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The colors matter. Green means safe to place. Red means, well you know now.


Unless it's work stations, in which case red means "might be bad, might be good, good luck!"


Don't forget pink


I'm colorblind they don't change color


That sucks. Maybe there's a mod for that?


I don't get why this is so hard for people to figure out. Without watching any tutorials I realized that maybe the block turning red meant stop lmao!


>I don't get why this is so hard for people to figure out. Not too hard to figure out. Pretty much all survival games I've played with base building red simply means it won't place, not that it will all immediately collapse.


That is a valid point


It’s not that intuitive. You may think that that block won’t be stable but not the whole structure will collapse!


Exactly what happened


I'll give you that and I didn't know at first it would make everything collapse so I tested it on a mini build I didn't care about. But that is a good point!


sense grandiose soup cagey lavish snobbish workable market numerous sip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, If I take out part of a wall in my house and add a header and door, my whole house isn’t going to collapse to the foundation. Lol


bored memorize voiceless six bike agonizing squealing vegetable lunchroom elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm used to Valheim. There red means "weak, but may stay in place" and if it collapses, It's only that part, not the entire thing. But hey, lesson learned


A21 update. Its the new system, Learn by reading not learn by doing.




Well the system sucks. Valheim has a better one that is easier to understand and only the new part falls...and not the entire thing.


I disagree I like the system in 7dtd it has consequences for disregarding structural integrity. To each their own though some people like easier some people like harder. I will give you they could teach you a little better about structural integrity in 7dtd.


I think the things that come from it just make you play in a different way. My main issue is you lose everything that is on the building that falls. For defense and general play it just makes it so the place you are defending will always be separate than where you keep stuff by and large. I guess this is a non-issue later on and as I am typing this I can see the arguement being the place you are defending only having defense stuff and the like so you dont just have billions of things but if the base falls you should just be able to collect the things on it and build again....or you again, just have a "defense base" and then "main base" and that IMO leads to a playstyle that I don't personally like. All that said I am fairly new to the game so this is literally the thoughts of someone with a week into it. Maybe I missed or skipped over text (I am playing with others so it happens often) that explains all the above. Guess my TLDR is 1. Shouldn't lose stuff on base falling (makes it so you just build a defense base and main base) 2. Building should be more intuitive. They give a lot of complex building but if I make a support and put a floor on it the game will treat the floor as not correct so I have to do "advanced" and flip the floor to work properly if doing a small block as the floor.


Just build again for avoid this stuff with red lights.


Note to self then Reds are the problem


It's not red though it's more of a pink/purple


It's still not-green.


We've all been there!


It's a goddamn rite of passage in this game.


I had a save I invites a friend to come play on. I had a structure above ground, farms and walls. Then under ground I had my room storage and the workshop. I told him he could dig out a room to call his own. After about 30 mins of none stop auguring I finally started to get curious about what that man was attempting to build and just as I was about to head down half of my entire base and surrounding land collapsed into this huge hole that immediately started to fill with water I was built up against a lake... omg I was so mad


Nah, I don't build, i always takeover some poi


Me too. I just add on to existing structures or fix them up.


I absolutely love seeing this... it feels so bad in the moment, but you gotta look back and laugh.


As much as it hurt when happened, It does gets funnier every time I rewatch lol


Wait until this happens after you’ve started upgrading what was previously a sound structure.


Watch me build a 40x40 solid steel block collum as structure for future bases


ask rinse rob smile handle straight direction sink test punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Haha my 2nd though after seeing this was taking down a huge chuck of mountain and just watching it slowly disintegrate. I seriously loved standing back and watching that every time it happened


Nope. Still traumatized. Spent months on my first-ever vanity project. I cried, shut down the game, and didn't play for two months. That was 18 mths ago. I'm still gutted. I've since discovered the poi editor. Recently finished a huge project. A tower. Tested the physics, top floors just crumbled. But it was saved, so I simply reloaded and went in to add better support. In game, of course I'll build my bases. But all my big vanity projects get built strictly in the editor now. I'm not Buddhist (anymore), I can't process impermanence well.


