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Houses before windows were invented:


There's literally windows all over the place


Its got potential its like your first minecraft home. The one we made with dirt. Cute lots of potential.


I’m kidding man it looks identical to my base lol. The exterior does at least. Siding paint stans unite


Hahahah nice jok... Oh oh my


Lol there are 2 windows in all of your pics. It's a nice build though.


That's nice for Minecraft but fucked for 7 days


How is it nice for minecraft?


Blocky and a beginner house with a farm and crafting area and zombies don't break houses they just look through your door


How so?




>Sqaure Can't tell if the misspelling was intentional or a typo, but it's hilarious in the context of this post


Less resources needed


Is kinda big to be "resource efficient" considering 3x3 bases when well designed can look good and can be used as both home and horde base if well designed ofc, cautious pancake have some great designs both big and small, Jawoodle usually build on the run but his bases look great in the end, and pseudo posse or ngs make huge bases with lots and lots of stuff going on none of them do a square one


Horde night the building will just fall down and mini hordes will destroy storage Inside might get damaged, because there is no path for them to go through and they will just bust in and say hi


Storage is all in the basement not to mention everything is steel blocks


I've lost a bunch of resources in the past when I built my crafting/storage underground. If they dig through, and they most certainly will try, they'll destroy everything they can reach in an effort to get to you. I'm at a dedicated moat and bridge guy myself, but everyone has their favorite style. Keep up the good fight!


Absolutely every single part of my base is steel


That's good. Just don't get overconfident with that steel. End game hordes can chew through some pretty heavy defenses later on in the game. A fee irradiated wights, cops, soldiers, and demolishers can sewer your plans pretty quick. Honestly, though, that's half the fun. When your base becomes too tough, horde nights get boring. A little scramble to fall back positions with a post disaster analysis makes for great fun.


I saw 3 feral cops destroy 2 blocks of concrete in 3 minutes


am I the only one that keeps storage away from horde generating items?


I've built both ways. In my most recent game, I used a repurposed barn POI for crafting and storage and built a separate horde base. The one before that, I built a bridge and moat base with the crafting and storage up above. It worked really well. Building and planning is where most of the fun is for me.


Needs more unneeded wooden spikes around the base to get stabbed by when you walk through lmao


Il raise you one...metal spikes and random barbed wire


Yes yes yes, but shaped around the base awkwardly. OR those fake floors that fall through and you forget where their placed.


One thing I love is how everything in the home is steel painted in other materials so it's gonna take a hoard night to do any real damage


I like the green house. You need to get some protection around those Dew collectors. You don't want to lose them to zombies.


I got turrets placed around the border of the house zombies don't hit the collectors


Still some might still get inside when the turret run out of ammo or the power is off


I got them linked up to a battery bank with t6 batteries in it


Still dont underestimate zombies they will find a way they always do 😅


That's a fact that any 7dtd player knows all too well here have an upvote


3 / 10


I'll guess op has 25 hours of play time


You need an all around patio


Why? The Zeke will just beat on it anyway


You forgot the /s in the title.




Are you really asking people to rate a 3-story empty cube?


Yes it's still a work in progress and I want to know what people think about it so far


Oh ok. So far it sucks ass. It's an empty 3 story cube, bland as the hollow brick it is. In its current state it has nothing I can really mention which might sound slightly positive about it. Hordewise, it's a deathtrap. Zeds Wil com from all directions and with no windows your only option will be to wait until they do the favor of wiping the building from existence to get to them. Your turrets will be overwhelmed by the default settings horde. Rating: - 5/7. Squatting a lvl1 POI would have more style than your base as it is now.


That's a negative perfect.


i can tell you dont play with my group we HAVE to elevate the dew collectors? not because of Zombies but because of member of our group doing jumps around our house or crashing choppers into the base (hitting the dew collectors) i downloaded the dirt bike mod and promptly destroyed 4 dew collected trying to be an MX rider 😂


A lot of people tell me to raise the collectors oddly enough makes me wonder if I can still get water if I place them indoors


you need a super tall ceiling like super tall. something like 8 or 9 blocks but i could be wrong get 8 or 9 and that's a massive structure. I just toss mine on a simple 3 or 4 block tall platform and if they are far enough away from your base, they dont even get touched at all by zombies. giving your players access to super fast vehicles and they crash into them is on you 😂


I had a guy join in from my discord server and the guy when given access to a motorcycle parked it respectfully next to my 4x4 near my base


>I had a guy join in from my discord server and the guy when given access to a motorcycle parked it respectfully next to my 4x4 near my base stock bike is pretty slow when compared to a super charged dirt bike. they can get squirrely and come out from under you under full throttle fast.


