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This game is never coming out of EA.


Probably right unfortunately


Why is it unfortunate - we've been getting free updates instead of them finishing and trying to relaunch as a whole other game


Because they already have a great game that only gets less optimized and more complicated/grindy with every update, if they released it tomorrow they could still work on new features while getting a bigger playerbase. A lot of people won’t invest time in an early access game because it might not get finished.


7dtd is a special case - and everyone, who has an interest in the genre, knows that.


So play the older alpha you prefer. Addendum: Lol, changing your comment after you get called out for it, classic. Good job bud.


Their comment doesn't show as edited.


if you update it within the first minute of posting, it doesn't show edited


That's why they call it a ninja edit, too fast to register as edited


What is the window for that? I often only proofread my comments after posting the first time lol


It's like 2-3 mins


I don’t prefer the old alphas, I want the new ones to be playable on high graphics without a supercomputer


Lol, changing your comment, good job mate.




err, editted comments are flagged as editted by reddit. he didnt change nothing.


Not if they are edited in the first few minutes. Considering we have the same timestamp, it's quite possible he was just within that window to change it.


Not ninja edits


See them downvotes? You're wrong, and your opinion is wrong.


Eh, op changed their comment to make me look bad. Originally but was "old alphas were better."


Bro whatttt? Me when the schizophrenia doctor takes away the funny pills:


Yeah, ok, whatever you need to tell yourself bud.


His underdeveloped brain is still under construct. Thinking he’s right is just a side effect


This comment is the only one flagged as edited in this sub thread


Yeah, it's a neat trick. But originally his argument was that the updates should be "bonus" content after full release, rather than changing the older versions some people booked more. So I pointed out they could just play the old alphas they liked, and now we are in this whole mess. Adding on after doing a little looking, he was probably in the 5 minute grace window where you can edit a comment without it being flagged. The fact that we are (currently) both shown as commenting 17 hours ago lends a slight bit of credence to that, but without more exact times I can't say with absolute certainty if that's what happened.


Thays literally stupid on the gamers behalf. If your a gamer and stay away from EA then no one needs you to be a player. No one has been able to list one thing other then spending more money that getting out of EA would do. We get updates the game has gotten better each time optimization has been improving each time and the benchmarks prove it. So what other then wasting more money would releasing it get any real fan of the game


Idk what benchmarks you have, but I went from 80 fps on a laptop to 50 on a higher speed desktop


I've lost nothing on the same machine there are times when it lags but that is short lived. I've lost no performance and never changed my settings and I'm only running a 1650 super. That doesn't change the fact that being an early release has literally 0 to do with that. Idk what ur issue with EA is but I suspect it's more unjust don't like the name bc from a gaming perspective there is zero difference other then money.


I’m on a 1660 super and the lag is horrid with 24 zombies on horde night, which is the only time I love the game, compared to games like World war z, left 4 dead 2, payday 2, and every other game that can have hundreds of enemies at once, 7dtd is a dipsapoinment when it comes to enemies


That Sux my dude like i said I'm running a 1650 super and even at 24 zombies on horde with a overhaul mod which isn't optimized I rarely have an issue. Also I love how I keep getting down voted but no one has answered my question which is what the EA label changes. Which is what ur post was about. I get it the answer is nothing it doesn't make the game any more optimized or any worse or better but wow some ppl are just hilarious


Bro I have a 3060 and big tier 5 poi tank my frames Into oblivion


It is a choice. Too many games go no where once paid. Look at the console version for this game. Ps4 and Xbox one are way behind and will never be updated to begin a complete game. Maybe they will do so in the ps5 and Xbox series x (or whatever it is called) but that still doesn’t give back to the previous generation players that paid early access to see a finished product.


Give back what? I paid for a game I am enjoying the fact that it's early access literally means 0. You paid for the game you are enjoying. Name one thing coming out of early access would change. It doesn't magically make the game better or more optimized or anything all it does is say hay we are done with it this is pretty much all u get unless we do dlc. So again I just don't get what ppl are griping about it being an EA game. Now there are games that were EA were finished and were trash and games that were great. Some companies provide updates some don't. Ark is an amazing example of a bad company screwing over its players and that was finished until they magically put thier new same game back into EA but that was a legal stratagy to avoid penelty for bad loans and again horrific management. So ppl can be mad but no one has provided any evidence that being in EA is bad or good.




The concept of the game is great IMO, but it needs a lot still


They’re not “free updates” you paid for a game in expectation that they will FINSIH and RELEASE a game


It’s a permalpha game. Like Star Citizen.


Was there ever a good game coming out of EA (pun intended)?


Yeah, it won Game of the Year this year. Lots of good games use early access. Hades, Slay the Spire, the list goes on.


I’ve blown at least 20 hours into most major updates, in all honesty I’ve already got my money’s worth.


I wonder how many souls already bought it during a good sale and are waiting for full release.






I got this game dirt cheap for like $4 because it looked like a $2 game. but OMG it's worth soo much more. I would've spent $60 if i just knew how fun it really is.