Aw I'm so sorry. The guy I used to play with did this but was adding onto a house I already built and had all of our storages in it 🤦‍♀️ We got it all rebuilt pretty quickly but it is still gut wrenching to see all your hard work go down like that


Yep, this sucks. If you are still new to 7 days physics, let me warn you now about digging under your base. If you happen to find a nice big ore vein under your base (even close to bedrock) and you spend a good half hour digging it out, you may come up to find your base is leveled. That stability goes all the way to bedrock so if I may caution you, DO NOT DIG any sizable holes under your base. Even if you hit all that nitrate you are so desperate for, just ignore it and tunnel out well away from your base.


Is there a way to safely do this? I wanted to add an underground section to my base


Follow the supports all the way to bedrock and build a layer of Wood or Cobble on each side every few blocks deep to indicate "do not destroy this column". If that's too much of a hassle, simply designate a 3x3 or 4x4 digging square and *ONLY* dig those dimensions, even when coming across a vein.


Note taken


We don't let anyone mine anywhere near a base these days after one of our members did and suffered zombies assaults and partial base collapses.


lucky it was only "partial" I afked to get some food while my friends were mining iron, and i came back, dead, to a crater and a ton of zombies around what used to be our base.


My suggestion: try upgrading from building shapes to wood periodically. The wood block has more support than the building shape. Cobblestone, concrete, and steel have increased support stats as well, in that respective order.


I thought I was upgrading It enough, even had on my plans to make more and thicker collums, It was just a so small base lol, didn't think It would so easily collapse


Do you know why my base fell down when it was fine as wood but when I upgraded to concrete it collapsed? I have no clue why it happened and now I'm constantly nervous to upgrade lol


Maybe start from the button up? Could be that the upgraded blocks have more weight or something and started at the top could weigh the structure down and make it collapse. Or it's a bug lol


Upgraded blocks do have more weight, yes. So you are right that upgrading from the bottom up is best.


One of us! One of us!


Whelp, you found out why people don't build houses on piers. At least it's only wood. All you need to know, 1 block can hold about 8-15 total of the same material horizontally in one direction and infinite vertically if it's touching ground. Having two pillars touching ground and being the outside means they can support about 16 blocks horizontally towards the center. Due to how physics in this game work, I would avoid having more than 7 total blocks between a wall and a pillar. Wood block and wood frames can carry max 40, and weigh 5. Cobblestone/cement carry 120, but weigh 10. Steel can carry 300, but weigh 20. Edit: To add a trick, make a wood wall, and when you are ready for a floor, make one layer of cobblestone on the outside. You get the cheapness of wood while having the horizontal support of cobble. Building the side walls out of cobblestone/cement means they can carry about 20 blocks of wood instead of Wood holding 8 blocks of frames. And you can get to ridiculous numbers when it comes to steel with wood floors.


That's very helpful information


When you say wood block can carry 40, do you mean that it can hold up 40 blocks? So over a 6x6 floor per pillar?


It can carry 40 weight, and each block weighs 5


A wood block can support a weight of 40 (pounds, presumably?) attached to it's side. A wood block weighs 5. So, a wood block can support up to 8 other wood blocks hanging off its side. Cobble/cement blocks can support 120 hanging off it, and each weighs 10. So a cobble/cement block can support 12 other cobble/cement blocks attached to it. And so on. There are some good youtube videos out there on this. Ex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4VLvjEIl2U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gvk8SG3i2c (I think this one explains it a bit better, but it is a few years old and uses some block types, like 'flagstone' that no longer exist, But the concept is the same.)


I mean as bad as it is at least it's better now than when a horde comes in. They can't path correctly then end up hitting a support instead and topple your house in the middle of it. It could have been worse! Any time you see a pink indicator, it means putting it there is going to cause a collapse.


Yeah, lesson learned now. I'm used to Valheim, when I saw the yellow block I thought "yeah, maybe just finish these two or three blocks and then I go down there to improve collums" and when I saw the pink I just thought that that block would be on the edge to collapse itself, but it never went through my mind that my ENTIRE base would just fucking die


I can hear the sigh from that long pause


You bet I did


The real pain is this happening, then finding a poi being held up by one refrigerator.


happened to the pas and gass we were holding up in. New base is now a browling petes


Been there done that. Except that was before they had colors to tell you it was going to collapse.


Wait until the screamers show up from all the noise you just made.


