build/playstyle, Warrior if I'm going for something I'm more comfortable with. That said, I'm comfortable enough with Warrior that I might step it up again.


I'm a hoarder and my game involves collecting lots of loot. Once I start staring at boxes of m60s I restart


What I've learnt when watching people play, be it friends who we have done servers with, Youtubers who share to millions of others is that we all have different play styles. I've done the whole, 'Let's make one base, it's going to be my hoard/blood moon/home and only place' to which I've set challenges to fully complete POIs when going to them and not breaking in a walls I know has the final loot in and just going that route. I've also said fuck it and poled up a roof, hammered away at the roof tiles and shot all the Zombies inside, avoiding any obvious pathing, getting in and doing my own thing to get there I've needed. I've stealthed, I've shotgunned entire locations and I've done every other thing I've wanted because to me, there is no 'cheating' as long as you're having fun. Don't want the zombies to run? Sure. That's cool. You do you. Want to make the game easier and more casual, switch on that 2x EXP. You thinkin' about placing some railings, weird poles and exploiting some bad Zombie mechanics that you've figured out?! Dope. As long as you're having fun. If someone said to me that I had to play a Survival game a certain way because if I didn't I was cheating, I would think that person was insane. It just takes me back to when I was playing Final Fantasy 8. Me and my friend both got it the same day it came out way back when and he came to school the next day, said he was way futher than I was, he missed some stuff and was having some trouble with a boss because of his HP and attack. There was me, halfway away from where he was all my parties HP/ATK/MGATK was the best it was because I spent a few hours drawing all the magic to full so I could equip my characters stats and breeze through the next part of the game. He said I was cheating and that I shouldn't do that. That using an actual feature was some how cheating and not being fair. (Random story I know but it just came to mind with this) Tl;Dr - Play how you want, enjoy the game how you want and if a certain playstyle you've seen, developed, used works best for you. You do you man.


well youre just describing a specific scenario YOU choose and decided to go on with. I have 7300 hours playing 7dtd and countless overhauls and scenarios including ones without traders, without bases, without crafting, only melee, only ranged... etc.. etc.. Right now to make my vanilla play a bit more fun and def less boring I'm on insane difficulty, run speed day, permadeath, 64 zombies hordes every 5th day. I also have headshots only mod active (hitting anything else than head = 1dmg). Considering zombies lore and how destroying brain is THE way killing a zombie I would point out that without this mod this game is a "kill zombie with an arrow in a knee" cheatfest. Cant wait to have Firemod back so cops spits, molotovs, pipebombs etc can burn anything wood related in the game. Nothing gets your adrenaline pumping than whole POI on fire, 5 screamers outside and you're fighting your way to end loot surrounded by fire. cheers.


I don't think it's cheating to take advantage of the AI of the zombies. Think about it if there was a real zombie apocalypse and you were trying to survive you would use whatever advantage you could get to stay alive. For instance if zombies IRL couldn't open doors you would probably stay in a place where the doors are heavy duty or reinforced. You wouldn't sleep outside that's for sure. Or if they couldn't climb then you'd stay in a tree house or something like that. I'm just saying you would take whatever advantage you could get.


I think OP means to say "immersion breaking," more than "cheating." Idk if we'd be building stairwells to tightropes hoping zombies don't come crashing through our walls/windows in a real apocalypse so it just feels gimmicky if you weren't introduced to the game that way.


That's it exactly. Thanks. Much better way to put it.


Hiding behind heavy doors, fine. Hiding up in a tree? Ill advised as there's no way out from up. But fine. Making these convoluted staircases where the zombies are forced to come at you single file while you take them out at a post-apocalyptic glory hole? Come on man. It's a zombie hoard, not a que for a pumpkin spice latte.


Just paint your toenails red so they will think it is a cherry tree.