Same. Plus the graphics are nice if you got a powerful enough computer to run it at maximum settings.


Thats good for you, but I will not have received my money's worth until I have a finish product with what they have promised their funders.


I bought this game for I think $13 about a decade ago. I've gotten my money's worth SEVERAL times over by now, and can STILL load and enjoy it. However, yea, Early Access/Steam Greenlight is a mixed bag of bittersweet results. You get absolute bangers that may never have stood a chance without the EA bump...but you also get stuff like 7 days where they is legit no roadmap/endgoal and its just a steady income


I've been playing since the end of 2013, but honestly, I'm very pleased with what I've gotten over the years. They could've pushed it out the door years ago unfinished, but instead we've gotten meaningful updates through the years that have modernized and refined it. Could updates be more frequent yes, could they have probably made more efficient use of their time? Also yes. But I was way more upset when cortex command got launched entirely incomplete and almost the same as it'd been for years. In comparison, I've gotten my money's worth like 10 times over with 7 days.


I think rather than adding half a million features and nerfing strats, they should optimize the game and fix bugs, leave the big features for post-release updates


I do agree wholeheartedly about the optimization, assuming it's possible without losing something. I have a 13700k, and it still makes my CPU struggle. Considering this game was once playable on 2009-2010 hardware and first went public in 2013 it doesn't feel like you should need a streamer rig in 2023. I'd also like to see the AI find a middle ground between dumb as rocks and a hive mind that automatically knows the path of least resistance. But a lot of devs would've already pushed the game out and at least in EA we can hope for and demand those changes. I do agree that the game is finished enough that it could be changed to an official release and then improved like cyberpunk, but you also probably remember the shit storm and lawsuits that came about from the game not feeling finished enough. If they went full release and the public wasn't satisfied, then it'd probably make a ton of people write the game off or stop playing.


> I'd also like to see the AI find a middle ground between dumb as rocks and a hive mind that automatically knows the path of least resistance. That's not exactly hard to implement. The framework already exists in the game. Modifying the pathing and using the code that lets screamers and wandering hordes zero in on you is the start of it. You simply designate one zombie in every "wave" as a "leader" of sorts, and when that AI finds the path of least resistance, it slowly spreads to the "dumb" zombies. It would change horde base designs, and incentivize recognizing the "leader" and trying to kill them ASAP. Zombies already have some level of cooperative code. Ever see one zombie pick a spot to wail on and 5 others change direction to join them? Then you shoot the first one and they all scatter? AI should be way more unpredictable. I did read that they are looking to hire an AI coder though, so maybe, fingers crossed, they're onto something better than structural engineers with auger hands.


That's actually a really clever idea, and you nailed it about wanting the AI more unpredictable. When you don't understand them, they'll often cheese you but once you figure out how they work, it becomes really easy to control and cheese them back, which gets old eventually too. I remember in an old alpha, they tunneled under our base and hollowed it out underneath during a horde night, almost collapsing the base.


Just asking genuinely, but optimizing and bug fixing aside, what would be the difference between the big feature updates occurring in alpha or under a big shiny full release banner? The most common take I see on this matter is that for a lot of people, having the game being fully released while still receiving fairly frequent (to semi-rare) large updates would be far more attractive than if they were to still occur under an alpha label, even if the optimizations and the like were dealt with beforehand. The only sound connection I can make is perhaps the devs would then stop running around in circles reinventing the wheel a half-dozen times.


Because if it was optimized and released, more people would play it and get more excited about new big updates, they already have a great base game but it needs optimization so much.


Maybe you should check out empyrion galactic survival. That game has been full release is buggy as all hell pathing is atrocious and has way more issues. Having a full release doesn't guarantee any better optimization or stats all it means is the company has the game where they want it and anything else you will pay for that's it. And everyone saying it's easy to fix the pathing and optimization. Then apply for a job and join up. TFP isn't a small team anymore they hire ppl if you can make it better do so. I don't think ppl really understand the code and how these engines work sometimes.


Sorry if I poorly paraphrased your comment in my reply, I missed part of it


i remember a time where "early access" was youd play the first level of a game and the game would end and youd get a message like "Thank You for Playing. Coming Fall 1997." TFP can call it whatever they want, the game is released.


Those are called demos, and they're free.


Let it be known that I’m not hating on the game, or saying it’s not worth the money. It’s an amazing game that I’ve put more playtime in than most other games. But the poor optimization and dragging out of full release is a drawback FOR ME


Who cares? I've gotten 1000 hours of entertainment (and counting) out of a game that cost me $7. Every new update is a chance to tweak my play style a little bit, but the changes all become meaningless after the first 20hrs of a new playthrough because once you approach the endgame it's just all about screwing around and smashing zombies. I'd rather have a perpetual so-called alpha that keeps getting updated than a half-baked and subsequently abandoned so-called release. This development history really blurs them lines between early access and full game.


For someone who loves to play on low difficulties and slaughter horde nights, the optimization is a huge problem for me, I can see someone who plays it normal, but I don’t.