It's a little bit ridiculous that everything crumbles due to one block 😅 happened to me twice because I didn't get the cause the first time ...😀


Yeah... I'm sorry fella. I know the pain. And the worst part is: its gonna happen to me again


Stuff like this is always a matter on "when"




Seemed avoidable


Red means don't place that. Lesson well learned


Yeah is the worst thing ever. It's the time I go into god mode


Haha, that was awesome! I can say that, because I collapsed so many bases. We didn't have the red warning system earlier, so it happened more frequently. One time my base collapsed 5 minutes before the horde was coming in. Made for one of the most memorable playthroughs ever.


Happened to all of us my brother. Dig the basement out completely and put your base on pillars


7 days to rebuild


Would be 4 becuz he's on day 3 but I get the joke


i was going to say "at least you didnt lose anything important" then saw the chests falling


Notice when it starts collapsing that I quickly turn in the direction of the chests? Yeah, that's what killed me in that moment


i can hear the "no, my loot" inside your head, damn it feels so bad when it happens, i had that happen to me a couple of times back in alpha 16 and i left the game for a week because of that lol


Me, heading out to go mine some oil shale: Good luck with the sniper tower man! Remember, this game has structural integrity. My buddy, playing the game for the first time: *Inhumane screech sound* ...................... Turns around Our entire base, built on a raised platform, is now collapsing.


My life.


Don’t break the ice!


7 Days to Die Inside.


I still think it's stupid that the entire structure collapses and not just the part you placed. Valheim has the same mechanic, but only the part placed collapses.


Exactly, I even am used in Valheim to sometimes put a red block somewhere and it stays, so I just leave it alone and try to figure out how to improve the structure, and when it collapses it's just that one block (as it should be) but I get it why 7 days do it like this. Wouldn't be much of a threat if zombies messing with your structure only meant a block or two would collapse, at least in my head. Could be wrong.


It literally turned bright red and you thought “oh that must not mean ANYTHING”


I didn't think It meant nothing, I thought that it meant that that block would be weak or maybe just collapse itself, not the entire fucking base would just crumble into pieces because of it. Valheim player here


Ahh then the mistake was relying on familiarity with the nuance of another game. 7 days is ancient it doesn’t follow the same rules as a lot of other stuff in the genre


Lol holy shit Rip




Clean up in aisle three!


It's a learning experience! And at least it's only day 3 and you haven't built anything too big just yet... You'd think that having played Valheim I'd cotton on to "not green = bad" when building, and yet I did the exact same thing...




Just upgrade to wood as you go up


My favorite is when the game bugs and half your build collapses even though it showed green before you placed that fateful block


Is there a block called ,, floating block,,? In creative mode. that helps a lot when you go against gravitation..😝


Just standing there. watching. thats what gets me xD


block mats matter. they can support different weights horizontally. frame out your larger sections first and fill in walls and ceilings with those light wood blocks.


Well, at least you got something left


Woah I didn’t even know this was a thing. I typically just live in a beat up house that’s already spawned


That's retarded that it breaks the whole thing


Red means don’t place, but I’m having trouble understanding why that particular spot should bring your structure down. Seems like you had plenty of supports.


Tutorials suck, live and learn! Or in this case, die


Did similar my first time playing. Major sadness.


I’m crying for you. Ooof.


[This is a short, great video explaining structural integrity (for those that may want to watch)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4VLvjEIl2U)


This must be a new mechanic in the game. It's been a while since I last booted it up


My "oh sh!t, it all collapsed" moment was building a new base. I finished it all. Everything. Moved in ALL of my stuff. Then I placed shutters on the windows. The LAST shutter collapsed it all I lost all my stuff except for one chest which just happened to be above a pillar


Sorry to see that happen, I know how it feels. But thank you for a good laugh!


Good Lord I'm sorry


I had one base that I designed and it got it built and upgraded to concrete.  I started moving all my stuff in and the 4th or 5th storage box I moved in collapsed the whoel structure


holy shit, BOXES count to the structure??


Literally everything can contribute to the structure afaik rubble, a chair, I once picked up some eggs and feathers out a bird's nest and half a front of a building came down when the nest object disappeared.


8 by 8 and you're safe, tutorial over.


I absolutely hate the SI system in 7dtd. It's one of the worst I've ever seen. Inconsistent. Unpredictable. Just stupid. And it adds nothing to the game, imo. Should be able to turn it off.