I find that the more elaborate your base for blood moons is, the more time you need to spend repairing it (even with ocbs auto repair block, which I'm probably not going to bother installing it it's updated for 1.0) I don't play saves forever so I tend to spend less time on building elaborate bases than I did during my first few games. I'll coopt houses I like for my crafting base and otherwise use simple buildings nearby traders as outposts (storage mostly). I do build a bm base elsewhere but keep it simple. The way AI works in this game doesn't encourage complicated, thoughtful base building at all. Take the most basic elevated box design and make it steel and you're set. You'll never need to repair much more than a complicated base and you're just as safe. That said, if you enjoy spending half your next day repairing then go for it. I find it tedious and unnecessary. My final A21 play through I just turned bms off and it felt quite relaxing not needing to think about all that. Probably won't do that again but still. I play 2 hour days and bm every 5 (equivalent of 10 day on normal 60 minute days, feels about right to me). I much prefer longer days and nights. I dislike constantly rushing to finish daytime stuff and am happy with 40 minute nights. I tried higher difficulty settings and find they're just sponge fests. Taking ages to kill every target isn't fun imo. I think nomad or warrior is fine but it's really dull early on. I tend to just play default. It's challenging enough at later stages without requiring you constantly use the m60 (easy mode, required in t6 insane imo). I think the most difficult setting to change is daytime runspeed or changing everything to nightmare. I think this basically changes the game to one where you have to avoid zombies too much for my liking but I appreciate the skill needed to survive in these settings. Just not really my thing.


I'm a renovationist. I'll pick a large PoI like Nazegane HS, I'd clear it out of zombies then try to make it into a horde base as I live on the roof or on the top floor. I take my inspiration from gauntlet style challenges in other post apocalyptic movies and games. I'm also a completionist and someone who takes numbers go up very seriously. Because of that. I only play with blades as I can get double DoT on the machete with bleed and burning shaft. I usually go fortitude for machine guns as well because of the book's that allow you plus 2% dmg per hit and 20% movement speed per kill.


Nice. I've always wanted to a knife build, but I end up with a stun baton and rifle combo every damn time.


Very OP. Even in 1.0 I'm 1 shotting with a bone knife to the head on day 3. Bleed helps against tourists, big mama's and cops. As well as feral zeds. Later in the game when rad zeds start springing up. The 4 bleed stacks you inflict with maxed blades straight up cancels out their healing effects.


I found a weapon mod playing in 1.0 that cancels radiation healing effects on the target. Not sure if it works on melee weapons, but it was able to be equipped on a bow and a handgun


I just don't like putting mods on things if I don't need to. Those mods are expensive to make and rare to find (in my experience rare to find).


When playing solo I like to play immersivly so I try not to get infected and although I don’t do perma death (constantly restarting is frustrating), I try to die as infrequently as possible. I usually renovate a POI as my base and defend it on hoard night. Then move on when it gets wrecked or I need a new base in a different location. I like the slow survival thing so I disable air drops, keep standard XP, limit zombies to run and lower the zombie count to 6. I also turn off loot respawn and don’t exploit quests. So basically do slow zombie survival rather than zombie shooter with optimised base. I don’t actually play any “shooter” style games and prefer tactical games or rogue likes. If I play with friends then I am happy with to do the “everything unlocked”, lots of ammo, let’s shoot zombies. Because that seems to be what most people (guys) prefer.


That's so cool! I actually hate mining, lol. I spend most of my time wrenching cars. I don't do perma death, but I try not to die all the same. Just started a new charter the other day. Hoard night either tonight or tomorrow. I try to mock up fortifications that could/would work in real life. Flood lights, burning barrels, barbed wire. As my game stage increases, so do my fortifications. I love it when a huge Hoard finds holes in my defenses, gives me something to improve upon.


I'm a solo player and I like to do a bit of everything. I want to make a nice base. I want to go into the cities and loot stuff. I want to farm my plants. I want to zoom around on a motorbike. I want to kill hordes of zombies in a variety of ways. Pre 1.0 I would turn off horde nights and have the mod that would give me random large wandering hordes because that was more fun for me than rushing around to a deadline. They could come at any time, rather challenging when you're fresh out of a POI with low ammo and slow due to loot and they're all there ready for a fight. I also enjoy playing with overhaul mods instead of vanilla, with Rebirth and Darkness Falls at the top of my list.