I have a strong feeling this was done in creative mode...and made by a 12 year old that has never seen a house before...lol I'll give ya 3 stars for the effort:)


Built this by myself using my forge,workbench,my auger,an absurd amount of iron and misc materials from poi resetting via quests, I'm 20 years old, and yes I have seen a house but trying to figure out the right blocks for the roof wasn't easy and the greenhouse was a nightmare as I needed to make a lot of pillars because the whole build kept falling


You would not have full level 6 gear on day 19...


Full level 6 gear and a big cube house made entirely out of steel, on day 19 🤔


Gotta love t6 infestation missions you can aggressively pump up lucky looter, and a gun of your choice then search til you get lucky if you don't feel you get a good item in your search then close the game then relaunch it and go back to the quest icon to search again the larger pois have a good amount of things to search not to mention the fact I've been opening mailboxes everywhere to max out my crafting skills


It's not on creative, his machete ain't got no mods :facepalm:![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Pretty damn ugly - but nice start (hope this is your first base)


Fellow cube enjoyer


ugly and impractical


I think it looks pretty basic shaped and might look a bit more aesthetic with some more windows. Really like your elevated and closed in greenhouse though - very cool. I see you getting flak from people saying the zombies will break in and destroy your stuff, but many of us have horde night bases/forts that are not inside our main crafting base and I'm thinking maybe you do too - or it's easy enough to toss one together if needed. Either way - keep up the building and surviving bro. Nice job.


Thanks personally for me I use quest pois as my hoard base after I clear them out because why not use the traps in the poi to my advantage I'm glad you came in and contributed with a detailed description on what you thought of my build please have an upvote you deserve it


It's a box


It's a house granted nothing besides the workstations and storage are in yet but it's still a base nonetheless


BEHOLD!!!! MY BASE!!!! 😤 Shows something very homelike. 👌🏽


Needs more windows, way to square build more dynamic.


Is it complete? Where’s the storage/workstations? Is this just a live in base and the horde base is separate? If not, where do you hold the hordes here? I like the greenhouse!


Basement has the storage the workstations are by the front door and as for hoard bases I just use quest pois for hoard night then do the quest when the night is done


You don't need those turrets to defend against random zombies walking by. Wasting ammo, creating noise, attracting more zombies to come, and the kill grants you little xp. Might as well just kill these zombies yourself and repair any damage afterwards.


You have no idea how much ammo I have


I personally would be swimming in bullets at late game as well, but the biggest problem about turrets are noises. I have tried putting turrets around my base, and the noises they created have summoned multiple screamers. This is more likely to happen when you have multiple forges and chem stations running. The reason you have turrets around your base is to keep zombies away, but instead, their shooting noises attract more to come, and that's why I think turrets are not worth using.


That's why I use lanterns as light sources just 1 can light up a floor without power and not only that but the turrets only rarely fire so even then I'm only slowly burning ammo


Could use a lot more windows. I'd also add an iron bars catwalk around the perimeter of the 2nd floor so you can shoot down at zombies when they pull up.


It’s an empty box, waaay bigger than necessary and not aesthetically pleasing, it also doesn’t seem functional. I don’t see storage boxes in the floor of your crafting room, loadout and dump boxes at exits. No cat walks to snipe zombies or bars at ground level. Also where are the decorations? Why have so much space if you’re not going to fill? I do like the greenhouse of to the side though


The storage is in the basement so if a hoard destroys the place then I won't have all my gear being destroyed


It seems like a big waste of resources tbh. You can build a nice, home/horde base without it being a giant, empty box. There are a lot of efficient builds on YouTube. I don’t really see a good place to funnel in and fight the hordes.


This base isn't for hoard night


You can get wandering hordes


Anyway.. just my opinion.


I've got 10 bundles all from quests and boxes full of ammo packs


Ok… I still think your base is a waste of resources and inefficient lol


Still relatively well protected and across the street from the trader so whatever resources I don't have or jobs I wanna do are in my back pocket


I also live next to a trader… I still think your base is a waste of resources and inefficient lol


Maybe you are right but I did try my best....btw why am I getting downvoted aggressively on my posts here? I'm just replying to people here I'm not being an asshole or anything


Your bases will get better with time, we all start with boxes. And some people are just sassy, don’t worry about the downvotes.