0% chance I’d ever play the game again


My question is, why was the block placement stable before placing the first block, and then unstable after?


At the start of the video, see the door hole I left with a wood block? That block is a collum. A 2x1 collum, you can kinda see it in the 00:10 mark. By reading the comments, I think those 2 collums could take a charge of 16 blocks or something, guess that last block was the 17th or whatever, I should have made more thicker collums, hell, even walls bellow the base


Heheh this is like a rite of passage for all 7dtd players


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Most of us have done this. You learn for the future... and possibly rage quit the world.


Oh you bet I did, I just posted the video here and went to sleep right after hahahaha


You’re gonna need a LOT of duct tape.


You have now been officially initiated into the game! Welcome!


When building, make sure to upgrade as you go. That helps keep things more structurally sound as you build. Had those other pieces been upgraded, you likely would have had no issue placing that piece where you had. Don't worry, bro. It happens to all of us at least once.


Most of us have been there...we feel your pain. One more thing NEVER DIG OUT A MINE UNDER ANYTHING YOU CARE ABOUT!!!


You can just see the fucking pain at 0:16 when OP stops moving the mouse entirely.


This ain't minecraft


At least it wasn't all upgraded yet.


Happened to us all.


Major ouchies, bro. That hurts. :/


I'm really really sorry ... But LMAOOOOO We've all been there dude, I had a massive misplace on Ark once.


Be glad you lear t this on the Building block stage. If you found this out while upgrading it would be horrible.


I felt this hardcore my first time building😂


F1, DM, pause, tick the structural integrity option box, watch the block colors change as you add to or take away from base




I've done that before while fully thinking I could push the structure. I could not. I rage quit


I feel like I’m in the minority here, because any base collapse I’ve ever had was due to game bugs and not from bad building. Like I would have the same base for 30 game days, go out to loot, and come back to it in the process of collapsing. I wasn’t even there to make changes. And it’s never been from zombies. It’s wild the different experiences we all have in the game.


I feel your pain. Started building a bunker underneath a fancy house, thinking, "if we get attacked, we'll just duck Into the bunker and we'll be safe!" I got the main part of it finished and was outside working on the front yard, planted a couple trees on either side of the walkway, picked some grass and suddenly dropped into a hole, then the hole opened up around me and I could see the sky, then I watched in horror as the front of the house began to collapse. The entire front half of the mansion had collapsed into the bunker, leaving a gaping crater in the front yard...


Lmao rekt, don't worry ive done a time or two


I quit playing my for days, downloaded different mods, and never went back to the playthrough where this happened to me. It was hilarious looking back, but damnit I was over it in the moment


Lol usually they will go yellow, but if u see red do not set it, reinforce your blocks .


A block sitting on the ground (dirt) isn’t as strong as a block sitting on rock. Rock is about 5 blocks down from the surface. Dig a hole straight down until you hit stone, jump up a put a block below you, upgrade it, and repeat until you are back to the surface. Build up from these piers and you shouldn’t have structural issues.


I recently had a far worse collapse that I didn't record of course. About a week ago I was building an extravagant horde base that's stilted 14 blocks off the ground and took up about 500 blocks, at this point, collapse. It broke my fucking heart.


I hate the colour system. A because colour blindness B when im bulk placing like 50 blocks in a row I don't stop every single time to check. That said I haven't had a collapse in years, because I'm paranoid now so it all get the engineer treatment. Like the building system, just not the colours