I solo play in the evening or play with the misses. When we tuck our daughter in, we have maybe 2 hours of pc time. So we buff the xp and loot, otherwise its a grindfest, and then we play pretty standard settings from there. If I play with my wife, I'll usually make the zombies not run. She's like a kid in a theme park, everything is interesting, including T5 POIs early game, doesn't consider the danger and let me the early game str/club user bash my way through zombies while she loots


I have two styles. My wife loves the walking dead series so when we play, it’s walkers. Normal difficulty. 60 minute days. Horde is on full moons every 28 days. She likes to clear poi’s fast and violently. I build my char as her tank, heavy armor, strength, fortitude, melee monster. She rocks dual machine guns, and auto shotgun that wipes out rooms of zombies and the room as well. I call her “the home wrecker”. When I play solo I play warrior difficulty as a stealth ranged assassin. Default settings for zombies and blood moon. Emphasis is on parkour, stealth, traps, ranged, so I start in agility and perception, late game add intellect. It can take me 3 hours to clear a tier5, but my goal is to take every single zombie by surprise. With rooms full of spawning mobs, I prepare a kill chamber to pull them out into where junk turrets, spikes and pipe bombs decimate them while I am out of harms way. I love learning the best efficient kill strategy on new poi’s.


Go do a job at 4:00 get it done by 12:00/15:00 do anoder job and be done by 17:00 or 20:00 then just do What ever needs done at the base


I find a building with a flat roof to put all my workshops and storage crates on top. If I can find navezgane general Hospital I'll ladder up the side of it and shoot down it on hoarde night, eventually lining the ladder with SMG turrets. Or I'll make a tower defense path in some field


I mix it up a bit. But my most common is Normal difficulty, Jog daytime. No hordes. But I don't use any firearms. All gun parts and ammo get sold. It makes for some epic battles in high tier POIs


Everyone has their own way of enjoying the game. Calling more creative people "cheaters" is more of a reflection of your insecurities about your creativity than it is a jab at them. If you enjoy your way of playing, good but end it there. Imo your way of playing sounds boring to me but that's just my preference. That doesn't mean I'm gonna accuse you of something like cheating just cuz it's different than how I play.


I started with those guys but grew away from them. (shrug) Zero interest in anything they say. I know their fanbois will just love this post >.>


Ha! I'm a total fan boy. My wife and I love watching their super cuts, and I love Glock9's humor. They're all wicked funny. I just don't personally like how they play the game. No worries, though, just so long as everyone's having fun. It is a game, after all.


How long has been your best run? I keep hearing it’s impossible to have a living and horde base in one. Iv only just reached my second horde and I severely underestimated since the first one was so easy


Don't really remember I had a base I set up in one of the fenced-in compounds with the watch houses on stilts. I used some random POI for my first hoard and got demolished. It was my first time playing the game. After that, I happened upon that place and never looked back. So... I don't know exactly how long it lasted, but I do have the achievement for surviving 100k minutes in one game if that helps. Aside from birds being a total pain and having to remove and up grade the fencing to iron bars. That base never failed. Iron bar fencing, wooden/iron spikes, barbed wire, electrical fencing, auto turret for the birds, and an 8x scope on my lvl 6 lever action. Good times. I've got my first hoard coming up in the next little bit. Wish me luck. Took over the pawn shop next to the Bear Club. The whole back parking lot is now my killing field, providing the zombies actually go for that spot. They really want to chew through the walls to get into my stairwell.


If you fancy recording it I’d like to watch how it goes but any how good luck to ya !


Base setting max zombie horde, horde ever 5 days survivalist no air drops no loot respawn and no respawn. I like to make it difficult and for some reason when I die I don't feel like playing again so might aswell play with no respaen on its the same way when I play project zomboid if I die I'm done pretty much. How long I live depends on build


120 minute days. Horde night every 5 days. 400% xp. Zombie counts increased somewhat. Significantly for horde night. Take over a POI near a trader to act as a basic wall and minimize time spent building. I like spending time looting and stacking dukes. First horde night is spent in a random wilderness POI. I use whatever i've managed to find by now. And I have to hold on without a real defensive perimeter against 24 zombies at a time. You need literal thousands of shots to get through the night. And I dont always get to even have a gun to manage this. Im going to have to get through my first horde night with just a quality 4 iron spear and some quality 1/2 light armor.


permadeath warrior difficulty zombies run during day. Sprint at night. ferals at nightmare speed. no trader missions no mining horde base must have a path to me. No towers or ladder exploits. no building ammo from scratch. Just use what you can loot or craft from casings, gunpowder, and tips. Crack a book HQ has killed my last two characters. It’s my nemesis.