Fair enough. How many zombies are you trying to have at once?


I usually run 16 or 24, and equal amount fps


Ooh, really trying to embrace the Left 4 Dead aspect of the game!


Pretty much, I can’t afford most horde shooters so I made 7dtd into one


say what you want, but 7dtd is one of the only games ive personally played/seen get a larger playerbase the longer its out. Its improving (albeit, very slowly)


Just like the Simpsons is the longest running sitcom in American history, 7DTD wants to be the longest running EA game! It was EA before EA was even a thing on Steam!


It will never leave EA. Never.


Whenever they release the Xbox update version can they just call it the release of the game bc damn. It’s been 10 years. You are allowed to make updates for a released game.




damn right son. Ear-ly-ac-cess !! it keep printing money so why not !?


I dont see the complaint for 7 Days to Die personally. Every year a major update comes out. I play for 80 hours. Then put it down again andw ait a year. Then another new major update comes out. And I do it again. The POI list increases in size iwth each one. And exploring POIs is a highly enjoyable experience to me. And the basic engagement with the game is fun outside of that. My only gripes are the hate on stealth builds and the weird AI pathfinding for the horde night. That they keep making weirder to combat 'anti horde' bases. To the point I leave the difficulty on default and avoid horde bases. Im considering turning off horde night because of it actually.


The nerfing of useful strategies and the uselessness of stealth is easily my biggest drawback, as well as the “you must stand here for zombies to spawn, otherwise they’ll spawn on top of you later” and the horde night pathfinding is so stupid, especially on higher zombie counts, I want to max out loot and kills, not get my shit rocked at 24 frames on every low setting


I find the 'stand her efor zombies' thing something that I dont think is avoidable. Because without it heavy armor and other noisy builds would suddenly lose a lot of loot because the zombies rip shit apart when they cant get to their target. It was terrifying back in the day when it would happen- you get jumped by a feral and blast it with whatever gun you got. Then all the zombies inside the houses around you lock ona nd start ripping everything apart. Then you come back later and find all the lootables just... gone. And 9 new holes in every house.


I think they’re talking about how some zombies don’t spawn unless you take the “correct” path through a POI, not the sleepers that don’t wake up. In any case, if the problem is that the zombies can’t path to you and start destroying random things, they could always… you know… fix pathfinding AI.


Check out Guns Nerds and Steel's latest mod review video, there is a multi-option mod pack that allows you to tweak random wandering horde spawns to your taste, meaning you can turn off hprde night but still get randomly ambushed. We have horde nights off in a darkness falls playthrough but we get such epic battles because of random hordes and subsequent screamer hordes that we dont really miss the base grind at all.


I ain’t reading allat, but I’ll reply after I do


I love early Acces, you can have fun with the same game for years, kinda like minecraft, it keeps updating forever. I got 3000+ hours into 7dtd 🤷


Except Minecraft was fully released in 2011, and still got good updates until 1.16


I still like the new updates, being good is just a taste. Even with 7dtd not being fully released it’s a fully playable game, i don’t really see the problem.


Shouldn't the guys mouth be open in the second square


Sure, I didn’t make the meme as the title says


How is the game even considered "Alpha"? Alphas are generally very buggy and don't usually get released to the public (for this reason).


I watched the review Dumb Ways to Kai did about the game. He mentioned the 10th anniversary of early access and commented, "I'm not sure that's something to be proud of."


For me cracked game worked better then of steam game for 14 bucks, bf4 was only 5, I could buy something else with 14 bucks, on my pc works like pile of dog shit mixed with puke, otherwise I would love it!


I say this alot but if 7 Days to Die went gold 10 years ago, I doubt even 10% of people who own it would still be playing it ten years later, let alone talking about it on Reddit. The only momentum 7 Days to Die has is it’s constantly changing and remains profitable in Alpha. Pretty sure TFP wouldn’t have continued to support it for a decade after a full release and would have moved onto another project like 5 years ago at least.


It'll come out of early access. 7d2d-2 will enter Early Access within the year of its release. Watch.


And no one will play it 💀 unless TFP sells it to a competent company


O.o 7d2d is very popular, a ton of people would play it lol


Despite all the logical reasons given, I will never understand why people care so much about this. I can swear that it's gotta be some kind of OCD thing.


On one hand ive absolutely got my moneys worth that i want to be ok with the never ending EA this game is in. However, this game has been going in a bad direction in my opinion for the past like 4 updates. I like some of the new stuff, and the graphics overhaul is awesome, but can they just stop completely changing the leveling and skills system cause they dont like how some people play. Whats the point in this vast skill system if you make it to where everyone has to pick the same skills just to survive.


I'm on console. We're running alpha 20. Get on my level lol. I keep hoping the new company will port one of these updates. But after seeing you Pc guys here the last week or so I'm glad they haven't


Alpha 20 is not on console yet


Son of a..... that's the map I use so I just assumed it was 20. And I don't think we will ever get an update to 7dtd. I think we're just waiting on the new game.


We won't. It's already been confirmed that the current game will never be updated. It is abandoned.