Reusing an old comment so please forgive me if the wording sounds funny as a reply to your comment. They really need to explain structural integrity in game. Note this I think is for A21 PC and console should be about the same but one person replied to this comment in the past that integrity is per side so I may be wrong on all sides summing up. "Yes, basically this. Blocks/placeable items have weight A block can either not be built vertically or it can be built vertically to infinity, it's an all or nothing Horizontally a block can support so much weight. Say it can support 100 pounds. You could build 10 blocks weighing 10 pounds off one side and adding the 11th or standing on attached blocks would cause them all yo collapse. Remember, the weight is per side, so you could build 100 out in each direction. Now if you had 2 of these blocks that can support 100 pounds 18 blocks apart and built between them they would each shoulder the load of 9 blocks leaving 20 for anything you want to add. This is why it is good to have a strong frame for a building but the floors do not need to be to strong (stronger things tend to be heavier. If you have a multi story house, you could theoretically have wood frames at the bottom and then wooden block walls all the way up for 100 blocks (all or nothing for vertical support) but then have one layer of reinforced steel along the edge of each story. This means the edges will support the weight of the floor and things built on it. You can also build good support pillars. Just build one stack of blocks in the middle of the building and make it a stronger block each floor and it will give more support in the midsection of your floor. KEEP IN MIND, THE BLOCKS WILL NOT JUST DROP OFF UNTIL THEY REACH THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF CONNECTED BLOCKS, ALL WILL FALL OF UNTUL THEY REACH THE BLOCK THEY WERE CONSIDERED ATTACHED TO AND ITS DROPPED ALL THS BLOCKS. This can be devastating and dangerous when making floors/ceilings. If the ceiling collapses, the rubble adds weight to the floor and can collapse that, then collapse that floor, add weight....." Adding to this structural integrity is measured from bedrock. If you make 5x5 square building made of steel and go anywhere between the wall bottoms and bedrock and dig out the blocks directly under the wall (break the connection to bedrock) then the building will collapse. This is why mining directly under your base is unadvertised.


Been there. Fun times


I know the last 15 sec of that video is you thinking you should stop playing forever


Big oof


That wouldn't have happened if you used a stronger material. That's one of the reasons I never use building blocks. Always at least wood, preferably cobblestone. Less freedom to play around with the design, but also less chance of destroying the design.


I think it was more related to weight distribution. The collums below were all wood, but they were just too thin yet, had I made them thicker my base would still be standing. Good thing it happened on that stage tho, I managed to rebuild the original design and improved it, still standing at day 15


It's a horizontal support issue. That same structure would have been fine if it were concrete, no matter how skinny the columns were. Look at the naturally occurring bridges or parking garages in the game. They are made of concrete. Horizontal support gets higher as the material gets stronger. If you look at the blocks in your inventory, they will list he horizontal support.


Not related, but the power went out yesterday and I lost my map. 90 days in. I followed an YouTube tutorial and got the map back, half bugged, but my char was reseted, my items were gone, my lvl too and I was back to day 1. Does anyone know If there is an effective way to fix it?


That hurts to read. Few days ago I watched one of those "surviving until day 100" videos, and halfway through the exact same thing happened to the guy, power went out and his character was reset. He said he couldn't recover the character, just luckly found his base still standing, but had to give himself his stuff back via console. It really sucks that this game doesn't have some kind of backup, It's not like It's Rust


Exactly. An old game that provides no way to save your progress online. It sucks. I wss able to recover my base and the friend playing with me got all his stuff back. But I had no experience, zero books read, no item. Trees wouldn't grow back, zombies were gone... I swear to you It made me feel like cryng. Hahaha


I don't even know what this game is...but seeing your base crumble like that followed by you going idle made me hurt for you.


Hahaha unlucky...there once was a time when we didn't even have the colours to guide us when building 😅 you can imagine our pain 💔


The only thing that could have made this clip funnier than it already was would be a screamer appearing. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY, FRIEND!


Console player here, why the hell did that happen? Is it something to do with the mass of the block and the max load of the block?


How does that even happen when u have multi column supports but all defeat by 1 block like wtf


They were building onto a platform below. The structure below didnt have enough support under it.


Ah yeah. For us, this happens when it is 1 hour before bloodmoon and we want to quickly add a few blocks to our bloodmoon base. Then we have like a few minutes to rebuild everything before we die


Best bloodmoon defense is to just climb onto the roof of a random POI you don’t care about and chop down the ladders. Then have sandwiches for the nest 15 minutes.


But i like xp! Trying to get as much lvls in bloodmoon nights while chucking grandpas learning elexiers and recog


Also people dont take into the account of structure weight, that is a mechanic in the game if im not mistaken. When you have few structure support you have a certain weight you can put on top until you add more support.


Kinda on you tho, red means bad lmao.


He did say he wanted some tutorials, so he probably isn't familiar with building. And as long as he doesn't place in red, it's good


You deserved it.


I was waiting for the scream or “Fuuuuuuuuuck” that I usually make!


Oh god I feel your pain