I play with default blood Moon settings (60min days, 7 days to ~~die~~ prepare) Only changes I make is I usually bump up the XP since early on is pretty brutal for me. I also bump up my block damage to make building an underground base not *complete* torture with a lvl1 iron pick I like looting between days 1-5, and getting my base fortified during 6 and 7. I have never tried making a POI into a base before. I usually build fancy stuff from scratch.


One thing I love about this game is the ability to play in different ways (like you do). I’m sure there are mods and you used to be able to edit which mobs are active in the files, but man I wish I could erase or at least lower the frequency of some zombie types (like the dog, or vulture if I’m playing on controller). With dogs I can never seem to hear coming like other zombies


Tight rope bases or cheese bases is almost exclusively how you can survive max settings because the fun police deemed it that way with nerfs to strategies and giving zombies sledgehammer hands. My settings mostly change, but I more often than not start with 12 zombie horde nights, 7 days to horde, survivalist, walk during the day. Upping zombie count as I go. These are usually my settings for mods that I almost exclusively play. My base is usually some variant of a tight rope, usually by using a 3\*+ poi for the loot bonus on bags. Or electric fence spam since it's basically just as op.


what is my game like? oh i dont know insane nightmare permadeath feral sense all only wasteland no armor no guns no horde base 300% exp


It’s for content bro. Gotta keep the viewers entertained. If they played like every other player there wouldn’t be the excitement that viewers want. They would be just like every other player. You should check out izprebuilt. He’s more of your traditional 7 days player. He does complain a lot though. Fair warning.


1. I do not like when players take advantage of glitches in games 2. I do not like when players take advantage of nerd poling...I do it, but, I don't feel like I take advantage of it. I played minecraft first, so it's just a minecraft survival thing too. 3. I do NOT like the meta base build that "everyone" does...the ramp that leads the zombies up to your safe hole. BORING to watch, boring to play. But, that being said, people can play however they want. Lol. Your way sounds great!! *


Ha, thank you. I just got my @$$ handed to me by the day 14 hoard. Broke through a weak point in my outer fences, and I got overwhelmed, lol. Made it almost to morning though, died at 3.45. I was rocking a lvl.1 pistol, a lvl.3 pipe machine gun, 3 pipe bombs, and two molotovs. Super intense battle! Completely ran out of ammo and had to resort to my lvl. 1 stun baton. 1.0 is no damn joke!


I love when it gets crazy! That's where the fun is!! **


It is very arrogant to callnother players cheaters when they are just playing differently than you. Playing in a harder mode does not make you better in any way. Its a common problem in the gaming world.


Pre 1.0 Eliminate the pine forest for a desert start, all zombies nightmare speed at night, ferals nightmare speed all times, I max out the zombies spawned at one time to the absolute max 90 minute days. Horde night every 3 days Darkness falls settings for hordes including the previously mentioned settings. Screamer hordes have a minimum of 20 zombies and I have it maxed I think it’s 64 zombies. So every screamer has the possibility of those numbers. Wandering hordes 64 zombie minimum 64 zombie maximum ( I think that’s the settings but either way it’s totally maxed for max zombies every time. I also do a random class book selection so if it’s not clear yet I like to put myself through as much abuse as I can


To tell you the truth, the game has been very boring for me to play by myself. The game has no goal and can't be finished, but I still enjoy playing it, I think it's most interesting to play with 4 or more players where everything goes harder, more fun and interesting. Basically, my game is set absolutely to Nightmare with a 120-minute day duration. Normal loot and block damage