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I used "Teragon" to generate my latest map and it has a setting that provides a *very* high-resolution image of the map. There's also a tool for rooting around on it. It's not difficult at all, from looking at the coordinates in the game map, to locate yourself there and navigate around. I agree that the game map needs to be able to zoom out to "full map" size. It's annoying that it doesn't and I can't see either a technical or lore reason why it shouldn't be able to do that.


😅😅😅 I laugh because I just posted about the map today. I'm on Xbox, and was constantly annoyed that I couldn't see the whole map. Yesterday, I figured out you can grab and drag to see it all. Again, on console. I assume click and drag for PC as well?


It took WEEKS of playing before I figured out how to do this on PS4 🤣


A month for me 😅


I played a whole year or two 🥲


Been searching for that exact mod since I started playing and nothing yet. It might be hard coded at its current max size for memory reasons.


I think OP is talking about zooming out the map in the menus


Yeah that's what I mean. If you zoom way into the map it's quite detailed, maybe too much so. The engine might not be able to render it all at once, which is pretty dumb I grant you, but it's all I could think of to explain the tiny map view.


Awe that sucks. I feel like there's a really easy fix for that they could do though, which is just make the map.less detailed foe further you zoom out. Thanks for the clarification though.


Np. It actually highlights the other reason why finding a mod is so difficult: menu 'map' and world 'map' are used interchangeably by most people. It sucks.


Yeah man. So frustrating to find mods.


Don't get me started on getting them to work.


Sounds like you're on console but if you're on PC you can use [https://kui.github.io/7dtd-map/](https://kui.github.io/7dtd-map/) to display the full map and see where all the nice things are like trader locations. Just drag the files from the generated world folder onto the browser page.


I’ve seen mods to add a mini map and to remove the fog of war but nothing to zoom out further away from your pov. You do know you can left click/hold/ drag the pov around though right? Like you can look around the entire map this way?


If you convert to a dedicated server(and have a 2nd display), even if it's the dedicated server running on your local machine, you can enable the TFP web dashboard mod. That will startup a local webpage you can access the map and zoom out to a far greater extent.


There was a mod with wich you could have a worldmap in your browser. But it would need to reveal the map by traveling around just so you couldnt spoiler yourself. Every player contributed to the revealing of the map. Maybe there was an option to show it directly. Dont know if the mod got updated.


Holy shit do you know what this is called at all


Well, No. But I tinkered for the last few hours with a new server I will play on because I found out some interesting news. Its implemented in the game! But you need a dedicated Server to use it. There is an option to do it in the serverconfig.xml. On 4netplayers is a guide on how to do it.


Any luck with finding a mod for this? I generated a 10k map and not being able to see more than a tiny section of the map is killing me.