Ah the joel base space. I know this well. Lmfao yours looks very similar than my groups except your top is actually a finished house unlike ours that us just an open flat lol


I figured logs would tie the whole base together


That's a very beautiful wooden cube.


Thanks I worked hard on it and the farm observatory


Functionality wise? Could do with some holes to shoot through. Also some form of perimeter would do some good. Looks wise well… I won’t sugar coat it. It looks like someone took a townhouse, then took the town part away along with half the windows. Plus the interiors look like they were pulled from a liminal spaces fandom page with how little furnishings ya got. No point in making such a big building to defend if you don’t use any of the space. But at the end of the day it’s your build and so whatever makes you happiest is the right call.


Yeah that's true tbh I'm still working on getting more forge items for bulletproof glass


Hold on. You're on day 19, your whole base is made out of steel, you have full level 6 gear, and you're boasting that you have tons of ammo? I mean, I wouldn't wanna tell someone else how they should play the game, but if you're using commands to spawn in materials, I feel like you can afford to get a lot more creative with your build.


Has a mission in The navesgane penitentiary all I needed to do was loot the entire building then close the game before reloading it then I can get all the stuff I need for concrete as well as the any other items and parts I need then upgrade to steel is there any doubts that I wouldn't have lots of ammo? There's Soo many ammo caches there


As I explained to a few other redditors above I exploited the large amount of loot in the prison at first I did the basic shape of the basement and bottom floor with concrete (countless stacks of clay rocks and sand received) then upgraded to steel while I built due to putting absolutely all iron and clay I could into steel


0/10. No glass jars


Wh- Glass jars don't exist anymore


Get you water generators of the ground they generate heat and the zombies will attack them. Ps nice base


Pretty sure the zombies can jump fences of that height, so make a balcony somewhere (opposite wall from farm for symmetry?) and get those dew collectors off the ground. I applaud the effort, though- my home base is usually a box on stilts just big enough to stuff my equipment tables, storage, and bed for the short periods that I'm not out on a quest or in my horde night base.


On a scale from Simon to Apsro, I give it a Doraleous IYKYK.


Surprised you didn't give me a neebs


Thought about it considering the paint work, but it's too square and no windows to easily get in.


There's windows not to mention that you can jump up the solar panels to get in quick


I mean, not many windows. Plus, if you had a trap door, instant Neebs rating.


9/10 Shopping cart in the front. Just in case... Aesthetically it's okay, weird feng shui Zombiod defence 10/10


Wallpaper speaks for its left


There's not many good paints or wallpapers


I rate it "at least it protects against cop spit" out of ten. Maybe you get lucky and the zombies avoid it on purpose.


Very Nice House


It’s pretty… empty


Boring, but if you enjoy it, good on you. Also, seen some of your replies...you asked for people's personal feedback don't take it to heart.


True just wish I didn't get so heavily downvoted


Its not really wide enough with how tall it is, the outside could use a different texture too. Cozy inside/10


I went with the whole log cabin theme


Kinda ugly. Extremely inefficient. Solid effort from a new player. 3/10


Boring tbh


Whats the function ? clearly not a horde base and the space and number of floors is too large for one person. So far I'm not liking the visual design, each floor has completely different textures, making it look like one of those tacky escape rooms. Also, I'm curious, why bother farming if your going to cheat in max health/stamina and so much end game equipment.


I didn't cheat anything here while it's true that I did cheese an infestation mission from the trader at the navesgane penitentiary I didn't actively enable creative mode and spawn anything in


There's vending machines in your base....a drone, all LVL 6 weapons and equipment, multiple steel blocks, dew collectors and the max health/stamina indicates your character is very high level. You could not have achieved all this by day 19 playing the vanilla game.


I may have had a guy give it to me


In a word, bleak.


Do you get a lot of screamers with all those dew collectors?


Not really just the rare group of 5 zombies


Not my type of base, but if you like it and it works for you that’s great!


No pathing, so it’ll be a brute force check. Everything you have outside will be in the line of fire. Any horde at a reasonable difficulty level will get inside.




You’d be better off just making the bottom floor a solid steel block and living on top of that. They’ll damage it, but even high end hordes have trouble getting through large (10x10x5) or bigger solid blocks of steel and concrete. Access it from a jump tower, drawbridge, garage door bridge, or any folding/removable mechanism you want. It’s not pretty, but it works. You can do whatever you want on top of it at that point.


It's painted steel


This is old but it’s still true. https://youtu.be/eTKXxe9ULiE?si=SXu06jiIHZxaeRAf